xt751c1tfb9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tfb9q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1999 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 68, no. 3, 1999 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 68, no. 3, 1999 1999 1999 2012 true xt751c1tfb9q section xt751c1tfb9q { ;      _      i    __ _ _     V _ _ &    A   ;» A _  `   4 »  
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@pOIl€V with · 1 H . nyc, \ -1     11 _;»11* .=:~’ · | 1
_ _ David L. Shelton 66 1 1 \ V 5 ze; Em —£:1~v»-1 , V ._ ' 1
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uirnallv p W 1 ‘ FEATURES       ·\ ; ¤; ¢, ,,*1f*, ;,. ;..   g
Jelroit ojyice. TREASURER ·  _ K ~_, i   Q _>_·‘·   · [ .. *     1 `
1 ·;a:;,2¥;1;1;1;;111g  Bm’1"*"1111"  °    *_m—n’L—;Y_ 11
~ . 1 . Nancy T 1 • 1
’O’3' C”';b”€ '_ A   Stadlufn H 7 `1 I
"7l O71 9 c· ·
° , SECRETARY  1 ; 11 More Seats, More Amenities, More Noise `1 ·
i£iZ1ZZ1$§e1·O,g Sm Key 72   11 1
1 1 1 1 1 ’ 1 1
MSN 3 ASSOCMHONSTAFF U A 11 We re Ready to Greet You · 10 11 1
 1073296297 6002578905 - . · A Peek at the Renovated King Alumm House ii 0 —
  K@7ll1»lCl€' " 8001269MUM · “`;‘L ‘— 1I 1
;   ,1,Z 11115 ’ www-F1’wMA’1m"1   `  1 Angelo Henderson ’85 14 1;; g
. I ' I . 'TE .*¢;·:_j, _ ¤ · . . 1] 1
A i fégl by the ggg;2 Pulitzer Prize Award Recognizes His Excellence E It 1
V miveisigz of nn 7 11i · r
  ""”°]`1" Assocmm D1RRcToR/ Dalpha DO CHY 72 18 11    
V  `ylmllll EDITOR Color Isjoy ; 0
  ?SOClHl°lO?’l, . , ,   1 R 1
_xmgtO,Z, Liz Howard Demoian 6& 76 1 ; 1
»1m1ekyfO1· DEPARTMENTS 1 Q 1
1 _. dMeS_puymg ASSISTANTEDITOR ¤ 1
gmbem Linda Perry ’84 ~
2   me pvgvc RELATYONS/ UK Beat 4   1
: ll 7”l€C€SS6l7‘ll)/ ADVERUSING     1
1 USB Ofme john Schaifenherger   8 1 1
1   Of COORD1NATOR/ Basketball Scheduks
1;1,Cm,1;;;T7m /e1n01J0neS-Goodwin Out ofthe BIIIC 20 ;
OSTMASYERJ COORDINATOW Summer Work for Fall Fun 1 . 0
’ hange Service MEMBERSHIR T
K wqiiested, Send Peggy H· Colh"5     :_
  1· 7700 Kentzick 1 [ 1
  111111111tS, 1 STAFF _ Class Notes /[ 24 0 g
  K Alumni Brenda Bm"' _ _ _ 2  
  ~$111 §g;j;’;’@]j(;Q{_jjd Pres1dent1a1 Perspecuve 30 l . 1
    john Hoagland ’89 UK United _ ;
; 19 5-0601 19. Charles Livingston   1 1 1
; Mandy Long 1 1 1 1
`1 Carobin Rhorer _ g  
 » Sarah Seideinan l   1
  Darlene Simpson ` g 1
  Lee A. Zuhazs _`] 1_
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W l Business Dean {O Step   her research shows that all law students are happier at  
Y i' schools with a high percentage of student—faculty ? 
    Richard W. Furst will step aside as dean of UK’s Carol cliveisity — i
  l Martin Gatton College of Business and Economics The UK law school anticipates that women will V
t effective June 50, 2000 afmf 19 Y€€*Y$ <>f1<>¢·~d€rShir>- HE constitute nearly 50 percent of this year’s entering law ’
“ i   _ will be on sabbatical leave school class  
l l 1 —   —· e during th€ fall 2000 3€Hd€mi€   The guide went on sale Aug. 2. It is availabe on-line ·
  »’V.· ;~_ I semester and will remain QI   http://vVWW.l21WWOfl'1€I‘1.CO11”l. V
  1   1 — 1   the college as Garvice D. 1 
. { ;   .i;· 1 L    y. is ,i       *’;§°f;;i;fn;’\fid€   Singletary Center’s 20* Season é
"     . .  · are 7   ”   search for his successor K The 20* anniversary of the University Artist  
1 ll     will bégili if¤m€di21€€lY- Series is being celebrated this year at the — 
3 j A I A FLUSI, 60, has b€€f1 [h€ Singletary Center for the Arts. One of the - E
i . _ V €0ll€g€`$ €l€€1¤ 5iD€€ 1981- 005 highlights is the appearance of alumnus Greg  ..
·   { ‘ - Um€ fvr $0m€O¤€ with 0650 Turay, a member of the Metropolitan Opera’s Young
‘   " i A \ l(l€9.S to take OVEI'. B€l.f1g Cl€21I’1 is 21 Artists} DeVeiOpmen[ PrOgrgrr]_ V 
  1 YOUUS P€Y5O¤’$ i<>bf’ Said Fqrst- He The schedule of concerts is; ‘ 
1 1 ti DO[€Cl pI'lV2l[€ ClOI‘1Ll[lOl'1S to the college have pI`OV1Cl€Cl • OC[_ 19 - MOSCOW S[a[e Rgdig) Syihphghy Orchestra ’  T
21 . "very substantial private support available to the new and (jhonis - Vei—cli’s Rgqttigm  if  
  11   dean" · • Nov. 13 — Christopher Parkening — A tribute to  
1   V V   During his [€i'iLl1”€ [l'1€ COll€g€’S 21CHCl€l'I11C, f€S€2`l1”Cl'1 Aridre5’ Seggvigt i  
      2ID(.l service pI`()g1`dIUS h2l.V€ I`€C€lV€d SU.l')StHI'l[lZ].l I`l3.[lOHHl • Dec 2 - Eiriariuel AX, [hree-[irne Grzlrnrriy Wmner ll   
  1 fg 21DCl lfl[€ITl21[lOl"lHl 2l{[€f1[lOI'1. He Cl.lI`€C[€(.l OI'1€ ofthe ITIOSK arid MlLSiCdlAm€fiCd7S   “IriS[i·urrieri[si1is[ Of [he  
· i d successful fund—raising operations in the university’s Yegr"  
11   lllS[()I'y'. H6 WVZIS dean YVh€I`1 NlUl1l€1'1lT>€I'g County f12l[lV€ • Feb 25 - Greg "[`urayy Opgrg maggiZine’s "s[gr iri [he ·A 
11   CM. "Bill" Gatton presented a S14 million gift to the niakingtt ‘  
ll $72 5 college in 1995. the largest single private donation in the . March gg - Qnanetto Gelato, with a inix of  
l   ""ff Lll'll\'€!"5l{§'4S hlS[()I’Y. DLlflHg FUISIYS l€H.Cl€I'Shlp, the Classical f`aVOri[€S’ arias and     .  "
in 1 1   in mi college received funding for nine endowed Chairs and Tickets are available by calling (606) 257-4929. *   
1     numerous endowed professorships. Furst himself holds    
  an endowed proiessorship. RObjrisOri Sehglgrs in 
siaetéii  ·  . y . . . T  
i; .  \\/Orrieri Friend] r - lt s Law Fifty-eight middle school students from Eastern Ken-  
  y tucky have been inducted into the University of  
T   Thc U¤l‘*'€V$l[Y at K€¤[U€kY (;00€$€ Of Law is _ Kentucky’s Robinson Scholars Program. Each student  
1   ranked among the nation s fnendlrest to women in Wim maintains an nccenmbie gmddnnmi nncmgg and  
l   "€’*€?'Y€h PUhll$h°¥€l this momh by P€¤gU1¤ BOOKS Of graduates from high school will get a free ride to “ 
f   New Yvfk- college. At today’s rates, the value of the scholarship —  _,{
g   In her hook. "A ‘~.‘€'oman‘s Guide to Law School." college tuition, room and board and books during the  
1   " 'V Linda Hirshman, a professor at Brandeis University stticlenig college careers - is up to $8,000 a year, ig
  -   in W¢*lYh¤m· MUSS-» ranks U K in the [OP 25 P€F€€¤i The program, in its third year, is open to eighth  
1 i s    _, of Zlll l2l¥V SCl`l(>OlS 21S the l·I‘l(;‘l"l(lll€S{ to VVOIT1€fl graders frOm 29 egsrerri Kerinieky eOuri[ie57 wi[h _A
` `   A Students uml f¥*CUl[‘/· selection based heavily on the student’s academic  iQ
  Th? UK l¥*“' School F¢*¤k$·¤¥ 0*6 [OP Of U5 potential, the family’s need for assistance with college-  
  gl'()\,lPl[;\g Ol luw SCl1(`i()l [hilt 15 l72i5C<.l OD S[LlLl€I“1[ related expenses, essays grid iritervievvs The prggrgiih  
  udnnssions scores. Hirshman said she looked at 158 is nindcd {mm mining und ingging Opemnnns nennin 1- 
  law schools in her research. She gathered data on tecl on nearly 4’()()() acres of the i4,()()()-acre Robinson  ~r
  . C KlI€.[)Cl'CCI`l(2lg€ Ol. [€l`lLlI`€Cl Zlflil [€I'lLlI`€-U`21Cl( VVOIUCYI FOreS[ iri Brerirhirry KriO{[ grid Perry C()ur][ies_  
_   _. academic faculty members. percentage of women  
1   . students, and success of women students in being _; 
’ named to law journal editorial board positions. ` 
1 yi f Although it focused on women, Hirshman said * 
 ··   . i         "   i·»l    
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—  UK Hospital 1n Top 50 . = rr r
r  -. g`      · ' The University of Kentucky Hospital is ranked in the   F   I
. · ' ft __;  top 50 in the country in cancer, urology and gynecol-   ” l
. '\ W . ·
,     · ogy care rn US. News G World Reports 10"‘ annual A    
_ _ `    _, E ”·;·=····y·;.. _ guide to Americas Best Hospitals. __ ‘ P  
' F ’     j   `f A ` UK’s Markey Cancer Center is rated 17"‘ in the   _ Q l
: ,   fg   country for cancer care; the urology program is rated I `A  
V  Q t pz    28"‘ and UK’s gynecology program is 47* in the coun- J   T 1
  ,,7 I · ia _ Most of the hospitals are teaching institutions that  »· ` '    
  .    2; f t T provide comprehensive, state—of-the-art care, but all are _'   { ·` r
·   i Q .   , not. Altogether there are 6,299 hospitals in the U.S.   I l A
ij-   QF Y    i-s ei ;,;j·<* ` Frank Butler, vice chancellor for health systems and   | f
  ‘      my planning at the Chandler Medical Center and director of  l i
g      ¥   r gg, r the UK Hospital, said, "We believe the recognition of _ ` ·  ~  
`   ·* H ‘   these particular programs is representative of the quality -  T l
H Z;   » yp r ·.___r · ‘ of all our patient care programs? l A
.      ai · ·
 .· . ~   s ` :=` ? _ I ,
  g, at   ; I . Patch Adams rl E
      ·., _ Makes ·» "   5
   rj;. ·  ~ ·= _ A—Peel-mg y Q A __  _ ’
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  " i App€3Y3HC€ .-ji: {  ‘r" r L ’
  Seemg for Themselves john Lynch, a Crown   $,3. " ""'   ·   ,   I
[Q 4 . . . _ 3;%   ` r
.   Several University of Kentucky alumni were on hand for gl;] the Rug{ggl% Bj OS` - — I   j   .  
§ the annual "Come See for Yourself’ activity Aug. 6, spon- C, amumr fu el , - ‘  __  _   T
—· ’ sored by the UK Office of Minority Affairs to acquaint 1fCuS’ gm € 3 mmm   ··—·»`?   1 ,  
.   . . , . therapy workshop for ~ · _   M, . r
. H the cornmunrty with what s happening at UK. Left to Staff 3 d d. I 1 _   H 1 ,
Q? right are Pam Goodwine ’94, with the law firm of Wyatt t d   [Til QCEIJK . _ lair E1.?£lili_Ar` I1
ill Tarrant & Combs, and jesse Crenshaw ‘75, state repre-   631; AMQZH ul   V ·   ’ -  
. . sentative from the 77"‘ district- both graduates of the UK Cegléy { n _h   H be ` ` " _
ig College of Law. Their UK host was Lauretta Byars *72, , lf Y L , ' ‘~
§ . _ . _. . lrever rn the Patch Adams theory of treatment, I
te vice chancellor for minority affairs. . .
gg encouragrng health care workers to incorporate hu-
g., mor in theory interactions with patients. '
  : ’. ,
—   The Company You Keep _ .,_. _. r r
  Benchmark institutions are a popular means of measurement among institutions of higher education. ln its quest for   'V', , p ,  
». Top 20 status, one of the measures the University of Kentucky and the Council of Postsecondary Education will be ;,.,,r»*  _ ,
  using is the National Science Foundations list of top research universities based on research expenditures. Here are T ‘ 1 g
  the NSF rankings for UK and its benchmarks. A
  1. University of Michigan — 9. Penn State University 21. University of North Carolina —    
 `L Ann Arbor ll. Ohio State University Chapel Hill A  
  2. University of Wisconsin - l2. University of Illinois — 22. University of Maryland — }
 z Madison Champaign-Urbana College Park r r
  5. University of Washington 15. University of Arizona 25. Purdue University
  5. University of California - 14. University of Florida 28. University ol lowa r
  Los Angelas 18. University of Texas — Austin 46. University of Kentucky *
  6. Texas A & M 19. North Carolina State University 52. University of Virginia _. r
  7. University of Minnesota - 20. University of Georgia  
  Twin Cities _,W ° 1
    ·Ll§i*‘·e. i `
    ALUMNUS%» `    ’
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I · Show off your wildcat spirit, and let everyone know you’re  
  Q proud to be a University of Kentucky Alumni Member!  
  I An exceptional collection of art! Then and Now showcases  
I · the work of acclaimed photographer Bill Luster. Through  
I I · these pages you will iind images of UK that capture the *,§ (
I essence of its history. This will make a handsome addition   I
I   i to any home or office. _    
II I ;_   j ” I $35 $20 Member   {
I I   I I r
` I Display =¤ proud   a—    ‘i‘ `        it  S
I 3 1·m\·r·;Rsr1‘Y nr ·  _  *"?"° __—»·.‘  _  
I I K ENTU CKY heritage! One of  I é, { / ,I;_=I__    I I;
· I ‘1 1u ~. -xx1w xs nv OL11' ITIOSI   3     -I_;I i*—_'q'· "5 _.,I.*,fI.=   ~ L
I I I item for your office  QI; `      
  I g I or home is this four-       I' I       I
Q   I   color, 19 by 24 inch, watercolor painting   _i   — 1*;,1 ‘ 1   i—
I `I I by C.G. Morehead of UK Administration _, _ . {5 `.‘`‘‘   `   ii I
I I I I building. Suitable for framing. I I     I
I I   I $40 $25 Member   ·· ··~==   ··~·= ·· ····    
'   I I _ e· ¤·  g gg A treasured reminder! This timepiece features  
V I I ` ·· _   ,*1 j Seiko Quartz movement, is water resistant, and tl c  
I I » ,, — _-  I ' face displays a three-dimensional re—creation of th:   I
I   I \ . I     _ I .I University Seal. Order today to enjoy the UK tra- 4 .
I H I   I  Q Ii 7  ’   L ditions again and again. (Please specify men’s or Y
I I I   g.   women’s style when ordering.)   I
I I v   2* {E     I $229.99 Black Leather Band I TI
I .   ~ e‘ .1  I  " $259.99 Dual—Tone Bracelet Watch »_  
I I   I Let us entertain you! I  
I I   I Show the UK spirit with a handcrafted _ _ ____   I   * _  
. I I ]affa Crystal work of art. A good   'II I I   IJK   Q
_ I companion for formality or fun.   ,. . ·.·- Ig rI___,_m,"II;{ WT ··-·» I   I   I '
I Set/ 4 Glasses $60 $55 Member   ·   i"  _ J   I
I Pitcher $90 $85 Member       S
I Vase $65 $60 Member  
vn     Y
ia I ;
g &»2§=~\\ Pewter Plate ·’ ,  
I       °'_   X; $25 $20 Member   " {I     pr
1 ; _:: I_.·;     ·     I
· I'_   — .I;""‘Y*. A   ` ,,
  . ·"‘··‘·f;.i¤jt II i   I hu?. _ .   I JI
;    ’     (
I Call toll—free 1-800-269—ALUM or 1-606-257-8905 UK   I
I I, I Wnte University of Kentucky Alumni Association O ¥ E
j `   400 Rose Street, King Alumni House • Lexington, KY 40506-0119 ALUMPH   ·
'IQ ____ I On—line www.uky.cdz¢/Alumni “ ‘ ‘ " “ ' M ‘   { _
_ v  1  

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  I by Liz Howard Demormz I  
  ’"`A I   “ I A
§   Tlte place will knock your· socks off," says stay late. A three-million-dollar investment   l' I
I 6   UK athletics director CM. Newton, comment- in video boards will be put to use to pro-   l '
i ing on the brand new, big time look of the Vide pre—game and post-game   I
enlarged and revitalized Commonwealth Sta- entertainment for the fans in the stands. I A
drum. During the pre-game hours, there are up-    
**1 think this takes us to another level" he dates on other games in progress along l`  
es added. It shows everybody that we are very with highlights of previous UK games and I
A r serious about football here? the Coach Mumme Show. After the ame I *
1 t _ 3 I I I I
)f tl] _ The stadium end zones were bowled in the UK Band performs for the crowd until   `
, { A *  __ and 40 luxury boxes were added, bringing highlights of the game just played are I »
` tm I s  “||'|'¤cn yuan,. the seating capacity to about 68,000. available. Then, Coach Hal Mumme’s post-   F
OY   _  n LGI lt`s not just the expansion of the seating game news conference and player l I
  `  E _ __ -   area that has given the stadium a whole new interviews are shown. I
    1 ..II.._" E1 A look and feel. The newness begins with the As if this is not enough, Newton has I l
l       E _ newly fashioned entryway where Common- €V€f1 l7igg€1` Plims {Of C01¤m0¤W€¢1lKh SUI- l
l ‘    !¤—¤,.n_: I In ··  I Wwlfh $Y21€liU111 is Sp€ll€Cl Out in big, bold dium that reflect his expectations for l·I I
' ” · -* `    e letters. All new signage delineates the new Kentucky football. *‘This is just Phase I", he
gate numbering system Two elevator towers says. **Phase H and Phase III are already ;
. I 1 have been added to carry fans to the upper on the drawing board." I I
· A  I ` "_`   .*9A . deck where there are now 40 private, end Q
.  lr _ _
» ;·    l` r`  'I zone suites. The suites generate revenue to _ ' I I
  j help support varsity athletics. At UK, football ` I I
` r · and basketball are the two revenue-generat- »-,.____ . I {I
”’  `I ing sports that support a total program of 22 LJ P `°``     ;   *
  A student athletic teams.  I '- gm I . I I
{Ig? You can visit the Mummeville Grill outside *   A _  
  n the stadium before the game. Inside you can   I I Q
I I . . · Papa lohn’s Pizza Subway or Red I 1 ~ - I I
III J _ _ get your _ , I I I I I I
I. 7[UZCS DUGCTOI C'M‘ _I Hot *n Blue Barbeque along with the usual . \ I I I  
J I ` V ~ . ~ . .A I I A
(MOH Slcmdb OH the-/(IGM game fare. The expansion of the concession —I ;   I I
jx here be can SUFUQV the Uew areas and restrooms reduces the long lines at   é  ·  ‘  _ I   I
Wk and "’”€'Ym@$ W both. If you should be delayed by conversa- I ;.III).$ I IMIII MII I I
I-"m’770I71l’€6llf}9 Sféldiuvt. tion, television will keep you tuned into the II    ,;"¥' ___---,_ I ."'T _A "'T . I
I   l/l€1‘25yedrs, it needed action.     I I     I I
XII/770 wor/e_ W/gg; wg [mpg Realizing that there are more seats in the I “   I - · I
A A /»I»I·€ {SIMS; ,,A€,,I€,IdOU5_;»» stadium, but no more road ways to get you in I I I
and out of the area, a whole new dimension I I
I0 L of Wildcat Spirit is emerging. Newton is en- , I
ININI couraging ticket holders to come early and I
—§ at I I
I A r I      
s Krauruckv Aturvmus 7 I 

 — E I     `-‘·   —»’‘’   ?- ‘ :e   »’, ·  ii-L I
.     ’_      I`#II.;I`I~I   we if »~ .. — `
I I I I   I I " I   I °   * I  —°.“   ia     EI        
, I w       I   1999-2000 University of Kentucky
} . I
I »       Men’s Basketball Schedule . 
      *I     All Ylmes liars/em j
. I.       Date Opponent (TV) Ti1I1€   I
I I  . .     Nov. 2 (Tues.) CALIFORNIA ALL-STARS (Exh.) (UKTV Delay) 7:50 p.m.   I
I   I I . 7**:     Nov. `ll (Thurs.) ATHLETES IN ACTION (Exh.) (UKTV Delay) 8 p.m.   I
I I .   ‘<:     Nov. I6—26 Preseason National Invitation Tournament I. I
I I I     ~ “·Q I Nov. 17 (Wed.) PENNSYLVANIA (ESPN) 9 p.m. _ I
I   ~p · · _ ga ‘   Nov. 19 (Fri.) ARKANSAS ST./UTAH (ESPN) 7 p.m. ~ I
I     I M  I    J 2 . ; v·’‘ ‘ I I Nov. 24 (Wed.) TBA — Preseason NIT Semifinals (ESPN) — N1 6/8:50 p.m.   I
I I ; .i  ' I I‘i‘ I     ·‘ »   I Nov. 26 (Fri.) TBA — Preseason NIT Final/Consolation (ESPN) — NI 6/8:50 p.m.  
I I  I .» ` I I   ·i‘_ · .,V_ I   Nov. 29 (Mon.) vs. Dayton (espn2) - N2 7 p.m. g I
I I —/ ’ I I I Dec. ~l (Sat.) vs. Indiana (CBS) - N5 5:50 p.m.   I
_ . , _ ·   I I Dec. 7 (Tues.) UNC ASHEVILLE (UKTV Live) 8 p.m.   I
r I      , I III   Dec. 11 (Sat.) at Maryland (ESPN) 9 p.m. II I
      Y Q Dec. 18 (Sat.) LOUISVILLE (CBS) 4 p.m.   I
I   I       Dec. 25 (Thurs.) MICHIGAN STATE (ESPN) 7 p.m. *
I I I IY  QTL? I I’I_ I Dec. 27 (Mon.) ALASKA—ANCI-IORAGE (UKTV Live) 8 p.m. I I
I I   I'I`II.Y  ` _ · ; Dec. 50 (Thurs.) vs. Missouri (Fox Sports Net) - N4 8 p.m.  L I
I ; I I.       I   Jan. 5 (Wed.) vs. Georgia Tech (ESPN) - N5 7 p.m.   I
~I I I ·.   I I I Jan. 8 (Sat.) VANDERBILT (Fox Sports South) 6 p.m.   I
`   Z` I ..   I.`.I Jan. 11 (Tues.) at Auburn (ESPN) 9 p.m.    
  I I II,   I ` I ` ’ I Jan. I5 (Sat.) at South Carolina (Fox Sports South) 6 p_m_   .
  M I       _     Jan. 19 (Wed.) OLE MISS (UKTV Delay) 7:50 p.m.  
I     '·I   If? f El   Jan. 22 (Sat.) at Vanderbilt (IP) 3 [lm-  
I   *fV¤’*·  II ='»   `-   I Jan. 26 (\‘<~ed.) at Georgia (JP) 8 pin.  II I
  Jan. 29 (Sat.) at Miami. Fla. (CBS) 1 p.m. I    —
I I I Feb. I (Tues.) TENNESSEE (ESPN) 9 p.m.   »
I  I — . Feb. 5 (Sat.) SOUTH CAROLINA (JP) 1 p.m. I    —
I II   Feb. 8 (ITues.) at Florida (espn2) 9 p.m.   —
  I · Feb. 15 (Sun.) at LSU (JP) 1 p.m.  
I Ii Feb. 16 (Wed.) AIABAIVIA (JP) 8 p.m.  
I I Feb. l9 rsar) orioaom (JP) 1 p.m.  
I   I Feb. 25 (Wed.) at Tennessee (JP) 8 p.m.  
_I I I » Feb. 26 (Sat.) ARKANSAS (CBS) Noon  
` I I Feb. 29 (Tues.) at Mississippi State (ESPN) 9 p.m.  
I I March ~I ( Sat.) FLORIDA (CBS) Noon  
I I I Mareli 9~l2 (Thurs.—Sun.) at SEC Tournament (JP & CBS) ~ N6 TBA  
I I r .
I   I I .\“/ — Jlczclismz Sqzrcrre Gare/en, New )@r/2. NY  II
I   I . .\2 — Ybe (jrozwz. Clzzcimzcl/i, Ohio  
I. I Mi — /€(§L#I Dome. l)1¢/imzczjmlis, Incl. .3
I I ‘ .\~? — .\?»l2i¢1 .$IllIQ6ll' Howl Hers/ee//ml! Classic - New Orleans Arena, New Orlecms, La.  
I I _ I Ni — ]“I)'(’(?(((JHl Hall. Louisville. Ky. ’ 
I I No — (/em;qrrr Dome. Allmzlcr, Gu. g 
I   I _ . I //())lliGr»I.Il/;1S‘/N/ILL CARS IV 
I   I Jczlrirfl lnzes Sulqjecl lr) Clvmzge  
 ,· I I   Ii YI} I-I~( |_II'(_`I,\ w.I Ir·..>.1Ir2; I  

 I   I I
 UK Sports E 14
3  I   V .
  f  ii   K
  1999-2000 University of Kentucky g  , I
  i ¤  I   ’
  Women s Basketball Schedule I   I  — {
  ,  l. u °
  Date Opponent Site Time      
_ . NOV, 10 (Wed.) Foreign Exhibiton LEXINGTON 7 pm. *  ll
Q Nov. 14 (Sun.) PREMIER PLAYERS SELECT LEXINGTON 7 pm. ww,. ,  
Nov, 19 (Fri.) @ Austin Peay Clarksville, Tenn. 7 p.m. I fr 
Nov. 22 (Mon.) @ Miami Ohio Oxford, Ohio 7 p.m. l   " 
, Nov. 24-26 Coaches vs. Cancer i  I
im.   (\X/ed.-Fri.) Challenge (N1) Hartford, Conn. UConn, Clemson, 1    
_m_   Old Dominion (espn2) TBA ‘  zu    I ;
  Dec. 1 (Wed.) WESTERN KENTUCKY LEXINGTON 7 p.m.    I
L  j Dec. 4 (Sat.) HAMPTON LEXINGTON 7 p.m.   ` I
  Dec. 6 (Mon.) @ New Mexico Albuquerque, N .M. TBA I f
  Dec. 11 (Sat.) @ Liberty Lynchburg, Va. 7 pm. ’ ’ I L
  Dec. 18 (Sat.) vs. Purdue (N2) Indianapolis, Ind. -   l·
  TBA ' I 4 ~
  Dec. 22 (Wed.) @ Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio 7 p.m. _ ,
-f  Dec. 28 (Tues.) UT-MARTIN LEXINGTON 7 p.m. A , I
  Dec. 51 (Fri.) XAVIER LEXINGTON 7 p.m. \   .
I   Ian. 5 (Mon.) WINTI-IROP LEXINGTON 7 p.m. \
  mnt 6 (Thurs.)     7 pin} C()llL`l7 B(’}`}l£lCI€[[€ 1I{lIH()iX` ` _
L   lan. 10 (Mon.) @ Florida Gainesville, Fla. 7 p.m. I L K
LI  lan. 15 (Thurs.) @ Vanderbilt Nashville, Tenn. 7 p.m. 1
l lan. 16 (Sun.) ARKANSAS LEXINGTON 2 p.m. :
._  lan. 20 (Thurs.) LSU LEXINGTON 7 p.m. ,
 . Ian. 25 (Sun.) TENNESSEE LEXINGTON 2 p.m.  
` Ian. 27 (Thurs.) @ Alabama Tuscaloosa, Ala. 7 p.m. l | '
 Q Ian. 50 (Sun.) @ Tennessee Knoxville, Tenn. 2 p.m. I
. f Feb. 6 (Sun.) @ Arkansas Fayetteville, Ark. 2 pm. E
‘ Feb. 15 (Sun.) SOUTH CAROLINA LEXINGTON 2 p.m. :
_ Feb. 17 (Thurs.,) GEORGIA LEXINGTON 7 pm. s
~ Feb. 20 (Sun.) @ South Carolina Columbia, S.C. 2 p.m.
_ Feb. 22 (Tues.) LOUISVILLE LEXINGTON 7 p.m. _ b · I
 j Feb. 24 (Thurs.) @ Ole Miss Oxford, Miss. 7 pm. Z  
  Feb. 27 (Sun.) MISSISSIPPI STATE LEXINGTON 2 p.m. 1 , I
 . \larch 2-5 ; l
 .q iThurs.—Sun.) @ SEC Tournament (N5) Chattanooga, Tenn. TBA { .   l
F  _ I
  ‘ .\r’.Z-Hartford (Hartford Civic Ceiiteij r A ,
 tl .\Q—[21cZiczimpolis (Market Square Arena) - l
  ‘ .\f5—C7JcztIm*100ga ( UT C—Arenc1) , I  
    . il! Times Eastern cmd subject to clacmge  
Q j I  
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