xt74xg9f5s86 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f5s86/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1965 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 40, No. 3, Winter 1965 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 40, No. 3, Winter 1965 1965 1965 2014 true xt74xg9f5s86 section xt74xg9f5s86 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE
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Children cl: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Newsom , j
(Old Courier Sylvia Bowditch) l
  1  •
Published at the end of each Euarter by gie Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., { 
exmg on, y. , 
Subscription Price $1.00 a. Year ‘
Edit0r’s Office: \Vend0ver, Kentucky  
Second class postage paid at Lexington, Ky. 40507  
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775 .  
Copyright, 1965, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. I

Q A Letter From Alaska Elihu Afton Garrison 40
{ Aunt Cressy's Powerful Potion Hope Muncy 5
Beyond the Mountains 42
  Courier Janet Craig A Photograph Inside Back Cover
·   Field Notes 49
V   Frontier Nursing Service-
v_ First Forty Years ` 4
  Margaret Adams’ Accident Anna May January 22
  Old Courier News 9
  ` Old Staff News 29
    Our Mail Bag 7
  E Taronda Betty Lester 27
  The Lamp of Truth John Ruskin 25
To W. S. C. (Verse) Viscount Norwich 2
` Winston Spencer Churchill 3
Boat Necklace Modern M aturity 41
a Elizabeth Anne McAlister A Photograph 24
f . Readers' Motoring Tales—130 The Countryman 39
" ` Richard Wigglesworth Clemmitt A Photograph 8
Time Is But the Stream . . . Thoreau 28
f ` Vice Versa and Terra Cotta Contributed 51
‘ I White Elephant 48

TO w. s. c.  
When ears were deaT and Tongues were muTe.  
You Told oT doom To come.  
When oThers Tingered on The TluTe, si
You Thundered on The drum. T
When armies marched and ciTies burned  
And all you said came True,  
Those who had mocked your warnings Turned  
AlmosT Too laTe To you.  
Then doubT gave way To Tirm belieT.  
And Through Tive cruel years  
You gave us glory in our grieT,  
And laughTer Through our Tears.  
When Tinal honours are besTowed  
And lasT accounTs are done,  
Then shall we know how much was owed  
By all The world To one.  
-—Norwich T
` I
% T

  ilu Jlillzmuriam
  Winston Spencer Churchill
(Q The poem "To W. S. C." by Lord Norwich was published in
my a book called Winston Spencer Churchill Servant of Crown and
" Commonwealth in 1954 at the time of Sir Winston’s 80th birth-
· day. This book, edited b Sir James Marchant, was printed in
one edition only.
  The grateful thanks of the Frontier Nursing Service are
  due to the Lady Diana Cooper (widow of the late Viscount Nor-
, wich) for allowing us to print this poem and also for her life-
  long efforts to further the cause of Anglo-American friendship.
_' For the past forty years the Frontier Nursing Service has been
  a working example of Anglo-American friendship. A staff of
Qi British and American nurses, who are also certified midwives,
if have pursued their common aims together. They have formed
Q » abiding friendships and visited one another in their British or
W, American homes. During the Battle of Britain, when the Old
  Country stood alone, the Frontier Nursing Service asked British
  subjects who had visited us in here to become members of our
li, Board of Trustees. We felt that in this gesture we clasped their
ll}; hands. We listened for Sir Winston’s voice when it came over
iii the air, and we listened for it ever afterwards until it was stilled
lg by death.
A What can one find to say about this towering giant of the
i Twentieth Century which has not already been better said by
. many others ? And no words that anyone has said begin to equal
` his own incomparable use of our native tongue. The poem by
l , the late Lord Norwich says what all of us are saying in our
 lj hearts.
g l

 4 FRoN·r1ER Nunsmc smnvicm  
First Forty Years j 
1925 - 1965 [ 
The annual meeting of the trustees and members of the g 
Frontier Nursing Service has special significance this year, (,5
because it marks our first forty years of continuous work in  
behalf of mothers and children and their families. What began *
as the first demonstration in America of the use of nurse-
midwives, under medical direction, to care for the lonely rural
mother in rough country, has now become a demonstration of
use to countless rural people inisolated parts of the world. From  
the beginning this was part of our plan and most of you, our  
readers, helped to bring it about. We believed, and still believe,  
that the best way to make work grow is to start it like a tiny _
plant in one piece of ground, with the support of local leading i
citizens. In time the plant will become a banyan tree, "yielding ,
shade and fruit to wide neighborhoods of men." { {
Those of you who would like to help us celebrate this special   it
year may send us donations in its honor. The donors of all such ,>g_
gifts will receive, from our Treasurer, the numbered receipt  
required by our auditors. Such gifts are tax deductible. I U
The annual meeting this year, to which all friends are wel-  
come and to which they may bring guests, is to be on Tuesday, ‘?
June 8, at Spindletop Hall, Ironworks Pike, Lexington, Kentucky. A
Luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m., at $2.25 per plate (includ- ·
ing all charges). This will be followed by the business meeting
of the Board of Trustees and the committee members, as required
under our charter. Our Blue Grass Committee is in charge of  
all arrangements. Invitations, with reservation cards for the ,` _
limcheon, will be mailed in May.   ,

   QUARTERLY Bnnnmim 5
  Horn MUNcY
, pl Secretary to the Medical Director
A The wind and rain had stripped the leaves from the trees,
and all that was left of autumn was stretched across the forest
’  floor like an old and faded carpet. Aunt Cressy bent to the wind,
  her poor old skirts and petticoats whipping around her legs and
; billovving out behind her. As she trudged along in the wet leaves
_ and mire, she pondered on her problem and formulated her plans.
p When she first learned that Cousin Matt had decided to
  "help" her and her boy, Josh, by putting Josh in a hospital, far
,  out of the mountains where she would never see him again, and
§ ` force her to sell her little hillside farm and go live in town with
  Cousin Minnie, she had been in the depths of despair. Cousin
i l Matt was coming out to supper tonight and bringing Judge
¥  Andrews along with him. Oh, Matt was sly, he was. He was
.  trying to influence the Judge to get a court order to take Josh
JJ  away from her. Life would end for her without Josh; her soul
J J  would be as dead as the autumn was now dead.
li; It was nearly dark when Aunt Cressy reached a certain
¢ J, beech wood. What light was left was caught in pewter high-
  lights against the wet boles and limbs of the beech trees. In the
It eerie half-light she could make out the large boulders near the
lll creek. She moved slowly to them, got down on her rheumatic
  old knees and dug around beneath the bracken fern. Yes, here
‘ 2 were two left, even this late in the season. She gently lifted the
· pallid things into her basket and rose to goft
As she made her way back toward her house, she continued
I to muse over her problem. She knew it had all come about
_. because Josh had come up behind Lizzie Benlow as she was
  passing the house and had lifted off her old flowered hat. He
hadn’t meant anything by it. He probably thought it was a
J J moving flower bush it had so many roses, ribbons and birdvvings
t p. on it. Anyway, she had told the whole neighborhood that Josh
;_   ¢*=F1y Amanita (Amcmém muscariu, L.). There are twenty American species
  in the genus Amomitaisonie of them are the most poisonous fungi known,
J , while others are most highly esteemed for the table.

i t
6 Fnommn mmsino smnvxcm  
had raised his hand to strike her—Josh, who had never harmed  
a living thing in his whole simple, innocent life. Her poor, Ii
afflicted child who spoke only to the spirits and loved all the  
small creatures was being persecuted because of the selfish aims  
of Cousin Matt. Lizzie’s tale was just an excuse to set him off. r
Of course, Matt wanted the property that her Paw had left her. .
She knew that Grandpappy had never sold the mineral on the ·
place and neither had her Paw. Matt couldn’t fool her; she was 1
a Judd, too, before she had married Andy Dunning. She knew ..
just what Matt was thinking. Well, she would turn the other  
cheek and cook them a good supper. If they ate at her table -
and then did her wrong, cursed be they!  
Three days later the usual crowd were gathered about the {
stove in the general store and post office.
"It shore is too bad about Matt Judd," said Sam Wilby,
"They say he went plumb crazy. His wife and children had to l _
hide in the barn loft until the sheriff took him off to the asylum.
I hear he poured a whole churn of buttermilk on Sudie’s head,
and she had to grab the youngins and run." ·
"Well," Jim Arnsworth drawled, "Judge Andrews ain’t too
well either. His boy, John, took him to some doctor in Lexington #
yesterday. They won’t talk much about it. He sure did act
peculiar when I went in to see him about getting Paw on the
jury. That was day before yesterday." —
Solly Borden rose from the apple box on which he was sit- j
ting and said, "Pearl, see if I got any mail. I gotta be going, and, ,
boys, remind me never to cross Aunt Cressy Dunning. I don’t .
even like to pass her house after dark, which is another good
reason I gotta be going."
Aunt Cressy still sits comfortably by her iireside with Josh, ·
her boy, in his usual corner, nodding and winking at the empty _
corners of the room. Cousin Matt never comes about any more, ·`
and Judge Andrews never mentions his little encounter with  
Aunt Cressy. Lizzie Benlow doesn’t walk by the little three-room _ »l
cottage any more. In order to get to town, she walks plumb  
across the mountain and down the creek—several miles out of -
her way.

  From a New Friend: It has recently been my happy privi-
° lege to read your splendid book, Wide Neighborhoods. Words
adequate to express my admiration for . . . the book . . . fail me
completely. When my wife checked it out of the public library
i we both became so thrilled that we read it at the same time; she
{ had her bookmark and I had mine. Many were the hearty laughs
J and chuckles it evoked from us. Its wholesome enlightening sub-
KB ject matter, so skillfully and vividly arranged and portrayed,
é truly held us spellbound for many delightful hours ....
it From Another Friend: After the inspiring experience of
` reading Wide Neighborhoods ....
Wide Neighborhoods, publishers, Harper & Row, now in
A . its eighth printing, is for sale at all bookstores for $4.95.
From an Old Wendover Employee and His Wife: Our many
. thanks to you and the Wendover staff for all you have done for
us the past 21 years. Merry Christmas. May God bless you in
» your wonderful work.
From an Old Friend in Califomia: Truly nothing that we
_ are fortunate enough to receive gives such food for thought,
interest and help, as does your Bulletin!
Q From an Old Friend in Florida: Thanks for the Autumn
Bulletin. Entrancing as usual ....
From a Member of Our National Medical Council: It was
. indeed a pleasure to attend the meeting of the American Asso-
ciation of Nurse-Midwives, and I admire their work so much ....
Y; From a Student Nurse at the Methodist Hospital in Phila-
{ delphia: My! How fortunate I am to be training in the OB area
4 I in a modern hospital. I count, however, it a real privilege to
  learn of your work and to share in it with my prayers and sup-
· port .... I do so much enjoy OB nursing and realize more and
· more every day the importance and necessity of prenatal care
 _Z as well as nursing care in labor and delivery. We here at Meth-
odist in Philadelphia are most proud of your contribution to OB
 . nursing ....

From One of Ou1· Former Nurse-Midwives Now in the South: ;
I have just received the Bulletin (Summer 1964) and I want to Q
say Amen to the letter written by a nurse-midwife out West. It’s E
a letter I would like to have written fifteen years ago. I’m glad I
she had the courage to speak out. It’s surprising how deaf peo-
ple become when you start talking about good maternity care.
I have wished many times I could have been at Hyden for
the birth of my first four children or at least had a nurse-midwife V l
with me .... ·¤
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Son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Clemmiff  
(Old Courier Ann Wigglesworfh) ir

  Edited by
p From Gertrude Lanman, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts
,, —November 27, 1964
  Once again I’ve been delayed in sending a check because I
,_` wanted to send a note at the same time.
af I can’t tell you how impressed I was with all those on the`
6 Boston Committee. Regretfully, a full-time job doesn’t let me
arrange my schedule to be of any help on the Committee, but I
did get to help a bit with the "clean-up" chores after the Pre-
view. At the end of what must have been at least three long
_ days, one might expect a tense, tired atmosphere—but not at all.
y Everyone was in excellent spirits due, I’m sure, to the terrific
I organization of Mary Moir and Patsy Lawrence.
My old mare (age 23) is now in Duxbury, supposedly for
  retirement for as long as she is able to enjoy life. However, her
él legs improved so much last spring that I took her riding again
.1 to the great enjoyment of both of us and, of course, to "Shadow"
my ex-"lab dog." On one adventure this summer "Shadow"
jumped off a broken pier for a cooling swim in a lake only to
% find he couldn’t get back on the pier. At this point he panicked
I and in spite of my calling he didn’t seem to realize that he could
easily swim to shore. So, there was nothing for me to do but
jump off "dry" and haul a badly frightened dog up on the pier.
; By the time I had him comforted and reassured and had gone
· back to where I’d left Ivy, there was no horse in sight. Evidently
—, she’d gone `home—so we walked about three miles on a nice hot
  day! Wouldn’t it be awful if an FNS horse did that?
up From Mrs. Thomas O. Whitaker (Mary Woodmansey) ,
  Saco, Montana-—November, 1964
, We have a cozy little home on the Milk River, eight miles
 { from Saco. I work part—time at the Malta Hospital from 11:00-
  7 :00 a.m. shift. I really enjoy the work but don’t especially enjoy
 . the thirty-eight-mile drive when the roads are bad. I remember

io Fnomrmn Nunsmc smnvicn  
so well how Mrs. Breckinridge used to say how low the ebb of life  *
is at 4 :00 a.m. and now I can begin to understand what she meant.  
We are very happy but at times I feel the call of the Ken-  
tucky Mountains and long to work in them again. if
This January I am returning to school to finish my B.S.  
degree. It will be a taxing eleven weeks. :_
From Mrs. Gerald G. Tyrrell (Janie Haldeman) , E
Louisville, Kentueky—Christmas, 1964 Q
So often I have wanted to express to you (Mrs. Brechin-  
ridge) my admiration and love for the FNS but have failed Y
because the words will not come. The words are still not there, 4*
but I must say something. I’m strangely driven. I want you to
know that I feel about the Service as you described your feeling
for the outer reaches of Scotland in Wide Neighborhoods. I do
not know why I feel this fierce kinship—still!
How marvelous Wide Neighborhoods is. I am only now
reading it all the way through for the first time. "Child-
likeness." Thank you for this life-giving thought. I
Words, Words! I would love to have a thousand or more
dollars. More realistically, ten would do, to give you. r
Tonight I showed some FNS slides to the Episcopal minis- V
ters' wives here. Being slightly overwhelmed by this illustrious
audience and not as completely rehearsed as I should like to have
been (due, in part, to my wondrous 18-month-old "suicidal" boy-
child), I felt that the FNS, itself, and my blundering enthusiasm
would carry your work across. I do hope it did. I am so grateful
to do this feeble bit, and hope that it brings practical fruits.
Thank you for giving yourself to us all. -
. . . .  
From Mrs. Irving Lewis Fuller, Jr. (Vicki Coleman), syl
London, England-Christmas, 1964 I
Greetings from foggy London town. We will be with the  j
Embassy here for two years. We have found a "country cottage" ’
in the midst of the city with lots of fireplaces and a lovely garden;  I
and I wonder how we will ever leave. 4

  From Alison Bray, London, England——Christmas, 1964
 Q Joan McClellan [om old courier], is to spend Christmas with
  us, which will be lovely. I haven’t seen her for ages. To add to
S-{i the confusion, I’ve just started a new job. It’s part-time secretary
  and treasurer of the Royal Ballet Benevolent Fund. It’s a com-
, pletely new world to me, and I think it will be most interesting.
{ I work from home which is a great advantage.
{ Miss Gray of the Queens Institute of District Nurses gave a
E talk at our church recently and spoke very well about the FNS.
Q I was thrilled!
{ From Mrs. Dandridge F. Walton (Theresa Nantz) ,
{· Paducah, Kentucky-—Christmas, 1964
Dan started to work here in Paducah on the second of Janu-
ary. He is associated with the firm of Emery and Carroll. The
children and I followed him the first of February, leaving the
l house in Bowling Green unsold. After one quite busy week, I
started teaching the third grade in McCracken County Schools.
After not teaching for several years it was rather hard to start
l again. Although I am not in a new building, I have the most
modern equipment at hand. I was also chosen to teach an experi-
. mental mathematics program in a new form. It is lots of fun
I but also quite time-consuming. In fact I spent six weeks this
I spring in a seminar on it, most of the summer studying on my
own, and now am taking a graduate level course in it.
· Bailey started walking right after we moved. He was such
a good baby but, as soon as he found his legs, he made up for
lost time. There is absolutely nothing that he can’t open, close,
break, or tear. As of last night, I have a nice blue spot on my
living room rug where he spilled the ink. Sarah Halley is now
K` in a nursery school two mornings a week and she just loves it.
H She asked Dan what he wanted for Christmas. When he said
_. "peace and quiet," she, with disgust, informed him that Santa
Y" didn’t have any of that. How right she is!
.1 Dan has been quite active, as he was in charge of the Jay-
 f cee’s Little League Football Program. He is also secretary of
l the Kiwanis Club, on the board of directors of Junior Achieve-
{ ment, and an oflicer in the Young Democrats Club. In fact, when
Hubert Humphrey made his visit here, Dan was about the third

12 Fnonrmn Nunsme smnvicm it 
man in charge. I didn’t see him for about a month, but he met J!
some very interesting people. ii
From Mrs. William A. Small, Jr. (Susan Spencer), J!
Tucson, Arizona—Christmas, 1964  i
If Ricky and Billy were only girls they would make the best
couriers! We introduced them to riding a year ago and now Q
they can go out for two hours at a stretch without a qualm.
They even outride their mother and father!  
From Mrs. John Stone (Jane Bidwell),  
Greenough, Montanar——Christmas, 1964  
We had a grand vacation at Sun Valley last month. We
took our children with us and my brother and his family of six
children were there too. We then trekked to the East for a
month. I stayed at my father’s while John went around looking
for people who would be interested in a ranch vacation. I
We’re now looking forward to the holidays with our boys »
reaching their fourth and seventh birthdays the first of the year.  
The end of January will see us again in Sun Valley. Our eldest i
son, George, is now in school with his chum who also lives on
the ranch. They are the only first graders in a one-room school p
house. One teacher has fifteen students ranging in all eight
grades this year. V
From Mrs. Rex Ramer (Dot Clark), St. Simonds Island,
Georgia——Christmas, 1964 ·
I thought the Courier Conclave was a great idea. It’s won- _
derful how Mrs. Breckinridge keeps going—a truly remarkable (
I have two grandsons now. I’m mighty busy—as always-  
gardening, studying, and now I work for our new Junior College. ·  _
From Bronwen (Bron) Jenney, New Orleans,
Louisiana»—Christmas, 1964  F
I am loving my studies at Tulane in New Orleans. The city
is exciting and the medical school is challenging. ‘
. 5

  I heard of Jinny’s death only last month. I’m sure her mark
 L in the FNS will last a long time.
 _ From Mrs. Campbell Christie, Jr. (Peggy Barker),
` ~ Evanston, Illinois—Christmas, 1964
_ Small Margaret, now nine months old, is a real delight to
Q us. She is very curious and into everything on all fours; but
Q soon, we think, she will be walking.
ri ....
  From Carol Lyman, Dover, Massachusetts——Christmas, 1964
  I love to receive my Bulletins and I read them from cover to
cover, cherishing each story. Having been away from home for
some time, I have just learned of Jinny’s death. I can remember
her so well in the summer of 1962, with her warm smile and will-
ing hands. What a tedious job the repair and painting of the
Wendover Chapel could have been but, with Jinny in command,
it was a pleasant experience. I can’t picture Wendover without
V her. How you must miss her! I liked her very much as, I’m sure,
Y= many others did.
i I am still at the University of Denver after a wonderful
summer in San Francisco.
From Mrs. Hugh W. Nevin (Ellie George),
Pittsburgh, Pem1sy1vania—Christmas, 1964
` I’ve been very neglectful but not unthinking of the FNS.
j I read the Bulletin voraciously. I loved the picture of Jean and
_ J inny and think of them riding together in Heaven, which would
·\ be such a natural place for their particular natures.
I  From Mrs. Bruce Putnam (Amy Stevens),
I · Wayland, Massachusetts—Christmas, 1964
The fall has been a busy one as usual, but Bruce and I did
I enjoy that business trip to Bermuda even if it was for only three
days! We now look forward to a happy Christmas with my
i parents here, and one brother and his new wife (of a year) and
tiny baby girl. The kids are more excited than ever about Christ-

14 Fnonrrmn mmsrmc ssavrcm 9
mas. Carol and I go skating every Saturday, and she loves it. E
Needless to say, we can’t wait until the snow flies again.  
From Mrs. Edmund Hendershot Booth (Betty Pratt),  
Norwich, Vermont—Christmas, 1964  3
George and Lisa are out of college and George is teaching. *,2
Lisa is studying art to be able to teach next year. Day is a fresh-  
man at Smith. Susie and Junior are in high school.  
We have our six horses which include our thirty-three-year- ,
old pony. We all still ride. I am happy to say that a trip to J
Cornell and deep X-ray treatments have cured our seventeen- .
hand horse of fistulous Withers, which had been flaring up for  
two years.  
From Mrs. David Gilbert (Julie Foster), `
College, Alaska—Christmas, 1964 _
I certainly enjoy hearing the news from the FNS Bulletin. _,
0 We’re living in our new house (have been since May). It’s _
now -550 outside and only 250 inside! Wheel We don’t get  V
around much. ”4
From Mrs. Louisa W. Valley (Louisa Williams),
Lexington, Massachusetts—Christmas, 1964
I seem to be very busy here in Lexington even though the
children are well into their teens (or out again, age twenty, the  L
oldest). I have begun to do more odd jobs, mostly in the typing
line, and expect to get back to some kind of regular work when .
Kath is ready for college.  .1
From Mrs. Benjamin Reukberg (Nancy Harmon),  ··
Hnmtington, New York—Christmas, 1964 2,
This has been a year of major changes for us. Late in April,  
Ben successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on Soviet  
Doctrines Regarding the Struggle for Peace and Soviet Objec-  
tives vis a vis N on-Communist States in Proinatgating I ts Strng- rf
gle for Peace Doctrines (1955-61). In May, Ben accepted a new yl
position as Assistant Professor of History and Political Science  
at C. W. Post College of Long Island University (Brookville,  
L. I.) .  it

  In June, Ben got his doctorate, we found a new home and
t, moved into it on September 2nd. Unfortunately, in the process
,f of preparing to move, I became ill and had to be hospitalized for
  over three weeks. I am much better now. p
 l) The house is about sixty years old and needs a considerable
lll; amount of repair and development. Nevertheless, it has fine
  potential as it has eleven rooms, porches, a flagstone terrace,
  and a beautiful environment. The house is located on a wooded
h acre in the Huntington Bay section of Huntington, L. I. The
Q Nathan Hale beach on Huntington Bay is only two blocks away.
. Now that the leaves are gone we have glimpses of Long Island
  Sound from our home. In this rustic setting, we are less than
  forty miles from New York City.
Nathan is now in the third grade, a member of the Cub
· Scouts and first string center on the neighborhood football team.
Davie is delighted by the joys of kindergarten. Beth still is
I "Mommy’s" helper at home. With Peter, age one and one-half,
`K now walking and running into all sorts of adventures and mis-
 * chief, "Mommy" really needs help.
  From Camilla (Cammie) Riggs, Wilton, Comiecticut
-—Christmas, 1964
I think of all of you at the FNS often. What a real treat it
p was to be able to spend a summer there as a courier. I have met
i no organization like it since I left.
I have been at Colorado College for the past three years
= studying mostly anthropology. I met and became great friends
 -g with Edith Fulton who worked at the FNS the summer before
I I did. She has now been graduated and last August became Mrs.
 ’ Darrim Weeks. She is living in Germany where her husband is
2; stationed in the Army. I have taken a year out to study dressage
i riding with an excellent German instructor who lives nearby. I
it hope to be able to teach riding and do some training later on.
i' I spent a summer working in one of the Boston hospitals as a
pjf nurses’ aide. It was very interesting work. I was allowed to
il watch several major operations; however, I couldn’t go near
 F, the maternity wards.
  While I was in Colorado I was able to take several trips to
 it Arizona and New Mexico to work with the American Friends

Service with the Navajos. Many of the problems seem to be  L
the same——helping the people adjust to newly acquired wealth Qi
and outside influence. It is sad to see the old traditions broken  {
and forgotten, and it is particularly hard on the old people. It  
does seem unnecessary that they be stirred up but I guess it is
inevitable in these times.  =
From Mrs. William H. Henderson (Kathleen Wilson),  
Lansdowne, Pennsylvania—Christmas, 1964 1
I am still working as a school nurse in Philadelphia. Our  
oldest boy has his Ph.D. in Mathematics and is now a member 1
of the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton so we are able  
to see his family and our two grandchildren often. Billy and  
Nancy are teaching with the Peace _Corps in Liberia. They live
in a little cement block house with goats and pigs running loose
around them. Stephen and his wife are in Iowa. He is working on _
his M.S. in counselling and wants to work in Junior High. Mar- To
jorie returns to Maryville in February.
I read the Bulletin from cover to cover in one sitting every
tiH1€. {
From Mrs. Wade Hampton (Lill Middleton),
Greenwich, Connecticut—Christmas, 1964
Now we are about to produce our fourth child. It is still
hard to believe; but we are delighted——and, naturally, hoping »
for a small courier this time. How I relish the Bulletin! `
From Mrs. Richard S. Storrs (Fremiy Rousmaniere) , 4
Long Island, N. Y.—Christmas, 1964 il
From the Storrs Home* 1
Nick and Carol —Fitchburg, Mass. " _
Ayer and Peter —Huntington, N. Y.  
David -Yale `
Ginny —Switzerland I
Cleve —Cornwall, Conn. 'A
Nancy —She is home! I }
*Fixed Residence of family —Webster 3

 , Nick is teaching for the fourth year. Ayer’s husband is in
 Qg the First National Citizen’s Bank. I am glad she is living nearby.
wi We spent the holiday skiing as usual. Sue Ayer Parker is spend-
, ing a year in Europe with her husband and her daughter is in
p school there.
  From Mrs. Samuel Newsom (Sylvia Bowditch),
  Mill Valley, Galifornia—Christmas, 1964
l We spent a lovely two months with Mother in New Hamp-
ij shire last summer. It was such fun to have a couple of horses
Ȥ in the barn again and to teach the children to ride, and ride a bit
  myself! Maybe someday Chipps will qualify for the FNS.
. [See inside front cover]
-——February 9, 1965
p My times with you are still so vivid that I’m amazed when
V I realize that it was over thirty years ago that I was there!
Sam has been asked to take another group to Japan in the
spring and we shall be there in time to see the azaleas in their
I glory. Two of my cousins, Franklin Balch and his sister, Lucy
R Putnam, are coming with us which will be fun.
From Michella Ann Dorsey, Territory of New Guinea
——December 31, 1964
· I did enjoy reading the Bulletin. There are many things here
V which remind me of Kentucky: the slippery, muddy roads; the
dry, dusty roads; crossing the Coleman River in a Land Rover
at night; and walking with the dogs and chasing stray cows.
Q What a life! It has its discouraging moments, of course-
ii especially trying to master the foreign language.
1; I was very pleased to see Miss Browne looking so chic and
1 distinguished, and I’m as pleased as any other FNSer about her
* appointment as an Oiiicer of the Most Excellent Order of the
V British Empire.
', From Martha Rockwell, Putney, Vermont—January 4, 1965
¢ Laura Riley wrote me that Doc (horse) left you. He was
V a great old character. I’ll never forget the times Katie and I

 is Fizonrmn Nuasmc- smavicn Q
had trying to give him his aspirin; but I guess another winter  
would have been rough for him. I’m going off to work tomorrow  
and am looking forward to it, although