xt751c1thm5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thm5t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1998-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1999 text GLSO News, July 1999 1998 1998-07 2019 true xt751c1thm5t section xt751c1thm5t e~"GAY&
ORG' ‘ JULY 1999
-- Lexington Kentidlej VOL 14 N0. 6
' A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
m roud of their count and want to be a
Jay 4““ Sari of lndependenor: Day! Volunteers Honored
This year’s 4th ot July Parade will It you are a leader or member of The eighth annual Volunteer
be held on Saturday, the 3rd of July any local or statewide community orga- Awards Banquet was held at the end
(hey, made sense to the city planners) nizations, please ask them to march of Pride Month to recognize individu-
and l'm one of the people helping to with us on the 3rd. If you aren’ta mem- als who have given their time and
organize the lesbigaytrans contingent! ber of any organizations, we need you energy to our community and to pro-
Fairness, GLSO and the Court have too! Invite your friends and other folks vide us all with a celebration of our
arranged for two entries 80 that we can you think might join us. progress. The names of individuals
have 100 marchers. For more information contact given awards by the groups in which
Show up on Midland Ave, which is Laurie Davison, by email at  or by phone (after when We went to print; they will be
noon. We need to have a good per- 5:30pm on weekdays) at 299-3098 and printed next month.
centage 0f people there to hold onto the Hi tell you everything you need to know! The Rainbow Community
two places we have paid for. So, no, do Service Award is in its third year and
not plan to join us along the route after Rock, Women, 8' Blues is given to the group judged to have
YOU have hfid a few; join US al‘1_2n00nt On July 4 "The Independent contributed the most to our commu-
For this year‘s parade it is very Music Showcase: "R0 ck Women & nity Within the preceding years. This
important that we have as many ms Blues" will be presented at the State W" ”‘9 Rainbow community
marching as DOGS“? because we are Theater, entrance through the Service Award was given to Movable
m the process Of asking our crtyto 96's S Kentucky Theater in downtown Feast Lex‘"9,‘°“ WFL)‘,
some pro-gay, pro-trans legislation. Lexington This concert starts at 6:30 The Episcopal Diocese AIDS
(and we want them to WANT TO!) and will feature the music of Wishing Ministry had been organizing month-
TthUQh this parade, we want to Chair and Mother Jane. Tickets $5. IV dinners With the help 0‘ other
showvimngton that: h t r This is a fundraiser for the RSIC church groups ~--°0"”"“ed 0" Page 3
.1) .. represen a uge segmen O of All Kentucky, and is sponsored by ' __
”“9 cm?” pow'at'on (and we do.) Kevin Fillips, Candidate for Emperor Fairness News Page 3
"30:75: ‘12:: the obvtous, were very 18. The designated charities of the W
’ .V . RSIC of Kentucky are; Moveable l‘ f he Month
3) We are 900d Citizens, neighbors, Feast Lexington, the Pride Center of SpOI‘ISO 0 t
parents, and friends . . . the Bluegrass, and AVOL's Solomon
4) We have supportive straight friends House T h B
and family (35k supporters to join US!) This concert is designed to e a r
5) And mainly thatweare not the huge, appeal to the women in our commu-
lavender menace thatsomethrnk. That nity; nota common occurrence by the C 0 m I e H
We are, rather, a friendly, fun-lovrng, C , . _ p
ourt. Lets turn out to enjoy our
990d group Of people who also are selves and to say "Thanks Kevin!"

 pride Wrap Up we thank everyone who volunteered
{it In 1999’ we did shine. The GLSO their time, talents, raffle prizes, and
«Pig pride Committee thanks everybody food to make this into our own kind of
"g“ 4%“:“3” that participated in pulling together a family reunton._ A speCIaI thanks to
t j wonderfully varied month of events for Joan and Jenntl‘er for sharing Windy
:fiaw’ 1999. If in this review I neglect to Kim” Farm W'th “5 _ ?”d ‘9 Ke"V
W mention something close to your 0 Ferrell for her organizmg skills. By
[7— stof" heart, please forgive and realize that I the way, some reasons we have "0t
“’4‘“ am trying to summarize a month full of conSIdered gorng back to Bell House
large and small successes. (Or it you are that it costs about $400 to rent that
can not forgive, write your own review shacztfnd no amplified musrc '5
and mail it in by July 17th!) 3 0w -
The GLSO News Probably the event that brought Smaller events such as the films
Vol.14 Issue 7 the greatest number of people togeth- at the Unitarian Church, the Working
Published Monthly by er was Sins Out, the Pride Concert Class Kitchen Pride Reading, and sev—
brought to us by the Lexington Menrs eral Social Concepts get togethers
. Chorus with Voices of Kentuckiana We fun and popular. We had a nice
The Lexmgton Gay and SisterSound. Having over one mixed C'OWd ('93 gay and str8, men
. Pagan Christian and
- hundred people on stage was a spec- and women, ' , _ _ , .
Lesbzan Servzce tacular sight, and the sound was fabu— Ether) it rah? Womgrtt: thrliusmy
- - - thchtsa oo in a a-
Organzzatzon lous. Particutarly' notable wasthe n n t n n g h It? t?
amount of musrc written by LBGTindi- De 5 0 0 e e 0”? ' S grea °
32] ,Second St. viduals OI' speCiticaliy iOl' GALA have these Opportunities to meet new
Chorusus. Our music is another gift p901: t th d l th t
_ we give to the cultures in which we e wo gay eme pays a
Editors' live. were produced this month were both
Mary Crone Directed by Dawn Coon the excellent but were under-attended.
Peter Taylor Men's Chorus sung selections from Do we give you too many events to
Davina Warner NakedMan, commissioned by the San COl'lSldel' .m one month? Beyond
Francisco Gay Men's Chorus. it was a Therapy directed by Homer Tracy was
~ - . - hilarious look at strange relation-
. delight to listen to, l was particularly a . .
Layout Editor- glad they printed the lyrics which ships and equally strange therapists.
Charlie Perkins deepened my appreciation of the So, i met thtslguyn. written by our
work. Directed by Caren Tandy own Dave Morrison was a funny and
GLSO Annual Dues Sistersound sparkled particularly on porgnant one'act play, W?" directed by
and Newsletter: $15 Big-Legged Woman. (“When God Shannon Chnsty. We think we Will be
Dues and Newsletter for made woman, She made hips and seeing more plays written by this tal'
Couples: $20 thighs”) Getting the opportunity to ented man. We hope that the direc-
hear Voices of Kentuckiana, was a tors, actors, and others involved do
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are treat that we hope will be repeated in "0‘ 99‘ d'SCOQ’aged by the ’0‘” anen'
those of the authors and don't necessarily Lexington. dance, the? (M some great work.
represent those of the GLSO Board. The GLSO Picnic was another We ‘3'“ eve“ "we "“5 "Wt“-
Submissions are welcome and become the successful event, probably with the We danced at our prom, we raised
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves best attendance in the last ten years "WW ‘0' ”meme Feet“, and after
the right to edit submissions and advertise— (maybe even counting the bashes ”“5 goes to press, we M" be bowling
ments as well as the right to reject any sub— which included alcohol sales from the and banqm‘m- To quote from Naked
miSSiOHS 0' advertisements. past.) The atmosphere was great and Men: ‘There is no map for where we
go...We’re not lost, We’re here."

 ' ' * ” z‘ ' ta}
, in Lexington for several years. any organization that asks. It is clear that can mean bring your own butch,
- Michael Thompson and others saw a that our community has benefited bottle or whatever you want the ‘b' to
, need for a larger effort to feed person from his willingness to share his tal- stand for). On Saturday July 17, we
. living with HIV/AlDSflAfter a year of ents, his time, and his energy with will havea hot tub party in Richmond.

planning, fund raising and getting the us. We congratulate him on winning BYOB and plan to stay over if you get

kitchen at St Augustine’s Chapel the Wasson Award for l999. plastered. No drunk driving. It you
remodeled, MFL stated serving hot , . want to attend either of these events,
nutritious meals on October 3, l998. ' Fairness call Ginger at 389-7698 or e-mail her

Operating seven days a week, 365 . Lexington Fairness has suc- at gg40504@hotmail.com.

days a year, MFL and the hundreds ceeded in getting the Fairness ordi-

ot volunteers they have recruited, nance’ on the. docket 0f the 6180 Discussion Group

have served over 7,000 meals to Lexington/Fayette), City, Wm?“ The GLSO discussion group is

people in need in our community. The Human Rights; Canals?" going strong every Wednesday night

This success would not have been Eggangoggpzflmgfih an ceatth a: at 7 pm at the Pride Center. We have

possible without the generous time wouidvenendexi’sting discrimination a lot of fun and we are always open

and abilities of Michael Thompson, protection to include sexual orienta- to new members and new ideas.

Terry Mullins, and Carol Farmer. fignand gender identity » Call Jeremy for more information

Thanks to you and all the other vol- . A publichearing has been set at269-6658.

unteers that have made Movable July 1 at 7 pm, second floor,VCity

Feast a success. Hall. Fair WESLSUDPOBGYS Wi" be MOONSHINE BEARS

The Wasson Award for the out- oiven time to- Speak, as will 09' The Moonshine Bears are plan-
standing volunteer of I999 was given opposttlon. Casuat hustlteSVsIAJUSlI—I ning their next Bar Night for
to Mr. Bill Chandler. Bill served as 2:: :fiége:i$$.:§t:ékeesm_ Saturday, July 17 at Crossings. This

Presrdent of the Trr-State Gay Bodeo porters Stand out. Be there before 7 is a Bear Beach Party so break out

Assocratron, both of the Lexrngton PM if you want to be sure of getting your beach wear and come and rorn

Chapter and of the three state orga- intothe {mm A vote on this mas. the fun!!! Prizes will be awarded and

nization. He is a past member of the name could come sis-early as Jilly an After Hours Party W3“ fMOW-

Lexington Men’s Chorus and is 6. Webetlevs we have the-votes on

presently serving as President of the council ‘0 pass this, and 390°" CUUPS

Ebony Male. He is also on the Board tum 0mm" limp educated the pub- The Covenant of Unitarian

of Directors of the Metropolitan "c about who wears. I . . - Universalist Pagans is a group made

Community Church, AVOL, and up of gay and str8, male and female

GLSO. He is a founder of and active Social Concepts individuals who follow a variety of

participant in ActOut, the theatrical Social Concepts had one whale earth centered spiritual practices.

group that raises money tor the Pride of a good time in June, different folks The July CUUPS meeting will be at

Center. He has been active with the showing up each time, attending the Unitarian Church on July 25 at

Pride Committee for years. many pride events, sharing laughs 12:15 pm after the service. It will fea-

Bill is a member of the and eating some good food. We ture a potluck, discussion of the

Community Planning Group which have two events planned for July, but ongoing stone circle project, partici-

determines how HlV/AlDS preven- it you can not make these, give pation in Peace Camp, and "rewing

tion money should be spent in Ginger a call and see what else is up" CUUPS to include weekly meet—

Kentucky. In addition to all of this, planned as the month progresses. ings, rituals and workshops, and

Bill spends countless hours at his On Sun July 4, Nat is hosting a youth activities. The group is open to

computer doing graphic design for barbeque at 5PM. BYOB (Nat says anyone interested. ,


 om of gm GIGS“ justice also. This month, i have to celebrate the diversity of religious
unto gm World received two news releases from expression in the Central Kentucky
if you hadn‘t noticed, more and groups looking for our participation. area. There is no charge for any of
more progressive groups in In their own words (well, mostly)... the events. For more information call
Lexington are reaching out to the 2558566 or 269-6588
LBGT community, asking for us to The Alternative The conference will begin Thurs.
serve on their boards, to educate Transportation Project evening at 7:30, with apanelentitied:
them about our issues, and to partic- Everyone is invited to the heart Understanding Oppression. Dr.
ipate in their endeavors. Some of us of downtown Lexington to support Jimmy Kirby will moderate this panel
have taken steps to join other the use of Alternative Transportation composed of Blackbear of the
groups, and to be “out" in these in Lexington! On Saturday, July 10. Blackfoot Tribe; Mohammed
groups; there is a need fora lot more from NOON to 6:00 PM, ride your Mohiuddin, and Rabbi Uriel Smith.
of us to join in. bike, roller blades, or skateboard, get Friday evening will feature the
Historically, gays and lesbians on the bus, or walk downtown to keynote address by Dr Michael
have made our presence known in Phoenix Park (in front of the Kinnamon, a local and nationally
the peace movement (such as local- Lexington Public Library) to show known leader in the ecumenical
iv in the Council for peace and your support of alternative trans- movement. On Saturday, twenty
Justice). in the woman's movement portation and have a good time while workshops will be offered including
(locally in the Bluegrass Rape Crisis doing it. the teachings of a number of modern
Center and other groups) and in Listen and dance to the music of spiritual prophets, as well as prayer,
other efforts such as downtown Almost Everything, Hexose and DJ meditation, and social action prac-
restoration movements. Matthew Bandy, Alien Squad and hose. Small discussion groups are
More recently in Lexington, out Subterror. The Lex—Tran Singers will planned for both Friday and Saturday
members of our community have be thereto entertain and Mayor Pam to allow interaction between people
been involved in the Humanitarium, Miller will speak out about the bane of diverse religious traditions.
the Center for Culture and Diversity, fits to Lexington of foregoing the use in tune with the theme of
the One World Festival, and other of your car once in a while in favor of "Welcoming the Stranger", We will
progressive efforts. Established other methods of transportation. have breakout discussion groups
groups are also supporting us in There are many ways to get to composed of persons of diverse
many ways. The National the AT. Project besides using your identities (religious, sexual prefer-
Conference for Communities and car, but come no matter what if you once, ethnic.) This would be a
Justice (NCCJ), for example, has support a cleaner, quieter environ- chance for LBGT people to partici-
had a gay lesbian panel for Anytown, ment in our city. Bring a picnic lunch, pate in an open discussion with oth-
their week long, diversity experience support a wonderful cause, and ers who want to listen and under-
for high school students for several make a day of it! We hope to see stand diversity. it is obviously not a
years. This is one of the few opponu- y0utherel requirement to identify oneself as
nities we are given to talk directly to gay bUt W6 WOUld iOVG to hear your
young people. NCCJ also hosted a mADu FACES OF SPTRTC views on religion and spirituality.
discussion on Falmess in June. CODFQRQDCG This conference is a completew
More of us need to be active in The Planning Committee of the grass-roots effort in our community. it
our larger community. Many of us fourth annual Many Faces of Spirit is not sponsored by any one group or
see ourselves as “out“ but remain conference is excited to announce denomination. The Newman Center
within the safety of LBGT organiza- this year' event. Our theme this year has generously offered their facilities
tions. (bigger, roomier closets?) As is: Welcoming the Stranger; for our use, but this is not a Catholic
we ask churches and groups to sup- Embracing our Diversities. project. I want to take this opportuni-
port our Fairness Campaign, we We invite you to join us Thurs. ty to invite members of the LBGT
need to support their work for social evening July 15, through Sat. July community to attend this conference
17, at Lexington's Newman Center, and join in dialogue with us.
CLSO Page 4

 t Mina, Billie, Aflb hair on fire. What had I gotten myself their sordid relationship, but they
‘ , into? were to do it out of sight and out of
' MOW Pms Lunch took place on a Friday as mind.
BY Heinette F- Jones planned. Billie turned out to be a six- Shortly after their daughter's
foot, muscle-lean, weather worn fifth birthday, Billie’s "friend" was
MlStakeS and misunderstand- woman in blue jeans. Her teeth were killed while covering Germany‘s
ings are ingredients that add umph to her own and her hair was styled into march into Poland. That same year
our lives. Meeting Mina was one 0t an immaculate silver ducktail. She her father died of a heart attack.
those umph times. i was admiring was a leather wallet in the hip pocket Billie took over the management of
bodies in the dance class she kind of a grandma. Her straightfor- what was left of the family fortune; it
caught my gazing eyes, i sprung a ward disposition scared me. had all been toomuchforher mother.
leak, and she came over to introduce It took the entire meal for me to Mr. Reinette survived W.W.ll,
herself, l thOUth that i had unknow— get my bearings back. i finally tuned and every summer his daughter visit-
ingly given 0“ a "come here“ signal, in to Billie talking about the various ed him in France.
bUt it was my name that had attracf- types of Reinette apples. The lgof so caught up in Billie‘s story
ed her attention. Reinette, my first Beinette family had owned apple that l barely heard her ask if I knew
name, was also Mina’s grandfather’s orchards in France dating back to the the genealogy of my namesake. I
last name. 1600s couldn't answer. l couldn't tell her
To my understanding, the name Billie and her "friend" had met that l was clueless as to why I had
was nothing more than a bunch Of Mr. Reinefte in 1931, all three were been given an Old French name.
letters that had gotten slapped foreign affairs journalists. (Thanks to This small bit of information made
together shortly before my birth- BUt Eleanor Roosevelt‘s influence, my heart hurt. l tried not to cry, but
Mina insisted that i talk With her 70- women journalists were able to find fears kept dripping down my face.
year-old grandmother for more infor- work during the Depression.) But Lunch was over.
mation. The older woman was com— Billie‘s career took a turn in 1933. Mina and Billie insisted on dri-
ing to campus as a guest speaker. Her not as wealthy father believed ving me to the baby-sitter‘s house to
LUCKY me, one minute i was the Depression was coming to an pick up my daughter before heading
basking in confused admiration. and end: thus, it was time his odd and home. The widow baby-sitter, Moma
the next minute l had a lunch date only child got married. A woman, Pris (Priscilla), was overly happy to
With Mrs. Professor Grandmother especially one of her status, had no have company. She was not a rela-
Vlfilhelmina Reinette. Sounded like a business working. He had let her five, but she was like the grandmoth-
convoluted mutation to me. have her way long enough. er that I had always wanted. It was
Mina didn‘t think that was funny. Before returning home, and feel- she who had encouraged me to “go
She said her grandmother looked ing that she had nothing to lose, Billie to college girl, and stop waiting on
like all other grandmothers and she and Mr. Reinette conceived their the Black knight with golden arms,
preferred to be called Billie. And for daughter - by way of a medicine the world‘s got some other goodies".
my information, Billie had never been dropper. (I thought artificial insemi- i didn't know what her words meant,
married, she had never slept With a nation was a fairly recent adventure. but I trusted her wisdom.
man, and She had never taken the This woman really was a Martian.) Moma Pris had lived through the
name Reinette. Billie’s father was outraged at Depression also. Trying to make a
Right then and there, l knew her unnatural behavior and pregnan- living had been hard, but harder
something was strange about this cy method. Her refusal to marry was times took away her teaching job. To
family. A grandmother. no man, no the last straw; she was forced to live keep food in her belly, she had sung
sex, and a phantom grandfather? in the family cottage in Maine. There and played saxophone in gigs.
These people had to be the Martians was to be no family contact and she including a few with Bessie Smith.
that H. G. Wells had written about. was forbidden to leave the island. She had liked Bessie, but she also
The old lady would probably show up She and her "friend" could continue _
with her teeth in backwards or her ----°°”t'”ued 0" page 6
' """'-—'""""‘""' " ' ' " " GLSO page 5

 continued from page 5.... a little too well for my liking. As we could say good—bye. She would be
knew when it was time to go; were all leaving, I thought that l leaving in the morning, from Moma
Bessie’s business tactics could get heard Billie tell Moma Pris that she Pris’s house. (Good Riddance!)
shaky and rough. They had parted would be back to pick her up at 6:00 Moma Pris whispered a "THANK
on friendly terms. (Moma Pris had sharp. YOU". What was she thanking rne
given me a framed picture of Bessie i called Mina. She told me that for? Everybody in town knew that
that was taken a couple of years Billie had asked Moma Pris out on a woman in the Mercedes had taken
before the singer‘s death.) date. They had planned dinner and her off to God knows where for three
After leaving the music circuit, dancing. Mina thought that they whole days. Now she was going to
Moma Pris had done hair, taken in might even spend the weekend be spending the night. ldidn’t want
iaundry, and stood in soup lines. together, because of the way they any thanks, I wanted things back the
There was even a period when she had taken to each other. way they had been.
was a "sister of the road", a hobo. What had gotten into those two Billie left her address and phone
She had slept in cardboard boxes, old birds? Moma Pris did not date, or number, just in case I ever wanted to
and boxcars, and the cotton fields dance, or diddle. That Northern talk. I never did. Mina and l cooled
where she sometimes found work. hoo-doo Martian woman was up to our friendship and eventually lost
She had even considered prostitu- something, she was trying to convert touch. Moma Pris continued to baby-
tion, but according to her, "sweet Moma Pris. i needed to intervene. sit and keep in contact with Billie and
stuff wasn’t even selling in the 1930s, ‘The phone FtUNG and RUNG smile a lot.
mine had dust on it, so I knew it was and RUNG. No Moma Pris. Life moved along, as it always
a no sell." Saturday morning to Saturday night, does. I managed to respect other
None of her ventures had no answer. All day Sunday, nothing. people’s happiness. And four years
brought in enough money to save the Late Monday afternoon, no answer later Moma Pris passed away. i still
family farm. The dust blew in and her and no Moma Pris. miss her. Every time i look at Bessie
family moved out. What could they possibly have Smith’s picture, i think of the week-
After the War, she made agood been doing for three days? They end that Billie came to town and
catch and married an army man who were old! Had their hearts stopped made Moma Pris smile.
was about to finish his time with and no one had found the bodies? l Last month i heard from Mina.
Uncle Sam. They never had chil— called Mina. She had the nerve to tell She was calling to tell me that 89-
dren. Their marriage lasted 20 me to tend to my own business and year-old Billie had died in her sleep.
years, and then her husband suc- stay off the phone. Some friend she I told her that l was so, so sorry for a
cumbed to the damage the War had turned out to be. lot of things. We both started to cry.
done to his lungs. Monday night they finally i hung up the phone. There was
i loved this woman and t was showed up. Both of them looking like nothing else to be said.
happy to see that she and Billie had fresh fireflies. Not one explanation.
hit it off so well. But things had gone They had stopped by 50 that Billie Intercultural Lesbians!
»_ Happy Anmversary Jo > UFEPRI‘NTS
Thank mm for two wonberful WTOG‘W’W
, . . _ . . at HANDCOLORING
nears -amb we will continue...“ . on site photography
j . “f here ”eternity.“ , «n... ”w“ v unique, creative portraiture
. 5 ‘ y .‘ . . ' CherylA. Clark 11na Orr
" ’ ’ * ’ ' " ' ' ' ~ ' . Photo ra hic Artist Bus. Re resentatlve
:_ all my love? Karen ’ Twentysyesrs experience Lax Phoeie 455-9633
GLSO Page 6

 be inni of this 'ourne . You see, based on my choices, not the choic-
)e A JOURNAL OF Tara anrdgl broughlt all tfyat we knew es of a child filled up with shame. I
‘a MAL HEALNC into this marriage, and we have to want to at least be able to say to her,
PART I 0F ”UNTIL THERAPY Ems continue to create our own lives “this is how I feel” based on who I
[K by Kelly O’Ferrell . . inside this relationship. am, not who my mother raised, or
le I‘ve contemplated thls series-for We've been in therapy before, who her mother raised.
at a few weeks now. lrememberSltting and we’ve tried redefining sex, used I started by wining about the
m at the play Beyond Therapy saying JoAnn Lulan’s sexual pyramid as myth's I learned about sex: sex
“a to my partner Tammy, "You know, I“ "permission" to call any act or willing« before marriage is a sin (I wonder
to write that series about sexual heal- ness “sex", read the intimacy books, what it would have been like to have
nt ing, people are going to know that we talked about how intimacy and sex had sex for the first time without guilt
le don‘t have sex as often as l want are the same. And these things have and total terror of getting caught?);
them to think we do." worked for us. But not to our satisfac— vaginas and penises are not good
le "And what will that mean?" She lion. parts of our bodies (my father
to asked. Sounded like therapy to me. And, I will not stop wanting this believes we should not use the
2d And I've thought about that, and part of my relationship to feel different - words vagina and penis as a result of
St I‘ve felt about it' and I have been not until it‘s working for both of us. Adam and Eve’s original sin - weare
y- afraid to be truly known in this com- Tammy reminds me that just because to use the words “private parts");
id munity. But, I’m not sure it‘s really my desire for sex is not the same as don’t touch yourself with your hand
me anyway. Iwonder if it's my moth- her's this is not "my problem", as I unless specifically required bya doc-
,5 er and grandmmhe' and generations refer to it periodically. tor; ‘playing with yourself’ is hideous.
er of women in my family that people This is not, not yet at least, a Recently I was asked to write
rs know? . series about my sexual relationship about “Me, as a sexual being -
1-!” 30’ why am | turning to sexual with Tammy. It could be, for the last alone”. Alone for god’s sake! Iwon-
le healing now, six years into this rela- 25 years a series about me in rela- dered for days what in the hell I was
k- tionship? Because it’s time. I could tionship with anyone. to write about. I've only known who I
Id no more Ignore our differences in sex Sometimes Ifeel hopeless when I was sexually by what someone else
any more than I could ignore our d"- feel what Ifeel now (or rather what I wanted. The women in my family
a. ferences in money or housework. dont feel now), see where I’ve come Ieam early on that we are basically
9- And I am grateful to be With someone from and wonder if I will always feel sexless by disassociating from our
9 Who seeks her °wn hea'ing' like this. Often I feel like there's some- own vaginas.
3 And I'll t6" you one thing we‘ve thing desperately wrong with me. So, I looked up the word “sexu-
y. experienced ' almost from the Until I hear the voices of other at" in the dictionary: “of or pertaining
ls moment we mitt turned into this part women telling my story: “We hardly to sex, occurring between or involv-
of our relationship, we seemed to ever have sex anymore." "I could ing the sexes, having sexual organs."
move away from one another emo- have sex with a stranger easier than Now who ever heard of using a part
tionally and physically. lcould with my partner." “I learned of the word or the word itself in the
That was scarry for a while. We what i know about sex through porn actual definition?
talked about our feelings with one films." “Moving in together just did Thesaurus offered: “bestial,
another. Italked about it With a something to our sex life." “I love the intercourse, animallstic, erotic, inti-
friend and heard her experience of way I feel after we've had sex, so ' mate, loving, passionate. pfocre-
how sometime things get worse wonder why we don‘t spend time like alive, sensual, sharing..." '
before they get better, especially if that more often." Passionate. “Me as a PAS-
eve" °"e “em" is ”Whiting new Some people have said to just SIONATE being - alone.“ Well, that
behavior. . accept that this is how I feel and it‘s began to open up a whole new world
't is our p'ewous comm'tmem perfect. And I believe that might be for me. One l am still thinking and
' ' re of mone . .
3 :2: :gfliutt’g; 3J2: rarleahsope at m: true if I knew that how I felt was feeling about. ...mnli'nued on page 10
_ mm
GLSO Page 7

 I I ““ fi 0 1
USE omecronv 0N LAST PAG To CONFIRM usrmcs . (A‘bmmm) a.
MOVEABLE FEAST EVEiwliJAY. CALL 252-2367. 303:); £23; 53$;
7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ' g .
' ,. v/ '1“ WV ~‘ ' '
1 I , ,
4 SUNDAY 5 MONDAY 8 ms . A WED E50 2 v 9 1o ' "? I ' ~ . ~
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9200 am Frontrunners I
1 1:30 am LMCC (Woodldnd Park» (Arboretum)
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride 7:00 pm MCC Sgldy 'Gro‘up 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
(Center) 7:30pm GLSO isotission
6:30 pm Rock Women and Group (Pride C (er)
Blues (Kentucky Theatre) 8:00 pm Gay/LeSTJian AA Re S t aur ant
11 12 13 14 , 15 15 17 557 8- leestone
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board 6:00 pm 17 ntrunners 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Fronmmners Arb) '
11:30 am LMCC Meeting (Pride Center) (Woodlan: Park) 7:30 pm Gay/LesbianAA LCXIngton’ Ky.
tba Coronation 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 p MCC Study Group 8:00 pm Moonshine Bears
(Radisson Plaza) 8:00 pi: Gay/Lesbian AA (Crossings) 2'5 3 -00 1 4
AND/OR CORRECTIONS eaturlng t e amous
Fggffifiggfifi Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
marycrone@aol.com SCWlng blueberry
buckwheat pancakes,
18 19 21 Z3 Z4 '
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontnmners eggs benedlCt arnOId’
11:30 am LMCC (Woodland Park) (Arboretum) '
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA SPanlSh omelettes
Center) 8:00 pm Gay/LesbiariAA gourmet dessertS,
and much more
25 26 27 28 30 31
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 AA Step Study 6:00 F ntrunn 7:30 G /Le b‘ AA 9:00 F 1111an
mo am wcc pm (wimdianfi’park) “5 pm 7 S (”Siemifi‘)‘ All of our breads and
12:15 pm CUUP Potluck 7:00 MC Stu Group 7:30 G IL bi AA '
and Meeting (UU Church) 8:00 5: GayfiesbiiynAA Pm 3y es 13“ desserts aI'C baked dally
in our kitchen
Free Evening Parking J
y ' ' GLSO me
WNWMM _fi, ,,_mflki W 7 WWW h ,

 Unconfinued from page 7 Can you imagine?l? Maybe . .
I can become passionate about lots some 0‘ YOU can. BUt ' had "0 idea Che ll'ggfkpgjggi