xt74xg9f7k6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f7k6r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-01-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1997 1997 1997-01-30 2020 true xt74xg9f7k6r section xt74xg9f7k6r  




By Kathy Reding
.\'t'i.“.\ Fri/Iii)


~ '—

..-..-_._....-..._._-. -w- ,c .

By Danielle Downey
(fomr/lturmg ll 'rircr

'l‘ransylvania Universitv.



activist if it wasn’t for
[any Flynt."

_lini l7lynt, Larry I’lynt's
brother attended the

llarrelson said he
became involved in sup-
porting hemp as an indus—
trial crop when Congress
proposed a bill offering 6
million acres of forest to
timber and mining indus-
tries. Harrelson said he
and a friend, who worked
for Greenpeace at the
time, stopped the bill by
pleading, “please don’t cut
the trees down."

The argument they

\\'oody Harrelson and his team of
hemp advocates spoke last night at

llarrelson broke the ice by asking if
anyone had any questions about Ilol-
lywood, or perhaps Demi Moore. One
student asked llarrelson ifhe learned
anything from playing the role of

l Larry l’lynt about how to fight the sys- juana.
“Hemp is a crop with 4,000
years of history, and its time
has come again,” said Andy
Graves, president of Kentucky

"I learned a lot by the wacky things
that l’lynt did that I wouldn’t do,"
llarrelson said. “I wouldn't be such an

A man arrested for one crime early yesterday
morning was also charged in connection with three
others. all of which occurred 'l‘uesday night.

\'athaniel l’arrish, 18, of Oldham Avenue was
ariested by L'K Police in the parking lot behind the
l'arml louse social fraternity house, at 430 Hilltop
Ave, after fraternity members saw him attempting to
break into a member's car in the lot.

Upon arrest, UK Police found many items in l’ar-
rish's possession, including stereo speakers, a tele—
phone, a CD player, (IDs, 3 stereo receiver, an inter- ternitv Al )ha (lamina Rho‘s name on them. so
national passport and a screwdriver, according to police call
UK Police Chief \\’.l l. McComas.

Parrish has been charged with theft by unlawful
taking, iirst degree criminal mischief, second degree
burglary, two counts of receiving stolen property.
possession of burglary tools and possession of tnari—


encountered was jobs vs. trees,
and their solution was to find
an alternative way to make
paper, thus reviving the issue
of hemp as an industrial crop,
Harrelson said.

The recurring theme last
night was that time must be
spent educating people about
the differences between indus—
trial hemp and the drug mari-

Photo: by STEPHANIE CORDLE Knm] will

CHEERS ”body I'Iarrclron (right) rpoke at Transylvania Univerriry last
night, promoting the poriti‘ce me: ofindm‘rrial hemp. Donna Cor/ere! (above),
:i'i'r, yesterday announced lter candidatyfor mm .renale, tear among More in
Hicndance. I Ian/(iron cal/rd Cocl'rel the ‘ffim lady ofliemp. " ‘

Harrelsnn lWIJBS
i hemp at lBCtlll‘B




Hemp is a crop
with 4,000
years of bista-
73!, and its time
has come
again. ”

Andy Graves
pmidmt Kentucky

Hemp Gmwm




Earl \\'right, l’arml louse vice president. said two
members of his fraternity were in the house's
upstairs computer lab around 2:50 a.m.

"They noticed someone trying to break iiiio
another member's car iii the lot so they called the
police," “'right said. “The police got there right

away and arrested him."

police report.

around 3 a.m., AGR memberjacob l’ogrotsky said.
“\Ve found he broke into my car out here in the related

new R lot," l’ogrotsky said. “I le was selective -4- he

took some CDs, but not the radio or (II) changer."
He said members discovered the house had been

Hemp Growers
Co-Op. “Hemp
will be grown in
Kentucky ifI have
anything to say about it."

Hem is an environmen-
tally riendly industry,
Graves said. He said it is an
alternative to the use of
nonrenewable resources
because hemp has thou-
sands of uses.

Hem can be used to
make p astic, clothes, toi-
lette paper, paper towels,
cosmetics, oil 5 ill
absorbents and outside dir-

Everything Harrelson

After police apprehended Parrish, they found that
a speaker had been removed from a truck lit'llillglliyf
to l’armllouse member Scott Miller. The speaker
was found in l’arrish's possession, according to a

Also in his possession were checks with social fra—


WEAIHEB Pan/y runny

today; big/J around 40. I ’artly
‘ cloudy tonight; lot." .75. Partly
runny tomorrow; [rig/J $0.
MAKING IMBKS 'I'lw nu 113‘ and
Icon/cu 3‘ frat/c teal/Ix turned injast tin/tit m

a :i‘cc/ccnd Hitarational. See i‘poi'n‘, [ii/cw 9,




flint/11y 30, I 997
o (illoi‘irdi 7 ( ,Iinpui 67

Z I Muffin/i] 7 your 2

lam-7H7 5 {711.}“1/"0 4






Police break up break-in string

broken into after they new callcd ’\litillt:{ other

objects. the house stereo. “lilt h l’ogiotsky said was
hidden in .i closet, \\ as missing

"It's almost like he knew whcrc it was," he said
"I le didn't touch the big scrccn l\' \boui three or
four of us ended up losing stufi "

l’arrish remains in custody in the l'aycttc (iounty

Detention (ienter. He will .ippcar m touit l‘cb. o.

\lc(‘.om.is said l.e.\'inton politc .iiicstcd another
man earlier this month for breaking into fraternity
houses during the semester break, including those
belonging to Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Phi l‘jpsiliili

and l5arml louse.

was wearing was made from hemp,
including his Armani jacket.

“Frankly, Kentucky is going to have
to do something agriculturally in the
next ten years due to the harsh criti—
cistn and opposition tobacco is cur-
rently facing," Graves said. “The
farmers have a right to try to make it

Donna (Iockrel, who llarrelson
called, “the first lady of hemp," said,
“The truth is marching on tonight.
The choice is yours to excel, to make a
difference. just do it."

“Hemp is nothing more than a fiber

In those incidences. nothing was taken except for
a pair of UK basketball tickets. which led to the
ed members over to the li‘arml louse man's arrest.
.\lc( loin-as said the latest round oi break ins is not

”l le (l’arrish) wasn't involved in the earlier ones
because there wasn't any stealing." .\lc( Iomas said.
“Then things were just messed up."


crop," (iravcs said. “If \HlHLHHL' were
to smoke it, they would simply get

Tom Blatiken, who proposed the
llettip l’roduct Study Act of I‘M." in
(Iolorado, encouraged the audience to
become informed about hemp

“Don't be afraid to learn," he said.
“A closed mind doesn't get anyone

T.l). Ruth, a sophomore at ’l ransy,
arranged for llarrelson to speak on
behalf of the 'l‘ransylvania Chapter of
Students for Industrial llemp. l larrel—
son will be back in court in two weeks.

Leukemia society SEEKS running team to earn tunds

raise tnoiiev in honor of an individual leukemia
A seventh grader at Morton Middle School in patient.

By Capri Cicero
Sniff H 'v-mr

\Vhile many students gear up for spring break in
exotic destinations, few realize an opportunity exists
to visit places like Bermuda, Anchorage, Alaska, and

San Fransisco for free.


Not only do participants fly to and stay for noth—
ing, but with the Leukemia Society of America’s
“Team in Training" program, the possibility for
meeting new people is limitless.

Earlier this month, Brian Bailey, an accounting
senior, went to Bermuda with a purpose.

His goal was to participate in a marathon for the
Leukemia Society of America, and after raising
$4,000 —— $500 above the goal —— the trip was a sisco MamthonJuly 13_
grand finale to months of preparation.

“I had a great time,” Bailey said, “I met a ton of
people from all over the nation."

Jonathon Turock was the motivation behind the


Lexington, Turock was diagnosed with the nation‘s
number one disease killer of children at age 12.
Although he goes to school and has future plans,
Turock’s disease, acute lymphotic leukemia, has no

known cure.

ety of America.

The Leukemia Society provides five months of
free coaching, as well as a flight and accommoda-
tions at the runner’s destination.

During the five months of training, participants

. -_...-——‘-- ,

For this reason, the Leukemia Society of America
is calling their project “Cure 2000."

Those involved in the “Team in 'l‘raining" pro-
gram train and raise money for the Leukemia Soci-

Currently, the Kentucky chapter is looking for
both beginning and experienced runners and walkers
to begin training for the Mayor’s Midnight Sun
Marathon in Anchorage June 21 and the San Fran—

As with Bailey and Turock, most patients and
runners/walkers become friends. It is a relationship
that becomes close over the months.

The relationship with Turock has left Bailey with

a sense of“realness."


ldeal for students, it is an opportunity to be pas-
sionate about a cause and visit otherwise unreachable

As Bailey said, “lt puts tneaning behind the

Bailey was excited about getting others involved
when he returned.

“I would recommend it to anyone,” he said.

For those who are interested in being a part of the

program, the Kentucky chapter is holt ing an infor—



mational meeting Feb. 5 at 7 pm. at _lohn's
Run/Walk Shop, 3l7 S. Ashland Ave.

If there are questions, call the Kentucky chapter
office at 1-800-955—2566.





CAMPUS Patton puts tilt
on his building wish list

l'l{\.\l\l’ORyl-, Ky. . It be rciomiiiciitls
another capital construction project, (.‘m l’.iiil
l’atton \.l}\ a proposed mechanical ciiginccring
building it 'i his will be .it the top oi his llsl.

l’atton made the plerlgc liicsdav diiiio:=
remaiLs to .i joint incctiiig of the l.ouis\illc .itil
Blucgiass chapters oi the .-\iiieiic.iii Soticty or
Alex li.mic.il lingmccrs,

llis predecessor, Brcieton loin-s. pioposcd
funding the building in l‘i‘H, but the (icncial
Assembly cut it, along with iiinding for many
other projects. l.ast year the building was not on
the limited list of construction projects l’attoii

Tom Lester, dean of L'lx‘s (jollege of liiigi
neermg, said mechanical engineering classes are
spread amongr four buildings on the L'K Cillllllli"
He said the proposed $24 million building would
need 54 million from the private sector and $30
million from the state government.

l’atton told reporters later he did not know
u hethcr he would seek funding for the building! at
a special session he wants to call this spring to
reiorm higher education or at a latcr legislativi

\k’\\l( H]

[mm Feds in John Doe No.2

l)l"\i\'l* R The man in the widely ili‘dflll‘i'
cd skctcli ol _lohn l)oc \o 3. in tlic Oklalwiizi
(iiH bombing li.l\ liccn positiiclv identified .i-. .l?‘.
\i'illy privatc who had no role in the attack. tlw
AlliNllt c llcpaitniciit said ycstcrday.

[ii .i biiet lilcd yestcrday in LXS. l)istritt (.oiiit
in Denver, prosecutors said l’vt. Todd Bunting
rented a truck at .i junction (Iity, Kan, body shop
the day after suspect 'l‘lilltiiliy' McVeigh rented
the trut k belicvcd to have been used iii the bomb

\llit t li iiiit .it the body shop is ”coiiiidciit llt'
had Todd Bunting in mind when hc provided thc
description tor the 'litlili l)oc 3 coiiiposiic."
act oidmt: to the govcinmciit's biict

l’rosci iitoi's \.i\ they still arc looking tot an ab
er pcison who may li.i\ c l‘t‘t‘ll with .\lt \cigli wlii I'.
he it-iitcd thc ti tick

l bc lilt‘i lianic. 'l oin KcssiiiL‘t-i’. lilt'I‘illilc-l
Ali \jcluli .i\‘lltllii Hot No, l, the man who ltli nti
tied hiiiisclfas “lv‘olicrt Kling" when be rented tlit
truck. lx'cssmgi-r w .is the onlv witness to destiilw
“Kline" dilil'litliti |)oc .'\'o, 3.

Al“. agrees to give customers Penlnds

l,'.\'l):\ilil’l) . 'l‘hreatened with lawsuits
across the country. America ( )nlme agreed yestci'
day to give refunds to customers who haven't becn
.ililc to log on because of the demand creatcd liy
.-\( )l.’s ilat SI" "i ra Mat [:[crron players and hardly any problems get tnost of their threes, off pene- New York [\nicks, and was an
. '. . """""""""""""""""""" 1f " ‘4 , last night as Ron Merger and tration and kickbacks" [apps told assistant under him at UK. Int-2. H): Mercer 9-16. 00 i8. Padgett .
“"0“” “1“" ---------------------------------- '[iffanybilmarun Anthony Fpps led the Wildcatg to Kyle Macv on the UK postgaine Donovan's teams at Marshall :1; 5i fiMthaMénfii $325101}: E‘fwg’g‘
‘ - » . , . ‘ . ' ‘ s . . 4 - . . ‘ . ‘ (.. y .
Assistant [zditurial [tilitor ........................... Lhns (.ampbell a 92-65 victory over Florida. radio show. ‘ So we tried to do lost to UK in each of the past two 0°anckett 6351-2 ‘3 Magfoneuog 000
Sports Editor ..................................... Chris Easterling Mercer helped give the VVild- everything l"?»‘$‘l’l‘-' t“ ”Y I" kccl’ seasons, and (“”5“ [93"‘5 l’r“l_"‘l’l." MlllS 2-6 0-0 6. Maselio O-0.0~00 Totals
”\Smmm 9 “Wu NH” () lason 9” ileton cats (19_2‘ 7-l Southeastern Con- them from driving and getting the had a better chance than l‘ltirltl’d. 40.75, 3.5 92
‘ ‘ ‘l ' ' " '- ' ‘ l f . ,, l' l _, l ,- h p. open looks. l hev still made sortie [he (iators have only seven
, . _ l erence) an earv eat “it its - . . w” DWli dawns!“
“eekend 5lmm l‘lm" ~~~~~ R“ ’ llerbst shooting and passinn and Fl’l“ tough threes, but I thought we did plavers on scholarship, and even In”; t r "3:71:11 'St‘. *3
.. , t i i . ‘ ' ‘ . . . _ . . I A 'i .
\\'ctkend Sports [“ilitnr ...... lav C. [ate turned back everv [“l‘orida threat a decent iob ol Stopping the pent~ some of those had their hands full :07'424‘153' “gag/filling? 2 CH SKI” 7
v - t _ i , n 4 v . , , . .1. . . V - . .. t _- "i. nee ‘ . 1
Arts Editor .... ,...[)an ( )‘Neill with timelv 5-point shooting. tration. . ‘li‘nm‘t ‘1 l k ‘l( l‘“‘“ ll”! “ “N 0'0 9. C3186“ 1-3. 3-5 5. ”WW" 2‘» 0'3 5 J.
. . , But the (‘ators (10-10 53) Mercer and .\a/r Mohaninii-d relentless in tlie lm-kmiirt and Spruel 0.1 2.22 TQIQIS 22-49. 13-23 65 . ;
Afil‘mm‘v“ li‘l'l'” .Suzanne Raff‘ild ii i 't “L h (if tlir it ift-r each had l8 points for L'K, while underneath. K ‘i i
. . ‘ . ‘i: - . . . . - ~ - in. it 1‘!‘\¢"‘7 ' ‘
Ke(i Editor .. ”Riiiliimn P, Biirkins ( ‘ n DOW} .L l 1. L -g [apps finished with lo points. five l in reallv proud of the rob "a" 7‘9 U: ‘6 ALF ,1 ”é“? 1. i ‘m 4 i
. that. After falling behind 36—1) in l _ , . if [i ll ,~ 1 . , WWW”: P"-*‘-‘”‘ U‘ 33 L‘ ‘ " 1 "if :
()nline Editor, \v'“l[t',i\ (iiistalsson tl E 't l7 ".n [N f th- 'am- re iotinds and four assists. ie i _\ s t oing. l itiiio said on his Three mmpo uxggv Emma minnow . i
. . , . '6 rs ” [.1 u e U L E“ t‘ \\ildcats shot 53 Percent from the Postgaiiic radio show. M'il52'5-EGM’J“ t [“m‘u: "blaming Ul i
Photo [Klimt \Yt‘i hanie ( .Hr’lllc thev never trimmed the lead below field "i le's mm” ”Hm! (MN-‘1” ‘M‘, 8-15 {Shannon 16 D Mama 2-3 Wenks i-1 i
- ~ . ~ - ' - j > ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ Remnanti six: '74 Awsts WT Fitwa'as
[)t-‘Slgm hill”- ~~~~~ lfi1i1?l)iir'l'm [O'p‘oin'ts . [tddie Shannon led the (iators certainly. \\ itli tllllt kuess and ath< Eppsd,UF ifirc Wi'liams 5i Fools UK is UF i2 l I
,kssistant [)t‘siiii l'ilitivr Slit-rt l’halsaphie [hulk last chit/nee came- wltl‘ with I} ioints, while l).iiiicii leticisiii. but he's tliiiiiiz a wonder- Fouiegoui yogifi'eJUKi Paige! UK; : '
Tl“ lfi‘l‘l’“n ”11'5”“ : ‘i " i' H. [Niven-in of Kentucky ””35 1%“ “f“l UK" leading ‘1‘)?“ Maddox and [)an \\'illianis each ful job." A H "‘3‘“ 3”“ :
founded in [8‘24 . [iiile'iviiilent since [971 l'l‘m‘li‘ 5 (”‘in “ 'll'm“ I‘M fl" had ll. UK held [‘ilorida‘s leading .\lohiiiuiieil si ored twice and :
U26 (irelrm‘liiiiiiiJiuii l1? la . 'f-u.” w, t t [Vsntiitkv ball taken ‘1‘“ ‘QV “" 1‘” '“l“"'”‘l‘ scorer, (ireg Stolt, to just 5 points_ Mercer hit three iiiiiipets to lead L- -“ '—
Leone'wn, K""-"‘*i\ 1"” l ‘3: W“) and I*l‘l“ “WWI on '-‘ layup. \Ve tried to come out and shut UK to a [45 lead in the first five l he (“NUTS turned the lrall
rim-pm a)», .f ilu- hwy, ti, }_~vr.[;. iii-g then followed that with a shoii down the main men -.._ that's minutes. 'l'hen it really got ugly, over seven times and managed to
lit‘rii. it!» 11'“ \i' i" *1, 1i jumper and a 5 pointer. Stolt. (Greg) \Villiams and l‘iddie Leadini‘r 16 l_’. [K went on a get olf only four shots duringr that
'l hat made it ‘8 ll. and Ili" Shannon. \Ve felt like if. we could 2th; run over [llt' next,‘ [/3 min— stretch. Their only points caineoii } l
. . [Wildcats evtended their lead to as stop them, we had a great chantc tites. scorinp~ l 1 points off a desperation 3 by Shannon as the i
I REA I YOURSEI F many as 3‘) points. ,s' l 55. before to heat l’lorida. tiiinovers. shot clock was about to expire. i




















Another SEC loss for UK


















Smflrepon Carolina was the first iion— ‘ P t " t I tract through the 1907 season.” f i
ranked opponent the (lats had a Plots con ['0 . K . l
The UK women's basketball faced in seven games. In the previr , newer eyes Far E38! i 5
team missed a golden opportunity ous six. L'K was 1—5 with a “in Parcells 'utul‘e TOKYO — New York Yan— ‘3 l
to notch its first Southeastern over \Vestern Kentucky. _ . kees slugger Cecil Fielder is will‘
Conference win of the season last Last night's game was close l'( )Xlfl [W l. “‘1“- a ' ”1” ms: to trade places with llideki l
Columbia‘s present the night. losing to South Carolina throughout the first half. with the PJHYH‘ “‘m‘" “’M‘l‘ “W’tl‘” lriibti. a Japanese pitcher who 3
The STIMdaddy ofallCentnl 68-59 In Gamecocks taking a slim ill-1‘) .\l~l. [mm 0“” “WW”, ““llm” has refused to negotiate with the l
Kentucky restaurant (Iolumbia. S.(l. lead into the locker rootn at halt- [“51'”“-‘~‘“T“ hm.” ll" \c“ 1"”? San Diego Padres. .l
Ni th k traditions, The Nighthawk I Both teams time. land l)“tf‘f’[‘i ‘\H' Umm“““’”‘ [Carlier this month. the Padres i
gh aw Special. It features: entered the game But the second half was any» ! “if 1’4“] li‘fllhllm" ruled W‘W’” acquired what they believe are it
. . - winless in the corn thing but even. i “ll" _ exclusive negotiation ritzhts for 1,
SpCClal cilunicalgeugggga?:i:ufik fierence. but the (Larolina shot a ltllslt'l'lng ‘3 i PNCVH‘ ”1“." F‘””_'”“*' ‘1‘ the star right-hander from the ij i
I Fresh Baked Bread Hot Gamecocks (Ill-8 percent in the second half. but the i ("Nth "l the ”"1"“ .“i 100,. (:hiba [.ott‘e Marines. But lraliti. ' l
.‘i from the Oven overall. [—5 515(2) \\':ld<:.itsyv'eritciilil.connectinejin i ”‘3." “my “”"Kl‘cr \l‘l‘ “1”“ 2.". hopes to play for the hit l
‘ fl ' Steaming Baked Potato pulled out the vic— Wait oiili' (Loi— H from the field. [or i ““l‘ th" I “m“: l’cm‘”“"”~ or kees l
°0ur Famous Diego Salad torv behind 16 the game. L'K shot ”.6 percent. > ”my l””‘”“ “[l‘” business [“iclder. in Japan to pi'oiii'm:
ONLY l’ioints from sophomore guard while South Carolina shot 47.1 ‘ "l‘l“’r[“"”““i “" h "‘ l’r‘mfh'”? sneakers. said he might have the
- Nikki .\liars. and a 13—point per- pcrr (int 1 “U5 "20””? “’m coaching l‘m“ answer. ‘
"""Jnm'" M" formance from Zenovia \Vhite But the ilCt‘ltllnL' factor was the ‘ “WW liiiflhll‘m' “Nile “It's tough for "1" faintly m
Downtown on Limestone. and Lisa \Villiams. Shaiitajeffcoat (ianiecocks' domination on the li-‘“‘"”* apparently “in hi“ live in New" York." li’ielder told
~n Landsdwone . H.110 ‘ . ff } .l . i l ,. -] 3‘ } (U - I . t ._ tlicopiion ()l‘llll’s'lllfl the position . ' . '. p . . H .. .. 5
Shopping Center, At t et _ points o t it um i. H .1“ s. . out i .aio ina illlrt ‘ _ . the [svodo .\tws servitc tester , ,
on Alexandria Drive. 'l'if'fanv \\'ait’s 21 points led the bounded L'K 47~2(i. including: a "l ER'”C“‘1 ”hm-“>5” “"[h "”"llwr dav. “\Vhat if the Padres stun l l
STEAK HOUSE 82l::?:|';fg;té;';g 31:31:71.!) (lats ((i» l 3. ”—7) Kim l)‘enkins 2"~l(i advantage on the defensive l \l l ‘9'” . ‘ , . . lrabu and want to trade hint with l i
only. added [1 points before liillllng glass, ‘ l .itiiots ()\\lit'rul\()llt‘r[ Kraft. me? I'd beg to go to San Diego " l ‘
otit. Donna (iarr. a <-li>ot—lll inth “l“' h“ had ‘l'lb-‘l'k'l‘f'c‘ “”l‘ [he l’atlres have said thev
sophomore. ptilled down l-l l'~”'*"ll\ “I'll “’F'l‘l l“ 1m” ("TV-ll aren‘t backing down, but tltib ,
rebounds to lead the (iiiiiit-cocks_ another team if that team offers president Larrv l.ticchino has l
Katie \'ieth led the (lats with 7 “m" "'m U””l’““““”” said that lrabti's rights are
rebounds. “Whey, "‘ l’ll‘lif'l‘ 3 ‘lmlit “mic" "r assignable, meaning he can be
[he \Vildcats return the court “‘3' S""”l[”‘~”“v’”i trailed ifthev don't sign him
on Sunday afternoon at l p,iii.. I ll" g\““' \otk.lctsreportedr Yankees (1,“an (him-Lit. gm”,
1‘ when "\“l’l'm invades Memorial I}. “C”: interested ”.1 hiring PM! brenner believes lrabti should be
e (:ohsetim. tells. lheir coaching iob has .
-- been available since~ Dec. 20 a _free agent able m negotiate
\\ hen Rich Kotitc announced be ““h any ”NWT league ”"1”
wouldn't return after posting the “3"" 1491111” "mu-ll“ are study-
I I \l‘il.‘s worst record, lmmated the (II) tiieters. \Villiams
was third followed by Jackson iti
fourth, _Iohnson in fifth and
McLaurin in seventh place,

Mark Miller took second in the
400 meters. defeating former L'K
track members -\rnold I’ayne
(third) .iiid Ronnie \Villiams

Ilead coach Don \Yeber said
.Miller was in control of the race
from start to linisli. with Payne and
\Villiams never threatening.

“-lle rin l\L'r\' 1”ng ssl\e rate
to charge liom the beginning md
those guys iust couldnt citch
him \\ebersaid







lioth Payne and \Villiams were
competing in the meet unattached.()n the
women's side, L'K also had four event winners.

'I‘aking first place honors for the Cats were
Michelle Brown in the 4()() meters. Sarah
Yancey in the high jump and Suyie Von
Bernuth in the shot put and the 4x4()() meter

Iii the 4( ()(l Mithelle Brown rin atime of

i 5?» to edge out te .'.imm ite lxoshell lsussell by

(1.3 ) seconds for first pl. ice.
l’as'sion Richardson, coming off a sore leg,

landed second-place finishes in both of her
events, the (d) and 300 meters. Ilolly Ilyt he.
who runs professionally for Adidas, won the
event in 7.40.

\Vhile disappointed with her time in the ()(I
(".50). Richardson was pleased about the 2()()
and [lie overall liiee.t

“'I‘his w is my first .00 of the season so I was
'she said.

happy “111] it, I w as pretty pleased

with what I did this past weekend."


‘llltl' newcomer gives men's tennis team a boost

has three years of eligibility le;tt


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By David Gorman
Sniff ”filter

The men's tetiiiis team should
get a boost from newcomer Carlos
Alberto l)rada this spritig season.
The (Iali, Colombia, native will
begin his freshman season next
week at the Indiana Invitational

Although 21 years old, l)rada
should fit in nicely. Ile played
tennis in high school for one ye car
and ilso pliyed at Nick Bolletr
tieri s Iennis Academy with LK
teammates (Iedric Kauffiiian,
Ariel (iaitan .iiid Marcus liluitt for
four years. The group won state
titles in I'ilorida their senior year
in 1993.

“I will have a lot of fun playing
with my teammates from high
school," l)rada said. “I have
known these guys for about seven






years and playing with them on
this level IS grehti

l he 5— Ioot— 1() inch l)rada
played in touiii .iiiients‘ eirly in
high school but it w asn t until his
senior year tli it the school formed
a team. Ile represented Colombia
from 1093 to 19W) in the Davis
( up. l)rada was No. 2 in singles
and .\o l m doul les in South
America in I‘lts‘).

L'K men‘s tennis coach Dennis
l‘iiiiery recruited l)rada to play for
the (lits m 1”“ after seeing him
play it Bollettieii s