xt751c1thp00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thp00/data/mets.xml Minnesota United States. Works Progress Administration Lowe, Robert C.(Robert Chapin), 1907- 1936 p. 2101-2184, 1 leaf (folded); 27 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:35/M 66 books English Washington: Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Minnesota Works Progress Administration Publications Public welfare -- Law and legislation -- Minnesota Charity laws and legislation -- Minnesota Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of Minnesota text Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of Minnesota 1936 1936 2019 true xt751c1thp00 section xt751c1thp00 J IIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFI
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This bulletin is one of a series intended to present in
abstract form the public welfare provisions of the 1aWS of each of
the States.
The purpose of these bulletins is to give a brief review
of the provisions for public assistance under the laws of the several
? Jurisdictions, and of the administrative agencies set up by law with
5: reference thereto. A chart showing the organizational relationships
0 ,1. of the administrative agencies is included.
éj The possibility of error in attemptinngith a limited staff
1% and in a limited time to assemble and digest the formidable mass of
:i material incident to such a study is frankly recognized. The coopera-
i: tion of those who have occasion to use these digests in reporting any
:: errors of omission or commission noted, or in suggesting improvement
:% in form or content, is invited and will be greatly appreciated.
E: Meanwhile it is hoped that those interested in considering
: the reorganization or strengthening of public welfare services in the
i: several States may find the digests of practical value.
,_ \‘(4’ -. J ; , ; 1;) 1;; 4L w. : -, _\ Clix .3
. :‘i" ) [fr/j, ‘ ' 1,, ‘

Public Welfare Provisions Page
General Poor Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2101
Care of Dependent Children in Their Own Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2105
Dependent and Neglected Children (Institutions and Agencies). . . . . . . . 2105
Blind Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2107
old Age Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2109
Veterans' Relief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2112
Administrative Provisions

State Executive Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2116
State Board of Control (Department of Public Institutions). . . . . . . . . 2119
State Prison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2125
State Reformatory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2129
. State Reformatory for Women. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2152
State Training School for Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2154
School for Feebledflinded and Colony for Epileptics . . . . . . . . . . 2156
Hospitals and Asylums for Insane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2159
- Schools for Deaf and Blind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2145
State Public School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2147
Gillette State Hospital for Crippled Children. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2150
State Sanatorium for Consumptives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2152
Home School for Girls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . 2155
General Hospital . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2155
State Board of Criminal Classification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2159
Board of Pardons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2161
State Board of Parole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2165
Soldiers' Home Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2167
Juvenile Court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2170
Board of County Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2175
Board of Poor Conmdssioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2181
County Child Welfare Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2185

Chart Showing Public Welfare Agencies

 Minnesota 2101
(a) Description of clapg
Every poor person who for any reason is unable to earn a
livelihood, except a person who becomes a pauper from intemperence or
other bad conduct. 1/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
In counties having the town system, the town boards, and
city and village councils are supervisors of the poor. All applications
for aid are made to such boards or councils, which grant such relief as
they deem necessary. 5/
In counties having the county system, the members of the
Board of Commissioners are county supervisors of the poor. In counties
where the Board of County Commissioners has employed and appointed an
overseer of the poor, the Board may by resolution confer full authority ‘
for granting temporary relief to the poor on the overseer of the poor
or such other person as it may appoint, and in such cases the overseer
or other person appointed is the only authorized agent of the county to
incur expense for relief of the poor. 5/ Board of Poor Commissioners
grants aid in certain counties. 3/
. (c) Measure of responsibility
In counties having the county system and town system the poor
person may receive relief in the poorhouse 5/, or he may be allowed
temporary direct relief in an amount deemed expedient, but no money may
be given any poor person except for transportation and to buy food. 5/
Hospitalization 5/ or decent burial may be granted. 1/
(d) Qualifications imposed
Every poor person must be supported by his children, parents,
brothers and sisters, grandchildren, or grandparents who are sufficiently
able to do so. 1/ When any of the relatives are not of sufficient ability
or refuse and fail to support, the county or city in which the pauper has
settlement, must provide support. 5/ Every person who has resided one year
continuously in any county has settlement therein. In a county with the
town system, he has settlement in town, city or village in which he has
resided longest within the year. 2/
l. Mason's Minn. Laws (1927), Sec. 5157.
2. Ibid, Sec. 5184.
5. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1954 Supp.), Sec. 5165.
4. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 5196.

In counties having a population of over 75,000 and an area of over 5,000
miles, the Board of Poor Commissioners has all powers and duties relative to
care of poor which appertain to the county board, in counties having the

. county system. Ibid.
5. Mason’s Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 3171.
6. Laws (1935), Ch. 359.
7. Mason’s Minn. Stat. (1927), See. 5176.
8. Ibid, Sec. 5159.
9. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1954 Supp.), Sec. 5161.

 2102 Minnesota - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(d) Qualifications imposed (Cont'd) .
Hospitalization may be granted only when it is probable that
ailment, defonnity or malady can be remedied by proper medical care and
treatment. 19/
(8) Incidence of financial responsibility
On the county 11/, obligation mandatory. 12/
(f) Taxes
County board levies an annual tax sufficient to defray
estimated expenses of supporting and relieving the poor. 15/
Each political subdivision is authorized to borrow funds
and pledge the credit of the political subdivision for the expense of
poor. 14/ Such political subdivisions are authorized to issue bonds
to meet this indebtedness. lp/ Such bonds may be retired by a tax
levy. lg/ These provisions are effective until April 1, 1957. 12/
Each city of the first class and each county containing a
city of the first class, and which are responsible by statute for
administering poor relief alone or jointly, is authorized to levy a
tax at a rate of not exceeding 5 mills for each dollar of the assessed
valuation. _l§/ .
In counties having a Board of Poor Commissioners, the Board
determines the amount of tax to be levied for the ensuing year for the
support of the poor, but such amount must not exceed an amount equal to
5 mills on each dollar of the assessed valuation. 12/
(g) Administrative agencies
In counties having county system, the county board (County
Commissioners) are supervisors of poor; or they may appoint overseers
of poor or other officers to administer the poor relief. 29/
In counties having the town system, the town boards and
city and village councils exercise these powers. 21/
Board of Poor Commissioners in counties with population
exceeding 75,000 administers poor relief. 22/
(h) Supervisorz controls
No provision.
10. Laws (1955), Ch. 559. 17. Laws (1955), Ch. 48.
ll. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 5161 (4). 18. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1954
12. Ibid, Sec. 5157. Supp.), Sec. 5164 (9).
15. Ibid, Sec. 5177. 19. Ibid, Sec. 5199. .
14. Ibid (1954 Supp.), Sec. 5164 (2). 20. Ibid, Sec. 5165.
15. Ibid, Sec. 5164 (5). 21. Ibid (1927), Sec. 5184.
16. Ibid, Sec. 5164 (5). 22. Ibid, 566- 3196.

 Minnesota - Digest of rublic Welfare Provisions 2105
(a) Description of class

Any child under the age of 18 years, found by the juvenile
court to be dependent, who is regularly attending school, if physically
able and above the minimum school age; or who is under compulsory school
age; or who is physically unable to attend school; or who is over compul—
sory school age, but through physical or mental disability is unable to
be employed; or who is over compulsory school age and unemployed, and his
unemployment is without fault on his part, but who is of such intelli-
gence and mental capacity as to make further schooling inadvisable in the
opinion of the court. 1/

The mother, stepmother or grandmother is eligible to
receive the pension for the care of such child. An illegitimate child
living in the same household with a legitimate child of the same mother
is included in the provisions of this Act. 3/

(b) Procedure for detennining eligibility

Upon application for allowance to the juvenile court and
before making any order or allowance, it is the duty of the court,
either through the judge in person or through the County Child Welfare
Board and its agents, or a probation officer designated for that

. purpose, or an official investigator, to make an inquiry as to all
points necessary to establish the right to such allowance. §/

Upon establishing and filing data that all conditions
have been met, the court orders payment of a sum of money necessary
for the mother to care for her child. 1/

(c) Measure of responsibility

Court orders payment of a sum of money which it deems
necessary to enable the mother to bring the child up properly in her
own home. This sum must not exceed $20 per month for one child and
$15 per month for each additional child. y

(d) gialifications hnposed

Mother is a Widow, or if husband is living, he is an
inmate of a penal institution under a sentence that will not tenni-
nate within 5 months; or is an inmate of a State institution for
the insane, epileptic, inebriate or feeble-minded; or unable to
labor for the support of his family by reason of mental or physical
disability; or there is and has been for 5 months past an outstand—
ing warrant for his arrest for abandoning his child, or his wife
while pregnant, provided the mother has in good faith made a reason—
able effort to apprehend him. 3/

. 1. Laws (1935), Ch. 5'7, Sec. 1.
2. Ibid, Sec. 7.
3. Ibid, Sec. 4.
4. Ibid, Sec. 8671.

 2104 Minnesota - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(d) Qualifications imposed (Cont'd)

Dependency of the child is due to poverty of the mother with—
out neglect or fault on her part. 3/

The mother is a proper person to have custody of the child,
and the welfare of the child will be subserved by permitting him to remain
in the custody of the mother. E/

The mother is a citizen of the United States or has made
application to become a citizen, and has resided continuously 2 years last
past in the State and one year continuously last past in the county. 3/

The mother or father does not have property of a reasonable
market value in excess of $100 exclusive of clothing, necessary household
equipment and domestic animals expedient for subsistence; or any real
estate not used as a home which does not produce an income and which it
would be inequitable to sell. Ownership of more than $500 is not a bar
if the applicant has no other real or personal property except that needed
for personal use, and if all but $100 is deposited in trust with a proper
depositor. E/

(9) Incidence of financial responsibility

County general revenue or poor funds 6/, obligation mandatory. 5/ .

In event of Federal aid the county is to be reimbursed one-
third from.State funds and one-third from Federal funds. 2/

(f) Taxes
See "General Poor Relief".
(g) Administrative agencies

The juvenile court; the judge or county child welfare boards,
the agents thereof, and probation officer or the official investigators
nwke investigation, but court fixes and allows or rejects applications. §/

(h) Supervisory controls
. The State Board of Control. 2/
4. Laws (1955), Ch. 57, Sec. 8671.
5. Ibid, Sec. 8679.
6. Ibid, Sec. 8672.
'7. Ibid, Ch. 526, Sec. 2. .
2. Ibid, Ch. 57, Sec. 8675.
9. Ibid, Ch. 526, Sec. 1.

 Minnesota — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 2105
(a) Description of class
"Dependent child" means a child who is illegitimate;
or whose parents, for good cause, desire to be relieved of his
care and custody, or who is without a parent or lawful guardian
able to adequately provide for his support, training and education,
and is unable to maintain himself by lawful employment. "Neglected
child" means a child who is abandoned by both parents, or, if one
parent is dead, by the survivor or by his guardian; or who is found
living with vicious or disreputable persons, or whose home, by
reason of improvidence, neglect, cruelty, or depravity on the part
of the parents, guardian or other person in whose care he may be,
is an unfit place for such child; or whose parents or guardian
neglect or refuse, when able to do so, to provide medical, surgical
or other remedial care, or when such child is mentally deficient
and needful of care in a State institution, but parent or guardian
refuses to have such child committed. 1/ This applies to a child
under 18 years of age. 3/
(b) Pracedure for determining eligibility
Any reputable person resident in the county having
knowledge of a child in the county who appears to be dependent or
neglected; and any agent of Board of Control or of the State Depart—
. ment of Labor and Industries may file with the judge or clerk of
juvenile court a petition setting forth the facts verified. 3/ Upon
hearing of such petition, and finding any child to be dependent or
neglected, the court may make an order committing the child as it
sees fit. 3/ ,
(c) Measure of responsibility
The court may make an order committing the child to
the care of the State Board of Control, or to the State Public
School or some other suitable State institution, or to the care
of some reputable citizen, or to the care of some reputable citi—
zen of good moral character, or to the care of some association
willing and licensed by law to accept such child. In counties
having over 33,000 population, such children may be committed to
county homes. 5/ ’
l. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 8636.
2. Ibid, Sec. 8637.
3. Ibid, Sec. 8642.
4. Laws (1935), Ch. 82, Sec. 8646.
. 5. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 8649.

 2106 Minnesota — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(d) Qualifications imposed
A dependent child may not be taken from his parents
without their consent, unless it is found needful to do so in order
to prevent serious detriment to the welfare of the child. é/
(e) Incidence of financial responsibilitx
County is reimbursed one-half of the expenses of
each child committed to it. 1/
State provides for the care of children in the State
Public School. §/
State: General mm. 53/
Obligation optional. 2/
(f) Taxes
No specific provision. (State general fund).
(g) Administrative agencies
Juvenile Court. 10/ .
(h) Supervisor! controls
State Board of Control. 11/
6. Laws (1935), Ch. 82, Sec. 8646.
7. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 8649.
8. Laws (1955), Ch. 159, Sec. 12.
9. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 8646. .
10. Ibid, Sec. 8637.
11. Laws (1955), Ch. 626.

 Minnesota - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 2107
. (a) Description of class
Any needy person over 21 years of age who with the
‘ "help of eye glasses or other resources has not the ocular power for
the ordinary affairs of life or for the performance of tasks for which
eye sight is essential. l/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
Application must be wade to the State Board of
Control and must include a certificate as to degree of blindness of
applicant made by a duly licensed ophthalmologist and an affidavit
setting forth the applicant's net income for the year immediately
preceding the application. The State Board of Control must act upon
the application and if it approves it, notify the applicant. 2]
Appeal may be made by any aggrieved person to the
District Court of the county in which he resides. g/
(c) Measure of responsibility
The pensioner receives $30 per month. 2/ If the
annual appropriation is insufficient to pay pensions in full, the
State Board of Control must prorate the appropriation. 5/
. (d) Qualifications imposed
The applicant must be a citizen of the United
States and a resident of the State for 5 of the 9 years immediately
preceding date of application and one year immediately preceding
application, or must have become blind while a resident of the State
and have resided continuously in the State since becoming blind. é/
Applicant must not be an inmate of any State,
county, or municipally owned charitable, reformatory, or penal insti-
tution in this State, with the exception of the Minnesota summer
school for the blind. 2/
Applicant must not solicit money, alms, or other
benefits as an individual from the general public. §/
No person eligible for old age assistance may
continue to be eligible for blind assistance. 9/
1. Laws (1935), (First Special Session), Ch. 93, Sec. 1. This Act
takes effect July 1, 1936.
2. Laws (1935), (First Special Session), Ch. 95, Sec. 4-a.
5. Ibid, Sec. 7—a.
4. Ibid, Sec. 2.
. 5. Ibid, Sec. 10.
6. Ibid, Sec. 3-a. .
7. Ibid, Sec. 3—b.
‘ 8. Ibid, Sec. Sec.
9. Ibid, Sec. 9.

 2108 Minnesota - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility .
State. Obligation mandatory. 19/ I
(f) Lays
No specific provisions.
(g) Administrative agencies
The State Board of Control. _l_1_/
(h) Supervisory controls I
No provision.
10. Laws (1935), (First Special Session), Ch. 95, Sec. 6.
11. Ibid, Sec. 5.

 Minnesofl — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions ’ 2109
(a) Description of class
Persons 65 years of age or over 1/ who are in need and
whose physical or other conditions or disabilities seem to render
permanent their inability to provide properly for themselves. 2/
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
Application must be made in writing to the county agency
of the county in which applicant has a legal settlement, in such manner
and form as has been prescribed by the State agency. Upon filing of
application the county agency arranges for a hearing 5/ and upon approval
of application must fix the amount of old age assistance and issue a
' certificate stating the date upon which old age assistance payments
commence and the amount of each installment which must be paid monthly. 4/
Appeal may be made to State agency 5/, and an appeal from the decision
of the State agency nay be made to the district court of the county in
which the application was filed. fi/
(0) Nbasure of responsibility
The amount and manner of payment of old age assistance must
be fixed with due regard to the conditions in each case and must be an
amount which when added to the net income of the applicant, including
. subsistence or services reasonably available to him, does not exceed a
maximum of $50 per month. 1/ Irregular or casual earnings and gifts when
such do not exceed $100 in any calendar year may be excluded in calculating
total income. §/ Applicant may receive medical, dental, surgical or
hospital assistance or nursing care._§/
0n the death of recipient the county agency may allow
' reasonable funeral expenses not exceeding $100 if the estate of the
deceased is insufficient to defray these expenses. 19/
1. Laws (1955), (First Special Session) H. B. No. 264-X, Sec. 6 (a).
This Act takes effect March 1, 1956.
2. Laws (1955), (First Special Session) H. B. No. 264-X, Sec. 1.
3. Ibid, Sec. 9 (c).
4. Ibid, Sec. 10.
5. Ibid, Sec. 9 (d). By "county agency" is meant the Board of County
Commissioners or any other board which may be authorized to administer
old age assistance in any county. In any county having a Poor Commission
authorized to administer poor relief with all the power of a county
board, the term "county agency" means the Poor Commission. By "State
agency" is meant the State Board of Control. Ibid, Sec. 1 (d).
6. Laws (1955), (First Special Session) H. B. No. 264AX, Sec. 11 (b).
'7. Ibid, Sec. 5 (b).
. 8. Ibid, Sec. 5 (b), (2).
9. Ibid, Sec. 5 (c). .
10. Ibid, Sec. 14.

 2110 Minnesota — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(d) Qualifications imposed

Applicant must be a United States citizen or have
resided continuously in the United States for over 25 years and
have been a resident of the State for 5 years or more within the
9 years immediately preceding application. At least one year of the
residence must have been continuous immediately preceding application,
provided that whenever a person has been a resident of the State at
least 2 years continuously immediately preceding application but has
not resided therein 5 years within the above mentioned 9 year period,
this may be added to the years of actual residence as a credit for
years of actual residence in the State, preceding the 9 year period
on a graduated basis according to previous length of residence before
absence from the State. 11/

Applicant is not, because of physical or mental condition
in need of institutional care. 12/ Applicant is not an inmate of any
public, charitable, custodial orrcorrectional institution maintained
by the United States or any State with the exception of temporary
medical or surgical care in a hospital or infirmary. 15/

Net value of property of applicant or combined property
of husband and wife must not exceed $5,500, provided, however, that
household goods and personal effects and a lot in a burial ground
may be owned in addition. £4] .

Applicant or his or her spouse must not, after passage
of this Act or within 2 years prior thereto, deprive himself directly
or indirectly of any property for the purpose of qualifying for old
age assistance. 15/

(e) Incidence of financial responsibility

State reimburses county one—third from State funds and
one-half from Federal funds (if full one—half is not available then
available Federal funds must be paid ratably and proportionately to
counties in the proportion which the total amount paid by each county
bears to the total amount paid by all counties). 16/

Burial expenses: State one-half, county one-half. 11/
11. Laws (1955), (First Special Session) H. B. No. 264-X, Sec. 6.

12. Ibid, Sec. 6-d.

15. Ibid, Sec. 8-a.

14. Ibid, Sec. 8-b.

15. Ibid, Sec. 8-c.

16. Ibid, Sec. 25—a, b. '

17. Ibid, Sec. 14. .

 Minnesota - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 2111
(f) Taxes
The Board of County Commissioners of each county must
annually levy taxes and fix a tax rate for old age assistance,
sufficient to procure the full amount necessary to carry out the
provisions of this Act, and to pay in full the county share of old
age assistance and administrative expenses for the ensuing year. 18/
In the event Federal funds are not available or are inadequate to
pay in full one-half of all old age assistance grants contemplated
by this Act and until Federal funds are available in full, the county
board of each county may reduce each old age assistance grant by an
amount equal to such deficiency. 12/
(g) Administrative agencies
County agency. See: Footnote 5.
(h) Supervisory controls
State Board of Control. 20/
18. Laws (1955), (First Special Session) H. B. No. 264-X, Sec. 24-a.
19. Ibid, Sec. 54.
20. Ibid, Sec. 2-e.

 2112 Minnesota - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(a) Description of class
Soldiers' Home 1
All honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines
of the United States who served in the Mexican War, the Civil War, the
Spanish-American War, or the Philippine Insurrection, or the Boxer
Rebellion, or members of the Minnesota National Guard who were mustered
into Federal service in the World War or who served on the Mexican '
Border in 1916; who are unable to earn their living by reason of wounds,
disease, old age or infirmities and who have no adequate means of
support. 1/
Wives may be allowed admittance with their husbands
into the Home, as well as widows or mothers of honorably discharged
veterans, who would be eligible if alive. 1/
Any woman, 65 years and over, who was regularly
employed as a Union Army nurse, may be admitted to the Home. 2/
Persons possessing all the above qualifications and
able financially to pay their expenses, may be admitted by paying the
costs of care in the Home. 5/
Pensions .
~ Relief to persons outside the Home who are entitled
to admission sueh.as deserted wives of soldiers, widows and dependent
parents of such as have died, and the deserted or orphan children of
such wives or widows under age of 16 years. 3/
The widow, or children under 18 years of age, or
parent or parents.who survive a Spanish-American war veteran. 5/
Any honorably discharged officer, soldier, sailor,
marine, nurse, student nurse or dietition who was in the military or
naval forces of the United States during the World War, and in case
of his death, his widow, dependent children under 18 years, or parents. 6/
Children not under 16 nor over 22 years of age of any
honorably discharged veteran of the World War. 1/
1. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1934 Supp.), Sec. 4345.
2. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 4547.
5. Ibid, Sec. 4546.
4. Ibid, Sec. 4555.
5. Laws (1955), Ch. 195. '
6. Ibid, on. 213. .
7. Ibid, Ch. 550.

 Minnesota — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 2115
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility

Soldiers' Home

Application is made to the Board of Trustees of the
Soldiers' Home, and investigation is made by county agents. Appli-
cants are admitted by order of the Soldiers' Home Board. 8/

(1) Relief outside the Home is under the direction of
the Soldiers' Home Board upon application of eligible person through
county agents. 9/

(2) Aid to Spanish-American war veterans and their
survivors is administered by the Corporation of United States War
Veterans. 19/

(0) Measure of responsibility

Custodial care in the Soldiers' Home. 11/


(1) Such relief as the Soldiers' Home Board may prescribe. 12]

. (2) Pensions of $12 per month are paid to the Indian
War veterans. lé/

The dependents of Spanish War veterans are paid an
amount which such deceased soldier would have received, as ascertained
by the United Spanish War Veterans. lgf

Decent burial not to exceed $100. 15/

Matriculation fees, board and room rent and books
and supplies for use and benefit of minor dependents of World War
veterans killed in action, who are attending or may attend any educa—
tional or training institution of a secondary or college grade located
in this State and approved by the State Board of Education. 16/
8. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1954 Supp.), Sec. 4545.

9. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), See. 4556.

10. Ibid, Sec. 7957.

ll. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1954 Supp.), Sec. 4544.
12. Ibid, Sec. 4565.

15. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 4587.

14. Laws (1955), Ch. 195.

15. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), See. 4570.

16. Laws (1955), Ch. 550.

 2114 Minnesota - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(d) Qualifications imposed

A veteran must have been a resident of the State for 5 years
immediately preceding the date of application, unless he served in a
Minnesota regiment or was credited to the State, and must be without
adequate means of support, and unable to maintain himself. 12/

No wife, widow or mother may be admitted to the Home unless
she has been a resident of the State for 5 years preceding date of appli-
cation and has reached the age of 55 years. Wives or widOWS of veterans
of the Indian war or Civil War must have been married to their veteran
husbands prior to the year 1905, and all other wives or widows must have
been married prior to September 1, 1922. 18/

Relief outside the Home may not be granted unless the
recipient has been a resident of the State 5 years immediately preceding
the application. 19/

If any applicant to or inmate of the Home has a wife or
dependent children, the Soldiers' Home Board may require him to contri-
bute to their support one—half of a Federal pension, if any be received
by him. 20/

As a condition of his admission to Home, the applicant .
must execute his will disposing of any personal property of which he
may die possessed. 21/

All children of war veterans who receive educational aid
must be between ages of 16 and 22 years and residents of the State
2 years. 22/

(9) Incidence of financial responsibility

County must pay for burial of deceased indigent veterans
who die therein. 2_3/

State appropriates annually the funds for relief in the
Soldiers' Home 24/ and levies taxes for other relief. 25/

17. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1954 Supp.), Sec. 4544.

18. Ibid, Sec. 4545.

19. Ibid, Sec. 4565.

20. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), See. 4564.

21. Ibid, Sec. 4566.

22. Ibid, Sec. 4570.

25. Laws (1955), Ch. 550.

24. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 4555.

25. Ibid, Sec. 4554. .

 Minnesota - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 2115
. VETERANS ' RELIEF (Cont ' d)
(f) Texas

State tax levy, annually, of one—tenth of one mill on

each dollar of the assessed valuation of taxable property. 26/
(g) Administrative agencies

Soldiers' Home Board through County agents must pass on
applications for admission to the Home and grant relief outside the
Home. 36/

The State Executive Council is authorized to use reason-
able sums to aid in the relief of veterans of all wars and disburses
these sums. 32/

(h) Supervisory controls

No provision.
26. Mason's Minn. Stat. (1927), Sec. 4354.

27. Laws (1935), Ch. 33.

 2116 Minnesota - Abstract of Administrative Provisions
(Statutory Body)
I. General Powers and Duties

(l) The State Executive Council exercises the duties
vested in or imposed upon the State Board of Relief l/, and meets
from time to time upon the call of the Governor or the executive
secretary, at the request of 5 or more of its members. 2/

(2) The State Board is authorized to take any measures
necessary to prevent or avert any impending disaster which threatens
to destroy life or property in the State, to grant relief or temporary
assistance to communi