xt751c1tf93n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tf93n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-10-25  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1929 1929 1929-10-25 2012 true xt751c1tf93n section xt751c1tf93n '



Will Ik Held Tuesday in
Memorial Hail

Best Copy Available



Campus Organization Sponsors
Varsity "Ks" for Rifle rr.
I earn


Gamagcmcn Refuse to Shave
Until After Game With
Praying Colonels


45 Beauties Named in
1930 Kentuckian
Beauty Contest



Make the Colonels Pray

Saturday, Wildcats!

OCTOBER 25, 1929

Noted Educator


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary'
Will Open at Guignol Monday

First Firing Practice Is Held
By R. O. T. C. Officers in
Buell Armory

Prof. Frank Fowler Helicves
Cast to He One of Rest
In Campus History



Captain Richard E. Gessford
Is Made Head of All
Preliminary Work

Miss Marjjie McLaughlin Will
Reappear on Local Stage
As "Miss Mimms"



Edition of

President McVey To Preside

Letters to Present

Over First Session
Of Conference

Best of Literature


Dean M. E. Wnggerty WIU
The November Issue of Letters,
Speak at Banquet Tonight
representative literary magazine of
Theater-goer- s
of the University me university, will make its an- At Phoenix
and of Lexington will be given an pcuuuicc upon tne campus Thurs$s-opportunity of witnessing one of the day, November 1. Letters, comnllwl
The Sixth Annual Educational
most delightful comedies ever pre- and edited by the English departConference, under the direction of
sented by a local cast, with the "first ment and printed bv the meehanlnnl Dean W. S. Taylor. College of Edu
night" presentation of "Mary, Mary, staff of tjie Kentucky Kernel, pre- cation, will be held here today nO
Quite Contrary," at the Gulgnol sents a striking array of all that is Saturday. The Initial nrogram WJ1
thcatcn Mondav. October 2fl. Tho contriDutive ,to good literature.
be held in Memorial Hall at 913
play will continue throughout the
Many brilliant contributions have o'clock
tee composed of Hayes Owen and
been made to this issue, both from from allthis morning, and educators
The large number of entries more Colvln to present the petition to the
to the wall, will give the best they
sections of the country
With what is termed bv Prof. local and national talnt. in thn
University Athletic" Council.
have to repulse the invasion of than fulfilled the highest expectaexpected to attend
the columns
Coach Harry Oamage's powerful tions of the "Kentuckian"
II this plan is adopted by the Uni
COOPS5 Pank asC.one of the director, of most scrupulous or "Letters" thr mnc McVey will preaMe. Pres. Frank L
O'Rcar K, Barnes, director of the versity Athletic Council the actual
best and
reader will find material
blue machine before the homecom1930 beauty contest, announced yesAn Important feature of the two- training and coaching of the -- rifle
Hon. William .1. Conner. United ' versatile casts to appear in Lexlnir- - to his taste. There is flcton, legitiing Centre alumni.
team members will continue under States Commisttoner of Education .ton.for many seasons, the first pro- - mate drama, poetry, sketches, scien- day program will be an address Jay
The Colonels will enter the game, terday that the pictures of
girls would be sent as scon as the supervision of the Military de and former state superintendent of, a"cu,,n. 01 ouignoi this season tific criticism, editorials, and a honk- William J. CSppcr, WashlngW
decidedly the underdogs, but that
Via ' ShOUId be an OUtfitandinCT
United States ww ratartoner of edu
IMlU. review.
means nothing at all In a Centre-Sta- te possible, to the two noted artists partment Possibly Captain Richard rU1
Byron Pamphrey Contributes
cation, at 11:39 o'clock Saturday
game. The Gold and White who will select the sixteen most R Gessford will be appointed as an one of the principal speakers of the S2e. Pla5f written by St. John
beautiful girls. The results of these athletic coach over the new mem- Sixth Annual Ideational Confer This issue's most outstanding bit morninar. Mr.
Produced success- team always has an excellent chance
will sneak tm
several years and has been of fiction is "Farmbound," written 'Philosophy
to upset Kentucky's dark horse pos- decisions will be announced in an bers of the rifle squad, to teach the encewhicn convenes nere toaay.
of1 fcdMfttion
new men the fundamentals of firemnusiasticauy received everywhere. by Byron H. Pumphey, former Uni- Sciences."
sibilities as an outstanding southern early Issue of The Kernel.
Mr. Cooper has long been one of the
New Actors Take Roles
versity student. Pumphrey was asing the regulation U. S. rifle.
DeMUle to Choose Winner
Mr. Cooper is a graduate of the
outstanding educational leaders of
Tickets may be secured
sociate editor of Letters
Will Award Letters
Cecil B. DeMille, noted motion
For more than fifty years, teams
widely known as James Gates, graduate studentfrom was a contributor to in 1927 and University of California, hokHqff
the country and-Iby the Ath
Letters will be
its columns both A. B. and M. A. degrees, a ee
from these two institutions
have' picture director, will then pick from letic department Issued
a very capable speaker. The meet- the University or by calling at the during that time.
upon the rec- He was also
battled annually for football su- the sixteen winners the one girl who comendation
of LL.D. from Whlttler College,
of a specified member ing will convene today In Memorial ucnes oince or tne tneater. The managing editor of the Kernel in
premacy and until after the appearwill be known as the "Most Beautiand Ph.D from the University.: of
local presentation will brlncr before 1927. and throuirhoiit
of the Military department who will Hall.
ance of Harry Gamage as director ful Girl at the University of Kenthe Lexington public several actors career he was outstanding for his Southern California. He is a memyear to
of Wildcat pigskin destinies, the tucky." Mr. DeMille will also select serve in that capactly from
new to most of the patrons of Journalistic and literary ability. ber of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi
Colonels had been holding the edge. seven beauties whose pictures will year. Awarding of letters will be
Guignol and of the old Romany After leaving the University he went Delta Kappa honorary fraternities:
The Centre team this year is coach- appear in the Kentucky beauty sec- upon a very stringent basis and only
theater. Mrs. Helen C. Krake, who to Hazard, Kentucky, to become
a few men will receive this honor
important work of the
Most of
ed by Ed Kubale, a member of Uncle tion. The remaining eight will apwill portray the character role of editor of the Hazard Herald. Later conference the
will be Incorporated in
Charlie Moran's great team that pear in the favorite section.
Mrs. Considine, Prof. E. J. Canaday, he become associate editor of the
Many universities throughout the
gained national prominence, who
the first day's activities. The conforty-fiv- e
who will take the part of Mr. Beeby. j Kentucky Progress Magazine. He
recognize rifle shooting as
has yet to taste the sting of defeat their last photographs for the con- countrysport and they award lettersa
ana jvuss Margie McLaughlin, the moved to California recently to con- - ference of the several divisions! of
at the hands of a Kentucky team.
educational field
test made Tuesday and Wednesday. and sweaters yearly to a limited
umuu auK miss umms, we among unue nis journalistic worK on a the various buildings onwill meet Is
rvioli rttioara those Who have not anneareH nn rhP western newspaper.
the campus.
'Cats Grow Whiskers
be number of men on the rifle squad. Election OI
The finished photographs will
The Wildcats will present them- forwarded to the two artists as soon Purdue, Ohio State, Indiana, FlorTerminates' Campaign Fori local stage within the last few years. One particular feature of this s. A. Courtis, professor of educa
selves Saturday In a badly bewhlsker-e- d as they are finished for judging. ida, Alabama, Missouri, Princeton,
issue is the Letter Box section. In tion at the University of Michigan,
Mrs. Durbln Has Lead
Claaa T.pnnVrshin Amoncri
Mrs. John C. Durbin, who has the it is a letter written by Henry W. will speak this morning in Memorial
condition. The. boys have not The results will be published as soon John's Hopkins, and Georgia Tech
University Students
leading feminine role, gives a very Longfellow to Mrs. E. L. South, who Hall on "Why aiPhllosophy of Edushaved since last Friday and will not as the judges have made their de- are listed among the larger institucharming interpretation of the title was that time connected with the cation?" Boyd H. Bodc's, professor
do so until the Colonels have been cision.
tions granting letters for the partidisposed of to the satisfaction of
The election of class officers for cnaracter, Mary Westlake, an act Excelsior Institute in Frankfort. of education at Ohio State Univerthis cipation of upperclassmen in R. O.
Director Barnes says
every man on the squad. Already year's contest is one of the that suc- T. C. rifle firing.
night ress of note, whose ideas of life are During the life time of Mr. Long- sity, subject will be "Philosophy' of
the year was terminated last
"Red" Thompson, Bo 'Myers, and
with the comnletion of the fresh- - quite shocking to the provincial fellow as a horse and not as a poet. Education and Modern Educational
history of Kentuckian
Initial Training Starts
several others of the House of David cessful in the
At present preliminary training man election. J, D. Alexander was English family with whom she is name, and a student in one of Mrs,re Practices," while Dean M. E. Hag-gert- y,
youngsters present such an appearby a visiting. Mrs. Durbln has bad much South's classes referred to Long-baof the College of Education
Practically every sorority on the of the University rifle team is being elected president of the Frosh over experience in dramatic work, having fellow as a horse and not as a poet
ance that they wouldn't dare ask
plurality of twenty votes
at the University of Minnesota, win
carried on Monday, Wednesday,
any co-e- d
for a date unless the campus is represented by one or Friday from 8:30 til 10 o'clock in and Richard Nelser, Alexander is a Tri- the
address the group on "Tendencies in
produced by the Stagecrafters at South on March 11, 1880, and In it
deepest shades of night were cover- more entires. Only
and from 12:30 till 2 angle.
Transylvania College. She has taken one sees the great poet in his most the Philosophy of Education."
ing their hairy visages. And we girl is a contestant. This prepond morning,
in the
KPrefewir Orartis to Speak
More Interest was shown In this also an active part In community facetious mood. It was in reply to
must not forget that boy from the erance of sorority girls should be o'clock, and On till 5 o'clock ThursTuesday and
Wild JVest who plays end and has not be taken as a sign that the afternoon. new
freshman election than any other theater work In Goldsboro, N. C, la letter written by Mrs. South,
Tnis afternoon sectional discus
day the
I March 8, 1880. informing
an educated toe Cavana. His beard Grecian maidetu have a moriopoly for .practice at men may assemble In the history of the University. her former home.
him of the sion groups will be conducted. Jesse
Buell Armory from
is a striking reminder of the days of an the feminine loveliness of the 8:30 till 10 o'clock In the morning Starting out with more nomlness
university students who will
E. Adams, professor of education, at
There are
Sir Walter Raleigh when beards University, however.
Bejarano Writes of Mexico
any other fclass, the Frosh wag pear In the play are: Russell Dun- the University, will preside over the
many independent elrls who snouid and 12:30 till 5 o'clock In the after- - than
were beards., As, lor "Shipwreck"
'.'Whither Mexico," written by Jose group, on .elementary
ed a bitter poltlca battle to land , can, Covington, Kentucky, a
man and Sigma Nu pledge, who will Migael Sejaiano the Mexican edu- which meets in the Education buildIn tlieieaWertcV.
snave as yet,i ana ne will be able to ana uie nemuc&imi cuiwr&ixcKicu
'Kernel went to press enact the part of Jeoffrey Considirie; cational attache in the United ing. Prof. S. A., Courtis will speak
face the Colonels with
mat oniy one irom mis group was campus may take part in. the pre last nightThe was Impossible to de- - Mafy Sidney Hobson, Ashland.
States, gives an interesting history
llminary practice even though they
Cnl me
of Mexico from the time of the oh "Elementary 'Education and Rethe outcome of the vice-- 1
are not members of the R. O. T. C.
Cons dine; Miss Indians up to the present. Senior search."
"K" Dance in November
Grew Beards Two Years Ago
vote for the
JheUa is a student at the Bejarano Is so pleased
There are four steps in this initial ballot boxes and this
The Philosophy of Elementary
with the
rin!! Evelyn
It will be remembered that the The annual "K" dance will be held training for the rifle team, namely:
University and
story that he
several Education" will be the subject of
Wildcats played the game with in the latter part of November. The sighting and aiming exercises, posithe tlon and Cecil instructor member of hundred copies has itordered for dis- Frederic Archer, Louisville, a deputy
Centre two years ago with a week's exact date has not been decided up- tion exercises, trigger squeeze exerpossibly be Delta Tau Delta Walker,
fraternity, both of tribution among his fellow countrysuperintendent of elementary edugrowth of beard on their faces. Cov- on and will be announced in a sub- cises, and examinations.
thrown out.
tne latter naving important char- men.
cation. Guy Whitehead, superin
ington wasn't old enough to shave sequent Jssue of this paper. The
After the passing of the examinaMiss Lucy A. Young in her tendent of schools In Lexington, ana
forty-fiv- e
Jane Dyer, Alpha Gamma Delta acter roles.
contestants will be guests
at that time, but he was old enougt
are allowed to sorority member, won out In the
Faculty Members to Play
"Modern American Scientific Ap- Homer' Cooper,', dean of Eastern'.
to run the Gold and White boys to of honor at the dance. It Is prob- tions the students pratlcing
Three members
earth and do more than his bit able that each of the girls will be begin the actual passage of with freshman secretary race over Ruth the University willof the faculty of proach to Criticism" comments State Teachers' College, will
the Wehle.
have important favorably upon the workse of V. F.
toward making that surprising total individually introduced during the rifles. Before the
examination the firing of rifles by
roles. Besides Miss McLaughlin and Calverton, editor of "The Modern
of 53 points. From the looks of dance. This has always proved a
Council Sponsors Election
proProf, m: E. Ligon. of the College- Professor Canaday, another instrucQuarterly" and now Book Review
year, although it is go- favorite one of the students and the the new students is absolutely Gessthings this
Captain Richard E.
election was sponsored and tor taking part is Prof. R. D.
editor for The Book League of of Education, will lead the group tin-- .
ing to be a hard battle, the whiskers "Kentuckian" staff hopes to make hibited.
ford is in charge of the preliminary supervised by members of the Men's
of the College of Commerce, Ameica, Incorporated. Mr. Calver- secondary education, ana u. a. koss,
are once more going to turn the tide this the greatest in history.
Student Council and Dean Melcher. who is cast, as Sir Henry Considine. ton will write for the next Issue of professor of education at the Unicontest.
of battle into a hair-pulliThe list of candidates follows:
Other than members of the Uni- The final count of the freshman Professor Mclntyre will be remem- - Letters, an article entitled "My versity, will speak first on "How
Scrimmage the first part of the
Marjory Gould,
Shall We Predict High School
wees was- jum. uue apmsn iuubt i - .DaviSi Kappa Kappa Gamma; Eii2a. versity R. O. T. C. are prohibited election was completed last night at bered for his appearance in Girdler Theory of Literature."
There are two sketches, one on Achievement"
"wnip or Fire."
the firing at the University 7 o'clock in the dean of men's
Following the subbeth Board, Kappa Kappa Gamma from
SET WJZtJZ to the boys
The other role of the play will be "Death" by Frank W. Long, a former ject "New Problems in Secondary
armory range. Tne Military
' Opor.tta Walker. Kappais not allowed by the
Iwon nrort Wrar nti ffroiinn so nam I
John C. Benson, Lexington, was taken by Robert Thompson, former Lexingtonian now residing in Chi- Education," by Boyd H. Bode, Otao-StatKappa Gamma pledge; Doris Stryit felt like so much concrete. The ker, Kappa Kappa Gamma pledge; United States Department of War unoDDOsed for the senior class presi student at the University and one- cago. Both articles are characterUniversity, Professor Ligon
anyone dent in the election of senior offic time president of Strollers, who ized by great strength.
will lead a round-tab- le
Shdnwnf rin J Blackman, Kappa Kappa Gamma but furnish T. ammunition to
C. members.
"The Dark Journey," written by
R. O.
ials held Monday, October 21. He is a gives an admirable character por'
Dean Paul P. Boyd of the UniverSo
and Louise MacDonald,
Green is
In previous seasons the University senior in the College of Engineering, trayal. Mr. Thompson entire active Julian with somereviewed and com- sity 'Will preside at the college eduKappa Kappa Gamma pledge. The
hi dramatics during his
Uni- pared
of his other most
- team has been very successful In a member of Delta Tau
cation group discussion In McVey
eminent works by Professor
tu n out to be Chi Omegantered: has eight con- matches with other colleges. Last fraternity, and cadet colonel of the versity career.
Fellcian Ann
Many Rehearsals neld
Julian. Green is a French Hall, and Dr. J. B. Miner, of the
year In 62 regularly fired matches the University R. O. T. C.
clpLRn no Saunders, Betty Rhodes. Eleanor University won out in aa ana uea
Rehearsals lor the play have been author and with his "The Dark department of psychology of the
h hv
Frances Baskett. Cynthiana. was held every day for the past two Journey" won the Harper Prize of University, will speak on "ObservaHTiii
what Swearlngen, Tilly Ferguson, Mary three. The team fired in a matcn
of the weeks and a capable presentation
do Moore Milton. Anne Rhodes. Mary at Fort Benjamin Harrison on May selected as
The book was first writ- tions on Higher Education Abroad?'
Lois Adams,
fourth year class. She is a member is assured. Reports from the busirecently made a tour
Dr. Miner
in French and has been
jThe DeJta DeUaBDelto entrIes are. 4. 1929, Indiana,won secondtheplace. of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. ness manager of the Guignol indi- ten Into English by Vyvyan translat- of Europe, has
during which he studied
UniOhio, and
AU Injuries jire Healed
78 votes, 31 cate a large sale of tickets, both to
Douglas, Jeweii Martin, Alice Illinois,
were parti- more polled a total of
educational conditions there. Dean
part in the Mary
Circulation Increases
Injuries will play no
Bnlnneri Mae Pate Julla Marvin, versity of Cincinnati
than her nearest opponent, University students and citizens of
This magazine Is steadily growing Haggerty will talk on
game Saturday and both camps will and Mary Mary Armstrong. Kappa cipants.
Frances Literal, Delta Zeta. Maude Lexington. The down-tow- n
sale of In Its circulation, there being ap- the College.
Prospects Are Bright
be able to put meir best team ra the Delta nommees are Marian Sands,
Van Busklrk, Chi Omega, was third tickets is being handled by
the proximately 800 subscribers. One which Dean Boyd will lead the disfield. The Colonels held me power- - M
Lou Rennakert
Last year the first rifle match was with 25 votes.
Junior League of Lexington.
noticable feature of all of the issues cussion.
St. X eleven to
ful Cincinnati
gewell vlrglnla Wardup, Margaret held on Januray 19, and the first
D'Allis Chapman,
Monday night will be
small margin of two touchdow la
and vlrginla Youn(, match this .year is scheduled to be was unopposed for secretary of the at which time faculty, formal night is the fact if there is any advertisProf. Charles A; Keith will preside
- Je 8t
members and ing it is done on the Inside of the
week with several of fif
repreSented by Sara held sometime about the middle of. senior class. She Is a member of guests of
Delta Zeta
These Reynolds
the players will attend. back cover. Anyone wishing to sub- over the group of social science, and
ing men on the seines.
Military officials of the the. Alpha Gamma Delta sorority.
Llttle Elizabeth January.
Following the first night performscribe for it for the whole year may the first address, on "Relation of
men will face the
Graham vlrglnla M1s Margaret University believe the Kentucky
ance a reception will be given for now do so with James Shropshire in Law and Politics," will be given by
AUen Wins Easily
Kentucky's starting lineup wW be w
t and Dal
zeta Tau team will be among the leaders In
President Charles J. Torek, Cento
Tues- the cast and for the officers of the Kernel business office.
much the same as that of the Prey- - A h
In the Junior election held
the Fifth Corps Area this year.
Letters is published by the Uni College. Paul K. 'Wrp, of the Uijlr
ious games. Max Colker will
rg Alpha XI
Huber( and Rub
The University team captured the day, Joe Allen of Morganfleld, sucTuesday night will be "Student versity, edited by the department of vcrsity, has been chosen to talk on
center Job, Hanked on Deita. Katherine Davis. Saris Smith, Fifth Corps Area cup for proficency ceeded in vanquishing his opponents
down the
His Night" at which time -- students Engiisn languages and literature, "Personal Observations of the Geneither sire by Porquer and T horap- - Nata
flnd Leura
in rifle fire In 1926 and 1927. Pur- with a top heavy plurality.
of eva Conference at Work," and Iceson at guard. W1
grew. Alpha Gamma Delta. Frances due won out In 1928, arid Ohio State nearest opponent S. M. Worthlng-to- n tickets will be sold at a reduced rate. managed by the department
will start; at tackles and
was outstripped by over 100 All departments of the University Journalism and financed by the land W. Meyer, .Georgetown College,
Hambrlck Rntn Wehl
Katnerlne now holds the cup. If the Kentucky
with Guignol of- Kernel. The editor Is Prof. E. F. will collaborate on the same topic
Molly rifle team succeeds in winning again votes, with L. G. "Floppy" Forquer
ficials in making
of the
ton may
MacOWut u tn
t Ui A,
the cup will become the premanent running third. Allen Is a Junior in theater season athe opening success Farquhar and his associate editors Charles W. Schull, of the Unlversl- - ,
are: Professors L. L. Dantzler, G. ty, will talk on "Senatorial Investiplace of Splcer. who will not be able D u A"ctB"
the College of Arts and Sciences and in every respect. complete
possession of the University.
C. Knight and Joe Lee Davis.
start due to Injuries received In
gations In Recent Years."
Is a member of PI Kappa Alpha fraKicnarua
the W. and L. tut. dickInitial apternity.
Banquet TsaigM at Phoenix
Is scheduled to make his
A banquet sponsored by the Lex
Margaret Cundlff. Lexington, depost
pearance at- the half back
lngton City Teachers' club,
feated Mildred Little for
Covington. Kelly will
vacated by
of the Junior class by over 50
County Teachers' Associastart at the other half back position ,
votes. Miss Cundlff is enrolled In
tion, and the honorary fraternities,.
with Tom Phlpps at fullback. In
College of Arts and Science and
Phi Delta Kappa and Kappa DeUa
event that Richards does not
she Is a member of the Alpha Gam1 Pi, will be held at the Phoenix Hote
start, Toth will hold forth at quarma Delta sorority.
at 6 o'clock Friday night President-McVeterback. Connie Rose, who has been
Jane Clay Kenney. Paris, was un
quarter plan as opposed to a committee of the faculty appointwill preside as toastmaster.
handicapped by an injured anie, i
"Local Color" an original musical You." "Jumbo Stomp," "My Type of
to a tackle position the semester plan of university ses-an- d ed by President McVey to report on opposed for the secretaryship of the
At the banquet
has been shifted
comedy of three acts and five scenes Man Is You," "YouH Always be will Introduce DeanPresident McVey ty
may see service against tne slons was the SUhject 'for discussion the situation in all Its phases before junior class.
Melvin E. Hag-gerStewart Augustus, oi Louisvuie, will be presented by the Stroller Mine," "One Sweet Smile," "Mother
at the first meeting of the Kentucky the University senate in December.
as the principal speaker of tho
aiine," ana "I've Got Hey-He- y
Traditional Centre fight, and tne chapter of the American Association Members of the committee are: barely nosed out John "Shipwreck" organization the week of December
evening who will- - talk on "Men,
the Guignol
fact that scouts from rival camps of university Professors, which was Dean Paul P. Boyd, College of 'Arts Kelley in a close race for the presi storyatwas written by theater. David- Fever."
Women, and Children."
Tryoiit Dates Set
will attend the game will up any neld Tnursday night, October 17, In and Sciences; Prof. W. E. Freeman, dency of the sopnomore
The program for Saturday mornson and the lyrics and music were
College of Engineering; Dean Ed- Wednesday. Augustus, who is a
the Wildcats from rolling In 1927. McV ha
ing will include, other
on the varsity nine, defeat written by Katherlne Davis and Earl the play will be eleven principals in J. Cooper, Prof. 8. A. than William
such score as was the case
supported by two choruses
King Senff. University students.
About 75 men were present. The ward Wiest, College of Commerce: catcher
Courtis, whofc
nr frvithnii
Centre WIU Be Dangerous
llst included members of the faculty and Professor Horlacher, College of fame, by the mere mnlorltv of two
This Is the first time in the history of eight each, one being composed of subject will be "The Relation of
senate approves
Coach PflmaghenP7f0ok'n0m.
Wesleyan College, Agriculture. will tho submitted to the votes. Augustus Is registered in the of Strollers that two plays have men and the other of women. Only Philosophy of Education to Curricuof
to prevent
quarter system has been the plan, it
Stroller ellgibles may play in the lum Making."
t about the weak- -, where the
board of trustees, and if passed will Arts and Sciences college, and is a been presented in a single year. The principal parts, but anyone may try-o- ut will speak on Prof. Boyd H. Boae
"The Relation pf Philgo into effect next year.
iteam Tnowua
member of the Alpha Tau Omega second play will be staged early in
ness of the Danville
iTansyiVanla College, Asbury probably
for either of
Kellnv Is nn s. A. E. i"0 spring under uie direction or tryouts will be heldthe choruses. The osophy of Education to the ScientifMost of the men at the meeting fmtnrnltv.
cats' dressing noma bound In signs
for the principals ic Study of Educitflon." President
Thomas L. Riley.
the Th(j
after much
encouraging them to remember
at 3:30 o'clock
dlscusslon was Jed b prof M favored thealthought plan final adop- The final poll stood Kelley 147,
The play concerns Tommy Tump-kin- s, November 8, In Thursday afternoon, McVey will preside at this final disAucustus 149.
ser ousness of the Centre game
Patterson hall. The cussion which will be held
small town boy who goes away chorus tryouts will be at 4:3d
in Mcwhile the walls .aw' Pastered
tton ravor,
tno adobptlon or tho tion depends upon Universitytho cost
o'clock Vey Hall.
the meagre margin of tho encounter quarter
and pr'of James w of operating the under the present Kanna Knpwa Gamma, was made to college. He Is warned of the on the same day.
Tho delegates, will lunch at the
be greater than
over Ruby 'ttrwrs, veils and pitfalls of college life by
Martin of the College of Commerce semester plan. Although the majorToy Sandlfur and his orchestra University Commons Immediately
Prof. H. Bruce Price ity of colleges and universities in Zeta Tau Alpha. Miss Walker's all of the older generation of his will furnish
ogpo-jtho music for the play. after the session Saturday morning
mareln of victory was very small, homo town. The second act finds
country use the semester plan, however.
Tryouts for Stroller elegibles were after which they wiU
utcky will meet Clemson.
him In the midst of college surattend the anMcVey Appoints Committee
the quarter plan is employed by the
V. M. I. and Tennessee In a quick
Elolse Dickinson. Dlta Zeta, was rounded by all of the aforesaid evils. concluded Wednesday night. Ama- nual football coBtest between the
Discussion of the quarter system University of Chicago and various unoDDoed for secretary of the
The musical numbers are " I'm teur night will be held November University and Centre, wiiirh nn
succession of important conference
was proposed to the association by other prominent Institutions.
Making Myself All Over Just For 6, in the Men's Gymnasium.
Sopohomore class.
be played at Danville.
Forty-fivbeauties of the UniGold and White Hopes to Win versity e
campus have filed their pe- Under Tutelage of Coach ' titlons and are candidates for the
After the inital practice period
honor of appearing In the Beauty
Ed Kubale
section of the 1030 Kentuckian. The of tne University rifle team Wednes
day afternoon 4t was made known
flower of Kentucky femnlsm is
that several University organizations
large list
Centre vs. Kentucky, one of the reflected in the Kentucky's of candl arc making a definite effort
name is
and as
classic feuds of southern football,
obtain the recognition of rifle
will be renewed Saturday at 2 o'clock
t' n"M
as a minor sport. Scabbard
on Cheek Field in Danville.
and Blade has appointed a commit-

ft vte






KfT- -





2"' ,mSr

IZ ,..





University Professors Discuss
Substitution of Quarter System.
For Semester Plan at U. of K.






Musical Comedy "Local Color"
Will Be Presented By Strollers
At Guignol Theater December 6


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All Makes


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Special Rental Rates to Students


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University Shoe Shpp

M. A. Mangione & Co.

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After their wedding trip the bride
and bridegroom will be at Oak Park,


Friday, October 25
Sixth annual educational conference of the University, with a banof the Phoenix
quet in the ball-roohotel at C o'clock. Dean W. S. Taylor
in charge of arrangements.
Saturday, Otcobcr 26
Football game. University of Ky.
vs. Centre College at Danville In the
Sunday, October 27
Vesper Services at 4 o'clock in
Memorial Hall.
Monday, October 28
First night of Ouignol play, "Mary
Mary, Quite Contrary," continuing
through the week.
Tuesday, October 29
University convocation at 9 o'clock.
Spanish Club entertaining the
French Club with a masquerade ball
in the Woman's gymnasium in the
Wednesday, October 30
Pres. and Mrs. McVey's afternoon
tea for the faculty and students of
the University.
Dine at Pleasant View Inn before
and after the Kentucky-Centr- e
game. Harrodsburg Road, Telephone