xt751c1tfq13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tfq13/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1951-10-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  5, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  5, 1951 1951 1951-10-05 2013 true xt751c1tfq13 section xt751c1tfq13 The Kentucky Kernel




800 Enrollment
Is Goal For Y
Doubling the membership of the
V is the goal of the joint


membership drive which begins
Monday and extends through Wednesday. Miss Barbara Hall, executive secretary of the YWCA, said the
combined groups now have a membership of almost 400 students.
Booths will be set up outside the
SUB and in the University Station
post office. Students may obtain
implication blanks at these booths.
Freshmen may sign up at the
booth for the Freshman
Club, an affiliate of the Y. which
holds separate meetings each week.
By December these students become
regular Association members.
des-l?nat- ed

Requirements Of Groups Listed
To become a member of the
YWCA a student must sign the application card, indicating whether
she desires to be an active or associate member. With the pledge of
1.00 she acquires membership in
the Association.
The YMCA specifies that a prospective member sign the application
card, attend three meetings, and
make a money contribution in order
to join the association.
Officers in the YWCA include
Ruth Ann Maggard, president: Ann
Williams, vice president; Polly Bote-le- r,
secretary ; Evelyn Baker, treasurer; and Myra Henslee, campaign
manager. The executive secretary is
Miss Barbara Hall.

Series Finished
By Radio Arts
The UK Radio Arts Department
has completed a series of 13
programs, entitled "Community Kentucky." made in thirteen
Kentucky towns.
Transcribed in cooperation with
the Kentucky State Agricultural,
Industrial, and Development Board,
these programs are based on recordings at Kentucky industries,
with talks by prominent persons and
short dramatizations of historical
significance to these towns.
These transcriptions will be ready
for distribution about Nov. 1. They
will be supplied free of change to
radio stations within the state that
request them. These programs may
be either sponsored or unsponsored.
Henderson was the last of the 13
towns to be visited by the recording
crew, consisting of Professor E. O.
Sulzer, head of the Radio Arts Department and John McGeehan and
Tom Skinner, both Radio Arts
majors. The other towns visited
were Maysville, Carrollton, Owens-borCentral City. Hopkinsville,
Glasgow, Campbellsville, Danville,
Paintsville, Middlesboro, Hazard, and

Pep Rally
To Be Held

John rroffitt Heads YMCA
With Bart Peak as director of the
YMCA, the officers are John Prof-fit- t,
president; Henry Durham,
John Brannon, secretary;
Reed Holland, treasurer; Jim Anders, publicity chairman, and Norva!
Copland, campp.i?n chairman.
at th- - UniThe YMCA.
versity in 1890, and the YWCA,
established shortly after 1900, have
enlarged with the growth of UK.
Now it has branched out to include
students, faculty, and townspeople
on its advisory board.
Some of the projects sponsored by
the Y during the year are Freshme i
orn before school, college night,
and the street dance held during
orientation week, the Inter-fait- h
council. World Student Service Fund
on campus. Religious
Week, and Christmas and Thanks-




demonstrate how easy It b to
join during this membership drive. Bill Jones puts his name on the
dotted line, while (left to right) Marvin Jones, Norm Coapland,
Myra Hensley, Barbara Baldwin, Ruth Ann Maggard, John Proffitt,
and Jim Anders prepare for the next applicant

giving Services.

A "wreck" representing Georgia
Tech's "rambling wrecks" will be
burned at the Suky Pep rally at 7
tonight. The rally will be held on
the Intramural field.
The Marching 100 will perform at
6:30 p.m. at the men's dormitories
to begin the rally. After leaving the
dorms, the band will parade up Rose
to Maxwell, down Maxwell to Lime,
and from Lime to the field. Stops
will be made at the women's dormitories, and possibly at sorority and
fraternity houses along the way, according to Dick Walker, Suky pep
rally chairman.
Walker said entertainment would
be furnished at the rally.

On Program
Don Whitehead, 1951 Pulitzer
Prize winner, and a former UK student, will be the principal speaker
at the dedication banquet of the
Buildnew Journalism-Publicatioing, Dr. Niel Plummer. director of

the School of Journalism, said this

Col. C. N. Mount Named New Head
Of UK Military Science Department
Col. Charles N. Mount, a veteran dier maintains his high morale and
of the Korean War, has taken over his willingness to continue the

The chief problems of a field
commander In Korea are supply
evacuation, and of these two the
problem of evacuation is foremost.
In some places where the fighting
is fierce and the terrain rugged, it
was almost impossible to evacuate
the wounded for 20, or even 24
hours, the Colonel said. Increasing
use of helicopters in evacuation of
casualties is providing a partial
solution to the problem. Following the recapture of Seoul
last Autumn and the Seventh Division's subsequent landing on the
northeast coast of Korea, the batal-lio- n
headed by Col. Mount had
advanced to within 20 miles of the
Yalu River when the Chinese entered the war and forced the bitter
Allied withdrawal of last winter.
Graduate of West Point
Mount is a native of Georgia and
was graduated from the U. S. Military Academy in 1939. After his
West Point graduation, he spent
three years at the Army's Infantry
school. Ft. Benning. Ga., and while
there was promoted to captain.
He was then assigned to Third
Corps Headquarters In Atlanta, promoted to major in November, 1942,
and the following summer sent to

his duties as professor of military
science and tactics at the Univerie
sity. He succeeds Col. G. T.
as head of the Department
of Military Science and Tactics.
Col. Mount returned to the States
last July after 10 months of Korean
regiservice with the thirty-secon- d
ment of the Seventh Infantry DiAssigned to the UK post
several weeks ago. he took over his
new duties Monday.
As battalion commander, regimental executive officer, and finally, regimental commander. Col.
Mount participated in the Inchon
landing of last fall, the first Allied
recapture of Seoul, the drive to the
Yalu River, the withdrawal from
the Hungnan-Hashun- g
and the "killer offensives" of spring
and early summer.
Americans Have High Morale
In an interview Wednesday, Col.
Mount said, "The outstanding characteristic of the American combat
soldier is his superb morale in the
face of adverse conditions. Persons
who have never been in Korea can
have no conception of the difficulties encountered by our troops as a
result of the weather, terrain, and
fanaticism of the enemy. But
throughout rl all, the American sol

Army Sponsors Course
In Applied Cartography








University Now Offers
Beginning Hebrew Class
Elementary Hebrew is being
fered at the University possibly for
the first time in this century, according to Dr. Jonah W. D. Skiles. head
of the Department of Ancient Languages. Dr. Skiles stated that the
University is one of the few, if any,
schools in the South
that offers a course in the Hebrew
Sixteen members are in the class,
taught by Rabbi William Franklin
of the Temple Ohaba Zion,
Rabbi Franklin was graduated
from Yeshiva College in New York
City after an earlier education in
Vienna. He received his Rabbinate
from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
Theological Seminary in New York

At Men's Dorms,
Then Move To Field




Whitehead To Speak
BehindSUB At Dedication Banquet
Of Journalism Buildin
Parade To Start


An urgent need for qualified
lean colleges and universities In
has led the Army Map Serv- which it is sponsoring a course in
ice to select UK as one of 22 Amer- - applied cartography.
In describing the course, Thomas
professor of
P. Field, assistant
geography, said a person who' finishes the course and has a major in
geography or the equivalent in a related field would have an excellent
chance for employment. At the
present time and in the foreseeable
future there are limitless opportunities for people with cartography experience, he continued.
Dr. Field described the course as
"a beautifully
in which the AMS furnishes all but
a small amount of the equipment for
the entire course." All expendable
materials are supplied by AMS.
Applied cartography deals with the
construction and interpretation of
maps. The whole objective is to have
a person go into the Army Map
Service and become a map compiler.
The compiler takes minute information, selects the more important
,I items and then assembles them so
'7 v.
a draftsman can draw the map.
Although the course was organm HiKW nwm ift liat rrf ftnw - n
ized to prepare a graduate for work
in AMS, there is no insistence that
THE STUDENTS who will lead Wildcat fans in cheers this year
he enter that field.
cheerleader manager Betty White (center) for some
gather around
The AMS prefers women emlast minute instructions for tomorrow's game. Sitting are Ellmarie
ployees and there is considerable oplock, Nancy Brown, Betty, Joyce Stephens, and Jean Hardwick.
portunity for women in this field. At
Kneeling: Bill Rice, Kay King, and John Lorch. Standing are Bruce
present there are no women in the
Allen Travis, and Dick Trefx.
class of nine, which is instructed by
Dr. Field and his assistant, John



Commenting on the new course
which was made possible by a gift
from Herschel Weil, Lexington farm
owner. Dr. Skiles said, "I hope this
class will be the beginning of a full
program of Hebrew study."
An early University catalog listed
Hebrew in the English Department
under Oriental Studies. It stated,,
for the special benefit of students of
Comparative Philology, a course in
elementary Sanskirt or elementary
Hebrew is offered."
At the turn of the century it was
believed that the English language
had Hebrew roots. This was the reason it was offered in the English
Department. Dr. Skiles said he seriously doubted if the course was actually r.iven.

The class, with a limit of ten students, will be offered again the
second semester.

Guignol Keys Given
At Award Party


An award party was held Friday
night for recipients of Guignol keys.
Keys are awarded for at least one
season of "distinctive service" in the
Guignol Theater.
Students now in the University
who received keys were Meg Bailey,
Gene Arkle. Dianne McKaig, Floyd
Cammack, Joe Owens, Dolly Sulli-ven- t,
John Marlowe, Flo Becksted,
Bettie Tuttle, and Arden Milam.
Former students and others re- ceiving keys were T. J. Clark, Dud-le- y
Saunders, Priscilla Hancher, Ed
Henry, Ruth Adams, Jessie Sun, Jim
Bradley, George Stone, Michael
Graine, Tom Martin, Anne Perrine,
and J.ick Krantz.

Seniors Take Notice,
A Degree's At Stake

All seniors who expect to complete their requirements for graduation at the close of the first or
Sicily to observe amphibious operations. From September 1943 to second semester or the summer
term are requested to make appliAugust 1945. Col. Mount was atcation for degrees on Friday or
to Supreme Headquarters
Allied Expeditionary Forces, where Saturday, October 12 and 13. This
applies also to graduate students
he served in a liaison capacity between SHAEF and the various army who expect to complete their regroups in the European theater. He quirements for graduate degrees.
was promoted to lieutenant colonel All applications should be filed in
Room 16 of the Administration
in October 1943.
was instructor of tacCol. Mount
' As
the commencement lists are
tics at West Point for three years
following his return to the states in made from these cards, it is very
important to file an application at
1945. He was assigned to the 32nd
Infantry, then at Honshu. Japan, this time.
Candidates for the bachelor's deas commander of that regiment's
second battalion in the summer of gree will be charged a graduation
fee of $9.00. This will cover the
1949. He led that unit through the
landings and on its later rental of cap and gown, diploma
drive through much of North Korea. fee. The Kentnckian. and other
necessary expenses. Candidates for
Became Commanding Officer
serving for a advanced degrees, other than the
Last March, after
doctorate, will be charged a fee of
time as the 32nd's executive officer, $20.00.
which fill cover the above,
he was promoted to full colonel and
became commanding officer of the with the exception of The
and in addition the cost
regiment. . He left Korea July 8 on
of the hood to be presented the
reassignment to the States.
candidate. The fee for the doctorCol. Mount is holder of the Silate is $25.00. Graduation fees are
ver Star, the Legion of Merit, and payable not later than the fourth
the Bronze Star.
day preceding the commencement.
He was accompanied to Lexingson.
ton by his wife, a
daughter. They
and a
will make their home in Lexington
while Col. Mount is teaching at the
Ken-tuckia- n,

four-year-o- ld

Last Chance To Get
Pictures Taken


Band Show
To Feature

A new "Football and Kick-off- "
formation will highlight the first
Marching 100 appearance of the
year, at half-tim- e
of the Kentucky-Georg- ia
Tech game tomorrow. The
program will be climaxed by an intricate "Marching Cats" combination, according to Director Warren
W. Lutz.
The "Marching Cats" formation
was first used at last New Year's
Day's Sugar Bowl performance.
Director Lutz's organization will
also present a series of
honoring Georgia Tech.
Don and Donna Wilson, last
year's baton twirlers with the
Marching 100, will again be featured in the half-tim- e
Miss Barbara Baldwin, the new
band sponsor, will be presented during the ceremonies. She is a memA company of 50, including four ber of Delta Delta Delta sorority.
soloists, a chorus of 14, and a concert orchestra, will present "Rodgers
and Hammerstein Nights" at 8:15
p.m. next Friday in Memorial Coliseum.
This is the first program in the
1951-5- 2
Central Kentucky Community Concert and Lecture Series,
sponsored Jointly by the University,
The Lexington Public Forum, and
Lynn K. Wood, retired research
The Central Kentucky Community
chemist at the University, died
Concert Association.
at the x Good
The first part of the program will Saturdav TJo woe tR voarcSamaritan
include "Overture" from "Allegro";
Dr. Wood worked in connection
"It's A Grand Night for Singing"
with the Agronomy Department of
and "It Might As Well Be Spring,"
Agricultural Experiment Station
from "State Fair"; "Suite," from the
for four years. He retired on July 1.
"Oklahoma"; and "June Is Bustin'
Previous to his coming to the UniOut All Over," "If I Loved You."
chemWhen I Marry Mr. Snow." "You'll versity. Dr. Wood was soil He reat Oregon State College.
Never Walk Alone," and "Soliloquy," ist
ceived his bachelor's degree from
from "Carousel."
Bringham Young University in Utah,
Included in the second portion of and his doctorate from the Universthe program will be "March of ity of Illinois. He was a native of
Siamese Children," "I Whistle A Provo, Utah.
Happy Tune," and "Hello, Young Dr. Wood was particularly noted for
Lovers," from "The King and I"; his work on soil potassium as a
"A Wonderful Guy," "Younger Than
He has published several
Springtime," "There Is Nothin' Like papers on methods of spectographic
A Dame." "Bali Ha'i," and "Some analysis.
Enchanted Evening," from "South
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Pacific"; and "Oh, What A Beauti- Glena Decker Wood, and two sons.
ful Morning," "Surrey With The Burial services will be in Utah.
Fringe On Top," "Out of My
Dreams," "People Will Say We're In
Love." and "Oklahoma," from "OklaChi
Oct. 13
Crane Calder, who has been the To Be
choral arranger and conductor of all
The second annual Sigma Chi
Rodgers and Hammerstein sym- Derby will be held Saturday, Oct. 13,
phonic programs touring the coun- on the intramural field.
try since 1948, will conduct the
Pledge classes of the various soorchestra.
rorities will participate in the Derby.
Students will be admitted on pres- Prices to be awarded include a cup
entation of student identification to the sorority winning the most
point.-- in the Derby.

Students who have not yet had
their pictures taken for student
identification cards and those who
have ben notified to appear for
retakes must come to a photographic studio set up on the east
concourse of Memorial Coliseum
between 7:30 and 8:30 tonight.
This wil be the last opportunity
for any student to have his picture taken for identification pur-


50 Present
Concert Friday

Lynn K.Wood,
UK Chemist,
Dies Saturday



Don Whitehead
Pulitzer Prize Winner

Sen. Thomas Vnderwood
To Be Toast Master

Law College Is Planning
Sessions Of Moot Court
Plans are now being completed for
the coming sessions of moot court.
Acting Dean William L. Matthews,
of the College of Law said this week.
Competition is high among the
eight law clubs, which have been
paired in tournament style, to decide
which two of the eight can best present a mock trial to a jury. After
preliminary competition has been
narrowed to two clubs, they earn the
honor of presenting a "trial" before
the Court of Appeals in Frankfort
on Nov. 9.
The club which presents the best
case, in the opinion of the Court of
Appeals, will represent UK at the
regional meet in St. Louis in November, and could qualify for the national competition in New York City
in December.
Last year the UK team in the
moot court competition was judged
runner-u- p
in the regionals in St.
Louis and went to the semi-fina- ls
national competition in New York
City. "The boys hope they can do
as good or, better this year," Mr.
Matthews said.

The elimination series will begin
will be
Oct. 25, and the semi-finaheld Oct. 30. The series will be held
in the auditorium of the College of
Law, and will be judged by Lexington lawyers. Each law club is represented by two law students selected on the basis of last year's work.
The eight law clubs, which take

their names from prominent
who have served on the
U.S. Supreme Court, are the
Reed, Vinson, McReynolds,
Miller, Harlan, Lurton, and Brandeis
Ken-tuckia- ns



The national competition is sponsored among many U.S. law colleges
by the Bar of New York. The hypothetical case announced for national
competition, the U.S. vs. John Doe,
is "an indictment of a prosecuting
attorney for failure to respond to a
question by a Senate committee."
The legal grounds of this hypothetical case have current interest among
U.S. citizens, Mr. Matthews said.
The regionals in St. Louis are
sponsored Jointly by the Bar Association of St. Louis and the Washington University School of Law.

Y Commissions To Discuss

Program At First Meeting
The first meeting of the
Commissions will be held at
7 o'clock Tuesday night in the SUB.
These commissions constitute the
heart of the Y and its activities. It
is in these groups that plans 'and
programs for the Association are
discussed and decided upon.
for the Commission
on Faith and Life are Ann Carson
and John Brannon; Commission on
Personal and Campus Affairs, Betty
Jo Turner and Jim Hagen; Commission on Social Responsibility,
Marilyn Kilgus and Ken Darnell;
and the Commission on World
Betty Carol Pace and
Norval Copeland.
A number of fall program topics
have been suggested in the different
The Commission on
Faith and Life is planning to devote
a program to the discussion of what
college students can do in the way of


The World Relatedness Commission will present a program on the
UN in an effort to give it a real and

more important meaning to the students.
The Personal and Campus Affairs
Commission has a list of student
complaints on which they will base
several programs. Among these are
suggestions for a Campus Chest
Drive, changes in the point system,
and solution to the parking problem.
The Social Responsibility Commission offers aid to a number of people.
Within this commission two main
committees, Social Service and Race
"Relations, function to serve the

Kyian Taking Photos
Of Juniors, Seniors
Kentuckian photographs are


ing taken in Room 209. Journalism Building. Juniors and Seniors

may make appointments in the
Kentuckian office. Room 210 of
the Journalism Building.



The banquet will be one of the
activities of Homecoming, and will
be held at 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, in
the SUB Ballroom.
An open house at the nsw building, from 1 to 4:30 p.m.. will precede the banquet.
Senator Thomas Underwood, editor of the Lexington Herald, will act
as toastmaster at the banquet, and
Keen Johnson will introduce Whitehead.
Shropshire Will Present Key
A master key to the Journalism-PublicatioBuilding will be presented to President H. L. Donovan
by James S. Shropshire. UK journalism graduate, who will represent
journalism students and publications workers of the past.
The Kernel will publish a special
edition for the dedication banquet.
Mary Shinnick, journalism senior,
will edit the special sections.
Dr. Plummer said invitations are
being sent to all journalism graduates and former workers on student publications. About 2500 of
these invitations will be mailed, he
added. In addition, all newspapermen in this area are being invited.
Tickets Available
Tickets for all University students
who wish to attend will be available
at the School of Journalism, for
$2.00 per plate.
The alumni and active chanters
of Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism honorary, and members of
the Henry Watterson Press Club are
assisting In making plans for the
open house.
Whitehead was one of six recipients of Pulitzer Prize awards for
reporting of international affairs.
Known in World War n as the reporter who hit more beachheads
than any other correspondent, he
returned to the battlefronts when
war began in Korea.
The Pulitzer Prize Advisory Board
singled out his story of the Marines
crossing the Han River as an outstanding example of his first hand
Received Other Awards
For his coverage of the Korean
War. Whitehead received two other
awards. He was given the Sigma
Delta Chi Distinguished Service
Award for Foreign Correspondence,
"in recognition of his service to the
American people and the profession of journalism." He was also
awarded Long Island University's
annual citation for oustanding wire
service reporting.
The dedication banquet will be
the climax of what Dr. Donovan, in
a recent statement, called, "a success story which is of particular interest to Kentuckians because the.
entire personnel and the locale
volved are centered on the campus
of the University.
"It is a story very likely without
parallel on any campus in this
country or elsewhere," he continued.
Classes Moved last Month
Classes were begun in the new
building last month. The Kernel
also moved its newsroom to the
new building at the same time, although the Kernel Press has been
in the building since June.
"After moving about for years, we
have finally settled in a permanent
home and we certainly are proud
of it," Dr. Plummer said.

SGA Discusses
Seating Plan

For Students



THE CAST FOR "THE GLASS MENAGERIE." the play to be prehas been announced by
sented by the Guignol Theater Nov.
Wallace N. Briggs, director. They are (left to right Louise Hill,
Laura; Don Hartford, the gentleman caller; Gene Arkle, Tom; and
I.iKille Little, Amanita.

The Student Government Association discussed the possibilities of a
new seating arrangement for students at football and basketball
games at a meeting in the SUB
Monday night.
A plan is being sought that will
eliminate the necessity for studCnts
to attend the games early in order
to get a seat. Two plans for reserved
seating were discussed:
1. Students pick up reserved seat
tickets a week before the game,
first come, first served.
2. Students sit according to classi
fication in a reserved section. Girls
would sit in the section that their
dates are in.

� Desi oopy Mvaiiaoie
Heads Turned
By Sugar Overdose









UK football fans appoar just a little stunned after the events
of the past two weekends. Of course, they're hardly alone in
this; tike majority of coaches and sportswriters have the same
Well let you rely on the football experts for the precise explanations of the Mississippi defeat. Somehow we just can't get
excited over the statistical victories they keep creating for the
Wildcats. The real heart of the situation, we think, is that perhaps University supporters, still tasting last season's Sugar Bowl
dessert, were expecting a. little too much from a team which
lost almost all of its starting linemen from last year. This, and
not tons of statistical data on first downs, yards gained rushing,
and the like, is what the fan should consider in evaluating last
week s defeat.
Reams of copy have already lx'en written concerning the
losses and we don't intend to add more to the stack here. It looks
like a good time for us, the spectators, to get our noses out of that
empty Sugar Bowl and start thinking in terms of the '51 season.
In fact, the only story we want even to hear, much less write,
along this line is the one describing the Wildcats' comeback.
Saturday, the' Weatherman says, will !e a nice day. We think
so, too.

Students have taken little or no interest in the budget proposal released last week by President Donovan. The majority
seem to think the budget, admittedly not the most interesting
reading material available, would not effect them enough to
justify the effort required to study it. This is certainly not
the case.
Every student at the University will feel the effects of a failure
of the State Legislature to approve the requested increase. Dr.
Donovan, in outlining the budget, stated that if the increases
were not approved the only way that the University could balance its budget was to drop approximately 200 faculty and staff
members. Students would feci the effect of this drop in fewer
available- courses and larger classes.
It is expected that most of the reduction, if it is necessary,
will be accomplished by failure to fill vacancies when they occur,
and that faculty and staff members of long standing will not
have to be dropped. I lowever, losses of more experienced faculty members may come as a result of the University being unable to keep its salaries in line with the rising cost of living. In
terms of purchasing power, the present employees of the University do not receive as high a salary as did those of 1940-4Businesses and other universities have increased their salaries
and may be expected to get many of UK's more promising faculty members if salaries here are not increased.
The whole matter can le summed up neatly by this statement
made receatly by President Donovan: The quality and character of the education students receive is dependent upon the
budge received by the University."



SGA Dance Is Successful

SGA has received considerable criticism from the Kernel in
the past, so it seems only fair that they be given credit for a job

last weekend.
The SGA sponsored dance, while it did not attract all of the
student body, did appeal to enough students to mark it as one
of the few successes in the campus-wid- e
activity field. Although
fell somewhat sliort of a financial success, it did, we
the dance
believe, achieve its primary objective of increasing school spirit.
We hope that SGA will fed that the results of this first dance
dance. The only thing
merit the continuance of the
appears to be lacking for even more successful dances is
the enlargement of the SUB Ballr(X)m.



The Kentucky Kernel
University of KEyucKY
Miar4 Uie Pout Office at Lexington,
Kentucky, as Hcond claw matter under
th Act ci March 3.

$1.00 per semester


Bnx MANsnMJ..........Acring Editor
Tou Wilborn Acting M'g'ng Ed.

Bill Don Cbote
Dorman Cokdell

Dolly Suluvevt,


tance, those faithful to the call of
the elements should be in the swim
at the coliseum.

The Community Concert-Lectur- e
most pleasant way to go
highbrow! The first program, to be
presented October 12, will be a
"Rogers and Hammerstein Nights"
presentation, made up of an orchestra, chorus, and four soloists
which will literally fill the coliseum
with music from the operettas of
the famous team. Through attendance at such concerts, U.K.
goes cosmopolitan.

Before anyone calls loudly for
more student
should present himself at the Student Union at 8 p.m. on any Tuesday night, for attendance at the
weekly sweater swing, held in the
No complaints can be
ball room.
registered about this informal
dance, designed especially for relaxation and activity of the student
"body". It's a good way to get acquainted with the people who share
your own ball room.

YMCA! The sign, on
campus as in every walk of life,
which indicates the young men and
women who are united in a program of plans and action for the
betterment of things in general
and our campus in particular. It U
the element of action which will
proprl the "Y" this term, after preparation of extensive campaign
charts at the annual "Y" retreat on
the Kentucky River, Sunday, September 30. "Y" members will go on
the offensive for entertainment in
Lexington's hospitals, for better
knowledge of Kentucky industries
and schools, as well as the world's
problems with such matters. The
group will go all-ofor real knowledge of self, and of the individual's
relation to his activities. The Y"
is a good camp to join; to be in the
"Y" is to be on the right side.

Many are the assets at the University for the improvement of the
physical. We have all accepted this
this as our due from a college interested in the
Yet, even in our acceptance, we
on the specific
lack the "follow-up- "
favors offered us. The University
pool waits, in all its liquid splendor,
and few there be of the enrollment,
who visit there to cool their feet
and temper their muscle. With
such an institution at diving dis- -

Pep rallies, produced and directed by Suky, are next thing In ex-

citement to the ball game which
follows. Suky manages an "on
stage, everybody" tone with torch
parades, personal appearances of
coaches and players, cheers, .and
snke dances through Main Street.
Always the dramatic!


Editor's Mail

Top Egyptian Social Worker
Is Now Modest UK Student
Received Master's At tTL
"One of my most annoying probMr. Nour has already received his
lems in America was trying to order
Abdel Monem Nour ts an unas- food. The only thing I knew how to master's degree from the University
suming man with piercing eyes and ask for was fried eggs, so for several of Louisville and hopes to have his
a high forehead. He is one of the days I lived on egg&r-fri- ed
ones. I doctorate in social work from UK
two Egyptian students now studying remember the waitress would yell, by this spring. Immediately after reat UK.
Up or over?' My answer was always, ceiving his degree he plans to reBut behind his modest manner Is "Yes."
turn to Egypt where he will teach
a record of achievement remarkable
"But in time I graduated to the in either Cairo or Alexandria.
for a man just over thirty years of automat. It became quite a game of
Abdel Nour is further proof of
age. The son. of an Egyptian pro- suspense for me to find what myJ ' the value of the student exchange
young Abdel early money had purchased. Sometimes program. We may be sure that
fessor in Cairo,
became conscious of the need for there would be something behind the when he returns to Egypt, he will
social workers in Egypt. As he put little glass door and sometimes there be better equipped to fight his old
it, "Poverty, disease, ignorance, they wasn't anything there at all. I must enemies, poverty, disease, and
are all tied together".
have broke even with the law of
After studying social work in Cairo averages."
for several years, he was ready to do
One Fault To Football
his share in alleviating the suffering
When asked what he liked best
poor. In 1943, Abdel Nour about America, Nour replied, "The
of Egypt's
launched a new phase in Egypt's people, the freedom, and the cigwar against disease. He called it arettes."
"medical social work".
"American football has only one
From a struggling start, hi