xt751c1thn84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thn84/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1940 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1940 Vol.12 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, December 1940 Vol.12 No.2 1940 1940 2019 true xt751c1thn84 section xt751c1thn84 g 7’" , , - -- ,, “ ' " , , , , :_ 72%: T':->'1‘f—rr"t:“f ,7 ~.~~<—.»--:v--— -- «:2 22.12- v .. ".2-
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 December, 1940 IF
I I I VS , 1 . er ‘1‘ .‘
, ENTuL‘KY 141115 A las 0an 0m leddirliser ! 121
1 l A1.::I_2 - ' 1 ‘1 I l ’I‘HE K )1 )Cr ‘IVthh 1 1| less Chance L0 (6 ‘ l
1"" M" l“ i 1 1‘1 -11 have a ‘ .1 1 111 a Door 1121. , at
. - if l ,lllé‘ :I lit“? COP)" Wl - (,]‘IS message l.]( O y That 1y
1 3.1!? MM , c 11110 "ate the “(ham I 8 made” I)“ L p m]
1 ill» 11 .‘ lag a‘ieq 1 vhich has 1 .1 thing‘s are eq l, I [C
1‘1 11?: g 8 III. 1101 V . ~1' all othcl I , mm, on m
l lIlIl'E IiI l I I I u l5 [0 say, 1 1C “rho read (I " advep V w
l ill I ll 1? I I. 'n e I or E n Irly the more pool) law]. Chance cm I 1’ I]
I IIIII II III II ’ )A . . .11 .
l I xll 15: E 11 1 . o CO 0 l [1("\VSl)leJC1~. 1“" be seen 111 .sonulnflzci 1:
I III III I ‘ z - . 1 to 'I I “R" 1). 1
I. 1'11 ‘ 1 l .‘ , €S 111 l( '1, ”I hds .‘ ' .01
II Ill Ill‘I 1- ertlsl livc olI basm VJIILI that the llsttmcill call thls lttclr COD): Actual tl‘.
1, :1l‘- 1112 , (lcsu‘ut regre' we W I v 101‘s PC us I
It? lit! ‘1l‘7 1‘ mos! - nc . We . Ccurate, .~ (,1 mu . .. MW Show“ I _
llll ll; III 0 11]ng Vertising‘ effiCLe-s handy, but 111a)” HC numbU house intervwfif l an average of
ll‘l' IlIlI ‘I-I B Charles L- f . di> inventor of t 1 ['uuring‘ 100 b()( ”.lcra- 110118610. wwspalmrs 11‘“ L' f 3 in the I. 01
1 1 ll 11l3‘1‘; y b t it baYS 1n 1‘i(‘C 5101)])c(l ID ken into (0115th t _lhm (My ‘1 " lets per COM 0 :1 “a 0; l
I II III III I ' ' 2015, u . . 1 of the do ‘ 1 - had [a I 1 thaL affec 1341“ ol redL . - 9 above L1 .g [11
1 a: lllt -> ll Advertlslng P the elflclencl out uit when It l [he lactms ad‘ 1111111 C , C011111111111t1e. ‘ 111111); by a b(
. > - ~ 1 . . ',1 7 . ~ ' ‘ ‘ . < (
1‘ ll lI l? t Proporuon t0 . (311655 oli 1L5 1aleth :l-(m only lzuo (Vb-lily to dehvel [Ianlher north 51101” “H made m 1e) em con- 1 m
1: 11; g 1 rec‘ uracil" . )1 V 1 1 . , . n’s a 1 no :11‘. 1 -1 S11K )1 111. . \l'tnztg‘cm 1
11 {’11 l1 l1 - 1n the a 1 of 1tS C01)“ f ubllcatIO H0 \VCI1I . {(1 11113 ‘ -. 1 Il'lthl’l l 1 1 <[udcms ’ V,
II IIIIIIII I III medlu I iveness 1 101531118 0. a P . , Assztoc. - , listrlbut 'n (31M-L ‘ . .110 men s 1 t
.1 v11 \1 g 1 ‘ 11213 - 1 )10 -. ) “It a ~ . )185 L 1155 1 )‘radlh I. V r, 1:
.1 111.11 1 l {the Pe15 hanlca l . . we \rc1‘1151n53 of (,01 I ”acc- C ( Tdy 01 g t V It Is ‘6) Ft
:1‘1‘4191 1 1 an( . . d 1116C usmg numbcl 1-11e 01 .51 . mine. on” . my”. a
11 = .. 111 me an - adver - . 1 11 the . Ila-ate l s- 51311 D .1,“ U11|\ com I m
,1, :11 ll ’ the arms -, mung , d [01 113 . “I 2111 ‘o , l adverll 1 “11951“ , ‘ .11 among I l
1 :1 1.11 ~1: . d dISP < ~1ed, cm [110 (”(151 101"€ cd 8 N0111 . 1. l‘CSCdlL, less I
11 121 . 1zl :‘11' willng an I nt ConCCll r . mav 1111‘] L ) 1‘5 01‘ n ,6 been . lurlllU I,” 01C to be I w.
. 1 1 1 . 1 _ 1 . . . \Ld , {f5 hm , ., 1, that. I 'u-uah
1 ll gilt“ 1' ‘ , at blebe . ' Sqlon “L .1 1 IO] 3“ I . n Sta . ‘ hkc ) . v v [11C c I h se a. P '-
all t‘ ‘ not d15c111 111 Am bhcatlo . . ) I)” O H 5110“ £01 t e I I
.1 . 1 (11¢ , f thls . ent w nd Pu _ . 1111K , 1m W I A copy I I
I I IIIIIII II I uses 0 d ertlsem - amen a -, 1100115 mulC 1 .. 9 Del he tram in
. 11.1%1 ‘1llhe Pulp ame a V - , 11 the mb I , [hm \ 2 pelbonl a “Id on t
I I IIlI‘ ll’ l' I that the S . -11 be (5116 ‘1 vcd )) . . than o'ht to 1C< {we
. 11 , , 1 t ens ("1 . '11:)11. ’ ‘6 bur, nomen
1 «I :h 3111 . 1 assume . hat 1[ W '6 L113 , CS- . Axunllnd hat (n r the l J
4 SI}; ill be pubhshed, Isition on the pagclzertis— IIIHIhClnftll-lllnc needs (m- It thoroughly 1)“? LLhC Office. Bu; f? the large palms 45
f .3' : ‘ 1'11I‘.I )0. , he 'd I 1 1/1 . l Wltl or In I l O: l
I I III III II Ohblble 1 )age I d TlC . [dea S . ~- 1 that 1 1 that. 3 , e0 16. :11
I I I I II III - best I) on any 1 me €111 . ~it’ goes 1 ml] 1111c , 311 ”35111119 3 adult P p _
I I IlII‘III‘II II . '11 appear t page ( 1 _ AS [211 215 ‘ . But \‘oll . I most “‘1 . mid by . . Wtew- I St
11 » 1 1 v1 - CxCCP ‘ 1 ub , 1- -] )lCh. ' , [ [11C . THC 1U H '11 mm I
. 11; ,1 111 1t V , Select . boll P (1 nmCl . 1111) 0 (aples ( . f )e‘mn‘ ' I I
:21 all «1 ~ cares to . 1actel‘ 1n . - ad. mun l 1 i nores 11 1 I ,, 10 Place 1 kmd 0 l . . in lllanIS, ’- a]
I II IIIlIIII III 61 litol‘la] ‘1 _ 1t 1n 16 . , 316% Y g - .1 010mm , 11 The salllt unltlCS 1
“‘ . e( , otel 1, [(01111 , 1. 111nm 1 1. 11L 1 mum . ham 1
I II IIIIIII I III Ihat the ( uall} P 16 ale 1 lacrms V we )coh c ( - mullcl ( York has 5 . 1 a
1 1: 1.11111 1; . _ '11 be Cl that 11 - )(n‘taht _ ‘0 who 1 1* '110- m .s 1New . 10111
I II IIIIIIIIII II I [10115 W] -11 assume 1,11 1111] .I,Jg mesSaS mg no a l n _ - [11m ztllf a)€l; ) ._
II III I IIIII llCa ‘Ve WI ad‘rel‘t-lfil g , lvertlscl - - '1‘here “(- . z-l‘trlnl’d. ( IL 7 DCWSP l ~e
:1 “fl ‘ 1:1 - tereSL- - the . 'h an q( read 1t. I. . .ulatmn, \ 1 h . “mum ) ‘ we of mm
II I II I CF In I learnlng (ha bOI lIkely [O of (.11C [116 U” 11 aVClab
1 11 ill 1 “l‘ . , . .gted 111 ‘able me , most I the Value '7ed by that klv has a . fore, the
1 1: =11 1 : , mtelc. . 10 Comp?“ . [his case L aboul r recognl‘ '17’111d wee I, ‘ )7 TllClC I.
1131“? 1 ‘1‘ nV 0t L“ ., [ion In truffle“ first faCtO . <6 al‘gu‘ (131 l L ‘ 1; Per (‘01 ) .L dalhes
I II I I I III emnm II resemd I h - h is the ' - 1 er 1s Lhel E , 4 penal. , Inge c1 Y
L 1 11' 11‘ : 12-1 .- ,vlsual P . ., . wth . I . Ncltl . whu‘h than 1, ,1 a 3 for L I m
1 ll Elli 1“; mlngcl advertislng‘. the advertise1 the millme IT: qgatc hne clos-ln ascer— factor R 1511161. county pape mum I
> I '1 1 ’ [C (31065 en . 11 l ‘ r. . ‘€( 1 [I ‘ f r 5n]; he an I
1 all 1 11, hrln what t buy W t (lbOI “Ida ‘ d 4 0 lat l
I I I I 0 men .. be (:01 '11 me an ~11nt l1 olfl
I IIIIII I I I I Exactly he hope . ews- . .. 1 must Bot , . em C CODY
1 .111 1 1“ 065 . L 111 3 n x[‘lnllel) . . 1 1C0110mY. ’- 1S also A 19 on a . d I
I III I “ What (1 .1 Semen t (It 1 ~ 191qu t f the DC It - 1. Spam. 'k 11h00
{1 1111: wanti’ 1dve1111 . 'ouS tha . - gulven. h 1; two 0 I I r a P618011 I . the h e
I I I III III II Idules an I I It IS Ob“ .11 alnlng ,. '11“C on ) . () senSC of tune rrmmes . . mpcr.
1 . 1 11 he .schc azlne? imam ) 1 u: the) ‘ . d m n r dCtC - I ‘m m (I!
I I I II II I ag I P1 - 0d, J . . ,1 ‘111 a . 7‘33136 ggmL - 1
1 111 1 r a m . 11 Ol go Hams; . want “L“Sl lulu. ‘ If 1e
1 HI 11111 aper 0 . lamenla Y C rages, . . has“ 1 I] H you . ' ”Ewan 2“ made),
. 1 t 31‘ (a :1 P . not tum e or lYI) . (:cssaly 110 stony. ~11d01us— 01-1115 stu h the same 1 the
I I I II II he IS I him spam I I r agate 1 camp 6 ,hich wt -. 1'0 82w. 1 end 01
; ifll :j . 1 111 W meh O 1 [61] 110 _ _ .nula V\ , . 1g'tn1e That, 15 . I . (OS to 3p any a
1 1: . 1 1 - nehLCC Iumn ' (lC- , . «1] [011 1 at [ht _( I. ’ nnnu V see
1 1 ,, mtcl t of a CO 166 111 , .1ematm .‘ _ n am I 1, me -k 1’ to . If
1 -' 11 1 1 , . , - r - 51211 I, ”Lil 1 ] llcatlo 111“; 1 I g on } 1 ‘9 h e ) s l
1 111 1111 "1.11 or the C09 ,, ts 1S (1551 . “C“ u I pu ) . i It how 1 - 1m . ICh es. he 1|
I I I II II “(In I I he QICI to cvell e1" 1115 l I 1 IS ml 1 than .
I I I III I I I WhaI III: "a B I0 I I ~ st [ILL 16 adverls - , ended, 1 11211301 at'sement, a1 Inter.
:1111 11, 1; 11110 1 a leg mess g least. (,0 _ 1 show n r m cw V 1 ' advel 1 ' Person
1 I . 1;. 1; . 1 15 5a - 1 [he . umc - _, -h 11011 , 1 . .Cvem rtaln mums. um
1 all :11 1‘, livcl‘lng I < , 1))le 10' 1 utrnOst for can I. “11011 5 . . Ce 1 nd 30 1111 , ,1 e amo
il l ’I‘lllégtll number 01 {it‘lificd with themdudI he gtliakc into (:onsltlled: the Mlllme he can spflemrmine the (waginen read.
111.1111,“ ,--()11. «01 , [ hts I) I . , must ‘ - ~tors w n . S m I I An am ‘ 01d
l l 11‘; lll my ml5 in the VIII“L 8120101111, 111 Lhc letcrminntnc la‘c ' “as. Vlre‘gme Spent by mt Shown that all m J
.l l H lLI 1: ConfidenCC CtivenCSS of 1115 an the ad— I mpletely lgl'lOICS- plpotheucal (1 Iit-h of, ewspapers have r were erronleo £6
11 1 f 11: 1 . 110 all}? 1~ cOP)’_ - the C0 kc tWO -. tiOU w , ing 11 _ matte Tawa I
11 l 11 t l‘ l 1 m l . .. of 113 [ion 19 1 us [a 1 )ubllLa I 0 bout thls 1C by g Y
1 1 : 11, g . vane-5* ubhtd . . Le gmal l , , of .5 'leaS a e mat safel)
I I III I I mums“ Irom II I) bemgs ,-11 be a - 'nch late I 1( . ..m 51111 l ,6 can .
1 l ‘1. l l .1 l) . . vanLS ,1 human K- One “I . . nd an I Vvllh ‘. n 21 ICLC Stern “ 1V8
1 11111 pulse] ‘ . wage [0 (l hls -_ “1310111 ‘1 'aper _ hm V Northewe ers race
I I IIIIIII IC Hm me“ I I sires, an 9000 c11(. . Vin be a P ol d ms at . ewspap 1.15
1 :11 11 ‘ , - ,ary 0 nd ( e- el‘S- - 0Ll1€1 V ' 11 rate stu e ‘ 11121“ n h reade
I I II I II (ICIIIC 1 needs 3 11510111 The 1 m 1116 et10p0 f eaC . 1
1 1 :11 ‘. . ~ 1 . , e C - ~Cn[S- - :11“ ‘ . cost , that DI . . S O . d fly
1 1 ,1. l'l 1 1 n01111'1 . bung th b11— ‘1 13111011 2 the my “mum t a
. ‘ ‘1; 1t 1 W11 1 v1“ k , C )1] £110” . I v 11d) IS .- r I 45 n . nunl y I
1 1 Ill: 1! 2 sales rnf—‘sssflgl‘3 1Iowq then, Lllclll_pl11lessaé‘,'c 501880 The Milllnu all) 000 circulzltm? from 231“) roseal‘Ch 1n Comm on cad] ,
11 1111 t -. 11), 0 -‘ . 7r {115 1 1 11:3 - . 1‘0,» 1, . 1111'“ . Otlel‘ . . m U” N do.
I I IIII II It Ioglca I n dehvc III the - 16 11110 _ 1 to he a unle- , and mo dallles 1
II III II I I hICh m f )coble « ,Cr Sign . )apcl ~thC mkly 51) [large . vc
I I III II I W ‘ 0 l I“ ., - l) . bur I . , f0] , “CC rs 0 1 . 111
1- 1 1 1, 1 non _ bel , e.1t , , [11C 15 _ , late m I ads ou‘ .
l 1'1 PllIl :; I (,3 lhe greatest nun]: will have the g1 wlll 51101“, medium~ MlllInCI 1. the small copy than thle regument even thbygs011d ‘
II II I III II II to 1 ,1 )erso . 051 Y 20- 0 , A . , k 211‘ - nS .
,I 1 1, , . U 1 less C . t $4. , - ceds 0 (no 1 , tentlo )a.
II I III II I In“ COM 1) omy. f 'td' ~ g abOu ' - 1V 1t 11 But I r Lon [wol 1
I I I III II LII I I econ . 1 yr 0 x . 'IPCI 11 . r Certaln / , , n 11 ()11 t the . 1
1 , rtlslng 1 3 Into ) 1 131g Pr $178.7. mm m f suppo 6 ma r the
E: 1 ll 1; . csl, adVC II 1 l 11- 1mb€1 ‘ I 1 ()UI <‘ - adVE‘I ‘ . C1111 . l ussun] V ha‘e
. 1 . 1141 1t1cl ) a 1’1l . C1 a 3 1 [ an . 1 ‘L 11.5 ’ each ye
I I I II I I I I I “SCI 6 one I I IIIII) ~ )ol Ha . ethmg --,.11‘c.s, L ~1Ar1n§ ' h 11
1 1 I 1 1 1 U511 1; 1 50m 1d m ~ 1 61‘ 111‘ for 50111 [th ‘ ‘mm L K ~ wmc -
; IvE‘ l ‘l . - (‘OHOHU’ he C0” ‘0 full] $1785 d be ‘ re ale U f'lCtOL ers 1
I I III I I II tlsmg CI "led thflt rhich ' . to pay ‘ e woul ,ers “ . t [lime c 1. . .11 1121]) 1
l 1‘ ll lg‘l VU 1 10.0 dealt ; ~mula 1A 0t g‘omg 420 and W 3131‘ l madmg . 1 lor 11 .30. W
I I I I III or years (b atical I01 ‘ ‘ ~ econ- n 1 b for l . I qmall Dal same 1 1 average qw as 1
1 1111 1 them ~13st can “Y - If the 1 r N ,, 1m '1 mke . I
I II III I "I ma I Ildvel I he t It‘ .. - a DOO ”11 T - wll ( . we
1 111 11 . 1 nt r - [he 1 when . , eXPCC 11 It [S (d I ‘ m we 15 5
t IIIII I II Ve dEtennInC I Ilnd’ 10’ . 1V6 LO ‘_ [0 Se ’ the ’nute-S: ‘ _- ~111€11t . 1
1 I « 1. :1 - - n, < ‘1 1 1. mil . ~ n10!C - rt of a 30 m1 1 erusc 1 Its I
II 0 I III I III WOIIIdI I )ubhcauo I 1116 MI ‘ nothnlg , 1 the 51a 15 . f 2111 (”NV .1103 0I l
1 f 11‘ ll} ()leV61Yl . .ahed In d r has . [hats on Y he leC 0 . 1 influc _ 7mm J §
111 1 (my . - 1(1 ht ( Alexan e D But T welfu ”mm
I t III I IIIIIShC 11 that I bargal ‘ a many rt :1 110 .06 ach
i - 131 11 he ha< ,. yeca , -n 1s a 1 . ere me m exe . , full-pan
:I la! l. line H you “131) “A little leallnlfiggurinq “my. bmil to you that Eth mnSidCrEd- madmhlp. A
E ‘ '1 Q - -'11( : A litt e ‘ I 511 tors H 1 VS- I
l a 1 ty‘iy l1 )0 )0 once 5:. ” “7611, a rc— . T mt [ac V a “6‘ I I
I II I I l C 1 1C( )at
l Pl l," ltlll I l erous thlfig- , thing, and th '-]1 other Slgn 1 we know ‘1
II III IIIII dang (IRHQCme 1 1112111011 Whlt For examp e‘
l 1‘31‘ l:I *1 is also a. , of thls ca C hwe been
1 1 t1; : If"1, rcussmns .1. e rate (
l‘ n1 .! ,Il ILPC he m1] In
II I I II roduced 1
II f1 1 ; l p
I y I Iii 1
. 0 1‘ 11 Il
l1 n “ii? 1‘
I 3 l l ,,
17' .1 “NH ,,

 . I
x I II I ,
I . é“: III I
. I .
‘3 1940 x December, 1040 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page ThrCe III: I J '
V I III; ' :
u l.’ « . ' .
reader per I is much more likely to be seen than a delivered is 4 times as great as if the be done by the fraction A I IIII i
e to deliver I 2col. 5, no matter where the smaller reader concentrates on 12 pages than if IxN III."i III I.
1 a poor pa- i. ad is placed, and we are assuming com- he scatters his time over 48. This factor, Combining this fraction with the first III III Iii
cop y. That parable position in this discussion. Just the number of pages in a paper. we will part of the formula we get: chxTx A «I III
s are equal, .. to avoid complications, however, we will call “N”. IXN III? III I
I' COPY of a . assume that: the advertisement with To complete our mathematical crIua- which, if properly figured will tell us the 'I III 55'
c an adver- I which we are working is only one col— tioil, we shall take the two [actors which probability of a 10 inch advertisement ’IIIII III. '-
. sffmelwdl“ I mm inch. The factors of the advertise- the old milline rate recognized, that is, being seen in any publication. The result VIII III
R. or the I ment’s size we will call “A”, which in circulation, which we will call ”C”, and of working this formula through, there- :IIII’ :
’PY- Actual this example is 1 inch. the cost of the space, which we will fore, is a number which will faithfully ‘EIIIII :
e shown us E It is equally true that the number call “WE [or expenditure. represent the ”Visibility” of the medium IIIIIII . V
(‘:I]3:l‘i:n:1§: of column inches on a page with which The relationship between circulation, “11(1th consideration. _ . .. . . .- II‘II
ve Chicago' I our one. ln(111'RC1V€l‘LISCant has to corn number of readers per copy, and average . Using 111? hypothetical 94:9“. .8010" IIIIIII .
)ruary- b): .i - IleIe. Wlll al'lect the probability of _1ts time per person spent on each copy, is abovegiive f1nC1,rlllst thatvthe _ViSibility III’III' 2
enient con-1 beingseen. He‘re’we have a lactor which a direct relationship, and so can be lactoi- Ufa the 30,000 cgculaion news. IIII‘II
en students I we 'Wlllv call 1‘, and we find that it shown by Simple multiplication. That paper 155-12! and 20km? ~900‘ICTV151)“PVLI IIIII‘I
It is VHS, II varies for each different publication. is: if 1000 copies are read by 2 persons the "Fly “130- 1'1?“ ”I (GUCCI-P1111? big '00:“: III
mong C0111» II For the big newspapcr( Wlth-S columns total readership is 2000 as compared IMP“. ‘I’llh 15:59:)00 coplcs‘willyhaxe.03.- IIII'II '
3 to be less I each 22 inches long total inches per with only 1000 copies if each copy is read chances ‘0 dthCIIIhC adveltlsei 5 “lie-‘I‘IQC iIIII,
)1. these a- I Wlll be US. For a smaller paper, With by only one person. In the same manner, I0 the 1’36 01 the “713111.61 PEIPFH- B“: that H III
In the train . 7 columns each 21 inches long total the average time spent on a copy may be 1.?me all the story either. The 90,000 . IIFII
noment we . inches per page Will be 14/. multiplied by the number of persons fellilllgllg’llzgggm C0515 3-00 PIC] CglumI‘ ll'I.III
We paper’s If a reader spends 30 minutes on a reading each copy and number of copies. inc 1-1 e . 1 paper. COSFS on Y 5 “in? III II'
Jeople 48-page paper, he is not as likely to see So we have a formula that begins like a CO_ 11.11.111',,an€ 1- T0 Se? .1”SL .hOW I‘m“ III II
. _ .. . any certain advertisement as if he spends (his: C x R x T. "15mm” the advertiser WIN. get per III III;
$111333; I 30 minutes on a l2-page paper. In fact, . Next we must show the proper rela- Ifisiliililtnvfztcetgi”“be Egsioilsvfieflfjck IIIIIIII
has shown I all. other things beinig equal, the prob- tionship of a l-inch advertisement to all in ‘1 'di, . -. yW f d l' . 532 III II‘:
. - , ability of an advertiser’s message being he column inches in the paper. That can It} ‘1 \eltisement. C 1"} [ML ‘ ‘ IIIIIIIII‘III
11391: bOIh ‘ diVlded by 300 equals l./7. But 1% IIIIIII IIIIII
tee of more . divided by 50 equals 2.72.
:refore, the Applymg the Formulas: That is the end of the story. It is a I, IIIIII
fly dailies By taking into consideration every factor that all newspapers have in common, conclusion that the proponents of mil— III "I“ '
pers. it is found that: the return for every penny interested in the Home-Town News- line measurement have refused consist— 1.‘ II I
re amount I papers is greater than the metropolitan newspapers. This is shown by applying ently to consider for many years. It sliOWs III-I III:
copy of a ' the formula to three newslmpersr that the advertiser has 2.72 chances of {III
likelihood I Ney\:I3aI)ei' NCVYISIESPCY Newspi‘l‘léif delivering his message, for every penny .II‘IIII‘I
in a paper. . . * expended in the smaller paper, to the III“’
lder, if he ;. figgfigpocfi rmdem er c0): 5,005? 4,002 1:002 1.77 chances of delivering his message, ‘IIIIIII
nd on the 3' Time in minutes sped: readirig 20 30 30 per penny expended, in the larger pub~ IIIII II
0 see. any I 4. Size of advertisement, inches‘ 1 i l l lication. In no sense does I? do “.0160“? III III
he 15 1f 5. Inches Per newspaper Page 176 164 140 m the known Strength 01' PUbllmtlns LIIIIII
onal inter- 6. Number of pages in newspaper 40 12 8 with large circulation; but it does em~ IIIII’
5e amount 7. Expenditures per col. inch, cents $252 .55 .35 phasize the importance of several basic, III
Imen reud- ' determinative factors in arriving at the IIIIIII,I
lat all old Formula for Newspaper “A" adverising efficiency of the small paper. ‘ lIIIIIII
erroneous. I 50 000 x 3 x 30 x l = 639 Visibility Factor Ill the last analysis, the ability to de- ‘ III IIII .
ygraduatC . ’ 176 x 40 liver an advertiser’s message at small II?
can safely 639 + 2.52 = 2.54 the value Factor per penny of advertising expenditure. cost is the true test of advertiSing econ- I III}:
ers receive omy. I IIII
:h reader’s Formula for Newspaper “B" I III I
mity dallY ‘ 4,000 x 4 x 30 x~——l—I= 243 Visibility Factor __'___—_ ‘ I. .III‘ III .
on each 164 x 12 _ . . Bourbon News to Celebrate II III; “III
dailies do. I 243 + .56 = 4.34 The Value Factor per penny of advertising expenditure. 60th Anniversary in January I III I:
. . . I 2 4‘5;
.liggglslofi’g I - Formula ftir Newspaper “C” 3111) January 61053, the Bofurbon' News I II II .
‘ . . . . 1 it t1 nuou :1 ‘I-I‘e
6 two lia— . 1,000 x 4 x 30 X—‘l40 x 8-: 107 Visibility Factor XPemtfitggl LsaunchegeairnOMcicl)lretrlsburg,S I IIIIIII I
have N: 107 + .35 = 3.05 The Value Factor per penny of advertising expenditure. Bourbon county, in 1881, it was moved f Ij III III I
Whmh “ .. .. to Paris after two years where it has III III I
111 papers I ViSlbillty-Economy . d d h I tl III ,3 I
‘T” 21530. .I Circulation Milline Rate Value CF’mmue 0W“ t“ 6 Present" “ m III
. we I NewsPaper “A” 50,000 3.60 254 time the News has been owned by but :III .I i
nt 15 h . Newspaper “va 4 000 10 00 4 34 three men—Bruce Miller, Sw1ft Champ, 5. :lfaIII; ;
ce-on its Newspaper “C" 1’000 25:00 3:05 and, for the past fifteen years, by Carl IIIIII
:rtisemcnt ’ L. Johnson. III,"
' :‘III II j‘
. r; I: I
I III ..

 . 940 '
Deccmbtr’ ]
I tick-1'55"" I '
ESS ' )6"
THE KENTUCK [glue G, (11“;ff1ll Edll01'8 t youthful
I s. u v I , I ()3
t I .I f [hCir Papeiiv Has Y0 Kentucky 5 ]11C Barrett: 20
: . --: 1 "‘I I . I klin Cdltloim [01“ Commul by Among 1611 are LYEIIdon G Barrett?
‘III‘L‘ ‘ . 11 'e . 'n ‘ n I . e.
7 III III" I I I 6 Four spec‘al1firall3e WOYIhI-IIhlthis Ce1ebaaté‘; in “EWSPaIilereditOrI and 16 editor IOI DZIIS I 5'
I IIIleIII I Pag ‘ wou ‘oin 1n )1‘0 u . 1 .5 o Ssocl?l I T16 I I '
I II III .. I ., - . . a Veal 1d a - 1wa)c .
III III I It as to 1. Inted I spec1 I <§ o I I MK n the I
I I ‘HII III II , ,gPap I‘ Pr ake u ’Ca]‘ ' )361! up I I .
I I. II . : 110““ . thel nd 1T1 11111.5. 18 ) , g CIIII rrown h ir 7.
. 1mg . wS a - 1 c0Iu . Grds- - aly Ea _ ed t e. I
II IIIIII I (115131ay wlndO ‘toTla lgs. Blue raCUC asSUm 1
III. .II I 7/78 F a S . . hOW . edl ,. be am ' have P . Offices _ . Itember I
. II=: I: III F", 1 11 5 -- thelr v61 110 "Her . . 591’ I .
I .III III: I; . [1e . n . n 116 w A 53c] ..5 m t I 9-
I I; II I I . - 7 ntlon l tislng Ca I 1ntlfl/ ncWI~b1e (IUI‘C G, Barr?“ I 0.
i J” I II) I I me f-adver ('01 II )Onsl L‘Inn 1101'] 1 I
I. IIIIII! l‘II II . ky d 561 — c 1‘51 , her: ' I -. I P051 .
I I.” I . II the Kentuc G00 __— mor their fat upeerSO’y rna115m I
‘ :-"I .1: f —--—__ , V I » S I ‘011 "
‘II IIII'I‘III blication oiation 1 when (1 21 ”mm I'Omlel ,‘I tuck)’I ‘
IIII 'I-I tcial P" s A55°° ~ to AI’ aw ccCPIe L r111! a - I of Ken -
IIIEI'IIIII‘II I Ofi Pres _toluPublisher Greetmgs always nc I a ‘th VVPA‘ Y UniVC1~S1L> Grass Chp- I
I III” :, I Ed! [may I 10111, - )5 to WI - 1110 cc 111C . . t I
II If I ————ta 0, .us _ shC n B tcres
I I III ‘ 1. R. P0” rm, Lexingwn H . nly all 01d (1nd be“ WIholiday Stuacnt ,1 ,1 column] (~11 human “Iather I 10.
I 5“: ‘I‘IIII‘II II I I; view 1 press: It 15 O _ etings ‘ «‘stmas 1W nducl'Is ‘ win“ 0 " ‘10 the I .
I jI-‘ III I I II T d gle . . Ch11 ~ 6 “C CO H tonIa” ”A ~ WI“ - ~ 111mm 2
II ~12: ‘II? I’ d on The . . to extel} 13 at IhCI- no GI Ih tual ings I ( 01111110“? I 1118 (,0 ‘h : 10.
EI :III III' II Printe t'On Ofiicels'ue Hera-El" e’S fl‘lenc he begin] 5 111d mu d P ]Q and C' onlrlbulc deals WII- 11.
II III“ : I .I *7 v1 -Ec ' n L . ‘ ' 3 < . n 'LCn‘ C . ()W I '
III I . I we Eddy tel 1e 0 d . dshll I a 1 . 1.0 h 11 (368 I
III I II I _.I Ab . nt, sent" nvil an [1611 1161 ‘ 165 I, 7111c , . he 5
~ :IEII , II I’l'Lbs Presidelfindon 91'. Da Ieason ‘n ‘S 1 ‘n “Cc . ' of 011UnL 1 UVC “ . . thlngs -
5r ‘wIITI‘II I‘I PealeyI Pres, Messeng b It brl 8 stand] g q31m c O f1 . ung 1 at the 11.
_IzI III . I I II M. ice- -TreS-I . i1" . a1“- ndflrt . [he ‘1 . )1 ”BUY-“'5 'nrel es " ~0ug10 ,
I III I‘- GMCean yche’ V sec- Immee t I Cha ; )6 nd U 11ke r1511“ 011 I S Ihl 11~
II’III'II husgslks’é’ Ali‘fuuuw 2121M figtdze‘figggsifi: Icspch It, an, ant}; PC such €13; edi- commcIIIIsIIIIu- ”3ch
II III I' I III" J. terfiem’ Morgan ouriera Ham' I are]~ ' v6 0 Y'IV- - his CO I -
I J '. I‘ I W21 ford. . ‘113 C dWar Dan” (,1C s Us ‘ I 21V“ 4 _ 15 [0 In 11-
;; IIIIIEIIII III; Hurry Le]; ME? Lou‘sgimest flrdsom Her' g ml?! Ck} I ever pass .‘1 CXICHC ' 1‘ . , te. ——“
‘.I IiIIIIIIII .‘1 man; gimentroaiasgowrnon Rliexingtonpressi '3 1 W111 n d hear” y, wishes to std —“*“_ mil)“ I
I IIII‘I II FIs.‘ Vancfiichardsonfiewsd; gewachfiIKentflkgy cagigI guston erel)’ an ‘1ie§ best ‘I s and P as Comm I I2:
I II ‘ I I" Joe 1 mbm- Fre 'rtma" ’- na R0 I ' . cinC f ml ' _~Iunac, . . I 1' ’- - I .
I ,.III.III1III tt COu Cate, R. P0 Cynthla Wa1ker Ash" 101, I I 111" .21 C11115 111g , Sr/W” amrsit) - . 12~
I IE -‘I I 1 III: 16-1123 AdVO.- Victorwilson' Ocrat; Forgey' Ste!) and )0 Derry ~'tV dllr ‘ Hlo‘ll ' I", U71“ ' rescl‘ltlng II
I IIIIII :I- :I W -Leade.‘ T. T a Dem unceY- Lanca v0“ nd 1 ,. spell , b 4t T " ,, w 1‘61) - '
-IIIIII1I I II ald . 1011. (nor . Chat 131ka I I a (1 pm me. [(1, I .1 AK" 1 c01I I
I III‘InI I :I mg 1 Be ald, L- 11141131)) '1“ . 10 CO H“ dc CS . 111113
I “‘IIIIIII: III [fixnk BeIItue H.“ onert . a 1th, ‘ IeaIS . 1 285 . the (u 01
II III I I III :0]: fi’géfiigndem' R committee te Chaiflongzs’ Peace 11??)41 and all I IV[01‘€ 111132018, met 111k), High Schge .I
I -I-_-I:I“.I;, d . . '0 ca . . T -. 2'1 ~1C . I' I '
I II Iggmrw Leg'SIagIgnfieIdtfid‘gazefizfry W??? 111C )Ulr ———_ 60 h‘gh “I the KCDILC UWVCISIIIéund‘ 4
I CI III? I IOr Hm I ; I‘m 1’ _——-— - I .- 0 - ' . 1‘ ~ 2
II III III 3' ~ “Ilunford'tgrfiEIdItgl Hel‘alg R- Jopslamer resting ventlon . ti011 RI L Series Of .a_ .
3‘. gII H, I I Tylel ‘Lee Wa LeXmg . Geol.gwilliams’ u g Intc . agSOCIa .. Dd 21 1‘ mag 6
III“ I I Haraiuerwwdhcmocgfi;- cecI ,Ious PI“ 6 Issued 1W ‘6 7 I0 II” 1 II‘ These
5‘ II ' III - I - ' . ' . . - - a ‘ ‘- .
I III IIII ’: i I géducflgt figgmmonwe ”nit 00mmmseechail‘muaig-I Spent/II Ed] IISDaPCrS haV editlons Icmbel n Phases : productlon wIll be
II 'I m I I ' gamer” nal- 1‘ Ex] Pres ' 3.1. L0 rS- , 116‘ ‘ ."stnl'ds w d- 1165 O «boo , 10111 . c .
II III I I I t J0“ usvaI‘“ muck-V Jour“ a]; M , I s13LC 1 C1111 s t 06 Ia) real f W1 I'rltels 9-
II {I I II: 58 Ne‘ 1m, Ke Farmt Jour" blicanI Man} aIIC t reflec . and 3 any 0 . )el‘ II
;I ”III-I- I1 I I POrtnlasI§entuCkyrankfor Rel)“ ‘ tobacco 1:11 [-1121 of [he [111(3) )16) In C‘VSPdI a 3‘5
' I IEII ‘I : II r'clUr R” encer; Son, .F. msburg erald- ‘ eclal [ 1’11011 Dart l I P601 . and n neVVSp p I
I _iI i-IIl I' III \Itlohn SI) rt SW“) WIII‘aburg H 8I) . thC Pas n the 1 Int on y young. flintels ,hosC )apel‘
I In ' III Vfie‘: RobgmermEIHaI-rods luflng , . rise 0 atCS- A V IUI' [61111211 I and ‘I '11 DCWSI ‘ 9:
E III ' II VI rold HUIIOD’ ( I entelp -. qssoco . . and!“L 1)” future: _ )il‘ 100 encOUI' .
-— I Ir I ”9 (Wm [AL— ‘t 311" thell ‘ I b11119, ‘5 21- ' the ‘ 'n lh‘ Very . 102
I MI I MISS OR ' I - 111d ‘IjoflS f “CWSP OI ch 1 I‘ ~ell C -. 1‘s 1“
_ I III I‘ I DIT N nditors I I ‘31 edl unlIy . ir . )I‘Od11 be 81‘ - 7 edIIO. ~
I‘ III 'II I m t these SPLC1 thC comm s and Ihe me I. should 0111““111.1['I1 r aCUVIII
: III I;' . NA \uw, AS . do 011116 [0 [he [O‘VUI 11d (‘I'Cate Plants! L by 0111s C 1 CUITICII a 10
-. II' '; c,c=:...u - ~IV' I . "e I. . 'l ‘ I u ' J :
. I I {1. cd “but amen-when deglec r the news agent?“ )m‘tallt cxfl)‘rogram.
K] I I1;III, L, I)C1:'S’ HS [0 [11811111ng I‘CSPeCt f0 [his Inill'qh School 1 k 11.
I II .1} I I I (itlZC i a -.1 erS- f the 0 _—~ ‘
‘ I lIII ‘ I 'I 3‘1 “ hood W . 1})115 1 O __——
I II I III udded I II ucu II — , I.
III III II I NIEMBER W paper“ an —~ d AP CM" f the 11'
‘ 1 15' I ‘ ~—__ )6“? ' .. 0 l 1
‘ II :‘I ‘I I —~ . .h {6616 . dllor (1 I
-——I I IIIIIIIIIII CKY PRES Honored Lan””’ 1 Illanaglng e'ts recledes
REI I III 1077' ' 111“; , r6 _t. - W‘ 1GWI' ;
‘1‘" 69 ,1( 11’ . 1 ~ , I C12
Wi I III} III A550 ”D JANUARY, '8 Ed Hullton’ Cdon Carly K'Cn seleC‘ Imdualh Of the Assot the annuafl HG
I I: III ”I - ‘I ' I ' ls ’ n a ‘ ' - -':-:I:4:!:I:I:E:EI§3E13
PreSII I III II "R“ b r 2 Dig/Ian authOlllII nored m h to CO" Chalrma‘n Kentucky Novembel xecutl"e I
11-10111 I II, :I‘ um, 3 ya ) en 10 Inittee , ' )Cr3 1 ' 1116: - [he C ' [ed [I‘m/N
I M : I 2 NI He 3 be Com . es 1n pa} _ ulSV . of . cla I s
senmI I III ,: n6 1 ’ - ’ ha 0f 21 dust“ 11 L0 mbel A550 I
] I III II ”T“— hlstor)’ ' man '11 In _ ial fig 1 1116 .- nal 01115" .
We I II; I Be Chalr dwl anC ' I ted a 3th tL I "
. ., . . 00 d Em lec the n I a _ IlI
tlnue I ‘II' I eek To “0“ as ‘ h the G - a1 an The was 6 of I Assn- Iem
: . I . - ' S . 0‘
0.1- thI III I' WT— operate.wItqn educauorilakertown' tfie Commlttee mg Edltollr meetlng N119 t0 aled,
Ims: I III III PVl-"IIIIg 1 Immad‘)’ ill be (3616— qPOHSOrmg Ii) restore S to restore hold hrcss Managthe annufl gratulatlo I ModC
m I; ,'I I“. (I . w - . I -» 'I d e ‘ '1] - I Con I
I II: I I IMIII" ’ . Week rmt mg“ 1 nne hous ~ lurl g I est 12 x
pape‘ I ; II C(elt L10“ . {fer 1) (amp c - I) a _ nd as 1116 ( - al 151 l
- I z . I 21 ~ 0 . . _ , ' 1S (1 a W \ H6
11:85:; I III II II prinlmg EduchoolS thch thers 11116; camPalgn 1nd the £161 shaker sect her 1820' and 2
0. III ‘I~ ‘: " 5C 0 -. .'asr . 16 1,.
nag]; II I. I III brrltcd by thin and maFYIanuary 13 10f bulldlnfzr “yhlch L1 . Barry 1'06! __ C ul’lIy I 015(-
this II If II ‘ . truck“ ek 0'. . 110110r --qftS - 1udi118 ’ s ‘ ———" ~ 1 0 . the "
II I. III . a 1118 he we _ d In . (,lc _ J 111C hesncy, — ElllOI‘ _ mg , '
I I I' II ‘ “10 in" t lecte nkhn’ ted- MC“ 7 MCC - he Is be me 1
I II" I I Z..d dul D as Se . ‘n Fra n0 COInln H \. - rdln: ‘ er t lck": 13.1“
sTUI I [III II I eSLL . terVal W Benjaml blisher’ The - 71116, ‘ A. Ha I pal) ’ K011I1 ’ 16 p I I 1] ~
I I I . 13X les IVIC’ 110“ k [1 I “e (
STAI I! II.I T1115 1“ of I and P“ 06. m L0u 1 6 char I L. A (II H00 I from son I
I .‘I III, birthday 1 :ntel 7 17 -ngha I IIucg rank .1_ . I gan ) Own . . gray We a
I I-. III - 311 1 , . Bl I am I rfi- F D1V1( r I neb- L hat I rel; I
The I III the . olonla I Iatnuary . t thls nkaIII 1th M‘ L G- ‘ I. I“ . d for I Enql” I
. III III . CC] (, on 1 e .lha . Fra rg‘, “7 MI‘S- ' 1611 S bllshe Hey ~ I
UnIVe . 1‘s I p10“ born hop hoh- sodsbu I nd . . wO11 p11 dI Va 11t01- I
I > II I; f s , resS - nal Harl . , n, a . thC n- . San ) I e( I
nshmlI I III‘ III hO W3 . exp 1311.10 7 lncrtO hug - t K6 f the b):
I I z w 018 de a 1 new LCX b I heaC uam o . R. Bag
the Us I II II I uponS ma Wa VeYI tel: acq v of - m
I I I II: . . C - be , N- S‘ ncaS Or t0 -1 2118 Vvlllla
of JouI I“ 1 1h . soon R0) )re , La ' deaV (1 1(6
for t1“II I II date ‘V‘llording ‘0 Berea “11.6%?th in' :{InisionI W‘uheflm “Work an
tV “6“» I‘I‘ III (1 I aCC 101" f rln _ 1V . it '
‘ ~ I II I 21): ~ truC . . 1 0 P re ans W
which I . I.~. I' . .- ' Ins at101 are . tuckl I
and III ‘;II Prmungf the assoc‘tate_ SchoOISOI thelr the shakers'
. all P II I III: idem 0 in the S 1Ioducts resent
partmII II'II‘II uctors '5 lay P and p
able 8 1‘ III III S” d to d‘ p house»
Kentu‘ I I1“ II queste 1 01d Open
the 131‘? ,‘II‘ III lants 1
Inail’l ] I II I I P
for thji III III
you h' :II‘. . I
of J.“ III I: 5
maihn‘I III I I

 '1). \; II III I I ’III
3 ~ I ~ j . .. . . - , . , 1:3 II- II I
cembci, 1940 3 December, 1940 I HE KEN I UCKY PRESS Page Five I III -I I -
1:4; I. ' _
I III’ 5 j
,> I III III] I ‘ -I
::::::::'¢:;::E:3:3:52S:E:§:Z:E:E§E§E§E§f§5§§3$535535???EESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEiziiisisisSsia55352532353323333533E;3235535335f3552331255;35232323332;3555:3133E:E=E:2:E:2:E:525:52:32:E:53:55:35:55:35:35:52:32:32::3:3$222533;21:15:15::=:=:=:::I:=:t:::t:::=:::::::r:=:::7:=:::::=:::=::::;:::::::;:::5;:5::::;:;:::;:;:;:;:::;:::::::::;:::;:::;::=;:::::-:-:-rec-2+2 . - - "I III I ‘
I Pro ram Oi Mid Win er Me ' EII‘IIII‘I’“ As A “I Camp :IIIIII _.
s most r0 ' g ' t etlng . . ’ IEI'III ‘1
Inn C BaireiithuI In memory of his father, Barry Bing— I III III:
Eldon G B ’20 Kentucky Press Association ham, publisher of the Louisville Cour- ‘III'I j
te editorI ofar’rlflIlII Brown H0101, Louisville ier—Journal and Times, presented a gift. III 52-
I e , M10000 toth‘U t EK. ‘IkI 'IIITNI -~
Iidwa)’ The bor ' Thursday lammr)’ 16 (I ’ C ”“051 I 0 cntuc I III III
' 5,] . . . ‘ .)' . ' ' A ,, , ’;I‘ilI'I
grown up in tile II 5:00 P.M.—Registration in I‘O)’Cl‘ 01' R001 Garden. Registration lee $1.00 Per WIIICII W111 IX used I0 purchase and (III- III III
S _ Person. I velo ) the old Tatum S )rin rs hotel in) )— I IIEIII» '
ice, assumed their 700 PM~B “.4, g . R f ‘1 ~ _ (“I “I, ,1. .I I), ”l 1 ‘ I ”III? .'
.168 in SCptembei- . . . u c. ..uppci in oo Gait en, complimentary the Brown Hotel I I“ asnngton county. I 16 I’ml" IFIIII '
Lynn G Barrett . - FTIddyIIIImmryZ7 erty includes 10 acres 01 land, a 40— III
)ei‘visory positionI 9:00 A.M.—Registi‘21t1()n in Foyer of R001 Garden. 1‘00”] IIOLCI building, 311d SCVCMI 0111- IIIIII I
Iormer Iourn 1.‘ , 10:00 A.M.—Business session called to order in the Roolf Garden by President buildings. The hotel, which is 100 by ,IIIIIII
‘sity of IIKenta 11:1“ I G. M. Pedley, Princeton Leader, Princeton, Ky. ['72 Ieet will be remodeled for use [5‘ IlgIlI-III I
‘ I ”C 1’, Invocation by Rev Dr Georve S Wood '* ' ‘ ' ‘ ' I ~ I II IIIIIII ‘
; .