xt751c1thr51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thr51/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1983 1983 1983-02-08 2020 true xt751c1thr51 section xt751c1thr51 .. pflr’, -c, at} w.
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ti! 5' '-. 8’4, Let's Mlsbeheve
' 3 5 "I'd . , . .
“$145),“g: Valentines Day is iust around
(I;( )3? the corner, and thoughts again
4-241- ,.")44;') turn to love and lovemaking. ‘_‘_‘_‘”“‘“"
. m- - : 1 . . .
{EML 42“?" For stories on the sensual holi-
- ‘31-,Q 493:4)? day. see the Kernel's special
. "I '. . IL.
is”: :5» supplement.
Sigik. a. 4:4":er
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Vol. LXXXV, No. l09 Tuesday, February 8, was An independent student newspaper K ' 1 ( r- ' , Universny of Kentucky Lexmgton Kentucky
' ‘ 'll ' h
TUESDAY Bradford bi passes Wit amendments
MAMA-sermons '
D. kl t th It
3 4 Soviet «tonne core tells
' ———.—.—-,—.-— (Bradford) is using a SGA program ~ .
AN ‘WOPPMANN . _ . 4*”.
WASHINGTON - The 200-pound nuclear core of Cosmos By 224:5 Editor as a personal political vehicle.“ fl 4 4 4
-i402, an 8.000-pound ocean surveillance isotellite launched Dinkle said. ‘
by the Soviet Union last summer, plunged to obliteration _ 4 _ 4 44 _ 4 m4 4 44 4 Bradford. attending a national stu- _ 4
ever the South Atlantic yesterday, leaving a scorched, ra- f2"; Sgtg‘igrsmfm convent”? at (014' n
. . . . e lo . exas. was no presen ' .
dwadw. "a" '0 dissipate harmless” m the upper atmo~ Information for this story was also at the meeting and could not be 43 ’ 4’ ‘ ‘
39h0’9- " gathered by Senior Stajf Writer reached for comment. 2464 .
The Saviet news agency Toss reported the atomic fur- Scott Wilhoit, . Money for the scholarship will 32 4 ?
nace “totally ceased its existence." But it was not known 4 _ 4 Come from the OrgahllahOh‘S "15"" 2%,; ..«. '
whether its enriched uranium fuel burned up in the atmo- Jim Dinkle. Student Government account — conSisting of revenue 2’
4 h f if 4 th 4 . "4 .. . . d h Association president. last night ve- from the SGA Student Directory and j
’49 are or 9 "'0 Q ““m ° mm" section "‘“49 l ‘ toed legislation creating a special a poster calendar — instead of ‘ 4 . ,4.
fiery descent to Earth two weeks ago and most of it was student rights scholarship. accusing money from student activity fees. , _ ' ‘ 44ft}.
believed to have burned overthetndian Ocean. ' primary sponsor Vice President Dinkle originally recommended . " j- _
David Bradford of using the pro- the scholarship be provided through 4? 3’4?"
gram as a “personal political vehi— money generated from admission V‘ ' ‘5? 4, "
2. , - - cle." fees collected at a lecture by John ’r” _
amatar says action fulfflflng The Senate. however. overrode Dean. former legal counsel to for- 4 " 9'24
Dinkle's veto and approved a re- mer President Richard M. Nixon. ,. r N
. vised scholarship bill. authorizing scheduled for Feb.2i. at, ,f I
, MADISON. Ind. T_ Jeff Patterson, now a roofer in Seattle. money for the scholarship to be ap- - Lexington Technical Institute . .
looks back on his successful, highly publicized protest a propriated from profits generated students will be eligible for the 4 ..: in
year ago. when, as a member of the group Greenpeace, he through various SGA activities rath- scholarship. fig 4 44 ,
climbed 0 6504001 smokgstack at the (fifty Creek power er than the money received from “The program is good. but it had «55*; 4 7"
plant here to protest emissions he said caused acid rains. StUdemaCl'V‘ty fees. some flaws. ‘ Graduate Swat” “’1' it“ 4 .. . .

P 44 id fh th do ,. ,, 4 "4 The scholarship. created to honor cent \eh said, "Our intention was» " " ‘

1 e ersen sa e roe. ’y occupa ion was one o e two students annually who have that itpassed.with changes, h 4 J.D.VANHOOS[ w... .
4 crazier chapters of my life. its probably the most extreme made an outstanding effort to pm. Yeh said pinkie was not trying to J0 " Davenport chairman pro tempore of the Student Govern-

thing l've ever done. But it came off iust the way we tect. enforce and further students kill the program with the veto, "The ”‘9'" ASSOC'WO" Senafe. '0" '05? ”*Qh'S meehng I” place of

' thought "would." rights. was unanimously approved objective of this veto is not to kill Vice President David Bradford, who was attending a conference

Pettersen said his climb didn’t really change anything by the SenateJan.24. the Pmfi'rém- bl" to force 3 lg“ .‘n COllege Slolion, Texas.

h . h \ , lf’ll' ,, ' "Unfortunately. i could not he at changesmit.” Q—“H.
bf” 9 said ' e4protest W05 persona lY ‘0 ' '"9- lf W05 0 the Senate meeting of Jan 244 when [)inkle said he vetoed the original students registered on the Lexington search goals rather than profit or
golden opportunity to use all my energy for a cause I really (the bill) sses." Dinkle said. program — the first veto of hls term campus revenue

Pa . . .
believed in."hesaid. “Subsequently. several students and of office — because he felt the In other husmffisi the Senate aP- Th" senate approved a ”‘C‘lmrhi‘h'
From the top of the smokestack. Patterson and a fellow senators have expressed reserva March 21 award date was ”p05itive- PFOW‘d a hill allocating $469 20 [0 ad- :lahOh ”0m lh“ Internal Alla!“
. u tions with this bill." lv politically motivated” and he ““159 SGA'S PM”? statement 0" (’mm'llee recommending the (T9—
- t r . - - , . . . .
protester James Stiles firing a banner eading, 4Your The Senate. accepting as amend- could not agree to spending 5“,de Robinson forest in three hentucky ation of a standing investigative
akes, your tom“: your 90 f4 . your future ‘* the PV'CG 9f ments three points raised by Dinkle fees for scholarships. newspapers The organization sup» committee to hear any allegations
indifference. A two-foot Wide catwalk was Pettersdns in his veto memorandum. approved “The money that Student Govern» ports the protectnon of the forest concerning theconduct oi senators
home through two inches of snow and freezing rain and the program with the following ment Association receives from stu- fmm mlhlnE an4dtimberfarming Th“ committee “35 ”Flflmhllt'
some of the coldest temperatures of the winter, changes: dent activity fees should not be used A150. the Senate 8nd0r590 the formed ‘0 hf’ar alleghhmb that 51‘”
e The scholarship will be awarded for the program.“ he said. “I do not statement placed on the agenda of alor-atlarge John Davenport was
on April 4 — after the SGA Spring feel that students want to pay other the l'nn'ersny Senate stating that negligent in his duties as Senate
. election ~ instead of March 21 students'tuition.” ”all deeismns iconcerninfl the for- chairman proti-mporc
‘ ‘There must not be the appearance SGX currently receives $1 from 051' shmtld be made primarily on The committee suliscqut‘hil.‘
M m "00". in “or“ that a member of my administration the activity fees paid by full-time the basis 0f Instructional and TH cleared thnlW‘l "i all Chart!“
SIOUL. South Korea — Before leaving for Hong‘Kong. for. /’/ ".44
mar Marine George P. Shultz traded diplomatic pinstripes ~, ' _
for an olive' green army parka and a fur but yesterday and - 3‘
flew to Hill 229 in the demilitarized zone between North 44 4 4 4 » 4 4‘ “.44,
and Scuth Korea to talk to US. combat troops stationed ,./‘" 4, 3:15.; 4 "4*4 l‘ ‘2‘: >
. there. " 4 444Mg* , « 4444 , ,_ .14 $.31” \ 4
The secretary. of state. visiting South Korea to reassure c lg. a " ~ _, ' \\ . ”N
the govermment that the United States will keep its defense 4.4:‘4? N4; 4 ‘ j‘ ‘4; 44' 4‘ 4, /
commitments, was told by a Korean officer that if North at ‘j.‘4.‘34-:» _ ~ 4:44.44“. “4-
Korea ever attacked. the DMZ will be held "to the last sol. V ' ‘g‘f=§‘;4'..‘.».;‘33“ ' ' . ' a. - 2“ .44.-{.444 " 4444 "’-
4 dier." - ‘ .' 42;.444 “" ‘ :34 44 .i
. 'I. . 2 . \ ‘ i" .. X . - ‘
Shultz in his meetings with Korean President Chun Doo- “:9 \ / §_ .4 ‘= 3 "V - Q 4 ,
hwa't tried to ease anxieties raised by the congressional “$.34 ./ \‘t " ;4.’
~ . .. . . ».;,’§=§§“. . ' “fig-sci 4’ 5“
doc-stun late last year to slash $70 million from Reagans :4 “ wt; 4‘: i ..
request for military credit sales to South Korea. 9.5. aides 5% / "
said the president will fight to get the full $2l0 million he 44 so. \4 4 c, 4 ’
requested, $50 million more than last year, and also will try 4% 444 4 . .
to revise the terms for payment of the American arms to 445% ' ‘ “'4 ,
ease the burden on Korea. “33:: 4. .f €43.44 4 4
» «4.4444 \4 44444,» 44 - I . .4443 4
. ' ' ._. “‘5’ - *3»
Reagan fires EPA official » 4." ., " .
l 4 - 4444f 4. M 444444; . 4
WASHINGTON -— President Reagan fired Rita Lavelle as ‘3 4Q .. 4
assistant administrator of the Environmental Protection 4 g ‘ ‘
Agency yesterday, and guards with billy clubs stood outside "‘~.= » 4 . ‘
her offices to bar removal of documents at the heart of a 4 \ ‘
' . . . . t ...:s.r"‘--=- \3. I; ’ \w ' -:
constitutional dispute between Congress and the Executive '°;“;:‘--\. '
Branch. 4 \ 4 i“ 41:4 444
The firing was announced by the White House as o brou- V 4 4 4 ’ 44.... w’”
' h‘aha raged at the agency over whether Lavelle had quit or ‘ ‘ ‘ . “ ' ' . “fl”
her resignation had been demanded by EPA Administrator ‘ ~ ‘ .. s ‘
Anne Gorsuch. Two of Lavb‘lle‘s tap aides also were fired. \ ‘ - ‘1 h ' “ .
" Some of the documents being guarded in her office were ‘ ’ ’ “‘ “ ‘i 40 “woo" _ 4 4 44
among those subpoenaed by a House subcommittee. it was e e
4 the refusal of Gorsuch to turn over these documents which Th ' "k f I me
led to a contempt of Congress citation against the EPA
i chief Byung Wook Cho, a graduate student seeking a masters degree place to do some studying yesterday (he a noun 502.33.. mid
' - - . t t t th
tavellg had bun um“, investigation by a congressional in economics, found a correl in Mt King Library to be 0 Quiet he has been in he United States at 8 man s _
. subcommittee on charges of lying to the subcommittee . 4 .
-. about efforts to fire on EPA whistlebiower. However, L o A I S e as th ' ff t
.43 sources said Gorsuch was particularly upset about a meme S ”99 es gang r I ng 9” CW" g r a I I
lavelle had prepared but na't sent that criticized EPA Gener- 4 4 4 4 , 4 4 4 4
' "it i‘ ‘ . “. ' ,“i ' l"\ ‘li\‘.‘\i ‘it‘ ‘. k . \ l\'}ll" '_ 'l'iif‘ 'tt iiitv‘n‘p ‘.
4,. al Counsel Robert Perry for his enforcement efforts against ——————_ N'l‘ll l l ”ll m.“ ”m ll W“ ”l H H , l“ l l l“ m H \ ll. l .. . 1....
; thebu . , u) K\Tll\' IIOR.\K illspll‘t'il lllt‘ll iiliiiiis ll_\ iiiiii-iinu \l l.l\\llllL\ \tihit: \mi 2. ,.. inn-i . in”
‘ "n”.commun fy. I Assocuitcdl’rcss Writer ll\‘f‘ rims l!‘ inii inst December for lft‘lili‘l‘ mil some ll‘itlil‘li’ ili‘ilini: lllllilt‘il .int; L'.i'lL .it-wi "i..‘ ..\i‘\
T: mun; lllt‘lllltt‘i‘\ unless the) coup .iiliil.i\1i> ‘zn \uppiii’! lux t‘llllll‘llllitl‘i :iiinii-i Lint; I‘ i'imwr» llt.lll it:
.' t‘lillt‘il Alll‘. I‘m \tioruiw ll'.l that LlilllLN uci‘i' li'ii'i'i‘zxini; llt'lk‘l‘. confrontations
} [hilmti-..riii\.iiii- lNli‘lllNNl\ \\l'll lllt‘ \tl.l\\l\ lilitl‘h'lllL' l,.i\l N‘pi’ 1f «wt \wi-v: ' '
'lt \ gone .i lot llll‘llll‘l‘ than \\t‘ llll‘l.tllilltl’iti’lJlllllllL‘ll\.tll‘lt'.\ llllll‘lll'l‘. i~i-i'i'1_\-".i_ 'iii ‘lii‘m awe
LUS .i'lNGf‘ZlJ-ZS .>\ new look l.\ thought if would it “its (IUQ'Sllillldlll‘. 4\\'i- lillhi‘il in plenty. of pimpie .i~ lt‘L‘Jl t‘lli!llt'\ l.’ Martin-m! until
. spreading on C”) Sltlrt‘lriinis. lull when \\t‘ skirted \illll pillli‘t‘ llt‘lt‘t’ \\lli‘ ((llllltlillllt‘tl but nobody \\.llllf‘ll t‘.i\l .iuii \itlilliit‘l"i.i. l-i~ \nm
’ \ / hoards. houses and i-indcrlilix'k the Km ,li-iisi-n .i me your \L‘lt‘l’Jll their names used ii: court lll‘lllt‘l lii- Itl‘ilt‘l‘i‘tl Ylit' ":i-v‘w -~ 1- i‘
4- , f fences thi‘i'leanwall iii [hm-m \Kllli‘dllll mngumt will 'l‘lii-i‘i» \\.i\ All t‘lllt‘ll\ l‘ll.\l li-.i~l ll\t hours int "’ '12 menu:
; _ “am of the \‘lruc‘uri‘s .4“. 0m” Hi'iuvi' \.lltl lli‘ l\ llill \llrpi‘i\i‘d .it li('\\ll1.ill “how \\.ill\ \H‘l't‘ .\l.Illl(‘l‘l‘ll lll‘li‘ \iilli i‘iinii‘iiu‘sh \iitill: ‘t‘."\'ll‘
mg {ah the {,er linic .h :1...“ “.0: lhv campaign \ llllllill rt‘.\llll.\ Hut \\llll graffiti l‘lll llt‘ \iiis .itr.iiii lli\ \llpt‘lWlMtl“
I lhl‘ gunnwmh ltt'isks 0i- ,‘n’ 4, he .lillllllx lit‘ \\.i\ llllt'f‘l‘lilll l.t\l store would he ini’i‘liiwl it he imi‘i’isi l,l‘l.lllll “um; lllt .itzi'iii \ ~ tl‘ili‘l
I \ l'Iii iil'ir‘s. Thin 'ir‘vth- t g; 4‘42 fl4d44 .lllllt‘ \\lii‘i‘. he l|l\f \lt‘lll after :i (‘Tll ll '\ *t‘lW'l i‘lmVll‘i‘l ‘ll'llll “i“‘l l“ ”WWW" "‘l‘ "W “ml-"Ml“ “"‘l “4
, ‘H‘ . ~ ‘ l l I“ ‘mg' H Hui ”mm; that nudi- the Jllillt' ll.llllt‘ iii-uph- llt‘ thought \\t‘i‘t‘ ri' can: lili‘llilit'l‘\ t‘\t‘lllll.tll\ :o-imi‘lm
successes "l a "nu" program l“ ml .. \ lil‘ 1 mi \ titll\lltll‘ 'Ul‘ it‘ ii the school would fill \Utlh ( run is «it li\i' ill \l\ would
4 I405 Angclcs ”y the Ubiquitous 4'4”” (.llllllillLl. l“ \\l i jut It hit ii i l l i i l. . i
I mutant ll's‘llt‘h'mlrtlxts t'llrrt'tii'i' u; lllt‘ lllll‘l‘t‘t‘let‘liltKl priip lwlt‘dshi‘il head itiii \Hlll .i \uiri’uwi llil‘t‘t' it:
h l l ‘ (l\lf|tl[i iii.ii L‘J’ltln .‘ll’i‘ uniui'urpii l‘t‘nsi‘i'uiiii‘s t‘ltll\lil('f‘ll i'iili' lllt‘ll it‘lll’lllllt‘\.t \im'k
M'WWN‘WMWPPM ““2““ But it isn‘l businesses or home riili'dnssm .illt‘ll‘ l""‘l“‘-‘-ll “‘“l'l ““"h ”l W” l‘.‘ "l \‘m km“ “W“ “Mi“ “-"‘ ll-"
'0'? INK-mm”. owners who are takin taint and “Holly Ll‘tiilii l\ .i tulilic iiiii flillll/lll}: niitsiiicsupporl l‘licx \itlli its \lHniillll‘i‘ “out: \llll i...
t! l L . l
I '0'", my I“ m 'm M.“ I W '0‘ brush to scarred property Instead \illli't‘ l‘lll tl‘lllllllill iitiiiiitns dept-nit llt‘ll niiinv) tui‘ supplies from liuxi some pi-opli :l \ t‘.il\:vi klmri lt‘.ll‘\
”mm'Ob-fi. i llimfls llkf‘ lht‘ hogtown. lht‘ Prime on \‘itli'lllllL‘ \H‘iicrs in ”11‘ act i'iiil misses .iiiil tint Standard lfl‘dllilh i.i.iiiiti l\ .1 \Li) tor gangs to up: no
ra Flats and the 62nd Street East .tt'llttll “lllllll l‘I‘ possible prim-cu |‘.iint(‘ii inscllntciist lllrlt‘l\ \U the .ilivulioii .lllil \liltpl‘l"
‘ ('oasti‘ripsarei'leaningthi'irlurf tors itl‘tlllt‘tl ll gangs were held ml 'l‘hm arranged for i'lciinup \upi-r \\.l\.lll \itllli‘tlll}.\llt‘t'ilt‘il
4 4 l .
-_ ...._.._~‘
l l ~ ~
“A I . ’

 ‘ . . y . , , . 'l“. J .
. '—
Illl “DIM Andrew W John GIN-I Mom I. “who: um I. (.405. Lb. VIM Don ("Mold
(duo. at (you 94..., (data! Aiisfdiioi Spam (doc: SWIOI Piomu (dug: Phoiotdiioi Glophfl“dll()l
Managing Ediioi li'l'miothlilw Ass-naniAinEd-tul AuiiioniSpovis Editor SponuIProiuu Assinoni ChiotPhotogiophei Hat, llIHki' -‘ l
______._. MM '
Politicians' love of good fight
gait/$55957: o/Mrfl/ WLEGEA/D, ,
I'IOt best for KBI‘It ckians '
S l 1/1/ \l'
ELI ' ;/ . /. .’ \\\\\\
Politicians. it‘s said, love a good fight. to date appears to be US. Attorney Ron “ f3 \v 9:“ ;\‘\\\
There‘s nothing better to a politician than Meredith of Elizabethtown. not a name to be 4% U], « \\ \\
the thrill of victory. coupled with the man- reckoned with statewide. ,9 y, ‘ - " ' . \‘
ageable avoidance of defeat. And the decisions leave Democrats Martha 1 -' h . 'W‘ “N ‘
This week. the first pepperings of slogans. Layne Collins. Harvey Sloane and Grady _,./ , , \ “\ Nd“ "Willi“
commercials and newspaper articles about Stumbo sitting pretty. With the Democrats \\ 3 36““ § «V “awe“
the November gubernatorial election surfac- on the long side of a 2-1 advantage in regis- .\\ ‘il‘ § ‘§ bk“
ed; it appears the politicians are once again tered voters. and barring a suicidal mistake. . “d \i\. ll '
gearing up i'oragood fight. one of the three will ride a candidacy that ‘
How good is it going to be. however. now begins after the May primary and ends in T‘fi UMCORN ll-lfi GWPHON
that the two most politically acceptable heirs the Executive Mansion‘s driveway. ‘
to the Republican mantle have bailed out of That may be well and good for the three i
the race“? Wednesday. US. Rep. Larry HOp- pretenders to the Brown legacy. but how \ ll
kins and state Sen. Jim Bunning revealed good is that for Kentucky? Why aren‘t candi- 3 é ’ . .
they would not contend for the governorship. dates available to ensure the improvement $1.} L‘ ‘w . y '- fl
and the result has been the kind of escalat- oflife statewide? V ‘4;th .9 2%. Qt. ;‘ . .2 i I, I '
ing hysteria normally reserved for captains Perhaps the answer lies in the structure of We ". ‘ f? ‘ . kt. l , .5 :~ i\ /
oi'sinkiug ships. the government itself. There are certainly .l‘. kiln ‘ “fifth/V." 2' {@J .._
Both Hopkins and Bunning were Kennedy- enough issues for a governor to tackle dur- \Qyowfifiy. 39.1,“ g .. . _ w y ‘ i
like in their statements. Hopkins said. “It ing his or her term. but can there be a solid 5' ,\~:3",jr}, \sllr. 'o ‘c'rf‘w .5] - -_ 'V f :
was a clear choice between political opportu- effort to build a policy when a governor has i ._ . 4"" Omani-“ii; "ft”. '% ~gss :‘ ' :3 m
. .. . . . . ~ /.‘I * ‘,.' ‘.; ' .. ‘
nity and public duty that kept him from only four years to implement a program. 53‘“ inf-ll“ “fili‘kr‘ily’yflylgk' . > J > $
. ~ - H , . - ~ . ‘ I -. ' i b ‘l ' .' ' . . 1 ’
running. Bunnmg was emphatic: There are and a sharply divided. regionally oriented \ ssst '/ if ' ti._i’. .155)» Li a. - 9
no circumstances tunder whichi I would run legislature only sits for 60 days every two 'n 35W (1 {i’vlii WV d ‘
for governor in 1983." years'.’ \‘{-=\ . ~ " , .. 3;”
These disappomting decisions leave the The Kentucky political situation in 1983 is “ ' t’fi'kp: {.9 K‘( WBUW
Republicans without a candidate who could approaching that in the Soviet Union. There. THE DRAGON ”'5’ KEN] Uc lDA
blister the opposition the way a Republican voters have a choice —— yes or no. The gover- “”8ka WP TE
National committee poll predicted Hopkins nor's race. unfortunately. may wind up giv~
would have Their most plausible candidate mg Kentuckians the samechoice.
l l l l l .
VarSIty basketball teams 8 are one Similarity — Victory .
.saturday “Jr A ““ldblt‘ dd} 1“ have witnessed the Lady Kats eye And chances seem iavorable that ler Wise rose holding a wrist but andthey have not beeti pleasant pressure. a malady described by i
campus sports hie as the two \arsi ning Bit—66 victory oyet‘ tild l)omm- KeiitUcky will brush the season with went on to lead the team iii scoring For 197934! Joe llall had assem- Hall last year as “a loss oi electro l
ty basketball teams won at home ion at least a portion ot the conicrence with 19points. bled a heralded crew that comprised lytes " l
Similarity between the two victories championship Memorable pertormanccs on the at least seven tuture professional A gloom covers this program. but . j
is limited to the tiilal result. howev Questions ot ending slumps and ot tloor should be savored. but the tans players. iii some observers own more ominously. a liesitaiicy Should 5
er tor that «.la\ stands as a mod post season success seem matte. wereanotherimportantlactor ions (me ot the most-coveted cenv Kentucky tans continue to insist . l
ument to a mist ot Iron) the rise . however. when contrasted with the Aside trom the national-record ters in the country. a swingman con- their beloved are the state's best g 1
oi one program. the decline oi an .1 .‘7. glory the Lady Katsachieved setting number. a change has oc- sidered .lack (livens‘ successor at team" Does the development of con ,‘
i -. _§ . , . .-' -.:- « i< . ' .. < i 'I. I‘) . u_“‘j- I) ‘v ~i l
othtr . ‘ .=- A ““00”mele walk away ii‘om turrtd during the past tour seasons. the small lorward position. ind Kin tidtnct by rll‘K \H s pinnniil til g
”n ”W “mill“ J” “Wk?“ ““1 A m”) Arena In.” Sammy” ”Hm People attend to watch the game tucky's Mr Basketball led the list lar~dwellers mean the “lltlt';il.\ iiitist :
Th“ “11mg“ “ndt‘d 4‘ two~game 10> onl‘y‘ ni rth ( m,“ ”9;; \lt‘biorief 0,1 and iocbeer. not to jeer. oi recruus depend on hustle and concentration '
mg streak and retained a share oi ~ I . l‘ _ d ‘ . . .. . . These players. combined with se~ instead oi tradition to win its league ,
_ . . , , -. _ _ _ , . _ .. last years loss to (ild l)t"t‘.llllt)ll iii Soon after womens basketball be» ., g _ ' . . _ ., .
the toniereiiw lead with a .ii in \I( In perhaps the most giatitying win {h} \"t'XX t . m . H. tl‘ \ W! .. n ‘ ‘ Hm” . s. )rt ,1 mm) ol nior Kyle Macy. perhaps the most ioadganies :
tory over Alabama. one oi the two in the program s history. the entire ( .‘ l ”Enid?“ {”1 ‘1'] fig (l: “ tdrv reisid)\ntf(lx’c'a;neg"t‘ol‘low- respected Wildcat in history. and ls the move to llupp Arena iinaliy i
most talented teams in the league squad proved to casual iollowers “m. : ‘5”: In”: 4‘ ““10“,? ‘tl )EI‘? 'tl‘ (, t‘tnl” ”‘1 1‘. (l: Kats Their “WW,“ sophomore Dwight Anderson. the taking its toll on a program once the -
And combined with the unsuccess and a natiorialrrecord crowd that it ”(it‘llnlml find .“H..h(.“(.rn .k in I E’Fs . :10“[fimdcmmztéd oi amtm’ hallvhotx‘d "Blur” who as a fresh. strongest h)- tarm my country"
iul comeback against 'l'ennessee the could a deieat a team led by a ti-tt ”:1 "(t {“15 K‘mtirl' 5:3“? Hi“) '4 ~ ”1“; t' fies blue and white and shout man led a team decimated by the so let motto people crowd down
players indicated a return oi the ln' All-American. b be carried to \l('- ' 0" "“l d 5 ar ”5 “(n d" U f“ i ‘. f 1 _ graduation (it four (it its 10p six play- town to watch the high school All
. . , . , . . _ , ., ing taller adversaries namely the mg insults at any unfortunate yisitor ‘ . _ . . . . . _ y y . .
tensity and leyt lneadedaess present tory by players other than \alerie ( l g! ll \ I) .. K ‘ t .k“ m] who “a“ over 6-" or was not as slim ers to respectability. were expetted Americans adjust to college 1,“. For ,
earliormthi. season Still. and 1.. show an enthusiasm ,ih-‘l Ithrh . “P‘;‘;”;n (:utxhimnd: I“ the» wom'inh basketball ‘laver to make Kentucky a prime candi- many people tired oi watching play ‘ I
Klan}, oi the 33.734 present left for the game during and atter their '5 H ( gamt r‘” 9 1 r . ‘ h p ‘ (latelortw'oorthreenationaltitles (‘FS struggle under ”10 Pl‘t'S-‘llrtfi‘ 0'
. . , . 4 _ y _. , mg by nine impressive consid should be . . . , . . . . _ .
pleased. ui doubtedly they had periormante that (annot be equaled _ I ‘ th‘t l)oio .. n h' d _)_ while Such hopes haye (lied. tor the most an oyerpublicized progratn. a ”m .l
witnessed another triumph oi the bytheir male counterparts (£131 ”‘1“ ”mlqllfl‘ “’0‘: ‘d ”J The sport has changed. Aside part [)(ispm. a 7-; 5 winning percent turc ot outside “1mm”. intelligent 3;
Big Blue and .i recouping ot pride The Wildcats did battle tor re pa ”g (ga Q d V ( from ”W customary h095~ grands age over the past three and a halt rclmunders and hustling who have j
lost ma January loss tothei‘rimson bounding position and play a more The most memorable action oi tand comments are limlted to seasons. the losses stand out. mp adopted a torsaken basketball pal
Tide aggressn'e zone defense than in Saturday was not Derrick llord's cheers. and sportsmanship is higher [055 ”f excitement. mm the depar- a“. as mt.” home seem more up
Fans interested in seeing a group other home appearances l-‘ive play steal or Melym Turpin's s‘t‘t'tmtlrhtill than any ltupp Arena Visitor will ture of Anderson. the loss of poten pealmg
oi 1.: students utiliie the.r talents in ers‘ scoring in double tigures is pi'e slain oi the ball and Mike Davis. btit likely see tial. with the recurring injury to
a situatio'i in winch they were deii terable to one periormer s tallying Hither Lea Wises drawing a t‘hiil‘t-l' Th" “1”” program has 59?" Sam BOWK‘. the inability for players ('tiri.‘ Ash it u [ournullxnl comm
nitely u iderdogs should instead 42 pomts ina losing cause H12 l‘tUl élflillllSl H “W “W ”K'ht's [111- changes In that four-year P9rl°d~ to develop the ability to excel under and copv desk i‘lllt'l (or the Ki-vm-l 1
7/1 I f d I ' ' b ' I f th I
e 8W 0 arm I V!" ecomes surwva 0 e unusua i
g 9
Being ”9“ [0 dormitory 1”an l ”(”3 , my classes think I‘ll go to Richmond and visit wait " I find it amazmg that technol» pomts to living in dorms The good i
have waited until now to write a col Met my roommate I """"“'d I still can‘t say too much tor the some oldfriends ogy can put mm on the moon. and points include being close to work
umn on lllt‘ on the Nth floor 0? Kir llUlel." "(ll l0 (“SCH-*5 “‘llllltm “r it‘ll bathrooms I've got to get out of this room dotors can prolong life. but it seems and classes Also it‘s nice being
W8“ Tower “Hill above the happen ”K‘s” He seems like a Prl‘ll.‘ ”‘4'" I discovered about two inches of Sitting ma cul'cal for more than six impossible to fix a damn little but- closeto many ot my triends
ings around campus. during the tirst RUN desplle being “"‘m “"5“” hair lining the shower floor. which hours straight i. .rivmg me nuts? ton to get the elevator to go from the Bad points are the elevators. the
{Our weeks I had been “99"”! a Kentucky really spmls' the comfort of a luke- lio people really [we in dorms tor first floorto my level. elevator buttons. the toilets. talse
little iournalot my experiences . warm shower louryears" I‘m still finding it more advanta» lire alarms. rcal lll‘(' alarms. bath
But wait no longer The time has ' .- I ate tor the first time in the (‘0m- Day 10 geousto usethe stairs. room floors. mattress on something
come to let the world know what ‘ mons ('ateteria. The food is not too I‘m learning not to be too critical Day 23 which resembles a bed. neighbor‘s
happens wav'up high. in the world g, 500“ bad I ate something that vaguely oi dormitory living. Some things The floors basketball team played stereo. elevators alarm button.
according to hirwan ’ WILHOIT resembled some sort of meat llow- aren't too bad I never get lonely. tonight Better be careful what I trash dumped in the shower stall.
1)in I - ever itcould have beenlima beans there's always someone around say. as I value my personal being. spit in water iountaiii. lack oi toilet
Whew' I am glad this day is over Also. I learned not to go barefoot Still. lwouldkillfor some privacy The score just about says it all. tissue. thermostat on room s beater.
at last I had my iirsi encounter around the dorm I stepped in some Soon I'll have to do laundry l‘ve though We lost 50-12 It was not one the 13th’iloor weight lifters. wind
with the elevators I think I'll stick I took my iirst dorm shower sort of lquld on the bathroom floor decided I'll probably pay Mom a of the better examples of the art of tunnel in iroiit oi the building. and
to hiking up and downihestairs “here the hot/is the hot water” I'm and qmckly discovered the useful visit and take her a load of clothes stuffingthe hoop. do. do. do. do. dev’
I encountered the 14th floor still not accustomed to using the toi nessofl.ysol to wash. Moms are great to have We asked our coach what went Believe it or not. today I went and
there was a Playboy bunny painted let with 20 other guys. around “here I'm slowly learning to ignore the around? While I‘m at home. I can‘t wrong. He replied. “You guys signed up tor dormitory housing tor
on the wall l lltillietl as I got oil the are the urinals' guys on the tSth floor who hit wait to raid the retrigei'ator. Pray— showed up?“ The team vows to re- next year Fact ts stranger than he
elevator \ice artwork the spit all The view from my window is not weights at 2 in the morning It‘s still mg that some leftover chicken or turn.maybe victoriously. tionY ,
oyer rabbit really added to the de too had I can sec the llaggm llall diiticult. however. getting used to some of Mom's great beef burgandy Doves See you later‘ i
sign "zoomatory and all oi central cain drunks banging on my door looking will beintheiridge How long were the hostages held
My day started oit pretty poorly l pus tortheirroomon the liltht'loor Day 19 in lran‘.’ Scott Willioii is a senior s‘ltlll writ
got here at In a m. as the letter Imi4 I)(i\ 6' I‘m finally getting to know the I‘ve been here four weeks now. All er and Kernel columnist He ls ..
said but illsi'iiu‘ri‘tl l could not ('lass started today ugh’ ,\ couple So this is how life goes on a Fri guys on my floor l'sually we meet in all it's not too bad There are journalism and telecommmmutions-
moveinuntil noon \Vhatacrock‘ of guys from my floor are in some ot day night ma dorm Pretty boring I as we begin the “great elevator many good pomts and a few bad junior
D'nkle res onse d3." iillf‘mmm against Alabama by his home crowd and fellow stu- icct career But considering his re There's only one more thing I So hang in there guys The true
' p Being tht‘ hlii blut‘ tan that I am. I dents As it this wasn‘t enough. cord. he must be domg something want to say It you can‘t go and sup- blue supporters are stillout here'
It has been my longstanding p0li~ was really psyched up lor one heck coach llall got the same treatment righl . port the whole team. both you and
(‘v not to respond to your editorials of a ballgame \Mial happened he lcouldn t believe my ears' There is so much talent on this the leani would be better off if you lionna Johnson
about the Student Government Assn» fore the opening tipoff totally dis Would loyal fans really do this to team. .i‘c- going in my“. more than it stayed at home and watched a m. lilsi.,r§»ir..§il,,tg.,1
ciation However. as a matter of re— gusted mt;1 I, . h» . 'l theirteam Mt' ‘ . l yeartolullydevelopit layedtelecast.
cord. l'niversity Services Assomates , 31:: {the gem]: lot] I“; REIT?" Jim! h‘” ”'9" '"bat5':mp “1" ll“
emphatically did not have private d" ‘ 05" l ”(I "K 0 )0 pas W games. u 0 cerainy
conversations with me. or any mem» teams were announced. th" ““hng med “ml-‘59” Saturday. “1 C35“ "0 BLmM COUNTY by Berke Breath“
ber of my administration. about the team first of course It s only main one bothered to look at the stats at
1%! buvin m.” card S nsored ral that the Visiting team is going to the end of the game. Jim played 34 . I ’
by SGAVanfl gstnbuted mpg“? “u be booed by the home teams fans minutes and went five for seven Jkélrg‘wAEE flwfi?bfifl&flotjfi
‘ ~ ' . ' I I v v ‘ i '
dent Agencws. prior to the Jan 13 They know to "put ” Th" held from m“ “old and 59‘9" for ”m" AN AVINTH€ Whammy ANV ‘JOUO‘JHU‘ is 55mm,
meeting between “(.9 PreSident true when the Alabama lineup was from the line. he had two rebounds. VERbONAL‘? as.) esteemwmcu MSMN UH.. ., ANYBOV' YeAH
' David Bradford. Bob Emerson. and announced four assists. and no personal fouls \ WWW" WAMZlH; '35“ t5 WING. ‘ \
_ myself Then it was time tor the (‘ats' With [7 points. he was lTK's highest v7 _ WOWfl' ZUTHUHM ' /
r ' starting five Hord. Hurt. Turpin. scorer Jim may have been "thro- .3 1“ HQ ' 11‘" Wt
j. Jim Dinkle and Minniefied all went to con win' bricks at Tennessee." but he 7: '; \‘i . i ‘ l }‘4 ... 5'»
{ < tercourt when they heard their was burnin‘ the net“ against Ala ‘ ' L» V ‘ '~ . n ~ ” . '
, Student Body Presnlent s t . . . ' > 0
f ' name and received their rowdy bama Maybe he's gotten all those 4 (i—L J ' . ‘ 5 - ; ’ \ \ l,” ‘ ‘ ~§ Ml
5'? cheers from the expectant fans bad games out of his system now 'i——-—- ' , "‘57 f 'A ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ 1 ——
3i." RUde treatment When Jim Master's name came As for the tri-atment coach Hall ‘ r ’ ' \ \M‘. ,4 ‘ . .
1; over the loudspeaker the sound that received. it wasn't necessary in... 53% , F yr ' 7’ '- (53%;? I ' "‘ W
' Like most of the students on this reached my ears wasn't what I'd exr Granted he has made some mistak E: , mg“, ’ ' ‘ Ll ' ’ y: .
campus. I attended the game Saturr pected to hear. Jim was being booed es Not every coach can have a per
I l

 I ' 7 '
. ' _——-—————————_—__——_—_—_— ____.___.____
l 'W.tI‘IOI.It a ce' exa . d. f 6
I I ra mines Isappearance 0 -year—old
‘ The trials and tribulations caused canbecalled“vintage melodrama." a case study of Susan's individual ' " ‘ ‘”"‘””“"”‘ , , "”1“? ;
by a missing child can never be Essentially, “Without a Trace" and psychological reactions rather “" 7 I ' . \ »« ”W.:1-w
fully understood except by those would be, an example of this — with than trying to focus on Alex's disap- ;- ’ 7 7 . ... ..-.. L...” . “Ix? .
7 who must undergo such a night- one exception: Nelligan‘s endearing pearance. ' ' ' '
mare. performance as Susan Selky. She As Detective Al Menetti. Hirsch is W— ' Q r I 1 w
At its most base. the horror be- not only gives th