xt74xg9f7m0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f7m0s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-10-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 2000 2000 2000-10-25 2020 true xt74xg9f7m0s section xt74xg9f7m0s Reusmg

After you




Get in the

l“lll(l out the
latest on



October 25, 2000


An idea that was sent in
via e-mail was to give
ideas for what to do
with the Kernel when
you are finished
reading it. Well,
besides cutting out
LOC and framing it,
here are some other
ideas you could use.

Fly far, far away.

Find a very high place on
campus like
Patterson Office
Tower or one of the
towers on South
Campus. After folding
the front page into a
lift creating device (a
paper airplane for
those not into the
whole theory of the
lift thing) find a way
to get to the roof or
an open window. This
is not supported by
the Kernel, those
afraid of heights or
people without an
inner ear for balance.


Toss out window and
watch. For added
enjoyment, put
confetti or gas in the
tail. For even greater
enjoyment, light the
gas (again. not
endorsed by the
Kernel, firefighters or
severe burn victims).

Papier maché

May require saving more
than one previously
used Kernel. Make a
frothy bath of flour
and water and other
stuff that goes into a
papier maché
mixture and dip
strips of paper into
it. Find something
really cool you would
like to make a model
of and go to it.
Suggestions include a
larger than life
telephone or toilet. Is
it a gift? Make a life-
size model of your
significant other.
Even if it looks like
crap, remind them it
is the thought that

Spit balls

Find a straw at any on
campus eatery. Make
little bails out of
Kernel usrng finger
dexterity and spit.
Aim and shoot.
Targets may include
squirrels, birds,
teachers or windows.
Added fun, try to
write your name on
the window with

Recycle it!

There are many places
on or around campus
where you can
recycle newspaper. I
WlSh I knew a joke
but I don't.

-Ron Norton


E-mails to date - 62

There must have been an
alignment in the
planets because the
e-mails have been
rolling in here
recently. Keep up the
feedback, good or

7.3 5.6

Mostly cloudy and a
chance of rain but don't
let the weather take the
pep out of your step.

{ili‘zttittii x
VOL. 88106 ISSUE 3344


News; fip‘s "

Call: 257-1915 or write:



Education important in election

On the ballot: UK students give their opinions on the
importance of higher education in this year's election

Maser "t“.‘flfil'

Tax cuts. free tuition and cheaper stu-
dent loans. These could all be benefits of vot-
ittg in this year's election.

Of the three ntain candidates running
for president this year. each have different
opinions on what should be done about ris-
ing tuition costs.

Ralph Nader of tlte Green Party stated
that he believes college should be equally ac-
cessible to all young people with the qualiti-

lf Nader is elected he said he wants to
see free uition to all public universities artd

community colleges. Such a progrant is al-
ready established in the state of Georgia
where arty high school student with a 3.0
grade point average is awarded free tuition
to any state-funded school. Besides ntaking
college more affordable. Nader believes it
would inspire more students to work harder
and cut dovm on racial profiling and quotas.

“I think equal opportunity should mean
equal opportunity. We shouldn't discrimi-
nate against any race or gender and every-
one should have 3 equal chance of going to
college," said Brian Brownfield a political
science sophomore who is leaning toward
Vice President Al Gore or Nader.

(lore. on the other hand, doesn't believe

college tuition should be free. but rather tax-
deductible The Democratic candidate be-
lieves that each middleclass family should
get up to 810.000 of college tuition tax-de-

Along with this policy. if elected. the
Vice President would like to see more HOPE
Scholarships awarded and increase the
number of annual Pell Grants, The Vice
President would also like to lower the inter
est rates on student loans and have more
programs to make receiving the loans

Gore hopes that by making ttution tax
deductible it would allow more middle class
families to afford college and believes his
proposed middleclass tax cut would help
make college more accessible to a large
number of people.

“I do think tax breaks are a great incen
tive to get more people itt college and help



ready to fail.

the forest ecosystem.

the landscape with Nature's autumn palette.


it's officially fail in the Bluegrass and what better way to tell than
by the beautiful shades of red. orange and yellow taken on by the
ordinarily green loaves on trees around campus.

The colors won't last too much longer because the leaves will begin
to fall off the trees. This happens because of the shortening days
and declining intensity of sunlight. The veins that carry fluids into
and out of the loot gradually close off as a layer of cells forms at
the base of each leaf. These clogged veins trap sugars in the leaf
and promote production of anthocyonlns. Once this separation layer
is complete and the connecting tissues are sealed off. the leaf ls

Needles and leaves that foil are not wasted. Thoy decompose ond
restock the soil with nutrients and make up port of the spongy
humus layer of the forest floor that absorbs and holds rainfall.
Fallen leaves also become food for numerous soil organisms vital to

None of the other environmental influences - temperature, rainfall
and food supply are as unvorying as the steadily increasing length
of night during autumn. As doys grow shorter, and nights grow

longer and cooler, biochemical processes in the leaf begin to point

-Source: http://www.willow.ncfos.umn.edu/leaveslleavos.htm

wcx rascal PHOTO EDITOR


Ito-yr "1.;




the universities as well." said former Ken
tucky (lov liereton Jones.

The Republican candidate. (iov tieorge
W. Bush. of Texas. believes that granting
more scholarships. along with tax breaks. is
the best method for helping college students.
llush wants to establish a $1.3 billion "(‘ol
lege Challenge" that would cover onethird
of state costs for students who take an ad
Villlt't‘tl or ricommcndml curriculum.

Bush also wants to make it easier for
parents to save early tor college by granting
complete tax exemption to all qualified pro-
paid and tuition savings plans. llush also be
licves his across the board lile'lIl will pro.
vide ample relief for families with college
bound students,

"I think that bv (illt'i‘lllL' morn scholar
ships it helps reward those who worktd hard
for their grades itt high school." said Lee
Miller rt business freshman voting for Bush,


gets more

Grades: Paducah students
can earn engineering degrees

By Tracy Kershaw

Students living four hours away front
Lexington can now earn mechanical and
chemical engineering bachelor degrees.

The Board of Trustees approved the
degree programs for the [K extended cant
pus iit Paducah. Ky. Tuesday.

The engineering degree program is a
cooperative effort of Murray State l'niver
sity. Paducah Community (‘ollege and l'K.

One hundred and twenty students are
enrolled in the program and four have al~
ready completed the degree requirements
in mechanical engineering. said Thomas
Lester. engineering dean.

“The Paducah engineering degree pro
grant will enable L'K to sustain the cur-
rent economic base in Western Kentucky
and to support initiatives that will broad
en that base." Lester said.

Eight l'K faculty members and five
jointly appointed Murray State l'niversity
faculty members teach the engineering

Students earn their first two years of
credit at Padttcah (‘ommunity College.

Lester said he believes the enrollment
in the Paducah engineering program will
grow to 200 and generate :30 graduates
each year.

Georgia Tech has used the program as
a role model to extend its courses to Sa-
vannah. Lester said.

See BOARD on 2

Put the power of the pen in your wallet

Making money: Program promotes creativity and research
among students, students can win up to $350 for lst place

By Poul linker

{chipmunks wititre

llK students who have a flair for writ-
ittg can use their creative abilities to do
more than make a good grade on a paper.

They cart make money.

Students entering the ()swald Re»
search and (‘rtuitivity Program. a program
designed to stimulate more independent
research and creativity among students.
could win tip to $350. (‘ategories include:
biological sciences. design. fine arts. htt-
manities, creative. physical and engineer-
ing sciences and social sciences.

“The ()swald Program is a great op-

portunity for students to work on some-
thing independently and go beyond their
regular class assignments." Philipp Krae-
mer. director of undergraduate studies.

Awards will be presented at a ceremo-
ny in April. Papers submitted will be cri.
tiqued on originality. clarity of expression.
validity. scope. depth of investigation and
scholarly or artistic contribution. A comv
mittee of experts in each particular field
will judge each entry

Entries will be assigned a number and
will be identified by title and number only
to ensure fair judging. Although only one
entry per category will be accepted. stu-

dents may submit separate entries in two
or more categories. Any undergraduate
student is eligible to participate. and the
projects do not need to have been assigned
for a class.

Entries in the Design aitd Fine Arts
categories will get an added bonus: their
projects will be displayed iii the Rasdall
Gallery. However. all indications of the
artist’s identity must he removed front
their entries prior to judging

Students seemed excited to hear about
the program.

“I believe it is a great idea to challenge
people like this and tap creative juices.
The fact that you could win money is an
added bonus Everyone should give it a
shot." Kyle Watkins. a communication ju
nior. said.

Communication freshman Molly lionr
genecker agreed.

"This would be a good program for
anyone wanting to expand their writing
abilities and earn money at the same

The program began in the 1960s arid is
exclusive to [K students.

“This comiwtition is unique on college
campuses and provides an excellent acade-
mic work in a serious. professional light.”
Kraemer said.


Registration forms are available in the Office of
Undergraduate Studies. 206 Gilli: Building or on
the Internet at www.ulry.edu.ugs Doolittle for reg-
istration is Dec. 8. The deadline for submission of
projects in all categories except desim and the
arts is Feb. 2. For more information call Retho
Higgs at 257-5448.









z I masonmcrooni 25.2000 iinmcnvmm




The Low-down

He was
also the
guy who
helped me
study for
my third-
state capi-
tal quiz —
Seattle, I
got it

- Kristen Gore,
telling a crowd
of Washington
state voters
about the teach-
ing of her dad, Al
Gore, as quoted
in The
Washington Post
(which points
out that the
Washington state
capital is

Report questions education in Texas

WASHINGTON A report questioning
George W. Bush’s Texas education ”miracle"
was vigorously rejected by his presidential cant
paign yesterday. Democrats said the report un~
dermined his leadership claims. The issue paper.
by Rand. a (‘aliforniavbased think tank. conclud-
ed that huge increases posted by Texas school
children on their high-stakes. stateadministered
test have not been evident in national testing of
students from the Lone Star State. ()tl‘ering no de-
finitive answers. the paper suggested that
schools. pressured by policies that reward or
punish them for the scores. could be "devoting a
great deal of class time" to test preparation.

Gore, Bush spar over bureaucracy

KN()X\'ll.l,E. Tenn. Al Gore said yester—
day he had worked for eight years to reduce the
bureaucracy and he said he would try to shrink
the government to the smallest share ofthe econ
oiiiy in a halticentury. but rival George W. Bush
said voters shouldn‘t believe it. ‘ He wants to in
crease the size and scope of the federal govern
inent." the Texas Republican said two weeks be»
fore Election Day, as both candidates cast wide
nets in search ot‘coiiipelling homestretch issues.
Gore. the Democratic vice president. was cam»
paigning in his home state and Bush was visiting
tillt‘t‘il‘l'lt’iltlly Florida » a sign that this closely
fought race has pushed both candidates to the
brink. even in their political backyards.

Barak pushes coalition; 3 die
.IERI'S.-\I.E.\l - Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Barak stepped up his urgent quest for the
political allies needed to save his fragile govern-
ment. and the army warned ’l‘uesday that it was
bracing for extended clashes in Palestinian
towns. For Palestinians. Tuesday was a holiday
marking the ascension of the Muslim Prophet
Muhammad to heaven from Jerusalem. Rain-
drenched streets and cold weather helped damp-
en but did not extinguish confrontations in
the West Bank. while clashes carried on in the
drier Gaza Strip. Three more deaths were report-
ed. bringing the toll from nearly four weeks of
fighting to 127 the vast majority Palestinians

Palestinian children victims of clashes

R.»\.\l.»\l.l..~\H. West Batik Palestinian
youngsters killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers
have become a fast growing statistic: the Israeli
human rights group Betselem says at least 26 of
the 109 Palestinians killed in 27 days of fighting
\\ei‘c minors. Israel and the Palestinian Aiithori
ty have been arguing bitterly about who is re»

Looks like Pee
Wee will have
his big game
show after all.
Paul Reubens is
back as host oi
ABC's long-
delayed TV ver-
sion of the hit
CD-ROM game
"You Don't
Know Jack."
Reubens, best
known for his
alter ego Pee-
wee Herman,
had been
attached to
host the project
until January,
when he bowed
out to pursue
other projects.

say they don't
Houston to
attend a hear-
ing on a mari-


The arraign-
ment was set
for Thursday,
but was pushed
back to

Nov. 2. It con-
victed oi pos-
sessing mari-
juana, the pop
star would
face up to 30
days in jail and
a $1,000 fine.


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sponsible for the deaths. a debate that could de-
termine which side gets the world‘s sympathy. Is-
rael accuses Palestinian leaders of exploiting
children for just that reason. The Palestinian Au-
thority says the riots are difficult to control.

Ivory coast soldiers fire on protesters

ABIDJAN. Ivory Coast v Security forces
fired on unarmed demonstrators in Ivory Coast
on Tuesday, as thousands took to the streets after
the military junta leader declared himself the
winner of presidential elections intended to re-
store civilian rule. At least one person was killed.
Waves of demonstrators wore blackened faces
and leaves in their hair as signs of protest. They
marched through otherwise deserted downtown
Abidjan streets toward barricaded government
ottices. retreating when soldiers and military po-
lice fired machine guns and tear gas at them.
then regrouping and surging forward again.

Discovery lands in California

Space shuttle Discovery and its seven astronauts
landed in California‘s Mojave Desert yesterday
after dangerously high wind prevented a touch»
down in Florida for the third day in a row. The
shuttle swooped through a clear sky and touched
down on the runway at Edwards Air Force Base
about 2 pm. PDT. ending a 13-day flight during
which the astronauts got the international space
station ready for the arrival of its first full-time
residents next week.

Dow ends up 121; Nasdaq falls 49

NEW YORK Blue chip stocks surged yes-
terday. but technology issues fell back after an
earnings warning from National Semiconductor
revived worries about high»tech profits. The Dow
Jones industrial average closed up 121.35 at
105393.07. ()n the NYSE. gainers led losers by a
margin of 12-to-1 1. The techfocused Nasdaq com-
posite index was oil‘i8.90 at 3,419.79.

Baseball fines Clemens $50,000

NEW YORK New York Yankees pitcher
Roger Clemens was fined $50,000 yesterday for
throwing the jagged barrel of a shattered bat to-
ward New York Mets catcher Mike Piazza in
Game 2 of the World Series. Clemens wasn‘t sus-
pended t'or throwing the broken bat in the first
inning of Sunday night’s game. and baseball did-
n‘t disclose the amount of the fine. But two base-
ball officials with knowledge ofthe fine. speaking
on condition ot‘aiionymity. said it was 350.000.

Compiled from wire reports.



UK student dies in
single vehicle crash

By Amanda York
Ell—ITOR m cum

It didn‘t take long to get to
know Donovan Brown. His
easy-going ways and laid back
personality made him feel like
a friend in a matter of minutes.

"He was the kind of guy
that if you knew him for 10
minutes you knew him better
than some people you knew for
months." said Brian Straub, a
UK graduate and Phi Kappa Psi

Straub said he met Brown
when he joined the Phi Kappa
Psi fraternity. Brown was a
year ahead of him, he said.

Brown. 23. died in a single
vehicle accident Sunday morn
ing in Spencer County. The ac-
cident happened at about 12:30
am. when Brown's westbound
Chevrolet S-10 pick-up truck
ran off the right shoulder of KY
48 in Spencer County. Ken~
tucky State Police said Brown
overcorrected. crossed both
lanes. ran off the left side of the
roadway and struck a tree. Po-
lice said Brown was not wear-
ing a seatbelt.

He was taken to University
Hospital in Louisville where he
died at 6 am.

Brown was a natural re-
source and conservation man.
agenient senior and a member
of the Phi Kappa Psi fratemity.

Straub said members of the

fraternity affectionately re-
ferred to Brown as “DooDoo.”

“Just because his last
name was Brown." Straub said.

Straub also said Brown
was known throughout the fra~
ternity for his country ways.
Brown was from Nelson Coun-
ty. and Straub said he would of.
ten bring back special treats
when he would go visit his

“When I was a pledge he
would go home and visit his
relatives and come back with
deer jerkey and moonshine."
Straub said.

Brown was a member of
Bloomfield Baptist Church in
Bloomfield. Ky, and a 1995
graduate of Nelson County
High School.

He is survived by his par-
ents. Donnie and Donna Kay
Brown of Bloomfield: a sister.
Donna Joe Brown of Rich
mond: maternal grandparents.
Buford and Gladys Martin of
Bloomfield: and paternal grand-
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Brown of Bloomfield.

Visitation will be tonight 4

9 pm. at the Houghlin Funer-
al Home in Bloomfield. Ky. Fu-
neral services will be Thurs-
day at 11 am. He will be cre-
mated. In lieu of flowers. the
family requests that donations
be made to the American
Heart Association.




Continued from page i

Lester made his first trip
to Paducah 10 years ago to
plan the Western Kentucky
engineering program. In
1996. the Kentucky General
Assembly budgeted $1.4 mil-
lion to support a Kentucky
Council on Higher Education
resolution calling for UK.

PCC and Murray State to es
tablish the accredited engi»
neering program for Western

The program is located in
Paducah because the area is
highly industrialized and en-
gineering colleges are so far

Paducah viewed the pro-
gram as a safeguard for its
economy. Lester said.

The degree program
could be accredited by Au-
gust 2002. Lester said.


Your ideas are
worth nothing.

Ilntil you
protect them.












a: m+;2"e7'<7

5.. F:
. .

iv 'J}
. I



Wilma l wroncsotiv,oc_i_oa_£n__ 25. 2000 | s _



Using food to bring
nationalities together

Taste this: Lexington church to host a
celebration of diversity, social acceptance

By Travis Hubbard


It is often easy to see that
Lexington is a diverse city and
one local church wants to use
food to embrace all ethnic
groups and nationalities in the

Trinity Baptist Church In-
ternational Ministries plans to
host a “Taste of the World" celr
ebration of diversity later this
month. The church hopes di-
versity awareness and social
acceptance can be achieved
through a fellowship dinner
and informational booths.

The church will provide
an assortment of ethnic foods
and booths from several coun-
tries in their fellowship hall.

Donna Vande Kieft, an in
tern for Trinity Baptist Min-
istries and head of the “'I‘astt
of the World" celel‘iration. said
the program is much different
from what many churches do.

"Our emphasis is not to
evangelize." she said "But we
want people to come together
in global celebration," Vande
Kieft said evangelizing is an
important part of the church.

but the focus of “Taste of the
World" is social acceptance
and to learn about different

Jay Robison. Pastor of

T r initv Baptist ( hurch echoed
V inde Kiet it s goals and said
his church was open to all peo-
ple who have no church home.

"If there are folks who are
not part of a congregation we
would like them to give Trini»
ty a try.“ Robison said.

Robison said the church is
one of the most culturally di—
verse congregations in Lexing—
ton and works to “affirm" peo-
ple from foreign nations into
the community and their con-

“We want to reach out to
other international folks in-
cluding those at UK and others
in the community," said Robi-
son. "We are convinced God
cares about the whole world.
not just America."

Vallilt’ Kieft said the
church wants to emphasize
that each culture is important.
can be educational and that
language does not have to be a
barrier for cultures, She said
the event can help people open

up and understand those from
different backgrounds,

“We want to make every-
one from the Lexington area a
welcome part of the communi-
ty." she said. “Often we expect
people to adapt to our culture.
but we want to encourage em
bracing different heritages."

This is the second year the
church has held the celebra-
tion. Last year the event at-
tracted over 125 people. This
year. the church expects about
200 guests to attend. There is
no admission fee, but the
church will accept free will do-

“There was great food last
year and we hope it becomes a
tradition." said Robison.


"Taste of the World" will be
held from 11:30 am. until 2 pm on
Saturday. Oct. 28, with an interna-
tional worship service the following
day at it am. The services include
an international choir singing songs

in various languages. including
French, Spanish, Japanese and
English. Yoshiya Iogami, a
Japanese chaplin at Central Baptist
Hospital will deliver the message.
The church is located inside New
Circle Road off of Winchester Road
on 1675 Strader Drive.



workers contin-
ue to work on
the new
mechanical engi-
neering building
located near
Anderson Hall.

began on the
building in earty


that toutcu l


Building up

UK students give their opinions about construction on campus.

Does all of the construction on campus bother you?





“After the building gets finished, it’ll be
OK, but right now it’s in the way.”


“I love watchin’ that thing (excavator), it
reminds me of Tonka. I guess ultimately
it’ll be better for the University.”


“I’m getting pretty sick of it. It’s taking
a really long time, and I don’t see any





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Campus Calendar

October 23 - October 29. 2000

: Campus (ulendot is produced by the OIIite oI Student Adivnies Registered Student Orgs and UK Depls (an submtt information for "if! mine ONE WEE
PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at hilp://www.uly.odu/(onpls Calendar

HSOPM 703 From Hull

100 Meeting tom 731 Slud (n
'MAKEMOVIFS [ieotvvehlm Swen Bum 703 Sign L'i

'Omneimlhe Doom Niki Jewish Stud Oil; 6 Sum Bioit' mutt torn ”ivvnie 001-09in
'Toble itumw trench tonvprsanor Group 46091 Blue Noll 9mm 0‘0an loom

‘Ul Greens Mtg 9pm 730 Stud (It
‘PNSSA Sum UHVim its

'Reuden' Stud {nonol Mtg “Sam “MOS and Mineiar. iildg Rm l1"

'Ul moo (iuti > a 309m Alumm Com iat'

‘Onuba est Iipm Singleton (It i,»

uTfiu’aaoT esoiioom UKAlumn. bymtcii


(oil 257-8867 lot more information


‘Amnestv international line .728 Stud (ti
'fieshmen Form apm Bopt Stud Union Chapel

‘SPCA Mtg 1pm IIISlud (t:

’Ull Lambda Mtg 730mm 73
‘Oetoiions n [with I? ISpr'i



Thurs 26
I Stud c:

Boo” Stud Union MJTTDUIW Rooc

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‘Kowniuu‘.mm~c “mom that: may» runny.

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Sat 28'

ch‘ l'1 300m Adm at”

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‘tlubitot Tc! lturionitv house Bldg 80m 5pm Norma" U ml 3‘5 8506 with "


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'WchmoRMlg 7am UCSM it:

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Homecoming 2000
meant GRas:


ooeuiuo more



,r 2

October 24 to November 4. 2000


Sunday, October 29
SK Run/Walk
2:00 PM
UK Arboretum

Monday, October 30
Paint the Town Blue


November 1

Bulldog Bash
11:00 AM — 2:00 PM
Student Center Patio

Thursday, November

Tuesday, October 31
Vertical Horizon and
Nine Days in Concert
7:30 PM
Memorial Coliseum


Banner Competition

Friday, November 3
Parade 6:00 PM



following Parade
(7:15 PM) Stoll Field

Saturday, November 4
UK vs.
Mississippi State

Commo' nwcalth
Stadium '
Royalty Crowning and

Wfldut Cup _
Announced I Hamill:

















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Oct. 26, 2000 Noon - 4p.m.
Student Center Ballroom

(Located on Euclid between

WWW-Playdnd'mm Rose St 8. Limestone St )

Find us on your campus and

r‘ " ENTER to WIN

a trip to the castles of the
United Kingdom.

Visit the demo tables for details.



Patricli Avery


Assistant Scene Editor
Phone: 257-l9l5 | E-mail: kernelartleyahooxom




Film worth looking

Oscar possibility: Problems with the movie score and the logic
don't outshine great performances and a moving storyline

By Matt Mulcahoy

Intelligent moviegoers can spot a phony from
a mile away. Cinematic Holden (.‘auifield‘s can
easily snitf out when a movie tries to push their
emotional buttons. But when those emotions
come unsolicited, movies can really connect with
their audience and truly move people.

Pay It Forward is one such genuine film.

The story is about a troubled young boy and
his relationship with his teacher. But this is not
another Stand and Deliver or To Sir Ii'ith Lore.
Pay It Forward isn't just about the relationship
between young Trevor McKinney (Haley .loei ()s-
ment) and his social studies teacher Eugene Sir

monet (Kevin Spacey). it‘s about the power of

kindness to truly change the world

Trevor‘s mother is a recovering alcoholic
working two seedy jobs on the Las Vegas strip to
support her son. Her no-account husband (Jon
Bon Jovi in a small part) has left town again and
his return is far from imminent.

Simonet gives Trevor an assignment that
will forever change both of their lives. He tells
his students they must come up with sortie idea

that will change the world for the better. Most of




threat... 2;.



the students come up with the same old same old.
but not Trevor

Trevor comes up with the idea of “pay it for-
ward." He starts a web of goodness. like a chain
letter of selfless deeds. it starts with Trevor doing
three acts of kindness. The act has to be some-
thing big. something the person couldn‘t do for
himself. in return. that person must perfortn
three ntore acts of kindness and so on and so on
until the world is a better place.

Director Mimi Leder. whose most known ef-
forts are Deep Impact and The Peacemaker. does
an excellent job of steering the movie away from
oversentimentality. This script could've very -
easily been turned into a shallow. manipulative
movie. but Leder‘s sincerity of vision comes

The cast is also excellent. Spacey and ilunt
both give dramatically emotional peril)rmances.
but Haley Joel ()sment is the film's center and
gives a performance even better than the over
rated raves he received for The Sixth Sense. l‘d
have to honestly say i have never seen a better
child actor titan this kid.

Pay it Forward does have a few problems.
The subplot. about a reporter (.iay .\iohr> track
ing the phenomenon from l.os Angeles. couid’ve
been better developed. and the last scene is a bit

so tiice'.’

illiill Ili'l'ii'y'



derivative. line small complaint about logic: if
Helen Hunt is so broke I
must work two jobs to get by. why is their house
