xt74xg9f5182 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f5182/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1912-09-aug17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1912-09-aug17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1912-09-aug17-ec. 1912 1912-09-aug17-ec. 2011 true xt74xg9f5182 section xt74xg9f5182 

    There was a called meeting of the Executive Committee on

Saturday, August 17, 1912 at 11 o'clock A.M. in the President's


    President Barker stated to the Comnittee that one of the

purposes for which the meeting was called was to consider Sec-

tion II of the recommendations of the Special Committee on Bud-

gets, which was adopted by the Board of Trustees at the meeting

held August 5th. 1912.

               Section II being as follows:-

    "Lectures in English by Miss Kinkaqd should be discontinued,
as the $1000.00 per anthem paid for a weekly lecture can be
better used for the improvement of the English Department.""

    The President stated that Miss Kinkead had been to see him

and had stated that is this avnion of the 7oard become effective

immediately it would be impossible for her to get another position

for the ensuing school year, and that he felt that an injustice

would be done ]liss Kinkead to dispense with her services on so

short notice.

    He further stated that in his opinion the Executive Commit-

tee would have power to suspend the operation of Section II up-

on certain conditions and make it effective on June 1, 1913, and

he recommended tht the said action become effective on June 1,

1913 provided that Miss Kinkead performs such additional ser-

vices in English as he might require of her.

    Thereupon the following motion was made, seconded and un-

animomsly carried.: That Section II of the Report of the

Special Committee on Budget, adopted by theBoard of Trustees on

August 5the, 1912, which is as follows:

    "Lectures in English by Hiss Kinkead should be discontinued,
as the $1000. per annum paid for a weekly lecture can be better
tsed for the improvement of the English Department."


be suspended, and that it shall not take effect until June 1,

1913 and that the said action shal1 become effective on such date

provided however, that M.7iss Kinkead be required to perform such.

additional services as may be required by the President.

    It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that Section

6 of the report of the Special Committee on Budgets be con-

strued to mean that where there was a Dean of a Department, thed

amount allowed to that Department was to bh distributed by the

Dean in conjunction with the President; That where there was

not a Dean in the Department, then the Head of the Department is

construed to have authority in conjunction mit-h tabhe President

Lo distribute and expend the funds allowed for that Department.

It was further construed that the Dean should have no power to

take the funds allowed for one Department and use them for the

purpose of another DeWptment, where there are several Departments

under his care.

    The said .Section 6 is further construed to mean that if there

is anexpenditure made necessary for the good of all the Depart-

ments under a particular Dean that this expenditure should be

pro rata mnongst such Departments in such proportion as shall be

determined upon by the nresident of the University and the Dean

of the Department.

Secretary of the Executive Comnittee.