xt74xg9f7d12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f7d12/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2012-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 2012 text GLSO News, November 2012 2012 2012-11 2019 true xt74xg9f7d12 section xt74xg9f7d12 g GAY AND LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization November 2012 Vol 34 No. 11
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Open Arms of God

 The Main Idea are adopted or not) have an emp-
By Pastor Karen Taylor, tiness, a hole, that isn’t filled until '
Contributor they find (or settle. in their mind
I’m a pretty simple person; noth- about) their biological parent(s). ‘
ing too complicate about me. I Of course there are many fac-
don’t claim to have any high fluent tors that come into play regard-
ideas, butI do take time most days ing_whether or ”Qt they do pursue
to meditate on scripture and ask the" bum parents. Personally, 1
God to give me understanding on never had a relationship. w'th my I
ideas/concepts in the Word. One father and my mother d'e‘j when
thing He and I have been talking I was 9- years old so I can relate
about lately is how out of whack to ”“5 idea. That burning deSire
Christians have become over the to know your biological parent '5
years. So many take one concept the same spiritually speaking as
and make it the “main idea". It well. We innately have a deSire to
can be anything from money to know our spirituaiFather because
child care to sexual orientation. 't was first H's deSire for Wh'Ch He
phrposed us. d t
My understandin is that the main ere are no wor s O express
idea is the story gf Jesus and how how 't saddens me _to_ hear people
He became the propitiation for us ln the name 0f Christianity SDOUt'
so that we do not have to with- ing Off hate and dogma. It also
stand the wrath of God. sag‘dgns me when Ibhetar Reople
Have ou ever as m . . commi s. _a 0“ eeing
“what am I saved frwgihjwyfiygsgllf Christians/Christianity because of
ways answered that question the hate and/or dogma they have
with saved from hell. But lately had to endure. My B'ble teaches
I’ve been thinking on a little dif- me that they (the world) Will know
ferent line. Perhaps we are saved we are Christians by our love for
from the wrath of God. When sin one another. When Jesus walked
entered the world through Adam the streets people were drawn to
and Eve, God was angry that they Him. Some of those people want—
did not follow the one thing He in- ed t9 get to know H'm' others
structed them not to do. It was needing His helping hand, and still
that one act that separated us others were Simply perplexed by
from an intimate relationship with H'mi _We _as H's followers should
the Father. Without going into all .eXh'b't. a. me that attracts people
the history at this point, Jesus be- m a S'm”a.r fashion. If I say or
came the final sacrifice that would do something that makes anoth—
bridge that gap so you and I could er. m“ away from GOd Im totally
walk intimately with our God. This missmg the point.
is the Gospel, the good news, the Ithank GOd daily for the opportu-
main idea that every Christian nity to be a part .Of H's family. I
should be concerned with. seek daily to walk in accordance to
I believe we are all born with the H's Word and walk worthy 0f the
desire/need for that closeness to fact that_I am H's Ch'ld' I deSire
the Father. A God sized hole in our to live a life that speaks of the love
hearts, if you will. I believe we 0f GOd' the mercy 0f GOd' and the
long for that relationship with Him truth 0f 60d“ If you would We
much like we do our earthly par— to know more about haVing ““5
ents. I’ve always thought (based relationship With the Father con-
on talking to those I know who tact_me Via our churches web Site,
hra‘Ye been adopted) that adopted fowngrdfij 3&2“??? or calyrggrtrrwe.
- iscuss i u er
c l dren (whether they know they with you.

 Issue 1 1 2012 Feature Story
CONTENTS The Main Idea Page Two
ICK GSA Meeting
5 Every Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Pride Center
GLSO Board Meeting
Book Fair Features Thursday, Nov 1, 6:30 p.m.
Transgender Author Pride Center
Trans Kentucky
Saturday, Nov 3, 6:30 p.m.
Pride Center
figfing G 6 Lexington Gay Geeks Book Club
Friday, Nov 9, 6:30 p.m.
KY Bourbon Bears Meeting
Saturday, Nov 10, 9 p.m.
GLBT with Crossings
Disabilities Group 6
Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Sunday, Nov 11 & 25, 6 p.m.
Pride Center
Classifieds 8
Pride Festival Planning Meeting
Thursday, Nov 29, 7 p.m.
l —

 GLSO News Issue 11 2012

. _ Aaron Baker, President
The GLSO News '5 Publ'Shed Ginger Moore-Minder, Vice Presi-
monthly by and for the Lexmgton dent
Gay and Lesbian SerVIces Organl- Paul Brown, Secretary 4
zatlon members and community. Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer
The mission of the Lexington Gay GLSO DIRECTORS
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services Mary Crone, GSA
to the GLBTQQIA community. Paul Holland, At Large
Don Lowe, At Large
The vision of the Lexington Gay Shaun Pfeiffer, At Large
and Lesbian Services Organiza- Cindy Sommers, At Large
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA
community through voice. GLSO STAFF
The Lexington GLSO is founded Chad Hundley, Office Manager
upon the core values of fun, in—
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity, EDITORIAL NOTES
servuce and competence. The GLSO is currently looking for
GLSO Pride Center :3,nggt'ggtotrsdanqnfigifor'a'
389 Waller Avenue d.t' @ I es 9 'e '
Suite 100 e I or g so.org.
Lexington, KY- 40504 Pride Center Hours
8592533233 Call Ahead for Appointment
www.g|so.org and Office Hours.
"Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and
do not necessarily reflect the Views of the GLSO."

 TWISTING ganization by speaking with the
th th III students about who and what
e mon aWaY- -- we are, while helping them raise
By TrINIty, Contrlbutor money at the same time. This
I event was also a contest for the
As Reign 31 continues, we also students who participated as
continue working to grow the or- either individual drag queens/
ganization’s membership. Octo- kings, groups and organizations
her was no exception, We spent on campus. The show was a
the month doing what we do huge success, and all the money
best socializing. While we are a they raise at it, they donated to
fundraising organization, we are AVOL!!!!
also a SOCIAL organization. We
- kicked off the month by attend- We finished off the month with
ing Just Fund Kentucky’s read- our always popular DIVA OF
ing of the the play “8” at the The DARKNESS pageant held at Pulse
Kentucky Theater. Nightlife. And with it being on
Halloween night, and Benita
Members of both Male and Fe— Bloom stepping down, you know
male lines as well as the Mon- it was a night not to be missed.
archs, help Just Fund by selling Especially with yours truly as
tickets before the reading and Empress, you know I love me a
during the cast party at the Black good ol’e dark night of TWISTED
Box. Our Dowager Empress, Em- drag!!!l
press 30 Shotz, and PR Christina
Puse and I also provided a little So as you can tell we are al-
entertainment during this party ways busy working tirelessly for
as well. It was a great night of our community doing what we
meeting new faces and seeing love.This month brings so much
some familiar ones as well. more, as we continue staying
TWISTED. Don’t forget: Anyone
In addition to the numerous get interested in the ICK can contact
togethers at Crossings and Pulse any member of our Board of Di-
just to relax and plan the next rectors or either Monarch Em—
month and work out details for peror 31 BigD Lyons or myself.
upcoming events, we hosted the Anyone wishing to vote in the
ROCK THE VOTE show. A show election of new Monarchs in June
to remind everyone how impor— 2013 at Coronation 32 needs to
tant it is to get out and VOTE in become a member by November
this election. We all donned our 30, 2012.
patriotic drag and pulled out the
inspirational songs and had a fun Additionally, is also the renewal
night, hopefully inspiring those period for current members.
. attending to get out and partici- Our membership fee is $10, as
pate in what is our most impor- is the renewal. You can become
tant CIVIC DUTY!!!! a member or pay the renewal at
any event by speaking with ei—
We went to Morehead State Uni— ther Monarch or a member of our
‘ versity and provided some enter- Board of Directors.
tainment for the “LIFE’S A DRAG"
fundraiser put on by the MSU AL— Membership applications are
LYance group. Those kids sure available at the door at all events.
know how to make you feel like a Valid ID is required for new mem-
I rock star!!!! This event gave us bers. So come join the ICK and
another chance to grow our or- help us grow!!!
I —

 Kentucky Book Fair books vying for participation in
Extends Invitation to the event, and, of course, the
Transgender Author possible controversy of inviting
Just one year after Chaz 80- a_ transgender author to par-
no’s introduction of the trans— t'C'Dete: there was no way Id
gender community to America rECEive .an ll'iVltathIII'i. But, I aS‘
via his appearance on “Danc— sumed Incorrectly, said Alana
ing with the Starts,” the Ken- NCO‘e Sholar. ,
tucky Book Fair extends an in- of _ course, Ive held _ b00k .,
vitation to transgender author signings at and partrcrpated ,
and Versailles resident, Alana "3 several GLBT (gay, lesbian, 2)
Nicole Sholar, to participate in bl: and transgender) events.
their 3lst annual event. However, being a transgender -
author invited to participate in
According to information found an event as DreSt!9|PUS as the
at their website, the Book Fair Kentucky 300k Felt )5 not OhiY
is Kentucky’s premier literary a great honor, QUt ltS huge for
event and one of the largest the community, shared §holar.
of its kind in the nation and is Chapter 1 and Alanas Inter—
operated by a non—profit inde- View With the Author are avaii'
pendent board of vo|unteersl abie at WWW.hunglnthemlddie.
with co-sponsorship from the com. The_ book can be PUF'
State Journal (Frankfort’s dai- chased onllne at the websrte, at
ly newspaper); the Kentucky Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk,
Department for Libraries and and BarnesAndNoble.com.
Archives (a state government The 3l_St annual Kentucky
entity); the University Press BOOK Fair takes place on Satur-
of Kentucky; and Joseph Beth day, November 10, 2012 at the
Booksellers, Lexington, Ken- Frankfort Convention Center.
tucky. Come JOII'I us at our
“I guess you could say I was a PFLAG meeting!
little discouraged when we first
contacted Connie Crowe, Man- Tuesday, November 13
ager of the Kentucky Book Fair, from6:30 to 8:30 pm.
and asked how one goes about Alana Nicole Sholer - A Jour-
participating in the event. Ms. ney of Gender Discovery
Crowe explained that participa—
tion is ‘by invitation only,’ after Alana will share her experi-
an author selection committee ences as a transgender male
reviews submitted books. She to female. A native Kentuck-
also shared that ‘nearly 400 ian, Alana's coming out pro- ,n
books are submitted annu- cess culminated in the recent
ally.’ With only enough space publication of her memoir, _'
for about 150 authors to par— "Hung in the Middle," de- l
ticipate, I just assumed I was scribed as a "...frank and hon- 1
probably wasting my time sub— est portrayal of her bittersweet
mitting my memoir, “Hung in ...struggle with gender iden-
the Middle: A Journey of Gen- tity, sexuality, self-acceptance,
der Discovery.” Iassumed be— and love." Both Alana and
ing self—published with the help her spouse, Bobbie, will be
of EWH Press, the number of present to answer questions.

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 November 2012 Gay Dlsabllltv _
Classifieds Support Group Forming
- _ If you are a member of the
figggiigéfied Ac Units $325 LGBT community and you are
disabled, please contact the
Two Pinguino PAC C120E Air GLSO Pride Center to show
conditioning units with re- your interest in joining a sup-
mote controls and all that have port group. Members of the ”
barely been used. Works great! LGBT community who are also
Retails normally for $400+ but disabled face many differ-
selling for $325 but negotiable. ent obstacles and this group .,
Contact the Pride Center at wants to hel Contact the
859-253-3233 for more infor- t t d pt- 859 253 3233
mation and/or to see the units. cen er 0 ay a '
Fur Coat For Sale Volunteers Needed
Gorgeous Fur Coat valued at To work with Gay Straight
$15,000. Asking only $3,000 Alliances in high schools
but negotiable. Would be great
for an elegant drag perform- Please contact Mary
er or classy real girl. Pictures Crone
availabiie ulpon request. If in-
tereste , pease contact Joyce
K Cruse at 859-254—6825. at maW@9'5°-°r9
1 BR Apartments for Rent .
North Hanover Ave, just off '5 YOUIGlfilngln MUSIC’
East Main St, near Woodland ' ’ ,
Park. Kitchen & bath. Private ‘ ” ” '
entry. $550 per month plus .
electric. $250 deposit, pet ' ’ ‘ ' ‘
friendly, Section 8 Welcome- leour heartonfire forthe Lord?
Laundry room on site. Please .
ca" N0" at 859-230-8079- Are you searching for a place?
For more Information or to Open Arms 0f GOd Ministry
place a FREE classified ad in our
next edition, please email the Needs YOU!
detailed info to Chad at chad@
glso.org. All classifieds should
be directed through the Pride ‘“
Center and should be short but
contain the basic information
of who, what, when, where, , x . »
cost, etc. Deadline for all sub— ‘ " -' ‘
missions to the GLSO Newslet-
ter is November 20, 2012.

Th GLSO i ‘
r ‘_’ \_~ .11.. ‘ r ‘ \— / i" A H
_ e- - _ 3 Rainbow Sponsor
The Imperial Court of Kentucky '
im])(‘lky@210l.(‘0m \Vu'w.ImperialCourlKentuckym‘g
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
SisterSound 859.806.0243
‘3 Diverse Music for all Women
DJ Fix My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Fairness—www.|exfair.org 859.951.8565
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty 859.338.8483
GLSO Pride Center—www.glso.org 859.253.3233
‘ Lexington Pride Festival—www.|expridefest.org 859.253.3233
Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
‘0 www.0penarmsofgodministry.org
Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201
1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Center

 GLSO Phone Directory Sister Sound 859.806.0243
A community resource page for gay and/ or Social Services, Lexington 211
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky.
Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
WEE-51km TransKentucky cassiemtf@
AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 . yahoo'c°m
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 un'ted way 8593135465
888.425.7282 _ _ l
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 l
877.606.2437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691 1
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity, St' Martha’s 859'533'9851 'l’
Health Dept., Woo dfor d 859.873.4541 IntenNeave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
HIV/AIDS Legal Project 502.584.1254 Lex Friends' Quakers 8592543319
Louisville Region 502.574.0161 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.0580
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 270'443'3339
Northern Ky. Region 859.341.4264 Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
Communimandiosialfimuns Berea College ACE 859.958.3633
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Centre College BGLA 859.238.5332
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 Morehead State University 606.783.2294
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 UK OutSource 859.323.3312
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 /‘ -.
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 5
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 ;\ (’0‘ fierce
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 \ $926065 '
4‘ Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 dfad°ggxe
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 ‘ «geaeiiét _
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 336960 919
International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 C’é 1
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 '1‘
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931 .
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428 -.«
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadline
MACT 859.358.8335 November 20
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send articles and ads to
PLFAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor@glso.org

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