xt74xg9f7n33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f7n33/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1931 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.2 n.1, October-November, 1931 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.2 n.1, October-November, 1931 1931 1931 2020 true xt74xg9f7n33 section xt74xg9f7n33  

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October-Novgmber, 1931 Numbcr I



Annual Proceedings


One of Our New City Schools


MISS M. M. ELLIOTT, Principal

This is the fifth of a series of schbol buildings recently construct—
ed for Colored Youth :by various Kentucky Boards of Education.

_ “An Equal Educational Opportunity for Every Kentucky Child"







Send For Recent Catalogs!

Have In Your Files Up-to-Date Catalogs for Every
School Need—Laboratory Equipment, Furniture,
Diplomas, Etc.

We offer a complete line of school need; We manufacture our
own. laboratory equipment. furniture. diplomas, etc.

The use of the standard catalog with complete descilptions and
specifications insures the quality of equipment that will fit the

needs of your class and requirements.

“A”——Agricnltural Apparatus and Supplies

“B"——Biological Apparatus and Supplies

“C"—Chemizals and Minerals

“F”—Laboratory, Vocational, and Library Furniture

“G”—Laboratury Apparatus and Supplies for Physcl's and

“L"—Lantern Slides and Projection Aplml'atus

" ”—General School Supplies.

“ "—VD'lplomas—eBook form and Sheet form

Special Lists iui Texts and Manuals

Speeial Kentucky State List


General onices: 1515 Sedgwick SL, Chicago, 111., U. s. A.
Branches :.New Yuik city; Nashville, Tenn; Kansas City,
Mo.; Austin, Tex.

Pacific Coast Representatives:
Bl‘ann-Knecht-Heimahn 60., Ltii Braun Corporation, Ltd.
San Francisco, ‘Calif. Lus Angeles, Calif.




The president, executive secretary, directors and officers of
the K. N. E. A. extend to the colored teachers of Kentucky sin-
cere greetings and best wishes for a successful school year dur»
ing 1931—32. We would urge you to stress better citizenship
among the youth of Kentucky in accordance with a movement
which has been launched by the National Educational Associa-
tion. We would urge you to consecrate your efforts toward
the instilling of such ideals as would he conducive to the build-
ing of character in our youth We wish to thank the teachers
of Kentucky for their loyal support to the K. N. E. A. as re
vealed in the high pel‘ cent of enrollment fol‘ 1930—31.

Elsewhere in this publication will be found the financial re-
port of the secretary-treasurer of the K. N‘. El Al, in which it
may he noted that- there is yet in the K. N. E. A. treasury nearly

one thousand dollars. Due to the general depression and other
difficulties Common to the business world at present, the Mutual-

Standard Blink of Louisville, Ky, Was forced to close its doors
on May '1, 1931. This bank was the depository for K. N. E. A.
funds. Records indicate that $1,014.63 is on deposit to thy
credit of the K. N. E. A., a claim having been filed for this
amount. Under the circumstances, the K. N. E. A is without
one cent on which to operate for 1931432. There are no funds
available for the publication of the K. N. E. A. Journal, clerical
hire, postage, or expenses for legislative committee work and
other types of activities fostered by this association Because of
the above crisis the president and other officers 0" the K. N. E. A.
have set November 1 to December 31 as a period for the 1931-32
enrollment campaign. Principals of Kentucky schools and roun-
ty organizers are, therefore, urged to collect enrollment fees
from thLir respective teachers immediately, send
secretary during November and December and earlier if possible
No loyal member of the K. N. E. A. ll'lould fail in [his special

Send one dollar to A. S. Wilson, secretary of the K. N. E. A.,
1925 w. Madison street, Louisville, Ky., at once. You will

receive your 1931~32 mem’bership card and ‘will not be ex—
pected to enroll again during the school year. His request does

not impose an extra assessment on any teacher, but only seeks
to have the enrollment fee in the treasury several months earlier
for operating expenses, this being necessary until the closed bani:
makes some adjustment with the K. N. E A. A list of schools
on the honor roll will be pu'blished in the December Kl N. E A.
Journal, and in addition, a certificate of honor will -be sent to all
schools which send in a one hundred per cent enrollment.

13-16, 1932.


 K. N. E. A. Oflicers, April, 1931, to April, 1932

Baird of Diregtors

. . .Baducah
. .Frankfart
. . . .Versailles
. . .Louisv'ille


D. H. Anderson, Chairman Ex-Offici
W. S. Blanton, (Term Expires, 1932)
J. L. Bean, (Tenn Expires, 1932)..
F. A. Taylor, (Term Expires, 1933).








s. L. Barker, (Term Expires, 1933). Owensboro
Gznual Offican

D. H. Anderson, President .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .Paducah

A. S. Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer. . . . . . . .Lduisville

Miss L. V. Raneis, Assistant Secretary. . .Winchester

W. J. Gallery, Historian .......... . . . . . ..... . . . . . ..... Little Rock

Mrs. Fannie H. White, First Vice-President. . . . . .Lexington

G. H. Brown, Second Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . .Loujsville

G. W. Parks, High School and College Department. . . . . . .Richmond

. . Lexington


Mrs. L. H. Smith, Elementary Education Department.
Miss R. L. Carpenter, Music Department. . . . . . . .Lonisville
Mrs. Blanche Elliotfq Primary Department. .Greenvjlle
Mrs. T .L. Anderson, Rural Education Department. . . . . . . .Frankfort
C. A. Rice, Industrial Eduoafion Department. . . . . . . . . . . .vaington
R. D. Roman, Principals’ Conference .Shelbyville
H. A. Kean, Athletic Department. .. ..Frankfort
Lee L. Brown, Commercial Department ........... . ...... Louisville






Diitrict Orlaniun

. . . Mayfield


Miss M. s. Brown, First District....
W. o. Nuckolis, Second District......
H. E. Goodloe, Third District.
R. L. Dowery, Fourth District.
Miss Hattie Daniel, Fifth District
H. R. Merry, Sixth Discdct .....
J. L. Been, Seventh District.
J. W. Bate, Eighth District..
w. E. Newsome, Ninth District.....
K. L. Walker, Tenth District
w. L. Shobe, Eleventh District.


. Louisville
. Covington
. Versailles
. . . Danville
. Cynthiana
. Middlesboro





 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association
Vol. II. i0ctobebNovember, 1931. No. 1.



Published [by the Kentucky Negro Educational Association
Editorial Office at 1925 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Atwood s. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville; Managing Editor,
D. H. Anderson, Paducah, President of K. N. E. A.

Board of Direclars

.l. L. Been, Versailles w. s. Blenton, Frankfort
s. L. Bsrher, Owensboro r. A. Taylor, Louisville

Published Bimonthly during the school year: October, December,
February and April
Membership in the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes subscription to
the Journal
Rates for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulation, 2,000 copies. .1931 K. N. E. A. Membership, 1,328


An, Appeal ........
omters for 1931. 32
Editorial Comment

Proceedings of the 1931 Convention ..
Resolutions at the 1931 Convention ,.

Report of the Legislative Committee
K. N. El Al Committees Announced
Secretary’s IFinonoial Report .........
Some Algebra Test Results at the 1931 Meeting
Membership in the K. N. E. A. for 1931
Colored High School of Kentucky
K.N.E.A.Kullings....u... ..
A Prupused Code of Ethics for the K. N. E A.
What Constitutes it Good Teacher .. ..
The Louisville Municipal College Opgns ..




Editorial Comment


For several years the K. N. E. A. bus attempted to sponsor a year—
around educational program. This program has included the sending
out of educational pulblicafions of value to our teachers and the con-

ducting of spelling contests, declamatory contests, and special educa-
tional sennce to various teachers or communities desiring help in the

solution of their problems. In order to continue this program for
1931—32 it is necessary that the K. N .E. A. treasury have sufficient
funds. As pointed out elsewhere, the K. N. E. A. is Without funds
due to the bank closing. The solution to our present problem is to
have the teachers of Kentucky enroll new and thus help to secure the
funds so necessary for our work. Teachers who enroll now will not
he expected to enroll at the April meeting. Since there is no added
obligation in this request, it is hopted that thee teachers will show their
loyalty to the K. N. E. A. by sending their dollars to the secretary 3.4
soon as possible during the months of November and December.




The mailing list now on file in the office of the K. N. E. A
secretdry includes all teachers who enrolled in the K. N. E. A. during
1531, the city and county superintendents of Kentucky, and special
friends of Negro education. This list contains about 1500 names.
There are yet several hundred colored teachers in Kentucky whose
names should appear on our mailing list, some of them having recently
entered the service and others who did not enroll last year. In order to
bring the mailing list up—to-date and to add the teachers in the latter
group to our list in order that they might receive the next issue of the
Journal as a sample number along with an invitation to enroll in'the
K. N. E. A. for 193132, it is requested that the various Kentucky city
and county superintendents who receive this Journal send to A. s.
Wilson, secretary of the K. N. E. A., 1925 W. Madison Street, Louis-
vil'e, Ky, the names and addresses of the colonel—feathers now in
their respective systems. The principals of our schools are asked to
render their co~opemtion in helping to secure such lists from tlleii’
superintendents and mailing them to the secretary of the K. N. E. A.


This is the first issue of the K. N. E. A. Journal for 1931.32 and
inaugurates the seeond year of its publication. During the past year
{our issues were sent out containing on average of 32 pages per issue.
Much favorable comment was received by the editor regarding the


 type of material which it contained and pointed out ‘how helpful it
should be to the colored teachers of Kentucky. Especially did our
Journal receive the enthusiastic endorsement of Mr. L, N. Taylor,
State Director of Negro Education, at Frankfort. Various educational
institutions have sought. the issues of the K. N. E, A. Journal for their
official files in their libraries and a number of state departments of
education have requested copies of our publication. It is hoped that
our issues for 1931-32 will he even more helpful than those of the
(past year. We hope to continue to feature the new school buildings
recently erected in Kentucky for colored youth. This has done much
to influence other superintendents and boards of education to give
to the colored youth better buildings than heretofore. In addition,
there will be some special articles prepared by outstanding educators
in this and other states. The editor also desires to announce the addi-
tion of an educational service in which teachers will he permitted to
send their problems in writing to the editor. They will in turn receive
special advice toward a solution of their problems or, at least, helpful
information. These replies are also to he published in the K. N. E. A
Journal for the benefit of its readers. The teachers of Kentucky are
requested to send important educational notes to the editor and to
submit any matter which they think desirable for publication. The K. N.
E. A. Journal belongs to the colored teachers of Kentucky and it is
hoped that they will continue to give it their enthusiastic support.


The Board of Directors of the K. N. E. A. will meet in Louisville
during- the State Interracial Conference in November to outline def-
initely the 1931-32 program. Several new features will probably be
outlined in the next K. N. E. A. Journal for this school year. Already
Miss R. L. Carpenter, head of the music department, has recommended
that there be a state-wide music contest. as a feature 01’ the next
annual session at Louisville, April 13-16, 1932. During the school year
the vsrious high schools of the state will be requested to organize
quartets or glee clubs, the latter not to exceed eight members. Each
high school would be permitted to send its music organization to the
1932 convention for a. final music contest at Louisville on April 14.
A trophy is to be awarded the winning school. In addition, each music
organization will be trained during the school year to render special
‘music numbers as a rpm-t of a massed chorus at the K. N. E. A. meet-
ing to consist of all the high school Iepresentah'vees of the state. The
state spelling contest is also to 'be a feiture of our 193132 activities.
Teachers of Kentucky who have suggestions for the activities of the
K. N. E. A. are urged to send them to the president or secretary at
once. Write us your opinion regarding our annual literary and in»
dustrial exhibits or any other features connected with our program.



Teachers desiring extension courses with standard college credit
may write to Dr. Wellington Patrick, Director of University Extension,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, for information as to correspon»
dence or study éenter courses and costs.



There is imperative need for raising the requirements under
which teochex-s are permitted to enter the teaching profession. These
requirements should be raised NOW. Teachers who entered the pro-
fession under lower standards should be encouraged to take a. year
or two off for additional training. It is not fair to the children to
keep untrained teachers in the classrooms so long as there is u surplus
of teachers who have had broad and generous training. Teachers
who are lacking in training would do well to anticipate the legal
changes which are certain to require high stoudsrds in the near future.
The teachers of both training and experience will be most ill demand.

——N. E. A. Journal


On the front cover‘ of this Journal is the picture of the beautiful
strum-heated, modern equipped, brick building which is nearing com-
pletion and is soon to be occupied by both the elementary and high
school grades of the West Side City School. The completolt plant has
been estimated at $20,000. There are seven class rooms, u spacious
office, an auditorium with a seating- capacity of 600, and three en-
trance halls. This plant is reputed to be the best of its size and kind
in Kentucky

It stands as another fitting testimonial to the faithful service and
persistent efforts of Mr. L. N. Taylor, representative of the Julius
Rosenweld Fund in Kentucky, supplementing the faithful service and
splendid cooperation of a community’s educational sponsors.

The principal, Miss Maynette M. Elliott, with her faithful co-
Workers, is happy in realizing this long-felt need for better educational

Mr, W. W. Ensminger, superintendent of the school system at Har-
rodsburg is to be commended for his untiring efforts put forth in
providing modern school facilities for the Negro boys and girls of his

 Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Asso-
ciaion, 5511 Annual Session, Louisville, Kentucky, '

The Opening General Session

The 1931 K. N. E. A. convene
tion was officially called to order
by W. H. Humphrey, of Mays-
ville, president, on Wednesday,
Amril 16 at 8:15 P. M. The cen—
tral theme of the 1931 session was
“Guidance in Negro Education."
The opening general session was
called to order following an ar-
rangement of Literary and Indus-
trial Exhibits from various Ken—
‘tucky schools at the Central High
School Building, a conference of
Kentucky principals, ‘led by R. D.
Roman, of Shelbyv'ille, and a. one
hour music program, directed by
R. Lillian Carpenter, of Louisville.

At the opening general session
Rev. W. F. Farmer, pastor of the
C. M. E. Church, Where the gen—
eral sessions were held, gave the
invocation. Pupils of the Louis-
ville Central High School gave
the opening music selections. The
Welcome address was given by
Marguerite Parks, of Louisville,
and the response by H. E. Good-
lue, of Russellville.

The main address of the eve-
ning was given by Charles Sat
chell Morris, Jr., of Lynchburg,
Virginia. He was an eloquent
speaker and inspired the teachers
to a more faithful performance
of duties pertaining to their [pro-

fessl'on. He was introduced by
Marie Spratt. Brown, of May-

After several music selections.
by visiting soloists, the K. N. E
A. Dishict Enrollment Trophy
was awarded to H. K Merry, of:
Covington, the Sixth District Or»
ganizer for the highest per cent
of enrollment. The trophy was
presented by Atwood s. Wilson,
secretary of the K. N. E. A.

The Second General Session.

On Thursday, April 16, at 9:00
A. M., the K N. E. A. opened
the second general session with
devotionsls and special music
numbers by the pupils of the Jef—
ferson County Children’s Home
and a special chorus from the ch»
fer-sun County Rural Schools.
The legislative report (published
elsewhere in this Journal) was
given by J. Max Bond, chairman
of the committee on legislation.
The main addrES was given by
Dr. John Rufi, Professor of Sec-
ondary Education at the Univer-
sity of Missouri. He brought to
the teachers some modern ten-
dencies in education and referred
frequently to “Guidance,” the
theme of the 1931 session of the
h. N. L A. _

The next feature of the monk
ing session was the rendition of
several selections by the Louis
ville Normal School Glee Club.
This was followed by the intro-
duction of Dr. Thomas D. Wood,
Professor of Health Eduution by
Mary May Wyman, Supervisor of
Health and Safety Education in
the Louisville schools. Dr. Wood
presented important statistics and
data regirding the health of the


 Negro and suggested a continued
exnansion of the health program
in our lpublic schools. The nomi—
nating committee, which consisted
of the district organizers, then
made its report through the chair-
man, M. S. Brown, of Mayfield.
The persons lumed in the report
of the election committee were
nominated, nominating speeches
being made for the candidates
for the presidency and office of
secretary. Following the mom~
ing ses on the teachers were en~
tertained at the Palace Theater
virith v.1 special talking picture. A
large number enjoyed the enter»
The Third General Seuion

The third general session fol-
lowed meetings of the various de-
parnnents of the K. N. E. A.
which were held at 2: 6 P. M. This
session was opened at 8:15 P. M.
at the C. M. E. Church with de-
votionals rnd special music by the
Glee Club of Kentucky State In-
dustrial College, directed by Nan-
ette Wheztley.

The first address of the eve-
ning was given by W. 0. Brown,
Professor of Sociology at the
University of Cincinnati, on the
subject, “Feet and Myth Alohg
the Color Line.” He presented a
common sense point of view for
the White and Neg-to races in their
dealings with one another, racial
coclperation and openrmindedness
being suggested as essentials in
these dealings Prof. Brown was
introduced by H. R. Merry, prin-
cipal of the Lincoln-Grant School
at Covington. The next address
of the evening was given by Fan»
nie C. Williams, president of the
National Association of Teachers
in- Colored Schools. In her res

section of Otis Eades.

marks she brought greetings from
45,000 Negro teachers and mint.
ed out the main objectives of the
N. A. T C. S. She urged a
greater cooperation in the work
on the part of Kentucky teachers.
This session was adjourned wiflh
announcements and the appoint
ment of special committees by
President Humphrey. .

The Fourth General Senior:

On F‘z‘iday, April 17 at 2:15
P. M, the K. N. E. A. opened its
Fourth General Session, the morn-
ing hours having been devoted to
sectional meetings by the Various
departments. This session was
opened by music by the Kentucky
School for the Blind under the di-
The main
address of the afternoon Sefilon
WAS given by Rufus Clement, Ph.
D., Dean of the Louisville Muni-
cipal College. He was introduced
lay H. 0. Russell, of Louisville,
and. spoke on “Guidance in the
Higher Education of the Negro"
Mrs. Mary Hunt Krezise, o dele-
gate to the White House Collier»
ence, recently held at Washington
at the. suggestion of President
Hoover, brought greetings to the
Association and made suggestions
along the line of child welfare.

The next feature of this session
was the State Declmato’ry Con-
test in which the participants were
representatives of the var-ions
legislative districts of Kentucky.
The first iprize was “on by David
Ross, of Lexington; the second
prize by Ruth E113 Tate, of Louis—
ville; and the third prize by
Nathaniel Crinpett, of Mid-fies
iboro. Judges for the contest
were: I. C. Caldwell, of Nicholas-
ville, w. D. Tardif, of Stanford,
and Mrs. Catherine Pleasjnt, of

 Lawtencehurg. Music was then
furnished by a mixed quartet from.
Lincoln Institute, directed by Ear-
line Good, of Louisville. J. D.
Falls, superintendent of the Ash-
land schools was then introduced
by c. s. Nuckolls, principal of the
colored school in that city, and
made appropriate remarks to the
members of the K. N. E. A.
The Fifth General Session

The K. N. E. A. met in its last
general session on Saturday, April
18 at 9:00 A. M., the previous
evening having been given over
’to an entertainment at the Louis-
ville Armory in which a state-
wide track meet, which the Mid-
dlesboro high school received
the highest number of points,
was featured along with spe-
cial aesthetic and gymnastic
numbers by pupils from the Louis-
ville- Public Schools. Several
thousand attended this entertain—
ment and a mart of the proceeds
was given to the .K. N. E. A.
Scholarship Fund. The Saturday
morning session was opened with
appropriate memorial services for
teachers deceased during the past
year, same being directed by G.
W. Adams, of Paris. Among the
Kentucky tankers mentioned in
the memorial service were: Miss
Isabel Trum'bo, Prof. Isaac Grigs~
by, Mrs. Lou Allen, Mrs. Bernice
Boyd, Prof. J. W. Wiley, Prof. w.
Hayes, and Dr. C. H. Parrish, Sr.
Special mention was made of the
outstanding services in education
of Dr. C. H. Parrish, president of
Simmons University at Louisville
and an ex»president of the K. N.
E» A.
then led hy R. L. Carpenter after
which announcements for the
summer schools were made by

Community singing was .

heads of the various institutions.

The next feature of the morn-
ing session was the report of the
election committee consisting of
W. H. Perry, chairman, -D. G.
Rose, E. Poston, G. R. Bland, H.
V. Taylor L. '1‘. Phillips, Win. .7.
Gallery, H. W. O’Bannon, and

' Osceola. A. Dawson. The following

results of the election were re«
ported, the number of votes re—
ceived being given ‘by the names:
for president: D. H. Anderson'—
379, c. L. immune—.222; for
vicepreeidenfs: Mrs. F. H. White
~(Unanim0us), G. H. Brown—‘
(Unanimous) ; for secretary:
Atwood S. Wilson—358, R. L.
Bowery—244; for historian: Wm.
J. Gallery—(Unanimous); for di-
rectors: F. A. Taylor—237, S. L.
Barker—2‘50, G. W. Adams—212;
for increase in membership‘ fee:
Yes—88, “0—163. The report
of the election committee was
then adopted, D. H. Anderson, of
Padllcall, being elected president,
Atwood S. Wilson, of Louisville,
secle’tary—fieasurer, F. A. Taylor,
of Louisville, director, S. L. Bar-
ker, of Owensboro, director, and
others mentioned above as being

fiance: lK. Morgan, the first
student to receive aid from the
scholarship fund, was then intro-
duced and made an appropriate
short talk, thanking the K. N. E.
A. for its aid. The secretary then
made his financial report which
was received and adopted, after
which he aworded prizes for lib
erary and industrial exhibits. The
new officers were then installed.
wpptopriate remarks being made
by D. H. Anderson, the newly
elected president.

It was moved and seconded that

 the Association give a rising vote
oi thanks to the retiring presi-
dent, w. H. Humphrey, for his
services to the K. N. E. A., the
motion being carried. A motion
was then‘made to adopt resolu-
tions as presented by H. C. Rus-
sell, of Louisville, regarding the
N. A. T. C. S. at Petersburg, Va.
(These resolutions are published
elsewhere in this Journal.)

A motion was then made that
W. H. Fouse, of Lexington, be
refunded his expenses for atten-
dance to the 1930 meeting of the
N. A. T. C. S. at Petershurg, Va.
The motion was carried. It was
then moved and seconded flint W.
H. Fouse, of Lexington, w. ‘E.
Newsome, of Cynthiana, D. H. An—
.derson, of Paduczh, and R. B. Afr
wood, of Frankfurt, be delegates
to the N. A. T. C. S. at Washing—
ton in July, 1931, provided they
pay their own expenses. This 11.10-
tion was adopted. It was further
agreed that Kentucky should take
a greater part in the activities of
the N. A 'i' C. S. and that amem—
hership campaign he made among
Kentucky teachers. For this Work
a commit‘ee consisting of w. H.
Fouse, R. B. Atwood, and H. 0.
Russell was appointed. It was
then moved and seconded thnt W.
H. rouse, of Lexington, be electr
ed a member of the National
Council of. the N. A. T. C. S. as
the Kentucky representative. The
motion was carried. It was also
suggested that the delegates re-
port on the meeting of the N. A.
T. c. s. in one of the issues of
the K. N. E. A. Journal. At the
suggestion of Mrs. L. H. Smith, of
L:xington, the K. N. E. A. passed
a. motion to contribute $10.00 to
the Society for the Study of

Negro life and history. Mrs. Essie
D. Mack, president of the Ken—
tucky branch of the National
Parent-Teacher Association of the
N. A. T. C. S., then presented
greetings to the K. N. E. A. in
which she sought the continued
cooperation between her organiia<
tion and the K. N. E. A. Success—
ful sectional meetings were then
reported by the heads of various
departments. Mrs .r. L. Anderson
reported a successful meeting of
the Rural Education Department
in which the theme was ”Guidance
in Rural Education." R. D. Roman,
of Shelbyville, reported two suc—
cessfui sessions of the Principals’
Conference. The High School and
College Department, of which G.
W. Parks, of Richmond, was
chairman held its sessions with
the Principals’ Conference. The
Friday meeting of these twv de~
partments was conducted by J.
Max Bond and was an interracial
education conference. The ses-
sion sought to show how Negro
and White educators might co-
operate in advancing the cease of
education, outstanding speaken:
on the program being L. N. Tay-
lor, of the Department of Edu»
cation, and R. B..Atwood, presi~
dent of K‘. S. I. C. Mrs. Blanche
Elliott, chairman of the Primary
Department, James A. Wilson,
chairman of the Industrial Arts
Department, J. Max Bond, chair.
man of the Athletic Demalrtment',
and Lee L. Brown, chairman of
the Commercial Department re-
ported successful sessions. In
the Primary Department special
demonstrations and exhibits wen-
features of the meeting, the
teachers being highly benefitted
by the conferences which dealt


 with the education of children in
the primary grades. The Music
Depurtment, directed by R L.
Carpenter, of Louisville, reported
two successful evening musicales
in which outsof—tuwn artists par-
ticiputed on the program and two
other sectional meetings in which
pupils of the Louisville public
schools gave demonstrations fen»
turing the latest developments in
the teaching of music to publiv
school children. Mrs. L. H. Smith.
chairman of the Elementary
School Department, reported that
Emma Lewis, Critic teacher at
Hampton Institute, had given very
helpful demonstrations and lev»
Hires in her department. A slu-
cial feature 01' this departmenl
ms 5 shite wide spelling contest
in which ten counties were rep~
resented‘ Winners were: Mal--
tina Warren, of Mason county,
first prize; Ruth Murrell, of
Christan county, second prize;
and Chester Munfol'd, of Hardin
county third prize. Other en—
tries were Edith Squires, Nelson
county, Mary Newton, Louisville,
Viola Johnson, Jefferson county.
Sara A. Nichols, Henry county.
Bennie Taylor, Logan county,
Gladys Winfield, Woodford noun»
ty, and Mabel Boatwright, Gar-
rard county, all of Whom received





Departed thin Life, Wednesday, April 8, 1931

A Prumoler of Negro Binineu
Ear-President Ind Loyal Suntan“ nf the K. N. E. A.

dictionaries as prizes. The first
prize of $10.00 was donated by
the K. N. E. A. and the remain»
ing prizes by the Courior~Journal
and Louisville Times. Following
the reports is motion was made
and unanimously adopted that the
State of Kentucky go on record
as thanking President R. B. AI.-
wnod for the splendid work he has
done in having Kentucky State lns
dusti‘ial College recognized as an
“A" class standard college and
that. the K. N. E. A. lhody co-op-
crate with him in his efforts by
enroui‘aging students to attend
this institution.

President Anderson then up»
pointed certain committees, the
personnel of which he suggested.
stating that final umpointments
would he announced in the next
issue of the K. N. E. A Journal.
A meeting of the Board of Direc~
tors of the K. N. E. A. was then
announced to follow the meeting
of this general session, after
which a motion prevailed that the
K. N. E. A. ‘be adjourned to meet:
again in April, 1932.

(Miss) L V. RANELS,
Assistant Secretary








 Resoluh'ons Adopted at the K. N. E. A. Session,
Saturday, pril 18, 1931

I. In view of the fact that the
United States Commissioner of
Education has recently appointed
a nah'onal council of Neg-r0 edu-
cators to cmoperate with the Uni-
ted States Bureau of Education
on matters affecting Nlegro edu-
cation; and noting that the coun-
all has wide-spread representa-
tion throughout the States of the
South and borderland; and fur»
ther, realizing that the state of
Kentucky with 60,000 Negro chil—
dren in its public and private
s'chook, fourteen hundred teach-
ers in service, and a group of
representative educators within
its borders, has no representation
on this nafiflnal council.

Be it Resolved: that the Ken-
tucky Negro Educational Associa—
tion, in behalf of and speaking
for the educational interest of the
State, does hereby petition the
Honorable William John Cooper,
U. S. Commissioner of Education


523 Marion [-1. T-ylor Bldg.

to consider the matter of giving
the State representation in the
council, and if not inconsistent
with his program, to urge that he
make one or more appointments
from the State 17f Kentucky.

II. In recognition of the val-
uable‘ services of Professor Will-
iam. H. Humphrey in the office
of president of our Association.
and in keeping with a well. estab»
lished polioy of affiliation with
t h e National Associxtiou of
Teachers of Colored Schools, and
participation in the deliberations
of the same,

Be it Resolved: that the Ken-
tucky Negro Educational Associa-
tion elect Professor Humphrey as
its delegate to the session of the
N. A. T. c. s. in Washington, D.
C. July, 1931, and that an appro-
priation be granted to defray ex»
penses of said trip.



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You Don’t Need an Ark—But you need Accident and Health In-
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Phone J .E. PAYTON, car, 411
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