xt74xg9f7f6j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f7f6j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1945 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1945 Vol.17 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, December 1945 Vol.17 No.2 1945 1945 2019 true xt74xg9f7f6j section xt74xg9f7f6j 3 .«y-j{21:73.3‘-;:.::;;::;.:.;v.73":, j";'33'3jifi'3jvii';"'31:?)7:517}5'jj,‘ElffmiF'iT i": i' “_;__ , ”kw a.-.» we assures-{.17. ~~»« ' '
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. iPromotton I n The Local Adverttsmg F teld ~ ~ ~ .-
, , ] 133
l‘ ,3 It has always been maintained by progres Summing Up future needs. A record of anniversaries will ’ ‘ 3 3
I , sire community publishers, and proven time ADVERTISING IS THE POWER that pay big dividends. i i 3
_ i and again, that advertising is the life-blood can guide public morale, and so made vic- Watch store stocks. The alert ad man , 3 3 3
r of a good town as well as the newspaper. The tory possible. keeps his eyes and ears open when he visits 3 3 l
publisher who is inclined to wait for adver- ADVERTISING is the one power that his customer’s store. A check of the window . 3‘ , i, 3 i
lising to come to him is due [or a rude can marshal all our people behind a unified displays and stock of merchandise provides 3, j 3 3, '
, 33(awakening in the period that will follow this war effort. tips for ad C0py. , . 3 3 i .
3 War. III a few, blunt words. the newspaper ADVERTISING is the heart—the (zir- Watch trade publications. Every business " 1, ,2
, 30mm who does not take advantage of his culation pump—of our national finances, classification has its trade publication. They 3 3 “.- ,
I ’ improved financial condition to install new, upon which we must depend for the financial are full of newest merchandising ideas along ._ 3 i
modern equipment, print more news, make support of the war effort. those specialized lines and are always good . i ' 3 i
'- his publication more readable and render ADVER'I'ISING is the one power that for advertising copy suggestions and layouts. ‘ i
1- his advertisers a better service, will wake up can ellectively operate now to preserve the Borrow copies from your merchants . . . it 3 3 g
e some morning to find that a new newspaper framework of peacetime business and in- never hurts to Show an interest in their busi- N, 3 V
g ’ ixbeing started in his city. dustry, and minimize the dreaded period ness and it will enable you to talk their lan- “ l 3
In addition to improving the appearance between war and reconstructive employ- guage with a greater authority and under- . ' 3 , ._
. find readability Of his newspaper, the pub- "Wm. standing. ‘ 3/3 5
'l' “shei- should make one 01‘ his top post-war. “Chilld these four rocks of national Contact Every Prospective Advertiser i 3 3'3 '
d abjectivcs the development of 10m] adver- necessity, ADVERTISING must continue to Use a prospect list. See that no advertis- , '3 ‘
d Iising, Local advertising solicitation and stand as an impregnable and move Institu- ing prospect is overlooked. Make it a point ‘ I , ' 3
idling must not be (m a ”(Humid-then basis “Wt to see a certain percentage of the non-adver- 3 3: .
3 “’"Wlnt and intelligent solicitation must be ——_-———__—_ tisers every week. Start them with small ads I ,3 3
used, Merchants must be “dd and resold 0” cess to attractive layouts. illustrations and ill fiI‘St Zilld try to get RESULTS for them. i 3 i
the Value or’ newspaper advertising. timely promotions. But don't buy that service Set 1111 advertising quota 01‘ goal . . . daily, 3 i i i
3 . The post-war publisher and his advertis» \ just to park it away on a shelf to collect dust. weekly or monthly, it gives you an incentive ‘_ 3 '_ 3 i
331"“me must be well informed about the PUT THAT SERVICE TO \VORK Tear to beat your own record or that of your , 3 ‘3, ‘ f
333mmhandi5ing, promotion and advertising it apart, and show the merchant you can competitor. . 3 3, V 3
33‘lml’lems Of his merchants before he can prepare attractive and result—getting copy. BC ready I” help Prepare copy. If you 3 , 3' i,
3 hepe to get them to use more newspaper and One extra ad will pay for the service. \x'ant advertising volume you must be willing , 3 3 y. ,3
gzadvi‘rtising space. How is a publisher and his Study newspaper exchanges , _ _ A lot of to draft seventy-five per cent of the copy be- , 3' I}
3, flail to keep so well informed and equipped publishers are to” busy to open their ex» cause the average merchant can’t or won't do 3. 3 j
3310 met this challenge? Here "1‘6 1‘ few ideas changes, but a good live exchange list is it. I\’atch your production in the back shop. 4 3 ., 3 '
3333333331113'eprm-en themselves to be of tremen- worth more than 3100 a month for sugges. (.are III composition, backed by gOOd rollers 3, ,
:1, 13 aid 1n the development of a better tive copy and to show you the opportunities and tympans and clean Ink fountains WI]! 3 3K. 3 -l,
’MWSPaper. ' you are passing up. pay dividends. 3:, 3 1' ‘3 3 '
Good Mat Service Essential Check your old files. They Show what your Supply your advertisers with proofs and ,' 3' 3 3, ' ,1 '
; InVESt in a good advertising mat service. merchants have done in the past and will extra copies of his ad for posting in the store. 3 4'3 ‘
“s” Forafew dollars a month you can have ae- give you a basis for gauging their possible Encourage window displays to tie up with , t . 3
‘ , .' ’ , . -, , ; -
. ‘ i ‘ , ' f i , S 3.:
‘ 13.3333" 3 ‘ - t . ‘ . \ , ' , 3 __ _ 4 ’ , 553233, :33". ,,
.3... 4,5; \. 3 - ,

 1. 1... II I
" Decemb I
' KY PRES I “on
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.(11 w. .‘11EfEIE THE K 1 cl‘tlSlIlg‘ News}? In I946 e that there I
" ' ' " ' " ' "; ,- :l( v 1 1 1 1‘6 . 1
' ' ' "" "" "' "" ' ' Nexvspzlpel . of an): TOUg _ estimates 1g int avallable
. .. .151 1-; l g -f =‘ .keting. fi‘cctwe 1 vauve f newspr II
1 1 1Q:- 1111 . 11 TWO ~ 1t 111211 ._ 1 and e 1 )l-ool Conser 0 tons 0 I the first In I
' " ""' " ' "" "' Page Clficlel Onomlcn 01(1 am 1 1 935,00 mung . .
1'1; 1.11:1 Sults and . the most ec f 1 must be S . n on the will be : 'ted States I 1 OPA resmmom I
' "‘ 1111-15. . . . re . 1s ac . 510 Unl .1 ,
. . 1 1.. . [11C 11 that res I IC H II same
' " ' "" " ' 't m w - 1ut 1mP . t1 whe . The
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' " "" " "' "' ' w an lute f OSSIbIe' ' f mud to Create 1 =11] thS of 194 3 -11 be “ft-e . the first
' ' ' ""' "1'11" .1 «Is. 5110 =RVICE 1 P slege 0 esented . more t1. mon )tiofl “11 . durmg _
' ' '1""" ""1' 1 j the ‘ ExTRA 51‘- d [ter the long d will pr tisfir _ means fzn vidinh’ on (19115111111 . t Ollt that 1 Congumpmn 1
' ' ' '1' '1 1‘21 - .1 E -, a . 1n . 1ver. ' “cc . )1-0 -. . . . )oln - -[C( ‘ .
' """" " " ""' ' GIV recmte . 11 llnes « .1( 10- 501 means I 1) rltles I cgtnnd than
.1 11;:- . . b1 aPP . , m a mange , .. ,~ It I O hCI mtho I 1941 I nsmore
1 1.121 .1 1 1 (1011 7 .- ervlcc sed 11 At \ . 1.1151113 . Isers t I I“ 01 99 000 to II
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. ,. .. .1: 11‘. .- ..nd £500 -1 rldVCI‘US a . 115 f0 the)“ mun 1 - -me 0 L011 . 115C - e
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' " """" ' 1 ruse l: of . are - . 1 1mg 5 , . )Crs. l Unl- there = .1111 m 1 large
' " """' """' "" : ~ adxc 1 sttK) . thCE [tel ("1 1.51m] ~ , ”-11 1d “ 11 211K
' " ""' ' 0'" A ' 1h“ A . :tncl . 111ml 1 . 1 . fie : f1 : \s a .
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11 i113. - ii 11'i . newspdlmf 0111' (lass wxll 5 011-11 ndx-el"“'?': used byncsDCPIIrImcm 01 J (1 to camoml I vernmem (Mk ISInPerS gen“ OIIIIbIII be
' ' "" " ' "' "" ' . 1 y 111‘ . t] 1 ‘ _ rte . ta- 0 16“ ‘ 11 )l‘ ‘
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1. 1'11 1 ~ 111- . . Dapel era 0 are « 11;:le . ‘11].1, II Bed Ion I Inge III
" ' "" "" ""' ' t “5 I the) [0 < (“111(01 thI-S 11 .1». umpt 1 51101 < , =eg of SUPP
1' 1:1 ,...,,,,; . he 1365 .65 am . -);|(6 .~ , of n 1. that - 111.1 s .1ctua .,1goure . .
" ' "" " "" "' "150 ' nseh . hug 5! («125111 .0015 .-)a1)e1 the = Low 1 that .
. 1.. . thel , [ems . .e \ _ . . Hanan nan-s1 II II I sum nSI I0 “MI
. 1.1 11.1.1 ... 1 to sell . :n .u \ - . rv mt . 15mg 1 . Imm XICSWI ICI 7 000 to I Imam
1. 1!... 11. 1. space bar 0“ s be . .ulx'clt 1. .tion .1 . Ire nu ml 17 I I “16th I ICkIII
.: 1111 1 . 1.. . - 1-: . ‘ 5 of t -. sel‘\1(€-' 01‘ = - 1orm011 . I I V0 I
. .i ,. I = t1€ on effe , more 11111 I he of the I I m make I I
, = 1. lit .11 become I knmIla ID Ith SIIIC
' E "" ' These "' “quire grc'ltel rehtionshlp “1 I
, . .111, IIIrSI I I ‘IS I
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 , , . . 7.. - .g-.____.c.g We..-“ gm,” “Pg... ,A; _(,._ , . .k kg...“MW...,...g..__.g._.a.......u_ggc_.,_._.M...” _.._.___e-.-,,W_Vfi,.f ». ..-«. '
i.» ‘-r \ . 1. V. .
‘ ~ i
l945 i December, 1945 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ' i
i .7 V i. _.
i ‘
ee that there . ~ V -
print available ‘ 5‘
g the first 5in V :1 '
?A restrictions l Th C l b E . . . i Z .
3d. The same , t . '
.lring the first i e 0 uWL us xpeytmen ,V ’i '.
1 consumption l . i ' '. .
ons more than ‘ A .
[oweven while ' . ‘
t look seriousi , .
s ol' newsprint . U I
Clljif0ks’VmON’ I n Columbus, Ohio, a test conducted by A 8c P in conjunction with the . ’
:fem‘lllrfel A201: V agricultural experiment station at VOhio State University is demonstrating that, ‘ , I,
11 probably be when perishable produce is sealed in packages of m01sture-proof cellophane and , . i V-
urces of suPplyi kept refrigerated, spoilage is largely elimlnated. V V .
rte. to wit, that . V V
1 Kentucky. . i ‘
)ly pool of any This experiment seeks a way to reduce the spmlage loss—generally regarded - ii
;, our "savings as “inevitable”—which costs the nation the output of one acre in every four V' V '
d. There has' under cultivation and nullifies two of every eight hours worked by American . 3 ii :
1ewsprint man- I ' farmers. VV ‘ V V V
ills, who have VV ,. V .V V
lore profitable. . - V, i V
nlitornia Newt Enlisting the aid of A 8c P Super Market managers and warehousemen in . i ; i
has 35k?“ that Columbus, as well as consumers, progressive Ohio farmers and manufacturers ,
“CWSPmt be of containers and equipment, this project has made modern packaging methods ‘ i i ‘ j
and scientific refrigeration its chief implement in the war on waste. i I '
mpmvc befortflV V V V V,
ding to all the V _ ‘ 3 , i '
d” on their use Fresh, field-ripened fruits and vegetables are washed, trimmed, packed in l j i i i
,tempt to meet cellophane and then sold from open-type, self-servrce refrigerator cases. The .- ‘V ‘3‘; ;
) all available experiment, which includes protection of perishables from farm to dinner table, V . i :
unquestionabl‘i has drawn a response from food shoppers indicating that the test is headed in i .U
rious newsprint the right direction. 1 3
ANPA advisesi . a . i i I
:ificial shortage. V V V
)56 to demand.) The Columbus Experiment has already shown that cooperation among g _ Ii .
“spot" prices growerS, distributors and consumers can lick the spoilage problem. It is typical ‘ ~ [pi i i
~cnted an mm] of a policy which has enabled the men and women of A St P to do the nation’s -‘ i ‘
. plants. In the‘ most efficient job of food distribution. ' ‘r ' i
3 a number OI V. i ,
be caught in, V V IV .
apers will llflie‘ [ é
y run out. .V i V
l in New York V i i
the America“! ¥ * ¥ . V V. ‘ .
izrtion, members. V V g i
Illons appl‘OVedl V V VV V
which calls for" V i , V .i
1' their tonnfliiEV E V 1 ‘,
J behalf of “Hit ~ . i, V' .
mg Ti... 3% . ; v s, _
)ck on hand, or ' V. V V . ' V
)urce 0f SUPPI)“: .V .,:
>uld '36 Paidby . 5‘ i
print. .' _V V V .
. i E ’ ' i‘ i ,1 .
utures. ; . : . l .V_ VV
:3 _ , if. i g. {d
_ It,» .1: V . r , . . , ii; 1!: ii ‘ '

 5JJii 55:55,; is, .‘ ‘ ‘ , 1;. 5‘ .
v.55 NJ 5.5.5 ‘ 5 5 , ..5
J . 55:53 i515“; 3 t .
5 J55? ‘;.‘55 - ' ‘
l 5J5. y 55 - 5 :-
; '5st 5:- » .. page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS December, 5945 .5:
- J il-iJii- 51“ 151‘ ii ‘ ' ‘ '
~‘ 5‘15. .‘5 55‘ .5 ; * 5
‘ 5,: July; : JJJI" J . . . . . J
J JJ‘JJI‘ NJ}; 5 Official Publication of the Kentucky during the depression. Jliere is substantial Effecfi
Jl J JJJJ‘JJ ‘J‘ ‘ J" JJJ J ' ‘ he Press Association evidence that the are on the var b
' "l .‘J5'5 55515? 5:51 . _____________ . y - h) rick, ‘Make
5 . 't .5,“,‘ ‘- . . r, . . , .
- JJ '5'52 J 5515‘ Jilil J K 5 Victor R. Portmarm, Editor-Publisher Sunday supplements are. 5 .
flat in J -‘-.5>5 :‘ ____._.______ . . ' During
51 ll : ..i ': i..,‘J:5~: en . r ’ SS . They offer the C(lltOI‘l’ll de rirtme
‘ JZJJ 'JEtJJfi‘J 5“. iti‘i‘i J . Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexmgton . ’ . . . . J . J‘ m we rogram
5‘5 5,453.5; jj. ‘ J- J5; widest possrbilitv lor developing feature an P
1553.‘ . ‘ .. ' 1 s
5 J :JJ‘JJJJ .‘jgj‘ J '1" . term] and the advertismg department the JPOJJS’J.
5 5,5 iéfJ 5? 3‘ . 5‘ he Kentucky Press Association recogmzes the fundamental importance ”munmnitv to compete with the magazines ,CmPJ‘JS’Z
‘5‘:“’-. I: 5r . . . . - - ' ‘ .J . ..
3:: ‘15} 5, ‘3 ill: .J‘J ‘ of the zmplzed trust imposed on newspapers and drssemmatzon of public on one ma] Pomt of competition—(mm, Jgafrdles;
. . - . - . . . e
. J :J‘J‘ti 1 znformatton. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency m the [116- They offer, momma, the Opportunity for 'JNJJ".
555..55.:;: . 5 - . 5 . . m5
' J .JJJ‘ZJ 5‘ ‘JJJJJ‘E sentation of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalzsm. It advocates group selling and lor the discounts which . sue 8
5‘5 5,5,‘;'i,1.‘.i . . . .. - . ., . . . ~ .. 5 . 0 iecc
5 J. JJ‘ , j. . J - strict ethical standards in its advertzsmg column. It opposes the publrca- haw bccn so successful In radio. l (but It
.JJ; 2 ."55' 5 , . . . ,, _ ~, , 5 , J A
J‘E'J ‘5 J :‘5 J tion of propaganda under the guise of news. It afil‘l‘ms the obligatlon 0f (1 ‘J‘W’J‘m ”‘0 “‘J‘“ “J ““3 5“”de s“I’P'C' J “J26
'. 5JJ.‘ 5 -_ . . . . i - ‘ r .1 » _ (hem 1
J JJ5‘5 5 : 5 newspaper to frank, honest and fearless edztorzal expressions. It respects “1“”- Jmt personal”) 11 10‘“ L0 ‘1“; J10!“ ; t (
.JJ 5 5t: l . . . - . ' ~ - . 5 ' 5 ,5 )roduccd. home-ecitet ma azine (esi ned 5m” or
: 5555; ‘, _ , .35 equality of opzmon and the rzght of every lndZ‘t/ldltal to participation in if rmder of 1 articular :68 g 1h" max
5 m.» . . , ~, - , or . .s . i i i . . ,‘
1 Jill ' J55 the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes m the W l p . e d I “h l “,0” of J
5. 2:1: , 2;. ‘5 5 - - - - ~ .- . . e mus‘ TCCOZIIIZ. ia' a ourri we at .
J.. 9J9 ,-.‘ 5. 5.‘ l5). 5 ' newspaper as a vital medium for czvzc, economzc, scam], and cultural rom- . _ _ h C The SP6:
J: 5555 J ..~ JJLJi:;Ji‘ l t d 1 fit and pro 655 essentially provmaal newspapers, all of us, ‘
155555 ‘55 55:65 ‘ * mu 1 eve 0 me 5 . ' . . . . 5‘
“‘ J5J ,i J JJE‘ J ‘ n y 19 gr whether we like it or not, are citizens of the JJJJJJ the
. 55:3 J J, ,J . . J ';
‘ Jp: ‘55-: J ______._————-———————————‘—“—"‘—‘——‘—‘——"-' world, and w care not gomg to ignore that. .JJJ“ JJJeJ
i; 3 in 5‘ .. . 5'
‘, :7 5J‘;J‘.: 3 Volume Seventeen, Number Two [or most publishers not to regard wrtli con» In short. we must know. at first hand. JJJ‘JJthe
‘ ‘ 55 . ‘.5 .‘ ‘ . , , . . . K
5 ‘.5 :5 .-,» 5,. J ~_______#__._ tcm )t. It is that you can t have a $75 a week more than the wire services. the columnists “J” “J
ll‘ ‘5 1;.J‘e J 1 ' Jf ‘.
J: 7i gJJ‘i J “ Kentucky Press Association Officers editors and $5100 a week business managers or the ordinary reporter has ever told us, ”mm
‘.‘.5“ 551“: .. . .5
5 :5. le..:5 f5 5‘? J- Chamcey F°rgey"”"""figé‘i'a'é‘gg'mdependent’ Asmand and expect to meet competition and measure or will ever be able to tell our readers. 5m“? V
‘ J! ‘J5J5‘i J}; J Fred B. waens..._.......................ngaid-Leader, Lexington up to the standards of postwar ]()L1rn211181n. The newspapers are. first of all. NE\\5’3- Jlm‘mto tJ
5: .5 J". , vice-Presi ent . . . . ' . ' ‘
ll i j i' J 5, 5 . ‘ , . . . . . . . l , e _ , ._. J |
J: J 5 . ‘ . .liJj‘J . Victor R. Portmanu......._..__......_.._.._.U. of K., Lexington .\d\eit1s1ng ("111d (511(1115111011 men are 1m papers accent on the news..The reporterlor tin 01‘(l(
J ‘ 5.‘ J53 Seci~etary-1v::uiag;r t . t portant. I am not derogatiiig them. But, if editorial writer who can dig 1n to the im- 10ml, wa
5' 5‘ 5“' ' :, J 55 Executive Commi ee, is no 3 _ , ,
J ‘5 55J ‘JJ: ‘ Harold A Browning Whitley Republican, Williams- we want to publish newspapers that keep port—the meaning—the hidden truths of the “J the int
J J J‘ J: J;J 3,350,313“”111,352;lrggg‘gnf‘fighfg @3325 2:2,; abreast of the tremendous strides being news. and behind the news. and turn out have pur
J - J‘. JJ‘JJ'JJ ‘ :J‘JJJ J. 5 gity _N€}US: ngélwggésvfi‘]:“ugoug‘érdjagies1%! xiii; taken in the magazine and radio news field. a story that will attract and hold the read- Editor kn
: Ji :15; ‘J . ourier- our , l _ .. _ « . . . _ ' . . , _ _ _ .
JJV 5i 5‘1J .5' J5Jii5 I Messenger, Brandenburg; Fifth, Vll'gll P. Senders, we must invite and hold editorial brains With (-rs interest through curios1ty. emotion or lift the
I, ‘J .5' .5 J; 3:: News—Democrat, Carrollton; Sixth, Enos Swain, Ad- ~ ' meh
" .,J 5 15,15: J:"~ vacate-Messenger, Danvillel; :eviiiiih‘a vvlJ’angddW. commensurate pav. feeling of personal relation to one or more I. tno
,5 ‘ 3553".- Robinson, Herald, Paintsvile; ig . . - e 0555 , . ' . J ‘
5‘ 5 J WJJJJJE Advocate,1Mt.tstterlénig‘; Tylesr Munfox‘lg, éggggggi Nowhere, is it truer than in the newspaper of the elements or that story—a writer OJ JJJJJJ‘JJC‘
5 .’ J 3 5 Mot anfie d, S a e-a - arge; eymour - v 5 '5 .. ‘ 5 J ' ‘ " 5J J J
J ‘: ‘J ' “~JJ1‘? ‘ Enteiprise. Elizabethtown, State-at-Large; Immedi" field, that we get what we pav for. Most ”ll-‘5 (4117)“ 15 not J01 5511C 011 “10 bargain .‘CWCTF
J J‘JJ‘JJ ate Past President, Joe Richardson, Times, Glasgow. , _ _ : t‘l to think
.' ‘. itiiJ-i Kentucky Press Women’s Club of us wouldnt start an advertising solicrtor 50““ “-
;5 . ‘ .5 £55: . 5‘ . . . ‘ . .‘ . - ' : t ',
5 3‘ ‘J5 ‘:.:: ‘iJ ‘JiJ ‘ Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald. Harrodsburg. President; on what we are williim to start a re when T” K“ h““- “‘3 “’1“ 1““ to pay hlm WJJJJ (“"ch (
‘ - 551 55‘“ “!i JJ 5 Miss Mildred Babbage Breckinrldge News Cloverport h I . b1. h ill d0 Jim“
“ J ‘J‘ 'JJ‘I .lJJJEJ First Vice-President; ivrrs. J. 0. Young, Jgurnal, Dixofi, It is something to be ashamed of, “I think. 110 '5 “'m‘tJL 01‘ 50““? other P“ ’5 er w "
‘ 5.5 515‘ 51" J ‘ . — 'd 1:; Mrs. Mar Hen erson Powe , . - _ . ,
5 :J ‘JJJJ ': ‘ i:%%¥ivgli:a$hfilérhlrd Vice—Prgsident; Mrs. at. R. that duringr the war. we newspapers lost ”3 Jm ““5 JJJQ I)
.. ‘.- 2‘5. .53 5. 5 w 11 e, Advertiser, Walton, Recording secre arr: . , .. - ____#_ _,_-__- n‘. ,
‘ ,5: iii LEJJJJJ ‘J Missatirith Lucas, Independent, Maysville, Cones. more than a thousand good men to Washing— ——— O J‘ ”J1 ”m
. J JJJJJ‘J J ‘ EJ312333:gesegifiafimgm‘ J' L' Bradley’ “mm" ton. Many a bureaucrat is a refugee from CommerCiOJ Printing COSl’S J‘lfllflcsu
J i ‘J‘ JJJ _ 7‘ the low pay of newspaper offices. TO GO Up 35 Per Cent 'J‘Jeflsi‘
JJ Jii 5 ‘5 .-\ lot oi2 our problems of competition will \ 1: (.5 L U S P blic Printer The snea
. 5- ‘1’. 5 . . .. . :. ieoen 'IC’ . . u . v 5.
J‘ 5. J‘J‘JJ' J NATIONAL EDITORIAL.— fluswer themselves if we spen d]udic10usly m , J ‘5 g‘ ’ a . 5, mm“ ll
‘5 5! JJ J . . . . ‘ stated in a recent address. An intellslle m‘ l
5 J5,“ 5' Jr J ‘);.{ ASSOCIATION the news and editorial rooms. some of the . J -C De- mt: ‘0
- :: };J 5 J mgfigm . . J . . . study by the Committee for Economl thine
. 5 M J 53.1% l f / \ast sums that we have put in the past into . f 11 ear - at
.. _.J,. JJJ .. . . . , velopment contemplates in the first 11 Y if k'
‘ : vi 353‘», J circulation promotion. . . ‘ . ll manu- , In mg
. . . JJ 5 A bl‘shei ho h n’t t 1k 1 't1 1 . of peace a 41 per cent increase in a JJ‘JJ‘JJJQ’ or
5 ‘ : nv )u i. 5 w as ; a 5e( W1 1 its . - - 5
5 5 5:515] J M5"- . _, ’ l J _ facturing over 1939