xt751c1thq39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thq39/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1974 1974 1974-02-11 2020 true xt751c1thq39 section xt751c1thq39 x

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Photo by Paul IIllts

Photo by Bruce llatuu

Schfepping in the snow

Winter sports enthusiasts crawled out of the woodwork this weekend to
take advantage of a rare Lexington snowfall. Skis and cafeteria trays
served their purpose in the Clifton Avenue playground and the botanical



Vol. LXV No. 108

Monday. February 11, 1974

ntucky Kernel

an independent student newspaper


Tenure and



before Senate


Kernel Staff Writer

News In Brlef


0 Off talks begin

0 Arabs have Tow
OEfectIon questioned
OMiners walk out

0 Indian state falls

0 Today's weather...

for the (‘ollege of Architecture and the
long-awaited Krislov Report on tenure are
the major items to be considered at
today‘s University Senate meeting.

The admissions proposal. the second to
come before the body this year. is on the
agenda for action after being recom-
mended favorably by the Senate Council.
Admissions and Academic Standards
(‘ommittee and the I'ndergraduate

The Krislov Report is the result of a
lengthy study by the ad hoc committee to
reevaluate tenure and promotion. which
was established by the Senate in fall 1972.
The committee was composed of 13
faculty. students and administrators,

N0 significant changes in present
tenure policy are suggested by the com-
mittee. since it was pointed out that UK‘s
tenure system functions reasOnably well.

Several alternatives were reviewed by
the committee but were rejected because
they would take too long and would not be
“particularly attractive“ to the Univer—

The committee did not set any quota for
the University concerning tenure. but did
nffer ten changes in the present tenure

0 WASHINGTON w Leaders of 13 major
oilconsuming nations started intensive
talks Sunday in preparation for the
opening Monday of a two-day conference
on energy at the foreign ministers’ level.
Aides of the foreign ministers gathered
at the State Department to organize the
agenda and procedure for the sessions.

0 AMMAN. Jordan — An army spokesman
said Sunday the United States has supplied
the Jordanian army with its most
sophisticated portable antitank missile.
called Tow.

“It is no secret that we have Tow,” he
said. “It was shown on television in a film
of King Hussein visiting army units just
before he left on his recent trip to
Romania and Britain.“ the spokesman

University of Kentucky
Lexington. Ky. 40506



- Review prior work to the tenure cri~
teria at UK. This review would be by the
faculty member. department chairman
and dean. In some cases prior service
would not be applicable to the University.

Specific guidelines for faculty files,
maintained jointly by the chairman and
individual faculty member, should be

——.\l2\\' F;\(‘l'l.T\' members should be
giyen access to l'niversity information
within one month of the beginning of his or
her appointment. These included gover~
ning regulations, administrative
regulations. University Senate rules, rules
of the specific college. the rules of the
department and the Student Code

~—Specific guidelines {or performance
review and tenure should be established.
including informing the new faculty
member of the tenure standards and
prospects for tenure by the department

--—Urge various departments and
educational units to set up reasonable
standards of performance for their

—BR()ADEN TllI-I process by which
names are selected for submission to the

0 ST. PAUL. Minn. ~ Russell Means, an
American Indian Movement leader on
trial in connection with the occupation of
Wounded Knee, S.D., has asked for an
investigation of the recent tribal election
on the Oglala Sioux reservation. Means
was narrowly defeated in his bid for
president of the tribe.

0 LONDON — Britain's coal miners
formally walked off the job Sunday in a
strike thatadded venom to a bitter election
battle and further crippled the nation's
staggering economy.

Their walkout marked a direct challenge
to Prime Minister Edward Heath's at-
tempt lo maintain his anti—inflation wage
controls. Industrialists say it will reduce
\‘ilal manufacturing industries to a two-
day or even a oneday work week.

Strongly urge each dean to establish a
committee concerned with faculty ap-
pointments, termination and promotion.

~ In all cases where assistant professors
are not reappointed the individual will be
notified by his or her departmental
chairman of the reasons for the decisions.

—(‘(ll.I.PZ(il-IS SHOL'LI) develop some
means to evaluate the quality and
quantity of academic advising done by
faculty members.

Recommendations for tenure and
promotion should include evidence of
consultation with the appropriate student
advisory committee and graduate student

Architecture's selective enrollment
proposal. which will be implemented fall
1975 rather than 1971 as suggested by the
college, passed the undergraduate council
66 and the Senate's admissions and
academic standards committee 94).

In recommending the adoption of the
proposal both academic bodies reviewed
other architecture schools. alternatives to
selective admissions and the overall
criteria in the proposal.

A related article on selective
enrollment appears on page 7.

0 NE“ DELI". India —- Mob politics has
pushed one of India's state governments
out of power for the first time, raising
ominous questions in a land that considers
itself a showcase for democracy.

Changes in Indian governments always
had grown out of the ballot box or accepted
parliamentary procedures since this
nation of 570 million won independence
from Britain in 1947.

...same old story

Everything's the same old story, in-
cluding the weather. Today should be
mostly cloudy with a high of 40. Low
tonight will be near 30. Tomorrow we'll see
little change, with variable cloudiness and
a slight chance of showers.




editorials represent the opinions of the editors, not the university



The Kentucky Kernel” '

Published by the Kernel Press Inc. Begun as the Cadet in is” and published
continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since 1915. The Kernel Press lnc. founded
1971. Firstclass postage paid at Lexingtm, Ky. Business offices are located in the
Journal Building on the University of Kentucky, Advertlsing. room 210 and News
Department, room 112. Advertising published herein is intended to help the
reader buy Any false or misleading advertising should be reported to the Ad

vertising Manager


Need for moratorium

University administrators are finally meshing
gears with plans to adopt a campus-wide selective
enrollment policy. Although it would be illegal for a
land grant school to formally institute a restrictive
measure of this nature, it is quite all right to set
minimal standards for each college to follow.

With this in mind, we support the University’s at-
tempt to collect data, even if it takes two years, for
purposes of outlining basic standards to include in
restrictive enrollment policies. However, for a couple
of reasons, we also urge the University Senate to
impose a moratorium on selective enrollment until all

data is collected.

—-By the time the survey is complete, it is totally
possible all colleges wishing to implement selective
programs may have done so. It is also possible that
none of these programs will be similar. Because it has
already been stated no functioning policies will have
to be reworked, two years of collecting data will be


——Assuming these restrictive enrollment programs
will force some students from one career field to
another, (we forsee an increased enrollment in the
College of Arts and Sciences) fields not adopting
selective enrollment will have to be adjusted to
handle increases. Instead of revamping these catch-
all fields when it may be too late, we think it’s the
Senate’s obligastion to perform this task while a

moratorium is binding.

Over a period of years, selective enrollment will
mean smaller classes and more attention for students
as well as more money for particular programs.
Overall the University student should become better
equipped to handle an occupation. But there is a
neccessity of implementing a coordinated effort to
accomplish this goal. A moratorium on selective
enrollment policies will make the transition much


Nicholas Von Hoffman

No body so hated and feared as is IRS

WASHINGTON —— There is
much bravado talk about
following the example set by
Nixon and Agnew in paying, or
not paying, their income tax.
Nothing revealed about those two
worthies has so damaged them
and embittered people as their
tax chiseling.

Ohio‘s Congressman Charlie
Vanik was on the tube saying it
was possible that millions of
people might even take Nixon-
style deductions for themselves
next April. Here and there across
the country more tax-
resistance organizations are
being formed. Nevertheless,
Shays's Rebellion (1786-87) was
the last time Americans matched
thought with deed on such a

NO .-\R M of our government is
so hated and feared. not the (‘IA
or the FBI or The Plumbers,
as is the Internal Revenue Ser-
vice. Open defiance of the IRS'
power and snotty. capricious
arrogance is almost unheard of.
People who will resist the draft.

throw themselves in front of
school buses and lead mobs
against national guard bavoncts
are scrupulous about paying their

One of the few who wouldn‘t
knuckle under is a Minneapolis
laWyer named Jerome Daly.
Some years ago Mr. Daly sent in
his copy of the infamous 1040
Form with nothing on it but his
name and address. All the other
questions he refused to answer on
the respectable Fifth-
Amendment grounds that they
might tend to incriminate him.

The IRS took him to court, but
Daly won on appeal. When Daly
did it again. the IRS, sensitive to
the fact that this precedent could
destroy their power to terrorize
the citizenry, shifted ground.
This time it proceeded against
our rebel by claiming that failure
to fill out the form, was the
same as failing to file, which is a
criminal offense.

Again, Mr. Daly was brought to
trial and this time he was found
guilty. The judge thereupon


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Letters to the Kernel

'Sympathizes' with Kidwell

Upon reading the article by
Boyd Kidwell in the Jan. 28 issue
of The Kernel, I sympathized
with him, his date and the two
others who were ushered out of
Saturday night’s concert at the
Student Center.

It is pretty sad when officers of
the law harass innocent students
because they thought they were
“dope smoking". In order to
convict someone you must have
solid ground or evidence to prove
their guilt. Why those policemen
picked out innocent people in a
large crowd when it was probably
easier to see those smoking than
to see those who were not, is quite
beyond me.

I care about this situation
because I feel that it was totally
uncalled for, even though I did
not attend the concert. I believe
any kind of harassment is wrong

ordered him to the Springfield
(Mo) Medical Center for Federal
Prisoners for psychiatric
examination. We, like the
Russians, assume that any
principled action in defiance of
the state is prima facie evidence
of madness.

FOR 57 DAYS the shrinks
had at Mr. Daly whereupon the
Federal marshalls took him on a
strange string of one-night stands
in cow—town jails in Tallahassee,
Fla., Gulfport, Miss, Bossier,
La., and finally Texarkana,
Texas, where he was kept for two
weeks and then told to report
back to the Federal Court in
Minneapolis for imposition of
sentence. The judge, according to
our culprit-hero, really didn’t
want to mess with a caselike this,
so he suspended sentence and put
Daly on probation on condition
that he file his tax returns in the
accepted manner. Since the
judge failed to say when the tax
returns must be filed, Daly still
hasn‘t done it but instead has
gone into court asking for a

even if it is a student harassing a

I hope that in the future Lt.
Murphy will be more positive in
his search and will use a bit more
tact in his convictions. Power and
authority tend to make people
themselves and they end up in
situations like Badge 57. I hope
that Lt. Murphy will think twice,
if there is a next time.

Ruth Gail Webster

We goofed

A viewpoint article (“We’re
gain to get you dope smokers".
Jan. 30, page3) written by senior
journalism major Boyd Kidwell
incorrectly identified Lt. Leslie

declaratory judgment on his
Fifth-Amendment position.

Jerome. Daly is one of those
types we like to think are
American originals, a completely
undaunted man. He says, for
instance, that he was disbarred
back in 1969 for filing too many
frivolous lawsuits againt the
Federal Reserve System. (Mr.
Daly has an even lower opinion of
their paper money than the rest
of us.)

This hasn’t prevented Daly
from continuing the practice of
law. “I haven’t changed my
operation one iota. My practice is
better now than when I was
licensed." But in addition to
practicing law without a license,
he is also teaching people how to
procure divorces and probate
wills without benefit of counsel, a
trust—busting activity that might
result not in mere double
disbarment but in the first all-
lawyer lynching.

If Mr. Daly appears a bit queer
in some people’s eyes, he is also
right when he says, “I’m against


Murphy as a plainclothes
detective for the Metro Police
Department. Lt. Murphy is ac-
tually employed by the
University Safety and Security
Division and carries badge No.

Joe Catt, Media Liaison
representative for the Metro
Police, offers his departments
clarification of the article:

“1. Badge 57in our department
is not assigned to any officer.

“2. We do not have any Lt. by
the name of Murphy.

“3. Our Internal Affairs
Division was in contact with
Capt. Paul Harrison of the
University of Kentucky Police
Department and he informed us
that he has an Officer Murphy on
his force and no Metropolitan
Police Officer was involved.”

the income tax, and especially
the way it's administered
because it is a gross invasion of
privacy. They use it to suppress
political dissent."

Nor is there any need for
criminal penalties to collect the
taxes. Sears, Roebuck, as well as
our cities and states, collect their
bills without having the power to
throw people in jail.

Watergate has underlined the
fact that every time we fill our
old 1040 we are forced to abandon
our Fifth Amendment rights and
put ourselves in a position where
we risk jail if somebody in the
White House or the IRS wants to
give us the business. The tax
laws, from the days of Al Capone
on, have been used to get or—to
use the Nixon vernacular—to
screw people when they can’t get
‘em on anything else.

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist with Kings
Features Syndicate.



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opinion from inside and outside the university community





Little peace since Vietnam treaty signed


Since the signing of the Vietnam peace
agreement a year ago and the return of
American prisoners of war, there has been
little peace either in Southeast Asia or in
the United States. Issues and crises at
home have flown at us in rapid succession.
Among them has been the question of how
we are going to deal with the people who
resisted participation in the war. But
amnesty is becoming lost in the flood of
other matters. Legislators and the
American people in general seem willing
to let the question ofa mnesty slide beneath
thesurface. Except for war resisters, their
families and those who continue to work
for an amnesty, the issue may become a
non-issue. The reason apparently is that in
the American mind there are more urgent
matters at hand.

Few persons will deny the seriousness of
our present economic crisis. Now, at least
at the level of economic interdependency.
the United States is taking its place as a
nation among nations, not above them. A
comfortable, affluent America is getting a
taste of the bitter deprivation which the
nation‘s poor have always had as their lot.
The fuel crisis has laid bare the super-
structure of vast, autonomous cor-
porations. The welfare of people of all
countries rests ultimately not in their own
hands, but in the grasp of a powerful few
who are able to control the flow of


IT IS THE deep-rootedness of our
dilemma which causes, or should cause,
alarm. if not despair. Events such as the
Pentagon Papers and Watergate have
brought to consciousness a subconscious
realization that powerful governments
must survive on more than openness and
integrity. Lies inevitably become the
modus operandi of power politics. The
genesis of our present crisis lies em—
bedded in systems which have been
allowed to go unchecked. War resisters
faced this very fact. Whether exiles,
deserters, convicted resisters or veterans
with less than honorable discharges, they
recognized the danger of unresponsive

Your Health

military, economic and governmental
systems, systems which were bent on
perpetuating their own ends. When most of
the country obligingly remained silent,
resisters, in their varying ways, said “no."

But in the United States there is a per-
sistent attitude of self ~righteousness about
the war. in spite of the revelations con-
cerning its nature. Remnants of an an-
tiquated sense of patriotism allow us to
avoid facing the facts. Still we refuse to
confront what we did to the people and the
land of Southeast Asia. Still we insist that
the corrupt government of South Vietnam
was worthy of our sacrifices. Instead, the
country turns vindictively the men who
resisted and points Slerjlltsilly‘lllg fingers
at “what the other side did." In the shadow
of what we have learned about ourselves.
our insistence upon honor as a nation is
pathetic. Honor has nothing to do with


face-saving. It is more the ability of a
nation to deal critically with itself, to
repair what it has destroyed, rather than
pretending that all is well.

The issue of amnesty will continue to
confront us. It has as much pertinence to
our present national struggles as to the
lives of the resisters and their families.
The granting of an amnesty. universal and
unconditional, could be a demonstration of
our willingness as a nation to deal with our
problemsjustly and at the root. If the issue
of amnesty seems less tangible or valid it
could be because it lies closer to the source
of our predicament. If we come through
the present crisis by the “genius" of
technology or diplomacy, will we simply
return to selfish consumption and allow
massive corporations to maintain their
autonomy. thus their power? We must find
a sounder way of resolving for the future.

Anita sieqel

A mere rearrangement of the economic
and political affects of our nation and
world will not prevent disaster but only
postpone it.

A BEGINNING can be made by the
granting of a universal and unconditional
amnesty, recognizing the prophetic ac-
tions of resisters and that they have suf-
fered enough. Also, we will show our
willingness to assume our responsibility
for the very crisis we face today. But by
keeping resisters where they are —— in
exile, underground, in jail. or on the
perimeter of our society — we demon-
strate our refusal to accept our respon-


David I... Edwards is a student
at Lexington Theological
Seminary and member of
Lexington People for Ani-

Animal bites are continuing health problem

Animal bites continue to be a problem
both in urban and rural areas. Restrictions
imposed by local governments on dogs and
other domestic animals are rarely en-
forced and there are still a lot of stray
animals on the loose that are a potential
danger to humans not only because of the
primary injury of a bite but because of the

possible exposure to the rabies virus.
Animal bites occur most frequently in
nice weather when students are sitting
around the campus and playing with the
“iriendly” squirrels and the stray dogs or
hiking outside the city. Domestic animals
that are immunized properly and
regularly against rabies are a minimal
danger to humans. However all dogs and
cats are not immunized and some could be

diseased. Rabies among wildlife
tcspecially skunks, squirrels, foxes,
raccoons and bats) is still the most

common source of the disease for both
man and domestic animals.

What is rabies? Rabies is a fatal disease
of the central nervous system that is
caused by a virus and transmitted by rabid


What should one do in case of an animal
bite? First, if it is possible, without en—
dangering yourself further, capture the
animal or at least be observant enough to
be abie to describe the aiiiiiiai and
recognize it if it is caught later. Then wash
the bite wounds, scratches. and-or
abrasion with soap and running water.
This washes away the saliva that might
harbor rabies virus.

Is it necessary to seek medical con-
sultation in case of an animal bite? Abv
solutely. A physician should be consulted
immediately to insure proper evaluation
and treatment and to initiate any
necessary investigation and reporting. If
the anti»rabies treatment is indicated it
should be started promptly. Treatment
consists of one injection of anti-rabies
serum and 23 daily injections of rabies

\\ ill e\ cry animal bite require a series of
anti-rabies shots? No Post exposure
treatment depends upon several factors.
the species of the biting animal, whether
the animal was provoked or not. im~
niunization status of the animal and
presence of rabies in the area. Only a

physician or the local health department
should determine if the treatment is
necessary. if theie is any risk of rabies
and if the animal cannot be located.
treatment is. always started.

If the biting animal has been immunized
against rabies, what is the possibility that
the animal could be rabid? A properly
immunized animal. especially if kept at
home. has only a minimal chance of
developing rabies. Even then. it is wise for
an animal that has bitten someone to be
confined and observed by a veterinarian
for seven to 10 days.

What happens if the biting animal
becomes ill or shows signs of rabies during
the obserxation period? Then the animal
State Health laboratory or other approved
labortory to be examined for evidence of
rabies. It the examination is positive then
antirrabies treatment must begin. If
negative, no treatment is necessary

\\ hat pertinent information is needed in
cases of animal bitcs‘.‘ Identification of the
animal is Vital. then. the immunization
status. if it is a domestic animal. the

circumstances surrounding the acc1dent.
and the owner‘s name. address and

‘ I .ih..- women.
lcntpfiuiit IlulIIUCI.

Is there any available preventive
treatment against rabies? Yes. Pre-
exposure immunization against rabies is
readily available. Persons in high risk
groups: animal handlers. laboratory
workers who deal with experimental
animals. veterinarians, etc. should obtain
preexposure immunization. Persons with
continuing exposure should check with a
physician every two years for testing to
determine if a booster is necessary.

Although actual cases of rabies among
humans havebeen significantly reduced in
this country. the potential danger of ex-
posure still exists The seriousness of the
disease is the reason students are warned
not to play With stray animals and. It
bitten. to capture the animal if possible
and report to a physician immediately.


lh‘. ,\nl.iircs is a physician at the Student
Ilcalth Service.


 4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. February II. 1974


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Workshop covers
women's rights

Kernel Staff Writer

Five local and state
authorities in various areas of
law discussed the legal rights of
women at the College of Law

The opinions were offered
during a workship sponsored by
the Legal Rights Committee of
the Lexington Women‘s Center
entitled “Know Your Rights."

MAIN TOPICS discussed in-
cluded job discrimination, family
and domestic law, consumer
protection, possible rescission of
the Equal Rights Amendment
and bills before the Kentucky
General Assembly.

“The employer is required to
prove that all of his hiring
criteria are legitimate for the
job." said Nancy Ray, UK Equal
Opportunity Officer.

“It is illegal to have a criteria
that eliminates a particular
class of people." she said. Ray
added it was also illegal to
retaliate against any person
complaining of discriminatory

SPEAKING AS a private at<
torney on domestic law, Julia
Tackett. assistant com-
monwealth attorney. said she
feels women need to be less
emotionally involved during
divorce proceedings so they will
protect their rights. “Women
should look at a divorce as a
contract {or the future," said

Dr. Totten

Asst. Atty. Gen. Laura Murrell,
Consumer Affairs Division, said
the need for consumer protection
continually grows with the in-
creased complexity of products.

“Our society now requires
consumer purchases and credit
buying to run," said Murrell.
“We still treat the individual who
doesn‘t pay on time asa criminal,
a grave injustice."

rescinding the Equal Rights
Amendment, which was ap-
proved by the state legislature in

1972 was discussed by Mary Ann
Delaney, assistant attorney

“The attorney general’s
opinion on the matter stated that
once the power to ratify is
exercised it is expended.“ said
Delaney. “The states are without
power to rescind their

Pam Elam, Kentucky Com-
mission on the Status of Women
and coordinator of the Lexington
Women‘s Center, described
severalbills coming up before the
(leneral Assembly of concern to

mission on thestatus of Women is
a legislative task force
representing women's groups all
over the state. It‘sa real coalition
of extraordinarily concerned
women." said Elam.





position at Oregon

- . ant; Its-t -,


FOR l974

“Approaches to

Alternate Communities"

A critical investigation of previous and con—
temporary modes of social organization which
deviate from the conventional.


Professor Colin Rowe
Department of Architecture
Cornell University

Tuesday, Feb. 12:

Wednesday, Feb. l3: "THE ROMANCE OF COMMUNITY"
Professor Rosobeth Moss Kanter

Department of Sociology
Brandeis University


Professor Howard Zinn
Department of History
Boston University

All lectures will be at 8:00 p.m. and will be
held in Room 118, White Classroom Building.


.“i'ésa‘ti, in) i‘ . v‘ .‘ ‘i v :".'

Associate Dean of the College
of Library Science. Dr. Herman
L. Totten, has been named dean
of the School of Librarianship at
the University of Oregon.

Totten. 34. will be the youngest
dean of an ALA. (American
Library Association! accredited
library school in the country.

THE MOVE to the University
of Oregon “will be a challenging
experience because I will be
placed in a leadership role," said

He also explained that the
School of Librarianship is
identical to the UK College of
Library Science.

’l‘otten was chosen among
hundreds of candidates both
within and outside the United
States He attributed a lot to
receiving “good experience at

the college of library science.
said Totten‘s new appointment is
“an extremely good move for

Allen added “the college of
Library Science has become a
training ground for deans"
because several associate deans
of the school have gone on to
become deans.





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Effective July I
Dr. Jacqueline Noonan to chair

Department of Pediatrics

Kernel Staff Writer
Dr. Jacqueline Noonan of the College of
Medicine has been named the first woman to
chair the UK Department of Pediatrics, ef-
fective July 1.

Noonan, approved by the Board of Trustees
Jan. 29, will replace Dr. Warren Wheeler, who is
retiring after heading the department since 1963.

PRIOR TO Noonan's appointment, only one
other woman currently holds such a position in
the United States.

“I know she’ll do a good job, she deserved the
appointment,” said Wheeler. He added she was
appointed because of her abilities, “not simply
because she was a woman.”

“I think we have a very good department
here,” said Noonan who has served on the
College of Medicine faculty since 1961.

"I'M NOT anticipating any drastic changes,”
she said. “We're busy recruiting for key
positions, such as the head of the newborn baby

Noonan is a graduate of the University of
Vermont Medical School. She served her in-
ternship at North Carolina Memorial Hospital,
Chapel Hill, N .C. and her residency in pediatrics
at Children‘s Hospital in Cincinnati.

She received further training as a National
Institute of Health Cardiovascular Research
Feleow at Children’s Medical Center, Boston,


The position lasts six years at which time
it will be reviewed and, upon approval, renewed

for another six years.







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