xt751c1tfq2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tfq2p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-02-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  1, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  1, 1935 1935 1935-02-01 2013 true xt751c1tfq2p section xt751c1tfq2p L



Best Copy Available




'Best Band In Dixie' Names
Phyllis Caskey As Sponsor




However, Students Vole To
Defend Country If It
Is Invaded

Entrance of U. S. Into the
League Is Closely

C. A.


Miss Caskey is




the college of Arts and Sciences and
is majoring in Journalism. She was

Latest returns In the Literary
poll, 63,000 ballots from chosen by approximately 100 memover
colleges, indicate a bers of the University band
00 American
who had been
the nine other
decidedly paclfistlc viewpoint, with nominated. The election was held
sizeable majorities on all questions Friday, January 18, In the Alumni
except "Should the U.S. enter tne gymnasium, where the nominees
League?" which has an almost equal exhibited their marching ability.
The election was under the direcnumbers of "yesses" and "nrB".
The majority of University of tion of. Robert McDowell, head
Kentucky students were opposed to , drum major of the band.
The other nominees for the posientering the League, 434 votes be- ing cast against entrance, and 388 tion of sponsor were Elizabeth
Crain, Lexington; Esther Brlggs,
in favor of entering.
On the other questions, Kentucky Paris; Katherine Scott Chambers,
voted as follows: Can the U.S. stay Louisville; Eloise Carrel, Lexingout of another great war? 606 "Yes", ton; Marie Vernon, Owensboro;
222 "No"; Would you bear arms if Margaret McGinn, Lexington; Lu
the borders of your country were

757 "Yes",
69 "No";
Would you bear arms If your country were the invader? 193 "Yes,"
625 "No"; Do you believe that an
American navy and air force second to none Is a sound method of


can stay out of another great war;
83:50 per cent would fight if this
country were invaded; 81:63 per
cent would not fight in the Invasion
of the borders of another country;
62:98 per cent do not think that an
American navy and air force second
to none is a sound method of insuring peace; 90:25 per cent advocate governmental control of munitions and armament Industries;
81:58 per cent favor universal conscription of all resources of capital
and labor In order to take all profit
out of war.


The display of pictures in the
the interior and exterior of student
union buildings and many universities of the country, will be continued with a new set of pictures according to an announcement by O.
D. K.

These pictures, which have been
on display for two weeks, have been
loaned by the Association of College Unions of which the University is an associate member. This organization of 25 members is composed of schools who have, or are
contemplating erecting student union buildings. The University was
represented at a meeting of the organization at Bloom lngton, Ind., on
December 6, 7, and 8, by Henry
James Shropshire, and Sam
Warren. The idea was discussed in
detail and the loan of the pictures


with reading rooms,
and other forms of recreation
rooms, writing rooms, cafeterias,
lounging rooms, libraries, and theaequipped

bil-la- rd



There will be a meeting of
the entire Kernel staff, as
well as of those students who
wish to try out for reporters,
at S p. m. today, February
1, in the Kernel news room.

Is absolutely essential that
every person who Intends to
continue work on the paper
be at the meeting.






New Course Added
By Art Department


Commerce employment association.
It will contain pictures of the graduates, and their qualifications.

Brancato, brilliant
young American coloratura soprano,
entertained a large audience at the
concert given at Memariol hall and
sponsored by the Central Kentucky
Community Concert association, last
Wednesday night.
In her Initial appearance before
local music lovers. Miss Brancato,
accompanied by Victoria Franzen at
the piano, received such a vigorous
and enthusiastic response that her
return to Lexington in the near
future is assured.
Miss Brancato, who is only 22
years old, received fame overnight
following her brilliant presentation
of the role of Gilda in Verdi's Rigo-letlast year in Chicago.
Her entire program follows:
I. Alma mia
Un moto digioa
Lo, here the gentle lark. Bishop
II Aria from Rlgoletto "Caro
HI. Piano solos:
Suit Pergamasque . . . Debussy
Clair de lune
Fire Dance from "El
de Falla
Miss Franzen
IV. Phyllis has such charming
Old English
Down In the Glen
The Russian
Alabieff Lleblin
V. O du Hebe' Aengeli
Swiss Folk Song
La petite Peanneton
French Folk Song
Whither runneth my sweet-

The student union building idea
originated at Cambridge university
in England in 1815. The University of Pennsylvania was the first
American institution to adopt the
idea in 1896. The idea has invaded
the campuses of many colleges in
the United States and Canada In
John Bartl
recent years and continued camCarmela
Italian Folk Song
paigning and organization is ex
VI. Mad Scene from "Lucia di ,
pected to bring definite results.
The present display will remain
in the Commons until the new set
of pictures arrives in about a week. Sorority

graduates have been placed in positions as follows: Milton Rash,
Bank of Manhattan, New York;
The Art Department is offering
Stewart White, Dunn and Brad-stre- a new course during the spring se
Cincinnati; Robert Lowery, mester of 1935 in "Architecture in
Retail Credit company, Louisville; the United States."
and Walter Tingle, American CreoThe outline of the course will be
sote company, Louisville.
presented in sixteen weekly lectures, which the student will fill
out through the use of selected
PLACEMENT BOOKLET reading and photographic materials.
The aim of the course is to round
American culSeniors and graduate students out the story of the appreciation of
Interested in securing positions ture, to quicken a the art,
to further
through the University Placement architecture as fine
rebureau held a meeting at 7 o'clock the movement of in Kentucky for
last night in the Training school maining examples

auditorium to draw up plans for a
bulletin to be sent out this spring to
all superintendents and principals
throughout the state.
The proposed bulletin would be on
the order of the "Bargains in
Brains" booklet published for the
past few years by the College of


of Rose Brancato



Large Audience Views
tial Local Appearance


Annual College of Commerce secured. buildings are devoted to
Employment Book, "Bar- the welfare and recreation of all
gain In Brains," To Be Re- the students. The pictures portray
clearly the
leased In February
that exists in these buildings,

The new edition of "Bargains In
Brains," a pamphlet issued annually by the Commerce Employment
association of the College of Commerce, is to appear the latter part
of February, according to Lloyd
Aveiitt, instructor in Insurance and
faculty adviser to the group.
Last year "Bargains in Brains"
was sent to a list of 3,010 business
concerns, and since its organization
tn 1931 there are at present only
two College of Commerce graduates
out of Jobs.
The publication of the booklet Is
financed by payment of dues to the
A recent survey of
those obtaining positions through
the organization has brought out
the fact that the students are located in 21 different states.
Through the work of the Com-

Is Featured In
Concert Series

their historic and cultural associations, and for their worth as important works of American art.
The class will meet Thursday aft
ernoon, seventh hour, in Room 414
of the University Library. It is a
one credit course.

Lowry Announces
Prom Committees
William L, Lowry, president of the
Junior class, recently announced the
appointment of two committees to
make arrangements for the annual
Junior prom which is to be held
shortly after the conclusion of the
present basketball season.
The committees are:
Prom committee:
chairman; Robert Henry Taylor, Vincent Goodlett, Norman Galling, and Katherine Callaway.
Decorating committee: Dan Ewing,
chairman; Mary Elizabeth Dunn,
Martha Cleveland, Hallle Downing,
Nancy Becker, Jack Craln, and
Thornton Lewis.

Set For February


Mary Helzer, president of
announced yesterday that
the bid day for Greek letter sororities will be held on February 7 In
the office of the Dean of Women.
After a period of Informal rushing when teas, dances, and luncheons will be given in honor of the
prospective pledges, sororities will
present their bids to Dean B landing who will present them to the
pledges-to-bGirls who are expecting bids are asked to call at
the office of the dean of women
between 12 and 1 p. m. on the date





Persons Given Kentucky's Wildcats, fresh from a week later. Neither of these Figures Exceed by 266 the
three straight triumphs during the teams did more than give the Big
Number Enrolled Last
Sheepskins At Services
holidays, entrained yesterday morn- Blue a good workout.
.Semester of 1931
At Memorial Hall
ing for Birmingham,
game, Kentucky
In the first
where they clash with the Uni- showed its superiority in the open
versity of Alabama Crimson Tide ing minutes of play when they ran LATE REGISTRATION
NAMED HONOR GRADS tonight. On Saturday night they up 25 points before the first team

Seventy-Fiv- e

McPherson Address Class
At Baccalaureate


the New Frontier."
Four of the students were graduated with honors. Miss Mary
Eugenia Wharton, Lexington, was
graduated "with high distinction,"
having maintained a standing of 2.6
for three years. Miss Anne Light-foColeman and I. Newton Combs,
Jr., were graduated "with distinction," having maintained a standing
of 2.4 or better for a two year
period. Both are from Lexington.
The fourth honor graduate was
Morton J. Holbrook, Jr., of Whltes-vill- e,
also graduated "with distinction."

move up to Nashville, Tennessee,
to meet Vanderbllfs Commodores.
Coach Rupp's charges will be the
favorites In both encounters, although they may be harder pressed
to win away from the home court.
The Red Elephants of Alabama
have showed flashes of brilliance in
several of their performances this
season and will be primed to knock
the Wildcat team from its top
berth in the conference.
Vanderbllt, holding a close decision over Alabama, will be even
harder for the 'Cats, because of its
ability, and the fact that the Kentucky team will be forced to play
on successive nights and after a
strenuous trip. The Commodores
are at present in a tie with Kentucky for the conference leadership.
During the holidays, the 'Cats
disposed of Tulane on consecutive
nights and the Vols of Tennessee

was replaced

Kittens Journey
To Georgetown
Saturday Night

President McVey,



insuring the country against another war? 403 "Yes", 426 "No";
Are you In favor of Government New Exhibits of Recreation
Halls At Various Colcontrol of munitions? 768 "Yes",
66 "No"; Would you be in favor of
leges On Display At
universal conscription if war should
U. K. Commons
occur? 688 "Yes", 140 "No".
Analysis of the total current returns show the following ratios:
68:31 per cent believe that the U.S.









I, 1935


The culmination of the exercises
for the graduation of the 74 members of the 1935 mid-yeclass was
reached last Monday at 10:30 a. m.
in Memorial hall, at which time
degrees and honors were conferred.
Dr. William Septimus Taylor, dean
of the College of Education, spoke
to the class on the subject, "Facing

co-e- ds

Gym Saturday




Phyllis Caskev. dauehter of Mr.t1 cille Thornton, Versailles; Rosemary Clinkscales,
and Mrs. W. R Caskey, 256 East and Elizabeth Lloyd, Maysvllle.
High street, recently was elected
sponsor of the "Best Band in
Dixie." She succeeds Margaret
Walker, who will be graduated
from the University in June.
The new sponsor, who will assume her new position today. Is a
member of Kappa Delta social sorority; of Strollers, honorary dramatic society, and of the Y. W.

He Held At Alumni







The class was guest of honor at
the annual Alumni banquet, in the
University Commons, Monday night.
The principal speaker was Judge Demoisey's Grayson High
Team To Meet Frosh
Blanton of Paris, Kentucky, who
addressed the 100 guests on the
On February 15

topic, "Obligations of Civic Responsibility." John A. Whitaker of Rus- XPl'villp r.niint.w tHnrnpu rf Tjvran
county, also an alumnus of the
University, acted In the capacity of
toastmaster. President McVey was
called upon to speak. Milton Rush,
Versailles, a member of the graduating class, spoke on behalf of the
Baccalaureate exercises were held
in Memorial Hall Sunday afternoon.
Dr. Frank L. McVey presided and
the Rev. Wallace McPherson Alston
of the Maxwell Street Presbyterian
church delivered the sermon. The
devotional exercises, and the University choristers sang the anthem
and response.
Following the sermon, the graduates, their friends and relatives
were guests at a tea, given by the
(Continued on Page Four)


Riflemen Make 1.368 Points
Out of Possible 2.000 To
Place Fourth; Dhio State
Is Winner
The University of Kentucky R. O.
T. C. Rifle Team won fourth place
in the
rifle firings
for the week of January 12-making a total of 1368 points out of
a possible 2000. Ohio State University won first place, making a
total of 1851 points.
The following is a complete list of
the teams who competed: Ohio
State University, 1851 ; Kansas State
University, 1823; New Mexico Military Institute, 1790; University of
Kentucky, 1368, and Cretghton University, 1356.
Carter Johnson was high scorer
on the University of Kentucky team
with 360 points, and Milton McGru-de- r
was runner-u- p
with S56 points.
Other members of the team who
were: Fred Mo Ooldrick, Grafired
ham Benson, W. B. Phillips, Charles
Helnrich, E. Stevenson, Guy Pendleton, and C. W. Cropper.
The next firing is sceduled for the
week of February 9, when the University varsity team will firs against
the University of Virginia and West
Virginia University. The R. O. T. C.
will fire against the University of
Wyoming, Lafayette College, New
Mexico A. and M. and the University of Alabama.
inter-collegia- te

Cast For Next Guignol Play
Announced By Frank Fowler
A brilliant as well as a splendid f tiuns.
cast has been selected by Director
The cast for "The Swan" folFrank Fowler for 'The Swan," by lows:
Molnar, the fourth production of Dr. Nicholas Agl
Joe Jordan
Randolph Rash
the eighth season of the Guignol George
play will be presented Arsene
theatre. The
Thomas Nichols
the week of February 11 at the princes Beatrice
Utile theatre.
Cleo Dawson Smith
The utmost care was taken In Alexandra.... Ruth Dow ling Wehle
the selection of this cast, and it is Father Hyanclnth
the belief of Mr. Fowler that he has
William R. Sutherland
selected the best cast available for Symphorosa
Laetltla Gardener
the production of this charming Prince Albert
Howard Smathers
Colonel Wunderlich....J. B. Wells
Walden Greenwell
Miss Lolo Robinson, business Caesar
manager of the Utile theatre,
Princess Maria Dominica
for the first time
Frances Reid
should call at the Guignol for Countess Erderly.Thelma Goodrich
Harlowe F. Dean, Jr.
student tickets to the remaining Alfred
three pliya. These ticket and Lackey.... Howard Bruce Shepherd
40 cents entitles the student to Hussars
Bill Huston and Basil Gilbert
admission to the Guignol produc- -


Coach Paul McBrayer's freshman
basketball team will go into action
again tomorrow night at Georgetown where they will clash with the
frosh net squad of Georgetown college.
The Kittens still have a clean
slate as far as games lost are concerned and should continue their
winning treak at the expense of the
Scott county lads.
The past week Coach McBrayer

sent his charges against three opponents and each time came out of
the scrap with the long end of the
score. Last Saturday night. In a
game priliminary to the Kentucky-Tennesstussle, the Kittens downed the Louisville Manual cagers by
the score of 38 to 18. Tuesday the
Kentucky Frosh took a trip into the
eastern part of the state, playing
Sue Bennett College of London en
Tuesday night and Cumberland

with ten minutes of
the first half remaining.
The second team immediately
took up the scoring task and ran
the New Orleans team ragged for
the remainder of the game, to win
Dave Lawrence and Big Ed
Edwards, with 16 and 10 points respectively, were the varsity high
men. Ralph Carlisle, with 8 points,
Harry Bliss, with 7. and Garland
Lewis and "Duke" Ellington with 6
points apiece, also contributed to
the 'Cat cause.
The Wildcats won the second
with as much ease as
before. Tulane played a rough game
although only the most glaring offenses were called by the referee,
under instructions of both coaches,
in an effort to make the game interesting. Lawrence and Edwards,
(Continued on Page Four)
63-2- 3.

55-1- 2,

total of

2,483 freshmen


had registered In the
University at the ciose of the third
day of registration yesterday afternoon, according to f Inures released
by the registrar's office.
This total exceeds by 266 the
number enrolled at the end of the
third day last year which was 2,217.

Final enrollment for the first semester 1934-3- 5 was 2,823 which was a
substantial increase over the total



inter-collegia- te

48-1- 8,


all-sta- te


Miss Eva Buckingham To Be
Instructor For New Faze of
Social Service Work; Practicality of Course Cited
Announcement has been made by
the Department of Sociology of the
University that the new course recently established and known as
"Supervised Field Work" is to be
started with the beginning of the
second semester, or early In February.
This course is to be under the

direction of Miss Eva Buckingham,
the new executive secretary of the
leges represented
will be Culver Family Welfare society of LexingMilitary Academy, University of ton. The course Is parallel with the
course In social case work, which
Dayton, Indiana University, Univerwill be given in the Family Service
sity of Kentucky, Ohio State University, and Purdue University. The organization of Louisville. The latbranches of the service represented ter course is a prerequisite to the
will be infantry. 275; field artillery, former.
With the introduction of these
215; and engineers 15.
Upon the completion of this train- new courses, the Department of
Sociology is now regarded as well
ing period the men who are'gradu-ate- d
successfully will, upon recom- on its way towards the conduct of
mendation of a board of officers, be training courses in social work
appointed second lieutenants in the which will meet the standards of
bodies. The
Officers Reserve Corps of the Uni- national professional
courses are open both to persons
ted States Army.
who are interested only in some degree of professional training for his
work, and to persons who wish in
Palmer, re- addition to secure academic credit
Colonel Frederick
nowned World War correspondent therefor.
Besides the two courses mentionand Librarian of Delta Tau Delta
Fraternity, spoke yesterday from ed, which are considered as of more
or less technical character, there
New York for the fraternity In a
with are, to afford a fuller preparation
one of Delta Tau Delta's members, and background fur social work,
Frank Wade, who is with Admiral training offered in other courses in
Byrd at the South Pole.



58-2- 6.

Fort Knox, Ky., Jan. 31 (IN 8
The Commanding General of the
Fifth Corps Area has received a
notice that the Reserve Officers
Training Corps camp will be held at
Fort Knox during the period June
16 to July 28, 1935.
The camp will have an enrollment
of 530 college men. In their Junior
or senior year, who are receiving
R. O. T. C. training at the various
colleges in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio,
and West Virginia. Among the col-

Is the Last Day



Held At Fort Knox


On Which Students
May Change Classes

registration in 1933.
A special effort was made this
semester to improve the method of
registration in order to lessen the
time required to register each student, and a special committe headed
by the registrar has been working
on new plans for some time. This
year, for the first time, the business
office employed two staffs of workers and as a result the registration
line moved along at a quicker pace.
A total of 1,612 were registered the
first day as a result of this improvement.
A late registration fee of $1 per
Will Officiate As Chairman
day went into effect yesterday.
Over Southeastern ConferMonday. Feb. 11, will be the last
ence Meeting To Be Held
day on which a subject may be
At Atlanta, Georgia
dropped without a grade by permission of the Dean. Students who
FUNKHOUSER TO SPEAK were not in school the first semester and who wish to file application
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of for a degree may do so on Monday
the University and Dr. Funkhouser, February 18.
chairman of the athletic organization of the University will attend
the annual meeting of the Southeastern conference to be held at
Nashville, Term., February 8 and 9.
Doctor McVey will preside for the
second time over the conference
while A. H. Armstrong of Atlanta,
Georgia will act as secretary-treasure- r. Homemakers, Fanners, Coop-erator- s,

The purpose of this conference is
to promote better athletic relations
between the schools within this organization. The main objective of
the conference this year is to revive
the basketball tournament; also to
limit freshman football games to
three for a season or abolish freshman
football altogether. Members to the conference
will purpose to change the annual
college of Williamsburg on Wednesday night . They were victorious hi meeting from February to Decemdefeating
Sue ber for the next year.
both encounters,
Organization members also wish
and Cumberland
Bennett by
to propose a track meet on the third
Billy Splcer, ace forward of the Friday and Saturday of May; it is
frosh squad, did not make the trip also desired to make Southeast con
because of illness. "Red" Hagan, ference teams play at least four
former St. Xavier high star, was games with conference members,
would like to start a tourthe outstanding man of both games, and they in tennis and boxing as
scoring 15 points in each one.
well as basketball.
Other dates which have been
The Southeastern Conference was
filled on the frosh schedule as an- formed two years ago when there
nounced yesterday by Coach Mc- was a division within the
Brayer, include a game here February 15 with the Grayson high conference because it was too large.
school team, coached by a former The Southeastern conference
made up of the following
Wildcat, John "Frenchy" DeMolsey. Kentucky, Florida, Alabama,schools:
Miss-February 18 the Kittens will take lsslppl, Georgia Tech, Tennessee,1
trip, playing Pikevllle Georgia,
a two-da- y
college on February 18, and WilTuState, University
liamson, W. Va., high on the fol- lane, Vanderbilt, of the South, Poly.
and Alabama
lowing night. The West Virginia
team is coached by a former Wildcat. Ellis Johnson.
The freshmen stock was boosted
a bit this week when Brooks Lual-le- n,
cage star at
Paris high school, enrolled in the COURSE OFFERED

ROTC Camp To Be





Rural Pastors Attend Meet
The 23rd annual Farm and Home
convention at the Agricultural Experiment station at the University
attracted the usual attendance, despite the low temperature and roads
covered with ice and snow, according to registration records.
Daily attendance averaged approximately 800 farm men and women.
Homemakers" clubs in 30 counties
sent delegates to the women's meetings and to the annual meeting of
the Kentucky Federation of



Meetings the opening day included homemakers, A. A. A.
rural pastors, livestock
farmers, dairymen, the Kentucky
Beekeepers' association, the Kentucky Seed Improvement association, the Kentucky Veterinary Medical association, the Kentucky
cattle club, the Bluegrass Jersey cattle club and the Kentucky
Guernsey cattle club. A general session for fanners and homemakers
continued through the
Of special interest to the farmers
were the sessions for A. A. A.
when the state adjustment program was reviewed: the
resume of the tobacco adjustment
program reviewed by Dr. J. B. Hut-so- n,
chief of the tobacco section:
and the addresses by M. L. Wilson,
assistant secretary of agriculture,
Edward A. O'Neal, president of the
American Farm Bureau federation,
and Dean H. W. Mumford of the
Illinois College of Agriculture and


Experiment Station.
Women, in four sessions, discussed
health, better homes, the use of
electricity, recreation, music, organization, and many other subjects of
interest to homemakers.

Notice is herewith given to all
members of the rifle team that
practice la to be resumed this afternoon.
1 ERA students, both men an4
women, will receive their pay
checks today between 1:30 and 4
p. m. at the business office.

Automobiles of faculty members
will be registered Tuesday, February
5, and students, Wednesday,
February f, in the dean of men's office. It is imperative that ears be
registered on the days specified.
Men's Student Council will meet
at 6 p. m, Monday, February 4, in
the dean of men's office.
(Continued on Page Pour)


� Best Copy

Tage Two

Friday, February

all resolutions for a three standing,
times Is ths pretention that there the Continental countries although fregular class attendance, and all
ts a vast plot directed by the Com lacking the regimentation and cothose things have been broken, we
some-ho"bore ercion of Its European countermunist Party to
earnestly begin our last lap In this
from within" and "destroy the uni- part.
But there's a catch
versities." This Is never made very
....we were again warned
Recently, Heywood Broun, New
Lratnfton Board of Oomtn.ira
told us to watch this column or our
clear, because the social purpose of York columnist and essayist on
National Collate Prru Aaraclatlon
semester would be terminated
very clear. If current problems, voiced the not a- -,
Oreetlrgs and salutations my fine last
Prtu AMOeiatton the university is not
Kmturka Intfrcollrlat
we anticipate
Americans" ble fact that I'.tident life had tak- friends I We welcome back Into our earlier than If we fall to print your
Is to turn out "100
International Jtftra 8rvlca
Kaydee Eliza- mis
who believe implicitly in the patriot- en a decided shift; from the indol- midst this semester
favorite little piece of scandal you
alliA mmbr of tht Major Collrta Publlra.-llonof the United States 8teel Cor- ence and Inertia of the "collegiate" beth Marron, fresh from the
little s'ory
rrprcwnlrd by A. J. Worrit Hill Co., ism
gator state; KA H. V. Bnstin; and must remember that well known
perpetu- era to the vitality and sincere In Phirw-lr- .
about being "up the
4InS 8t Hrw York City; UJ W. poration and the need for
Jn Arvln H V. tella some creek with a broken paddle". .. .Do
. ating the present way of doing terestednesg that precede an age of
MudiMin St.. Chlrmto: 1004 and Ave., 8t-IImighty Interesting stories about some of you old timers remember
1031 S. Broadway. Lot AntflM; Cll
things, sometimes loosely referred to progress. As he pointed out, the nu- - "them Hoosler gals", and Joe's tale back in
the days of Bill Ardery and
Bldg.. Sin Frtnrliro.
as the capitalistic system, any Indi- merous demands for absolute free- - on the subject of why he left school Wilbur Frye?
Those boys used to
runnv- verT
fill the gossip craving ears with the
ofnctAL HiwsfArew of thk rro- - vidual who cha.lenes the 100 abso- dom of speech and press and dem- It would be almost unappreclatlve cholclest bits In true Walter Win- DFWTS OF 1HI UNlVKRfllTY OF
lutes Is a menace to the purpose onstratlons staged to give evidence
to let the subject of registration go chelllan fashion
and whats more
of the university. When such people of a deep antagonism to the barnwithout commenting on the Imthey got away awith It.
form groups to pursue a critical acles of our times fascism, com- provement we've noticed this semesMOO
study of the system or to urge cer- munism, militarism, and the like, ter. It used to be, back in the old
Lrxtnaton. K.J., PortofTIra Aa Second
In the maelstrom and turmoil of
MU Matter
fully exam week we have almost disOut
tain changes, it is a plot."
all support the belief that there Is days, that one registered
pens, a bottle missed the Idea of column writing
new life In the undergraduate of equipped with several pencils, ajust
of ink, and a couple of
from our mind.... Just today the
in case. The two pages we wrote rusty haired editor. Sunny Day. says
betoo good to be true. "how about a column for- - Friday's
seemed almost
There Is one great difference
At the close of the scholastic year tween the movement In America
I overhead two newcomers, who Kernel. . . .Of course we accepted. . .
Managing tdltOT
and but what's to do about It?.... we've
Mgr. tutor 1933-3Ata't.
the University agreed to aid and that In other countries, how- were classifying yesterday,
the various social fraternities In col- ever, for the outward signs such as among the things they wondered nothing to write. . . .Oh yes, some of
AsuociAT rorruna
about to each other was the lack the writer's fraternity brothers want
lecting delinquent accounts of stu- militarized regimentation, systemJohn at. John
Bn P. Taylor
of cement walks on the campus. the college crowd to know that the
dents still .in school. During the atized propaganda, and controlled "My feet are so sore," the one ex- writer finally passed his Spanish...
Norman Oarllng
first semester of this year, those
while the other com- Yea, the Espaniol department finallacking In this claimed;
Dlmar Adams members exceedingly In debt to education are all
BIS Carrel
country. There are no black shirts mented, "And the campus is so ly got tired of seeing your writer
Jo Blackburn
their lodges were asked to make here; no arm raising salutations; well kept otherwise". Poor kids if around their department so out
pops a "C". . . .but we're going back
thev only knew!
LIUrar tutor an appointment with the Dean of no
"Hell Roosevelt" to disturb the
Every time I think of Prexy
for the second semester for the conVCCY JVAN ANDKRSOIAH. IK. tdttor Men, bring the president of their
story about Boy, his barrel - tinuation of the course.... Never
quiet development of individual
Exchange tutor
I shaped
Scottle with the two Inch know when we get enough. . .do we?
Soclf Mflor fraternity with them, and talk the opinion.
legs, I wonder whether everybody
Soeletg tdttor situation over with the Idea of
Herein resides the salvation of knows the tale, or whether only a
reaching a satisfactory agreement
The Gal With The Rose
- few have heard It. It's too good to
our democracy as Dr. Zook so aptMary Chick for all parties.
BVltr Anna Fannlnaton
To Alphagam Lll Holmes we toss
Unfortunately it ly pointed out.
Ptaneea Smith
Eliiabeth A. Krlrfel
the rose of the week.... Why?....
seems that the majority of this class
BUI I Inrlnt
Loulae Payna
movement In America is a' It seems that In August, the
She was recen