xt74xg9f7j5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f7j5m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-01-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1986 1986 1986-01-22 2020 true xt74xg9f7j5m section xt74xg9f7j5m . i l i

A N Val. XC, Na. 57 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since i971 Wednesday. January 22. 1986
(3011.118 3111101111068 b'enn'al b d t l V
2 2 Universities Another S32 million is set aside for itan area in Kentucky WithOUt a $13 2 b'll' address. "My budget positions us and by a legislative expert. a factor ' '
some spemfic programs. including a statesuworted universny or com- . 1 1011 even morefavorably. that will likely be debated as the . _ -‘ ‘
. community. college for Owensboro munity college._ . In a briefing for reporters. (‘ollins semen continues . . . -
would TCCCIVC and a robotics center to be housed at The budget includes debt service ht f said the budget is based on current The budget also depends heaVily . . . -’. . .
UK. for construction of a $12.5 million Soug rom revenues , without any new taxes on a $118 million balance expected . I, . . r .' .
Harry Snyder. exegutiveddirector campus. . ..,. and will leave a $100 million bank at the end of the current year ' ’ ~ .’ . . ‘
0f the Council on Hig er E ucation. ' ~ - ' l 1 balance for her successor Bevond the bud et reserve and 7 I “ "
more money said the budget represents a com- The additional general funding egls ature The proposed expenditures in the S209. million set SSldt‘ for capital ’ ,
- - ~ would put the system at approxr . . , , , . . . .h . . .'

. ‘ mltment to hlgher educatlon unpa- t 1 87 t fth f l f next [“0 “5ch )(‘dr.\ dmount [0 COnStrUCthn prOJeCis. ”191.0 Wl“ be 3, a, '. .9 V ,i
3-“M‘tht‘h-thht‘t‘hht‘“ raiieled in recent years. Ea ey edpertC-e" 9 t: Ofr-mtla or BvMARKR.(‘lll-II.I.GREN $13.51iti.64l.tlio. but that total inciud- apprOXimatelv $5794 million in new ’ .- ..
Assoc1ated Press The total budget for higher educa~ gher uca 1:" fmh 9% ":1 year Associated Press ('5 all federal funds. Road Fund money to make up program cxpan- . ~' '1‘ i t i l‘ 5 - 31

tion would be $1.035 billion in the and 90 percen 0 t e orm a e money in the 'l‘ransportation Cab~ sions' 19. ' '-.‘ ’.

FRANKFURT — Kentucky’s eight first year and 31-1 hthtt’h the second, second year. FRANKFURT # Gov. hfartha 'het Most of that moncv. $271! million. ‘4 ' 3., ‘. it), 1“}; I':
state universmes and the commu- making it the second largest item in The council had sought full fund— hayne Collins presented the 99"".31' More important to Kentucky tax- is earmarked for elementary and “'1; j '. '7‘; .f‘}
mty college system receive speCial the budget behind elementary and ing under the formula. which bases ;““‘lem.bly yesterday mm a “thud Payers. it counts on General Fund secondary education. , h."
attention. and large amounts 0t new secondary education. an institution's funding needs on en "‘"t biennial budget that she bat d revenues of almost $6.4 billion in the A revamped Medicaid program . t '- .' 2:1";
money. in the budget proposed by One of the hi hlights of the budget rollmentandits mission. :ruilds on advances in education‘an 1986-88 period. and programs for children and the . , ,5 ,1 . , '12‘.‘
Gov. Martha Layne COHII‘S yester- . ‘g . , , . _ economic development and takes ad~ " . _ 11d rl , take . nother $104 9 in II on of ,. . . _ h. ‘ t. 1.
day IS the Owensboro community 00" Collins said she Views the robotics v ntage of the opportunities avail- The official Revenue (abinet esti- t e .\ d -- l i , , . _.._

. - - lege. the first major expansion in center as a coo rative effort of all “ _ , mates. also released yesterday. pr0~ the ht“) money _ Chhm‘ 53“ ht‘r . ' ‘. '«Q ..

(reneral funding for higher educa- . . . , .. pe . , abletchntucky . ~ . . . . Med d 1' 'll .. ., tl 't't- . .. . . .,

- .- ~ . . the system in nearly twodecades. universmes and rlvate busmess. ., . . . , .. - _ _|0Cl (reneial fund receipts of $2.997 with p d“ “t ““8 “3 5 d t » .. _ .- - , . ~l .
tion will increase by roughly 6 per- . P y “e re in a position to make un , _ . ' $700 millionover the ”“le years . I . ,. 3
cent in the 1987 fiscal year and 7 Daviess County officials have long There is debt SBI'VICG fora $19 mil- precedented strides toward new and htthOh in hbtat year 1987 and ”-199 ‘ ‘ -. - . ‘.
percent in 1988. That commitment complained that they have been left lion building. plus 53-2 million In OP- better opportunities for all Kentucki- button in 1933 The Corrections (kibinet would get . . 1' h .' i. p. ’
amounts to about $52 million over out in the higher education cold. erating funds. ans.“ Collins told a joint Sfision Of Those figures are higher than the its new ambed mediumsecuritt ' . t, .' »‘
the biennium. Owensboro is the largest metrOpol- Seeitoccnnonrageo the House and Senate in a 52-minute last estimate made by the cabinet prison. ’ . a. . - 3
Emergency UK Athletics Board ”
treatment ' votes to raise rices * '- ? "
p .' L » h i ' 't-
to exhand of ball ame tickets ' "
Assistant News Editor ‘4 t K k N k’ bod f 6 6 ~ . . . ’ =

The l'K Medical Center‘s emer- ‘t . V a entuc y etwor S l O S 1 ’ l _ '
gency room is expanding to include * i - . . ~ .
an improved trauma service, and . iii . . for Wildcat broadcast rights accepted . ~_ . _
eventually helicopter transport for ‘-‘ p' , , , , - ._
seriously injured or in Patients . " By .ioii.\ Jl'RY mended to the board by the UK tick- _

The $40 million renovation and ex- ‘ p o ‘ ' Assistant Sports Editor ct committee. , ‘ ' . ‘ '
pansion project. that includes a v ,, s. "h ‘ "We haven't led the pack in gaug~ ' '
6.600—square-foot emergency room. [1% ,‘ ’ 2,. .sii; In an effort to keep up with other ing the public. but we held out as .
received approval from the state f ‘ ht, Southeastern (‘onference schools. long as we could.“ said Ray Horn- . .

Certificate Of Need Authority last . 1,13 '3' ' ‘ = the L'K Athletics Board unanimously back. vice president for Umversity . -
week. 1 t , t. l - voted yesterday to increase football relations and a member of the ticket

A trauma service provides special ft? ’, - and basketball ticket prices begin- committee - _ -
care SUCh as neurosurgery for 93' . '2. . ‘ ning next year. The board also unanimously ap- '
tients in life-threatening situations. . . . Ticket prices for ['K games are proved the bid by the Kentucky Net» 7 ' '

Because 0t the expansion, Univer- , .. it" between $2 and $3 lower than the work to broadcast all UK football . ' '
Sit." Hospital “ht reduce its bed 03’ i. “ y. ‘ conference average. said l'K athlet- and basketball games. ' -
pacit)‘ from 502 to 461. HOWEVER the " ii . ics director (‘liff Hagan. The Kentucky Network. which de- '
amount 0‘ space Wt“ increase an ad- ‘ I ‘ : "It‘s not a very happy thing to do. Iivered the bid last November. Will , ,-
ditional 120.000 to 130.000 square v . not something that‘s in the interest pay the University 3616.000 per year . ‘ ' ’
feet. /‘ ‘ ofthe public."he said. overathree-year period. ' ‘ . 1

Construction is expected to begin 9 v . ‘ Football tickets will increase from The Nashvillerbased firm pre- . , r
by the spring of 1937 and be com- ti / $8 to $10 for end zone seats and from viously owned the rights to the [K . j g .
pleted within two years. Clinical lab- _., " v 512 to $14 for sideline seats. Basket- games for about $1 million over ' . ' , . .' ,
oratories. a parking garage. a x ’v ball tickets will jump from $5 to $6 three years. As the contractor. it is ; - . f ’ . . ,
materials management system and V . I for upper-level and from $7 to $9 for responsible for arranging the radio _r , ‘. .

a pharmacy “ht also be part Of the i . f " V f , eh ’7 lower-level seats. broadcasts. . ’ , .
project. :5} p I ' . . Home basketball games played at The Network has already begun ‘ f y, - . .

The emphasis 0" trauma services .. , at} . . "a ‘ Louisville's Freedom Hall will 111‘ looking for stations that will deliver ' -‘ ‘ j -
is "0t an effort to Mt emergency ‘ -* at?» . . t . crease from $7 to $9 the most coverage particularly in . : t t, I - t ‘ ‘
room numbers, said Hospital Direc- 1' . y 1” .. i {‘5' ' ' “In basketball. we were 33 lower the Cincinnati and Louisvilleareas. ‘ ‘ .= . ' _ ' 7
tor Frank Butler. The low number of ””3 .y . V“ -_ than Louisville and 8;: lower than WLW. a 50.000watt clear channel . ' .i- . ‘ .
patients visiting UK‘S emergenco' . '1‘ " e , ' Vanderbilt and BF in our confer AM station in Cincinnati. has signed 5 j _. - ' ., ..
room and the lack 0‘ sufficient trau- ‘ 1’1‘?‘ ‘ ” 1': :3 encc. yet we have led our confer- a contract to air all of the i'K . ' ,- -. . " '.
ma cases were the reasons the COL ence inticketsales.” Hagan said. games. (A 50.000-watt clear channel ' ‘ f ‘. ', L, .
lege of Medicine's residency train- ' .1, . .3 [K has continuously been below station can reach 40-45 states at -' ._.' h; ,.-' _'
ing program in emergency medicine ‘ SEC standards. but increases have night.) ’ ' , '
lostits accreditation last September. “"‘“‘"°"""°'"°" been made in the past to match the Negotiations continue with three . ‘ . ‘, .’ '1

"This expansion is totally 5993' Don’t fret otherschools.hesaid. AMstationsin the Louisvillearea - ‘1 ‘4. " ' .r
rated from the loss of the emergen- ”We continued to tkeep prices the WHAS. a 50.000watt clear. has in- .. ' . r 1,‘ . 5' n,”
cy medicine program." Butler said. samei for a couple years. now it's dicated that it would like to broad» L . . :1 ,. ‘
“There was a need to upgrade the Shayne Owens. 0 high school student from Li. James before his audition as on instru- time for us to catch up." Hagan cast the UK games. but the station . ' T»; K. ‘ .
taCihttt‘S to provide a visibly func- Rockcastle County, warms up on the guitar for mentalist for King's Productions. said. (1005!” want more than a one—year " , ' -, i ‘. '- r' a" r
tional serviceable emergency deal became the station. along with n . gt: 3‘. x';
room." 1~hc price changes were recom- SeeATHl.E‘l'l(‘S. Fag“, . y . _ ,' - I ' .1 iii

All of bexington‘s five hospitals . e e e o .‘- ,"~', ..
m “e W... Prev1ew gives students overflow of organizations * ,~ -
emergency room will not change ' ’ '. i
that arrangement. Butler said. > 1 . 3;} '1‘ '~ -

Eventually, the UK emergency By BOBBI \\‘()l.()(‘ll ers said. ”We need to let people dents have the chance “to get expo- The clubs range from political and Students do not have to be "front- ' v .. - , " .‘
room may be Officially designated Contributing Writer knowof its usefulness." sure and to try something differ- educational to recreational activ- runners“ to become club members. - . - i. - >. '.
as a trauma center. Butler said. At "To get more people interested ent.“ Hayden said. “Socially. it's a ities. Hughes namctl some of the Hughes said. "Thenes no require _ . -
such a center. a fully trained team Students who want to know more and aware" of UK's extracurricular good way to blow off steam." more popular clubs. including the merit t0 spend time With the Oi‘ilimi . - 4 _ ‘
would meet the patient. who would about organizations on campus activities. club representatives will Student organizations prove bene- (‘ollege Republicans. the Young who“ .VOUJOIH . ' ' ." -‘ .
be transported within an hour to an should visit the Student Center to- set up tables from 10 am. to 4 pm. ficial to the members’ time manage— Democrats. Student Government As- ' . -~ 5
operating room. thus saving time morrow. tomorrow in the Student Organiza- ment and organization because sociation. SAB. the Chess Club. the “There‘s always someone behind ‘ ‘ "
andlives. A Student Organizations preview tions office. 106 Student Center, said many students show improvement in Computer (‘lub and the Water and the scenes where h; done .. H uglies . . .' -‘

will provide a ”prime opportunity" Paul Hayden. president of the Stu- their class work after joining a club. Snow Ski Clubs. added “Whatever vou put into it _, ‘ _' ‘
, ; gueieweew ' 'L‘ ’ " for students to learn about campus dent Activities Board. Hayden said. that's what you‘ll get'out ofit -~ '

_ . h ” W‘ . .. organizations. said Susan Brothers. During the preview. organizations With about 176 organizations to “Then there‘s the new one. '

”a" “71;; , w. w ‘ ' chairman of the Student Organiza- will attempt to recruit new mem- choose from. “there‘s something for GALI'S «(‘ray and Lesbian Union of ~

r l " tion Center's advising committee. bers by offering information and an- everyone who wants to get in- Studcnist. which has stirred some While members promote their ‘

. _ “The potential of the Student Or- swering questions. volved.“ said Sam Hughes. commit controversy." Hughes said. “but 1 groups, free punch and popcorn will

ghatrzasf.zg:?w&t:7c.ho ganization Center is great.“ Broth- By joining an organization. stu- teechairmanofSAB. have no problem with it," beserved. -

became lO-b on the season. ’ 0 ~ .

"°"' "‘ ”°'"" asters C 01cc

Page 2.

"""i'" “m °” "" U" S d C C ff Sh ’ ' f f f h d ,

hm “Wm“ We tu ent enter 0 cc Op 5 opening eatures east or mout an ears

season with a 000-me .mmnau Korneicrronhrn

run. For a prgvigw, see .0. By JAY Bunny“ gourmet blend of coffee and the cof- He said the group is paying for al- .h: ‘

VERSIONS, Page 3. Staff Writer fee cakes have been the most popu- most all the costs incurred in the axis}?

£3 we lar items attheshop. icijhop‘s operahigin. sThe coffee t rshort). 1' 43.-

‘r. so ‘, .' The mi li aromas of rki , , ‘ _ as more t n 10.000 wor o : r

coffee andngbanging pastry. pfis th‘e Whtte sampling the SM!” "19“» equipment. and the Student Center ‘J ’3?

’si‘ ’2 . melodies of a guitar. will lure stu- customers wt" also be entertained only pays 5108 year {0" it \

dents into the openim of Student hy different intrumental ensembles. I ":3
centercme" Sh°pt°day' rmfll ride pl-fl‘ft'ogute 8:3; Clark said he hopes the shop will "\ '
. s m s .
1“it" Wt" 5' partly CM! t' The Coffee Shop. a gourmet addi- said".8 g be able to do promotionals at least / ‘
ion to the Student Center that Will ' / ~\
windy and colder with tern- off' - ha . once a year and added that student / / ’ ‘
Willihy OP?" at ‘1 a..m.. . 5 been Customers Will also have the op- ha bee 't' The \r . .‘
WWW” falling ""0 ”‘0 unofficmlly in operation Since No- t 't to win izos He said the "3590"“ S . "Vfryhois' 'Ye- .i ‘\ .».:
lower ”3 by WWW a.“ vember. POP uni y P" ~ _ off _ Coffee Shop will be bringing in peo- ‘-o A ~-_- §
Coffee Development Groupis er ple who normally dont come to the J4 ~ --\
skies with diminishing wind. , . . . ing different“¢°“°e'ret‘tedtt°m-" Student Center because it is a differ- 1%" R
are .hmd W" with . As part of the opening festmties. . . nt t “he 'd — ‘ .qe’. . 3‘
the shop will offer samples of more The idea {0" the coffee 5MP 0'18" e concep ' sai ‘ ’ \«t'fe‘ --H- :\
t” t" ’t" m 3'“ “m" than six different types of coffee and nated with the Washiniitmhased de- « «- s‘ i ’ ~‘ , -_ —.\ 9
row will be sunny vi“! a free items intheheiterycase. velopment m. which is “funded The Coffee Shop will be open from \V“"‘- ‘ 5“
in... mubd, by coffee «penile countries (to en- ii am. to 7 p.m. today but regularly \__,,_,____. -
. Dick Clark. manager of the Wild- courage) consumption of coffee.“ operates durim Student Center ‘\.lrlll/W
cat Grill. said thus for John Conti‘s Clark said. hours.

1 l i -
P RTS wean"
. .».; .1 <. \‘:§::;-.¢-\N\: -'x;-;;.'(§.\,;a;::..$5155:.;.;-;.;:;.;‘(.:.\~:=‘;.‘ 'i».»'§:i'o\z3::-3:-‘_;;<;3\;:_;;..:;3§;;.;§E::o.5:34:33.“.3: H. ;._;. :: 5. 3:59;“ .23. .- $314.55- vaawueo‘gggggb>§\s‘\$‘\ I-:.:-=:;j;:.g-;:_Egg;-- 5%.: -.V:::-.’:=::v_"‘:-;._ - -- ‘;;_f-‘...- “:;.»: f- -> 1272.52" 3 ’1 :9,
s\\§%&§o\i\ow§e§§£§%\ ‘ > thkafifvgo§§§V . .- > »
Kats beat the blahs, siosuues
' l . From Staff and AP Reports
UC Bearcats, 80-67 . ' ‘-
SEC Tournament ticket lottery tonight
o ' ' ‘ ' 1 o .
~ Staffvwner rim. 1. (trad-III";- m . pl 1.. ' ‘ t} . . ' ' A ticket lottery for the nine-game Southeastern Confer-
11 mo 3 t ‘ ' _.. .- . . .
A wins a win. Lady Kat basket- :11" 1 S V i 7 2 a V "Mfr ence Basketball Tournament Will be held tonight for UK
‘ ball coach Terry Hall said after dVe- 11111.11“. s l0 6 o e o 1 u, ~ ‘ students at Memorial Coliseum.
{eating Cincinnati 8067 last night in I-eeman : 1a : 2 : i i 12 ' Vs . _
. ' '. Memorial Coliseum. Even if it ‘33:“ 5 “j 3 ff 3 I '1 '3 C» Q) The doors WlII open at 6 pm. and the lottery WlII take
. . . wasn‘t pretty t 11113111 : 1 1 1 s 11 11 o ,0 . . \ place at 7. The price of the tickets is $60 per book, with a
‘ ‘ '1 ‘ ”We‘ll take it any way we can ge «111.1 1 < 11 u 2 o 1 6 . ‘ ' 1 - ' ‘ h 'll acce ted.
. . . .1an said “a” whose team improved 1.11.11 2, 5‘ I, n z. ,0 .. 6, as .. \\ mo book limit per student. and only cas M be D
I 1’ I 1 . [0 10—6 ken us \ 80 h . ' l " . .w '
' ’ ‘ For most of the game the Kats Hm, ,I ml 5 m m _ p, In . 4 M... » . Students must present a validated student LD. to he
, ‘ ‘ looked like lht‘)‘ might “Ol get it \1.h\\|~ — 11 .1 4 9 4 1 1‘ _ ‘ ’ “I . eligible for the tickets.
. . 1 ‘ against the 7-9 Lady Bearcats. In a “we ‘ H 3 ‘ 5 0 ‘ l‘ . , g 11 ‘1 / at?
' turnover-plagued outing. UK looked Salim" f 1‘: ‘ -‘ ‘ l 'V :6 " *3 not V -
’ V * flat and disinterested in the first “it“: : L g g g V: 2 g 1 -‘ .. _ . «a; ,
~ (1 '. . ' half while (‘incinnati played slight y «11111-1 1 o ; ; s U ; .- g
’ . ' I .' ' betterbusketball. Wm 11 11 o 0 0 0 1‘ 1' j-o , .. J ‘ KENTUCKY KERNEL BASKETBALL TOP 20
-' ‘ , .' 1 Both teams wasted most of their 111:“: t: : 3 3 l : " 3 ‘ ' "‘ 0., l Teathirst-place votes) Record Votes Previous
1 . ' ’ possessmns 1n the first half by turn- Pam“; 1 I 0 0 i U 1 : : a... {V ‘ ’ 1. North Carolina(l4) 19-0 280 l
. 1* . 1 . mg the ball over or missing shots. MW, .1 11 o 11 0 0 U 0 . , "Mire ,l“ Vow V 2. Duke 16-1 248 3
.. g For the game. L‘C had 31 turnovers Ion-h 31 o1 In 20 as 14 It so ' ‘ , ' “V” V 3.Georgia Tech. 15.1 243 5
.' 1 ‘ to UK‘s 24. and shot 46 percent to i c _ 1.1m 1 “V" 1 11.1 ,. o... ”M 4. Michigan 174 236 2
. ' -’- ’ _ 17K's 49. In the first half. though. it mailman“: JV“? [‘“n'fz- 23'3"; '-- V, --- 5. Memphis 51. 17-0 235 6
' ' was l'C‘s 38.3 to L'K's 37.5. 4o 11:11.1 it it. - t2 6. Oklahoma l7-0 203 7
L't‘ held the edge in one unkept mend-MM":- . \ 7.Kansas 16-2 194 9
. I . statistic 7 hustling. Because of that. "rw""“’ ' 3. St. John‘s 17-2 179 IS
. they were up 20-14 with 7:16 left in C nf 1 nd 1 :1 . 3.: . .9 9. Syracuse 13—2 169 4
the half before l'K showed some (VSoutheastern ”0 erence a ’ u, 1 ' . .. I 10. KENTl'CKY 14.2 ",5 10
signs oflife. JUS‘brol‘ed0wn-d he' f‘d , ; ti ‘ ’ - . ' ll.Cieorgetown 13-3 135 12
.. . The Kats scored the next six The hats foun t ir coni encgbin . . ,., .. _ . , . .. 1 ,. VM . 12. Louisville 11.4 119 15
- points, four by senior Leslie Nichols. the second half. however. De .le own I, WW»W V . .1 ‘3. LSU 16-2 ”3 l4
. who finished with 17 points and nine Mlllef- who had 16 pomtsiécorgd hie ”a 14. UNLV 17.2 111 13
' . . ' rebounds. to tie the score at 20. The Slde m the opening seconds tohtle t d "*w .- .5. Notre Dame 104 68 I6
5 Bearcats came right back to retake score. From there. the lead c ange 16. Ala-Birmingham 16.4 64 11
. a 28-22 lead in the last two minutes haans over the "9’“ {9“ minutes. ,- h 17, Purdue l6-3 59 18
- . of the half. EC last helthhe lead atgoh-e39dWEVt I3. lllinois 12.5 22 20
I Baskets b} Karen Mosley, “'hO 14:30 [0 go “he“ Jane n l l[ ’ . 19. Virginia Tech. I4-3 I8 I7
aISO had IT pOInIS. and Michele Pen' {rgdm go£négmn§$elesffo;ehe\fja;ezlsy (l‘y OWEN Kernelstatt 20 Bradley _ '54 V l7l/: _
"13°11 11;:191111218333;twig-1.... oiooo‘foo. who oooooo on oooooooooo- Lady 11... guard sonoy Harding ooooo o lunging layup 1.. 1... 11:2;iit:.;“:“‘.“§.‘.‘:‘:‘17:11:11?“1'."'1";i‘:,"."13:;‘11‘?T°‘1‘;“o:'..'°:‘:.?,‘“’o‘f”'o‘1';:;.:";i:."f2:
out aduilfiehglfumg althougph that ristically low 12 points, canned a 20- night's 80-67 win Over Cincinnati. Harding finished with 12 pomts. :(i‘lrlagrr;:‘thnVZLILIrlilginlg.
has often been the case this season. footer. Why did the Kats take so long to powerful Tennessee. the SEC leader.
' ”After We IOSI. I0 FIOrIda lIheIr I. get moving'V7 P‘rjday nIghI at 730 in Memorial
last game) the whole team 195‘ “ng1335 Ssltgfiid 2: 11:13:: y‘alfd “They're mentally down." Hall Coliseum. f-ICOUPONI-t-IICOUPON'--.--ICOUPON-q
bmkfi‘ down and balwvlegl Hall 5:“? point guard Sandy Harding who said. “They‘ve been discouraged." — I 10 I b I Buy 1 VII" :
' ‘ "After that, I rea ize ‘Ve g0 0 . . ' ~ “I don‘t know what's wrong." a
1- 1., arm? Wong ooo. : Vim, : Visrts : .
. some cont idence_-- off the UK halfcourt trap. frustrated." Hall said that reserve guard ltlon- ' I only ' VI!" |
.1 was just down about every- “You've just got to put that ithhe ique Tarantini is academically ineli- ' $27.50 ' ' FREE I
1 thing. about life in general." Nichols The Bearcats. who were led by back of your mind and think. gible pend1ng_an appeal on a grade. Save $22.50 J $ 1 9.75 ' I
, said of her recent frustrations. “l Bev Obringer‘s 16 points and six re- ‘win.’ ‘ Harding said. Tarantini. a 9'8 sophomore, was on I- II--- save 510.? ‘ Save $5.02-I
got to thinking about the last three bounds. could get no closer than five The Kats will need to do more the bench in street clothes last ' ‘TJ-l--It- 1'- are -l:-Co-nt-or- I
years. our record against the pointsas that run developed. than think “wm” when they take on night. | n vars y aza pp 9 '
- I Packages must be purchase .
Miss Kentucky Bes-Type | 1-“ BEACH 259.] 2" 2 betzre iVVai 18% but may be :
' 1 * ~‘ 1‘ I ‘-_________i'-’"-'- ii" 'Im '3 ”5" “Y 'm" "-
Valentine Contest \“V‘g'l-I,” 72.325”, 257-6525 bu--n-----------------------d
sponsored by the “\\ “ & ‘ —-———————
. U K (‘nmmuter Cats " ‘ 1 . o 1
Any registered tudent organization, "-2 ‘ _, 1 I." " C .. 1/ «
‘ resiaence hull iraternity or sorority 411‘» [-1' 1 “ i.“ 1"} ‘3‘ @éfl & <3 @éfi g 3
may nominate a candidate. Applica- V173 “ ' l n " ‘\
tions may be pirked up in room 214 "
Bradley Hall from 8-30 a.m. - 4:30 pm. HELP u S cELEBRATE THE
. Monday-Friday. Appllcatlon doadllno 1
is Friday, February 7, 1986 by 4.30 " 7\
pm. Prizes will be awarded to all win- ' ‘ 1
ners, Call 257-6605 for more iniorma-
tion. .
. 2 OF OUR NEW x)- (7? 4;. ‘
. , . »‘ f 1 , ‘1
‘ » REGGAE-PARASAILING International Dinner Night - 1 . \K. g \
' " “ r ee HOP . -
f _ l "l‘ 0" ”Rm“ “EA“ 557 s. Limestone 253-0014 ’1’ ‘ wk.)
. - sruoenr CHARTER l j———~——+—-¢——( \ ’
. .- 1 . '°""e “"44"”“1 "P Sampte OUR INTERNATIONAL COFFEES
‘ . ' 8 Days7 Nights tromSAll person
. . «mad or dbl. (air 8 villa) as little as u AND FREE SNACKS 0
I - $225 deposit reserves your trip. SPACE 1 « \ N“, N" v
' . ,. _ " 15 LIMITED CALL NOW 278-0543 or stop my; TODAY 11 r07
‘ l - ‘ ‘ s1 u.s. uals so.” JAMAICAN . — —
~ - ' 1 Slam Dunk Classrc 1~ THE STUDENT CENTER °
, .- V: .1 1,,“sflonumzsfl, r------------------
; - - .1 . 2nd Session Feb. mi. ms_______—___
i‘ 1 . . C‘ADDRESS:
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 l i . t .
Arts Editor
AnhtomAm Editor
:= I. "4531...???if."r..w“.é2‘«r> EESE-“$525335:"»*-,'._.I--;.I.- . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I. :II ,. ~ III III I I5. “3‘", IIT'I‘ ’ . AVIV;& ,IIIfIf'avfivgf-I};:I:§I;}II;III-
- “he‘s » - - . ‘ ‘ ' ”rm/figfim“ l *ishfimbm
‘W'ld’ ‘ N t ’ It ‘Starshi ’ members sa ‘
1 ll S l‘CSll . . P y
' - "' t l t ‘ ‘ll t’
n n r [1 rs 1 iii .t i ,... new S y e no SE. Oll ..
"1" r f » ~ ’ . ‘
, .. " ’ - .- ‘ 1 3 By LARRY ncsiiixi: ——""—— 1 .
ByJAMl-ZSA.STOL1. Dimes. the non-supported shows. . - l . AssOCiated Press “ , . . I
Senior Staff writer Unlike performances of class scenes p/‘l .L... = If we weren I m Il’llS . ,I .
or projects which do not charge ad- 'I . , st NE“ YURK II The sound. lineu I , . . .

The production will only play for a mission or pay royalties). the de- ({ . I l“ m; I and name are streamlined, and "I: I0 SClIl records, we Id I II, ,II I
single weekend. but the atmosphere partment has paid fullIIroyalties in . / I I - i' T . ' audience more mainstream. Has the play jaZZ. And believe I- I
is certain to be wild and crazy when order to perform “Nuts. . o '5... I : veteran rock band Starship _ which m W I l . . . I._ 4 .
Tom Topor's "Nuts" opens tomor- Despite this. the show Will charge 5.-.... ___-.__':_.____-_-..,..- . .. traces its lineage to the Jefferson 6, e are no p aying . . . .' I I.I- .
TOW Night In the Lab Theater of the reduced admission prices and Will sf . Airplane ,_, sold out with its latest jazz.” . I,I . . II I
Fine Arts building. not have any operational budget to album" G I . . . III II .’-' r '.’ I-I

And if the concentrated effort that speak of. Instead. Felty has been "If we weren't m this [0 5e” re- race Slick . . ., :III ".‘I.
has gone "“0 the production is any given the assistance 0f faculty de- l cords. we'd Play 1821. And believe — .v " ‘ ‘,' fr."
indication. the exuberance will lin- signers and access to the depart- i me. we are not playing jazz.“ re— II . . I (2‘35.
ger throughout the brief run of the ment‘s lighting and set construction § sponds Grace Slick. one of rock‘s Kantners departure in June 1984 I ." *i-
three-act play. facilities in order to stage a com- most enduring personalities since cleared the decks for the starship to f.’ ; I'.-II.. .. .~,

V0! 0Hl.\' will "Nuts" be the first pleteproduction. (”WWW “WNW“ she first pulsated with the psyche- take its new direction . one which , .I I, I. . In. .
production of the young semester. it Felty cast the play in mid-Decem- delic '60s in the Jefferson Airplane. some critics regarded skeptically :
will also mark the first performance ber of last year. but did not begin Julie Rodgers, Brion Sosby and John VOSkuhl act in "Nuts." The She's right. In its most recent re— 8V9" though 1‘ PrOdUCEId the WIN 5‘ "I‘I' 'l,I-‘I'.I‘I .I‘I.’-,.I.' :
in the newly renovatedILab Theater rehearsals until Jan. 2. Even so. his courtroom scene play calls into question the mental 5,0,9 of cord. “Knee Deep in the Hoopla." fiIrst II.\o 1IIsingle. “\teIIBIuilt This 9' .I».III.I .1 lei—"191‘
The old, wooden seats in the theater cIastI still had to give up part Of the" Rodgers' character, who has been charged with manslaughter. the Starship » nee the Airplane. (“:9 h'ldbh Ike: ”61199:; Shrug“? r.
were replaced ”“5 month “"ththSh‘ ”I'jd'T‘IaleggaIm?‘ as rethearsals The first theater production of this semester, "Nuts" opens to- which produced the Jefferson thah":millliontf:)piesd " V,~II’I:I§I.II‘_-II.II--.I‘
“’99" seating. Although the t eater ”m.“ iaIer ganinearnes. . marrow and will run through Sunday in the Lab Theater of the Starship has turned [0 a SIICk- " ‘ ~’.' 7. 2; I.
still seats 126. it does so in greater Pelty said he arranged multiple Fine Arts Buildin Ticket or $2 modern sound prominently featuring I I I . ‘.i' I I. IIIIIIII :i
comfort. sessions so he could “work With indi- 9' s e ' synthesizers. The move “fas deliber- I ' “e re damned if we do. damned I “1-. I~-..I : i.

The action of "Nuts" is the court viduals and small groups during the ate. according to Mickey Thomas. iIfII we donI: Ilnbéhls gmquh IsaIiIg i" 'IinII- I- ~III.

‘ ' v“ - ' ' ‘ - ' '. ’ ' . -. . ' oma‘.wos en Wl 9 )a .' ..‘.‘iIi."'II. .. II
trial ianhith a young woman. (laIuI day. then with the whole cast at production. But now that the final I0 my end of a short I but crowded the b‘md slead 3mg" . .. 159'9 IIHI If the ”III“ would .’ . I
(ha Faith Draper. attempts to dis- night. This demanding schedule be- . I I I “()l)\'l()llb'l\' we set out to have a since i . a .. . I _ .

~. . . . . - week 18 upon them, the cast seems A— rehearsal period. All that will ie- . .. ‘ ‘Illl 1k. us to lay (,an Junerhon . - . .I } I »;
pute the court s contention that she came the daily grind for the hard- . . . _ different sound The rsonnel s | t p . . . . . I II .-
. » .. .- . . .. . .. to agree With their director that the main is the looming challenge of ~ - Pe -\ll' lane and anything hm“. than . I I II \ .=. .
is mentally unfit to stand tiial on a working huts cast. showwillberead on time 'n ni vht change. the name change. who we . p . , , I I I .- II I .- I :‘ I
charge of manslaughter. If she is “Intense" was the single word “It‘ . [y th 'I ll ,, J l‘ openi g 5’ ' worked with m the studio _ I even that IS selling 0“I (orporate "Wk . "v, I g ;: .
found by the court to be incapable of Felty said most accurately de~ Rod esrsoylli'dgw'felasrc‘fedi 1:: Because the produdmn ,5 not a shaved my mustache as part of our lsafa\'0ritetelm0ltht‘”‘> I _ j.‘ ‘
standing trial. the hospital‘s psychi- scribed rehearsals. of tfi 'od t‘|npAt “at; 8135'. “iiiainstagc" show, tickets will be mi“ image.“ Thomas said in an m. . .. I . hi . ' - - I
it‘ll-‘5 “”1 be given the 90“” l" On Jan. 15- Felty said “is Jan. 16 he elerogc'o d ‘abed if" I";- only $2. And due to the unusuall)‘ teryiew "But we were very con- Silk “1058‘.er (m ' ( ”.HPHM.‘ ~ .' 1'. .
have (‘laudia “put away” in an insti- and 17 rehearsals would be “crit- . arsaIiI.“ n gar? descri Cl d? ac: Short run oi the play tickets for cum” not m change just to change; “IlmI her Hfiedrjfld. daughteIiI I .- ' ' III»
iution . ~ perhaps indefinitely. ical" in molding the show into shape "1th cbIa e tgteh' o IIomg dau ”l. as many nights are quickly selling out M. wanted to evolve musically.“ (“Ind- contends [hf ”I‘ll“ drt‘ qUKl‘ ' ‘ I '. ‘: I

itill Felty. a theater arts graduate for its final week of preparation. Ke iggas mg (View: onem ’I‘hi I l h . I'I 'ed th tosavageany DOPUIdrdi'l . I , . .
student who also teaches a section Of This week he said the rehearsals . evm aggIar w 0 pays Ar ur .. .. II I t personne c ange inyoy e . .' I - ,- - .

- . . ~ . - . . Kirk. Claudia s stepfather) was also 3w“ -\|2- hi' {W'mriiiw (it ‘ departure of Jefferson Airplane co~ Both slick and Thomas say they , -
Introduction to Theater. has di— had gone particularly well. and that . . . . . .. , .. I . .. . , . . i. . .
rected the roduction he felt the show will be in good optimistic about the opening. “I like pm. (in Jim 33 34. 1-) imd at - I’ Hi founder Paul hantner. a key figure immediately liked ' We Built l‘his . . . ‘:

p ' he who ningnight it."said Haggard. “l think it‘s going and 7 I) "i (in Jun 36 in NW 14m