xt751c1thr8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thr8s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1986 1986 1986-09-10 2020 true xt751c1thr8s section xt751c1thr8s \
’ -: . '.
P Vol. XCI, No. It Established t894 Universny of Kentucky Lexington Kentucky Independent since 197] Wednesday, September IO, I986 , ' "
English department G t k ' '
.' . 3 I
deSIgnates Kiernan ~ , . . 3. '
' ' .
t. h . .»-- ,3? improve race relations 1 ,
g a a = l B) l)\\ll\S.\l~Il{T tegi‘atioi‘. eXists \Allltttt the meek the ;t' t:' it zit-tie radicall) in- - , .3, 3 3,
33 3 3 Statthritci' \\\lt‘ttt It said. houcver lllul e'. 'e,i we: 7...;3'e'~ 3!».i.t.‘ 3. , "y l '-
l'-\ NHL-“NH \HIHJ. ~atd Michael Boer. dean of the Col- ‘ deuce indicates that both titatks an: t i...» it hr .:: .~ t“l( Intei‘tratermty " .1 ‘ '3 f '
t on'r'butiitg \M-iter legeol ArtsandScieiices x. ‘ Black and “bite Hrt‘t‘k orgumm “hm, are more interested m purn. , ”n.3, 3 3,!,,,3,h,,3. ‘33” ”H,” could ' 3: ,3 33 ,3.
3 3 ‘ litter and an English department , , [mm \hould uork to promote better mg "an integration of ideas rather '4' YW’cr ""..tl.t)ll\ between black -' ,} ' -. 3 - ‘.
l\e‘3 ntxternah. an English profes- search committee recommended {3:3 understand ng and 3.03,”.3131333,“ b3. than members " .1: 3: .- :..'~ 2:..tei f."3e\ oi. campus. 7 . ’7'
~~ti .ttlt 3~~erte .is acting chairman hieriiahtottallatiei' 3 i tween themselves itCL'Ot‘dtllL’, m a H, .1” ‘31,)” opportuhih ”1,3, 3,” H3. .,, 3,3.” ,3, 33.3 3,. ,MM. bet- 31 3 , 33~
_ '5‘: V’3“' l‘A’lL'll‘l‘ department until 4‘ l\iernun ”'CHH” ll” uhdergrad- '31? port prepared to an ad hoe comiitit Httlttit'll\ ih\ol\emeiit thl sororit ‘3' 32.;tf'nt :' .-v,' .3 tot ot the I. I t.» '_
.3 *".I:\"ll committee lttl(l\ .i permanent uate («lucation .it l".iii‘ticld l'niversi- : \ 1%.}; tee 3333331,,33.,»n3m.3. .ind mmrmm (”1,33 ”1313,3333“ m3. ttu‘ ,1“.th Amp, ,.,333-, .3 -...3 -.., 3,333,; 3., make '; ',‘ _ g ‘ 13 .‘
: lettmt‘t'tht‘tlt t} in toiihecticut and earned his 3 :31; The committee, “htt'll i‘e\‘ie\\ed nor blacks exercise the ophoi 't 3‘. 3"\ 33 "et \d'l Hut it - 1 331.31:
3 a l\tt'i'tt.ttl replaces Robert llemen- doctorate at (‘ase \tcsterh ltcseru‘ a \ t g the iitthact ot ereek lite on the I'm pledue ci'osseultural ot‘utttttl-tllv’tt' 37' WW" WW" 1'. . . l
; 3121313[3”‘ttllt‘tnr‘t;\t:tl 31h (:E‘EXirlmi‘l" l ’Ill’\'<:"*l)l.‘h}'1ll”13‘“ _ 33 , 3 3 _ ‘ ' L" “ Vt’l‘stl} was created last Spt‘ltlfl tt3\ or integrate their chapteix. tho t’..': .3 tl'1 14w .1 :~eti.t»er ot 3' '63:.”
‘ '\-'3"W(‘;‘3 '[h33 x:\‘l[l.\3:[{‘3r)-‘{ (it'li’ilutllxltllt: he :11”!th y'fif'h‘flt; 33".“ ”t” 4‘ [Eh KFVI‘V KIFRVA'V R3obei' Zuiimiiikle former \ ice port \tittl \ it“? l‘~-=l‘l' '3 \‘t’W' “*"l' "' ”*‘ld .‘_ ' .;
* ‘lotleu‘e ot \rls and Sciences 'it the ‘t't tt‘ ”()l‘d ”ind \llitlttlltllljii:llslh -lillt ‘ A I l . ”Il‘lllklllum“”51“de”Haw” . ”H appeared m‘” d ”My“: ”WW ”l," I'M" w‘” ”l m” 'r'curred ' a" ’ -L- . 2' "
l ' t 5 “stl ll. t‘kl h” ' h” l . h l 3 l I l” l d 3 3 3 3 3 3 lltt- committee gathered iiitorh‘... of racial idehtit). .ind sohdaiut. . .3~ :e»_'3-3 , . .5" ‘3
. ‘Ul -\ l l ‘l ”m“ l 1'” sum NO” ”l l‘llhlhh \-‘ d‘lmti ('hdllllltlll- hfllht” tioh tron: written \ttllrt'!’.\ .htd tttttit‘ the lttie‘n tJI'I't‘K ordain/auntie .\.3\ ,1 . 't w ‘.e~ :1 - '.'.t'!i' :. \ee- ,. : ._ _' ‘
- M . L. V" ‘Mhlc .i' the t':'.;'.cr:1:t3'. he hm. ‘.'...i‘.t;3 to make uui'e the tlt",‘3..f':;tt’i‘.l in... 3333,13“... 3,3 greek members ”3333“” and mum“, “3.3,,” 333 333”. _ . 3,1. ,, 3 “3,... 3 g ”de .’ 5 L1 '. ,'
3 l‘“ W" "t“ "l)l“””l“‘l l" the 9051' ‘»\l'lllt’tt tum book: about Renault runs smooth]; until a ltt'\\ ch. ,iihah and 333.333,”.3. 3,1 ”mm L‘tllttttth 33ml Rl'f‘t'k e\pei‘iehce 33331 33333333331333. ,3 3 3' ,3- . - .1 gym; g», . W3 cm. 3. "3 '1
' ‘" " “W l‘.\ -\l'l (I-tlldht’l3 Chi!” and t.\ currentl} under contract tor .t Istound 33m t.ingpibm‘gdtnzutltms tlt‘t‘:l.~ .\o tlt‘\.t"‘ nor need we t'\ \ 1 ; , '._' ' 3.
.3 11 3 to: the lA'XtttLlltltt catiipUs. third \cc( IHIR“ \\ tam.- * 't‘he tttlllltllllt‘t‘ tound that little in pressed tr. lilaeta _‘:‘eel-. t'.t'tttl»'.’" :~' MRI Hts tum-I ‘V ,"l- ". ,-
, . 4 -1 ' . :3 ,
‘ Cl b h w ' 1 *' '
; u S 0 S l 3 , .33; .1... 1- 3 American abducted
.n-.;.-......... - .43..” - . . 1 ~ .
. " "on-Vlolent ‘ . " ‘ *   * in Mo 1 m B ' t “
'3 1 .9... .-"'1‘ . 3 a f S e elru ; ‘_l ,
' ' If defense ' ' “ , 1 " - ' - ~
be - 3,, 3 3 ' r. ' a; Caller says Islamic Jihad responSible ' 1:
3 Xléll‘llal an QFOUp ‘ (3.3,. ‘ ‘ a 3 ‘_3 33‘ 3 - B) \ltttl\.\l.\ll~ll)s.\l..\\t -. .. :3 12:23-zr...';3-n... \chool ' - 3-;
”i I” ~d’} ” 1'" 3 I, ‘3, W” p :\>.\«K'tatt‘(l l’t‘t‘5.\ ' .n \‘ Eh ' .' - \.;',. '.»-"t1‘\'t' Kt '_ , , .‘t
3. . .,3 .1 . 1 - . ' . ‘ ..3 ' W K .~ .1 - ..3. - "zoom on con- . ,1 '.
llghlh peacefully {:3 ‘3‘: ‘ ,33‘.’; 1 ”fl as g tttthtt'T Lebanon 'l‘xto gunner, - - 3.: ,.: .13 .: Ml ~.3.3: the gun- ' l ', .. .- , Q1,
' , ...1~~-—- ’ % _\e>terda3\ kidnapped the \h.er:c.:'. g. . 3.3,.,.;v...; 2:34-11. 31,3313 blue ' "3, ‘ ~,
t1. \\II \J \ \t\l t.\l|’\lt ‘f .. .., dirt-("or ot a Lebanese school .1~ he kw» .3' 1: . .3 3, .z. the Htl’ Ha.» . ' - ,1 ‘
' ,, \133 .“3 3,. 3 ‘33, 33 " .. 1w, ,1..- 3. 1 .3._ 1 . nth drixihg from his l‘iHIltt' It} \tm ~.;I. :.\‘r.c' :3 .\t’>'. Ecru? " l ' .' '
1 '33,. 3 3 333 3' . M1,”: 4:" , lent \xest Belrut to pla} cot: police He ‘d‘fl the kt-li...ppi:‘.g took place . i: I
I 3. .~..ti' '3- :t'.1!t3 .i techh-que in w w; ~ 1 3 aiidcolleagues said .1 fed. t‘....'itlto~2 A.;it‘tt> tron; the head ~3 ‘ 3' , ‘,3
_, 1.1.3., ’t,,.’ URN [ml center '. H ”WW”? M'fllfi'y‘T-fi" Iéldii,” .llhiill, ,1 xhlllt‘ _\ltbl(t;';j '. A ,Y’W "\ ttl \‘.t‘..tt. 3'1’. lltJt'lK’t‘ ltl‘l‘l' ‘ I. \. '
3 ’ .' ' . .t {itt \ litt‘lU lllét) “0 It)!" 3““ -WVA’O- A ‘ 3'” 3.1 . ,. ., .. . - _ lllntlétltlt‘llléiltfil grin”) ltt’ltt‘tt‘tl '33 tt'l‘ \lltl'.‘ ‘. ‘lllL‘ ti \t‘t U117} pltitt for l' ‘ l ‘ .’ :3"
. ' « ha\e ties to Iran. claimed t‘t‘\[>ttt‘..\t ~\t‘\'l1mt’uT ' ' 3 _
the »\t‘i\tdo t‘lult \MIS started at ' i _ ’1133m) {333' [hp kidnapping and .IC'UU\ \' \tm 2t sputter; 1m." .3.'. .tho ” 1 ’ . ~ ,
7 tx ttten'h toi people interested in l" I d , o", 1, ed the hostage ot >p_\ttt,L‘. The group 31.12233 '1 hcr‘t'ti m 3: :.::'...t\ friend " ’ . , . .
,3 time etul ”truth of sclldetense . 3 ‘ ”3 _ ‘ . pi'e\:ttiisl_\ claimed responsibtle'j. twt ' "W lt‘l"t""!"7-" 'l‘t‘ Heed ,' .- '
‘ 6‘" ‘ 11‘1““ "“‘U Wednesda} 3‘ . I" ,3?» I ’ .ibtluctiiiut'oui'othei‘ \It‘it't‘tt’dth 1"“ lt I?" ‘lH' '33} f l'l‘t" \>\W‘ldlt‘tl 3 - ' _. '1
I l‘ " “”1 5mm“ M 1 pm ”1 1 , I ‘ a“. ” " ‘ t .\ liinhasM t‘lttt'l.tl.\ idem i.wt l"' " "3 ' lie-'1' 87.1.“. ttort. \tttt', ' - . ‘1 d
. \ 3' 3' 1.2". l\\o black belt to ‘ ,, » _ " . " the “(31m J, Frank llt‘t‘lX’t“ “Hui “T3 -1 .: :'- 14%!“ "t talk , 3, 3’ .3
. 1': .1 tutx teach the class on Sunday _13’ ' ,3 3.1, tormerh ot ktaldp” 3“,... p33, ””3”” . ‘ ':.t1t.;xpite:.et: 3 _ . ' ' 3'3" .
3 3 apatite: \tkltltt students teach __ 3 33 1 ' ~~~ , 3 m», spokesman (‘hristopher 3. 3;, 1m .3 m \ mce "l the \a- 31 . 3, 3' _
' ' ‘ ~ " ' " ' ‘ ‘, m...“ ' ‘ - glbh said Reed 15 director of the pri \ee \Muucu. Pugs - , ' -
t' m»? .r. \tkttto oiiljt "to re .3 1 . ' ' I ;
. ttite'e ', \ .tt'ttttth >.tttl ' . l“ , . .V- ,
" 3 ' tit ‘ 1 it..i'.cip.iht ot .\tkt ' " . 31 ',. 3 3 . _.
l . '. <' .3".n h jttiu ttleiid \Hlll 3, f" _ 3 ‘, I ' . 3 3 .3 3 3 ,
..' 1 we die world in . ‘1 ' 1 ,‘ t 'I ,
- -,.t~t't3 .:.3t then you .3 "g", ,,3
, '3 w‘f 3t 't .. peat't'tttl t'lltl.‘ 3 ‘1 I y . “ 3‘ 3 . 3. 7
‘3' 3~ ’ '3 . . ‘3 e i 3 3 'fl'e 3 .3 ‘, I . ’, ',h
' . _ lll31ll..tl art that is l" . , “.11, 333 . i , ,x 3.3 .33 . - 3 3 ‘33 H; 3 3 3 .. .3
~~ : them I' .- not considered . ,3 ' “1 , 3 ' ‘1‘ t, Elfin 3 3,. 3
1 ' 't ~z' nt'tl [he purpose is 33 33 3 3 . 3 3 ,, 3 "all. 1 '3fi; ‘ it, ‘3. 3.! .“-... ‘ -.,.3'3'- 1' 5&3: Lye; ,3 ' ‘ ,1 - -3; ‘
' .3 tn: 'i to compete \te . 3-. ,~ , 33 3,, 5f“ 3 ._3‘v‘3_313:%. ’~ $333 ‘ if. f '. I 3. ‘
' ' .3 «W 33. 3... - . ' ‘1- W W"; - 1 '~*« ‘2. ‘ 5W5“ ‘- l ;- .. ,2
1. -WM "‘ ,. . Aft" ' tit - ' ' AL; :' i . ‘ . l . . ‘_ '3 ‘1
. . . _ 3' 3 , , 33 c: 3, , U 3 3.”: 1. . 3 L 333‘ 3 3:»,wm._, g” 3‘ . .; 1. e g» ‘ 3}~ 3,; ‘3 ,.A 3 3 3 ’3 . .2 3 33 3" .3,
.3. t : .33..e \et‘} much like ' "‘7‘“ “dew; -' ' ' . W" 1 " '2 _ . 3.3 "“ - " - “to? up. V: 3‘23: ~< ‘ ,3 v3 " .. -
. a 1' l.t‘\.\t',\ ~elt«dexelophieiit 3 _ _ .1 , ' Were _,., l - . '. 1 “‘3‘ .' . ”'3 ' ‘ 3' ‘. ' ‘
" , ‘ ' we. tt.li\t‘tttt‘ttl ’ said 4W """'W ,3 .WW 3, ’ I « l 2—: - , ' ‘- »-, ~' 13,",9:
.. ' .. ltittlllL‘}. graduate stu M“ . w W ' '““" 1 .3 .. —- . 3" M, re. 3 ‘ '.,'."‘- } ~ _'
,. 1 .. _, 3 ,,.. , -- . , , .
' 1 p.1i"icip.iitt ttt :\tl\'l(lti lhe I‘M .. ,,.' 3- “W37- ~ 33 _—,‘~,_ _ . 33 ‘ , .3 ,. . .3 3
, e 13'“ ,~ \ei‘\ dgiticeltke and . .3”. ‘ I 3 .,‘ .7 -, ' J ”""“~m.-.' “3 x 4“? ,3 .3 .3 . 3 3 _ '
. , _ 3,3 ’3 3 “ , ‘ '” 3. ’ 3.. l ‘3 ‘3 51 33
Lint-t \xlie tent‘i. the technique of , .:, 3 ALANHSSIG ~n "e svau ' . A3, 33 ‘ 3 3 '
' h l “ '” ”MI“ “in. than the .- 1. ‘ 1 l The Seaton Center was the Site for on open house last nigtm l A 4 I “I
, 3 .... -t \t'l‘rttt‘tt'ttst' "lhc3\ learn to . " . . - , 3n ', ,‘
. .~:‘:xl t.‘.tt‘.t‘tttt'ttl> .iiid increase " 3 ‘. .3 3 3 t 3
l \I 2:2..rdttalahce’ Sloansaid . ,‘ * Seaton Center S onsors , 3-3 3
, t“ " parts .tl\tt tiiiprme their 3 ‘ ," 3 p '3 . .3 . '3 i ‘.
, '3: coineiittate and many 4 . 3, ' . ,. ,3 .
, . 3 . ' x _' . - 3 . i ‘ ‘ , .’ .
,...;.3 .tho the .\tKltlU ate able to 3 . , 1, ,- -' - ‘_
3 3. , . ~~ 3 recreation open house . ,- . .3
l’ti? t3; 32..“e\ people can leave _ ' 1 .3 ' ' , .3 3 3 3 ‘3. ‘33.,
3 _,-\3.3 3 . \,. , ,, 3., . , '- " ~ ', 'n .'
' l ,3”, 1,13mill::3hm‘3[\:’1?,32“33”,. W M"" ”m” It) i\t'.itii)\‘o\ \USTI'I‘I . tut..3:3t 3.3 3...; mm. e .llsO _ 3 33 33 3
33 33, 3,3 3 3, 33333333333 ”33,333“, 1 (Ollll'tliulltlL’, \triter '~: ‘ tlt‘t" we 33 - _- 3-3
' ' :m' ~~3 :3 .tt.oii also io\td 's ' -.
~31' cute-wed} ll. part3 ot |\tkltl0; 33 In the hopes of t;3iiiiiliai'3i/iiig stu 33333333,.33, .35 M ”mm”. 1.1“”; - 3 i 3 ,3. _
r .- ptoptt (31‘ .t lKhllht of ”R 3 dents mth some of the recreation will”, .,,_, , m” l)t\l\t‘ll)lll . ' . ,
' W“ " "‘1 “Tl ”4‘” 5"“ ' ‘ W‘MV‘ML “‘ possibilities available on campus 33'3“”; ”333‘ 3, 3:3 13”,}, in“ :3 “m?” ' - 3
\ 3 ‘\ 3: ' -.;.- that .\tkltltt has o\ er , , , the Seaton (enter Spllmmvm H“ {t‘nl tt...‘ .:It .i‘..til.tl‘lt' tor teair. ttM' ' f
”33“., ”4341,.“le lochmqups 3 3 3 ,,,,, ...... 3. ...1. third annual recreation open hl‘lbt‘ 3 3 3 3 ‘ . _ , '3
. 't3,3' «:3 3\ hot .i tactoi for one to . 7 l g I last Might H” ”NJ”; l (”1.4” 1” HEW” H” ”m‘ V. ’ 1 ‘ l‘
3 ~ :'. Itm .irt ‘\'ou do not need ‘“ ,- Bill t’ieratt. diiector ot taihpus let-t let Irott 3‘ p:‘. 3o 11 p m. ~
"':1"ttl"t>t'tlt‘t'l lltl.\ martial .ii‘l." l 3 recreation. satd man} students elclxd..3\\ mm. 3 .t .i It. to t p m . 3 _
3 ~ 3. .t (f l‘ s \er\ beiicttctal toi' ” ‘ particularl} “omen. treshmet‘. and \3 1mm» 3.:itd tioih t p iii to 9 pm . 3 3 3 3
3| 3 , I 3 3 33],.“31‘31 , _ 33 lt‘imslt'rs . don‘t make use of the \ittd.n}x (our! t‘t'st‘t‘uttiotts mmt he ' . .
1 . ' a?!) center‘s facilities. \\'ht(‘h range tron; tt‘..itft-tt‘1t~~t\tttt 1
- ‘t t .tl\.llll.l}_‘.t‘ ot ,-\Il\'ltltl is V , "lit“ squash(‘0Ut‘t.\l0\\(‘l§lhl[‘01ch ~ ' . .'
'. tn'ttttlc w all ages can stud} it - ' 3» fig Although the open house “as Mr ,W, 3%,», ~
1' ~ .i mtetonu .tcti\it3\' People in . " v3“ geted mainly at freshmen and trims ' 4°: .
:3, “ox .Itt‘ .\llll piacticing.” he . ' ' 3713'}; ,. fer students. Ptt‘l‘allsuttlatt)()tt(‘utt , mag..- 3 ' .'
""l A an... Kernels.” familiar Wllh the center was ~- - vmm’w ~5...~l[
. welcome
.1 \v‘kl'm ‘3"“l‘l‘l‘l‘” 33”” “4‘?” mm” Between the “[188 The event was an Oppot‘luttth tor Th. Johnson's latest ra- ' ’
.i.‘ ‘3‘...i3‘.'.‘.:{;.11fi‘ t“.:“f.‘“i.3t‘.‘tf . , , . _ we“:"133's“.Wreath",:‘:;:,1',;;: tease 3. 28 songs 3.0.... at 1.
._ 3,3, 33 .3,3 313,333,“, m dewlop. but a” Jason Shanks 9 en'loys riding htS bike on a ty. Mondays rmld temperatures prowded the ”21d ”eita‘i‘wd s‘srgdl‘llih: ‘39! u pure creativity. For a re-
3333“, MW, .md practice 3“ master road near his family 5 home In Bourbon Coun- perfect weather for a bike ride. l”):)()lhsl and sofnoe had (teinonstr: view. see ”VERSIONS. 3 ~
‘ \l”""‘“”‘l tions in hopes of attracting neu Page 2-
. , members
Seminars start before Saturday 5 football game m w om
freshman. came to the open house to University in volleyball lost
h\. 3 s cl h's resent tion ‘ ' '0"
th I)P'\ISI41\.S\l'\Itl'ZRS Philip (freasle). seminar coordina- course Wlll begin at to .i m Satur the presentations uill encompass “‘33:“.wtmkjlmnunn fetivnyato haul- night. 5093 s' P09. 6' _
‘ ”tilt‘llttllmg “TINT tor day in the Recttal Hall at the l K \ul‘tt‘lb topics. including ioui‘nalisni. “muqhmg to do." she said “I like K, 3,33. m»
"We're hoping that the seminars (‘enterfortheArts l)lt.\ttt(’.\5.t'llttnlltg clinics and music [ohmnmivpd " ~ " it; “w, ,
Wildcat fans can catch a class on ml] inform the Kentucky commu- 3 .3,ij ,, Wm, 3%: l ”
their “at to mturdays opemng nll\' about the academic wealth of The (‘ollege ”l WNW-‘5 “”1 5W" A“ (.allaher. chancellor l0" lht‘ (‘urrentl3\. the Seaton Center is ' ' -‘- *1" ‘0‘ ‘
tootball flutttt‘agittttsl Rutgers t’K, instead of the athletic side." he sor an open house at to :to a m in Lexington campus. said the Stitur- 3.5m h} smeral sports clubs and in- ,
533331 322 Busmess and Economics Build d.i3\ semtttarS mll provide insight to tramural teams However. the cen- Today W'" 5‘ Pan'Y 9m
Sliit‘ltnh‘ Saturday lhi‘ l'ant‘TSll)‘ The seminars are a series of free mg t K alumnae and friends in a come ter has facilities open to all student: with a high in the lowor I).
” it‘ll}:lldlt(:nl)(‘lE)f:I(‘:g;::l‘\' :«ll‘l19:?:tnl:;)lrl miiiieourses focusing 0" a “1"" \‘art- (lreasley who is also director of ”mm *3) daily and a low tonight m "10 m“
\ ” H33”... ‘ “V" "’9'“ the FR center at Ft Knox. said t7 For reservations. schedules or up- Basketball. volleyball. badminton. 60" 5""Y ”'1‘", cm a
The first \(‘llltll.ll'. muSicaI borr different seminars will be presented dates on all Saturday seminars. call and racquet courts are open to stu- thundershowors 9M
The seminars are geared to rouing uill discuss song variations The seminars uill be taught on the the l'iii\'ersit,\' Extension at 2572622 dent use. and equipment can be withahlgh office“. 3
_ hrmgmg peripte to campus," said from different composers The Lexmgton campus or Rho 432mm checked out for free. A weight train-

 . i‘ i . 3 . u
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. : 2 .‘ 2 _ KENTUCKYKERNEL WM” Scum 70: 79“ __W—-————_—}W
' L . .3 ._. . . ......W..M_~—~'——’————‘-—‘———_'———'—— Am Editor
." IV WuMlllor

' " ~ '. Assistant Arts Editor

‘ l - I- . . ..... 2....- 2222:2342:->3"1395213311211.=:2..35-,:S:E:F2:2-=21: 3125;552:2555;$3325..."'. \°
2 i. . . t . .. ..-..\ i2— ‘ -:-:~ .. . :_ . E:‘iti'f‘fzifgrri3.5251145.{i-‘Ey-{'13453::3,;533::5552»i‘:..:;Z-E§j7: ’L. K‘, “229%‘5‘2 1.; ":5.§.§;§:§E§§23§:§3_‘: ‘sri‘t*§;o2‘%‘§11229-1;i;=:_.;.‘:--:;-;--;

\ > .‘ ~—-—-- . .

_ 2., .

3. T ° testim on to aul K ’5 creative genius and productivity

V's; 1, .53 . _ l 3 v l b h J h y 0

.. ‘itla.:.'1\‘"-f i\ Q \‘ re ease y e 0 1150118 15 1 ,. . ‘2; m- - _ 2". PVUr .1} .3
.;-. :5: .511“ '2; ___—___— ist who can get away with naming a . 33's“ 3* _ - , 3,!

J"- 512‘ 'l‘ " ”‘H l m H 7 --.--. ,fi 33 v ,. . seven-minute song simply “GOD. . 3:, , " .yhfx
: i321”: \ ' ' ‘\ ‘ ‘3 ' 7 “3' V - ‘21 E " LC‘A _ 1L -’ , " ' i .. He compares a life to such inani- 2:53- *31. . .m ki .AV
31“"- ‘2‘ ”"51!" . i . . i I V ’ ’ . ”WW mates as an overstressed bridge In 1 z“ t‘l . '2‘ ~‘.;
«13.1“»; )- I‘ . h) "It‘ l.iI"»\iil"~ ("1 , u I , '« ‘ ~‘ v, 22 , ’ i v m "‘IYA
1.2.3: 13 11 :3 - - e22. -- - is: 1:- J 2 ~- 1 - '1' 1' mm,- Agems 33 0111111111 33 - 3*

2‘2" "“, \ V \ 33,... ’ 3.1”22. 91-. A tit-{sveqi‘svem}. » . $451121» erwi-‘Qfi mix ~25"?me cumstances‘ does your life dt‘med- ‘f *2 I «‘3; 1 | '23

.f_,‘. iii-2“: 3.133; V . V 1 H10 bridge gets [00 heavy utill the r, ‘1: 1;;5‘1 f i: ,

VV..\‘2\ 1~ - .;>« r2.:rt> i» 1312“ -“V‘V*\ an; ___—um— girders bend? He takes the “5‘9““ l ’ 3- “2f ‘ -‘ ”i. ~i V
1.35 7“": ..2 “in .. ”Hicks I'Lll iii» .. . .2 ‘ . ,. I) V S l" V r 9. . g. ‘ i . .1 '

23‘: .5032, ~-’ , ... .ru. 2. 2.1-.” 'll'l: ot —————-—————— are full of hope "Tammy S 3111952 ”03: nggngdfiZ)?” I” t d” pa ‘ ...2-«3 I: 5 ‘1; gr.

._‘...i, '12 ‘. H1; ‘ ' . . y , ~ . d on e‘ ‘ . . 13 _‘ . .‘1 . , V,

- .-1. - . . . 3a aunterin lilULs about Jim an V . .2 . f u- , . V:.i .-
~‘Ii"-“~.’:‘-=.1-‘1:1.“ ’ .. 2. 3 1‘12 wit-sum REVIEW TanbimV Baklferot "The PTl.t‘lub"t UCCGSlonall." m the “Mi“ 0? 3 i/ I ’ ”Ln-‘31," " 1‘ ~ ‘
hard“: 3 12 A .. 2... .- 21:9. also highlights Welch‘s understand- song. he'll ”Eda sleep? kllrflfndrb 4- d I": 2 .‘

Kin-ll..." TV." . >1 1. i , 2 . I. . 1 . _ V 2 . 2 . lace ll m a , 0 Ci! )3 EA ‘ - {3 . a; _ ,, - .

1 v.2 . .- .3 1 , ms ofthefinir intsot drumming. p . ,k- , _ ... , \
‘iht'd . - .92.; lid-.51» .ii - , m. mum-31 {Ynlglc show. with man the wrenghing song "The Lot- surdity. You dont linow whetherbti: ...? .3, - V. . _V V . ,
531": ‘30:“ I i J l - » fatal: and {mm-.2 and big paper tery" and the speeding “Drug tell it good nightl ogVeatV in)“: .. V. ~ 33 _2 x” 4 ‘ .
1V...“ . V . \ 3.,.1. .~ M VVD V” 'lii‘wei‘s mum .ill merthe place Train.” Paul K15 guitar and vocals these lyrics do rank e t ( (in. . V... , 73W 1. .

‘ 5231“ m- - '1 ~' 2 i -‘ - i 35 be' )l son s and head-to-head with Welch‘s drums neSs. * _ --

_._..- ...g I. . 2. 2 - 22 u 2-2 ..... \\llil( 2m iium i t - g g0 ‘ _. l . ,

-.!.":'.' “'- 72“,": . "11. ’ ~::\-11‘2 '.i',‘ (to ”lit‘ll‘ range oi musical 1} rical con- unleashed f Churning. \‘lOlt‘nl ideas V laid to ’V . \ V 2

'3 53” 1"." “3" . 2- 1‘» 1- 1v - - 1 2~ - w - » ~ 2. '1 ' 1 ‘ h “ ” s ' master 1909 0 ' I lodies. Pastoral images 2 ' ..‘ ‘

--.-t 2: 2 .31..... i. .~ - -t 31-h :-v.. mm. -( his Ll‘tlet talents. t e Drug ’liain is a P beautifu me . .

is'2‘t".«.:',i"}‘.3’z, '5‘" . I- .23.-.: . -: .‘r- A3 Up friix'f'Ist‘ll sneaks ot K 's workman' arrangement. H‘- ‘-\'thh The Jth' in the lyrics punclualt’tl l’.‘ “‘ed' ‘ 2 , ..
“2’53'? 1* 2121.121 ’ "1i \313.;"r. 1i \ll {3 - sons in one motion (ll‘lVe a musical back. The“? are a lot of things on .

nil-“2“; 3. 3, .212 . -1 “.2 1 32;“ 21’“ \.1 "2e .ioes on BMW” SPGU’ShlP ‘5 locomotne A "This train is bound this tape that are not easily de~ s; .
‘1‘1'23'2‘1‘ ......2422, 11.: ZL‘>.LLi'..IL.-_' 4.th -..2- M the kt’HN’ilr‘ls- ”u M the for glorfii It “"1 ”d" if “0“ "”1“ b" scribed.

2:53;: 2:333? ». . . 1- _. - . g 3.,1 'es'art i-r' ' 3 3., N22 \ate for a few appearances i105," and in the next. drop in a V .. t m m) A cassette ‘ - ' ...-“mum I "2.152.,“
"3.513;".14’3‘3-2'31 -- l I 3 1 , 1, r ~-:1..21‘ 1- .'\ .1111 'oz'mi‘i' Joltttwn Jim BilChN ‘1” 0f brief. but complelt‘l} recognizablv t' BuLnlSUrelz-grsle is linorthodi'ix. You . - - ' bl - ‘
.‘f’i‘f l" : . 3:».l arse: :2 :12; .2 iii 1 ..z: the :llll.ir\ 2:: oi the vocals. and phrase from --Take the A Train,“ “15):! a 'basis' a p61”! ot‘ reterence. The Johnsons of Lexmgton practice in a kitchen that dou es as a
2 -“","V3Vl {3 V . ..6 .m- iiiii-itl‘mllKU' r1121? -3~.2_\Y21.;{lk‘t‘llglllt‘t’l‘lng . The only song on ”US tape that llere are the pat comparisons: fig recording studio. They are Paul K. (left), gutters. VOCOlS2 Tom
r," 1 " 77'1“ ”W“ ‘\ ‘ l‘l‘ PM? K d005,” do 15 the strikes a false note 15 "Tear Lp the n that the generation which is Thompson, the group's new bass player. and Tim Welch drums.

.;1‘-'“2J!".12‘2‘-.".-5.‘-'-7 9 ~1 2' ~ 11 ‘w- 2' i"21il"1 ' 3s31'11.‘ 11 2. 12.2 hit-h tire handled Wllh Floor." which can't decide whether $135 according to m“ week's Roll
f.;,2’;‘.3.:;‘_‘ - 2 . 2 V '1 31W ”121-"- FWWIN‘ b.‘ T‘m Welch. 1‘ ‘5 “Ppmg me 1‘11‘15 or BUddi‘ ing Stone "rediscovering the me“ some things they thought during clear “011th parts l1) 2 ""Lmdl
’3,._:.3,,-f:},;;-j2f . - . 3,. .2; 2 t .2: :..e-: ..".2 _ p, rm iii-mine in the Um? 0f 0'11} Holly; Elm” “‘1) n 5 doing “()bOd“. Iou Reed " will perhaps some day those discoveries as basis to pigeon- Bluegrass I)ritter l~.lise hiigellx-rg.

' ”‘4 tat-l," - 1 - -~ . -::2- ': .s purl 1:.2' .. 121.2? l-«jxtttfl'tne “105‘ versatile “0‘ even The ‘1‘).hnfwns'{9313;8, the rediscover the Velvet t'nderground. hole this originalwork. if the sound qualitv here were poor.
“"t; I ’ (‘5: ”“7: 1‘ if “it" 1: ‘l ‘z‘iiw‘mhh MM drummer, - Th‘ OtherwisVe. h 'd'IlI‘idolherL's {gimp And figuring that when that same Head} discoveries to fling around the Violin sound wouiasnow it.
{1 5; . . at.» :1 .~. azie rucpozse l ; .1l‘fillt‘ will ."0‘1 db“?! “1 ‘ perfect .fm’ [0 9‘“ . L ,. . generation is done rediscovering in reference to a tape recorded onVa Paul K has “11min 34:3 Mmge in 1.1.1
l J :‘tfi‘ ‘ ' \ ‘ “I :3! l“ “‘“v‘ :TL‘IT‘N“! m toxin Period Like ment 01 talent “hen h explodes. T m Pettv they mm rediscover four~track machine in a kitchen in . , . 24 of which uplteiir on Emmy
viz-‘1“? 1 1- 3 1x3 "ti-11'» '3'1-3’. l-V-I- Welch responds. when I" ‘3’?“ 0-1 H ' h ' lexington Ky huh'.’ marsh You ("in ltu\ them tor
“,2, ' i“ 2...“. k i 1:2 .I i '12\e-2 '2 2 amazing control of sticks back into the recesses of his lyrics D.‘ an. 1(1),] which brings us to the sound S§a(onlgéni2 a “ht: on tape at W
31;, V. V V..,V . .V22V.VVA if“ ‘1'. ‘ 43.3, -‘ {Influx .ire the sanity the lis- and vocals. Welch has antic-ipated it And on their way to a record con- qualitv. The feedback. what little feflwahwmgum; .
'."."'fiitk'£ 11 \ x V' 1 _ ‘ :V‘VI' :..1- 1. :.2-. 211119 : . in songs like “Hand and allowed the listener to do the vention to pay $100 for a lfylai‘. pic- there.is‘ relative to The Johnsons' . 2
*r’rr‘f: . . . . ‘:_2:‘:~.;:~.Ii-i;t...2 VVVVVVVi 1.. in ”up“ “mm Welch wrote same. V . .- h 1V ture disc they Vnnght b} mistake last tape. Lap of Luxury. is inten- Or. you can wait until .\l l,.»\lV RI.
L'E?,t’:;l'2'.‘71:7<'." -. , 1.3m" .1..-.-2.i.vei: 1.212 21 ,2”.- K _2 sillfllllfl and small guxtar Paul l\ 3:115" rand [SEE-“titton 3f spend the night I” the wrong pd” U tional The sound quality is good. (Yrd‘l Lt: .nfieliiilliii)‘lltll'“l‘:lt\l[l)ll";l' \H

‘~ -‘ ..‘J‘W - ‘ .« -.. 2 -. - - - ; t . . 2 . 1 I) \ ' 2 i <
€,‘I";-§\,32"‘:.?g‘, 2 - p .- ; ”on...“ exper- 1174111122» snulitl} unntneamone rics must eirVV ) . p l1 _ . \. “V Orleans. then thev can use Some ng5 on the tape include gt reior a s
1; ‘22-’2“t1‘-'"2"~";1' ” ,_ '2 . m . ..2. 423an that ex-ervone s hands .28 songs is impossible He s a )riC . e -

u -'.'3.'.". 1,..1', 2 - 1f i Y: .ii- ‘ ..V ‘ >1 ' " “““ ’ ‘ ‘

'1 II ,:~_3"z.‘:;?-1}:?" o

. , - a ffbeat event

. 4. . u c» ~

‘S w ter 3 N1 ht a e 0

, at" .‘;..«, V V

'1 '7‘"? ~""‘~ _ . .1 2 been doing so at Flie Lottom Line
.- via/,3» . , 2 - .3 . l ». nun while others began

' 2 - 1 ~ 1 th *se entertainers to the feedback almost unnoticeable bassist. a drummer. and two \0( ll 5V9 ‘0. da bs g .12 1h'ch drum- for six months

,3? i=2 i tsi ii- \\\ I \"\‘ u ”Ii“ H i L Trumpet pl'iver )ohn \loredock ists. Several members haw P99" Shout”)? K0 ceni ies. lzl leturned ”Songwriters Night~ t'ikes Dl'ice
:~"~2"‘«~'2- 1- ., , 2i, :. 1. 1i ieiito Ul ‘- ‘ ‘ . . . ., .2 i . .2 ' 1 n uic 1r . 2 ‘ ‘ ‘
'.':“.~-?§:.1‘T-'?':?i..? ‘ “ ” ‘ '” H t h 113“}: Brigggot Lexmgton‘s Vale of jomed Crisp and his acoustic gUitar “Filing songs and rehearsing ‘Ogtlh m“ Jet unsma q 3 . , on the first Monday oi (in. month
f"r" 2 '1 - \ l'l\>t’li>l“l“\ of drums to Pat- for several songs. making the two er for overa year. Public Telephone was the last act Mason said he likes to schedule acts
«2\"1 V '1'." i", ‘ \‘L‘m M 1m) WW Sibkl’p fr: his erratic guitar plaV- the most enjttvahle performers 0f JOh” G‘nOCChm' an architecture 0‘ the night. 50 they played the long- in advance but also tries to make
iii-2’: 2 .. _ 3. 2 .2231." 121“"?3 .;~.:221:1.22- .,-‘.k J2” “1-12 Del PrUitt added to the night. . junior. and Doug ForbiSh- an unde- est. If they had quit a few minutes time forthosewhoiust mm up
11'“.-'3:2':.i5-")‘2"“ ‘ ' V“ l: M “with; it M” 3? wilt" l1(:3i‘ies\ with the help of a “The pertormers aren‘t SUPPOSM cided sophomore. have playethtr earlier they might have been spared A theme is generall} created tor

,s’ . s,.....e: theme-iii in]: to do an\' covers." Mason said as gether at The Bottom Llnk’ and (ale ihp frustrated. drunken mufSICiaVn each night. Past themes lllt‘llldt‘
‘c' . ‘1'“‘3 «HM' ‘1‘ 4 ‘ a ‘ 2 “ ’ 1 . , i ’ ' . . . .. ..
',..:V:=:.'.'...ff%'.i - . . . .2 ,- xiii-we 11:23.1. 1.1 ; , ,. .. ifficulties. Matt Kell) began Emerson. Lake LABOR but it was the lust .imt .iho deemed to Jom the band or is “Son writers AIM“ and Song
.l_ 23:1 . - e 2 l ,limiui txchnltdl d .. f ‘d W . ‘ g , .

.31 ..".""~"-:- ’I’ - - 2, 3~ -~ ‘ 2 .1 iii. iv: , . t ‘tle l'lt'k til '1 sound techni. and Palmer's "LuCkV \litll 0” hlS PUbllC Telephone pffr orgnth d‘ (l 135‘ 50ml- writer‘s Demonstration ‘ The theme
.'; ',‘.§71 91.2" ,h. > V. i ii. 2 3‘”. it i( ( - . . y ; . . . ., ~ . 2 . mo: . V . . _ .. . .. ‘ I\ VV _\
2‘ $612 \ . , » . __m. matu- ei-on potentiall} aesthet- acoustic guitar. hell) VValso plated git”)? mmngsizhgf} theehtizghl (with ‘8 "There are no speCific guidelines for Monda; night “(h songn iter.
‘1; ' . 3 mines wunddissonaiit what he described as Merle Hag “”59 f “3‘. - rot-k ‘llld fortheperformers.”Mason said. Art Show

_7,2-15’:’:..f"i"',:1’.“;,"' ' ‘ 1' " ‘ H ’3‘ "h" M ‘ "i . ‘ ard. reggae “Fl“ ' mixture 0 progressi e i ‘ - . . ' r some of what “in )la\eil

. 1 E1 d \‘thethe l

£35,241. 3.3:} 2 , 2 ., . m. ‘_ 2 21: .mM: .:- the l’ .‘i posed a problem for J09 Wh‘ t _ t l t thr lHZZ- Mason prewousl} organize be V _ dered “rt I up I” ‘the
5"" {3:715:5- V 3 . . 2 _~ 1.1..-.” :32: ‘ 1 ris - iuren1 his first few songs. but he mos .icis consis th o w 1 _ . . .- _ , , "Son writer‘s Night" at Jefferson can ’ GUN 21 >

9221"} 7513:7- “ l 1 Wk - 1 t 1* it“l)\ Jim-e soared over his lv- members or less. l’ublie Felepltont‘ Public Telephone Abnfmtihnuthlilnii Dang Inn for four vears and has listeners.Butwhatashow it \«as

-£'. :13 r ' dry: 'Tlt‘ iY'Y. .1 "i: 2 i.~ ._-_> ~ . { V V . 2 . _ . . _

“2‘ ,. . . y’ _. ,. .h . 3W“. - .132 2‘- : W. J,“ through the crowd. making was a full band with a lead gunarist. the audience. Some 0*"

-I‘.'-. 5’11"}! 1. ' ” ' ' ' ..- .. ..

2;;1. 2"»; *******fitttttii*** . .. 7V7 ._ H -._._._. .,_ ”___—d—— AW

“21’; .fi,,,,titqt:toottintttt********************* —————v~~**"—"*m* "

'2‘7‘ ("1731'll-IILI'; l -


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-. This Fr-day ‘

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N“:l;l‘:2‘ 3‘56“": l .

Ke"*"°"Y"°'"°' “"‘""°' 1 DEVELOPMENT

.. PREVIEW" i 2
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.223.2:--2-:.:3::;.~. FOOTBALL I L .
filei-‘E‘dL Don't Miss If! COIJ C1 A3. ‘

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:3“.';f3-$,C;f:;,‘-‘fi 35 A c 0 L . WHERE: "The Student lh'ritlupmem (.oum il 13 an ideal opporn'IinHnyu"u" I” .

' '\v-' x A . . . . - - I ' ‘ '

L flatn'V‘éfifi'; / Student l students In gum experience in fundrmsmg. and be expu’sl' In] (I l [i

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1‘:'”:; /’7-’:‘£A. WQTSE/w’fld‘ A , Center busuwss loath-rs. .1! the same tmw. 1?; l. nu Pratt!) and l N" ' . 2
:‘.:' "Any 312 x . 1. 1 \ , . . ._- -~ .
'3‘13’3‘3-523-‘3‘ 3/'/ l 1 \W\ 1W7 "1'" berm iI rmn Ilwlrjmulrmsmg P_ _ UNS-

.12.531161$2,311.13. / 4- a \\ é? 'lY Ballroom . f f Mn T9"). B. MUM). ,
13"“ K . - 1 / 6\\] \2. i I)irp(‘lnr of Derelopnwnl I
s “-1 l': ."ff' .1-‘:‘_¢~ . I 3;? 1.

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.2"~12"'2~i-:2«.." 11 2 ‘1 I

.VtVs.tV;':.l,;-.-Ii;-:'.‘E:: 45":t/ .3.” ’2 / fig: ~\ // sep'. 9 & 10 V ()ff".(, 0" ()91‘010pm9’”

3' f.’~‘--L‘-‘3.33‘.1. ‘ ' ' , I l ‘ '

.V’:':’.i':( l, CENypAL KENTUCKV BLOOD 2531.53- “iii ‘ y"...,-___ 10:30 '3:30 p’"" l (119 Sturg'" Bldg') ., g _. 7» ....-.
it". 11);?!" 3 -___ .- t-v—f“ -— - ‘—" M" ; . ‘_. ,....v-. .. WP -..- _ _____.,._._..——————-——————————-——

Pay; 5 53,14? l— EE I C ts Jersey\ I“ \i l W it‘
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'3. '. ' ' ~.‘ . 5
1:5, .flhi}. . to all donors _ ,, 3
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I-fi'r.'.5itili’1.'1lt"‘ i g ‘r ‘;/,/\‘- ’ - . VME' ,. ‘ S'gn Up for Student *
-.«;_--.3,_;-;-r.,.; . I re .-‘._ “-..-Mu --: 5-: 't ' 1' "
i : - -- . . .2 '- -.-::- r. . . ...-3 -222 .fi— ii ion 31
. i “in , .. .AIEfiD 3 Fossil 9:111 2. Government Assocm 2i
,‘_ 1.1. .I3.o ‘ _r.’ . , , 0 °

'-;-:-':.'.z:2:2.2;r i x ...: ~ '- 1 .. ' - """" i " 52 ‘ 3 Freshman Representative COUHCII 1
;;’-;;:IV {In 1 r \i- .g . ... . ’ . , . ‘ _3, w 9’ ’ ‘
.11.: .'.';".-‘1 I l 1i , .2 . .— 25.’ _ '3. --.---. ,. ‘ ‘ ififiV ‘2 it‘- ~"- It It
. .2. 33:- ~42- ;- 2 2
1 -- .' ' w .‘ ”-- ’ —:~.-'3 - - ' '

>3 | _ ,- A 3. 2k - “-.- i , ,, Pickup applications now ,,
,, ”JV: Jun. | ' ..' . c— ’3‘. 2 . ~« I

Mina-"w -/, 1 .8» .4“: *l\ * , t 12th :
l / , . 1 1; Deadline Sep . ’
2' ,' ’ 2' i ‘ f l / 't it
3‘1 .13: rf ! ( i 2 - t i I; 3 arm Ott‘né’ 2 (17- - - It It
I',I., {..n‘ t (I) ( g( i 2( (—2.. e

l i 2 . 2, 1 p .‘t Rm. 120 ;
31'2’.1‘.f1'<"3:'.-'-‘{ i for that bpecza/ ( 1171510” 1 - I I Student :
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. , V2 . V i

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. - ..- t .. 3m..- . . .- ‘ $.01ch 319680th 20“ ’3 . . 2 257.31 91 2

. 'j l :3, g 2' 3,, " .r3 7'11’1’7'117dt3'0r1 or Bosmess Mee- WJr : 3

.5 2.",1 l ; ,. -. 124.15. ’1 fr (Mice VOlll 'eservomn : SSOCIATIDN :
2 3 ,. i A

-' l ... 276-5415 3 UK STUDENT GOVERNMENT 3

2 " - HOURS: Monday thru Friday 9a.m.-4p.m. e ***.*,,,“,......qatitn

i , ifliiitittiiifitiit

, 1 i 3200 Lonsdowno Dr. Ntittitttittttttttttt

. . 7V M______________—____________________

I \ I
KENTUCKY KENNEL WM” Saptonlbol 10, 1“ -J .
u _ - — — , , . .
memo re V ea S . ree S J"! W0RSHAM.
( ontinucd from page one - THEATER I '
0 9/10 - 9/13 I ‘
Rehn ulSt 0 Osed ('hrlhlu Gaynor. Alpha Kappa The committee found the .l\'('l'ilH,t‘ If . I' " I
Alpha president. said the problem (EPA ol greek females “as higher [3( )l )\ Wth a Festive .- . -
was not so much a metal one as one than both the Lniversity average ‘ , ‘ . A f G f . - ~ , I .
O ot programming "I tdon'tt think it and the l'niversity female awrage l {i4 /\ l tray 0 l I and Variety . . .
rlghts amendment has so much ito do» With blacks and It also found that the GPA of greek 4 D items from .
whites, tbutt more With tthet cur males was higher than the l'niversr 7-40 m , ' ' ' ' .
l'll'UlUll'Wt‘han“Gal'nor said tI\ male average but lovier than the - P . fl" FRONT FORCH ' - . '. f ‘
Iii LARRY .\l-\l{(l_\S-\K nation of that unit b_\ no means ini- “Sh" ”ind blacks dIonhthantIItIIo lose ' mwrhl'y average l “ ’i'eetng Cards 0 1 . ‘ . I
\ssociatedl’ress probable -- the heritage behim t (if rus lhe The ”I )l‘l said ”mks artici 'ite ‘ ‘\\.- -. . . : -
“Mk and “hm. rushes difter so h("l\'ll\‘ iii (“till uEWide Events li'ind 7' \\ \ Stalloner‘)’ . panY " ' ' .'
\\;\.\'ltl\'ti'l‘t)\' (1119‘ Justice ltehniiwst added that the nation much. it would be going “again-st "tl'Ollll'n'lle‘ in litadershi positions LEFUTW (3 ”0 re: 8. F’iVOrS . . , . f,"
designate William H ltehnqurst. I” a might be “heading in this direction the grain" to try to mix the two. such as‘ in student gover'iiment and fl/f ' T ‘V V “ ‘ III .. I
”II-m“ ma