xt74xg9f519n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f519n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2001-01-jan23. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2001-01-jan23. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2001-01-jan23. 2001 2001-01-jan23. 2011 true xt74xg9f519n section xt74xg9f519n 


                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                  University of Kentucky
                                         1:00 P.M.
                                      January 23, 2001


Roll Call

Approval of Minutes - (Consent)

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1   President's Report to the Trustees
        A. Report on America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth
        B.  Report on the Football Investigation

PR 2   Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration
       A.  Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations
       B.  Agreement Resolving Community College Accreditation Issues

PR 4    Community College System (No items to report)

PR 5    Lexington Campus
       A.  Appointments/Reappointment to University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation
       B.  Amendments to Articles of Incorporation of University of Kentucky Equine Research
                 Foundation, Inc.
        C.  College of Law Book Donations to Central High Magnet Career Academy

PR 6    Medical Center (No items to report)

Academic Affairs Committee

1.    Change in the Name of an Educational Unit - (Consent)
2.    Change in the Name of an Educational Unit - (Consent)

Finance Committee

1.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the
            Six Months Ended December 31, 2000
 2.    Report of Leases
 3.    Approval of Lease
 4.    Disposition of Property
 5.    Intercollegiate Athletics Quasi-Endowment Withdrawals
 6.    Arthur Andersen LLP Gifts and Pledges
 7.    College of Human Environmental Sciences Alumni Association Gift and Pledge
 8.    Edith D. Gardner Charitable Foundation, Inc., Gift


9.     Establishing the Ashland, Inc., Endowed Professorship
10.     Estate of Robert P. Moores Gift
11.     Gifts and Pledges to J. C. Ferm Graduate Fellowship Fund
12.     Gifts for Urologic Research
13.     Gifts to the John R. Mink Professorship in Pediatric Dentistry and Oral Health Services Research
14.     Gordon L. Hyde, M.D., Professorship/Chair in Vascular Surgery
15.     James M. Lassiter Estate Gift
16.     Overbrook Farm Gift
17.     Star Scientific, Inc., Gift
18.     A Resolution ofthe Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky Authorizing the Issuance of
             $20,510,000 of University of Kentucky Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue
             Bonds, Series R, Dated March 1, 2001

Presidential Search Committee

1.   Appointment of President


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
January 23, 2001.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Billy Joe Miles, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation
was pronounced by Dr. Grady Stumbo.

      B.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Governor
Edward T. Breathitt, Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Mr. James Glenn III, Mr. Merwin Grayson, Mr.
John "Jack" Guthrie, Dr. Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe Miles
(Chairman), Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. Steven S. Reed, Dr. Daniel R. Reedy, Mr. C. Frank Shoop,
Ms. Marian Sims, Ms. Alice Sparks, Dr. W. Grady Stumbo, Ms. JoEtta Y. Wickliffe, Mr. Billy
B. Wilcoxson, Mr. Russell Williams and Ms. Elaine Wilson. Absent from the meeting was Ms.
Marianne Smith Edge. The University administration was represented by President Charles T.
Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors James W. Holsinger, and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice Presidents
Fitzgerald Bramwell, Joseph T. Burch, Ben W. Carr, George DeBin and Eugene Williams; Dr.
Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; Mr. Larry Ivy, Director of Athletics,
and Mr. Richard E. Plymale, General Counsel.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present,
the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

      C.    Consent Agenda

      Mr. Miles stated that there were three items on the consent agenda:

             Approval of Minutes
             Change in the Name of an Educational Unit (AACR 1)
             Change in the Name of an Educational Unit (AACR 2)

      Mr. Shoop moved approval of the Consent Agenda. The motion, seconded by Ms. Sims,
carried. (See AACR 1 and AACR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

      D.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. The University of Kentucky has been ranked 32nd among public universities for
         research expenditures by the National Science Foundation. There were more than
         100 universities in this survey.


- 2 -

       2. The Graduate School will be starting a new program this fall designed to attract high
          quality graduate students to the University. New non-resident graduate students will
          now be eligible for tuition scholarships based on their prior academic performance.
          The Graduate School's Graduate Incentive Free Tuition (GIFT) program is underway
          and has been very successful. There are currently more than 400 students enrolled in
          the program.

       3. Lexington Community College recently opened its South Campus on Regency Road,
          a campus formerly occupied by Sullivan University.

       4. The Gill Heart Institute is the first in Kentucky to offer a new treatment to help
          prevent the arteries from re-clogging. This procedure involves radiation to open
          arteries that have re-narrowed after angioplasty.

       5. The Cooperative Extension Service has organized agriculture development boards in
          all 120 counties to administer $50 million in grants from part of the tobacco
          settlement for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

       President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in the report at their

       He said he would like to change the order on the agenda and come back to PR 1 A and PR
lB later.

       E.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the appointments, actions
and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative to
appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. Ms. Wilson
moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Glenn, carried. (See PR 2 at the end of the

      Mr. Guthrie noted that Joe Burch's name was among the list of early retirees. He
commented that Mr. Burch has been at the University for 37 years. He has held many positions
and has provided great service to three presidents. He expressed his appreciation to Mr. Burch
for his service and dedication to the University and wished him well in the future. He said the
Board and the University owe Mr. Burch extraordinary congratulations.

      Mr. Burch received a round of applause from the Board members.

      President Wethington said that Mr. Guthrie's words are certainly well deserved by Mr.
Burch. He added that upon retirement, Mr. Burch would be working on a part-time basis for the
Alumni Association for two years. He expressed his appreciation to Mr. Burch for his service.

      F.    Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 3A)

      President Wethington stated that PR 3A is the proposed change in the Governing
Regulations that was presented to the Board at the last meeting. It is on the agenda for final


- 3 -

action. He noted that this amendment is intended to bring the University's Governing
Regulations in line with the statutes in Kentucky. President Wethington added that the proposal
has been circulated to the appropriate bodies on campus, and he has not received any feedback.
President Wethington said he was pleased to recommend PR 3A for final approval. Mr. Glenn
moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Shoop, carried. (See PR 3A at the end of the

      G.    Agreement Resolving Community College Accreditation Issues (PR 3B)

      President Wethington stated that PR 3B is an agreement to resolve community college
accreditation issues. He reminded the Board of the controversy over House Bill 1 and the
concerns regarding possible accreditation issues for the community colleges. He stated that this
agreement is a joint effort between the University and KCTCS designed to resolve existing
accreditation issues. He added that this is actually a Memorandum of Understanding, which will
delegate further powers from the UK Board of Trustees to the Board of KCTCS. President
Wethington noted that the University was informed by the Attorney General that it is appropriate
and proper for this Board to make such a delegation.

      Mr. Chellgren added that he chaired the Ad Hoc Committee that worked on the
community college carve-out issue. He stated that he has continued to work with both KCTCS
and the university on this issue, and he strongly recommends the Board endorse this further
delegation of these three powers.

      Dr. Stumbo moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Chellgren, carried. (See PR
3B at the end of the Minutes.)

      H.    Appointments/Reappointments to University of Kentucky Equine Research
             Foundation (PR 5A)

      President Wethington stated that PR 5A is a recommendation for appointments and
reappointments to the Equine Research Foundation Board. He noted that the recommendation is
that approval be given to the appointments of the following persons: Mr. James E. Bassett, Mr.
Edward S. Bonnie, Mr. Bill Farish, Ms. Nadia Sanan, Dr. William Bernard, and Mr. Walter Zent,
and that the reappointment of Mr. Frank Shoop be made by this Board. He added that the
recommendation came from the nominating committee and has been approved by Chancellor of
the Lexington Campus. He expressed his pleasure in recommending PR 5A.

      Dr. Meriwether moved approval. The motion, seconded by Ms. Sims, carried. (See PR
5A at the end of the Minutes.)

      Mr. Shoop asked that the record show that he abstained from voting.

      I.    Amendments to Articles of Incorporation of University of Kentucky Equine
             Research Foundation. Inc. (PR SB)

      President Wethington stated that PR SB is a recommendation that Charles T. Wethington,
Jr., as President, and M. Scott Smith, as Secretary, be authorized to execute and file with the
Secretary of State the attached Amendment to Articles of Incorporation of University of


- 4 -

Kentucky Equine Research Foundation, Inc. He noted that there are two changes, (1) to
streamline the board's membership and (2) to create a budget process that parallels the
university's budget process. He stated that these two changes in the Articles of Incorporation
require the approval of the Board of Trustees prior to being sent to the state for the official

       Mr. Shoop stated that he would like to make the motion for approval. He said, "As a
Board representative to this Foundation, I'd like to just mention how well this Foundation is
administratively. It is an excellent expenditure of monies and it's untold the good that comes to
the horse industry not only for Kentucky but the whole world. So, it's really top notch."

       Mr. Williams seconded the motion, and it carried. (See PR 5B at the end of the Minutes.)

       President Wethington commented that it is likely that the Gluck Equine Research Center
is among the top one to three equine research foundations in the world, not just in the United

       Chairman Miles asked where other equine research centers were located.

       President Wethington replied that there is one in England and another one in the United
States. Mr. Shoop stated that the program at UK is recognized worldwide. Dr. Reedy added that
the Veterinary Sciences department as a whole has consistently been in the top three

      J.    College of Law Book Donations to Central High Magnet Career Academy (PR

      President Wethington stated that PR 5C is an item that asks the Board to approve the
donations of materials from the College of Law library collection which have been declared to be
surplus. The Director of the Law Library and the Dean of the College would like to donate items
that are declared as surplus to Central High Magnet Career Academy in Louisville. He
expressed his pleasure in recommending PR 5C.

      Ms. Wilson moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Guthrie, carried. (See PR 5C
at the end of the Minutes.)

      K.    Report on America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth (PR IA)

      President Wethington asked Mr. Burch to comment about America's Promise program
and to introduce Lisa Higgins-Hord.

      Mr. Burch thanked President Wethington. He reported that General Colin Powell came
to Lexington asking the community to join his crusade for children with a program called
America's Promise. He stated that he had the opportunity to hear General Powell that day, and
he immediately understood that the University would be a vital part of this community effort.
He said he asked Lisa Higgins-Hord, the Director of Community Relations, to lead the
University in joining America's Promise. He commended Mrs. Hord on the excellent job she has
done in bringing together University resources, establishing ties with the Mayor's office, and


creating a relationship with the America's Promise office in Washington, DC, which lead to a
visit by President Wethington, Larry Ivy, Lisa and himself to meet with General Powell and his
staff in Washington.
      Mr. Burch informed the Board that Mrs. Hord is a graduate of the University of Kentucky
and holds both a B.S. and M.S. degree from the College of Human Environmental Sciences. She
became the Director of Community Relations in December of 1999. Mr. Burch asked Mrs. Hord
to report to the Board on the University's efforts with America's Promise, and Mrs. Hord
received a round of applause from the members of the Board.
      Mrs. Hord thanked President Wethington for his support for the program. She mentioned
a letter he had written to Colin Powell's office telling him what a wonderful opportunity this
would be for the University of Kentucky. Mrs. Hord gave the following presentation.

                       AMERICA'S PROMISE
                               THE ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH-
                                      and the
                            University of Kentucky
                     'Enthidiulg and Impronisg the Lives qJKentuvk',y ' Youth"


                       \ St  d:; CUR          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. S ..... i.. .,,,

                              Who They Are

                    Founded in Philadelphia in April 1997, at
                    the Presidents' Summit for America's Future,
                    America's Promise - The Alliance for
                    Youth, led by Secretary of State Colin L.




6 -

          Who They Are

America's Promise is a catalyst to
re-align efforts by communities,
corporations, nonprofits,
associations, faith organizations,
governments, and individuals on
behalf of young people and to make
young people a national priority.

        The Little Red Wagon

The little red wagon. A symbol of childhood.

"It could be filled with a child's
hopes and dreams or weighed down
with their burdens.

Millions of American children need
our help to pull the wagon along.
Let's all pull together."
           Secretary of State Cohn L. Powell, USA
             Chairman, Amenca's Promise

Caring Adults

SI~r jA":.x


Ongoing Relationships
Athletic Department Commitment
( 10,000 youth to be reached)

Through a $500,000 grant provided by Jamal Mashburn, young
people identified as "at risk" from Fayette County are selected to
receive a tuition waiver for UK based on academic performance
while in middle school and high school. These students are
matched with student athlete mentors who participate with the
scholars in different activities throughout the year.



- 7 -

                    Safe Places

                            Safe Place After School
                            4-H Extension Commitment
                            (94,600 youth to be reached)

                 "Bridges to Tomorrow" 21s' century grant for
                 $2.3 million for 1,000 students with an
                 involvement of 140 adults at six sites over a
                 period of 3 years. The after school project will
                 focus on middle school students academic
                 attainment, leadership development, asset
                 development and youth/adult partnerships to
                 build sustainable communities in McCreary,
                 Cumberland and Green Counties.

         Healthy Start and Future

         * sk-:.fN. short sex y .    Healthy Start
                              Coflege of Dentistry Commitment
                                (12,500 youth to be reached)

     Hispanic Health Fair, a new program, has student's from the
     College's chapter of the Hispanic Dental Association
     participating in oral screenings and education programs at
     Lexington's first Hispanic Health Fair. The chapters bilingual
     students provide oral health information to the children and
     their parents.

                Marketable Skills

                  Student Affairs
                             at the University of Kentucky

Office of Residence Life (350 youth to be reached)
The Office of Residence Life proudly joins our University of Kentucky as a
school of promise. The Residence Life program is designed to provide the
holistic development of students and encourage full and responsible
community participation. Our commitment will address all five promises
through the adoption of Harrison Elementary as our school of promise.
Harrison's 350 children will be provided mentors and reading buddies to
enhance the children's school experience. There will also be a clothing drive
for parents. Residence Life has teamed with our Career Center to provide
parents with a program series on effective communication and job searches.



- 8 -

      A Chance to Give Back

}5 -             -Opportunity to Give Back
                            University Relations

We will be hosting a banquet this fall honoring our UK
community partnerships, citizens from the community,
students, faculty and staff who have excelled through the
America's Promise Initiative.

      'Enriching and Improving the Lives of Kentucky's Youth"
               November 2000-November 2002
Increase the awareness of UK's impact on social
and quality of life issues in Kentucky.

* Partner with our Lexington
Community of Promise
* Increase the number of
  colleges and organizations
* Interview with Sec. Of State
Colin Powell
* Explore additional partnerships

* Communicate to students that they
are members of a larger community
* Communicate assets of key
outreach and service programs
through media, publications and
special events:
       Public Service

The Value of a Partnership with

           America's Promise

* Provide children in the state of Kentucky with
      the Five Promises they deserve and need
      to become healthy, productive adults

* Benefit our students, staff, faculty and alumni
       by involving them in something that allows
       them to feel personal pride

* Expands our opportunities for partnerships
       with the state of Kentucky and the city of



       Chairman Miles asked the Board for questions and comments.

       Mr. Guthrie asked what the largest piece of America's Promise was.

       Mrs. Hord stated that the University of Minnesota, with its four campuses, is the largest
piece; however, she is hopeful that the University of Kentucky will surpass them by the end of
this year.

       President Wethington commended Mr. Burch for his leadership in helping get this started
and Mrs. Hord for her leadership and hard work in getting the program to this point.

       Mr. Burch and Mrs. Hord received a round of applause from the members of the Board.

       L.    Report on the Football Investigation (PR 1 B)

       Dr. Wethington returned to PR 1B on the agenda, Report on the Football Investigation.
He reported that the University has been involved in a football investigation for the last couple of
months, and the Board has been given some periodic updates in writing with the hope that the
investigation would have been finished prior to this meeting. He said that the investigation is
ongoing, that specific allegations cannot be discussed at the meeting, and that upon completion
of the investigation, the Board will be thoroughly briefed. As mentioned in the past, he and
Larry Ivy, as well as others, are disappointed that this investigation is before everyone. In
private company, he has said we are mad as hell that we have got a problem like this. But once
you have it, then you deal with it, and that is the purpose of the report at this meeting. He
assured the Board that a thorough and complete investigation is being conducted, that they are
involving the NCAA and SEC in the investigation, that they will self-report the allegations and
thoroughly investigate the issues, and make a complete report to the NCAA upon the completion
of the investigation. In short, we will lay out what we think are reasonable sanctions as a result
of the allegations, and he will certainly and inform the Board completely when the report is
finished. He asked Larry Ivy to make comments and give an introduction to Sandy Bell,

"The University of Kentucky
   .... Pulling Our Weight"


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- 10-

Assistant Athletics Director for Compliance, who will give the Board some sense of what they
are doing as they proceed with the football investigation.

       Mr. Ivy began by commending JoEtta Wickliffe and the Presidential Search Committee
for providing the University community with three outstanding candidates for the Office of
President. At the same time, he told the Board that he was upset that the internal investigation of
the football program may have cast a shadow over their efforts. For this, on behalf of the entire
Athletics Department, he apologized, and said thankfully, it did not adversely affect the quality
of the final candidates chosen.

       Mr. Ivy said that one of their departmental goals is total compliance with SEC and
NCAA rules. To have one of our programs violate this goal is totally unacceptable. While the
investigation to date has only confirmed one individual, Claude Bassett, as the violator of the
rules, others in the football program must share the responsibility for these violations. He
reported that they have found violations as far back as 1999. However, rumors of such were not
brought to his attention until November of 2000. At which time, he immediately started an
internal investigation. Several accusations have been made during the course of the
investigation, such as trying to hurry up the investigation, covering up certain aspects of the
investigation, not conducting a thorough investigation, even not interviewing Claude Bassett.
For those who have adopted any of these beliefs and to those who have written the same, he
reminded them that he initiated the internal investigation after information was brought to his
attention that led him to believe that they could potentially have a problem. He noted that
Claude Bassett was actually interviewed by him first on November 19, 2000. And, being a target
of the investigation, Mr. Bassett was to be interviewed again, obviously last, after they had
gathered evidence to support their suspicions and reports of his wrongdoings.

       On Sunday, November 19, 2000, he said he confronted Hal Mumme and Claude Bassett
with the fact that Claude had endorsed and cashed a check made payable to the University of
Kentucky. He said he could have terminated Mr. Bassett for this alone and never preceded with
an investigation of the rumors he had heard concerning NCAA violations. He could have
chosen, as some institutions might have done, to never start a probe. Instead, he immediately
began an internal investigation and self-reporting to the NCAA. With the help of the SEC and
the NCAA, who were notified from day one, they have been conducting as thorough and
complete an investigation as they possibly can. Hopefully, this investigation will end soon, but
not until the SEC office and the University administration are completely satisfied that both
offices have explored every lead possible and that all guilty parties have been brought to task.
He asked Sandy Bell, Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance, to brief the Board on the
procedures to date. He said he would like to publicly thank Sandy for ajob well done.

       President Wethington commended Sandy for all of the good work that she is doing.

       Ms. Bell assured the Board that they have kept moving with the investigation. She said
there were basically five things that she wanted to bring to the Board's attention. The first one is
that the athletic department entered into this investigation voluntarily. The situation was that
they had a coach who chose to resign based on a personnel issue that was a violation of
university policy. It was not a violation of NCAA regulations at that point.


- 11 -

       She reported that they were also dealing with some rumors about an unofficial visit
dealing with the students and coaches from Melrose High School in Memphis, Tennessee. She
said it would have been very easy for them to leave the resignation of the coach as a personnel
issue. They could have dealt with the unofficial visit by filing a secondary violation or by
deciding they had no problem whatsoever. But, that is not the way the athletic department
chooses to do business, and it is not the way the University of Kentucky chooses to do business.
If there is a problem in one of the sports programs, nobody wants to know that anymore than
those who are administering the programs. If they have a problem, they want to find out about it
and fix it quickly. And, that is why they entered into a voluntary investigation on Monday,
November 20, 2000, immediately after Mr. Ivy's meeting. She reiterated that the investigational
process began immediately and was voluntary.

       Ms. Bell said that on Monday morning, November 20th, she contacted both the
Southeastern Conference and the NCAA to inform them that the University had a coach who was
resigning due to a personnel issue; however, because of that and some other rumors that they
were dealing with they had chosen to voluntarily take a look at the recruiting practices that were
also under the leadership of that particular coach and make sure that they did not also have
problems in that area. Interviews and the gathering of documents for evidence purposes began
that day. The investigation has also been ongoing. There has never been a timetable on this
investigation. There cannot be a timetable. The only timetable, the only time to quit, will be
when they have found out everything that they need to find out; when they have conducted a
thorough and complete investigation and feel like they have found everything there is to find. At
that point, and only at that point, will the investigation stop. She said that the NCAA has been
with them the entire way, and they have agreed to help determine when the investigation will
stop. They know what the investigation team is dealing with, and they will help make that call.
She said she could not think of anybody she would rather have her help make the call than the

       She reported that the investigation has also been very thorough. She said they have
personally interviewed over 55 people, consisting of staff, former staff, coaches, former coaches,
student-athletes, prospective student-athletes, parents, high school coaches, and boosters. These
interviews have been conducted either by herself or an investigator who works for the
Southeastern Conference or by the two of them together. It is very difficult to conduct an
investigation of this type. We do not have subpoena power with these interviewees. We can
only ask them to come and meet. When we meet with them, we ask them to tell the truth, and we
hope that they will agree to do so. If the person being interviewed is a staff member, a former
staff member, a student-athlete, a former student-athlete or a perspective student-athlete, they are
subject to NCAA bylaw 10.1. That is the bylaw that deals with unethical conduct, and they can
be found guilty of unethical conduct by the NCAA by failure to completely cooperate with an
investigation into possible rules violations. Those individuals were informed in their interview
that they were expected to abide by this bylaw.

       Ms. Bell said they have found several violations of NCAA rules and regulations; and
some of those violations will be viewed major by the NCAA. The majority of them will be
secondary in nature; however, they will report all of them because that is the right thing to do,
and that is the way they are going to do it. It also will show the scope of the investigation and
the depth of the investigation when they report every violation that they have found. The


12 -

violations found involve former assistant football coach Claude Bassett, as was mentioned earlier
in the report.

       The most important thing that Ms. Bell would like to tell the Board is that the
investigation has been conducted completely under the guidance of the Southeastern Conference
and the NCAA. It would not be very smart to enter into an investigation without asking for help
from the people who know how to do it. She said her office did not know how to do this, and
they do not ever want to get good at it. They know who can help, and the SEC and the NCAA
were the people that could help.

       She said that the commissioner of the Southeastern Conference, Roy Kraemer, and an
investigator who works as an independent contractor for the Southeastern Conference have been
very active participants in the interview process. They have been on campus, and they have
helped with the interviews. Commissioner Kraemer's years of service on the NCAA Committee
on Infractions has allowed him to provide very valuable counsel on how to conduct the
investigation, and they have followed that counsel very carefully. David Price, who is the Vice
President for Enforcement Services at the NCAA, has also provided advice when they have
asked him to do so. The NCAA, upon request, has also shared information that they may have
obtained anytime pertaining directly to the University of Kentucky. They have been terrific
about sharing that information. This has been a cooperative effort on the part of the University
of Kentucky, the Southeastern Conference, and the NCAA. She said, in her opinion, cooperative
effort will result in a thorough investigation that has been conducted in the most professional
manner possible. When the report is completed, it will be forwarded immediately to the NCAA
and to the Southeastern Conference. It will become a matter of public record at that time.

       In conclusion, Ms. Bell reiterated that they are reporting that the investigation has been
voluntary, it was entered into immediately when they knew there was a problem, it has been
ongoing since that time, it has been extremely thorough and will continue to be extremely
thorough, and it