xt74xg9f6h3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f6h3c/data/mets.xml  Washington, D.C. : District of Columbia Historical Records Survey 1940 Other contributors: Wentz, Charles Hancock, 1880- comp; United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects; District of Columbia. Board of commissioners. 2 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number FW 4.14:D 633/c. books  English Philadelphia, Pa. : Work Projects Administration, National Research Project in cooperation with Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Maryland Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Church Archives in the District of Columbia: the Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Washington- v. 1. District of Columbia, Montgomery, Prince George's, Charles, St. Mary's counties, Maryland, prepared by District of Columbia Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; sponsored by the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia text Inventory of Church Archives in the District of Columbia: the Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Washington- v. 1. District of Columbia, Montgomery, Prince George's, Charles, St. Mary's counties, Maryland, prepared by District of Columbia Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; sponsored by the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia 1940 1940 2015 true xt74xg9f6h3c section xt74xg9f6h3c       I   Rpp C   _.    
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] Tim? 1SSU§11’LC€ of this VOIUJTLB in
I; its present form is made possible
i by en contribufcion from the Bishop
and one of the Presbvizers of the
n J
Diocese of Hashingison.
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Prepared by
District of Columbia
Historical Records Survey
Division of Professional and Service Projects
fork Projects Administration
Sponsored by
  Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia
Diocese of`Jashington
Volume l
District of Columbia, Montgomery, Prince George‘s,
Charles, St. Iary's Counties, Maryland
` z< rlr >,: gz ;;; 4:  
Washington, D. C.
District of Columbia
Historical Records Survey
i~ December 1940
S ,  f

Howard O, Hunter, Acting Commissioner
Paul Edwards, Administrator, District of Columbia
° { ¤ Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Margaret E. Marco, Acting Director, District of Columbia
Harvey E. Becknell, Director
~ Mary Noble, Chief, District of Columbia
Sargent B. Child, Director
A Henry B. Dillard, Supervisor, District of Columbia
* * * * * * *
The Diocese of Washington
Protestant Episcopal Church _
  5 4 1

From the earliest beginnings of the Church until the present,
there have been canonical and statutory provisions requiring its
clergy or lay officials to "keep" records.
In the area which now comprises the Diocese of Washington the
earliest provisions emanated from those in the Constitution and
Canons, which had been adopted_by the Church of England in 1605, re-
quiring its clergy to "keepe" a Repister of their official acts,
` ‘ The General Cancns of the American Church made similar g 2-H
vision for the keeping of records, as has also each diocese of that
Church, \ R
l The word “heep", however, as a verb, has numerous meanings.
As applied to records the word conrotes mainly one or more of the fol-
lowing usages: To maintain continuously in proper form and order;
have charge or custody of; to take care of or tend; and, to guard,
V protect, preserve, save, and defend, as implied, for example, in the
Scriptural phrase "The Lord bless thee and keep thee,"
lt is primarily in connection with the last mentioned usage of
the word that the oresent Bishop of nasniasesa has repeatedly anneal-
l _ ui - U 4. 4.
ed to his clergy in the matter of keeping church records. Bishop
Freeman has also championed the action taken by the General Convention
of the Church in 1937, which instructed a Joint Committee to study and
report on the subject of the preservation and safekeeping of church
records and to suggest possible legislation which might secure this
much desired result.
The values of the Inventories of Church Archives which the
- Work Frojects administration under the direction of the Historical
Records Survey is making, are many. But of major importance, I feel,
will be the establishing of a greater “record consciousness".
Often, carelessness or a lack of proper appreciation of their
real values to the present or future generations has resulted in many
church records bein; found incomplete, scattered, or lost entirely.
With an increasing sense of the importance of the entries in
church Register and Vestry books it would be reprehensible if every
reasonable effort be not made to maintain with suitable care and cus-
todial responsibility the vital ard increasingly historically important
records of the Church, and also, to guard, protect, and preserve them.
Most certainly, anything less than the employment of the very
( i I

best business methods on the part of the clergy and vestries in
maintaining and safeguarding their records, is unworthy of the Church
of God.
V Indeed, a most valuable incentive is afforded us through this
inventory of church archives — an incentive for all of us who acknowl-
edge the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ,- Jesus, Who is the
sane yesterday, today, and forever - and, all of us who are aware of
and profoundly grateful for the spiritual values in our National life
and development which History has recorded as being ever held sacred
and foremost by our Country and people.
lf we, on our part, scrupulously maintain and preserve the
official records of our church activities, then, we can say, reverent-
ly: Hay the Lord bless them and keep them.
Z, B. Phillips
Rector, Church of the Epiphany
Washington, D. C,
October 21, 1940
Ed. Note;
_The Rev. Dr. ZeBarney Thorne Phillips has been President of the
House of Deputies of the triennial General Convention of the
Episcopal Church since 1928; he has served as Chaplain of the
United States Senate since Decewber 1927.
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1 P R E F A C E
This volume is one of a nation·wide series of inventories of
1 this church archives being compiled by the Historical Records Survey. Or-
1GkH¤Wl· ganized in 1936 as a part of Federal Project No, l of the Work Projeow
JUG Administration, the Survey was directed for four years by Dr. Luther H.
1TG cf Evans, With the discontinuance of Federal Project No, 1 in 1959, the
11 lif€ Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia became the official
sacred sponsor of the District of Columbia Historical Records Survey. Co-
sponsors of the project are the Library of Congress, the National Ar-
chives, Georgetown Univeristy, Howard University, the District of Colum-
she bia Baptist Convention, the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Washington,
averent— and the Washington Federation of Churches. Early in 1940, Sargent B.
Child became Director of the Historical Records Survey Projects.
The church archives inventory represents one phase of a program
of inquiry into source materials for American history. The work of
the Survey in the District of Columbia includes also the preparation
of inventories of public archives, early American imprints, and guides
icny to manuscript depositories and manuscript collections.
The inventory of the archives of the Protestant Episcopal Dio-
cese of Washington was begun by the District of Columbia Historical
Records Survey with the collaboration of the Maryland Survey. In view
of the national character of the Cathedral of the Diocese, and because
the area of the Diocese includes not only the District of Columbia but
a part of Maryland as well, the inventory was for a time conducted
through the National Office of the Survey. In 1939, however, the work
was taken over in its entirety by the District of Columbia Survey.
The inventory has been issued in two volumes. The present vol-
ume covers the Diocese in the District of Columbia (exclusive of Wash-
ington Cathedral); Montgomery, Prince George's, Charles, and St. Mary's
Counties in Maryland, The second volume, issued in May 1940, relates
only to Washington Cathedral.
Charles H, Wentz, assistant editor in charge of the survey of
the archives of the Diocese of Washington, conducted the field work
(including necessary contacts with the Maryland units of the Diocese),
compiled and edited the inventory, and collaborated with Dr. Nelson R.
Burr in writing the historical statement. Clarence H, Brownfield,
——-———— acting supervisor of the church archives unit, directed the typograph-
ical preparation of the volume, assisted by Stephen Leftwich, Mrs,
thg Grace Petrides, Mrs, Helen Hudson, and Mrs. Anna Norman.
ig This inventory was prepared in accordance with technical in-
structions from the National Office of the Historical Records Survey;
detailed editorial comments and criticism have been made throughout

the course of its preparation by Donald A. Thompson, Assistant Archi-
vist, in charge of the church archives inventory program of the Survey.
Grateful acknowledgment is made of the courtesy and cooperation
_ of the Right Reverend James E. Freeman, Bishop of Washington; the Rev-
erend ZeBarney T. Phillips, Rector of Epiphany Parish, Washington, D.C,;
the Reverend Dr. Anson Phelps Stokes; the Reverend Canon Edward S,
Dunlap, Executive Secretary of the Diocese of Washington; the Reverend
Clyde Brown, Diocesan Missioner; Lewis T. Boynton, Associate Editor,
Washington Diocese; Miss Edith Welch of the staff of the Diocesan Offi-
ces; as well as of lay officials and the clergy of the Diocese, The
District of Columbia Project is likewise grateful for the cooperation
of Walter F. Meyer, State Supervisor of the Maryland Historical Rec-
ords Survey, and his staff,
When completed, the inventories of church archives in the Dis-
trict of Columbia and in the various states will constitute a compre-
hensive catalogue of the archives of religious bodies in the United
States. Additional information, corrections, or suggestions for mak-
ing the inventories more useful will be appreciated. Communications
should be addressed to the Historical Records Survey, McGill Building,
908 G Street, Northwest, Washington, D, C.
V A list of the publications by the Historical Records Survey in
the District of Columbia, issued or in preparation for early release,
A will be found at the back of this volume,
H, B. Dillard, Supervisor
District of Columbia
Historical Records Survey
A i Washington, D. C,
December 19, 1940
5 i

. I l P s u . ," W N
nt ArCh1_ U. -I n T R O D U C I I O n
the Survey. i · ` `
Oopgration ¢‘ Before the Federal Covernrent came into being and during Colon-
; tha RGV_ ial days, the Protestant Episcopal Church was established in Maryland,
jgton, D_C•; As early as 1658 this Church had its footing well secured, hence, it
lrd S. had laid deep and strong religious principles that were destined to
3 Révergnd affect the ideals and Christian purposes oi the Founding rdtners. To
Editor these early Churches may be traced those elements of strength that
zcsan O%fi_ have givenlto this Diocese its proud distinction and its splended
.» ~ \ .
;€_ The growth. .
jgirggion That the new Diocese crested iu IQQS was to include the Capital
and to tahe its name added greatly to its_prestige, out even so, what
now constitutes the Diocese of Washington, comprising the District of
tha DiS_ ·Columbia and the four counties in haryland, owes much of its strength
L COmPr€_ · and virtue to the old parishes in the rural parts that were the pro-
United gep§tors of the great city parishes as, indeed, of the Cathedral ite
for mak- SG °
.cations _ _ _ _
Building Many of the parishes in the Diocese have a long and colorful
’ history. The churches in then have survived throuch the struasles
J C4 kJ•`4
which brought about the establishment of religious toleration;
urvey in through the division of the Province of Maryland into a system of
release parishes with spiritual provisions for every part of the province;
' through the period of strivings for freedom and of the Declaration
of Rights; through the era which saw the founding and growth of our
Tational Capital; through the period of gradual change of that Capi—
tal into a metropolis with the consequent metropolitan problems for
SO? its churches; and finally to the time when the diocese has as its
principal mission a liational Cathedral, and when the See itself is
Vey not without Iational potentialities.'
The records of that history have had varying experiences.
Many, especially the very oldest, have become victims of fires, wars,
civil disturbances, scattering or decay. Others, dating beck to the
very beginning of the parish system in IGQE, are still with us —
among our choicest treasures.
During the seventeen years of my episeopacy it has constantly
been my ambition to see adequate care given to the preservation of
these records of the early days and of the later days of the Church
in America. I reioice that revisions for the safekeeoinq of our
._; I. L
parish and diocesan archives have been provided at the CntH€QT&l and
that in time there will be facilities there for a National Depository
of official papers of the Church.
It is essential that the rectors, vestries, and other officials
of the Church remember that the records of today will be of even
‘ greater value and importance tomorrow,

The reading of this Inventory should awaken in many a desire
to investigate further the history of the various parishes, churches
and missions described herein. Perhaps out of that desire there may
eventuate some system for maintaining and developing the local his-
' tory of the Church — possibly a system such as that of the Diocesan
and Parish Historians now appointed in the Diocese of Massachusetts
- and elsewhere. Also, it may be that additional important details or
. additional record books or other pertinent material may be secured
and added to what is here set forth,
. Then, too, there may arise a person with the interest, the zeal
and the pcrsistency of purpose exhibited by the late Rev. Dr. Ethan
Allen, who will make it his life avocation to bring to the records
and historical papers of the Diocese and of its parishes, churches,
chapels and institutions, that care and attention which will be nec-
essary to make them a basis for the writing of a definitive history
of the Diocese of Washington.
This present work done under the auspices of the Federal Gov-
ernment is a timely and valuable contribution for which we are grate-
ful, It devolves upon both the clergy and laity to amplify and make
authentic these important records and to secure them to future gen-
James E. Freeman,
D Bishop of Washington.
· T Bishop's House, `
Nount Saint Alban, I
October 6, lQéO.

A desire T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
, churches
there may
ncal his- Pages
ichusgtts Foreword ..... . .......................................... i—ii
ietails or
secured .
Preface ................................... .............. iii—iv
t, the zeal
DY• Ethan Introduction ....... ....... . ...... . .... ........... ..... .. v—vi
ll b€ ¤€G· Arms and Seals; Sees of London, Maryland, Washington ..., l
e history
Bishops of Nashington and Jurisdictional Predecessors ... 3-4
eral Gov-
aro grate- Bishops of London. Bishops of Maryland. Bishops of
y and make
ture gen- Washington.
Historical Background ................................. .. 5-L2
A Status of the Diocese. Origins: Before the Estab-
lishment of the Church in Maryland, lé3l—l69l.
From the Establishment to the Revolution: l692—l775.
Revolution and Reconstruction: l776—l798 (Bishop
Claggett, — Vestry Act of 1798). The Diocese of
Maryland: l793—l895. Genesis and Establishment of
the Diocese of Washington (l79L—l896) and Subsequent
Growth and Progress (Bishop Satterlee, — Bishop
Harding, — Bishop Freeman). References.
Organization Chart ................................. .... facing 42

Table of Contents
Organization Structure ................ ...,.... .... ......... A3—79
A Introduction. References to issues concerning the Law
of the Church. The Bishop: Authority; Powers; Elec—
tion; Consecration; Duties. The Convention; Character;
Officers (President, —-Secretary, —·Treasurer, —-Chan-
cellor). The Standing Committee. The Executive Council:
Function; Organization; Department of Missions (Trinity
Diocesan Property, — Diocesan Missioner, ——Convocations, —
Rural Deans, —-Parochial Missionary Committees); Depart-
ment of Religious Education; Department of Social Wel-
fare; Department of Publicity; Department of City
Missions. Committee on Phillips Foundation. Committee
on the State of the Church. Committee on Records.
Diocesan Historiographer. Other Committees; lnsurance;
Examining Chaplains; Church Architecture; Church Pension
( J Fund; Diocesan Library. The Courts; The Bishop; Board
of Presenters; Ecclesiastical Court; Court of Appeals;
Legal Adviser. Custodian of the Central Register.
Retreat Secretaries. Parishes; Structure and Nature;
Parish Electors; The Vestry; Churchwardens; Treasurer;
Parish Register; Parish Records, The Cathedral:
Status; Charter. Dioce an Units. Statistical Summary.
Presiding Bishop: Seat; Title. Federal System. Name
of the Church: References.

Table of Contents
Pages Pages
43-79 Archives end Records .......,,........... .... .... ..,....... 80—9l
Housing and Care. Archives and Records: Files;
Standing Committee; Executive Council; Department of
; Missions; Phillips Foundation; Church Pension Fund;
Diocesir Offices; Journuls; Records of the Treasur— V c
L: er; CrLgi;nl Old Parish Record Volumes (Extant~ —
r Parishos;·==Mxiinct'Perishes and Churches); Miscel— ,
, —- lanoous r pers; Files oi Periodicals; Metes and :_ 1 · "
- bounds; Index and Kaos; Womnn's Auxiliary; Memorial‘~ A
'_[`;;b]_et, n   n U _ ,4 V - A
Explenvtory Notes .... ,.i..e.;w.} ......... ......Q...ir..i4. 92-96
The Invcntoryf 'Entries_` Arrangement;. Titles of'; r
Record Voluines_,-   _ Condition of Records; Lo.-
cotion of Rocords.·_Custody. Incorporation endl U V
1 ` ''''v’
Pronerty Records. Recording Officer. Feirfex _ g e;y»· `
Parishpi French'Church.- Sources of Information.
Hj»St°TiC“l M*JFF}`?·€?*};, ,$h€>l"¤.'l`itl®S. `Hives Churoh- inil
HC·LiS€ . Biblirjgrgphy, _l\c;;demj_c Degrees, Trans- U U.   __ _ VL   n
scripts ond lbstractsjlvéovernmentis Responsibi— _
lit;. Inv of the ¤¤¤p5A.c Maryland Units. Names
of Rectors, Terms. Worhs Relating to the Church 4 .
in Jenorel. P`; V _

Table of Contents
Entries of Diocesan Units:
A Introduction ..... ......... ........ .......... .. 97
(i) Diocesan Missions ............... .............. 98-1lO
(ii) Original Parishes ............................. 111-l31
(iii) Parishes and Congregations created since 1692 . 132-255
(iv) Extinct Units ............ ....... ........ ..... . 256-265
(v) Additional Extinct Units and Former Names of
Extant Units .................. ............ . 266-272
(vi) Diocesan Institutions .... ..................... 273-287
(vii) Organizations: Diocesan and National ......... 288-30l
. General and Provincial Units of the Church .......... .... .. 302-306
Army and Navy Commission of the Church ,................... 307-31A
Bibliography ........ ........... , ................... . ...... 3l5—3L5
Introduction. Historical Works. Issues Perti—
l nent to the Bishops. Constitutions, Canons, and
Laws. Journals, etc., of Conventions. Manu- _
script Collections. Periodicals and Serials.
Miscellaneous and Anonymous Issues, Maps. Photo-
graphs and Measured Drawings. Forthcoming Guides.
Legal Digests. Bibliographies.

Table of Contents
Pages Pages
Indices to Entries;
·       Ilbllllilbllllll•\||II|llI|I|II|I  
p       ·•UIl|•||Ii|II|IfIl•O|$IIIOI§Q||I|  
. 132-255
Publications of Historical Records Survey ..,..........,... 38l-382
, 256-265
. 266-272
. 273—287
. 288-30l
I   6% 9% 93 %% 9% 6% €%
. 307-3lA
. 3l5—3L5

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Bishops o§_gond3n1 -`-·-·-»- --»’. T . ,
(The first Anglican service in Hsrylend vis .r‘. hhld Oct. 15, 1651_
nt Williem»C1eibornc's Trnding Post, Rent Island. ,The ecclesi-
iSt1C@1»lHWS of Erg1end·wero applied to Maryland by charter,
granted June 20, 1652. By order of the King in Council, Oct.
_ ` 1, 1655, the congregetions of the Church of Englend abroad were
pleced under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of London, “&s their
Diocesen".· The Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of A11 England,
wes their Metropolitan.) .
The Rt. Rev. William Lend -- ——-——- 1628-55 (Primete, 1655-45)
The Rt. Rev. William Juxon ————-— 1655-60 (Primate, 1660-65)
The Rt. Rev. Gilbert Sheldon -———— 1660-65 (Primate, 1365-77)
The Rt. Rev. Humfrey Henchmen ----- 1665-75
The Rt. Rev. Henry Compton —---—— 1675-1715 1 V
The Rt. Rev. John Robinson ------ 1714-25
The Rt. Rev; Edmund Gibson ---——— 1725-é8
The Rt. Rev. Thmues Sherlock -—--- 1746-61
The Rt. Rev. Thomas Heytern - - - -_— - 1761-62 ’ _ v_
The Rt. Rev. Richard Osbeldeston. - - - 1762-64 ‘ _ _
The Rt. Rev._Richerd.Terrick- - —--- 1764-77 . _ ,
The Rt. Rev. Robert Lowth —----- 1777-57
The Rt. Rev. Eeilby Porteus ------ 1767(-1805)
(Bishop Porteus was e consecretor of the Rt. Rev. James Madison,
First Bishop of Virginie, who, in turn, H&5·dvC0hS€CT&tOT of hd
: the Rt. Rev.·Thomds John Clagéett, tke:First Bishop of Maryland.
·' Bishop Cleggett, is dlso his father, the Rev. Samuel Clegett,
was ordained deacon and priest by Bishop Torrick.)
1. Registrum Sncrum Anglicdnumg Dictionary of National Biography.

 I 4
Bishops og Msrylsndz ( ·
(First Bishop of Maryland consscratsd Scptcmbcr 17, 1792.)
is a
Or! p
The Rt, Rcv, Thomos John C1¤gg@tt* ---——— 1792-1816 _ th; A
The Rt, Rev, James Komp —-——-— - —-—— 1.8].6-27 __ Olu·t·,j_
Tho Rt. Rcv. William Murray Stonc -—---— 1830-38 _ p&rtS
Tho Rt. Rcv.`Wil1iam Rollinson Whittinghsm - 1840-79
Thc Rt. Rev. William Pinkncy ————— - - - 1879-83
Tho Rt. Rcv. Willimn Psrct —---——-—- 1885(-1911) C%thO
· » · _ Provi
n · · { bury,
. (Bishop Purct was a consccrmtor of Bishop Scttcrlcc, thc
First Bishop of Washington.) · faith
mon R
Bishops o£‘Wishington" ‘ - ~ - p ChriS·
' ` · · ~ sxocu·
(First Bishop of Washington consccritcd March 25, 1896.) mon c<
i “ ” “ ` A 1 · ·» ccss <
l Tho Rt. Rcv. Hcnry Ydtss Snttcrlso - ---—— 1896-1908 · - prjng;
Tho Rt. Rev. Alfred Hsrding‘ - —--—-—-- 1909-23 tho Ow
Tho Rt. Rcv. Jsmcs Edwurd‘Froomun -----— 1923--. · don (1
(ID <
· 2, Living Qhnrch Annuslg 1940; Dictionary of American Biography; l
Pcrry,·Bishoos; Invcntory, Diccosc of Marylnnd. For biogr&ph— . tsblis
ical skctchos of thc Bishops of Washington, scc, Historical King C
Background in Volums Two, this Inventory. _ 3 and gr
ond Lc
* For biographical skctch of Bishop Claggctt, scc, Historical . ' putror
Background, this lnvcntory. churck
—_ V   `   _   · - of wor

l792.) "The Protestant Episcopal Church in thc Diocosc of Washington"
is a constituent part of "The Protestant Episcopal Church in the
United States of America" (otherwise known as "Thc American Church",
or, popularly, as "The Episcopal Church"), This Church is a part of
3 { the Anglican Communion, whose nature and status are defined by Res-
1 olution adopted by_the Lambeth Conference (composed of Bishops of all
·-parts of the Anglican Communion) in 1930, as follows:
"The Anglican Communion is a fellowship, within the One Holy
ll) Catholic and Apostolic Church, of those duly constituted Dioceses,
Provinces or Regional Churches in communion with the See of Canter-
.` t bury, which_have the following characteristics in common:-
, the (a) They uphold and propagate the Catholic and Apostolic
faith and order as they are generally set forth in the Book of Com-
mon Prayer as authorized in their several Churches;
(b) They are particular or national Churches, and, as such,
. promote within each of their territories a national expression of
- Christian faith, life and worship; and
- I (c) They are bound together not by a central legislative and
. executive authority,-but by mutual loyalty sustained through the com-
896,) mon counsel of the Bishops in Conference," (1)
· ~ The Diocese of Washington was set off, in 1895, from the Dio-
· ~:cese of Maryland,_which, in turn, was organized, "agreeably to the
gg . - principles of the American Revolution", in 1783, from a portion of
the Overseas jurisdictional area of the Bishop of the Diocese of Lon-
. don (founded, 514 A_D,), I
(I) Origins: Before the Establishment of the Church in Maryland:
- -1651-1691,
Biography; The origin of the Diocese of Washington is found in the es-
IEEEEFEQH- . teblishment of the Province of Maryland, The Charter, promised by
atorical King Charles I of England to George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore,
_ e and granted by the same King, to his son, Cocilius Calvert, the sec-
ond Lord Baltimore, June 20,,1652, bestowed on the Proprietor the
:torical . ' patronage and advowson (the right of nominating to bcncficcs} of
'GI I churches, and license to erect and found churches, chapcls, and places
. . of worship to be dedicated and consecrated according to tho ecclesi-
M- astical laws of England (section IV of Charter).

Historical Background I I * Histo
Captain`William Claiborne; established in 1629, on Kent Island .- s
(now in the Diocese of Easton), a Virginia plantation and trading _ lgtio
post, under the authority of the Virginia Company. This settlement Of th
was composed of approximately one hundred members of the Church of 1637
England._ In 1631, Captain Claiborne brought the Rev. Richard James, Gndow
a priest of the Church of England, from Hampton, Va., to Kent Island, thxt
where he conducted “tie first Christian service in what is now Mary- »&Hd f
land." · . ~ to ha
H. V'] - firma
j On Lady Day ("Feast of the Annunciation"), March 25, 1654, wiS_m
Leonard Calvert, brother of the Proprietor (Cecilius Calvert: Lord gstub
Baltimore}, landed at Yaocomico, which later became St. hary's City, th&t’
with a band of about 200 settlers; they had come over from England Churc
in the Ark and the Dove. The majority of these settlers, according
to studi;s by the Rev. Dr. Ethan Allen, were·mombors of the Church
of England, but the loaders of the expedition and tho two priests tO th
who”accompanied them.wero Roman Catholics. (2)- 1661,
A rvand t
An_Indian wigwam {"dresscd a little better") was first used · Hgtur
by these settlers for religious worship and has been referred to as i`, llnd·
the ”first Chapel in harylsnd". By 1658, a brick structure had been
©F¢GtGd it St. h1Ty'S City. This "Chupel Building" was used alter-
n»tely, by both Roman Catholics, and “Protostant Catho1ics" (as the bé ci
Anglicansor Maryland members of the Church of England were then call- ` ty (H
Gd)., (Epi, St. Miry’s Parish, St, Mary’s County, entry 45, for con- Scttl
tinuting detail and_rcferences,) _ ,i_, V ` s `" Sona-
” " 4 _ , _ _ .4 j. Hill,
The charter directed that no interpretation be put upon it Gd gb
whereby the Church of England might suffer, and gave the inhabitants · SO hh
1 of the province the same right as native—born Englishmen to the priv- ia law
; ileges accompanying an establishment. (5) e é flilw
While Christianity was established as a part of the common
law of England, no denomination was granted pre—eminence. From the the g
beginning,Lord Baltimore intended that the colonists.should enjoy jfzre
religious freedom. This policy was maintained by proclamation andl mcnt·
oaths and was_successfully enforced against the claims of canon law. 4 that¤
It was gradu1lly_sanctioned by colonial legislation, and culminated ent C
in'the act og l64Q,_a measure not of absolute but of large toleration, ' landy
declgring freedom of worship to all Christian believers. Although I ‘ provi
during_thc period of Puritan control, for a few years after 1654, tol- y tor tY
argtion was restricted to eiclude Roman Catholics, the old policy _tions
wus`restored with the fall of Puritan rule. From the Puritan Revo- to~be
lution to the "Protestant Revolution" of 1689, toleration was the propo
policy of the government and apparently was impsrtially administer-
sd. (4)

Historical Background
On K€nt_ISl&nd ` ` C In the meantime the provincial legislature had passed legis-
nd *’&d1¤€ ‘ lation of vital importance to the future organization and property
S Settlement of the Church of England. Among the first laws of the Assembly of
Q Church Of 1637 was one "for settling the plebe" - that is, providing a land
ichard J¤m€S» endowment for·the parochial ministry. The Assembly of 1638 declared
O Kent Iélandr that "Holy Church"_should "have and enjoy all her rights, liberties
is nOW'M“rY’ ’dnd franchises, wholly and without blemish." This enactment, said
. to have been "copied literally" from Magna Carta and subsequent con-
firmations, was rather vague, but uns_r$-Ehgctgd in 1640 and finally
25, l654. was·mndc perpetual. Since the Church of England was the only one
lvgrti Lord established by law in any possession of England, it might be inferred
K&YY'S CitY» that, despite the toleration policy, this legislation favored that
TOm EnEl&nd Church. (5)
s, according
the Church With the fall of Puritan rule, the restoration of Charles II
WO Priésts to the English throne and thc revival of proprietary government, 1660-
1661, the old religious policy was restored. The Royalist reaction
'"and~the restoration of the established Church i