xt751c1tf970 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tf970/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) McDaniel, J. M. 1896 v. : ill. ; 38 cm.  Monthly during the collegiate year, September-May. journals  English Lexington, Ky. : State College Cadet, 189u- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College cadet University of Kentucky. Kentucky University. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College cadet, vol. 6, no. 8, April 1896 text The State College cadet, vol. 6, no. 8, April 1896 1896 1896 2012 true xt751c1tf970 section xt751c1tf970  
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* ~ 2;
m. Specrul tram lurmshed on reasonable terms- Apply to g

   The Lexington Steam Laundry,
  I09 and in EAST MAIN STSEET.
  Modern Machinery, High Class Work.
  J. W- WOODS, Agent, Room 34, Old Dormitory.
E Which is the Cheapest Store in Town?
t ilS§»‘}I??1{’{‘.§iZ"Z£}$zII£i$?S ‘""1 RACK E T STORE
t A   SELLS GOODS OHEEPER than any house in the business. V _
F xve e-mwv ¤ FIILL LINE of
Q Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Stationery, etc.
’ J. D. PURCEI.L, U V 11-15 West Main St.
Y J T VA N C E Cook Stoves, Gasoline
. . ` , Stoves, Oil Stoves,
Refrigerators, Water Coolersand Cream Freezers.
¤ 20 W. MAIN sramm.
  L.E.XlNGTON,_ KY. _
5 J B. SKINNER, President.
Good Meat At Reasonable Prices
Why not go to a Wholesale Dealer who
L ·` Retails at prices to suit you.
{ ‘ -———\\'Imlesnlo and Retail l)¤·alorand:$l1ip]1c1·ol'All Kinds M1-
  Fresh Meat, Bacon, Lard and Sausage.
G. R. F O ST E R,
L 26 and 28 Market House, Lexington, Ky.

 G0 lI‘0 —·~··1    
F. Fugazzfs lcs Dream Parlor  
A  _    
  SOGG Emil limD$0il’$ HUB 6dHGl6$. e  
  11-=· You WANT  
Guudlresh Creamery Butler  
Caflislc Jcrggrilreamcry Cu., A  
e Baseball Bats aad Gloves,  

 I Qi';
·   s .
  (tbz Etatc Qlollege Gaect.
  VoL. G. LEXINGTON, KY., APRIL, 1896. .No. 8.
  J. T. GEARY.
  Our republic is the 1·esult of a long process of evolution. Step
I by step, this slow unfolding process has continued through all the I
fl ages, each revolving century drawing nearer the perfect plan. The
it biologist places before us the t1·ee of life,`tracing thereon the succes-
I sive stages of its progress, from the simple unit cell, until man
up stands revealed, crowning the summit of the structure. The high-
l est types of life are preserved by the rejection of the less developed
I L ones. In like nianner the sociologist, in reviewing the growth and
decay of societies, sees that the fall of one institution but makes way
for other associations of men of greater social efliciency. The death
of one institution records the birth of conditions favorable for the
further development of the new. Our civilization is then the result
ofthe ceaseless changes of the centuries, of the countless nations that
have perished in the struggle for existence.
Is it not then interesting and instructive to gaze back through the
mists of antiquity, and behold man as he starts on his long and pain-
_ ful journey of progress`? But little better than the brutes, he wan-
ders over the earth in vast hordes. Thousands of years pass over
. him, years of ignorance, degradation, and illusion, that have never
been recorded in the annals of human history. A great change
I has taken place. llis social capacities have been developed. He
forms clans, tribes—and at length great civilizations spring up,
._... LE

 56 THE CADET.  
the result of his changing conditions. Civilizations that mark  
the far sunrise of history, and indicate an advancement in the  
higher life of the race. But scarcely had the new order been  
ushered into existence, when man encountered the problem that  
- has been combatted in vain, from the dawn of history to the if
foundation of the Republic of the States. It was the problem of V
From the time when human voice first rang out upon the cold, still
night of time, through all the vicissitudes of the world’s existence, s
there has been a ceaseless struggle for a better government. The .
civilizations of the past——varied at different epochs-—have been ,
based upon principles as different as the fruits they have borne. i
o The civil life of a people is fashioned upon the conception which men T
l entertain of their mutual duties and rights. The interests ofthe _
individual, and the social organism to which he belongs, are not the -
same; hence the great problem of the ages has been the erection of a
stable government, r so constructed as to allow the fullest possible "
scope for the development of the individual man. The ancients did
not grasp the true philosophy of government. Their syste1ns, con- . ·
trary to the laws of nature, were founded upon the inequality of men,
systems which placed in the hands of the few the lives and destinies T
of the many. M
The State was supreme. We find no recognition of individuality,
or personal liberty. The individual was an ephemeral, brought
forth and lost in the twinkle of an eye. As an individual he had
no value, as a particle in the the fabric of civil life he counted
, for naught. Hence, we have what we call ancient civilizations, V
and the fate of these nations may serve as a striking proof that
a government not united by a common principle of loyalty and
patriotism, resting upon the sympathy and interests of its sub-
jects, cannot long survive. lf experience——that great teacher-
throws light upon any question, it tells us that a stable gov-
ernment must give to the governed an interest in its preservation,
and not in its destruction ; must be based upon principles recognizing
the rights of the individual, for the individual is the one eternal `
element in society.
A people may train the intellect, develop the arts and sciences, rear a

  Z I
  literature and exist in seeming prosperity, but if the underlying
  principles of their government are false, sooner or later it will
  _ crumble and fall.
  I appeal to history I Where are the nations that were once “1'.lCll ·
  with the labors of ancient art and emblazoned with the pomp of
c heraldy ?"
Where Babylonia, the earliest cradle of human culture'? And · ‘
. Assyria, her conqueror, the terror of nations? Back across the ages
4 comes their impressive answer. I oppressed my people and fell by
- my own injustice. Egypt, like her mummies, sleeps in death. The
_ I once proud and potent mistress of the Nile, has fallen, and her very
. i monuments`are silent witnesses of her injustice and cruelty. Her
A sombre pyrami d——the watch towers of eternity, rising majestic and
_ colossal-—the most impressive monuments ever reared by the hand of
’ · man, were wrought by thousands of bleeding, suffering slaves, as an
enduring resting place, for the tyrants who oppressed them. A sad
°` commentary on man’s inhumanity to man. But such is the story of
` human progress. Dynasty after dynasty, government after govern-
_ · ment, are born in obscurity, reach a maximum development and then
pi fade into the realm of forgetfulness. 'l`he history of them all, each in '
I its own language, is but a rehearsal of the same story—the crimes,
__ passions and coniiicting interests of men. Each is influenced by the
one that has gone before, and in turn gives valuable lessons for the
guidance of its successor. We pass over the historyofsluggish India,
despotic Persia and conservative China——the worshiper of a past—and
read the stories of nations that have left a more immediate impress
I upon our civilization of to-day. I
I ‘VVe turn to another chapter of history and are led into that beauti-
ful classic land, the haunt of the muses, the birthplace of eloquence,
the mother of arts and sciences, the peerless queen of intellect, that
country whose landscape has inspired the human mind to its loftiest
flights of poesy, whose art has evoked the wonder, admiration and
envy of each succeeding age. Greece, too, erected a government and
called it a republic. But it was a "libel upon free government."
_ ‘ A confederation of States, having no principle of political unity.
_ An oligarchy in one city, a democracy in another, unable to rise from
b the conception of the city to the higher conception of the unity of the
.... s  

 58 V THE OADET.  
{ nation, this gifted people was ever engaged in civil strife. Having  
no bond of union, no common interests, they fell an easy victim  
before the arm of the Macedonian tyrant.  
' And yet anothe1· chapter, and Gibbon traces the final, political  
experiment of that country, which sprang from a cavern of ban-  
ditti, existed as a monarchy for two and a half centuries, a re-  
T public forilive, an empire for a longer period, and then passed ·
into the dust of history, The monarchy became obnoxious, and `p
an incensed people abolished the kingly office. The revolution which .
expelled the Tarquins, gave birth to the Roman republic. But it was l
never a free representative government, rather a series of Plebeian i `
and Patrician revolutions, where despotic consuls ruled under the _.
mask of liberty. Yet with all its imperfections and tyrannies, it
was during this period, between the expulsion of the Tarquins and
t the re-establishment of monarchy, the period when the people were T
nearest selfigovern ment, that the Roman intellect reached its highest
fruition, the Roman soldier was bravest, Roman virtue purest, and
Roman honor held in highest esteem. lt was in the better days of
the republic, that to he a Roman was greater than to be a king. But T
class hatreds and personal fcuds occasioned the loss of public virtue
and prepared the way for the empire, that most corrupt, yet dazzling ~
picture painted upon the canvass of hist-oryr . U
\Ve do not wonder that tl1e e1npi1·e fell, we wonder that it existed _
solong. It was ruled by the sword instead of the sceptre. The
debauched emperors had not a pulsation in common with their sub- `
jects. Their vassals were serfs, ground to the dust by imposts in
peace, by military conscriptions in war. `The Roman empire was a
stranger in its own land. The foundation of its greatness lay in an
‘ insatiable thirst for universal dominion. lt could he nourished only
by victories, and victories but ripencd the principle of decay. With
a conquered world at its feet, it no longer had soil whence to draw
sustenance. lt stood as a mighty statue on the verge of decadence——
the enemy within greater than the enemy without. Unable to with-
stand the successive waves of humanity from the barbarous North .
that clashed against it, the tottering fabric fell, a mass of ruins, and V
disappeared from the stage of history. The empire of the Caesars . _
performed its destiny. It conquered the world, but it could not trans·

 y   ` \ .
Fg   form it. It left man with object lessons for his future guidance. Its
lm   fall marks a transition period in l1uma11 progress.
  From it we desce11d into the great plain of the middle ages, the
wl   seed time of the modern world. Still there is no cess ation ofprogress.
m' .1*; The forces of evolution are performing their ceaseless work. Man
FG'.   competes with l1is fellow man, nation competes with nation,but under
led ` ·i different conditions, from all previous time. No longer does ONG _ ` F
nd   mighty empire dominate tl1e civilized world. Humanity is dreaming
Ch Q ‘~ of equality, and tl1e experience of all former time had proven that it
as was not to be found in a government ofthe sword. The ten toiling cen-
gm   turies of the middle ages was a period of rapid changes. Changes
he, . that were preparations for the grand plan, which had been plotted in
it . the council halls of Eternity. _ The Saxon Heptarchy was formed in
nd   England. Limited monarchies were created on the continent. The
im if Empire of Charlemange arose and disappeared before the advancing ’
BSE F strides. of Feudalism.
nd But the pulse of libe1·ty, throbbing in the heart of humanity,
Of _ achieved its crowning triumph in the destruction of that oppressive
'ub F system. Norman Hilltl. E11glisl1 nobles, hitherto irreconcilable enemies,
UG 1 united in a common cause, and forced from the tyrant, John, the
ug " Magna Charta of English liberty. But the climax had not yet come.
_ Humanity was singing tl1e pzeans of freedom. lt was the love of
ed . liberty that alienated a loyal gentry from tl1e house of Stuart, that
`he burned in the hearts of Pym and Hampden as they stood out against
rb- V the unlawful exactions of a tyrant king that caused the death of
in Charles the First, and the banishment of his son. "l`was the love of
i fl liberty that sustained the grand old Pilgrim character who, guided by
an tl1e shadows thrown from the fires of European persecution, directed
‘lY his frail bark towards the setting sun, and founded the American
ith refuge of civil and religious liberty. ’Twas thus a continent was
aw dedicated to Freedom. Thus tl1e curtain rose on the iinal act in tl1e
*·· V drama of tl1e ages.
till' _ Since first tl1e pilgrim fathers touched New England’s shore, until .
th . the bright dawn of yesterday, the republic has passed through periods
nd V, of storm and trial, but she has survived them all, and her progress has
irs . _ » Tl11Cl®GCl been "one constant expanding miracle." Cradled in a cruel
ns· war, she emerges victorious and establishes a republic, tl1e antipital

 »¤·=i N _/{  f
  {G}  .
W eo · THE ciinirr. Qi 
of all ancient governments. Before its establishment, the science of  
government had been the State itself. Our system reverses the order.  
L The end of the science of government is to be henceforth the welfare  
of the individual. Marvelous has been the political evolution that   N
has raised man from the creature to the creator of governments. The  
_ founders of Ol11‘ republic, selecting thepurest principles that had been  
_ winnowed from the experience of all previous time, erected a federated  S;
representative system, based upon the grand triumvirate of political  
virtues—liberty, fraternity and equality. Hardly was it established  Q
N before eminent. statesmen at home and abroad began to look upon it  i
with distrust.  
They doubted the sufficiency of popular intelligence, and believed  l
r tl1at our system was so framed that the flood tides of Democracy  It-
would rise up and break down the weak fabric. But the trial of  
" popular government stands vindicated by its results. Under its  
benign influence we have advanced from a few straggling colonies to  
the most stable and liberal government ever created by the mind of  
man. Like every nation that has achieved greatness, we have been  
t involved in foreign and domestic war. \Vhen "the uplifting force of  
‘ the American ldea had penetrated the crumbling thrones of Europe,"  
the glittering sw ord of despotism was eager to sever the life cords of  
the young republic. But foreign wars developed the strength and  
patriotism of our people. Yet they had just passed away, when the   .
diverse civilizations of North and South were gathering forces for the  
great fraternal conflict destined to bathe the land in the blood of her  
noblest sons. S  
The conflicting interests of a manufacturing North, and an agri-  
cultural South, could not be harmonized, even though championed  
l by the greatest statesmen the world had ever known. It was a  
question that demanded blood. The soldiers of the North  
poured into the beautiful, chivalrous South, and the awful conflict was  
on. The implements of peace became implements of war. Every  
hill became a fortress. Every valley a valley of death. Every rivulet a  
rivulet of blood. Nothing was seen or heard, but the desolating hand  
of war the clamor of battle, the thunder of cannon as it laid low the  
noblest heroes ever offered to the god of carnage.  
But the clouds of civil dissension passed away. The negro was  

  THE CADET. V , 61  
{  freed, the Union saved, and the "American people stood so near the f
  thin veil that separates mortals from immortals, time from eternity, i
  and men from their God," they could almost see through its parting  
  i folds, the republic’s half million heroes, walking in the elysian fields `
  of the just. Again the angel of peace spread her wings upon a
 `· reunited countr , which was mr ed and urified in the fier furnace
  _ - P Y
 ,; of civil strife. To—day werecognize no sections, no geographical lines, 5 y
 . and a man’s patriotism is measured by his love for the entire Union. ·i
i;  . . . . . . . . .  
  A Union comprising within its mighty sweep seventy millions of i
 J people, with no restraint, save the just laws that are the same to all. p A
  Believing an educated public opinion to be the fountain of law and Y
  . progress, and social growth, possible only through the survival of the
  socially fit, we have dotted our land with schools and churches, that
  train the mind and heart, and teach every man, however humble, the
at . . . . .
  importance of his own kingly character. Thus guaranteeing an in-
  telligent ballot, which is to-day the great bulwark of our national life. j
  Already pessimists believe we have reached a maximum develop- `
  ment and the downward journey has begun. Social alarmists hurl
  their accusations at our institutions, and predict from the arming of ·
  labor against capital the downfall of our government. But the care- .
  ful student of our condtion views the union of labor as the outgrowth A
fi? of intelli ence and believes that the co o aeration of these unions bids
  g 7 T
  fair for an ultimate solution of the gravest problem that has ever con-
  fronted our people. \Ve believe that ou1· republic grows better with ,
  each revolving year, and that all the great problems that are before l
i   us to—day will receive a just solution. Not by means of violence or E
  revolution, but through that higher and grander medium-—an organ- i
  ized intelligent ballot. 'We believe that future laws will be enacted
  that will take from the power-holdin g class, the exclusive privileges  
  they enjoy to-day, andthat every individual will have the same oppor- V
  tunity for the development of his own personality. l
  \Ve are far from believing that our republic——the highest realization
  of 1D2L11’S struggles for the rights of man-is destined to an early fall. l
  j On the contra1·y, we believe we are on the threshold of a wonderful i
  future. \Vhile standing upon the last decade ofthe grandest century l
  . .
  "ever measured by the ihght of worlds."
  · `
- J

 . 62 THE oAon*r. · i ·
"l have dipped into the future far as human eye could see, l
Saw the vision of the woirld, and all the wonder that would be." p
Saw the whole continent   America united in the grandest con-
federacy ever formed. Saw it, the great sun in the solar system of Q-
nations, around which all revolve, giving life and liberty to each,  ‘
_ , and preserving theprosperity and happiness of all; saw its ports c
alive with the argosies of commerce, "its brow blooming with the  A
wreath of science ;" the breath of heaven blessing its flag; yet in the *
vigor and bouancy of youth, scorning pessimism and decay. moving ¢
onward to the accomplishment of its grand and glorious destiny. J
Say that anybody (including yourself) can edit and manage a ` I
college journal better than the journal of your own college. Never `
subscribe for it, but have the cheek to ask the editor o1· manager to
give you a copy of each issue just as it is printed. Such college E V
enthusiasm will so inspire the editor that his ideas will be smothered A
in the bud. \Ve have a very tender sympathy for such low forms A
of human life; so tender that whenever we see such littleness and .
na1·rowness exhibiting itself we feel so sorry that people say we look , 
suspicious——we never doubt what they say. .  V
Tell your fellow students that you are in favor of having a good _;
college journal, but because the journal does not think and act as  
T you do.  .
Never read the advertisements i11 the journal; most college jour-  
nals are supported almost wholly by their advertisers—this one is.  
Never trade with any one who has an "ad" in your college jour-  
nal; and if you do, don’t mention the journal or another "aql" may  
be placed in it.  
Never give any aid or assistance to the editors. The zeroes the  
editors will get in their classes, together with having so much work  
to do for nothing, may reduce the ambition of the journal,  

  . * . THE CADET. 63 S
  If you have a notion to subscribe for it, wait till you are asked. i
 " It inspires the journal for one to subscribe without being asked. i
Q R If every student will follow these directions ois college will have li
 _ no journal. `_
i Subscribe for it.  
‘ _ Read the "ads’,’ and trade with those who advertise. Perhaps they  
‘ look upon the journal and college with more pride than you do. ,
. They are your friends; trade with them. ‘_
 » \Vrite for the journal; write poems, stories, historical and political E,
L sketches;write anything and everything that is good; students in
;_  other institutions do. "Gan’t l" . Quit school then. The world
_ don’t need any more drones. In
` Take pride in giving the editors bits of college news , the editors ?
’ can’t do without this aid. _ .i
l  - \Vrite something good, sign your name, or just your initials if you T
prefer, and the year you graduate. Other schools, colleges and `
_ universities do this ; it is the fashion. Let us not be afraid of criti- ; i
_ V cism. Persccutions, criticisms, trials and tribulations make us st1·ong
O and great. ` 2
This journal is a success. lt is by far the best the college has _ O;
y ever had. This is the verdict of the faculty and students. Tum  
 . Oannr has had more able and proficient editors and managers than ,
_ the present corps, but their environments, were different. The  
lj  present staff went in for success. No help, no promises ; we put our L
  time and money into this enterprise. A few (only a few) of the most  
 N ardent of the faculty helped us financially. 'fhey have stood by  
  and watched us sprint, thinking, perhaps, that we had not muscle  
  enough to keep our pace. They see we mean business and are com- il
{  ing to our aid. The Alumni are supporting us sonic. The college  
¥ is aiding ns. Tun Oimirr is a success. The students, faculty, ;i
·  O. alumni and advertisers have made it so. We den’t claim one bit of l
  _ the honor. The four factors mentioned above have been piping for
  a respectable journal for years; we were charmed with thc music, '
ii have fallen into line, and now we are keeping step in thc march.

  V · if » ·~
(the Etate Gollege Gabet.  
Published monthly during the collegiate year bythe students of State Uollege, Lexington, Ky. i
Subscription price $1 per year,payan1e in advance. To students T5 cents.  .
Edit0r·in-Chief. ,  
T. L. CAMPBELL, --·—-- C1.m·roz~:, KY i
Associate Editors. .
MISS NELLIE REYNOLDS, — Lsxixcrox, KY. E. C. McDO\\’ELL, · UYN·rH1.xN.x, KY- 1
- JOHN T. GEARY, - · LEx1x  ·
QNE of the many good conditions noticed at other colleges, through  i
_ their papers, is the fact that credit in his course is given the i
editor or editors of the college paper or magazine. Indeed, as it is, ~
his remuneration is small, little encouragement, much abuse, lots of
work, no money, many zeros, and no one knows what else. Should
credit be given for college magazine work? Let us see. The paper I
is a great advertisement of the college, in that, it not only sets forth p
the advantages of that college for obtaining an education, but also
gives a true insight to the condition, socially and religiously, of the
student body. It shows the standing of the students of that institu-
tion. It portrays the character of that institution. It shows the
different kind of work done in the different societies and organiza- , 
tions, the prizes a11d incentives they offcr——advantages—and the
avenues to honor that are open to the ambitious. The latter Q
especially can seldom be entered in the college catalogue. These `
facts are all potent factors in the decision of any young man who con-
templates attending college. Hc can get those facts no where else I
except through the college paper. _
Again the successful editor must necessarily spend time and effort on .
the composition of his paper, he deals much in English composition,  _
all of which in a year’s time equals a moderate course in English. '_
Credit and recognition hy the college would be incentives to attain a
highe1· standard in English, and i11 college journalism. All this  

. A B THE cannr. at l
 v_ must necessarily add to the reputation of the college and to its atten- j -
. dance. `  
A _ We offer this as a petitionpto our faculty to give us such credit as  
( they deem proper. _ _ l
 V IN viewlof the fact that other States can afford a College Press  
 . Association (notably among them the State of Indiana) at which  
. · meeting subgects pertaining to the interests of the college magazines Z
 ` are discussed and much help is gained in lessening the difliculties  
__  with which the editors of such publications may meet, we hereby I
propose to the various boards of editors of college magazines in the _
State of Kentucky that measures be taken looking to the establish- =
 ( ment of a College Press Association for the State of Kentucky and t
that a meeting be called in the near future. Who is willing? What A
 1 say you Brothers Atlantis, Georgetonian, Cadet——and the rest‘?—-
 _ Blue and Gold (April). `
_ i Our attention was especially called to the above, which is self-
' explanatory and in the outset we say that we most heartily approve .
I of such a course. And since three of the magazines live in Lexing- l
l ton, (our neighbors willing) may we not invite the other magazines .
 _ or papers to take action, suggest a time for meeting and meet in this '
l city. We think the association should be organized and put to work   .
-_ this scholastic year, so as to be fully prepared for active work next
year. Let us hearfrom all the State publications and take some ,
steps immediately.
IALTHCUGH beginning not so early as some of our contempor- {
aries, yet we are at work and have determined to publish a ll
. special edition of Tum CAD ar in June. We have not determined all  
 t of the subject matter yet, nor all the pictures or illust1·ations,,but we (
can assure every student, member of the faculty and f1·iend of the  
  college that the special edition will be something handsome. We  
ask the co—operation of the whole college and her friends in making ll
A this venture a success. We contemplate publishing about live  
thousand copies. The distribution will be mainly in Kentucky and  
d is calculated to increase the attendance next year.  
C Norton TO Am. Tue S*runa1<*rs.——‘»Ve shall divulge plans in our l
Q next issue by which students contributing to Tun CAm·:·r will be
C ofiered the greatest inducement ever known at State College, l)o _ ’
  not fail tor watch fo it. _

 66 THE CADET. h
L.O@/‘\L.§. I I
Happy springtime has come,
The gayest of the year, p ‘
When boys and girls are lounging round, 4 \ p
And courting far and near.
The flowers with their sweet perfume, ’ I _
And birds with music iill the air, ‘
- A note, meeting, osculation ’neath the moon, -
Oh, my! another courting couple there.
Oh I my State College I I , _ _
{sang é[i.1dV siqq {pusy Lexeqq qv I
Since the warm sunshine has come, the fresmen, similar to natural
plants, are looking quite fresh and green.
The good weather has called forth some of our "farmers" and I
being old han