xt751c1tf995 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tf995/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1979 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 49, 1979 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 49, 1979 1979 1979 2012 true xt751c1tf995 section xt751c1tf995 fall1979 t l
•A Grand Band Performance
•Energy—\>/hat are the questions?
•GubernatoriaI Candidates 1979 t

 Yesterday .
ls there an event or photographs of ‘
your college days that you’d like to  
suggest for "Yesterday"? We encour-
age you to share your anecdotes with
us. Every effort will be made to re- "
turn photographs to you in the same 1
condition in which they were re- r
ceived. Send your suggestions to l
Editor, The Kizivrvcxv Atumivus,
UK Alumni Association, Lexington,
Ky. 40506.
ln August UK`s campus was once again busy with the activity of Matriculation ..............................i 5.00
students moving into residence halls. Their arms were loaded with Cost offurnishing room. about ................. 10.00
everything from bean bag chairs to stuffed koala bears. Similarly, Fuel and gas ............................... 8.00
students in the 19th century made that same move each fall. but Washing .................................. 10.00
the circumstances and the costs were somewhat different. as this Board. 38 weeks. at $2.25 per week. ..... . ...... 85.50
excerpt from the 1883 catalog illustrates: Books, about .......... . ................... 10.()0
"The necessary expenses of a student while at college need not TOTAL  
exceed the following estimates. As a rule, the less pocket money
allowed by parents or guardians the better it is for the pupil. When t.EaCh mom musr be prrwrded by the Occupants mere Of Or rherr '
$¤PP“€$ are kept $llOll‘ llle Oppollulllly lOl °°““°°‘l“9 Vlclmls own expense with neat and comfortable bed and bedding, three
llablls ls wllegpolldlllgly Cllmllllslled Students Should llol be al` comforts or blankets. one pillow, three pillow slips. four sheets,
med bv their emu *¤ mts mv debts All mwsvs *¤t€¤<*€<* sue. Wsshstmi. iOOtmg.gia5S, Crm. rmi and picket. was ·
for the use of the students should be deposited with a member of and Slop buckersr blackmg brush. hair brush Clorheg broom Or
lllelacully brush; some of these articles can be brought from home by the
"For county appointees occupying a room in the dormitory and Srudemy
bO2ll'C1lI'1Q inthe COYTTITTOU l'T1€SS, flT€ T1€C€S$8l'y €X]')€T1S€S BYE E15 folr
lowsl (from the Annual Register ofthe State College of Kentucky, 1883
Tuition ................................... $000 Rediscovered by Dr. Elbert W. Ockerman. Dean of Admissions
Room fee ................................. 5.00 and Registrar.)

 A/cfftfi W i4' 5Y;-/.‘ 
University Archive! •
cover: Margaret l. King Library - Nottli  
Wildcat Band majorettes are part University of Kentucky  
of the pageantry in that wonderful Lexkmtom Kentucky C
tradition—the haU-time show.  
UK’s band takes that tradition and
adds a new dimension for the en-
tm terminment Of!-Ootbau farm the kentucky alumnus fall 1979 vol, 49 no, 4
1979 Omcms 6 preparations that lead to applause
. Pmsment no one works harder at preparing for a successful fall cam-
_iOhhC_OwenS·5,O paign than the 290 members of the wildcat marching band.
L¢—>>¤. Kentucky reporting to campus a week before classes start, the members
?¤¢¤id¢¤¢·E\¤¤¢ work 12 hours a day on perfecting the music and drills for their
John C. Nichols ll '53 half_tim€ Shows
L ‘ 'li ,K'nt ck `
Gum 9 2 u y 10 gubernatorial candidates 1979
Treasurer _. _ _ _ _
Mm JO€F_MOmS·38 republican louie b. nunn and democrat iohn y. brown jr.
Lexington,Kentucky answer nine questions about higher education and the
secretary _ university of kentucky which were presented to them by the
‘1{*’VB":“7f*i;d ig k kentucky alumnus.
‘ exmg Ol`, an uc y   an Oll €X€CI.l'lZlV€ talks €I'\€I’gv
Association Staff _ _
Director . ~ robert t. mc cowan, an active alumnus and executive of
.1ayBrumt1eid‘48 ashland petroleum company, shares “the facts" about the
A”°°*°*° D*'°°*°" energy situation with an alumni audience.
BobC.Whitaker'58   . h I . 9
Educ, IS CDCTQV t 8 ICB Cl’lSlS.
]__igHOwatd DgmOyan’68 four Lll'ilV€l'Slly faculty lTl€lTlb€Y5‘_lalTl€S funk, elrlglneerlllg;
M¢¤¤b¢¥¤h*P C¤¢j¥d*¤¤*¤¥ curtis harvey, economics; michael brooks, sociology, and
Ad°D‘ “€‘b°’d 39 harriette rose, counseling and testing—start talking about
Julia Brothers Ruby Giipin €l'l€l`Q§} blll COl'lC€I'lll`Hl€ Oil l'TlOI`€ f&l’·l’€3Clill’lQ ll'TlpllCatlOI'i$.
Linda Brumfield Ruby Hardin   two books on l'llSt0l'lC l€Xll‘lQ'lZ0ll
Ruth E“‘°“ R°9€’Hl°k'“°“`74 two alumni who happen to be teaching courses on the uk
Roy Fugitt’77 Ennis Johnson   h h l d b k d l. . h
Amelmcamo Lolapoum campus t is year ave eac re ease a 00 ea mg wit
historic lexington. dr. holman hamilton profiles the authors
and their books for ou.
  21 charlann carroll recalls getting her p.h.t.
The Kentucky Alumnus (USPS 292-840) is "putting hubby through" is a common course of study for
published q“a""’lV bv the U““’°‘$“V °{ Ke"` many wives. here the governor’s wife looks back on her days
tucky Alumni Association, 400 Rose Street. t k th rt.     t I
Lexington, Kentucky 40506, for its dues-pay- a u as ano er po lon O er I Q Comes O a C OS€'
ing members. individual dues are $15 annual-
ly with $2.00 of that amount used in publica· departments;
` tion of the magazine. Second class postage 2 aimound campus briefly
I paid at Lexington, Kentucky, and additional 7 m _
ma,l,,,g Omces pOSTMA$—yER, Send budget for 79-80 up 7.3 percent . . . penn central invest-
changes ofaddressto The Kentuckyfilumnus, merit t‘€COup€Cl . . . faculty, staff activities _ _ _ et(;_
· ;}g(5O;tlumn1 Association, Lexington, KY 5 sports gleanings
ukit ticket order form . . . playing close-to—the—belt . . . all-
Opinions expressed in The Kentucky Alum- american c()ntei‘idei‘5 _ _ _ et(;_
nus are not necessarily those of the University   alumni clubs `
of Kentucky or the Alumni Association. A _ _
member Of me Jomt Alumm Council Of Kem jefferson county club plans day at churchill downs . . . QYC-
tucky and CASE, Council for the Advance-   class notes
ment and Support of Education.

 The 1979-80 budget provides for _
some expansion of current programs in- li
cluding the new Southwest campus of
  Jefferson Community College, the agri- T
cultural extension service, ambulatory,  
neonatal and primary care programs at Raili
A   H d the UK Medical Center, community ser- Wifh
vice and University extension programs eapi
C 3 m `u S and summer school programing. yl
State approriations represent about larl
O 52 percent of the total income for the forts
  l 1979-80 operating budget, compared T
to about 50 percent for the previous tis- $63
cal year. Nev
UK gets financial support for the rest i Bra
of its budget from tuitions and fees, if :2
federal appropriations, gifts and grants, l l
i   can probably expect our relative salary and income ff0m €¤d0Wm€¤iS, ifiV€Si-   (iis;
Budget f0t°79-,80 position in this area, too, to become ments, auxiliary services and the Uni- Q; the
Short on Funds more unfavorable,” Dr. Singletary said. versity HOSDiial- ' um
"°*$¤‘°¤* Equiiv all°£gZ“Z"S§§`r`$¤2“l2lliZrLl`§f§§Z1‘lTJ`§ i rmi
The University of Kentucky is operat- with the local labor market, “but we will m;
ing on a budget of $240,127,10O for not remain competitive unless our level ma
the 1979-80 fiscal year. The new bud- of increases goes up on an annual ba-   SUE
giet is an increase of   percefnt Ever sisslrh b { { 1 An Alumnus Among   the
t e revious ear`s u et o a out e num er o acu ty positions, Q
$224pmillion. y 9 which is directly related to student- The Boat People   Sm
But UK President Ctisi Singletary teacher ratios has been increased to the Le Van Hoa ,73 is a University grad- ;
warned that the University still falls short point, Dr. Singletary said, where we . .. — ·
_ _ _ _ uate who is awaiting resettlement after
of having the funds necessary for bring- are near the goals set in the 1978-80 B1- rieein V. t , h h_ r _ _
. . . .. . . . ,, . g ie nam wit is amily. ln let
mg salary levels in line with those paid in enmal Budget. This assumes, how- ters to his friends here h€,S Cr
. . . . . . , expresse
similar institutions, called benchmarks, ever, that enrollment levels remain con- his unraitermg hope to mmm to Lexmgs i
in surrounding states. stant. ton. .
Dr. Singletary expressed particular Salary increases for employees in the Wi
concern for the funds available for new fiscal year—exclusive of those posi- A committee 5D€aYh€€1d€d by fellow ing
salary catch—up. tions where some catch—up dollars were UK l¤f0f€S50f5 is tfvifig to CUT through ha
He also noted that inflation is takinga available—will average 5 percent. Dr. il’i€ FUOYBSS of fed tape and C0¤fliCfi¤Q un
heavy toll on the University’s ability to Singletary said the level of salary in- information, volunteer refugee agencies sal
keep pace in both salaries and other creases for the next (1980-82) biennium and ¤Um€f0US QOV€1'¤m€¤tal units i¤·
operating expenses. would be a matter of major concern to volved in this Si6QQ€Yl¤Q, W01'ldWiCl€
Dr. Singletary said that salaries for which the University would address it- i'€f¤Q€€ problem Y0 $P€€Cl H06l$ extradi-
faculty on the main campus in Lexing— self. NON to Kentucky-
ton and at the UK community colleges "The inflation rate for 1979 will prob- An alurnnus in Eastern Keniuelru has
still lag behind the median salaries for ably be at least 9 percent or more," Dr. Offered housing fO fhe l.lOa farnilu and
benchmark institutions. Singletary said. “‘For the past two years, UK has Offered employment, i.lOa iu
"Given the trend in the levels of in- however, the state has provided cost of fauuhf at UK fOr awhile hefOre returning ‘
creases provided at the benchmark insti- living increases of 5 percent to Univer- fO Viefnanr l
tutions, our deficit in 1979-80 will likely sity employees. lf UK is to make any ad- _ _ l
increase over the prior fiscal year`s ditional progress and remain competi- H9a’ dean Ol Students at Salgon Um-
level," Dr. Singletary said. tive, then allocations for cost of living in- V?rSlty’ was treated as {im Olltcast and
For county agents and extension spe- creases in the next biennium must be Vmuéll pnswler by the Vlctmlous com-
cialists, UK`s goal is to bring these based on realistic assumptions of the mumst reglme After Several Sttempts te
salaries in line with the national aver- rate of inflation during that period,” he leave the Country' Hoa and hls famlly fl- l
age. Average salaries for the UK agents said. nelly succeeded r
and specialists in 1978-79 are within Dr. Singletary said the University has Now a registered refugee, the family _
$700 of the average nationally. But no already begun work on the problem of still faces many hardships and it may be S
additional catch—up funds were available adequate salary increases for the 1980- yet another two years before the Hoa
for the new 1979-80 budget, "so we 82 biennialbudget request. journey ends. i

   . . . . .  
  POSITIONS in colleges and universities  
R9€0“Pmg Investment throughout the country. P0htlCal SCIBHCB
Takes Eight Years The award, established in 1975 by Professors Continue
—————·——··*_— W‘ll‘ B. Sr ‘ll, ‘ { rh r · · ·
Remember when the Penn Central l law urgl ls one O . 9 mos High Publishing Pace
R _] d i id d _ h k_ prestigious honors that can be given to a  
iisiia 0 9 9E}   $’9a;$da30_ta ing member Oi me University faculty. it is University political scientists are con·
tg; itQl'?;0m9 Y999n V inV9$ 9 niV9t$i Y designed in recognize annually the tinuing a publication pace begun several
and i k d rk 1 _il_ d i member of the graduate faculty who has V9ai$ ag0 that in €0inPan$0n t0 0tii91'
al OO Q l ellealyaml lon O- made the most outstanding contribu- Political 59i9n€9 d9Pai'tm9nt$ around
iaitlois Sraséleelld liciqupid lhmugll el- tions to graduate education at UK. ti”i9 Country is Winning Y9€0gniti0n t0Y
0TSh V el Gal O Sus esa _ i d d Reedy is a specialist in Latin Amer- tti9 d9Paittn9nt·
Q Sell emelll lo ata as mc ll Q ican literature, and had earlier been the in a Study COndn€t9d t0¥ PS~ ATn9i'·
  1GOl€)rnfan and Sachs of Winner Of a   Research Fellow- ican   Science A$$OClatlOn quar-
Bevé t Olt_’ gsi);   _ lgm   ind ship, to conduct research in Peruvian t9iiV· n'i9i'nb9i$ Gt tn9 UK d9Pai’in'i9nt
fa 5 Tie . i 1;929ig¤$ ¤- Buslms and E°°“°'“i°$· “’l“i°l‘ was Ezlrlibelig  
l strate the vital role of trustees in lendin 1902 io 1972 today is more than · ·
i r _ l A I 9 3 OOO which mailers 6 nationai ence Association, ranked no Southern
  tn9ii 9XP9i‘ti$9 tO ih9”U¤iV9¥$¤iv in a Uénd;mOm imeist by mm eopie schools. ln the current study, based on
i Strong and Pi'0P9i WaV· in business y Q la productivity, Kentucky, along with Flor-
¥ '. . `da State and Georgia are in the top
to Dean William Ecton says the trends l '
·   are toward accounting, business admin- tell
Sturgill Award Honors istration and finance as the most  
Reedvvs Contributions popular courses in the college. Last Fo klore Collection
  month the University awarded about To Honor Jansen
Daniel R. Reedy, winner of this year’s 500 undergraduate business degrees.   h
‘ William B. Sturgill Award for outstand— An increase in the number of women _ fe bmvilslly O enlllc V ls Seglc `
ing contributions to graduate education, in the business college is one reason for mgd_Ol OOdS‘ Elanuscllali Soilllikl le-
t has helped many doctoral students growth in the area, the dean says. He CO; lliliidaill fol eil; mal€ll?SOn S Ole
under hisi direction in research and estimates that 30 to 40 percent of the $G_n_ O rire hotil Q nesliiieslaélshed
scholarship to attain high level academic business students are women. , l lam ug_ amen O Ole Ollec
tion and Archive.
Jansen specialized in folklore for 25
years at UK and was internationally
known for his research and publica-
tions. Persons wishing to donate
i materials should contact William J. Mar-
v_ W   ..,. ,, __ iiiiiiiiiii shall at (606) 258-8611.
,    nun m- .,.,,,  , ,,,,,     tr  ‘l*il V ’ a ?E“'I   iii 
_     nm nn- mm wm Im; ir. I i A . H     * _ I A The first element in the plan to
i rr rr. rrp.: nrnrr umn .¤ r.: _· . ‘ `; ’ ; i i · · " g.       _  interconnect all facilities at the
  V  _ v_   zi , .   _._;,
` i'*i·’ *" '  _·`»5 s, ,_   7       __ ‘ ` ,_ ’ _ Medical Center is this skywalk over
q ’ ta          {rj; gf rr .. rn ·· ·· ·· _ Rose Street linking the College of
  ; egg;  ‘*i‘¥·r K Y'   ‘     __ V  · is , ,,,,_,,s__ Nurslng/ Health Sciences Learning
· _     _     s/__ i`§;* Wi? _  _ . 9 _   Center to the tower on the hospital
;" .s _        -s=··   _  Pa"”"’·~···».:.s_sQ_.:   side ofthe road. Eventually, this
 e . iis; { ’· {jre,./¥‘     rg     l” °"°"·——=¢ walkway will lead directly into the
      ··-·   _    · ·  A   _ V hospital while other pedestrian
. ¤ ,  {  ai _   l `‘`i P ·   bridges and plazas are planned which
» ’s    er r } 1 V- " ·   ' rr_.   will allow persons to enter and leave
‘     3- r""` s -       the major buildings in the Medical
  ·.i·'· * »/ l   `   .».».   Center complex without encountering i
Y ' ¤ ‘ ° g .   ‘.‘‘ automobile traffic.

   fectiveness of this new cancer detection research at Harvard University this sum-
B\.ISil‘|€$S Silatégy method in the management of cancer mer.
Competition patients. will also be assessed in our rke- Jamgs S. [Peters, art,Dhai beqenx ap-
search," said Dr. Peter Bosomwort , pointe tot e nationa an ort sso-
won t  Student Team vice president of UK`s Albert B. ciate Program. sponsored by the Dan-
Three University graduate students in Chandler Medical Center. forth Foundation, and as an associate
business administration have won first Results of research work done by Dr. will be a guest of the foundation at con-
place in a national three-day competi- Goldenberg and his research team have ferences and may apply for grants for
tion held atMiamiUniversity of Ohio. been reported in the New England special projects to enhance faculty-stu-
Members of the team, which com- Journal of Medicine and other medical dent relationships.
peted against teams from Notre Dame, journals. Thomas J. Waldhart, library science, i
Indiana University, Michigan State, Dr. Goldenberg recently lectured on is associate editor of a new publication
Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia. this new method in Sweden, Germany entitled. “I.ibrary Research: An Interna-
were Eric Noelke. James E- l'la2€lti¤€ and Belgium. In Germany, Goldenberg tional Journal." The quarterly began in
and Linda S. Wise. all of I-€Xi¤Qt0¤· received an award for his cancer re- the spring and will report results of li-
The b¤$i¤€$$ Strategy €0mP€llti0¤ f0‘ search from the German government. brary and library-related research to
cused on a problem in the carbonated practicinglibrarians.
drink industry,   Bobby O. Hardin, Vincent P. DV-
V Significant Activities neuich and David J. Shippy, engineer-  
Of Faculty & Staff ing, have receixéed awdards for ofutstandi  
  ing papers su mitte to pro essiona  
Coed First to Get Birney Fish, McDowell Cancer Net- publications. The three received the i
RQTC Pilot Scholarship work, has been appointed to the C.A. Hogentogler Award for a paper on   I
  Governor`s Commission on Solid Waste the properties of soil and rock, pre- [ {OC
LIZ vv‘llrem$· rresnmen rrem LeXlng` Disposal. After a study of the state`s sented by the American Society for the   _
r9n· is rne rlrsr Women ln Kenrueky and waste management practices, the com- Testing of Materials, and Hardin got a i Cm
One Or four ln the eeunrry re be awarded mittee will develop recommendations second citation from the American So-   gy
9 full Pilot Scnelarsnlp bv Air Force for the next session of the General As- ciety of Civil Engineers for a paper deal-   C
ROTC neadquenere sembly. ing with minimizing the effects of earth-   qu
The Senelersnip gives ner the Opp"` Robert C. Dickson, biochemistry, was quakes.    
runny re enrer An Force piler training selected. by the American Society for Richard Rankin, human environ-    
ener Sne Completes the UK ROTC pre` Microbiology to present a paper at the ment-design, has been elected to hon- i C.
gram and receives 6 Cemmlsslen as a group`s annual meetingin Los Angeles. orary membership in the American So-  
Second lleurenanr Robert Sexton. experiential educa- ciety of Interior Designers. This classifi-    
tion and general secretary for the Coali— cation by the society is accorded per-   L:
  tion for Alternatives in Postsecondary sons of national reputation who are not 1 E
Grant will Aid Education, testified before the House practicinginterior designers.   y
ln Testing Method Subcommittee on Postsecondary Edu- Joseph Hamburg, allied health pro-   Wl
Of Detecting Tumors cation of the Committee on Education fessions. recently was presented an L lm
and Labor. His Washington testimony honorary doctor of science degree dur- Y
The University has received a concerned access to financial assistance ing commencement ceremonies of the 5]]
$126,000 grant from the National Can- for less—than—half-time students. Hahnemann Medical College and Hos- in
cer Institute for development and testing Joe Fred Sills, allied health profes- pital in Philadelphia, Pa. Hamburg was 5(
of a new method of tumor detection. sions, is the recipient of the Sara C. cited as ‘“one of our country`s leaders in .u
Dr. David M. Goldenberg of UK`s ex- Stice Award for Excellence in Health the education and training of allied in
perimental pathology department will Education. given in recognition of his health professionals," by Dr. Amedeo I
direct the research effort on the proceSS numerous contributions to community Bondi, dean of the Graduate School of D
which was pioneered by UK and the health education. Hahnemann Medical College. y te
Ephraim McDowell Community Cancer Norbert W. Tietz, pathology. recently Robert F. Sexton, experiential educa-   hl
Network in Lexington. A part of the gave a symposium lecture in Columbus, tion, has been elected to the board of di- = W
study will be concerned with evaluation Ohio. for the American Association for rectors of the American Association for , fa
of the new detection method in cancer Clinical Chemistry and the American Higher Education, a large professional i SE
patients. Chemical Society. association of persons interested in all t
UK President Otis Singletary pointed Julia Steinhardt, University Hospital, aspects of higher education. r
tothe grantas"another indication ofthe has been named Recognized Young Clifton J. Marshall, architect, has hi
outstanding work being done by the Dietitian of the Year by the Kentucky been elected president of the National
University and the McDowell Network Dietetics Association. Association of University Architects for gl
in cancer research." Alan Perreiah. philosophy, received 1979-80. He previously served as vice is
"The possible role ofthis technique in a fellowship from the National Endow- president one year and as secretary- ti
initial tumor diagnosis. as well as the ef- ment for the Humanities for study and treasurer for two years. [I U

 Women’s basketball Category ll has a
projected income of $10,000, but bud-
....._._—_-- eeee eeeeeeeeeee e*$l82-0°°-
The so-called Category lll sports
(non-revenue producing activities) will
spend about $739,000 with the seven
men’s sports (baseball, golf, rifle, swim-
· ming, tennis, track and wrestling) util-
izing $440,475. The Category lll wo-
      men’s sports (golf, gymnastics, tennis,
track and volleyball) will utilize another
Student activity fees will provide
$466,000 of the total expected revenue
while only $182,935-1ess than four
' • • percent-—of the $4.7 million will come
      from the University’s generalfunds.
l “ ” Continued page 24
‘ Or er ow
  For years, University of Kentucky “You can’t concentrate on all offense F   U  
  football fans have criticized Wildcat if the defense is weak, just like you can’t ** *** **** aa ***a_*******
  coaches for not providing a wide-open have a good offense and defense but a Gerlgrql Tlcker S r T r
lr style of play for their viewing pleasure. bad kicking game, because without a mem Tlckelrs Wm Srr;$?\r Or 2§l‘;n$r;
l Coach Fran Curci, an All-American kicking game you lose field position and ThrOu rr The Window OT?]/`   O
  quarterback known for his passing and that will beat you", Curci gave as a fur- rrcl C?)lrSGUm TrCk9T Orr. S Erns-
  running game atMiami University (Flor- ther example. He explained that all mcll NO Orders W.“ béce Gm r gl
  ida), explains why he also sticks to the units must compliment each other. rTOrTO Thls dare l Occep 9
  ‘“close-to-the-belt" style of football. About the 1979 Wildcat team Curci DAN G llC¤TlOrr`S will be med . Th
lr "l have been criticized for not imple- said, "A team`s capabilities have alot to Order picgrved Rem} I rm be
l menting a more razzle-dazzle style of do with a coaches` style of play. You mone Order (Sr Cerrlfresnyh {
  play at UK", Curci said. But, the mentor must consider each player`s abilities and mcrdey Gbre TO The UK ATEI ic
  feels that statistics back-up his "three if the team can’t execute fancy razzle- Assoclcgiglrr 6 ICS
T yards and a cloud of dust” philosophy. dazzle stuff, it should not be used except llcker purcncsers Wlsnlng TO slr rO_
  "A team scores only one of 13 times on occasion. The defense won`t be able ggrner musr mull Orders ln same 9n_
1 when they are between their own goal to continually hold for the offense if Velcper Orders ccnnclr be COn_
line and fifty yard line, while statistics things don'twork", he said.—BW celled; rlckers Connor be rerurnedr
prove they score one of three times nO refunds Con be model
when lheV set the llell with llelll Peslll? A tourndment book includes one
ml ell Oppehehls emterv e ‘”ee“ e • • • ticket for the gdmes on Dec. 2l ond
50 and Qeel llnel · he eXPlal“ed— "ll$ D ef Iclt  ending one ticket for the gomes on Dec. 22.
just roo hard to go 80 yards on your Th U O _ rK k Ahl _ TOTOI price Of One book ls S8
OW') · be Sale) A 9 rmverslfly O eptuc V t eelee (bledcher). Porticipoting guest
Cum D<>¤¤l€<¤l Oui thai even when SS°°“"°“ W' Opeme °“ a spe S teoms ore Purdue, Colifornio ond
Derrick Ramsey led his 8-4 Peach Bowl budget for the 1979*80 year l0lelllhQ SMU
, team and the 10-1 Wildcat aggregation, nearly $5 million. Tvtal DY0le€led reve- ·— — — —. _. .. .. .. .- .- -. .-
  he used a conservative style. “We were huee lOl the l2‘m0hlh$ perivd ·V*le$ Yee l;lll my Order fOr bOOks TO UKIT
winning, so the fans didn`t realize that Pellel as $4»48‘l»O35 With ¤hhC1D¤T€Cl D9C·2l_22.
3 fact", he said. He explained that Ram- elfpehdlluleslel §4»7l4»O35· The elhll· Enclosed ls my pqymenr Of
( sey was not an exciting razzle-dazzle Clpaled dellell Wlll be made UP from 6 S (@ S8) plus Sl n¤n_
type player bar a Winner} transfer of $230,000 from the Athletics GHDQIDOSTGQG per Order.
"Breaks will win you the ballgames," Assoleallell S reserve llmde Nome.
he sara ··l{ you saw the pemr State Of particular interest is the fact that `
game ln 1977 ar Stare College, yOu·ll the two men’s Category l sports—f00t- Address: ___._i.-.--—
remember mar the Dallas Owens and ball and basketball—will account for Zrp:
Mike Siganos pass interceptions were Sevehlll Peleehl Ol all the eXP€€i€€l f€V~
the rarmrra polnts Of me gamer and led enue, but will utilize only sixty-one Moll to UK Bdsketbdll Ticket 0ffiC9. ·
ro a Wm {Or asj he Saldr percent of the budgeted expenditures. LexlngTO¤ KY 40506.
. 5

The Wnldcat Marchm Band  
Q breal
The Preparations eee
e ass
That Lead to Applause l pm
* "i`
i bam
Planning for the season`s football V   As a comparison, Henderson pointed U lem
half—time shows begins in an earnest A   *{;,.i to LSU’s Tiger Stadium with its much
wa in January. .   A J ·   » __ . steeper sides which help hold the sound ,
`rl‘\ll the time we`re writing down    . r` in and Tennessee’s Neyland Stadium G;
music ideas, tunes we think might T   ‘ i  with a horseshoe shape which places pen
work," says assistant director Gordon  __ _v,, _ R A   nearly half The audience in im €¤d Z0¤€ [ani
Henderson. “`Around January we start   A 9  ·~   i position and also has steep sides and a i _ _
sorting out priorities and grouping the  »L ·ll' i       closed end to hold the sound down. V _
music into possible show units."     W _ _   ‘ it  .e "That’s one of the reasons why bands  
By the first of June as many as five     J   have different Penernnng Slylesi reef V
musicians sie siisnging iiie music to i       _ ii,    i Hmdesen ¤dd€d_» L$U— for €><¤¤?t?*€» ,  
provide parts for every instrument in the i r,_ _- : E `Y cer use Qeelnetne Panerner Preelslen n  
ima.- Assisiiiig Heiiaeisaii Wiiii iiie si- e  ·»   .    i drills and ¤¤¤¤Wt·€€* m<>V€g¤€¤tS more sf-  
rangements are a number of free-lan- rr U fsstivetvthststhen nere‘ _  
cers. Some bands, Henderson pointed  ,_ . ` Une Sryre ener eerne rreeere rnnrne  
out, have staff arrangers but after awhile   J r ‘  bend Office were declared estsctic by  
every 5hOW begins tO Sound alike,   Dlrectcr   lilarley Clarkey. Clarke IS tak- l  
new pmt mating it   i lE$i2§?i?§’Z2$3·J‘iiiF§siE2E§i2§2"iiE?f    
. \ · Q v•·1r_
Wevegei Vgletgrignzgiients are dOn€’ A derson. Clarke checks in at the office    
two things happen- The pens for each Band director W. Harry Clarke Oecaslonenyr though, and was there for     i
instrument are utaken Off-· and the this definitive word on the band that he    
marching routine is sblocked Out.-· has literally brought back from ruin.   U 
with each and every step exactly "We’re trying to be the best we can E  .
"We try to create moving productions 22 1/2 inches long. be- We Operate en pride_pride in Om *
which felnredhe music le the menen **5mCe Ou; half-{img Shows me direc- musicianship and pride in our ability to
When rnere S Srreng music We plan tional (we play to the press box side of entertain.”    
Srrene Venere Wrrn rere Or berry and in- the stadium generally), the band mem- "We try to offer every style of musical    
srrumenr Swrne een er rew spore rn rne bers know that there are 28 steps be- and visual effect we can put together,” ·`
music call fonflowing or soft variations tween the Sideline, the hashmarks and Says Henderson ··Thei Sometimes Calls
ln rnevemenr Henderson Said gthgr Sidglii-ig_" for precision drill, the formation of ob- t
ln planning the bands step—by—step Why are the shows "directional? jects, kaleidescope-like movements,
maneuvers. Henderson uses a large "That's dictated by the size of Common- whatever we need to be effective."
sheet of graph paper with each square wealth Stadium," Henderson says. Pointing to the ‘“drawing board” for
representing one step on the field. Hen- UK`s stadium is relatively flat and open the September 15 show, Henderson ex-
derson explained; "We see the football so if all the instruments aren`t playing plains his Broadway style. The trumpets _.. ,
field as a series of eight steps to every out in the same direction they can't be form an elipse in front which gradually  
five yards. That means our stage. the heard even with 250 people blowing draws back like a stage curtain as the
field. is 100 steps long 84 steps wide strong. rest of the band moves toward the nr

 crowd in preparation for a command band camps before and expect it to be At eefly week. the membels €0h€ehV
performance. At the same time, the demanding. “Our only advice," says trate Oh PYe’Qeme ehd lhe Ill$l lWb Ol
music moves through the soft melody of Henderson, “is to keep those lips in three hellhme Y0¤hhe$- The rest Ol the
Somewhere Over the Rainbow and shape.” lf you haven't touched an in- yeeY» they leke il Week by Week fer the
breaks out into The Wiz. " strument all summer, you’re gonna hurt m0$l Dem Dmellelhg fwm b to 6 P·m·
The first time the band members see when you get here and start playing each weekday Oh the ¤Pe0mlhQ dYlll·
their scripts is when they report for early eight hours a day. "ll’$ lmIZ>0$$lble lb take each member
week, a week of intensive work before “There is a lot of music to work up ef the bdhd by lhe hehd wd 5hbW hlm
classes begin. From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 and our arrangers don't write easy mu- Whefe hels Supposed lb 90 $0 we Pe$$
p.m., in rain or 90 degree heat and high out drill charts. Developing the short-
humidity, every member is absorbed in hand used is dune a Challenge. S¤yS
learning his music and learning his The best Crowd reac’ l‘le¤defS0h·
movements on the field. tion usually cgmgg `LOUY terminelosv keeps eVOlVlhQ·
"Nobody gets bored,” Henderson awayfrom home Sometimes I have to attach a diagram to
promises. "We’re organized; we have to ’ illustrate what we want done. We dont
be. The whole band can’t fit 1nto the ¤$e the Squad leehmdbe SO l dbhl
band room at the same time so we $l€· We heye gcod m¤$l€leh$ lh lhiS Wehy dbbul keeblhg four peeple l0‘
rotate from learning the music to teach- behd- The jUm0Y$ Bhd 5ehi0Y$ efe l>e$i· Qelhehn
ing the fundamentals to learning the cally professionals, and they prove it Instead the band is divided up