xt74xg9f613n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f613n/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_631 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 631 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 631   2014 true xt74xg9f613n section xt74xg9f613n     /  / / /.
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Page -
Introduction ................... 3
Economic Considerations ............... 4 _·
Selection of a Variety ................ 5
Seeding and Plant Growing .............. 6 ~
Site Selection .................. 8
Soil Preparation and Fertilization ............ 9 `
Starter Solution .................. 11
Sidedress Fertilizer Applications ............ 11
Cover Crops and Cropping Rotation ........... 11
Irrigation .................... 12
Plant Population .................. 12
Weed Control ................... 12
Principle Insects Attacking Cabbage in Ky. ........ 13 P
Disease Control .................. 15
Other Problems .................. 15 _ _ I
Harvesting and Grading .......... . .... 15
Cabbage Markets ................. 18

C. R. Roberts, Dean E. Knavel, Harold G. Love,
Stephen Q. Allen, and Luther H. Small*
Cabbage can be grown in all areas of Kentucky for fresh market
' sales. This publication presents recommended cabbage production and `
t marketing practices for growers to help guide them in making the most for
their money and time. Projected labor requirements for production and -
harvesting of an acre of cabbage are presented in Table l. Estimated _
` Hours[Acre
Month Operation Equipment Times Man Power
Used Over Hours E ui ment
February Plow land 2—14" plows 1 2.0 1.5
March Broadcast fertili- Drill 1 2.0 0.5
zer, granular in-
secticide and herb-
. ‘ icide.
Disking, harrowing
p (or dragging) 7, tandem disk 2 2.0 1.0
Transplanting 1 row transplanter 1 18.0 6.0
Spraying Tractor mounted 1 1.0 0.5 ·
A row sprayer
April Spraying 4 row tractor
mounted sprayer 4 4.0 3.0
Sidedressing 2 row cultivator 1 1.0 0.5
l May Spraying 4 row tractor
mounted sprayer 2 2.0 1.0
. Harvesting and
Baggg g Hand labor 2 20.0 8.0
52.0* 22.0
*The above labor requirements can be reduced or increased depending upon
the size of the equipment used.
*Additi0na1 contributions were made by Russell Robertson, deceased.

 expenses and net income per acre are presented in Table 2. Growers and
prospective growers should keep in mind that production of this crop must
be coordinated with marketing pattems and trends if they are to maximize
net returns.
Profits one can expect from growing cabbage depend upon the
level of production, the market price of the product, and the cost of
Estimated Value
25,000 pounds Cabbage @ 3 cents $750.00
Cost Items
Cash Costs
Fertilizer $ 67.50 ’
Plants (15,000 @ $6.50) 97.50
Insecticides 27.00
Herbicides 4.00
Machinery Operation 25.50
Containers and Miscellaneous 200.00
Total Cash Items $421.50
Overhead Costs
Depreciation (Machinery and Equipment) $400.00 @ 10% 6 40.00
r¤mes{(s·i00 @ 4%) 16.00
Land Costs _ ·
Interest ($400 @ 5%) 20.00
Taxes 2.50 (
Total Overhead $ 78.50 _ _
Labor Costs
Production, 32 hours @ $2.00 $ 64.00
Harvesting, 20 hours @ $2.00 40.00 _
Total Labor $104.00
Total All Costs $604.00 _
Estimated Pmfit $146.00 _
Estimated Capital Investment (per acre) ‘
Machinery and Equipment $400.00
Land Value 400.00
Total $800.00
*Actual grower information and South Carolina Agricultural Experiment
Station publication AE 334 were used in arriving at information in Table 3.

 growing the crop. These items have been estimated in Table 2. In this table
it is assumed that 25,000 pounds of cabbage is marketed from each acre
and that the market price will average 3 cents per pound. Cost items have
been placed in three categories: cash costs, overhead costs, and labor costs.
Cash costs are costs for those items needed in production that
must be spent during the production period. Overhead costs are allowable
expenses for depreciation of machinery and equipment used in pro-
duction, interest on investment ir1 land, machinery and equipment, and
T real estate (land) taxes. All labor has been charged at $2.00 per hour. ‘
. — Labor requirements have been estimated for the production and harvesting
activities. Out of pocket expenses for machinery operation have been .
estimated at $1.15/hr. ,
Your items of cost may be different from those indicated in the
table. If so, use your own estimates of costs and returns instead of those in
c the table. However, items in the table will provide reasonable estimates
when you do not have records of your own.
In selecting a variety one should first consider the market
demand. There are two types of markets for cabbage: one for cabbage to
be sold fresh, and one for cabbage to be processed. This publication is
primarily concerned with the fresh market and its demands.
The fresh market head should be Erm with a small core, and
~ ` weigh between 2 and 4 pounds. This is the grower’s goal. In areas where
early spring temperatures may drop low enough to kill tender, early heads,
the variety chosen should possess cold resistance. The variety chosen
` ` should also have resistance to the most common local diseases and
resistance to bolting or premature seeding.
Cabbage is usually classified into 5 different types with many .
· varieties under each type.
Varieties of the Domestic type usually mature earlier, are more
I tender in texture, and have less wax on their leaves than do the Danish
. type varieties. Danish type is a term commonly applied to late maturing
varieties which may be grown for late season marketing purposes. The
heads usually have closely compacted leaves overlapping at the crown, and
are comparatively smooth and solid between the leaf midribs at the base.
The head shape is usually round or oval, but may be slightly flattened at
The Pointed, or Wakefield type is characterized by the pointed
shape of the head. This is not being grown commercially to any extent for
fresh market in Kentucky.
Varieties of the Red type can be recognized by the color of the
leaves. Red cabbage can be used to make an attractive slaw, but it is grown
to a limited extent in Kentucky, primarily for roadside market sales.

 Savoy type cabbage is characterized by the crinkled shape of the
leaf. This is grown as a specialty item and is seen only occasionally in
home gardens.
Varieties of the Domestic type are most commonly recommended
for Kentucky growers for early fresh market cabbage. Table 3 lists some of
the better varieties for Kentucky.
N0. Days to A
Variet First Harvest
Stone/read 60 A hybrid cabbage. 3-4 pound heads.
Extremely limi heads while develop-
ing. Yellows resistant.
Emerald Cross 63 An F1 hybrid. Very early, compact,
2-3 pound heads. High percentage to
cut at one time. Not resistant to
Yellows disease. Heads do not split
Y. R. Golden Acre 65 An early maturing F1 hybrid. 2-3 pound
heads. Heads may burst. Resistant to
Yellows disease.
Grccnback 75 Mid—season maturing. 3-5 pound heads.
Yellows resistant. Heads hold well
without splitting. l
Other Varieties to Try
Pacesetter 55 An F1 hybrid. Extra early. Excellent A i
quality. Solid head with short core.
2% to 2 3/4 pound heads. Not Yellows
resistant. .
Superettc 66 Yellows resistant. Uniformity of head
size at harvest. Good solid heads.
Leaves are blue color.
Cabbage plants for an early market crop are commonly shipped in
from the south or grown locally in greenhouses (see Figure 1). Locally-
grown cabbage plants are preferred over southern grown plants, provided
they are properly grown and "hardened off." The advantage of growing

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Figure 1: Excellent cabbage transplants, grown in greenhouse, ready for
transplanting to field.
your own plants or having them grown locally is that you can be assured
of the varieties you want when you want them. Seed should be sown from
6 to 8 weeks before the plants are to be transplanted to the field. Seed
- should be sown 3 to 4 seeds per inch of row, in rows spaced about 6 inches
apart in hotbeds or greenhouse groundbeds, and plants later thinned to 12
to 18 pla_nts per foot of row for a good bareroot transplant.
- — Better quality transplants can be obtained by seeding 8 to l0
seeds per inch of row in seed flats with rows 2 inches apart and then
transplanting the small seedlings as the first true leaf begins forming. The
seedlings can be transplanted 2" x 2" apart in flats or placed individually in
peat pots for transplanting to the field. Extra handling and potting
increases the cost of plant growing and is therefore not a usual commercial
The soil or soil mix in which the seedlings will be grown should
be tested to determine fertilizer requirements. Most soil will produce
excellent transplants when 3/4 pound of a 6-12-12 fertilizer per 100
square feet of soil surface area is worked 4 to 6 inches into the soil before
seeding. The soil for growing the transplants should be loamy in nature. lt
» is difficult to pull plants from heavy soils.
All soil in which cabbage seedlings are to be grown should be
sterilized before planting the seed. 1
1Refer to Extension publication Misc. 374, "Guide for Chemical Control of
Vegetable Disea.scs," for recommended soil sterilization procedures.

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Figure 2: Well-hardened cabbage transplants of proper uniform size for
transplanting to the field.
Cabbage plants grown for early spring planting should be
"hardened-off" before planting to the field. "Hardening-off"’ is primarily
to condition plants so less water will be lost from the cells of newly-set , ‘
plants. Withholding moisture from a cabbage plant and lowering the
surrounding temperature results in carbohydrate accumulation within the
plant tissues, which reduces the freezing point of the cell sap. Well- · ‘
hardened cabbage plants under most conditions can be expected to
withstand short term temperatures of 15 to 20°F after being transplanted
to the field. Snow coverage and heavy frosts will not kill the plants. V
Plants grown in a greenhouse or hotbed should be grown at a day
temperature of around 70°F and a night temperature of around 60°F.
Before setting in the field, the plants should be hardened for a week to 10
days by withholding water and lowering the temperature to, ideally, 50°F
day and night. Lowering the temperature below 50°F for several days may ‘
result in the plants bolting to seed in the field. ‘
If the plants must be held for several hours before transplanting,
lay the plants on their sides on moistened burlap bags and cover them to
prevent drying the roots.
The location of the field and its soil type will influence the
growth and develo ment of the plants for early market. Cabbage will

 mature earlier when planted in sandy loam soils which face south or
southeast than it will in heavier soils on areas with northern exposure. A
field should be selected that has not had cabbage growing on it for at least
3 to 4 years. This will aid in reducing the possibility of disease buildup in
the soil. Cabbage should not be planted in areas that are poorly drained.
. . Good tobacco ground will grow good cabbage. A soil with 3 to 4 -
percent organic matter content is desirable. Soils that will not erode easily
should be plowed in the fall of the year in preparation for the early spring ‘
_ crops. Growers may find it difficult to transplant into spring·plowed sod. -
Weed control will also be more difficult. The soil should be plowed 8 to 10
inches deep.
A soil sample should be taken from the field and analyzed to
determine the fertilizer requirements of the field.* Cabbage grows best on
slightly acid soils with a pH of 6.2 to 6.8. Finely ground agricultural
limestone should be applied to extremely low pH soils in the fall before
planting the following spring. Table 4 shows the amount to apply if lime is
Amount of Limestone to
Soil pl-I Apply Per Acre
5.3 or lower 3-4 tons
5.3 - 6.0 2-3 tons
— · 6.1 · 6.7 0-2 tons
Above 6.7 None
’ required. For faster results, hydrated lime may be applied, though it is
more costly than finely ground limestone.
Cabbage has a high nitrogen requirement, but also needs adequate
levels of phosphorus, potassium and _magnesium. Usually sufficient
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium can be supplied in the complete
_ fertilizer. Magnesium is not usually a problem if the soil has been limed.
Table 5 shows recommended fertilizer rates for different soil test readings. V
Boron deficiency will cause hollow stem in cabbage. lf boron is
required, an application of 20 pounds of borax per acre should be
sufficient to correct any deficiency.
If banding equipment is available, then one—half of the required
amount of fertilizer should be broadcast before planting and disked into
*Refer to Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Leaflet 139, “H0w to
Take Good Soil Samplcs." Copies can be obtained from your local county Extension
agent or from the Department of Public Information, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Ky. 40506.

Amount of fertilizer to Apply
Soil Test Reading Per Acre
Phosphorus Potash N* P2O5 X20 I
Low Low 100 lb 180 lb 180 lb
Medium Low 100 lb 100 lb 180 lb
High Low 100 lb 60 lb 180 lb
Low Medium 100 lb 180 lb 100 lb
Low High 100 lb 180 lb 60 lb
Medium Medium 100 lb 100 lb 100 lb
High High 100 lb 60 lb 60 lb
*An additional application of 30 to 50 pounds of N should be applied as a
sidedress application when the cabbage begins heading. This may be placed on the
surface of the ground by hand if banding equipment is not available.
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 the top 6 to 8 inches of the soil. The remaining half of the fertilizer should
be placed in a band at transplanting time, 3 to 4 inches to each side of the
row and 4 inches deep, as shown in Figure 3. lf banding equipment is not
_ available, broadcast all the fertilizer and work uniformly throughout the
Fertilizer should be worked several inches into the soil because
` the cabbage root system is fibrous and is concentrated primarily in the top
12 inches of the soil, as shown in Figure 4. Since phosphorus and potash .
move very little in the soil, these elements can be put on well in advance of
transplanting time. t
A starter solution should be prepared by mixing 3 pounds of a
10-52-17 or similar analysis fertilizer in 50 gallons of water. Each plant
should receive about one-half pint of this solution when it is transplanted.
Transplanters used for transplanting tobacco plants work very well in
transplanting cabbage plants. An acre planted to 15,000 plants will require
18 three-pound bags of starter and 900 gallons of water. An insecticide to
control cutworms may,be added to the solution if the soil has not been
previously treated.
Cabbage will respond to additional nitrogen fertilizer applied
after the plant has been growing for 5 to 6 weeks. When the cabbage
begins forming a head it is recommended that a sidedress application of 50
pounds of nitrogen (N) be applied per acre. The fertilizer may be placed in
the middle of the furrows and watered in or applied with special
sidedressing equipment. A sidedress application of nitrogen made after the
head is well formed can result in the head splitting.
Since a cabbage crop for the early spring market is planted early
and removed from the field by the last of June, it is necessary to select a
_ cover crop that can provide growth during the summer and be plowed
under in time to prepare the field for early- to mid-March planting. A
summer cover crop of sudan grass or fescue sod can be plowed under in
the fall for early spring cabbage plantings. The conventional fall cover
crops do not usually provide enough growth by January or February when
the ground must be prepared to be of much benefit to the crop.
After early cabbage has been harvested, there is still adequate
time to grow a fall crop of tomatoes, green snap beans, peppers, tumips
and other vegetables with growing seasons of four months or less.

Prolonged dry periods while the cabbage is heading can result in
greatly reduced head weight and, in some cases, the cabbage may become
unmarketable. Soil types vary in their ability to hold water, and each ·
individual grower must make the ultimate decision as to whether he will
irrigate, when, and how much, based on the knowledge of his own soils -
and the prevailing climatic conditions. P
The speed with which water enters the soil will determine how ‘
much water should be applied by any method of irrigation. Sandy soils
will absorb moisture much faster than will clay soils. The slope of the land .
also determines the rate of water application. V
Overhead sprinkler irrigation is usually the most satisfactory
method of watering for most areas of Kentucky. One to 1% inches of `
water should be applied at each irrigation on clay and clay loam soils in
order to wet the soil to 12 inches. Sandy soils will require about Vi inch.
The slope of the land and the nature of the soil will determine how fast
the water should be applied. Clay soils with 5 to 10 percent slope should
receive approximately 0.15 inch of water per hour. At this rate of *
application, approximately 7 hours would be required to apply 1 inch of
water. Land that is level, and soils with larger soil particles, will take water
much faster; as much as '/t to 1 inch of water per hour.
Production averaging 12-15 tons of marketable fresh cabbage per
acre will insure a profit to the grower at a 3 cents/lb. market. Yields ‘
greater than this can be obtained. Table 6 shows different plant
populations at different row and plant spacings. It is suggested that
inexperienced growers begin with a plant population of 13,000 to 17,000 -
per acre. Soil type and rainfall history should be used to determine plant
population. As experience is gained in fertilizing, weed control, and other
cultural practices, higher plant populations may be desirable. Irrigation _
will also aide in success with high plant populations.
The use of herbicides can greatly reduce the amount of labor ~
required to grow a crop of cabbage. Herbicides presently registered for use
on cabbage can be applied at a cost to the grower of about $4.00 per acre.
Recommended materials are listed in Extension publication Misc. 373,
Chemical Weed Control for Vegetable Crops.
If cultivation is used to control weeds, extreme caution should be
taken to insure that cultivation is slzallow and does not injure the
developing root system

Row Spacing Plant Spacing in Row Plant Population
Per Acre
· 20" 12" 26,000 »
24" 12" 21 ,750
30" 12" 17,400
36" 12" 14,500 _
- 20" 14" 22,400
24" 14" 18,600 -
30" 14" 14,900 _
V 36" 14" 12,400
20" 16" 19,600
24" 16" 16,300
30" 16" 13,000
36" 16" 10,800
Insects can be one of the most critical factors affecting the yield
and market quality of cabbage. There are insects that work below ground
· and others that work above ground. A timely and thorough application of
recommended insecticides is needed at weekly intervals and after each rain
to control above-ground insects.
_ An insecticide should be applied to the soil to control insects that
cut off the plants or feed on the roots. Insecticides for controlling soil
insects may be applied as sprays, in granular form, or in starter solutions.
_ lf the insecticide is sprayed on the soil or applied in the granular form, it ‘
should be worked well into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil. Dusting cabbage
is preferred to spraying. Spray droplets will run off the smooth leaf
surface. Dusting should be done in the early morning while the dew is on
‘ the foliage. To get the insecticide to the lower sides of the leaves as well as
into the center of the plant, a fan-type duster is essential.
. For recommended control measures for cabbage insects, refer to
Extension publication Misc. 384, Insect Control 0f Field and Greenhouse
Vegetable Insects. Growers should be on the alert for the appearance of
~ any insect problem so that proper control methods can be undertaken at
once. It is best to prevent a population buildup by following a regular
spray or dusting program.
Cutworms - There are a number of different cutworm species.
Cutworrns can reduce plant stands by cutting off young transplants,
usually at ground level. lf a field has been in weeds or grassesjust prior to
cabbage, cutworms are likely to be a serious problem unless the field is
treated with an insecticide.

 Aphids (plant lice) - These are small, soft-bodied insects that may
appear on cabbage during latter March in Kentucky. Aphids may be either
green, pink, or black, and may or may not have wings. They can usually be p
found just as the cabbage head beings forming, and they cause injury by ’
sucking the sap from the leaves, thereby stunting the plant. Serious damage
may result, noticeable by a yellowing and curling of the leaves.
F7ea Beetles - These are small, brownish~black beetles that jump I
like fleas. They damage the plant by eating small holes in the tender, A i
developing leaves.
Cabbage L00per - This light greenish worm causes severe damage
to the leaves. When crawling, it doubles up to form a loop, from which it j
gets its name. This is one of the most destructive insects for cabbage. The
feeding of the very small larva can be detected by the presence of small
holes in the leaves. As the worms increase in size, they eat larger holes and
bore into the developing head. l
Imported Cabbage Worm - These caterpillars or worms are
velvety—green in color and feed mostly on the under surface of the leaves,
eating large irregular holes in the outer leaves of the cabbage heads. Wormy
cabbage may be completely rejected in the market place.
lf an insect appears to be uncontrollable, contact your county
Extension agent, Extension entomology specialist or Extension vegetable
specialist for assistance.
  je. ‘»’ j jyj .»..__
Figure 5: Damage caused by  _'-           if ·    1 .
the imported cabbage worm.   ‘   -,_ it   E'         1 3
necessary to keep this pcst     . M _ ..  `  3 Lvl 'y· `     If-. A
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Several diseases can become serious on cabbage. Club R00t
disease produces large swellings on the plant roots and results in poorly
developed above-ground parts. The Yellows disease can also be a very
serious disease of cabbage, but Yellows-resistant varieties have helped in
. = reducing losses. Blackleg is a disease that attacks the young plant, causing
A dark, sunken areas on the stem, with the result that the plant wilts and
dead leaves adhere to the stem. Black Rot disease results in a browning at
the edges of the leaves, while black areas may appear on the veins of the
leaves. ‘
Most disease problems for cabbage can be prevented by buying a
good seed, using resistant varieties (see Table 1), treating the seed, l
. sterilizing the beds in which plants are grown before they go to the field,
and by following a good crop rotation program.
For recommended control measures for cabbage diseases refer to
Extension publication Misc. 374, Disease Control Recommendations f0r
. Vegetable Crops.
If disease problems arise, contact your county Extension agent,
Extension plant pathology specialist, or Extension vegetable specialist for
‘ control recommendations.
Premature seeding and bursting of heads can be a problem.
A Premature seeding ("bolting") can result from the exposure of cabbage
plants to several days of cold temperatures in the 30 to 40°F range.
Research has shown that plants with stems over bi inch in diameter are
— most likely to bolt when exposed to cool temperatures.
Head bursting increases when very wet periods follow very dry
periods, when cultivator root pruning is used, or when excess nitrogen is
` applied after the head is matured. ·
An irrigation unit can be good insurance against excessive head
bursting. Supplemental water helps the grower have a more uniform soil
moisture level.
Harvest time is usually determined by the solidness of the
cabbage heads, although other factors, such as the market price, weather,
size and appearance, may determine whether the crop is harvested before
full maturity. Cabbage should be harvested before it becomes over-mature.
Over-maturity is usually characterized by a white cast on the outer leaves
. of the heads, bursting, and sunburn.
Although mechanical harvesting of cabbage is becoming a reality,
most cabbage is harvested by hand, workers cutting the head from the

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Figure GB ·
stem with a knife. Cabbage should be harvested with 3 to 4 green wrapper ·
leaves. This requires leaving about lé inch basal plate below the solid
portion of the head when cutting from the stem. A properly trimmed . .
cabbage is shown in Figure 6a. Produce buyers insist on properly trimmed
cabbage (3 or 4 wrapper leaves), because excess leaves weigh approximate-
ly V2 to l pound per head (Figure 6b). These leaves are not saleable in .
stores and must be removed before the cabbage is placed on display in
retail stores. Consequently, improperly trimmed cabbage is discounted by

 Cabbage is commonly cut and placed in mesh bags or wooden
_ wire-bound crates designed to hold 40 to 50 pounds each. (Figure 7.)*
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