xt751c1thn9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thn9q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1990 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1990 Vol.61 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 1990 Vol.61 No.11 1990 1990 2019 true xt751c1thn9q section xt751c1thn9q ‘Ihe Ke ' y
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,2Qozmwol NEWSPAPER I Waterma-
T1655 mm is
(” ff1c1a1 Publication of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce - Vol. 61, No. 11 - November 1990 ;
~- ,; pened records Case for op enness IS not closed
,2 ‘ Two state agencies, long. i _
H5;:‘in‘ifiwllllnl‘iil 'ie's't'o most of the press,have‘ * . _ _ ‘ ‘ _ .
C1_1'33“"?L?‘§1j[;i”,,___,,,,,,arrangements with :theiiKBA When the Knott County Attor- mgs/ records legislation still requires meetings/ records laws when the 1990 .-
' ' [7"1.j"“"[_:,,§ 'iureau to disseminateiinfori": ney was out of town, The Troublesome attention, a task force of legislators, legislative body was in session. "
v;1;~;_;,,;§;;5y§:zgn .-on theirprocee'dings; .1 Creek Times did not have access to court media representativesand othercitizens This time around two KPA "
- , - , " Parole‘Board Chairman Dr; records. is trying to draft new legislation. representatives are membersof theTask .»
John Runda has dire cte dzhis staff‘to. *In Bowling Green, The College The Task Force on Open Meet- Force: Steve Lowery, publisher of The -
addtheNewsBureautothémonthly Heights Herald, Western Kentucky ingsand Records had its initial meeting Kentucky Standard in Bardstown, and ,
mailing list for Mo keyrecords.0ne: University’s student newspaper, ques- Oct. 11 in Frankfort and has tentatively Stan Macdonald, special projects editor .
is the Parole Eligibility List, t elling. tioned an executive session of the WKU set the second Thursday in each month for The Courier-Journal in Louisville.
which cases areupfor reviewbynthe Board of Regents, which the paper al- asameeting date. The group’s charge is They and KP A Executive Di- i
board. . V V . V .y ~ leges discussed other issues than those to present its recommendations by next rector David Thompson, along with
Also available now are the stated. . . . August to the Legislative Research ‘ Attorneys Kim Greene and Mike Judy,
minutes'from each parole hearing, . fA aim?“ group m Owensboro Commissmn so that new.leg181ahon can came away from the October meeting ;
with :lo‘cation and date (if-hearing} filed suit claiming the MuniCipal Im— be drafted for conSideration by the 1992 with renewed hope. ,
inmate name and county, and action- provement corp' VlOlated the Open General Assembly' . The task force Chairman, State :
, taken. . ' V ' Meetings statute. KPA members fought a losmg
Editors, by now, shouldl . *The Rowan Water Board of battle to revamp the current open See Open back page
m ; haverec gm": danmiti alm 311111ng _Dir_ector:s refused to allowareporter to . _ . g _ g p _ p g ‘ . p ‘ i .
:fitw‘hm‘m and Zoning Commission reportedly HellfFamenommatwnsdue .. ~ ~
' ,z , Thé‘ ‘b‘théf’ ‘r‘é'c'gtagffxfiawn voted by secretballoton the ouster of its Lil:.',oZIZIQ'IllIfLif.1;7:fl:l'jflflf.i::iff..i7§j:§:Z "1' _ f .I' ' ‘ ' " ” ' ‘ ‘ ' I
available:.'aie thoseoftheKenmcky Chairman Januaryfilsthedeadhne't‘qr nominations forthe .Kenmcky'ioumai- .
Boardjsof,Medical: Licensurewhich *The telephone was apparently ismHallofFame .: iiio-sagigt, ' .- ' ,., . _ ' g. :
reiie'vis'sofitiil'eiinté ogmnstphys1 the medium used by “ml?” 0f the SixtysevenpersonshavebeenmduetedIntothemllofFamesments 3
nthltlctrmrandth Kentucky Lottery Commssm to vote establshmenoniesebythevmverstyofKontucky Jonrnolionovnlnnmi-v .
,iecordshavealwaysbeenopen,but Across Kentucky, the issue of totheprofeswonoflournalism ‘ gggfljgjgjgvfi, ..~‘-n_ . ‘
:hoardmembers,whoapproached OPS—IT meehnss and 9136“ records 0f lgi’éiiasiéiéiiiiselecuonsaremade 30mlt‘dlviéualfilififingbrdead,whoare natives
KP A,areconcernedthatthepubllc public agenCies remains a hot one. A ofKentuckyorwhohave spent aL-sigi‘iificant portion of their careersvin
.cidé's fibtihajve acae's's’zfii; = look at clippings from neWSPapers ééilseiitiicky, ..; 3‘ . ' ji'l ;' ' x ' , ': _. . .
f ”tithe:hoariniifiTéSTiizQ‘égiieéd to around Fhe. State reveals 25 separate 15f"Nominationsshouldbe?s2ii1e<1.e§...iiiylet.ter.form including-'ipertinent
minimum :hleWS’BureauWIflim alleged madents Since May- i-ibaslégmuhd}ififfifiihéfififiéiabout thenomnee'indUding phOtograph; to Ken'
mimosa:sensation;teenagers . And. the.“ just fer obviously tuckonurnahsmHollofFomeSchoolofioumahsmiuniveroity ofKe—ntucky, .
montmymeenngshstmgflnename 10“th organizations Not Included are LexmgtonKy40506 " I; 1' _ , .
oomapinedpersoncoumyf those humereder maybe theueenee of nooseoeleetedmnbenductednnpni during *the‘loeecteaeon .
reSIdenceandactiontakemTlus quaelpubhegroupethatmekedeeelens =~LetweenUK:mooningnoncomnnitteotontnoHauornameconsists'ofrhedeanv .
toownllbepassedalongtoKPA affecm‘g segments F’f the 1’9““ a“? oft-heUKCOHegeofCOmmumcanOnsditeeféi-Pf-tthKSchmloflournaliem f
newsroapersmthesubiect'shome that Operate at lea“ 1“ pa” w‘th pubhc o¥3t§¥§th§»P¥¢s§S?W oftheiKenfitk¥sEf€5§§.A$$9§iefi9¥n:KenmCRY Ewadcasters
county .;Ei2:iifitiiiiif5g.:}*:. " funds- _' AssoaanonandtheUKloumahsmAlummASsocianonV , ~ .: -. ,_ :
n.1,;a;.23.:21914:31:44.» wag..;;:,:2:2;;;-...:.:21:2; .13.::.. Recognizmg that open meet- ;;, W x ~ ,, .. we. 21a: -‘ '-.3,:1"2"*:321:':3-*‘33 ': “5’ 123:1 «’2: . , . . , -
Cough, wheeze, poof ‘
Newsrooms prime targets for nasty computer 'flu' ;
Ed Taylor just about got sick ' The problem began last spring g 3., V V _ _ . Actually, the problem wasn’t -
whenever the explosive graphic ap- on anoccasional basis. By mid-summer, , "Somezare malicious, some with the writer. The problem was a sick '
peared on his computer screen. it was happening a couple of times a are just quirkyflj ' ' V ,. computer, infected somehow with _ V
It seemed that every time The week. All the folks in the newsroom .. , ‘ _ 23015 West, ValCOin' mechanisms commonly known as vi- , ,
. Floyd County Times sports editor-took knew when the easy-going Baptist ’ ' . , .. ruses. It wasn’t diagnosed until symp- '
particular pride inawell-turned phrase minister had gotten "bombed.” A low, toms began to take their toll on other .'
inaSOO-word sports feature, uppopped plaintiff moanbroadcastitself, followed says Taylor. ”I got to where I would staff terminals. ~'
thedastardlybomb and the story, which by the sound of Taylor’ 5 hand slapping save the story as I went along, but I Sometimes, forinstance, stories
could never be replicated as effectively, his forehead. always lost some of it, and I wondered if entered by typesetters would be inac- .1
would disappear into thin air. ”It sure was disheartening,” l was doing something wrong.” See Newsrooms back page .-

 Page 2 “fi_
N 'Edd'” ' ' '
ews- 1V1510n on verge of reb irth The Kentucky , ,
~ After lying dormant for two daily press. JeffPhillips, TheDaz‘ly Enterprise, Harlan; Press .
years, KPA’s News-Editorial Division Two primary roles for the Charlie Portman, The Franklin Favorite; . i
. isbuddingagainintowhatishoped will steeringcommitteeareexpected to bein Russ Powell, The Daily Independent, -_ = ’
‘ . be a fruitful attempt at serving the edi- the areas of workshop planning and Ashland; Ben Sheroan, The Messenger—
torialsideof the membership. . improved interaction with collegiate Inquirer, Owensboro, and Kelley 1990 Officers
Anll-person steering commit— journalism programs. The committee Warnick, Gallatin County News, War— President
tee is set to meet Nov. 16 in Bardstown will also be open to other ideas for saw. David HaWPe. LGUiSVille Courier-Journal
to discuss and plan activities that will generating support for the news-edito— KPA News Bureau director Pam President-Elect ,
~ assist the reporters and editors who do rial wing. Shingler will serve as an ex officio Celia McDonald . .
. the grunt work of the newspaper busi— Serving on the committee are member. L?R”e County Herald NEWS
. . _ . Vice Presrdent ,
ness. , . Anne Chaney, The Pazntsvzlle Herald, Anyone who wants to contrib— Mary Schurz
' ' Several of the committee . LarryCraig,GreenRiverlerublican/Ohio ute ideas or to help in reactivating the Danville Advocate Messenger 2
members, when asked to serve, con- County Messenger; Dav1d Hawpe, The News—Editorial division may call Treasurer '
firmed the suspicion that more emphasis Courier—Journal; Steve Lowery, The Ken— Shingler at KPA or one of the steering Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune Courier V
needstobe puton theeditorial function, tacky Standard; Ken Metz, Bath County committee members. Past President ,
particularly for the weekly and smaller News-Outlook;JohnNelson,Pulaski Week; Larry Craig, Green River Republican
. . ‘ . . . . Board of Directors
F1nanc1alreport1ng law remains unchanged Distrim
, _ _ , Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune Courier
' \ ‘ , District 2 '
. . The faceless 0g"? called Rumor (and) The total amount of funds dis— Pat Gish of The Mountain Eagle Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress -
g 15 Circulating incorrect Information in bursed during the fiscal year to each in WhiteSburg reported that a school District 3 1
some sections about changes in regula- individual payee and the purpose for official in her county brought in a two- Teresa RGV'efi. McLean COUNYY News
trons-on advertising of public agency which the funds were expended.” Sec- page financial statement, greatly re-~ District 4
' ‘ financial data. tion 3 (2)(a) and (b). , duced from previous years. Expendi- , Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite
Papers in both Hardin and KathyCampbelloftheLRCstaff tures were listed only for broad cat- D'Str'Ct5
j Letcher counties report thatlocal school said the only changes made to the law egories, such asatotal for transportation Coleman Love . ‘
, t h th . t k . h d . h 1 1 . . . . , . . Elizabethtown News Enterprise
‘ sys ems ave e rrus a en notiont at uringt e ast egislative assembly, in wrthnoitemizmgofamountandvendor. District 5 H
T, they only have to publish their budgets thisregard, had to do withclarifying the Gish said the official claimed Dorothy Abernathy Oldham Era
in broad categories, without itemizing. language. ”The itemized expenditures the state regulations had been changed District 7 ‘ ' ' ' a
' ' .' This is untrue, according to of— still have to be listed,” said Campbell, and that the information had come from Kelley Warnick, Gallatin County News ‘ i
- flClaI.S at the Legislative Research Com- Who worked on the legislation for a the state School Boards Association. District 8 - j
‘ 2, #118510“, state Department of Education subcommittee of the CitiesCommittee. However, Steve Kirby, counsel Gary Quinn 1 ;
, _ ;1 andIsentUCkySChOOIEQal'gSASSOClaFb ”The law did not. change/’— for the'association, was adamant in his Maysville tedgerlndepend'ent ‘ l Sig
_ , ' 2..—. rv_‘¥”‘fi- - -\‘.x’.fmr.-':3'3;'T”~‘~,4a~ir-‘e§;u.-3w“:fwyr-‘s’g'fi'fizgicflvfiw‘s um 2- 2 {ilgaxgai‘gfz 319: f3 a}:=;;,~..:;gr, ‘ 2*. 12m. ”1* f" «,2. ,. , , ,3. .--; i. e.- »~, . . ., 1 . Dist 'et,9",‘_; “at“, : ., ; , .. ~- . -
on. . stated Ron Moubray offing Educatlon denial. ’We have put nothing out (f0 " ‘ ‘ ‘ w _ ,Dl;
, , KRS 42.4:220 contnues to read Department’s finance section, He noted this effect). I don’t know where people g?" Metz, Bath County News OUHOOK j "I ' ime
2 that municipalities and school boards that he has had several calls on the sub- get this,” he said. thhnlgial'ggrho ' Z wit
must publish: “The total amount of ject and his staff is trying ”to straighten May the ugly Rumor rest in ' - ‘I
_ _ Ashland Dally Independent
funds collected and received during the out” those school systems that are mis- peace. , , . yea
: , ‘cr'fiscal year from each individual . . . informed , Dmmt 12 ' ne<
g .- ' . Louise Hatmaker ‘
KB A h 1d h h o o - . Jackson Times/Beattyville Enterprise , adr
, . s on ave open earmgs, committee says um 13
\ p p , 7 Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise Bu‘
‘ A national professional com- > ”The principal justification for eluding Client Security Fund, Retire- D'Str'Ct .14 _ ‘i Pu
. mittee has recommended that the Ken~ confidentiality in disciplinary proceed— ment and Removal Commission or law Stuart Simpson, PU'aSK' Week pre
, tucky BaruAssociation open its disci- ingsis thatalawyer’sreputationshould enforcement authorities. Jifigzgfiex' t H Id L d ‘J
' . ' plinary hearings to the public. not be unfairly tarnished by the public ' Thecommitteefurthercontends District 15’3 mg on era ' ea er ‘5 fro
_ The Standing Committee on airing of unfounded charges. Experi- that orders transferring a lawyer to or Guy Hatfield . _ ne‘
2 Professional Discipline of the American ence in othen states has shown that open fromdisability inactive status should be Citizen Voice and Times, Irvine - . ap]
Bar Association included the recom: proceedings following probable cause public, even though proceedings in- State-At-Large _ i ke]
‘» n a 'on in is recen y com e e e erminations ose no rea istic t eat volvin that statusar ' ' teve owery '
me d ti t t1 pl t d d t p 1 hr g econfidential. S L .- - the
evaluation of the state group’s disci- toindividualrespondents’ reputations.” Kentucky Standard, Bardstown
‘plinary system. ”Frivolous" allegations against Associates Division > L .ph‘
' Now, according to KBA’s Ray an attorney, according to the report, do jg'i' 1.;j:,2;;;.;j..f. 1, ;. ',2»iif} -. “3!?“ D.e”°ks°n JOb
. Clooney, the 89-page evaluation report not pose a danger once an investigation 1531;221:135 Attention, -. , i 3:22: gziverrtsrty Of gentucky ' SS!
2 and its 22 recommendations must be finds ”probable cause.” . Editors&Publishersl Lax: 3:3ng msron lty
» considered by the local association’s Thereportputsforthconditions ""gig’ifjf; ’ Louisville Courier_Joumal ; the
board and voted on. He projects it will for closed records. ”Prior to the filing Pleaseshaiou i L
, -' be early next year before the board de- and service of formal charges in a dis— reyr KPA/KPS Central Office > are
2_ ' odes to act on each of the recommen- cipline matter, the proceeding should copyofTheKentuckyPress David T- Thompson, Executive Director , thl
-_ 'dations. - - beconfidential,exceptthat thependency Wlthyomsmffmembers L Emilie “Ward! Business Manager ‘ be
. In its report, the ABA commit— subject matter and status of an investi- Zi'jEI-izOrletusknOW SlobnaI—Davis, figvertising' Dita” ‘ 1 2d
2 tee pointed out that at least 22 states gation should be disclosed by Barx . 222'25555‘3-‘1532"? e a ewrs, ministrative SSiStan'f 1 01
:a = ell-a . - r . ., . . ,
allow for open proceedings, with some Counsel if: (1) the respondent has ndWEddyou .t'olp "If Buffy Johnson, B°°kke?P'f‘9 ASS'Stam ; F’el
restrictions. . ' I waived confidentiality (2) the pro- emtorsandmanagersm :ue Csarnmack, Receptionist : Sh‘
' * i "1 ,_ .". . .open hearings beforerTrial ceeding is based upon allegations that ourmailmglist ;; ,2 - am hmgler, News Bureau Director . I ofl
,~ , f .2 , help inure pebhfr reSPect fer the ultl- public; or (3) there is a need, in Order to alway 1 s worth the-”time and Egmciya'iiééfifddiifififiifimflgfé 7 it“
,7 2 :g mate isposmon mevery disc1plinary protect the public, the adrmnistration of safari. f, ,-3j_ >:,:.g;;‘:;;,;_;j4; Subscription price is $4 per year. Postmaster: Send ,2 1ft
-' -. a _ action; Whether or not the lawyer is justice or the legal profession, to notify "§,:;5‘.:._§:;;;-.;-;;:;;.;;;;p1v_i35;;gegggeggeggji25,-»;333;~15-5;:;.-;g :hanseofaddresstoTheKmmckyPress/332Capitol
disciplined,” the report- states. . another persOn or organization, in- _ .1 venue, Franicmrekmmckymm, (502)223-8821. de
1. g - , . p ' ' 2 ' . g 5 act

 W Page 3
.1 V f ' ‘ -
n , , . . , 1 ; B 0 ard lo oks at new prOJects
. ,j {'E‘Novemvber '. ' New members and new ser- wide retail shopping habits survey. In-
“NOVI‘;News'EdltonalDlVlswn 52¢“ng Committee meetings-.11" 2 " vices were among items discussed at corporated the project willbeapolitical
am,Bardstown W ' ._ _ _r : _;j . £32153}; 2. '22:, ‘ 'j . the Nov. 1 meeting of the KPA board of survey designed for use to attract more
*NWIGIVkashopooCopy Editing, MierAeteiieert'rese:tsstrttitieas22i directors. candidateadvertisin dur' t .
. .Str3L;ouissg(61814§3.~.3281)p"“12? . 2 . 2.: :1; 2 2;, - 2: . . . , g mgnex Years
J -Nv2223KPAfhceldfrhkgWghldy Membership applications were elections .
;§:;»2:--NOV27-29,LeadershipmAd‘Depto‘SANPA; A1.¢Xd.fldna.Va(703/648.- _; accepted for the Leslie CountyNews and Also given the nod by the board
1319) 2 . j 2 ' 3», Thousandstlcks News. Both are owned was a remodellng project atthe KPA
5 :53?5%J.;'§:;:f:;§§%%;??;iiii:§;;i" ”3555553: ; Inseam :22.2{iii-iii;$235122;isjiggpzéitfiii -. 22 by Vernon Baker of Hydeil- central office which would modernize '
2f ..Dec24.25IQPAofficesclosedfOI-Chflstmashofldays Important to staff members at the second floor bathroom. The board
--Ian1KPAclosedforNewYear'sholrdayjf [2 .13: KPA papers, the board instructed the also called for a proposal for remodel-
January association to explore a new member ing the building's third floor as office
~rsASmeSesanh2kyerammbty service that would allow newspaper space and allowing for a first floor
—Jarr7nWhoeset0preeohANPAReetnVati'oeIetsisih cesstoacrediturdon- Also approved was the Kerr ‘
3:63;“Edmgthew“mymmmmwml’m’”I‘m attorney PhllShephe’d aSKPACOWS?‘ 13mm?“ “mess meeting“ ‘
—~JnzdzeKPArpoxwmerrmdesmwndConvennoncnmn Included in the 1991 KPA bud- essosleilons new service .
T GateLexmstonEff?fffigiiifiiiii??? gétr aPPTOVed by the board, is a State‘ I
3;? "13“23'1’9"1NewsPaPm'QWh‘chtwLANPARefit0M703/548' .:f 15133:! i
1319) 2 2, - . _ 2 2 . . A .
How to prevent dlscrimination i, we, ,, 2 ,2 , 2.. 3
agalnst disabled appllcants ,1 V j _ . ,~ 5
PresidentGeorgeBushrecently non-disability related reason for it. ' . ' ’- 537' . . We '
i signed into law the Americans With 7) Make sure you base adverse /% m) ‘ti‘ g‘wc‘i‘ 2,”-
, .DisabilitiesAct, which bans employ; employment decisions on factors other ’ '53 45¢. 2 .2 m ‘33)} 2
with disabilities. 8) Sayas little as possibleon the / ”first; -, " ’ ' ,

The new law is effective in tWO subject of fitness for a job, Since any- 7” : V3324,” ‘ ’ 92)," "
years, but newspapers and other busi- thing you say in that regard canbeheld '§ V , Mjif ,, .
nesses need now to plan policies to against YOU in court. , we .. ”fl .
address the requirements of the law. 9) Current drug users are not :31}: 3 4 I). 2 “Wart V12 ”72/ 4‘ m“; 2. M ‘

From the Oct. 8 edition of The protected by the new law on the federal _ - 2 ,2r2 . ..2 .2 fa ' ‘
Bulletin of the California Newspaper level. V ’ ediffi‘fo‘rtfi " :
Publishers Association come these 10) Provide training for super- m it.“ ;fi:;”§é ‘
preparation tips. visors to be sensitive to the law’s re- 2 “We I

1) Separate medical records quirementS. 2» ' ' 2' ' .
from regular personnel files. Under the 11) Consider accessibility to the 2 2 up,
new law, information about a job disabled in all new construction and ”’ - -
applicant’ 5 medical condition mustbe alterations, including visual and au- f 2% 2

' kept on separate forms and cannot be dible alarms, as well as elevators and 2 We; 2 2 , y. g ..
the basis of employment decisions. wheelchair ramps. 2,. ' ' , Q " is “l

2) Eliminate questions about 12) If a discrimination com- .2 . . ..,,, V
physical and mental disabilities from plaint is raised, find out what accom- l ’
job applications. Interviewers can only modation the complainer will need to i f .

2 ask whether the applicant has the abil- perform the job. . . . p ,
ity to perform the essential elements of 13) If you use an employment PreSIdmg
the job. referral source, make sure that office is KPA president-elect Celia McDonald of the LaRue County Herald— .

3) Make sure job descriptions notified of your company's anti-dis- News led the Nov. 1 board of directors meeting in the absence of president ,_‘
are clear on what the ”essential func— Criminafion policy in writing DaVid Hawpe 0f the Courter-Ioumul, Who had a schedule conflict. -‘
tions” of a job are. Job descriptions will ‘
be a key element Of a judge’s decision if 12:525Iliiélijirlé » 13?: " 'Z 52$ 2 .::315"§5'§23223:,1‘1";”f.-§23.:.:51;2:5a:23:322:332:325:iifiiiééiii.§iéifi}.:.tf?ii5 iii-1.533315 ;fie:Séeiiif;2rééiiiéé2;§,:55?:§:E:2;f;3~;:;;,;=;,;,_ 2
adlscriminafioncaseisbloughttocourt Items " '
For instanceaphysically handicapped i: 2
person is protected by the law if he or . 2 2.
she can perform "essential functions” Rates rise Channels change 1990, onlyépercent scored in recall. For 2,
of the job. Associated Press fees will go up A survey by Burke Marketing all prime time Viewers surveyed, recall ’

4) Job descriptions should be by 3.9 percentonJan. 20, according to an Research for the Newspaper Advertis— 0f primetime commerc1als fell from 18 ,
Shown to applicants so they can decide item in SNPA Bulletin. The assessment ing Bureau indicates that television percent m 1965 to 4 percent thls year. i '
if they can do the job. increase covers all basic services for commercial recall has dropped by 17 Advertisers and ad agencies can get ‘

5) Avoid adverse employment newspapers and broadcasters and all percent among the 18-34-year-old c0pies of the report by calling the
decisions until you are forced to. supplemental services except rates for viewing market in the last 25 years. An Bureau’spromotion departmentat212/

6) Take adverse employment financial market tables, which are to go estimated 23 percent of that age group 704—4614. 2
action only when you have at least one down. could recall commercials in 1965, but in

 Lift- ‘5 1 1
1 Page 4 “W. ..m————————-———————___—___ E
' 33-?3-I-Eitii1753;I:. 1'1???1.913353%; . 1 “ --- ~ , u, , ,, i-I? 1. ‘2 i » “ ' 2353i » e . 1 ,. :: 1 iii“ 1;. -. .iz 1- .. 'fE 1 '1 1 ff; ' : ' 1. . . I:- -:
DAVID HAWPE and his newspaper career as a printer’ 5 The Campbell County Recorder in Ft. IN MEMORI AM :1
JUDITH CLABES spoke to students devil at the Campbellsville News-Journal Thomas with mother-to—be MICH- Former Ledger-Independent 1
attending the Oct. 20 High School during the Depression. He later was a ELLE B. HOWARD. Smith earned a staff member MARTHA MYERS -
Press Day, sponsored by the Univer- linotype operator for the old Hardin Journalism degree at Morehead State TURNER of Maysville died Oct. 11. A ;
sity of Kentucky School of Journalism. County Enterprise and The UnlverSIty and has preVlously written University of Kentucky journalism
KPA President Hawpe is editor of The Elizabethtown News, circulation for the Recorder papers, The Kentucky graduate, she was on the editorial
Courier-Journal in Louisville and manager for The Courier-Iournal/ Post and Cincznnati Buszness Courier. Staffs of both The Public Ledger and 1
' Clabes is editor of The Kentucky POSt Louisville Times, general manager of The Daily Independent before their 1 .
in Covington. 30th are UK graduates. The News and publisher of the merged WENDELL GIVENS has merger. She was 63.
Newly appointed to the staff papers. ' hung up his visor after 28 years with ART KOCKRITZ, former
" Of The Beattyville Enterprise is CHAR' JANICE SHEPHERD has the Mayfield Messenger. He has served manager of The Tribune—Courier in
I} LOTTE NAPIER rejoined The Floyd County Times in as reporter, photographer, sports Benton, died Oct. 24 following heart 3
At the Glasgow Daily Times, Prestonsburg as a Staff writer. She had editor and managing editor. The surgery. Kockritz, 65, had also worked
' former account executive SHELLY WOTkEd for the paper for several years paper has also assigned former family with The Gleaner in Jenderson, Fulton
SALTSMAN has become proof before resigning in 1989- life editor JULIE AGNEW to duties as Daily Leader and the Courier and Press ;
dispatcher and former dispatcher The Ledger—Independent in reporter/ photographer and feature in Evansville.
I ELIZABETH COPAS is the new Maysville‘has added a staff cartoonist, writer. Agnew received a degree in
. classified bookkeeper and clerk. _ JOHN VANMETER, who holds a fine journalism from the University of 9
JOHN ROBERTS' staff writer arts degree from the Art Academy of Missouri. New officers }
at The Pioneer NW5 in 5hePherdSViller Cincinnati. His work will be pub— ROBERTA PITCHFORD, co- 3 .
is the winner Of a School Bell Award lished in the paper's Wednesday and editor of The C itizen—Times in take over 3
from the Kentucky Education Assoaa- Saturday editions. Scottsville is recuperating from . , , j
,1 tion for his coverage of Bullitt County SUZANNE K. SMITH is surgery to replace blocked arteries to In aSSOCIatIOIIS
' education. sharing the role of assistant editor at her legs. New officers are in place in _
.Th e Central Kentucky News- ——_—_—+‘————— ‘two national newspaper Organiza-
I WW1 1n Campbellsvflle has added a . . . - tions, following their annual con- '*
new recermstr TAMM" ertlng semlnars draw edltors, reporters venom ;
~ SULLIVAN' . In Newspaper Association ‘E
The brothers JED and SCOTT More than 50 editors and re- Owingsville; Debbie Wright, The N ews- Managers, William P. Monroe is the E
>1 ,DILEINGHAM haVe been named e0" 1 porters from papers across the Estate 1 Demogratn. 9err0lltona Terry .SPearSJ... new president. He. isexecahlye..di.rec-
«PuthhehstfiDamengis.seawarhclpatedtbmsflél? geese semmamsommrtm. 1 : Countiané'iMexema/ . seem-law Wr’ofwhelowéaqqéwgpafififi%sma o,”
Progress, succeeding the" father,- . writing during October. ”Writing for Block, Bill Vaught, Amy Hogg and Joyce tion. ..1;‘ . _
: -’ ‘ NILE.S 0' DEFINGHAM’ who WI“ the Reader” was led by teacher / writer/ Shultz, The Ad vocate~M essenger, Other NAM officers installed
rem as presrdent 0f Progress editorClarkeStallworthofBirmingham, Danville; Chris Tackett and George at the Augustconventionin Alabama 1
. Publishing 0" KPA board member Ala. LEWiS, Berea Citizen. are: Ray Carlsen, Inland Press Asso-
‘ ' Jed willcontinue as editor, and 159)“ Attending the Oct. 5 session at Also, Mickey Patterson and ciation, vice president, and Keith
:"- I .. retains his managing editor pOSXtIOl’l. Western Kentucky University at Bowl- Nancy Weedman, The Oldham Era, Jensen, South Dakota Newspaper
E . '1 The father has operated the newspa- ing Green were Carrol Roberts, Cindy LaGrange; Teresa Liter, Trimble Banner, Association, secretaryDavid Bennett, . '
' ‘ per since 1946' ' Camper and Steve Parker of The Tri— Bedford; Pam Logue Spradling, Mt. IllinoisPress Association, waselected
~ ' ‘ DON LOWE has joined the bane-Courier, Benton; Bobbie Foust, The Sterling Advocate; Mark Bell, Harlan to a three—year term on the NAM
staff 0f Appalachian News-Express in I Herald Ledger, Eddyville; Rita Mitchell Daily Enterprise; James Mulcahy, The Board of Directors. 4
Pikeville. He hOIds degrees from and Amy Lorton, The Fulton Leader; Bourbon Times, Paris; Terry O’Connor At the National Newspaper -
I. . Eastern Kentucky and Marshall Cathy Cavanah, Kentucky New Era, and Michelle Howard, Recorder News- Association convention in Kansas
' universities and has worked for Hopkinsville;J.O.BrownJr.,Greensburg papers; KelleyWarnick, HollyKoons and City in September, Bruce C. Brown, - 1
Industrial Marketing and as assistant Record-Herald; Ed Gibson, Harlan Daily Clay Warnick, Gallatin County News, publisher of the Oconomowoc, Wis.,
if editor Of Your BuSineSS MagaZine in Enterprise; Jon Garrett, The Crittenden Warsaw; Stacy Moore, Central Kentucky Enterprise took over as president,
.~ Lexington. At EKU' he was managing Press, Marion, and Rex Boggs, Hazard News—Journal, Campbellsville; Don Elected vice president was Charlotte
.: editor Of The Eastern Progress. Herald-Voice. White, The Anderson News; Ilona T. Schexnayder, publisher of the 1
, Pulaski Week in Somerset has WKU faculty members JoAnn Burdette, The Lebanon Enterprise; Ron Dumas, Ark., Clarion, and Frank
W hired LINDA STEPHENS as a Albers and Wilma King also sat in on Bridgeman and Dollie Havens, Jessamine Garred, publisher Ofthe Port Townsend E
f reporter. _ the workshop. Journal; Barbara Justice, Appalachian Iefierson County Leader in Washing-
. A student writer for The At the Lexington session at the News-Express, Pikeville; and Pam Greer- ton, is the new treasurer.
: Licking Valley Courier in West Liberty, University of Kentucky were Pam Todd Ullrich, Alliant Health Systems. E
LANCE WILLIAMS' tOOk second and Ken Hart, The Daily Independent, A Stallworth sampling: 1‘
place among 63 high SChOOl entries in Ashland; Linda Jones, Wayne County On reporting: ”You have to get 1 1
. ‘ ‘ the National Newspaper Week Essay Outlook; Nancy Leedy, The Interior it good before you can write it good.” =————_ __1
i; - Contest sponsored by The Daily lournal, Stanford; Tim Jones, Kara Read On organization: ”Write a Egfiggfifig E
7 ‘ Independent in Ashland. and Carol Bond, The Carlisle Mercury; summary line — or nut line— first.” ——'—m-m—
. COX felhmleixé‘hzlttogfrghgsfgl £131" Becky Barnes, Cynthlana Democrat; Joan On relating to the reader: . The F OR SALE: Federal Graphics brand E
,7 1 7 1 I 1 . . Brockand DonnaGlenar,TheDailyNchS, greatest ]ournalist1c llne ever written. stabilization Processor‘ Used onlya few times E
; JIVhitley Republican and COTbm This Middlesboro; Maleena Streeval, Casey l50-7," —— we decided we like tray developing better. - i .
' Week and former KPA award-winner, County News; Jamie Baker-Nantz, The On readability: ”The semi-co— Paid $359. Will take $150. Call or write Gerald E
:33"; is’on display at 2days Gallery in .1 ‘a town; Ken 1 on is our en em ' The riod is our Lush, Hardin County Independent, 609 East "1
' E _ FLOE BOWLES’ puthher FOR SALE: SuperViewlargescreen ,,
j ' emeritus Of The News—Enterpr 135‘ in If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little monitor for use with Macintosh computers. _ 1
2: Elizabethtown, celebrated his 78th of robbing; and from robbing he next comes to drinking and Sabbath- ICE/cilia: resided-$21,319, $1,995.1Wé paaildi $lj6915: ' ,
1113-1111;;1jblrtl'tday on OCt- 17- The paper Pald breaking, and from that to menu lzty and procrastination. Hardin Emmy- IndepZIridverrlilt,eoo9eiaast 13:28: 1 ,
' ' Shem] “mute t0 homes Who began "Th0mas De Qumcey (17854859) Elizabethtown, Ky. 42701 (502) 737-5585. 1 .

 'é ~. 1 . . 7 , _ - ' ' ' , ,, 4 - v- , , ~ ~ - H . . , . , VEUE”"’""”IE".V;L""‘U oil-451*
E _ ————————. .._ _ . . __ Page 5 ’ 3
S ' I . , : - " ' , ‘ 3 - ' “
., .. :: P'Ck us
In celebration of both National villeis sending free mini-sports sections ‘ the sports tab. Celebrating 41 years of publi- :.
E Newspaper W99k and the Tobacco each week to military personnel from The Tribune-Courier in Benton cation on Oct. 13 was The Times-Ioumal 3
E Festival, The News-Democrat and Logan Kentucky and southern Indiana sta— madetheswitchto soyinkinSeptember. in Russell Springs. Terry Norfleet and ”L.
E Leader in Russellville offered a chance tioned in the Middle East. The firstissue PublisherlerryLylessaid environmental her husband, the late Andrew Norfleet, f .4.-
. onaflagand flagpole to new and renewal of the four-page 11- by 17-inch section concerns and the need to be rid of de- began the paper in 1949 withahand fed '
subscribers on Oct. 13. The papers also was published in mid—October. The pendency on petroleum-based products press and folder. The Oct. 18 edition of '
i gave away free popcorn and allowed Monday publication contains news of prompted the change. the paper featured a story On the . ,
E visitors to rummage through a batch of high school and college sports from the , ' Norfleets’ experience. i E
_ photographs and take the ones they two-state area. A house ad in the daily The News—Democrat in The Record in LeitchfieldM re. ‘1
, wanted for free. paper invites readers to submit the Carrollton hosted a pet show at the an- portsthatGraysonCountyCircuitCourt -. if
E The Courier—journal in Louis— names of service personnel to receive nual Tobacco Festival in September. proceedings are now recorded on vid- ,
- eotape rather than by a court reporter.
’ ‘ ‘. ‘ i . . .. {won «as , r - Video cameras were in place on OCt.2,
1 H E7: " meanin that now the media and ri- 9’ '
A” .1»??? . va 9.“ zensca“ “YMPY .- P ' ,1
. *3 " .' “