xt751c1tf80b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1tf80b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1940-08-oct18-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-08-oct18-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-08-oct18-ec. 1940 1940-08-oct18-ec. 2011 true xt751c1tf80b section xt751c1tf80b 

     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, October 13,

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University
of Kentucky, net in the President's Office at the University Friday,
October 18, at 10:30 a.m.   The mer~lbers of the Committee present
were Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman; H. S. Cleveland, Robert P.
Hobson, Lee Kirkpatrick, and James Park.   President Thomas P. Cooper
and D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board, were present.

     1. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Cormnittee of July
12, 1940, were approved as published.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent filed financial report for September, 1940.
The report was ordered filed, and the summary thereof, ordered pub-
lished in the minutes, reads as follows:

                          GENERAL FUND

                       Operating Accounts

Budgeted Income

Salaries and Other Cormitrments-

Available for Expense, Supplies,
     and Equiprment - - - - - -

Expended to September 30, 1940-

Unencumbered balance - - - - -





$ 260,.546.44



Special Appropriation3

Library Equipment -
Expended. to September 50, 19410-
Unincunbered balance  - - - - -

Scientific Equiprmient
zxpended to Septo.-ber 50, 1940
Unencumbered balance

Home Economics Equipment - -
Expended to Septem-ber 30, 19410-
Unincur oered balance

Engineering Equi-plment - - - -  
Expended to Septerber 50, 1940-
Unincumbered balance

    575 01
S 91424o99

    72,. o09

31 5, 000. 00
12 ,665.07

S 2,970.23N

Patterson Hall

Budget-ed Incoue
Salarie s and Other Corp.;.Ai tients-
Available for Expense, Supplies
  and Equipmrent -
Expendcd. to Sntetmber 30, 1940-
Unincurmbered balance

599, 98goo. 00

$680, 430.00
 68, 510. 29


Budgeted Income - ------- -9470,078.22

Salaries and Other Coritments-     310,78400

Availablu for Expensu, Supplies
     and Equipr.ent  - -  159, 294.2

Expended to Septemliber 30, 1940-


Unencunbered balance  ---- -8125, 989.29




             Budgeted Income           _           $758,720.00

             Salaries and Other Comrmitnients - - - 634196,00.

             Available -for Exrense, Supplies
               and Equipment                      $1;4,524.00

             Expended to September 30, 1940          23,796.57

             Unencumbered balance                  '3100,72.7.43

     3. Requisition Cor.mmittee Report,

     The Requisition Committee filed written report of its action
each week from September 5, 1940, to October 9, 1940, inclusive,
The report shows that orders have been made by the Business Office
on authority of the Requisition Committee in the rianner prescribed
by the Board of Trustees and state laws, running from No. 1997 to
No. 3058,   The report was examined, and on notion and second the
orders and budget additions named therein were ratified and approved,
and payments on said orders were authorized and approved.

     4. Report of State Auditor - Examination of University Accounts.

     The Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Kentucky,
Honorable D. A. Logan, filed. v-writh President Cooper copies of the
following reports of audit of University accounts made by him to
Governor Keen Johnson; Report of September 10, 1940, of salaries
paid by the University of Kentucky; Report of October 9, 1940, of
financial operation of the University,   He states in the latter
report that a separate report on buildings and grounds and construc-
tion program will be made.   These reports were submitted by Pres-
ident Cooper to the Executive Commaittee and the contents thereof
were fully considered by that Committee.

     5, Admtission of Students to Unirsity.

     The President nmade a brief statement of the case of Marcus
Harlan of Paris, lentucly, who was not allowed to register, first
semester 1940-41, under the rule of the University Senate relative
to transfer students.   He referred to newspaper stories and coma
nent, and presented a review of facts made by the Registrar.

     The President stated that the University Council will review
the subject of admission of students, a.nd that a report will be
made to the Executive Coumittee of the Board of Tructcos,


     6. Cafetoria - In Union Building.

     Mr. Park made a statement of facts as to the situation present-
ed to the Committee appointed to investigate the College Catering
Company's conduct of the Cafeteria.   He said that he understood
that the Committee was originally appointed to make investigation
as above stated, but that its duties seemed to have been expanded
by later developments, and that no recommendation may be made at
this meeting.  The President then stated that the receipt of the
College Catering Company's notice to cease operation under provision
of its contract with the University has been acknowledged, and that
study is now being made of ways and means to continue operation
of the Cafeteria.   He stated that Mr. Ben Koppel of the College
Catering Company's staff has been consulted, and that Mr. Koppel
has agreed to help the University carry on the Cafeteria for a rea-
sonable time (without loss to the Company) during the period of
transfer.  A tentative proposal made by the "Union News Company".
was referred to the Cafeteria Committee for further consideration,
and the Committee was continued.   The President was authorized to
make such arrangements for temporary continuance of the Cafeteria
as may be necessary,

     7. Civil Aeronautics Adainistration.

     President Cooper made report as follows:

     Report on the Civil Pilot Training Program of the Civil
          Aeronautics Admrinistration--Collegiate Phase

                     Part I - Factual Report

     1. The Civil Pilot Training Act of 1939 (United States
        Statutes at large, 1939, Volume 53, Part 2, pages 855-
        56) authorized the Civil Aeronautics Authority to conduct
        this program through educational institutions in accordance
        with the regulations prescribed by the Authority.    The
        latest regulations are contained in Bulletin #333.

     2. The University would receive $20.00 per student from the
        Civil Aeronautics Administration for those successfully
        completing the ground course, and a charge to each
        student of $10.00 enrollment fee, in addition to regular
        fees now charged.   For this consideration, the University
        would provide:

             a. Classroom facilities and instruction for a
        forty-eight hour ground course; classroom facilities
        for an additional t wenty-four hour ground course taught
        by the flight operator.

             b. Supervision of transportation of students to and
        from the airport.  (The students may be required to pay
        for this transportation).



    c. A director of Civil Pilot training who wouldl co-
ordinate the training on the cmpnpus and inspect the
flight operator's facilities and methods of instruction
to see that he is meeting the Civil Pilot training

    d, Selection of University students from those who
have completed one or more years of college work and who
pass the Civil Pilot Training Service medical examination.

3. Each student would be required to furnish:

    a. Student Pilot Certificate at a cost of $6.00.(All
 students who take the medical examination, regardless of
 whether they receive student pilot certificates, are re-
 quired to pay this fee).

    b. Personal insurance coverage of $3,000 at a cost
 of $9.00 per student.

     c. Transportation charges to and from the airport.

     d. Approval of parents or guardian if under 21 years
 of age.

 4. The Civil Aeronautics Administration will furnish:

      a. Books and forms used by students in training.

      b. Approved airport facilities.

      c. Approved flight operators. (Separate contracts
 are executed between the administrator of Civil Aeronau-
 tics and the flight operator for flight instruction, The
 flight contractor is required to provide 850/100,000
 personal liability and q5,000 property damage insurance
 coverage, under terms which satisfactorily protect the
 sponsoring institution, the flight instruction contractor,
 the trainees assigned to him and the Civil Aeronautics

 5. The airport of the Lexington Flying Service

      a. Thirty-five mcres have been recently added which
 provide a 800 foot addition to the N-S runway and 1200
 foot addition to the NE-SW.

      b. Length of present runways,

           N--8 1800 feet

           E-W  2500 feet

NE-SW 3000 feet.



     c. Altitude, 910 feet

     d. The airport meets all Civil Aeronautics Adreinis-
tration specifications for this training.

6. Military 4 mplications
    a. Bulletin 7#333 contains the followring statem-ent:

            "Outstanding students in the Private
       (Preliminary) Course may be recommended for
       thae Restricted Commercial (Secondary) Course,
       completion of which will lead to consideration
       for further flight training in Military service."

     b. The student application form contains the folk
 lowing pledge:

             "I pledge %myself to apply for flight train_
        ing in the military service of the United States.'

            Part II - Subjective Report

1. Colonel Donnelly made the following statements:

        a. "Although the Civil Pilot Training program. was
   conceived as an aid to commercial aviation, it has now
   become an integral part of our national defense program."

        b. "The local airport is safe for this training.
   Even the fastest army planes can land there safely.
   There are no obstructions such as smoke stacks, tall
   buildings, and so forth."

        c. "This progra-i offers the University an oppor-
   tunity to assist in the development of commercial
   aviation as well as to help in the national defense

 2. Dean Evans was consulted concerning the legal responsi_
   bility of the University in case of property damage and
   student injury.   He states:

          "in my judrmnent the University would not
          be held liable in case o student injury
          or property damage resulting from the Uni-
          versity's participation in this program."




         It should be Dointed out that there is deep interest
    in the student body in the possibility of the training
    program.   I am informed by the President of the Student
    Governing Association that the interest of the students in
    this training program is much greater than it was last
    spring.   I wish to recommend

         1. That the University of Kentucky make application
    for and enter into the customary agreements for a unit of
    the Civil Pilot Training Service of the Civil Aeronautics
    Administration at the University of Kentucky.

         2. That the University charge each student a 10.00
    enrollment fee, this in addition to the fee now charged
    for enrollment in the University of Kentucky.

         5. That in addition to the fee charged,the students
    selecting the course will be required to pay for their
    student pilot certificates, for the insurance coverage,
    as well as transportation charges to and from the airport.

         4. That students be admitted only upon approval of
    parents or guardians, if under 21 years of age.

          5. That the organization of this work be assigned
     to members of the staff at the University of Kentuc'vy, who
     have the responsibility for the development of this phase
     of the University's work,

          6. I further recommend that the arrangemnvnt for
     this program be made as early as possible.

          7. The exponse of the work shall be charged to the
     income received, and present staff mcmbers of the Uni-
     versity of Kentucky assigned to this project may receive
     an honorarium for their service.

     On motion, seconded and carried, the report was received and
ordered inserted in the Riinutes.  The report and the question of
establishment of a unit of the Civil Pilot Training Service at the
University was referred to the next meeting of the Board of Trus-
tees for action thereon, and the President authorized to make ap-
plication to the Civil Aeronautics Administration for establishment
of a unit preparatory to the next meeting of the Board.



     8, W. P. A. Construction for Military Purpose.

     President Cooper reported as follows:

          My attention has been called to an act of Congress
     that has recently passed that specifically provides for
     appropriations through the Works Project Administration
     for construction, etc., "important for military purposes."

          It is anticipated that funds will not be required
     from an institution making use of this, and that its con-
     tribution can be made through the site of the building,
     etc.  We are further advised that the Corps Area Commander
     wishes information as to what character and extent of
     construction for the ROTC may best be accomplished under
     the provisions.

          The question has been brought up by Colonel Donnelly
     as to the erection of an armory.   Possibly there could
     also be combined with it other functions which would
     increase its benefit and usefulness from a student stand-
     point.   I feel that it is desirable to discuss the possi-
     bilities if it may be the means of securing a necessary

     After brief and favorable comment on the possibility and desir-
ability of such a project, the President was authorized to make
further investigation thereof, and to make roport at a later meeting
of this Committee.

     9. N. Y. A. Office - Proposal to Erect on Campus.

     The President presented a proposal by Roger W, Gum, Area Super-
visor of National Youth Administration, to erect on site furnished
by the University an office building for use of this Area of the
N. Y. A.

     The proposal was read, and the conditions of the offer were
studied and discussed,   The conclusion was reached that it is
doubtful that under the law construction on the campus may be made
for use of an outside agency under such terms as named in the pro-
posal.  No further action was taken.

    10. Use of Superintendentts House.

    On motion, seconded and carried, permission was granted Mtrs,
Maury Crutcher and family to occupy the Superintendentis House until
January 1, 1941, in consideration of Mrs* Crutcher Eking care of the
property during that period.



     The President stated that the use of the house for girls as a
cooperative residence or home mranagement house has been suggested.
He was authorized to study the advisability of such use of the house
and to report his conclusions cat a later r eeting of the Board of
Trustees or Executive Committee.

     11. Animal Pathpoloy Building,

     Statement of President:

          There has long been needed an Animal Pathology Buil-_
     ing.  We have attempted to secure the necessary funds for
     this building from the last two legislatures.   We had
     previously drawn tentative plans.   Recently I asked Mr.
     Frankel to give me an estimate of the cost of the front and
     one wing,   He estimates a cost of approximately 8118,584.00.

          I wish to recommend that the Executive Committee give
     authority to investigate the possibility of securing the
     cooperation of the WPA, and that if it may be constructed
     within $65,000 of funds from the Experiment Station, Frank-
     el ald Curtis may be employed as architects and the neces-
     sary arrangements made for the construction of the Animal
     Pathology Building.

     On motion, seconded and carried, the President was authorized
to proceed with development of plans by architect, and to investi-
gaite availability of W'A cooperation for purpose of construction,
and to report at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

    12. Pardee-Howe Claim -- Robinson Station.

    Report of President:

          Ait the last meeting of the Board of Trustees, a
     report was made concerning the controversy over own-
     ership of certain land area of the Robinson Substa-
     tion.   Since that time, I have been in touch with Mr.
     J. W. Jones, Assistant Attorney General.    An attempt
     has been made through the Howe estate to settle the
     matter amicably.   The attorney for the Howe estate
     is reviewing the matter and attempting to reach a de-
     termination whether they have a valid claim.    Mean-
     while, the situation is being watched and it is our
     intention not to allow entrance upon the property.

     The report was accepted and the President was authorized on
mitions seconded and carried, to take Steps to prevent cutting of
timber on the tract if such action becomes necessary.



     13, Contract for Residence in M.1en's .ialls.

     The President presented and recommended action on following
suggestion of the Dean of Men:

          I should like to have authority from the Board of
     Trustees to require all men who reserve rooms in the
     men's halls to reside there for a semester at least
     This may be done by requiring each man to sign a contract
     or by issuing a statement to be enclosed in the notice
     of room reservation that no refund will be made on room
     rent for the semester.   It is understood that the require-
     ment will not be enforced if the student leaves the Uni-
     versity on account of illness, dismissal, or other satis-
     factory reason.

     On motion, seconded and carried, it was ordered that residence
in ments halls be granted on execution of written agreement of occu-
pancy for at least one semester, to be binding for each succeeding
semester unless cancelled before the semester begins.   Such contract
shall bind the occupant for full semester's rent, unless release
from such occupancy is given by the Dean of Men and approved by the
President of the University.

     14. Death of M. J. Crutcher.

     The President reported the sudden death of Maury J. Crutcher,
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, which occurred October 5,
1940.  Mr. Crutcher was made Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
after the resignation of Mr. A. 0. Whipple in the year 1925.   The
members of the Committee expressed appreciation of the valuable ser-
vice he had given to the University, their sorrow and regret of his
untimely demise, and their sympathy for his widow and children.

     15. A'),.rointraants and Other Staff Chauiiee

     President Cooper presented staff appointments and other changes
requested by deans and heads of departments, and, on his recommenda-
tion, by motion and second, the following were approved and record
ordered made in the minutes:

     Upon recommendation by the President, Tho.iaas D. Boyd was given
temporary appointment as Acting Superintendent of' Buildings and
Grounds, salary S2500,00 per year, effective October 7, 1940.

     Harris White, Ed Pettit, Joe Wethorill, Jack Bleidto studont
laboratory instructors in 'eology, pay provided for in budget on
cash basis.



     Truman A. !I'`orris, graduaI.e assistant in Department nf Political
Science, $400 a year, to fill vacancy caused by resigna-icn of LIarven
R. Whipple.   He has a mastert s degree in the University of Kentucky,

     Lyman C. Hurley, graduate assistant,, salary of $32O, at rate of
832.00 for ten months, to take place of James F. Leins, resiTned. He
is a graduate of Berea College.

     Miss Lucile Baugh, seed analyst in Department of Entomolofgy and
Botany, Experiment Station, at salary of $1000 a year, effective
October 1, 1940.   She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky.

     Jack Taif Spencer, Assistant in Agronomy, Experiment Station,
at salary of $2000 a year, effective October 1, 1940, or as soon
thereafter as he may report for duty, to fill vacancy caused by resig-
nation of T. Hayden Rogers.   He is a graduate of Kent State Universi-
ty (Ohio), has the mlaster's deg-ree from University of Wisconsin, and
the doctor's degree from Ohio State University.

     Lane Fletcher, temporary appointment as graduate assistant in
Dairy Section, Experiment Station, effective September 16, 1940, at
rate of $50.00 a month.   He is a graduate of Southwestern Louisiana
University, having; a master's decree from Texas A. & 1l. College.

     Dorothy Gentry, Home Demonstration Agent in Hopkins County dur-
ing sabbatical leave of Miss Ruth Harralson, at salary of $1800 per
annum, effective October 15, 1940.    M7iss Gentry has been Assistant
Home Demonstration agont in Hopkins County.

     Dr. J. Allan Smith, Bulletin Editor, College of Agriculture,
salary $3400 a year, effective February 1, 1941.


     Marven R. Whipple, Graduate Assistant in Department of Political
Science, effective September, 1940.

     James F. Leins, Graduate Assistant, effective September, 1940.

     Dr.Clifford. Westerfield, Assistant Veterinarian in Department
of Animal Pathology, effective with close of business, September 30,
1940.   Resigned to accept position as Assistant Professor of Anatomy,
College of Veterinary Medicine, Ohio State University,

     Helen Logsdon, Clerk in Agricultural Extension Division, effec-
tive with close of business, September 30, 1940.



Leave of Absence

     J. E. Hernandez, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, leave
of absence for 1940-41, effective about November 1, without pay.

Other Changes

     That $400 formerly provided for graduate assistant in Zoology
from Haggin fund, since this assistant has resigned, be transferred
to Zoology budget to provide for additional assistants in that depart-

     Joe Bosse, College of Education, given the title of Assistant in
Education, with a salary increase of $10.00 a month, effective October
1, 1940, to June 30, 1941.

     On motion and second, this Meeting of the Executive Committee
was adjourned to meet again Friday, November 22, 1940, at 9:30 a.m.
in the President's Office, University of Kentucky Campus.

D. H. Peak
Secretary, Board of Trustees