xt751c1tg15x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tg15x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-09-29 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 29, 1989, no. 558 text The Green Bean, September 29, 1989, no. 558 1989 1989-09-29 2014 true xt751c1tg15x section xt751c1tg15x Number 558 September 29, 1ggQ I I
LJrv;I’7”£5L>· 0J¢¤‘v’ L>F2.IT\/LE
The University of Kentucky United way Fund Raising Drive is
underway and you will soon be contacted by a fellow library
employee asking you to give to the United way. The library has a
tradition of generously supporting the United way and I urge you
to continue your support.
Money raised by the United way of the Bluegrass is spent in our
community on projects important to Lexington. Community needs ,
are assessed each year by panels of citizen volunteers. Each
agency applying for funds is scrupulously reviewed, also by
citizen volunteers, to ensure they are meeting their goals and
are spending our money effectively. Over 90% of the money
collected is directly allocated to agencies. The remaining 10%
is retained by the local United way for training, administration,
and campaign expenses. All of the money remains in the Blue-
You may contribute by payroll deduction, by giving cash or a
check, or by asking to be billed. If you contribute more than
$10.00 you may designate on the back of your pledge card which
agency you wish to receive credit for your contribution. If you ‘
do not feel that you can contribute money at this time, please .
consider calling the Volunteer Center at 278-6258 and volunteer
to work with an agency that interests you. The Center has a
number of activities which may fit into your busy schedule.
Together, each contributing the best way we can, we will help all
of Lexington the United way. ¤
(Submitted by Maggie Johnson.)
The Task Force on Staff working Conditions wants to thank all
those who took the time to fill out the questionnaire. It was
evident that many of you gave much thought to your responses. Of
the 110 questionnaires delivered to technical and clerical staff
members, 39 were returned. Then the Committee finalizes its
report, we will summarize our findings in a future issue of the
Green Bean, as well as at the ACTS luncheon in October.
(Submitted by Sue Burch.) y
'IR Newsletter of the University
of Kentucky Libraries


 L.:E$cJ> £3»¢§Ig3!L3· ¢31E§;5;gij];;§j :E;:=hg=.E§
Attention! The LSD Bake and Crafts Sale will be held November
17th. It’s not too early to start making crafts, so start
planning and get started.
L..13E?iQu¢>F2‘>’ .£;‘v'£5”1’¢i]![;§[ (3];LP47*1Q[Y7”7V]E?EE£5?
ACTS Co mittgg Mgmggrs
Building and Planning Kentugky Review
. Karen Cline . Valerie Boggs
Paul Fuller Trudy Day
Ron Lloyd Maggie Doutt
Homeretta Jones · l
Gallery Series Emily Lihani ‘
William Traylor
Intra Library Loan Mark Cave
Diane Brunn g Cheryl Hardin
Personnel Staff Development
Julie Mosley Ray LaFollette
Literature Search _ `
Judy Fugate
V ¤k‘ F¤L51=L£31E1r4)wl£El. r4¢ZI7'£E1E? =*=
Barbara Pfeifle--Bibliographic ·
The new phone number for Judy Maintenance.
Sackett and the Bindery/Preser-
vation Department is 7—3493. David Sample——Bibliographic
_ _ Maintenance.
` NEW STAFF MEMBERS Karen Ellenberg--Director’s
Brad Carrington-—Head of

 »=§L.»¢>£31¢§l*1¢¤r tZ>¢Z7c2¢7”lZLF2»¤>L. F¤1¤LCD1E?F?»¢>I*1
The University of Alabama is recruiting students to begin their
Ph.D. program in Library Science for the fall of 1990 and are
looking for interested candidates. Specializations are offered
in Library Management, Youth Services, Library Media Studies,
Information Studies, and Historical Studies. The application *
deadline is February 1, and teaching/research assistantships,
fellowships, and scholarships are available. For more informa-
tion contact: .
J. Gordon Coleman, Jr.
Doctoral Program Coordinator
Graduate School of Library Service
Box 870252
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0252
(205) 348-1523
i\I£E1al£3*£EV=?FQ'$’ L..1T£3J¤?»=>FQ’3" (Z7I:TF’lE]F?.1ZFJ¢E?:E?
The Center for Renaissance Studies of the Newberry Library in
Chicago announces upcoming meetings of the Newberry Milton
Seminar and Lectura Dantis Newberriana, and the annual Ecole des
Chartes exchange fellowship competition. The Milton Seminar will
meet on Oct. 14, March 17, and May 12. The Lectura Dantis
Newberriana will be held on Oct. 21 and March 3. Deadline for
applications for the Ecole des Chartes exchange fellowship is
December 1. .
Funds are available to defray the costs of travel to attend the
Milton Seminar or the Lectura Dantis Newberriana. For more
information, please contact:
· Center for Renaissance Studies
60 west walton St.
Chicago, IL 60610 ‘
(312) 943-9090
Parker, J. Stephen. Asking the Right Questions: Case Studies in
Library Development Consultancy. London: Mansell, 1988.
[Z682.4.C65 P37 1988] (Submitted by Rob Aken.)

 ·¤¤ ;T¢D£3’ C7F¤LE1vLI7NLG;5; JK
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Reference Librarian (half
time), Univ. of Cal., Berke-
ley. Salary: $13,068-16,722.
. Library Technician III, grade Deadline: Oct. 15, 1989.
7, Central Serials Records. If
you are interested, please Multicultural Services
contact Ann Howell. Librarian, Univ. of Cal.,
Irvine. Salary: $26,136-
46,020. Deadline: Nov. 15,
ARIZONA East Asian Librarian, Univ. of
Cal.,Irvine. Salary: $31,944-
59,556. Deadline: Nov. 30,
Associate Dean for Library 1989.
Services, Arizona State Univ. Humanities Librarian, Univ. of
Salary: $60,000 min. Deadline: Cal., Irvine. Salary: $26,136- · A
I Oct. 18, 1989. 46,020. Deadline: Nov. 15, ‘
Science Reference Librarian/Co- 1989.
ordinator of Computer Services
for Sciences and Engineering, Asst. Univ. Librarian for the
Arizona State Univ. Salary: Sciences, Univ. of Cal.,
$23,500 min. Deadline: Oct. 10, Riverside. Salary: $44,100-
1989. 55,000. Deadline: Oct. 15,
1989. _
Asst. Library Director for
Administrative Services, San Univ. Librarian, Georgetown
Francisco State Univ. Salary: Univ. Salary: none given.
$45,960-55,452. Deadline: Nov. Deadline: Oct. 30, 1989. .
1, 1989.
Asst. Chief Librarian, Acquisi-
tions Dept., Stanford Univ. ILLINOIS
Salary: $28,000-43,000.
Deadline: Nov. 1, 1989. `
Head of Cataloging, East Asian
. German Language Cataloger, Library, Univ. of Chicago.
Univ. of Cal., Berkeley. Salary: $26,500 min. Deadline:
Salary: $27,360-35,026. Nov. 30, 1989. » ·
Deadline: Nov. 15, 1989. Law Cataloger, Univ. of
· Public Health Librarian, Univ. Chicago. Salary: $22,400 min.
of Cal., Berkeley. Salary: Deadline: Nov. 3, 1989.
$26,136—35,088. Deadline: Oct.

 V INDIANA Director of Technical 1· -
vices, Central Mich. ln. .
Salary: $40,000 min. Deadlin :
Librarian, Serials Dept. review begins immediately.
Cataloging Section Head, Head of Library System ,
Indiana Univ. Salary: $23,400 Central Mich. Univ. Salar,: .l-·
min. Deadline: Oct. 15, 1989. $34,000 min. Deadline: ravi v ~
‘ begins immediately.
Head, Monographs Acquisitions
Section, Iowa State Univ. Computer Search Coordinator/~
Salary: high $20’s—mid $30’s. Reference Librarian, Univ. of
Deadline: Nov. 1, 1989. Neb., Lincoln. Salary: $22,000
min. Deadline: Oct. 15, 1989.
Cataloging Librarian, Irish
Collection, 3 positions (1-3 Cataloger, Near East Team,
years), Univ. of Kan. Salary: Princeton Univ. Salary: none
$21,000. Deadline: Nov. 15, given. Deadline: Oct, 18,
1989. 1989. g
Agriculture Resource Librar~
ian, Rutgers Univ. Salary; .
LOUISIANA $30,705 min. Deadline: Nov. 1, .
1989. ·
Science Reference Librarian/Co-
ordinator of Computer Assisted
Reference, Univ. of New NEW YORK
Orleans. Salary: $21,000- A {
23,000. Deadline: Nov. 1, 1989. ;
Reference/Collection Develop~ ~
ment Librarian for Art and —
Archeology, New York Univ
MICHIGAN Salary: $27,000 min. Deadline;
Oct. 13, 1989.
Director of Public Services, Head, Media Resources Center.
Central Mich. Univ. Salary: Health Sciences Library, SUNY
$40,000 min. Deadline: Review Buffalo. Salary: $23,000 min.
begins immediately. Deadline: none given.
Cataloger, Lew Library, SUNY.
I Buffalo. Salary: $23,000 min.
Deadline: none given.

Head, Mathematics Library, Ohio Cataloger, Science Catalogiri
State Univ. Salary: $26,040- Team, Virginia Tech., BlacMs·
38,040. Deadline: Oct. 31, burg. Salary: $21,000 n;..
, 1989. Deadline: Oct. 31, 1989.
Lew Bowling, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer.
. 6 ` »T`

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