xt751c1thq14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thq14/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-04-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1972 1972 1972-04-19 2020 true xt751c1thq14 section xt751c1thq14 , .
“The Kentucky I /
VOL. LXIII N0. i27 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Wednesday, April It). l972
, O 0
Students to protest stepped-up bombtng of Vtetnam
By NEILL MORGAN and demonstrations a possibility different ideas about the rally dismissed the idea of the rally, other plans were discussed at the
- Kernel Staff Writer exists for further trouble." were discussed. Some thought it saving he had only come “to see meeting.
As a result of the recent However, in a telephone in- 'wouldn’t be reactionary enough what it was about.“ .
escalation 0f the air war over terview Tuesday night Joe and others were hesitant about Finally the group decided the The plans for the rally and the
Vietnam, attempts are being Burch,Public Safety Director for the idea Of a rally. rally should remain non-partisan sleep-in were first made at
made locally to revive the protest UK, said he knew about the rally StUdehtS apathetic? of campus organizations. They another meeting Monday night.
movement or the war. bt‘t no action had been taken One student said most students also decided to issue a disclaimer As a result of that meeting, many , ,
At a meeting in Frazee Hall against it. If a large crowd were apathetic to a rally and no at the rally which says each posters and leaflets were '
Tuesday night, about 25 students gathers, he said, one or two action should be made to educate student should be responsible for distributed around campus
made plans for an “emergency campus policemen would be and recruit them. his own actions. Tuesday and two large signs '
rally" at noon today at the South routinely assigned to cover it. At one point three or four They also decided other announcing the sleep-in were
Limestone Street entrance to the (‘onfront warmakers‘ students walked 0Ut 0f the protest actions might be an- displayed at Frazee Hall.
Student Center. Late Tuesday night the Kernel meeting. At least one student nounced after the mail-in, but no Continued on Page 7, Col. 3
recieved a letter from an ad hoc
The students also decided to group of UK students called the
have a mail-in at the downtown Kentucky Anti-Imperialism NSA k ll I
post office after the rally. Movement. The members of the as 8 CO eggs to c 088
Students will go individually to group are from the Student t o l
the post office after the rally and Mobilization Committee and the l
mail a postcard to President Committee on Militarism. 0 pro teSt war esca atlon
Nixon to protest the war. In part the letter states. “This , . . . . .
Bright to speak week begins the first effort on By'kA'l‘ll‘l MlLlilh’lhT Tabankin said Monday . in 515 members to “engage in some
, The students selected Steve this campus since May ‘70 to kernel Staff “m" Washington DC" where NSA other effective form 0f protest .
Snell, a junior. to act as chairman confront the warmakers with our The. _ National. Student leaders met 'to deCide upon a against the escalated bombing of
of the rally and Steve Bright. agressive opposition. All week Assomation (NSA) is asking all course of action. UK is an NSA North Vietnam, said an article in ‘ .
1970-71 UK Student Government there will be acts,some legal and college campuses to Sh”! down member. Tuesday 5 Lexmgton Leader.
. president, to be the main others not. directed against the Friday to protest the escalated Student Government (SG) Wendelsdorf said as far as he , _
speaker. local foundations of the war." bombing of North Vietnam. President Scott Wendelsdorf said knows about 1,000 schools have
Rallies Of this type can come The statement is printed in full on “We are asking that every Tuesday he has had “some ”1,9 intention to strike Friday.
. under UK‘S “Outline of Action today‘s editorial page. campus shut down Friday and contact" with NSA. What happens Wednesday «at a
Plan for Emergency Situations." The meeting coincided with a devote its collective energy and “Essentially they're issuing a ”Elly near the Student Center)
~ This plan in part states. “a sleep-in in Frazee Hall Tuesday skills to organizing sustained, call to every student government m“ be an indication Of what g?“ '
determination will be made that night. intensive antiwar actions this to strike," he said, 0" the rest 0f ”"5 wed“ we”
because 0t gatherings, meetings During the meeting many spring.“ NSA president Margery NSA is also planning to ask its delsdorf said.
By MIKE WlNES Cascio and Jean Cox, health service aw
Editor-in-(‘hief official who has engineered the SHIP "t V ”k. '.
The brief, tangled history 0t UK'S program, both believe 8,000 students is a i v we f“ '
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)—— more reasonable estimate of the sign-up ? '32:
known to most students as “Part AH and [ota]_mbarring some unexpected en- :15“ X”?
“Part B"—is about to take its most daring thusiam. { 1 t we .
turn yet. Policy began last year 3 ,
And dispite assurances by President The reasons why the number of par— i f ,
. ()tis A. Singletary and Vice President for ticipating students is important—and why . w. 3'
W111 Students the Medical Center Dr. Peter Bosom- the Health Service could fail without 3% . .7 ' .1." ‘
worth, some Student Health SerVice Ot' student support—are tied to the birth of 3 " "at: _
ficials fear the latest change could kill the SHIP last year. The Health Service, faced - -..~V
fledgling insurance program, and take with a horde of new students and no new ‘ 3’3 *‘s a M1“
. . part Of the Health Service With it- funds, contracted with Blue Cross-Blue JEAN COX
- k The move worrying officials is the im- Shield to market the “Part A-Part B" Administrates
. ‘ . . . r
66 a Sin lng pending sw1tch of SHIP from a mandatory insurance policy on campus. health prog am
to a voluntary insurance plan.
UK students have had to seek an official Ironically, the $7 Part A policy, which all
SH 9 waiver from the $7—per-semester fee. BUt students were required to either purchase
IP thanks toa March 21 action by the Board of or waive. isn't an insurance policy at all. ,
. Trustees, they Wt" “0 longer need a Blue Cross turnsover reciepts from PartA
‘ waiver to net partricipate th the program. to the Health Service. which places them ‘
Med Center officials are confidently in a special account to pay medical ex-
predicting the hi“? “voluntary“ insurance penses of students who bought Part A in
I _ will be bought y as many students as the first lace.
nsurance plan subscribed to the old mandatory policy. p
More than 13,500 students signed up for the So far, the Health Service has netted a
o policy last fall. $25,000 surplus in funds with the program,
and Health servlce — Officials may be wrong and it plans to bankthose dollars for future
Dr. Frank Cascio, director of the student insurance payoffs.
. health service, believes those officials But if student pa t‘ ‘ t‘ d . dl
I may be wrong. r lClpa ion wm es—
enter a CruCla year Cascio is an avid proponent of the Health and Cascio and Cox are worried that it
Service, which is generally regarded as may—the $25,000 surplus will be eaten up
among the best in the country, as the Part A students place an increasing
But Cascio fears SHIP, a gamble when demand on the account. If the fund dries ‘
instituted last fall. will fail completely UP entirely, the Health Service is com-
under what he calls “extremely optistic“ mitted to pay the bills anyway—and the
predictions of student response from Med only way to d0 that is by CUttihS services. '
, Center officials. 'In a crunch”
First of “They‘re talking 12.000, 14.000 student- “We‘re in a crunch. and the University
s.“ he said during a recent interview. “If policies are set,“ said Cox. “They've got to
two parts it‘s significantly below that, we‘re in real ,choose between Sgident services and
trouble." Continued on Page 6. Col. 3
i .

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3—'I'II|C KICN'I‘l't‘KV KIIIRXI‘II” \\eililesda_\. \pl‘il 19. I972
° 9 - 1
' 0 g 1 . I ]- ] I still no I ( rug,
. o I O
JUICB Pea S. t (m t s mus (l (o to .
' O
, , , . , , _ . f 'I “There .m. \\ith the sztt social transitions ol the
. Ii) ( ll \lll.tll ll'. l'ltsl ll.“ \l l l2 problem at l l\. e\cessI\‘e drinking t‘Xt't‘sMH'l) \\ Ill mine out o l past in wars. Straits reported a number ot
N'NN‘I 511'“ “""t‘l' remams prevalent and is perpetuated by others." he said. "who won I . ~ .
llespite the e\'cr growing drug culture. thy \(lt'ldl em'ironment which surrounds llr llobert Strall'n a national autllol‘IlV) changes In alcohol Ilse b} Vtollege students
' ' drllllx'llls1 51'“ l‘t‘lllilllh lllt‘ tll‘t‘i” American .In_\ college campus. licer blasts. mixers. on alcoholism and chairman ol last tall 5 ma ltlttlartu-lt- tltlpd Dunkag tn ( "”0540
- pastnne on the college campus. pr.- tllllel's or alterAgame parties have l'lx' Drug (‘ommissioir conducted a stllll)’ II] the l’l‘l'SlN‘Clm' ”1 hoctal (hange,
V "ill“l't‘ ll't‘ilM-H d5 ”11‘.‘ ”1'“ t'illlt‘d l’.‘ always presented the opportunity tor ol the drinking customs and attitudes ol Sly-“”5 said on campuses where the use 01
. . lllt‘llll’l‘l'-\ “1 ”1" drug (““1"“- lil“ ”"0 (hunting on the college campus. .\merIcan college students in Wit. [It lite lll.‘tl‘l_|ll£ltl£l or 1451) had been m vogue. It
. broad categories ranging trom tlte . V . , report he and his colleague. Seldon l), was probable many ot the users (,1
~ ' ‘ ““"lt‘l'illt‘ M’V'dl ‘ll'mkt‘l i“ 1““ l’N'l" I712! M.” 5 lhug (mmlnnmn Report to llacon. said they did not anticipate that hallucinatoi‘_\' and psychedelic drugs were
‘ ’ ' . ‘ betore breaktast drinker ln bi tween hes l l‘ l “““l‘l'” lm” ‘_\' Single ”'1‘ stated: alcoholism would he a big problem I" 1h" students who otherwise would be misusing '
' ”l“ Ulm'ill ”"t'k'il-‘Wni‘l (ll'llllkdl'dn ““0 (Men M” humid m the contemporary college-age population. but did seek to alcohol.
V . , . UK” a weekend ott trotn the pressures ot coneet it about tho use ol illicit and identity students whose drinking patterns .
' , . dangerous drugs is the tact that alcohol indicated potenti'Il 'ilcoholism However. there seems 10 have been an
. remains the Inost cotntnon potentially ‘ . V. _ . I,” alcoholism ”WW3“ ”1 ll“? acceptance ”1 89'1“?”
. . ‘4,”1/y315 (puma-(m5 pgwhmmpim. drug used by _ “ill‘llllltl Mts’lhll“ “l l"’“ ”y" ‘ l _, ‘ V escuplslll behavior among students and In
' , - ' college students.” Included blackouts while (linking. the approval ot escapistic reasons for
' ,. .- becoming drunk alone. aggressiveness. drinking.
< , _ _ . college Inc to unwind with etlnl alcohol. .\lthough there is no chapter ()1 and use ot alcohol belore. or instead ot.
1 :r. . ' "Drinking on the college campus is .\lcoholics .\non)iiioiis on the [K campus l’l'l‘ilkliN- Straus said this didn't necessarily mean
.' ~ . . , nothing sensational." said Dr. Freda there are l'l\' students who are members at (it all the students participating in the the misuse ot' alcohol could he expected to
.l V- ‘ ‘ .\lll‘.l\\ I('/. .‘lt'llllg tlll't‘t'lt)!‘ (ll l)S}'('lllilll'}' ill .\lt‘()llt)ll('.\' .~\ll()ll_\'lllt)l1.\' (lCCtll‘tllllg 10 19","; Sll1(l\'. (mly 51X [)(‘l‘Ct‘lli ()l [110 1111110 lllCl't‘ilSt' ()11 today's college CI'JUIDUS. “The
i ‘ V the l'lx’ Medical (‘enter "('ollege students .\sslsl(llll Dean ot Students Robert 0. students and one percent 0‘ the {0,111,105 changes inthe nature 01‘50016‘1)’, the nature
V' ' ‘ . lla\'e always been Known to drink. but that l-Ilder demonstrated potential problem drinking. ot college and college life, and in the in—
V . . . doesn I mean that all students who get \\ \ Ice ch'Iirm'In ot the l'K Drug The study. the 0an one 01 its kind to date. tergenerational relationships appear to ,
i ‘ - ‘ll'mlk “l“ “l"“l“’l“" commission Md“. said ”HM students concluded that most college students have hastened the maturation process of
. . . t t . 4 - L s n . . _ . ‘ ~ ) I . l .' V ‘ I N ‘ V V .‘ “ .
'1 , ' .\lthough alcoholism Isn‘t a pressing “ht, t-nmt- to college and begin drinking during the 1930 s Itstd alcohol moduatel). tontt lllpoldl) youth. he said,
. " . -V O o to o 1 Old. ’ 5)
, , . Is UK Justified 111 )111 mg 1t.
1 D b h f t1) 1] t d'
i. . 0" 'l‘womembersot the 'l‘horohred the concept ot t'ootball itsell Karl Merchant. a Junior English . Leach . supported . the lllllVllOlll Will come lrom bonds
' ' ‘ I Debate program argued Monday being a luxury. major. claimed there is alter- .lUSllllCilllOn l’)’ relerrmg ‘0 "m ”01 taxpayers.
; 'ji ' will” ““01“” ”\i 1* .lU-‘lllled 1" Virginia Leach.a junior history native land area on campus Monday 5 kvr’lel. .meh \' rm. (1' .. .. (1 th -. l'
" , building a new .-)ll.llllll.\'(‘£ll tootball major justified the stadium where new classrooms could be H‘Pmlt‘dV ””1 [K 5. sports l (l U” 150559 V9 Issue 0
' ~ ‘ ~ - ‘ .. < < . , . , . , . ~ . .
‘ - ' , - \mlium lH‘Olt‘Ci bys'n'ingthel'mdon Stoll bu11t. Merchant favored blocked- l’lllgldm '5 M‘ll‘hupporlmg 5h? “ “‘1” d m“ Sldd’um “OUld
‘ .( c s _ . . x . -.“Vl.,.... .4 . ,
. ; - Tm“, main NW“. were Field could be used Ior off streets and busmg as a said most ol lllt mono} 139 Ill( rtast l l\ s Iecrumng efforts.
. , - i ‘ brought out in the debate: classrooms and centralized parkmngolthIon. .
1 .~ . ', _ ' _. - source ol the money 10 student activities. He said hentuck) taxpayers 0 ay an lOmOrrOW
., . . _ V . . ‘ .‘ .. . . - . . - y ) I .
' , , lmance the stadium. She also said parking would be “'13" "”5 “ Lug; bdurdctn Of thé -/ SPEAKER Alan Donagan on “Casuistry and
. .- . - ,. _ . - . , , , . - . . . t . . . y , 51'] mm cost. “”1 e uca ton an ..The deadline tor announcements is it a.m. Moral Principles: The Abortion Con,
; J ”m” lllll)()l‘ldnt Al“. “Ht" 9 l1 *5 “l d P1 ("’1‘ m ll d ”9“ V‘ ‘ . two weekdays prior to publication at items in troversy." 7:30 p.m. In room 206, Classroom
_- :_ , - ‘ _ uses tor the $11 million ex~ stadium Is built. highway construction are more :V'V'lstolumn- A" announcements will be W" Building.
: , _, . . . . . . , _ , . ,. . . y , l - ‘ ree imes; twice before the day at the
. y . '. . . . . penditure and .\rgumg against the protect. m H 55d! _\ ( xpt ndltUl‘O-S. event and on the day oI the event. sxy DIVING CLUB organizational meeting
. . V , room 109, Student Center. Movies will be
, . . . . T TODAY shown.
. '. ' ‘ ' SELF-DEFENSE classepm. in room 306D, COWBOYS AND INDIANS Free U Class will
. , . Complex Commons Free.
‘ .- , . V meet 7:30 p.m. in room 203 Frazee Hall.
V V ’ meeting 7.30 p.m in room 119, Student TOMORROW
_. ‘ . Center Arrangements Wlll be made for
. , dem°"5"a"°" "‘ New Y0“ COLLOOUIUM on "Physics Looks at Solar
V . . Energy,” 4 pm, In room 153, Chemistry
_, . .V ' ‘ -. ‘“—_~—————- Physics Building. Everyone welcome.
a . .’ - . Th9 H‘fl'u‘ks "CfM' MISCELLANEOUS
‘ IV " - The “9'"ch “em” ”3 ’°"""""“ To NT POWER, 2 .m. A ril 29
, ' , ‘. ‘ ‘ Building. University ofKentucky Lexington, :lllzzilttick 0:) t dt . l T. d'pt . t
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. . ’ ' V during the schoolyear except during holdays d ' 'c ar y‘ mee Ings to se ec
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. . '_ summer session. youerounty clerk's office to find out your
. ~V . V Second c district.
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