xt74xg9f7j8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f7j8c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1989 1989 1989-03-28 2020 true xt74xg9f7j8c section xt74xg9f7j8c  

Vol. XCII. No. 134

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Tuesday, March 28, 1989


Justices weigh death penalty for teen killers

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — In cases from
Kentucky and Missouri, the US. Supreme
Court was urged yesterday to find a na-
tional consensus “against executing our
young" and ban the death penalty for all
juvenile murderers.

"There is a consensus of opinion in this
country against executing our young."
argued attorney Nancy McKerrow in be-
half of a Missouri death row inmate con-
demned for a murder he committed when
he was 16.

But questions from the bench during two
hours of arguments in the cases suggested
the justices doubt that any clear consensus

The high court is to decide by July
whether imposing the death penalty on

murderers who committed their crimes
before reaching the age of 18 represents
the "cruel and unusual punishment”
banned by the Constitution‘s Eighth

In the Kentucky case, Kevin Stanford
was sentenced to death for a killing he
committed when he was 17. In the Missouri
case, Heath Wilkins was condemned for a
murder he committed when he was 16.

The court‘s decision will affect only 31 of
the more than 2.200 death row inmates na-
tionwide. Anticapital punishment forces
nevertheless are attaching enormous
importance to the issue.

The justices were told that of the 36
states with capital punishment laws, only
12 ban the death penalty for killers who
were under 18 when they committed their

Noting the lack of unanimity among

state legislatures. Chief Justice William H.
Rehnquist asked. “Why should we set the
bright line at 18‘?"

McKerrow, a lawyer from Columbia,
Mo., answered that 18 “is the age most
commonly chosen for demarking the sepa-
ration between childhood and adulthood."

She noted that 80 Missouri laws treat in-
dividuals under 18 differently from those
over 18 — including alaw that bars juve-
niles from witnessing executions.

McKerrow also noted that the American
Bar Association and the National Council
of Juvenile Court Judges have supported
banning capital punishment for juvenile

Frank Heft Jr., a Louisville lawyer.
argued for Stanford that people under 18
are “children who have not evolved into
adults" and who “have a tremendous ca-
pacity for change.“

The issue is not whether a line should be
drawn but where to draw the line." Heft

Lawyers for Kentucky and Missouri
urged the justices to leave any line-draw-
ing to state legislatures.

Kentucky Attorney General Fred (Towan
said state legislatures may choose to
exempt juveniles from the death penalty
as a matter of mercy. but argued. “The
Constitution is an instrument of justice. not
an instrument of' mercy."

Missouri Assistant Attorney General
John Morris lIl asked. ‘What is a national
consensus“ "

He said the fact that Wilkins. the con
victed Missouri killer could have been
condemned in :12 states despite his age
“demonstrates an absence of a national
consensus" regarding :. minimum age for



QLAN HAWSE KPH-er :w'a't

ERIE WATERS: People fish from a tight-h0use pier this weekend on Lake Erie in Ontario. Canada The fishermen enjoyed a 73-tieq'ee day



Peace class to begin on campus next semester

Stat f Writer

When Washington Post columnist Col—
man McCarthy visited UK last fall. he said
that the American educational system is
teaching the "history of violence."

"There ought to be a degree program in
peace studies here at the University of
Kentucky." McCarthy said. "Students
want to know about it."

McCarthy teaches courses in alterna»
lt\t‘S to violence at high schools in Wash
iiigton DC and at the University of
Maryland. He said that already nearly 70
universities in the United States offer de~
gree programs in peace, and about 200
offer classes on that topic.

Due to McCarthy's speech and a petition
signed by 300 L'K students and Lextngton
residents. [K is offering a course entitled
“Peace and Justice in History" for the fall
semester. The course will be taught by
NC. Nugent. a history professor.

The subject is not new to Nugent, who
has taught a course on "Religion and Rev—
olution” and has been politically active at

"I‘m not green to it," Nugent said. “I've
been around since the 60s and was active
in the Vietnam protest

The course is designed to examine peace
from varying perspectives

"It‘s not just going to be current events.
That can be superficial." Nugent said.

“The problem is what is to be included and
excluded. "

Mct‘arthy has suggested that students
should read books such as Gandhi‘s All
Men Are Biotin-n. Martin Luther King
Jr '5 Dctfanitioii 0’ Independence from the
War in Vietnam and Henry David Tho-
l'eatl's On the Duty of ('ii'ii’ Disobedience.

Nugent said that he has not come up
with a definite syllabus but that the class
will consist of lectures imany by guest
speakersi. books and films. (me of the
films that he is considering is director
Stanley Kubrick‘s "Dr Strangelove.”

The class is
353), Religions
and Sciences

listed under History iHlS
Studies 'lfS 352i and Arts
.-\&5 :iooi .Vugent said he

hopes that many indents .iiil register tor

"\te might

ulation and ,Lrowtt‘. 'ii '.\\llt'>

portanl today. \ugcn: said

It!‘ aide to proude ~onic \iilllt
'hat tl't' til
A number of ~tudcni groups are working
toward increasing 'tie number of courses
offered on peace and ctcntiially establish.
ing a degree offercd in peace studies
)lcf‘arthy \illfl ‘hat classes on peace are
important because we haw a government

Injormiitiiii» 2n n
cred by “piiiii,


Leadership course deemed a success by its participants

(‘ontributing Writer

l‘K's first program aimed at developing
the leadership skills of UK students has
been a success, according to participants
in the program,

And due to that success, organizers plan
on having more such programs imple-
mented in the future.

The Emerging Leader Institute is made
up of 25 freshmen and sophomores selected
by faculty and program advisers on the
basis of applications and recommenda-

If is designed to develop students‘ lead»

ership potential by using handson experi-
ence and educational forums.

Chosen from 60 applicants, this group
has taken on a variety of pr0jects ranging
from starting new student organizations to
developing career opportunities and per~
sonal goals. The majority of projects have
community service themes.

"Some students want to learn what a
possible career is all about. Others want to
use their leadership skills in community
projects,” said Cynthia Moreno. assistant
director of student affairs and an adviser
to the participaan of the Emerging Leader

One student in the program, Holand

Arnold. used the shadowing technique to
determine whether a job in law enforce-
ment is what he wants. He spent some
time with a [K police off iccr.

“I‘m considering being a police officer,
and I've discovcrd it's different than what
I expected, There wasn't much action. only
a few drunks.” said Arnold. a history

Denny Brantigan is working on a project
that could improve LR and the world.
She and a number of other students are
working on getting a "Peace and Justice"
degree set up at the University.

Although part of the program is already

implemented. she considers it a long—teriii

“This is something I'd be doing anyway
What we‘re doing now is trying to get
other students and faculty to t’tillllllflt‘ the
program into the Spring of two. '
Branfigan said.

Parttctpating students not only i-xpcri
ence the real world but receive one hour of
Experiential Education credit as the} com
plete their projects and give presentations
to the other participants,

Expansion is not in the future of this
program. but according to Moreno. it \\lll
continue II) the fall along with a similar
project fix-using on juniors and seniors.

Critics say Chandler’s word not exactly the gospel truth

\ssociated Press

(‘ritics have taken aim at former Gov.
AH "Happy“ Chandler's colorful autobi-
ography, saying some of the public
matters he wrote about occurred only in
his mind.

But the Wy'earold Chandler always has
been a controversial figure during his long
public career that included serving as gov-
ernor twice. a US. senator and national
baseball commissioner.

His position on the UK Board of Trustees
and his use of a raCIal slur have brought
him some negative coverage lately, but he
was no less controversial at 37, when he
was the ”boy governor."

And, there is his recently published

Many of the episodes recounted in the
book are personal, and some have re-
kindled old political feuds.

For instance, Chandler recounts how,
when running for his second term as gov



70° —75°


Today: Part cloudy





ernor in 195?). he told voters they could
come in after the election and wipe their
shoes on what he said was a $20,000 rug
Gov. Lawrence Wetherby bought for the
governor‘s office

Wetherby took exception then, and he
still does.

“It was a $2.000 rug, and we told Chan-
dler that and gave him a copy of the in-
voice and told him to quit lying about it,“
Wetherby said. "And he said, ‘Well, the
people loveto hear if ‘ "

(‘handlcr tells how he became ill iii the
closing days of a 1938 campaign for the
U S. Senate He said he thought someone
working for his opponent. Sen. Alben Hark‘
ley. put poison in his water.

“There isn't and never was an iota of
proof that anybody attempted to poison
Happy's drinking water." said forntcr
Gov. Bert (‘ombs "And he doesn't come
up with any proof He _tust says it hap
pened "

The high court effectively ilri-xi 'llt‘ .il
lowable capitalepunishment line- at age .t.
last year when it voted 3 t to throw ‘lll: be
death penalty of an llkl‘ahoma killer who
committed his crime when he was l.'i

Four members of the court ,lustim-s
William J Brennan Thurgood \larshalf
Harry A Hiackmun and John Paul \Yl".('ll\

said in that decision that 'ht' death not
alty is unconstitutit‘inal for 'hose min...”
than it;

Three Rehnqurst anti .liisticex Elatoi
H White and .\r.‘orii:i \t-alia -;o' ‘lia‘
the t'onstitiition «toes riot ~et nci' ice ‘


.iiisticc Sandra liav it! 'oiiimr
only two neutral >l‘u’t‘5ltiills \lonttag.
provided a :ifth .ote ‘tisl .i-ai our ~tuppc<2
short of caliing :or he ifiolitiiii: it .ipitai
punishment for klllt'l\ under H:

Students to
protest wage
training time

lh \ll('H.\Hl. 1.. .tti\f2~
Staff ‘»\rit(-r


‘~ lriti

r‘i‘oiitlash ‘hf‘\l'l'\lt‘l".l‘l‘ll; i we all.
i‘lft “illit‘L’t‘ Motrin-rim m '1» i
l’aiithcrs are ~ponsoriris .i-ii‘t,::,~";'
today ‘ii protest l’i'csiiicii' Glist‘m ;;ii;
.i ‘IX rnonth ~uf;in‘.;:iii:‘:.:ii
new employees

The protest .iiz. it‘
Burger King on fv'it‘tioiasi iie fin-at

The President ‘ii till‘if‘l‘ll
i’en’t‘. r
miiizriinni itLt' ‘ \«l . .2
be all! zctri 'ttc '11.
added for .i 'raii.ii g
cmpiowcsaic raid 1. >t.llll‘.‘.’.ti mat ‘

.loet Kiavcrkaiiip ‘iie ~ ‘xt’t’fl' .c
of c'ronliash.
iii/inn protests
~ oun‘ri

1"th .::‘I IV“...

titlii'. t‘l‘l‘irllflj


tiLt it‘ll r41

f‘f‘l’l ;' _ l

i. ants
' ingress ’ha‘ cunt


nil"; ‘fiii' ~i> .li‘tlj'


Kl.t\t'l'l-'t1li:t' l

t'ltlpli)\t't'.\ utio .l'


\\t- ”itiiik
'titi- ’ tutti i

‘illil l‘ilth‘l setup

pa) students >lilllll!lilt‘_l|lill«

\ttiticiits until). "ii

Hlavcrkamp 'l‘hciiioimM ,. ,, N.

'illi vet out i“"“ll'l.l\l1

‘nm 1' timer is

41g, l\'i.i\ert\atiiji mini

-'l\t‘tll‘~ iii


ilh’ti ‘iliil ,"ai’ ' ML:

tl't‘ i'ltt‘LIt'

titttlls ~~littiiifl 6' *jlt'iil

"ltt' [~lttl‘L'
ilitM‘pil l‘Ilttis. if "tr 1 “fft‘LLt‘ ‘t't. '- ,
find that the groups l nose Eatircm
‘he demonstration
The company that owns
chain. is backing The
'llulll wage training period
man. the leading lobbyist Hit "it.
Restaurant ,\.\\lK‘lélil‘lll. » . 'o:i .-i
or King employ cc

rllias \titfl that “pup
.ilitltll >iU(lt‘lll.\ 't\l)ti iii) \yttl‘hSilltl}

~i?-' It-tttut-t‘
"ie Miiwiz
‘ilt’ti -~.


.ll' v.1:

lils .‘iiis
.it local litisincsscs
f'cilcgcs and businesses
'hcy were ‘raiiiing
t‘llt‘as said. and \lilt t‘ \t'fioo. win}.
months that they iouid co fltl\\l.

:iimum wagecvciy tail
\CL ~|l l)l2\ l‘

More SGA
keep coming

Staff reports


\"ll ’i‘ll ‘\.\

'l‘hc leungton t'ointnunify t‘oli‘cgc \.\ ...
ciation of .Students endorsed Kciiiit-iiy
James and Pat Hart for MA pi csidcn; ant.
vice president at its forum last night

' \Vc tecl llkt‘ these students an f-cs‘. iii;
l.('(' students, said l‘hris l‘Issid. piesidciit
of lif‘f‘AS atid aii l.(‘(' scnatoi tor the .\lll
dent Government Association. "Pat was a
community college student. and we it‘ll he
could do the best for l.( ‘('

The eight members of lif'f‘AS. excluding
l‘lsstd. ranked candidates on a scale of one
to 13 and \otcd on the following candidates
to be endorsed for this )t‘éll s t-lettion The

Sec \IORF. Pagt ‘






Kelly’s album a

promising debut


Diane Sill works to
come back once again




See Page 2









2 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday,mrch20,1989



Tom Spaldlng
Sports Editor
Brian Jont
Assistant Sports Editor


Painful experiences
proved beneficial
to UK gymnast Sill

Staff Writer

Looking forward to what prom-
ised to be her best season of com-
petition, UK gymnast Diane Sill
felt like she was indestructible and

But after going through a tough
year. she has found out otherwise
And she found out the hard way
through hard falls and painful
injuries It made SiIl‘s senior sea-
son. the last opportunity that she
would have to practice a sport that
she was devoted to. look bleak.

“It was very disappointing." Sill
said of her injuries “1 was dev-

Her troubles began before the
season even started with a fall
from the balance beam last Sep-
tember. She was six feet in the air
and she landed square on her tail»

“You could hear it crack all over
the gym,“ UK coach Leah Little

She missed five weeks of work-
outs because of the injury. but
after rehabilitation Sill was ready
for the season when Excite Nite.
the team‘s debut. came around.
The debut nearly ended with 8111‘s
finale. She dislocated her shoulder.

Despite the bad start to her final
season, Sill still was able to com»
pete. but only in certain events.
Sill. however, is an all-around com-
petitor. And when it comes to
gymnastics, she says. she likes to
do it all. If Sill can‘t. she can‘t be

“I really missed being in the all
around. It just wasn’t the same.“
Sill said.

Sill's shoulder slowly got better.
and she finally returned to all-
around competition. In her second
full meet. the team's fifth. the re-
sults were fantastic


“I found then that I’m
not indispensible. I
learned real quick this
year the risk is there.”
Diane Sill,
UK gymnast

She won the meet. First place

The feat did not surprise many
people. since Sill had shown steady
improvement every year she had
been at UK. and her last season ~
in the words 01 her coach Leah
Little — should have been “her
best yet."

At that moment it looked as if
Sill would excel like she never had
before It looked like she might
accomplish the elusive goal that
she had wanted since she began
her collegiate career to qualify for
the NCAA Nationals

She wanted to be a part of the

“I finally felt like everything was
coming together," Sill. a sprite
brown-haired gymnast. said “1
was g0ing to go out better than I
had beeninthepast."

Unfortunately. she savored her
Victory but for a very short time

The next weekend the team trai-
eled to Iowa. As Sill was tumbling
before a meet. she landed wrong on
her left knee Badly Her
gymnastics career was put in jeop-
ardy once again

“My initial reaction was that I
thought I would never compete
again.” Sill said or the acctdent.
“The trainers didn't even know
what was wrong at first "

In just three days. she would unr
dergo arthroscopic surgery. and
the results would determine
whether Sill 7- who had been tum»


' " I 'I‘LLIN/Kernel art

UK gymnast Diane Sill (above) didn‘t let a painful injury get in her

way en route to an outstanding year for the Gymkats.

bling Since she was nine and was
the only senior on the Kentucky
gymnastics team * would ever
compete again.

“I found then that I‘m not indis-
pensible." Sill said. “I learned real
quick this year the risk is there."

The results were not good. but
they could have been much worse.
She would miss three meets com»
pletely. and then she would once
again have a chance to compete in
limited action The trainers said
Sill might not be able to compete
all-around again.

Limited action for Sill meant no
floor routine. The floor routine is
Sill's favorite event. and she had to
watch from the sidemats while oth-
ers danced.

“I was at the meets and it was
tough watching them." Sill said.
"In Louisiana tone of the two
meets she would miss altogether) I
was crushed I knew I was as good

as anyone else but I wasn‘t able to

But Sill didn‘t give up. She
started rehabilitation right after
surgery and began to improve im-
mediately. She was determined to
get back on the mats. The four
hours a day Sill spent with weight
machines, ultrasounds. and other
exercise equipment has made that

"I really wanted to stick it out.”
Sill said. “It was a personal goal.
After I hurt my knee I knew I
would be satisfied if I just com-
peted all-around in the regionals. ”

Her determination has paid off.
and Sill‘s long-awaited quest for
satisfaction in her sport may come
soon. This Saturday in Memorial
Coliseum. Sill will once again com»
pete all-around. It is to be the last
meet of her career. and she will
finish in style.

“I‘m very excited to end it with
everything." Sill said

Dykes is 3rd coach
for UK to quit post

Staff reports

Jimmy Dykes resigned Friday
afternoon, making him the third
member of UK's embattled basket-
ball staff to quit his position.

”I deeply
regret the sit-
uation sur-
r o u n d i n g
Coach Sutton‘s
and I feel it is
in my best in-
terest to also
resign as bas-
ketball coach
at this time."



Dykes said in a prepared
The 27
and inconsistencies among l\.\‘ 'JI


Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. March 28, 1989 — 3

Spill to give environmentalists ammunition

dustry performance in preventing
enVironmental damage. "

EnVironmental groups also sug~
gested the accident raises ques-
tions whether there can be oil de~
velopment and still guarantee
environmental protection as Bush
has suggested in his support of
drilling in the refuge.

“This ‘Spllll ought to make Con»
gress and PreSIdent Bush intensely
aware that when you have devel»
opment you're going to have
environmental consequences. Peri~

od. It's a reality." said Syd Butler.
a vice preSident for the Wilderness
SOCiety. which has been lobbying
intensely against opening the arctic
refuge for drilling.

DaVld Gardner. a lobbyist for the
Sierra Club. noted reports that the
Exxon tanker was being handled
by a crewman who did not have
proper credentials when it ran ag<
round. and suggested the episode
“calls into question" how much
priority the oil industry puts on
environmental concerns


\ssociated Press

liltillA'tDSVILLl‘l. Ky \
new 890.000 fire truck iiiakiiiLi
its first run for the Ricfi~

ardsville Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment was destroyed in it 'i‘atfit
.iccident. only four days litter -t
was delivered to tire officials
Firefighters MaXie Jones illi(l
Richard Beck suffered minor ‘ll
itll’lt'\ when Jones tlroy-i- 'tlt'
truck .yent off Kentucky at: ‘o


New truck destroyed
on opening fire run

avoid a car that came around a
fiend in the road in the truck - i

path. Kentucky State Polite

The truck was making .ts .ii-
itllflul‘lil run to a fire at the
home ')i another Richardsy'ille
firefighter Mike Brown and
Fire t‘hief Hick) Jones fitliei‘
units were sent to 'he fire out
lirimii» 4530.000 rnofiiie fioiiie


yas destroyed. he said

Students to protest training

fifiiiiifci: iriilll Page}

in Mail. $15.35 was pi'otiaitiiy
i‘llttutill ’o get by Oil. Elias \dltl.
out .ll ‘2983 dollars :l \ \.\ tI
itfiei' :iiiiyersities. such .is Boston
' iiiycrsity. and ‘here ~\d> .1 waili-
rut «I! student employees at i i‘lllréif
~ilictiiaaii' lIl\‘(‘l‘>ll\


66 Mom says the

house just isn’t the
same without me,
even though it‘s

a lot cleaner.”

liist :iti .List



Liz Corsini-Boston University- Class of 1990




\I\\.I'\.\i\\l\.‘ll ;;.t‘.;3; t 'tt
tlti\t' \«itiw‘i. \lill NLHK Lift .\ ”it
.iiitiliiiuiitt. i-ii \it\i it Lg
[)l\l.lllt k'\\'i\ly.t
ltwstszt «22.1w» tilllil‘irtii

lit-.ii that \Ilt‘ :im . flit tics“ .fiitf
t1lllt'l.tltli \llc Russ-t \ \i » 4c
.ilic.id.gi\c\~..; \ii :1..1-i1i \cii
t‘.llit lt’.lil ti: it u in Litti Reach

out and It iiicli st )lllL‘t inc"

The right choice.










4 — Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday.mrch28,1989


Rob Song
Arts Editor



Produced by Violent Femmes bassist Brian Ritch-
Man Go. has ey—

.e Kirk Kelly's debut album, 00

‘ I _.... .

album -

for it

erything going
didn t.

that the Femmes latest

Kirk Kelly’s debut album full of promise


Staff Critic

(.0 MAX (it)
Kirk Kelly

For all of you dismayed by the
rarest Violent Femmes' effort.
there is hope in the form of Kirk
Kelly His album Go Man 60 has







everything the good Femines
albums did' high pitched vocals.
sarcastic lyrics. and good

acoustic sound It doesnl hurt that
he has l-‘emme bassist Brain Hit