xt751c1tf81x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tf81x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1908-05-jul17. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-05-jul17. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1908-05-jul17. 1908 1908-05-jul17. 2011 true xt751c1tf81x section xt751c1tf81x 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRtTSTEES,Jun-9,1908 Page 287(contod)

members of the State Board of Health and by other persons
interested in the matter in hand.

     After these statements were completed the Board went inb
private executive session and upon motion of Mr. Stoll, the
seconded by President Patterson, and carried the following
resolution was carried.                                      P.2;9

     Resolved that it is the sense of this Board that neither
proposition submitted to-day can be entertained by it; but on
the assurance of a united proposition from all the medical
schools of Louisville, we agree to meet on the call of your
Chairman; and

     Resolved: that if any proposition relative to the establish-
ment of a medical college be submitted to hire, that the Chairman
shall be empowered to call the Board together to consider that

     The Board then adjourned to meet upon the call of the

     Met pursuant to call of the Chair at 2:00 o'clock P. M.
Friday, July 17th, l908 in the President's Room in the Gym-
naesim Building.

     Roll call showed the following:

     Present- Governor Willson, Mdessrs. Hopkins, Nicholas,
Barker, Carpenter, Lafferty, Smith, Terrell, Clay, Stoll, Davies,
Walker, Sachet.   13

     Absent- Messrs. Crabbe, Brooks, Frazee and Stout.

There being a quorur present business was proceeded.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Jul-17,1908 Page 288(cont'd)

     UDon motion of President Patterson, seconded by Judge
Barker the following was unanimously adopted,-

     We, the Board of Trustees,of the State University in Special
Session assembled note witih regret the absence of our Chairman,
D. F. Frazee froze the meetinc by reason of illness. lve regret
this indisposition, and sincerely hone that he will soon be
restored to us in his usual health and spirits.

     The object of the meeting being the consideration of a
proposition from the medical colleges of Louisville to consoli- P.2g9
date said Colleges and to have same adopted as the 'Medical
Department of the State University and which said proposition
was submitted to the Board by the representatives of the Medi-
cal Colleges and was by the Chairman read to the Board and is
as follows:

                                  Louisville, Ky.,June,8"-l9O0
Prof. James X.. Patterson,
     President State University, of Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
     We the undersigned members of committees and others in
interest, representing the Louisville and Hospital Medical
College (Mledical Department of the Central University and the
Kentucky School of Medicine) agree to unite and discontinue
the said two schools, if the State University of Kentucky will
make the two united schools the 'Medical Department of said
University, and locate it in the City of Louisville, subject
to the following conditions:

     The Louisville and Hospital College and the Kentucky School
of Medicine will give to the State University all the laboratory
and other equipments. This proposition includes the franchises
of the two schools, their present student body, their alumni,
approximately numbering 5,000, located in every State in the
Union, their good will etc. (We also agree to furnish free of
cost or of legal responsibility to the State University of Ken-
tucky a building, or a sufficient number of buildings, now
occupied by said Medical College for a period of five years,
in which to conduct a medical department in Louisville). The
four years of medical curriculum shall be taught in Louisville,
but the freshman and sophomore years may be taught in Lexington,
the Medical Department in Jouieville accepting the work satis-
factory completed in Lexington.



     It is further agreed tha t'he trustees of State University
shall allow all the income collected from the Medical Depart-
ment situated in Louisville to be used for the maintenance of
the Medical Department, and the payment of a preferred claim
of $9,000 per annuma for five years, said preferred claim to be
paid January first of each year, to a trustee or treasurer to
be selected by a, representative of the two above named medical
colleges, said trustee or treasurer to be located in the City of
Louisville, and to be required to Dromptly pay out of the above
amount to the orner of the above named medical schools in the
proportion of an appraisement of said properties made by the
representatives of the real estate departments of the Fidelity
Trust Company, the Columbia Trust Company all of Louisville,
Kentucky:, and in accordance with an agreement entered into and
signed by the owners of the Louisville and Hospital Medical
College building, the Kentucky School of Medicine building and
Gray Street Infirm.iary.

         W. H. Mathew,             G. W. Kelly
         F. Warren Sam.-uell       H. B. Rit ter
         M. F. Coomes              Irvin Abell
         K. Ormdorf                B. F. Zimmn.exrman

     It was agreed by the Board that the representative for and
against the proposition be allowed one hour and a half each to
discuss same; thereupon the various representatives and persons
interested came befcre the Board by its invitation and
Dr. M1ciMrurtry, Dr. Mathew, and Dr. Kelley spoke in favor of the
p'roposition and Dr. Stucky, Chas. Kerr, Dr. Barrow, Mr. JoIn T.
Shelby and Dr. Hollaway spoke against the proposition and by
invitation of the Chair, Mr. 1.1cCormick, Chairman of State Board
of Health also addressed the Thard. At the close of the dis-
oussion and after everybody had withdrawn except members of the P.291
Board, 'ir. Clay moved that final disposition of the resolution
be postponed until the regular meeting in December, which motion
was seconded by -Mir. Stoll and sassed by the following vote,-

     Ayes - 7
     Nays.  5

     The meeting adjourned sine die.

                                     D. C. Frazee,