xt74xg9f7h3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f7h3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-09-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 03, 1975 1975 1975-09-03 2020 true xt74xg9f7h3w section xt74xg9f7h3w  

Vol. LXIII No.5.
Wednesday, September 3, 1975




an independent student newspaper



Male homecoming queen?
Student Center Board votes to allow men in contest

By TERRY .\lc\\'ll.l.li\.VlS
Kernel Staff Writer

Should men be allowed to participate in the
homecoming queen contest‘.’

According to the Student Center Board (SCB). yes.
The SCB voted Tuesday to change the present contest
rules and allow men to enter beginning this fall.

"Some people accuse it (the contest) of being
sexist.“ said (leorgeann Rosenberg. SCB president. “I
think there will be a lotof positive feedback."

The SCB made the rule change to guard against
campus organizations accusing them of running a
“sexist contest." although a large majority of people
don‘t care one way or another.“ Rosenberg said.

Several years ago. at the University of Tennessee.
the homecoming contest rules were changed to admit
men and a man won the contest.

In other action. SCB decided to tentatively convert
two rooms into an arts and crafts center. and the “Six
for Six" series‘ future is in doubt.

"Hopefully the work tfor the arts and crafts center)
should begin by (let. I said Mary .Jo Mertens. Student
"enter d irecto r. .

The center is scheduled for completion in January.
she said.

’lhe center. to be located in the Student Center
basement. will include facilities for painting. wood-
can'ing. weaving. silk-screening and ceramics and
photo development." Mertens said.

Four professors have already volunteered to teach
(‘laSSQS in arts and crafts. These classes will probably
he free. although the SCB may charge a “users fee" to
offset some of the cost. said Mertens.

Currently. there are two other craft centers in the
Lexington area+both charge a fee.

The “Six for Six“ series. a conglomeration of actors.
comedians and musicians. may not surface this year.

State archeologist says
gorge sites significant


2] University of Kentucky

Lexington, Ky. 40506



Matt “'elch lleft) and Mark Stover.

SCB members. prepare recom-

mendations for this year at Tuesday‘s meeting.

said Rosenberg, who blames it on a small budget.

“We ran two ads before each event," she said. “But
our budget couldn't permit any more after awhile."

The series received good reviews from the press.
other universities and professors last year. Rosenberg
said. “It ("Six for Six) exposes the campus to new
kinds of entertainment not seen on campus."

lnsteadof sponsoring a “Six for Six” series. the SCB
may package the concept differently as the
Oktoberfest. Under this concept, four shows
would be presented over a two week period. providing



Kernel Staff Writer

The Red River gorge contains
significant prehistoric sites which could
make it one of the most important ar-
cheological areas in the eastern United
States. according to the state archeologist.

in a news conference Tuesday. C.
Wesley (‘owan said 76 prehistoric sites
have already been discovered by ex-
cavators and only a small part of the gorge
has been examined.

“As a result of our recent investigations.

we feel certain that the area must contain
many. many more as yet unrecorded
archeological sites.“ Cowan said.
The gorge area is important in tracing the
history of agricultural development in
eastern North America. he said. since it
contains a high concentration of remains
of early domestic flowers and plants.

Among 34 archeological sites found in
the past three weeks, was an early
railroad logging camp which had not been

“Since these camps have not been ex-
cavated. there is a tremendous amount of
information we could learn about logging
in this area." Cowan said.

The archeological inventory was un-
dertaken by Cowan and archeologist
Frederick Wilson for the Kentucky
Heritage Commission. The commission
undertook the study at the request of Gov.
Julian Carroll.

(.‘arroll wanted the information to aid
him in deciding whether to oppose or
support construction of the Red River

Carroll had said he would base his
position on the results of the archeological
study and a recently completed General
Accounting Office (GAO) study of the
economic aspects of the $34 million project
in Powell (bunty.

Prior to the press conference, the
heritage commission‘s five-member
executive committee recommended the
entire gorge area be included in the
Register of Historic places.

lf placed in the register, the gorge would
be protected from human damage and
eligible for federal funds for archeological
excavation. However, registration would
not necessarily prevent construction of the
dam. according to information provided
by the commission.

continued on page 7

Move over Billie Jean
(tail Smith. a [K alumnus. stays in shape by playing tennis
at the 59310" ('enter courts.

the same type of entertainment as did “Six for Six".

The SCB also announced that a collection of original
works by Leonardo DaVinci will probably be exhibited
in the Rascal] Gallery this semester. The exhibit would
be co-sponsored by IBM.

A charter flight to New Orleans for the UK—LSU
football game is being sponsored by the SCB. The
charter will leave Oct. 17. and return Oct. 19.

The package price will include air fare. tran-
sportation to and from the game and lodging for two
nights. Prices start at $125








Letters and Spectrum articles should be addressm to the Editorial Page Editor.
Room 114 Journalism Budding They should be typed, double spaced and Slqm‘d
Lenas should not exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles 750 words

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce \Vinges
(tinny Edwards
Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor
J ack Koeneman
Associate Editor


Jack Hall's
memorable actions

UK Dean of Students in exile Jack
Hall is reportedly ”undecided” as to
whether he wants to request an
additional year's leave of absense or
cut University apron strings altoge-
ther(Kernel, Sept. 2, ”Jack Hall
undecided about another leave").

Hall, who is presently on his first
leave of absense, is working as Gov.
Julian Carroll’s internal affairs assiS»
tant. His leave, which was granted by
the Board of Trustees last December,
will terminate Jan. 1, 1976.

Hall, also a former Lexington
Urban County councilman, said he
has definitely decided to stay in
Frankfort beyond Jan. 1, but ap-
parently can’t decide whether to jump
into politics with both feet. After all
having one foot in politics and one in
the University is safer—jobs are hard
to find.

Hall says that his state government
iob, particularly when the 1976 Iegis~
lature starts meeting, will offer him
new horizons" and ”new

UK could probably use a few new
horizons and certainly is not going to
get them if Hall returns. So please
Dean Hall, stay in Frankfort. UK
students have had the benefit of your


leadership for quite a few too many
years and let’s face it, state govern-
ment can’t get much worse.

Our memory of Hall may not be
long enough, but we can certainly
recall some of his better moments.

Hall was there and had a great deal
to do with the charges brought against
students involved in the antiwar
rallies in 1970. He opposed the Gay
Liberation Front’s application for
recognition as a student organizaticn
in 1972. Hall was also instrumental in
censoring the New York Erotic Film
Festival which the Student Center
Board attempted to show at UK in
1974. Also in 1974, he gave black
students the run ar0und when they
were trying to get Student Center
office space.

It was found that Hall installed a
secret taping system in the Student
Center when such controversial
groups as the New American Move-
mentla democratic socialist organi-
zation) came to campus.

It would be unfair to say Hall is
directly responsible for all of those
actions. Considering the secrecy that
always shrouded his office it is
impossible to say he was directly
responsible for anything.


Over in a first floor Student
Center display cabinet is a photo
which should be of great interest to
the student body.

It’s surrounded by various
fraternity paraphernalia including
a pair of Lambda Chi Alpha
stamped lace bikini panties, a
photo of last year’s Sigma Nu beer
blast and a Delta Chi Manual.

Now, what could be more in-
teresting than Lambda Chi Alpha
bikinis? A picture of Student
Government (56) President Jim
Harralson and his Kappa Alpha
brothers in Confederate uniforms
— in living and breathing color
(grey, but no black).


The South shall rise again

The display, which is probably
an attempt to lure freshmen to ioin
fraternities, announces to the
world that fraternities mean
”brotherhood, scholarship, sports,
social.” One would be hard pressed
to gather such a meaning from the
display, which seems to imply that
fraternities mean beer, sex and
”the South shall rise again.”

Well, after all there is a nostalgia
craze. Let‘s all return with Kappa
Alpha and our 56 president to the
good old days where men were
men, women were ladies and
blacks were slaves. But remem-
ber, that’s before the days of the
”sexual revolution" — the lace
bikinis will have to go.






Un-making of
a president

WASHINGTON —Tom Snyder has
made a large name for himself on
television interviewing the three ends
of two-hea ded calfs and other freaks of
nature. From time to time, though, he
deviates from Believe—ltonNot-Ripley-
type guests and puts a non-curiosity on
his NBC Tomorrow show.

The other night it was Theodore H.
("The Makingof the President” series)
White. The occasion was the
publication of Mr. White’s newest book
on the un-making of President Nixon,
but for the audience it was also a
chance to see how a successful, well-
connected, establishmentarian iour-
nalist thinks and looks at the part of the
world he reports on. As such he can be
allowed to stand as a representative of
a number of others who once had many
flattering things to write about Mr.
Nixon and now must occasionally
wonder how they could have been so
badly had.

\flm Hoffman

“There are no saints and no villains
in history,” he says, thereby making
the conventional obeisance to upper
class notions of complexity, but for Mr.
White, Mr. Nixon is Milton’s devil in
”Paradise Lost," the best and the most
gifted of angels who went sour.

After mentioning detente and China
with approval, he says, ”(Nixon) got
the young men out of the draft. He did a
spectacular environment program, the
best of any industrial nation in the
world...you have to understand that this
man did so much good in his years in
office, and then you say to yourself,
’How could he be so stupid, so cheap, so
mean...so ferocious, so cruel?’...l will
do my best to understand, but there are
certain things which are unforgivable.”

To White the men President Nixon
chose to Surround himself with are
”real, swinish brutes” and ”hustlers”
rotten with ”squirming ambition.”

This is the kindof language that those
who opposed Nixon when he was in
office used but would probably qualify
now. Yet here is White, a man in such
good favor in the time of the Nixon
White House that he could get a private
interview with the President saying yes
sir, there are too villains and none more
wicked than this fallen angel.

White is so angry because he takes it
so personally. Can you conceive of the
most unregenerate anti-Nixon leftist
saying: ”What i hold against Richard
Nixon is he almost shattered my con-
fidence in our country's ability to run
itself...l was disappointed in Johnson
(but) disappointed, deceived and hurt
by Richard Nixon."

Blurting something like that out
transcends the embarrassment of
looking like a iackass because one once
wrote complimentary sentences about
Nixon. This comes closer to a child's



lashing out at being told Santa Claus is
a guy on Macy’s payroll. White has
been doing his reporting of Presidents
with the critical eye of a Peruvian
monk freshly come to Rome to look on
the face of his Pope:

”The people anoint and elect the
President. The people express the will
of God, (if) such there be. And thsu, the
President, whether he knows it or not,
is a high priestly figure, he is a
sacerdotal figure...Washington, Lin-
coln, Roosevelt were really ennobled by
the office...Men went to die because
Lincoln said they must and because
Franklin Roosevelt said they must.”

The grandeurand the brilliance of the
office is so great that White says he is
mentally incapacitated when in the
same room with a President: ”I’ve
been in the White House, in and out,
now under five Presidents, and I‘m
always scared when I speak to a
President. Some people go in there and
they freeze up and they forget what
they’re going to ask the President...l
always have had that sense of awe, so
that normally, if I do want to speak to a
President, I Will send a note in advance
saying, ’I want to talk to you about this
and this and this.’”

There must be tourists waiting in line
with their Kodaks who’re in better
emotional shape to observe what’s
going on in the Presidential Mansion
than the gage White: "The White
House is an eerie place. It’s so quiet and
it‘s so hushed and it’s so beautiful...
There are buttons there that run
everywhere. They can drop bombs or
build hospitals or whatever you want.”

White wants to worship. As he says:
”I suffer from incumbentitis...l’m not
going to be a spitball iournalist.” He
also says: "We have a larger per-
centage of decent politicians in this
country than in any other I’ve covered,
and l respect most politicians (but)
when lfindacrook, l’ll burn him. When
lfinda liar, l’llcall him a liar.”

With the eyes through which White
sees, one wonders how he will ever
catch a crook or discern a liar. By his
own description, he is not the most
suspicious of men, but crook catching
isn’t the primary business of iour»

Their primary business is, regardless
of their ideology, understanding the
world intelligently enough to be able to
distinguish what might conceivably be
thought of as news from official
diapasons ofglory. White couldn’t, nor
did most of the other renowned names
in iournalism and, while you might say
that the last time out the crooks were
caught, it wasn’t by journalists but by
police reporters, and that may be why
the people in our business are the first
to know and the last to understand.


Nicholas Von Hottman is a
columnist for King Features Syn-
dicate. '




1‘“!me A a

.r h N“!






 duh-.W an“ a

*1 gt”...









THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. September 3. 1975—3

BOY, are we glad
SpeCtrum you're back

Comments from the University community . (We’ve really missed You.)

and to prove how much we



Women in the third world


By Adrienne Germain

New Yak Times News Service


Who does the maior part of the work in poor
countries? Women do. Yet they are probably the
most underrated economic resource in ”resource-
poor” third world countries.

For them, work is neither a choice nor a right, but
a necessity. The maiority are producers of food,
household items; they hire out as wage labor. They
do not want ”liberation” but tools and training.
They have usually been denied both because
development policies assume men work and women
raise children.

Governments and international assistance
programs have been virtually oblivious to certain

Women in subSaharan Africa provide as much as
80 per cent of the labor (often eight to ten hours a
day) necessary for food production. But, when
training, improved seeds and machines are
available, they 90 most often to men.

in Chile, Colombia and Kenya at least 25 per cent
of families are headed by women who must work for
their families to survive. Even in households
headed by men, most women need to work. But, the
argument is still made that it is impossible to
employ women when male unemployment rates are

Ironically, modern technology often throws
women, as well as men, out of work. Hundreds of
thousands of the poorest women in Indonesia and
Bangladesh have lost their only source of income
(rice-husking) because machines can do the iob
faster. But, no plans have been made to develop
substitute sources of income.

Everywhere in the third world women are
tremendously burdened by domestic chores (four to
six hou rsa dayto grind corn and fetch water for the
family's meals) that con5ume energy and time that
could be used more productively. But, little at
tention has been paid to developing simple
machinery (such as maize mills) to reduce these
burdens and make it possible for women to invest
time in literacy classes.

Government and international agencies are only
beginning to recognize a number of important

* People are one of the few abundant develop-
ment resources most third world countries have;
they cannot afford to abuse and under-utilize fully
half that resource.

7 The solution of the world food problems depends
to a large extenton improvingthe productivity of all
workers, especially women.

~77 Reduction of population growth rates will be
facilitated if women’s dependence on large num-
bers of children can be reduced. As long as
motherhood is defined as women’s main mission in
life, women have good reason to continue having
large families.

—— Achievement of an equitable distribution of
national wealth and services depends not only on
distribution to different economic groups but also to

really missed you, we at
LeMaster’s are having a

Big Grand Opening

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women and men within each economic group.
Few people have thought much about the issues
raised here. No one seems to know what to do about
them. There are at least three beliefs that prevent
obiective discussion.
First, policymakers, at present primarily male.

assume the issue is ”women’s lib“ and therefore w
- I . ‘ I I I . W
culturally imperialistic. It IS neither. The issue is t ednesday 4
how to enable all people to be more productive in . 1
order to reduce poverty. 5 1 '25 A P'*ch°r 1
Second. policymakers have their own ideal A" Day 1

concepts of what women should and should not do,
which often contradict the reality of poor women’s
lives. ' v v r v '

Third, it is usually argued that national economic band every TUOSdCy
development problems need to be solved before '
women’s lives can be improved. This argument CHd N‘ghf

ignores the fact that women’s work is part of the 1 K h
solution. W0 eys now as C

One of the most important messa es of the ln-
ternational Women’s Year conferencfeJ in Mexico is.’ comple'e so me room
that these and other beliefs are mistaken.

There was consensus at the conference on the 333 5. Lime?
critical importance of increasing women’s "
economic and decision-making power not just to
benefit women but to accelerate the achievement of
national development. The conference may have
helped dissipate debate over whether to act, but
arguing over what to do and how is likely to con-
tinue. in the meantime, women themselves must
take the initiative despite handicaps of inex-
perience, insufficient education, lack of political
and economic power.

Governments and international agencies can be
helpful, not only by employing more women and
putting them in policymaking positions, but by O '
assigning budget and staff members to help im- ur people make It better
plement the world plan of action agreed on in

Specifically, they would support women’s h" ’ c *
organizations as a focal point for work, a source of T ICK n hewv
credit, training, information and community
power; develop and distribute work-saving devices
(such as wheelbarrows) to lighten the burden of
work, and organize training programs in simple
accounting, for example, to increase women’s

They should also generate data and analysis on
women ’5 actual and potential economic con i'
tributions in order to influence policymakers; and'
change the images pt women in the news media/l
textbooks and other educational materials.

These proposals are necessary steps in the
solution of an immense problem. They focus on
women’s strengths and potential. They recognize
that women are producers, as well as mothers, and
that they are key actors in the development process,






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not merely its beneficiaries. Existing welfare- 2213 Versailles Road . , Phone 254-2214
oriented development programs that do reach 418 New Circle Road. N.E. . . . . . . . , . . , .Phone 255-3418
women - family planning, health, nutrition — are 384 Woodland , - , » - ------ Phone 255-3078
important but insufficient. (“CW 3' W°°‘“8"d)
3501 Lansdowne .Phone 272-6211
. (East Reynolds Rd. & Lansdowne Dr. )
Adrienne Germain is program officer in the 2313 Woodhill Drive . , . Phone 266-1030

population office of the Ford Foundation's in- (Circle Plaza- Across from Lex Dodge)
ternational division.







l—TIIE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. September 3, I975

Living Off Campus?

If you want your bells, chimes or
whatever to ring during the fall term,
apply for telephone service today.

For your convenience General Tele»
phone has set up a temporary business
office on campus to take your applica
tion for off‘campus telephone service.

We’ll be in Room ill at the Student
Center from August 20th until Sep-
tember 5th, 8 a.m.~5 p.m. weekdays.
Dig it!




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[1* news briefs


Judge limits protests

against Louisville busing

l.()l'lS\'lLl.E (AP) ~r A federal judge issued an order Tuesday
banning massive demonstrations against forced school busing
which begins Thursday in Jefferson County.

US. District Court Judge James E. Gordon said that for the next
ll) days, any demonstrations in excess of 100 persons will be
restricted to the Kentucky State Fair grounds between the hours of
9 am. and 3 p.m.

Extra police and federal marshals will be available to cope with
demonstrators. In addition. a fireman will be stationed in each of
Louisville‘s 65 schools to forestall false alarms.

U.S. obligations in Sinai pact
stir Congressional opposition

\i'.\.\'lll.\'(;T()N (AP! , President Ford expects approval to use
American technicians as monitors in the Sinai. despite opposition
from congressmen concerned that a (IS. role could lead to
\'ielnamstype involvement. White House Press Secretary Ron
Nessen said today.

The Middle East peace plan. signed by Egyptian and Israeli
leaders Monday, provides for American civilians to man
monitoring stations in order to assure compliance with the

The [Tnited States. in separate. so-l‘ar unpublished agreements. is
expected to agree to pay the cost of the accord to Israel about
$700 million to build new defense lines and make up for the oil lost in
Abu Rudeis. in addition to the regular (CS. aid package to Israel of
about $2.6 billion.

FBI believes Gialcone involved
in abduction of Teamster leader

DETROIT (AP) ,, Attorneys for the U.S. government told a
federal court Tuesday that the FBI believes a car it seized was used
by Jimmy Hoffa‘s foster son. Joseph Gialcone. 22. to “facilitate an
abduction of Hoffa."

The government. however. provided no evidence that it knew the
fate of the former Teamsters union president, who vanished July 30
from the parking lot of a fashionable suburban Detroit restaurant.


it: Knituiky Kernel, llJ inurmli-vn-
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Friday, September 12'
Student Center Ballroom

2 Shows

Tickets: $4.00
Tickets Sales Begin:

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203 Student Center
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7:00 p.m. 8: 9:30 p.m.



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‘ .





Business and economics
to begin search for dean

Following a meeting this
Friday with President ()tis
Singletary, an eight man com-
mittee will begin the search for a
aean of the College of Business
and Economics.

“We hope to be able to appoint
a dean by September. 1976,“ said
Dr. James Gibson, chairman of
the committee.

The committee will advertise
in journals, screen candidates
and make recommendations to
Singletary to fill the position
vacated by the resignation of
former dean Dr. Charles

Dr. William Ecton, former
associate dean, has been ap-
pointed acting dean until the

search committee completes its

The Friday meeting with
Singletary has been scheduled so
that the committee can establish
“what we are looking for in a
dean." said committee member
Dr. David Richardson, an
economics professor.

Other committee members are
Dr. Levis McCullers. accounting
professor; Antonio Wingler.
business administration
graduate student; Dr. Thaddeus
(‘urtz, computer science
professor; Dr. Kurt Anschel,
agricultural economics
professor, Jim Harralson, SG
president and David Victor,
business development and
government services director.




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Phone- 258~8867

This trip open only to students, faculty and staff and their immediate




we ‘

”ii sucxs








. \lee’s or Ledies’









’SPORT ,; Ledies’l’leia - ’l ‘3
E to portectionl .
25‘ 5
each ,:




‘8‘ co N‘ v E 171 E N T "LOCATIONS

Croserads Shopping Center ‘ 7421/2 Winchester Road
Chevy Chase LandeOwne. .Iurtland Mall

1837_East P‘icadome' ‘Northland‘ V Village Square














"393‘! ‘ ’


.-v._.__ _.._.._," saw—afiwwrv ~ vv

 ’ti—JI‘IIE KEN'I‘l'CKY KERNI‘IL, Wednesday. September 3. I975

C | N E M A
no r. MAIN sr. 254-6006



Chicago SUN TIMES-“Outrageous!"
“Meyer outdoes himself...His best film

A committee has been formed
to find “news type personalities"
for the upcoming “Joe Creason
lecture Series,“ said Dr. Ray
llornback, vice-president of
University Relations.

liomback, chairman of the
committee, declined to name any
prospective speakers. but said
the committee would select the
type of i'omiat the lecture series
would follow.

“It could be a seminar with

(‘hicaxo READER-"laugh your heads
off! "meyer is the best comedy director
working In America today!"

Los Angeles TIMES—"Shocking!" "A

hilarious combination of last action and
busty babes!"

Kansas (‘Ity STAR “Schlockmeister!”
"Meyer...“ot on his own heels!"

“A near genius!" “Meyer at his out-



Warning. Sex and Violence Can Be
Dangerous to Your Health.




3:; f “:34“

figmggfl ONE WEEK ONLY!


without a trace — over a 1000 people and
100 planes and ships in an area of the
Atlantic Ocean known as . . .




Kernel Staff Writer
I '1 IW IW Although cases of “sleeping
sickness" have recently been
reported in Louisville, there is no
evidence to suggest there will be
a problem in Lexington, ac»
cording to a Health Department

Three Lexington residents
were tested last week for the
disease, which is spread by
, mosquitos, but all were negative,
I said Norma Godbey of the
Fayette County Health Depart—


I A Tm .vTIc

t or 'lv.‘A.'\' ‘ t—T”
. .


A .A.__. .. ,LLL



The Greatest


ofthe Century . I ment.
Featuring E l Rev. Reggie Johnson, 74, of the
VINCEuTPmCE I , m .5“ Main Street Baptist Church, was
PLUS. Q l " Q thought by Health Department

officials to be a victim of the
disease when he died Tuesday.
However, it was later reported
Johnson died of natural causes.

Symptoms of viral encephalitis
occur in stages, beginning with
fever and headaches and ending

AII Seats $1.25 till 2:00 pm.



Dan Durvea
John Ericson

will CULOR

by DELuxe

Lois Nettleton






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