xt751c1tf96d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tf96d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-05-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 14, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 14, 1926 1926 1926-05-14 2012 true xt751c1tf96d section xt751c1tf96d JjP?













NO. 29

MAY 14, 1926


Dangers of May


Dr. McVey Warns Students
Against Spring Fever


26-2- 8


The month of May is a very important period in the university
year. In it instruction reaches its
conclusion and the best work of the
year ought to be done by the student. Nature conspires against
this purpose and the average student finds he must steel his heart
against its seductions if he is to
meet all his obligations. I am urging every student to do his hardest
work "for the remainder of the
Prank L. McVey, President.

Over 500 Members of the American Society of Heating and
"Ventilating ' Engineers
Expected to Convene
Dean F. Paul Anderson Is in
Charge of the Official


The College of Engineering of the
University of Kentucky, of which
Dean F. Paul Anderson is head, will
Be host to more than GOO engineers
prominent in the American Society of
Heating and Ventilating, Engineers,
one of the great engineering organizad
tions of this country, for their

convention Which
will be held in Lexington on May 26,
27 and 28. Dean Anderson, first
of the organization, is in
charge of all arrangements.
For the first time in its history,
this organization is meeting outside



of a great city. Its previous meetings
have been held' in such cities as New
York, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, BufAccording to
falo and Montreal.
Dean Anderson more graduates of the
University of Kentucky have become
identified with heating and ventilating
processes than from any other one
university, and indications, are that
meeting will be the
most notable in the .history of the
society. .
The professional sessions, which
will.be held from 10 o'clock in the
morning until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, will include papers never surpassed in importance in the annals
of the society, according to those in
charge of the program. A paper by
Dr. J. E. Rush, head of the department



Whimsical But Authentic History
Of Stroller Organization Is Given

University of Sidney Will Send
Representatives to this Country Next Fall; To Meet
U. K. in December




The University of Sidney,-Australi- a,
will send its debating team to the

United States early next fall to meet
university teams in the various sec
tions of the country. The team-wil- l
be nrenared to debate on 17 Questions,
and will meet a team Representing the
University of Kentucky sometime in
to an announcement
made by Prof.-- W.. H. Sutherland, head

of the department of public speaking
and coach of. the university debating
teams, the Australian delegation will
come to Kentucky early in December to
meet a number of teams in the state.
A debate with the university represen-tative- s
will be scheduled sometime
during the month.
Trvouts for a team to oppose the
Australian debaters will be held Tues
day, May 18, at 3 o'clock in the Little
Theatre. Those desiring- - teHry outr for
this team are reauested to prepare.
a 10 minute constructive speech on
one of the following propositions:
"That Civilization Is a Fail
ure: " That the Policy of Educating
Miss Margaret King, First
the Whole Community Has Done More
of Kentucky LiHarm Than Good;" "That the Wbrld
brary Assn. Is in Charge
Has More to Fear Than to Hope From
of Arrangements
Each one trying out must
also be prepared to give a short re
50 GUESTS TO ATTEND buttal to the speeches made by other
The Kentucky Library Association
convened for their annual meeting
on the university campus, yesterday
afternoon, May 13. The session was
opened with an address by Carl H. Leila Payton Fractures Arm in
of the American'Li-brar- y
Fall Near Home
Association, and will close at
session, this
Miss Leila Irene Payton, of 390
the end of thtf fourth
afternoon. About 50 librarians are in Linden Walk, and a freshman in the
College of Arts, and Sciences suffered
attendance at the
Arrangements for the entertainment a fracture of the left arm shortly
in order that their stay after 8 o'clock Saturday night, when
of the visitors
lcit h socially enioyable. as well as she slipped and fell near her home.
Miss Payton had started to jump
instructive, were in charge of Miss
from an embankment to the street
Margaret T. King, first
She is
of the "Kentucky Library Association when the accident occurred.
reported as resting easyily now.
and librarian of the university.
Miss Payton is a native of Hard-villAmnn? the naoers that are being
presented are" the following: Fred B.
Merrill, state forester, is to read an
essay on "Forestry in Kentucky," and
Prnf. V.. V. Farauhar will lecture on
"T.itprAtiire and Liviner." The women
Notices have been sent to the sen
nf fhp literature denartment of the l0rs concerning caps and gowns foi
will graduation.
Any other information
Woman's club of Cntral Kentucky
review recent books and the library concerning these caps and gowns mav
discussed be obtained from Mr'. Harlan II.
problems of today are to be
Grooms, chairman of the committee.
in a general meeting,


Vice-Preside- nt


Student Injured


Leo Sandman Sponsored First Dramatic Club at University
in 1910, in Spite of Many Objections from Faculty;
Members Made Own Costumes and Scenery;
Many Became Famous
A collegiate, it is said, will attempt
anything, even the imbibing of proffered drinks of unknown and doubtful
vintage. This propensity to explore
new fields was demonstrated by Leo
J. Sandman, of Louisville, who
on the unknown sea of dra
matics at the University of Kentucky
in itfiu in sponsoring the organization of the Strollers. That darinsr
ancestor of the present thriving or
ganization has left a history of the
Strollers fop the years
which is as whimsical as it is authen-

to the total of fraternities, which were
too' numerous already.
The budding actors and actresses
went on determinedly, elected officers,
drew up a constitution, selected
play, and went about rehearsing it
with true collegiate assurance. Leo
J. Sandman, the historian from whose
work these notes are taken, was a
member of the constitutional committee. Everything was "impeccably


Application for Degrees Must
Be Filed at Once


There nro still several members
of the senior class who enn finish
their work this semester who hnve
not filed application in the registrar's office for n degree. The office assumes no responsibility for
recommending those who have not
made this application.
(Signed) Ezra L. Gillis,




two-da- y

Kernel Staff









Sorority Elects







Kappa Delta. Pi Holds
Annual Pledge Service


Advance Tickets for Eighteenth
Annual Production of University Dramatists Will
Go on Sale Soon




Predictions Are That Play Will
Be Best in History of
"Icebound." eighteenth annual pro

duction of Strollers, dramatic organi
zation of the university, will he presented at Woodland auditorium Thursday night, May 20, at 8:15 o'clock.
In the new three act drama of Owen
Davis, the campus dramatists ore producing one of the most difficult and
successful plays which they have ever
attempted in their 2G years of life at

the university.
This year the price of reserve seats
will be $1. This is less than was formerly charged for the annual produc- tions but because of the unusual interest taken in dramatics this year as
well as the excellence of the play
itself, the officials of the organization
decided to charge only $1, and endeavattendor to obtain a
ance for the one performance Thursday night.
Tickets Go On Sale Soon
Advance tickets, which may be ex- chanced for reserve seats on Wednes
day and Thursday of next week, will
be placed on sale in the next day or
On Wednesday and Thursday
mornings a booth to exchange these
tickets for reserve seats will be located in the main hall of the Administration building and in the afternoons
of these two days, these tickets may


record-breakin- g





T. C.

Major Stockton and Major John
son; Visiting Officers, Conduct Inspection Thursday on Stoll Field


College Graduates

All instructors of the military department, all R. O. T. C. students, and
R. O. T. C. sponsors took part in the
At 2 o'clock May 13, tUc lmttallions
formed on the road passing between
the Library and Science buildings, facing east, and marched to Stpll field by

the east gates. Following this the
regiment formed on the north side of
Stoll field facing south.
Regimental review and inspection
next took place, and the review was
concluded with drills and exercises
ouired by the War Department Inspec- tion Board.
Thursday was spent in review of
tliu mon nnil tndnv in lipinr fnknti 111)
... ........ ".),jq
with inspection of the military ciiiilpr' J
mem ui uiu university.

Changed Atmosphere of News Office
Irritates Feature Editor Suffering from
Gingham Dance
the Effects of

President Frank L. McVey. of the
Honorary Educational Fratern- University of Kentucky, will deliver
ity Pledges 20
the commencement address of Sayre
Su-K- y
College on June 2, according to an
Six Fauclty Members
announcement from his office. On
The honorary educational fraternity, the two following days, Dr. McVey
Kernel office after lunch to see what
could complete for the student the Kappa Delta Pi, pledged to the Alpha will give two other commencement
could be done for the cause. Honest.
chanter of the University of addresses, the second nt the Paris
speech with which ho
ui mum you wouldn't know tho place. It ain't
LiOng UUUUl Hits U1K"WI
begins his visit to the conference Kentucky the following at a meeting High school on June 3, and the third meet5ntJ to decide on the personnel of a newspaper office any more, its n
what are my Monday evening: Misses Catherine at the Charleston High school,
rooms "Professor,
tho staff which puts out this here blooming hygiene department. All the
?" The answer to the if inchelnp. Pearl Martin. Corinth Tay Charleston, W. Va., on June 4.
chances of
edition. Willv informs me that I'm windows was open, and you couldn t
Senior has at lor I.nev Peterson. Jessie Freeland,
question varies, but the
delegated to the job of fillin' out tho get a whiff of nicotine anywheres.
to say to whom. Jane Bristow, Margaret True, Nell
least learned what
two columns customarily devoted to Someone had even dusted the dictionTo Visit
He does not tell Dr. Funkhouaer that Watson, Elizabeth Moreland,
the assassination of the English gram- - ary and the society desk. The waste
hu la'mukinir all A 'a on everything Rose Williams, Lillian May, Clarice
ir- - I responds with alacrity, having paper was all in the baskets, and the
Geology Students Make Annual
lo., tl..if Via lino nliuuvc iviniln nil A'u. Rrnuliiml
and Mrs, Esther atone
lloor looked like it had been swept. I
Study of Natural
and' therefore it is only just thut ho Messrs. F. P. Guerln, D. II, Nankiwell,
a chance for a few dirty dogs to even sits down behind a busted typewriter,
ulwnilil i'iiivn nn A in thin course. Ho .Tav B. Kenvon. J. O. Vanllook, Roy
LeRoy for calling me Flossie about tho only familiar thing in the
.... . .
trip of the geol- up withpublic prints. But Willy, who
The annual
m. inn.
un tan tiiu imrantiirian nr i mi Niirnr. n. w ii'ii nuni roi:
i um
in the
office, and had
Education department that he just has Honorary members pledged from ,the ogy department of the University of is gettin' bossy enough to bo a man for a spot on thecommenced
ribbon that would
Kentucky to Natural Bridge will leave
miss arriu .
so much extra work right now he faculty are:
aging editor instead of a mere editor write, when tho managin' editor ar,yo UR
simply cannot get thut paper in. He Miss Julia Hurd, Miss Manel Hop- Saturday morning, May id at ociock
U3 ,0W
rived. Shu comes in so soft I hadn't
n:..t. xt
does not weep copius tears before kins, Miss Gruce Anderson, Prof. A. bv snecia .iruin. uuies are .given ju S1 IIIUIMI DUUllL-ll.
urn nuiu no notion it was her till she pats me.
.. . w ' III II1U I
trip until a ociock n riuuy
R. Hmuford and Dr. Flovd Reeves.
91.50 round
taLronizL, lots of on tho
Professor Downlng's sarcusm. Ho
shoulder and says, "Florence
The pledging service was held in when the price will go back to ?AUU
never uttempta to argue with a law
num liko Moko Edwttras. dear, please hurry that copy in."
professor, nor to reason with the the College of Education. Initiations round trip.
wasn't even mentioned. I says
Well, after I como to I hauled a
, cou,d
The advance students will leave the
tJjure wg.
pedanta who hold geometrical sway, will be held next Monday evening, at
u3 fm. ujj
In the press room,
he prepares flowery compliments for 5 o'clock at tho Phoenix hotel, follow- train ai aiauw, ivy., uuout vwo ...... ,
t.alamltles to write typewriter out
Nooe having outfits
from Natural Bridge, and walk he
the susceptible lady instructor. He ed by a banquet at G o'clock.
but WUIy hut, .,oao off 0 a because what with way, and printer's,
I was in his
to Dr.
Requirements for membership in the
HuLl'iis with rant attention
conference with the business manager language diippin' around an' leaving
11 u
liwlnful lfnimu Dnllu Phi include a standing of natural formation more closly.
and I figured I was just wastin tho air utmost as blue as LeRoy's
The trip, which will terminate about
little pal of the whole Journalism fuc- - 2 for two years of college work, or 2.4
breath, which I was.
Omars, an' gettin' a smudge of Ink
ulty. He confers frequently with the during one year. The candidate must 0 p.m. is in charge of Professor
Looks Real Hygienic
ProfesDr. Funkhouser and
ahjo be a teacher by profusion,
Well, anyway, 1 walked down In the (CONTINUED ON PACE EIGHT,)
sor Johnson.
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) planning to become one.





all-da- y







The R. O. T. C. of the University of
Kentucky met on Stoll field Thursday
at 2 o'clock for their annual review by
the inspecting officers of the War De
partment Board. Major E. A. Stockton, Jr., of the Coast Artillery Corp,
and Major Thomas J. Johnson, visiting officers, are conducting the entire

President Will Address Sayre

Vanquished Will Be Known Next Week
Four victorious years behind him,
looks with wary, nervous
eye upon his last battlefield, and
wonders, mournfully, if it may not
prove his Waterloo. The Btage is
sH.for the last struggle, the contestants are armed with all the acWiJthin
coutrements of knowledge.
the next week tho outcome of tho final
tilt will be known, and those Btudents
who have proved themselves worthy
will wear the black robes of glory
before the end of this month.
A few there are who do not quake
before tho ordeal. They are the
ones exemuted from the fray
by their past victories. And they, for
such is the irony of' fate, are the very
ontw who could come out, of that fray
with flvlni colors. Once again we
iimider over the ancient saga "There
ain't no justicel" At lease there is
of the brand advocated by Portia.
sweetly tempered with, mercy.. Mercy
flad the campus, tail between its legs,
when the first
invaded the English department.
Not a number of the faculty but


parlimentarian. Prof. Farquhar was
elected the first faculty advisor.
The First Play
Teas, Campus Tours, Receptions,
"Brown of Harvard," a typical coltic.
Special Y.W.C.A. Program,
lege play, was the first production of
Founding of Strollers
Phi Beta Musicale FurThe Uriiversitv of Kentucky dra the Strollers and was presented the
nish Entertainment
matic club wns organized in 1910 in spring of 1911. Sandman makes a
spite of the remonstrances of the fac note of the subtlety used by club FATHERS ALSO WELCOMED
ulty who among other objections de- members in requesting society folk to
clared that such a club would cause be patrons of the play and then pre- About 250 mothers were the guests
loss of interest in school Work, would
of their daughters for the week-enbe a failure financially, and wuold add (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) and attended the various activities
planned in their honor during the
celebration of
second annual
Mother's Day on the university campus. They were entertained in the
Pro-Ter- n
various sorority houses and women's
Dean Virginia Franke
was in charge of the arrangements,
is the staff of this week's Shelton, Frances Cregor, Pauline AdFollowing
by Miss Mary Murray HarKernel,, composed
oi members of ams, Louise Jefferson, Leida Keyes, assisted
bison, registration; Miss Edith MinniSigma Phi, women's national Ethel Stamper, Martha Minihan, Bet- han, Margaret Gooch, Ann O'Connell
'honorary journalistic fraternity, at ty Regenstein, Rebecca Edwards.
Cynthia Smith, Jo Lawson Tarlton,
the University of Kentucky:
Sport editor, Virginia Boyd; assis- - Amelia King and Lydia Roberts, camtant, Catherine Carey.
Willy King.
pus tour.
Society Editor, Edith Minnihan; As- Following the registration Saturday
Managing editor, Elizabeth Glas sistants, Ava Cawood, Louise Smather.
were taken in
Special writer, Lucile Cook, Squir- - morning, the mothers
Frances Lee, rel Food; Irene McNamara Exchang- - automobiles on a tour of the campus,
Associate editors
when the Administration building, the
Jones, Maria McElroy,' es; Florence Ogden Features.
College of Engineering, the library
Dorothy Stebbjns, Kathefine Peffley,
Mc- Business manager, Margie
and departments of home economics,
Edna Lewis Wells.
were visited. In
Advertising manager, Curtis Bueh-le- r; art and journalism home economics
News editor, Virginia Conroy; asdepartment of
assistants, Marcia Lampert, Maud the elaborate display of dresses, milsistant, Maria Louise Middleton.
Lydia Roberts, Helen VarfBuskirk.
linery and the latest suggestions for
party decorations were exhibited.
In the afternoon President and Mrs.
Frank L. McVey entertained with a
tea nt their home at Maxwell Place.
President McVey, introduced by Dean
was acting as hostess to
Guthrie Yager, Willy King and Franke. who iruests, made a short
the university
Carolyn Bascom Hold
address on life at the university. Mrs.
Two Schools Carry Off Majority
Other Offices
MnVov wna nssist.pd in ontertainincr
of Honors in High scnooi
by students and members of the fuc- James D. Augustus, of ruisville, ulty. After dinner at thjl', various
Tournament; Trophies
junior in the College of Arts and houses and halls, a reception was
for Music Awarded
Sciences of the University of KenBovd hall bv the faculty.
BAND CONCERT FEATURE tucky, Circle, chosen president of the Special piusic for the occasion was
student organization for furnished by the Kentucky Cardinal
athletic support on
Lexington Senior High school and the promotion of meeting
held Tuesa
Somerset Hiefa school carried off high the campus, at 11. He succeeds John (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
honors in the thirteenth annual high day noon,who is graduating this year.
school tournament held at the univerGuthrie Yaker, of LaGrange is
sity, Friday and Saturday, May 7 and
for the coming year, and
8. Tho tournament, which was sponChi Delta Phi Chooses Officers
sored by the Kentucky Literary, and Miss Willy King, of Lexington, secrefor Coming Year
Miss Carolyn Bascom,
Athletic league,' ended Saturday night tary.
with the winning of the state debating Sharpsburg, is treasurer.
At the reeular
At the meeting held Tuesday it was
championshipof Chi Delta Phi. woman's honorary
which was also declared victors voted to have a training table at the
literary society, nt the home of Elizin the girls' quartet, piano, and public Tavern for the football team. The
abeth Clay, on the Versailles pike,
discussion contests. Members of the team will thus be enabled to return Monday
afternoon, the following of
Somerset bebating team were Wilson to school for football y practice two ficers were elected for the ensuing
Circle folThe
k weeks earlier.
Gregory, Vonas Hargis, Homer
president, Dorothy Stebbins;
lowing their custom which was inaug- year:
and James Rayborn Moore.
Christine Lovern: sec
urated last year, have agreed to pay
Miss Minna Hagerdorn, representretary, Virginia Boyd; treasurer, Haring Senior High, won the girls decla- for two meals a day for the team dur riet Glascock.
mation contest, and Misa Carolyn ing this, period, and thus show their
Although comuarativelv new on this
Spever, also, of Lexington, won the loyalty to the university, and incidentget some ad campus, the sorority is prominent na- vocal solo Contest with Mattie Louise ally help the Wildcats to
tionally, particularly in the East
Hancock, of Augusta second. Lex- - ditional training.
:t ....
IV liuiliucia
....i. Ua ...........
some of the most noted women writers
McVey To
the united tsiaics.

Seniors Quae, Professors Smile, As
the Final Struggle Begins; Victors and

tle Senior

Attention Seniors




Dean of College of Engineering



C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne

Seniors in College of Mechanical
Engineering Must Prepare
Papers to Receive

Editor W.

May 17 -- (Third Monday
Regular) luncheon nt 12:15 Marshall
(Grill Room),
Field Men's Store.
Lexington, May 29
Alumni in Art Department, 9:00 to
10:00 n.m.
Lexington, May 29 Class Day Ex-- !
orci:'cs, 10:00 to 11:00 n.m.
Lexington. May 29 Annual Alumni
Business Mooting
Little Theater,
11:15 n. m.
I'xington, May 29 Alumni trip to

Dix River dam, 2:00 p.m.
Lexington, May 29 Alumni
quel Shakertown Inn, 0:00 p.m.
Lexington, May .10 Haccnulnureatc
New Gymnasium, .1:80 p.m.
Lexington, May 31 Commencement
Exercises New Gymnasium, 10:00
Louisville, June 5 (First Saturday
Regular) luncheon at 1:15, Elk's
Philadelphia, June 5 (First Satur- day Regular) luncheon at 1:15, Eng- ineers Club, 1317 Spruce street.



The Kentucky man has become almost universally known as a desirable
As a result each succeeding year see
element in engineering circles.
a demand and specific request for graduates of this institution. The number
of students in the College of Engineering has increase steadily since the or
ganization of this particular training in technology.
We have not grown,
however, to that unwieltlly point where it is impossible for the students
to come into intimate and close contact with instructors of wide experienc?.
The Kentucky engineering graduate in many cases has risen to posiPrizes are beginning to be created for the
tions of independent means.
stimulus of the undergraduate. ' These recognitions of merit have been made
' in each case in the direction of general cultural proficiency.
The Howard Payne Ingels Prize of 100 in gold is given to the junior
engineer making the best progress in the class in Public Speaking.
The Henry Kelly Brent Prize of 50.00 which has just been announced
will be given to the senior engineer for the best essay on a literary subject.
The Neal Trimble McKee Prize of $50.00, just esablished, will be given
to the senior in engineering who makes the best
speech, of
from one to twelve minutes, at a special formal banquet of senior engineers.
These prizes indicate clearly n recognition of the spirit of broad training for engineers prevailing at the University of Kentucky and a desire to
.further training for young: men that they may have a more effective life
in the world of industry.




The engineer is the master mind controlling the destiny of industry.
In this industrial age practically everything contributing to our comfort
is the product of engineering skill. I he automobile, the telephone, the radio,
the locomotive, the electric traction car, furniture, domestic and public
power development and transmission, canned foods, silk and cot-- 1
materiul, Hour, tobacco, railways, bridges, skyscrapers, elevators, sew- ing machines, carpets, tapestries, shoes, candy, aeroplanes, steam ships,
hydro-electri- c
plants, central energy distributing plants, coal mining, machine
tools, canals, steel plants, aluminum production, drugs, the large production
of staple chemicals, glass, Iron and brass castings, paper of every con- ceivablo variety, paint, tin, galvanized "iron, cement, rubber in its myriad
forms and material things ad libitum, are given for the comfort of human
beings through the ingenuity of the engineer. It would be far more diffi- to name items entering into the needs of our daily lives that are not
the result of intelligent scientific analysis than it is to specify things for


The senior students in the College
of Engineering nt the University of
Kcntcky nre busy nt this time preparing their vnrious theses for which
they are responsible before they can
receive their degrees from this college.
This plan of writing theses of resenrch
charnclcr provides the students with
lefinite problems to work out and
has proved of benefit to the departments in engineering, to the univer-it- y
and to the students.
In the department of mechanical
.igineering, the following men are at.
orkr "A Study of the Heat Transfer
'.ha rnel eristics of a Locomotive Sup
rliialer" by II. L. Woods, T. (1.

College of Engineering of the University of Kentucky is nv
thirty-fiv- e
yearn old. During this jmriod there has gone into the induniii.i
world ninny Kcntuekiann who have risen to distinctive and directive pl.ie
in engineering fields.
The University has lxvn characterized time an
time again as the school in America that has trained more outstand n
engineers in the Held of heating and ventilation lhan nny other Anieiiia
A great amount of the responsible work pertaining to telephone
Vv'lopment has been done by graduates of this University. In the ear
days of the College of Engineering many Kentucky men took up worl
immediately upon graduation with the Western Electric Company, th
manufacturing company of the telephone interests of the world, and as s
result many Kentucky graduates became eminent authorities in the vealn
of sound transmission.
In the railroad world also the Kentucky man has played an importan
part. One notable illustration is the successful design and application of
the superheater, which is the only device since Stevenson's time that has
added materially to the economy of the steam locomotive as a prime mover.
Practically every locomotive built now is equipped with this superheater,
largely the product of a Kentucky graduate.
The first example of the electrification of American steam railroads wa3
solved on the Pennsylvania between Philadelphia and Atlantic City by a
Kentucky graduate in engineering. A very important phase of industrial
life is-t- he
electrical industry. For a long time the graduates from the
University of Kentucky have become identified with the large electrical
machinery organizations and have rendered distinct service in the building
of machine tools.
This institution can point with great satisfaction to 'a
number of valuable machine tools that have reduced materially the cost
of production that have been designed and built by our men, while a new
branch of engineering known as air conditioning has been firmly established
largely through the efforts of Kentucky men.
In public utility engineering service likewise our engineering college
has furnished many notable servants. The company in America producing
the largest output of electrical energy for power, railway service, and light
is managed by a graduate of this University.
The science of bridge building, railway construction and maintenance has
been materially aided by Kentucky graduates. The field of highway and
municipal engineering owes much to the service that has been rendered by
engnieers who received their technical training here. From one end of
the country to the other there are many Kentucky engineering graduates
who are giving their talents to the intelligent handling of industrial pro
cesses, manufacturing almost every conceivable commodity for man's use
and comfort.
The University of Kentucky has established a college of engineering
quite distinct from any other technical school, in that more attention is paid
to the broader education of the engineer and every effort put forth to train
the man from the standpoint 'of his attitude toward his work, and at the
same time give him a sound foundation upon which to build his engineering
career when he becomes intimately associated with the problems of some
vigorous organization solving engineering problems. The country needs
young engineers endowed with the right spirit of cooperation and accomplishment more than it does technically trained men who are able simply
to solve technical problems. An engineer in order to rise to the greatest
height of usefulness must have both a technical training and a broad
sympathetic knowledge of human relationships coupled with an indomitable
spirit of work and achievement. The smart youngster just out of college
without that fine ability to immediately enter into the plan of service of
some company is a hindrance rather than a help to industrial progress



cessfully by men who have an engineering background.
5. The enormous world of the workman, where the actual work of con
struction is carried on by the skilled human, changing some raw material
into a finished product.
In the College of Engineering of the University of Kentucky a man
is taught to work hard and think straight.
Since the beginning of time there has never been opportunities so
great to fit all types of talents and temperaments as are provided by the
industrial life, the supreme element of that life being the creative engi

The engineer is not a materialist but a dreamer and a creator of the
rarest sort. The engineer builds upon Nature's truths, for it is only through
logical processes that he is able to present to humanity finished and useful
products. The engineer is an optimist because he is a builder. He lives
on the hopes and dreams and idealism of what is possible rather than on
contentment of what has been done. The engineer lives to utilize to the ut
most the forces and materials of the Creator that have been turned to him
for exalted use.
The engineer is a happy man because he has found that the real hap
piness in life comes from the rebound of hard work. It seems to me there
is no reason for asking the question "Why be an engineer," for the .engineer
has at his command all the creative problems of this planet and in the
solution of these defiant mysteries he can find a greater exercise for the
imagination than can be found in any other realm of human interest.




F. Paul' Anderson, Dean of the College of Engineering, University of
10, 1867.
Kentucky, was born at South Bend, Indiana, on Februai-father was .7. W. Anderson, a Scotchman. His grandmother on his father's
side was of Irish descent and his grandfather on his father's side was
His mother was of English descent, both grandfather
of Scotch descent.
His grand
and grandmother on the mother's side being English people.
father on his father's side was a millwright in Scotland and his grand
father on his mother's side was an English schoolmaster. His father
was an engineer of note, having a national reputation as an engineer. He
was superintendent of the Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company for
twenty-fiv- e
years and was the inventor of many pr