xt74xg9f505r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74xg9f505r/data/mets.xml  [18--]  books b92-73-27213487 English Capital Print., : Frankfort, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Morgan, John Hunt, 1825-1864. United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Personal narratives, Confederate. Hines, Thomas Henry. Escape of Gen. John H. Morgan and Capt. Thomas H. Hines from the Ohio penitentiary, Nov. 27, 1863  : from manuscript written Jan., 1864 / by one of the Confederate officers confined in the penitentiary. text Escape of Gen. John H. Morgan and Capt. Thomas H. Hines from the Ohio penitentiary, Nov. 27, 1863  : from manuscript written Jan., 1864 / by one of the Confederate officers confined in the penitentiary. 18 [18--] 2002 true xt74xg9f505r section xt74xg9f505r 

            ]JSOA-E'E OF

Gen. John H. Morgan and Capt. Thos. H. Hines

                ThOM   TIHEJ


From Manuscript written January, 1864, by one of the
  Confederate Officers confined in the Penitentiary.

                Capit.l Prlt,  amkfort, Ky.

This page in the original text is blank.


   The command of Gen. Morgan, now wearied down by the
long march and exhausting fatigue, and a number of the men
being unable to ride, he made but slow progress in comparison
with his usual celerity bf movements, and was overtaken by a
largely superior force, when only within eight miles of the
Pennsylvania line, and on the 21st of July, he surrendered to
Gen. Shackelford. The terms of surrender were liberal enough.
It was agreed that the officers should retain their side arms and
their property; and it was further stipulated that they, with
their men, should be packed and sent, without delay, through
the Federal lines. Gels. Morgan and his officers were hurried
to the headquarters of Gen. Burnside, at Cincinnati, and ush-
ered into the presence of that august warrior, who positively
and disdainfully refused to recognize the conditions as set forth
in the articles of surrender, and ordered the seizure of all pri-
vate property. Officers and men were accordingly searched,
and every thing, except what they managed to conceal, was
ruthlessly taken from them. The privates were sent to Camp
Douglas, and a large number of officers were sent to Johnson's
island, but were subsequently removed to the penitentiary at
Alleghany City. Gen. Morgan, with seventy officers, including
his staff, were conveyed to the penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio,
at which place they arrived on the :30th of July and 1st of Au-
gust, and were turned over to the State authorities. On their
arrival at the penitentiary they were subjected to every indig-
nity that malignant hatred and fiendish malice could suggest.
The officers were treated like convicts, with the exception that
they were allowed to wear citizens clothes. One by one they
were stripped of their clothing, and put iinto a tub of dirty
water. Thirty men being scrubbed and washed in the same
water. The tonsorial art was now brought into requisition.
Their beards were cut and shaved clean, and their hair cut so
close that their heads had the appearance of having been shorn.
They were put upon convict fare for the first day or two, but
were afterwards allowed a little cold meat. No better illustra-
tion of the character of these yankees can be given than the
recital of an incident which occurred during the confinement
of these noble Confederates in the Ohio penitentiary. A con-
vict, who had long been an inmate of the prison, was subject


to periodical attacks of insanity. While he was suffering. from
one of these attacks he was ordered out of his cell by the
keeper, and refusing to obey. an iron hook, heated red, was
thrust through his groins, and in this manner he was dragged
from his cell. The excruciating pain caused him to grasp the
hook with both hands, burning them to the very bones. In this
condition he lingered a few days, and then died. This is but a
plain, unvarnished statement of a fact, attested by Gen. Mor-
gan and his officers, and occurring in the middle of the 19th
century, among a people claiming to be a civilized, liberty-loving,
God-fearing christian nation-boasting of "ithe best government
the world ever saw!  "Oh, tell it not in Gath, publish it not
in the strands of Askalon! " Capt. Buford A. Tracey, a mem-
ber of Gen. Morgan's command, and a young gentleman of
great natural worth, very innocently remarked that he very
much doubted the possibility of a supplication reaching the
throne of grace from such a wicked place, and through such
numerous bars and bolts.
   Capt. Hines says, after the General had undergone the
scrubbing, shaving, and shearing process, he was conducted by
the Warden of the penitentiary, with the most obsequious po-
liteness, to a cell. On the way the. Warden remarked to the
General that he would furnish him a room more elegant than he
had been accustomed to. Imagine then his feelings when the
keeper, with his demoniac laugh, thrust him into a narrow, dark,
and damp cell-a living grave! I can never think that the Gen-
eral, himself, with his unrivalled powers for expressing his own
thoughts and feelings, could ever convey to one, who had never
passed through the same ordeal, a just idea of his situation.
Sixteen hours, out of the twenty-four, we were confined in the
cells, and not permitted to recognize the presence of each other
even by a whisper. The r'maining hours of the twenty-four
we were permitted, by his royal highness, the Warden, to prom-
enade in the narrow hall in front of our cells, which was sixty
feet in length, and twelve feet in width. We were forbidden
correspondence with our friends, except of the most iheagre
nature, and that subject to the censorship of both civil and mil-
itarv authorities. Thus cut off from all intercourse with the
world, through the press or by correspondence, we remained
four months.


   Major Webber, a member of Gen. Nforgan's command, a native
of Mississippi, and one of the most gallant and accomplished
officers in the service, is now languishing in one of the horrid
dungeons in this institution, for the most trivial offence. Some-
time in September, 1863, Maj. Webber wrote to some friends in
Kentucky, expressing a desire (and such were the feelings of
every officer of the command) to remain a prisoner during the
war, rather than our government should submit to the exchange
of officers of negro regiments. This letter was sent through
the regular channels, and for this offence he is now in solitary
confinement in a loathsome dungeon. I am happy to hear that
our government has taken this matter into consideration, and in
retaliation placed Maj. White, of Pennsylvania Legislature,
under similar treatment.
  Gen. Morgan and his officers were confined in the east wing
of the buildixlg, the cells of which consisted of solid stone ma-
sonry, six feet long, six feet high, and three feet wide, and
formed the narrow passage mentioned before, and which was
sixty feet long, and twelve feet wide. The cells were composed
of five tiers, one above the other, with steps to reach them. The
first and second tiers were occupied by Gen. Morgan and his
officers, there being no other prisoners confined in this portion
of the building. Gen. Morgan's cell was in the second tier,
and Capt. Hines' about the center of the first tier. Thus en-
cased in solid stone masonry and iron, an attempt at escape
would have been to most minds as impossible, but with
the bold and daring Hines, who had already braved so many
dangers, and surmounted so many difficulties, nothing was
impossible; he therefore determined to make his escape, and
on the 3d of November, he matured, and communicated
to Capt. Sam. Taylor, of Col. A. R. Johnson's 10th Kentucky
Cavalry, a plan, if carried out, he was confident would
prove entirely successful.  Reasoning upon scientific and
philosophical principles, and having closely studied the plan
of the building, he came to the conclusion that the dryness
of the cells was due to the air chamber beneath, and that by
removing the cement and bricks, which constituted the floors of
the cells, the air chamber underneath might be reached, and
that by operating in this chamber, and undermining the foun-


dation, they might readily effect their escape. CMptain tTylor
was struck with the force of Hines' reasoning, and lmmeditlYj
entered into the plan with might and main. But tools mnst be
procured with which to do the work.  Hines knew we had
some sick men in the prison, and when their food was sent to
them, knives were also sent, he therefore determined" to
"Ipress" those knives into service, and was fortunate enough
to obtain two, which proved to be of remarkable good ieutl.
The plan having been matured and the tools procured, Geneka.)
Morgan and four others were now let into the secret.
   The General listened with the most profound and anxious at-
tention, while Hines unfolded and explained to him his plan,'
the cause that had led him to adopt it, and the mode of pro-
ceeding. His mind grasped the whole matter in a moment, 'and
he gave to it his most cordial and hearty approval. Everything
now being ready, having determined to begin the work in -his
own cell, so that if he was detected, none would suffer by being
incarcerated in the dungeon, save himself. On the' 4th bf
November the work began. Hines detailed two men, at a time,
to work in his cell, while the other prisoners promenaded'the
the hall for exercise. The details were relieved every hour, aid
worked from four to six hours every day. Hines kept' a strict
watch himself, and established a system of signals, which Was
explained to the operators-one knock on the floor of the cell,
was the signal to commence work; two knocks, to stop, ahd
three knocks, the alarm to come out. As the work progressed
in Hines' cell he had the cement and bricks hid in his bed.
The most complete system of guards had been organized by thb
authorities, composed of both civil and military, and'they
watched with eagerness every movement and action of our pris-
oners. Privileged convicts, too, were authorized to watch dur
men, and overhear their conversation; and every precaution
was taken to prevent any attempt at escape. But, diotwith-
standing the most uninterrupted and dogged surveillance, the
work went bravely on. The bedsteads, which were small irkh
stools, fastened to the wall with hinges, could be'hooked up or
allowed to stand on the floor, and to prevent any suspicion for
several days before the work was begun, the men made it a
habit to let them down and sit at their doors and read. 'Hines


Superintended the work in part, and Geperal Morgan assisted
him in keeping watch, and, to divert the attention of the senti-
nel, whose duty it was to come around during the day and see
if anything was going on wrong.
   Having cut a space eighteen inches in diameter, through six
inches of cement and six layers of brick, laid edge ways, they
struck the air chamber, as Hines had predicted. They now re-
moved all the rubbish, cement and bricks, from Hines' bed and
cell, to the air chamber, and covered the hole in the floor, with a
large carpet sack, which was in the cell. Hines, now furnished
with a candle and match, went into the air chamber to reconnoi-
tre-descending through the open space in the floor of his cell, he
reached the air chamber- -the opening above, having been cov-
ered with the carpet sack after his descent, he struck a match
upon the wall of the air chamber, and for the first time since its
construction, it was illuminated by the light. What must have
been the feelings of that brave man as he crouched in that
chamber, underneath the cells of the prison, making an explor-
ation to see if, by any means, he and his noble comrades could
make their escape. He found the chamber sixty feet long,
three feet wide and three feet high. Not a ray of light had
ever penetrated that dark passage until now, and there was not
, crack or crevice by which it could be discovered from the out-
side. That candle was now throwing out its feeble light in that
abrupt darkness. Hines saw that his herculean task had but
commenced; on all sides was solid masonry, built in the most ar-
tistic and substantial manner-nor did the builders of those
walls believe that any human being would ever have the daring
courage to undertake this almost impossible task of cutting
through the solid stone walls with any kind of tools, puch less
with two case knives. But Hines faltered not in his purpose;
he directed the good work to go on. From this air chamber
they cut through the wall of solid masonry, twelve feet in thick-
ness; they undermined another wall. by cutting through four-
teen feet. of grouting, consisting of stone and cement, and then
undermined the outer wall by cutting through five feet of
graveled earth, which led them into the yard of the peniten-
tiary. One day, while Hockersmith was down under the floor
working away, the sentinel came around, and missing him, said:


"Where is Hockersmith." The General replied: "lHe is very
home-sick," and to divert the attention of the sentinel, he im-
mediately pulled a document from his pocket and said: "Here
is a memorial I have drawn up to forward to the Government
at Washington. What do you think of it"   The sentinel,
highly flattered by the General's attention to him, took the doc-
ument in his hand, and having scanned it very eagerly for sev-
eral minutes before he deigned any reply, returned it to the
General and expressed himself as very much pleased with it.
In the meantime Hines had signaled Hockersmith to come up,
and when he made his appearance complained of being very
unwell. They found this sentinel to be the most dangerous
obstacle in their way, because it was impossible to tell at what
time he would make his appearance during the day, and at
night it was his custom to come regularly, every two hours, to
each cell and thrust a light through the bars of their door, to
see that they were in their cells and asleep; and oftentimes,
when he had made the tour of his round, he would noiselessly
creep back in the dark, with a pair of India-rubber shoes on,
to listen at the cells, and try to overhear what was going on.
Gen. Morgan says the near approach of this man always pro..
duced in him a kind of magnetic shudder, but to be guarded
against a surprise and detection, bits of coal were every morn-
ing sprinkled before the cell doors, so that when he stepped
upon them they would produce a grating noise, and this warned
them of their danger. Having now cut through the wall of
solid masonry, and having undermined the outer walls, and
worked the surface near enough to push up a small cane until
it showed daylight, they made preparations to overcome the
other difficulties. Let it here be understood that they struck
the top of the earth, with their subterranean passage, just in
the angle of the building, at a point that was not frequented,
for had they cut so near the surface at any other point, and any
person had walked on the spot, it would, in all probability,
have caved in, and thus exposed their work and designs. It
was now necessary to cut through the floor of the other cells,
and, as the danger of detection would be much less by cutting
up from the air chamber, it was determined to adopt that plan.
But here another difficulty arose; the cells which they wished


to cut into were not adjacent, but far apart, and it was necessary
that they should have some kind of means to determine exactly
where to cut. The inventive mind of Hines was again brought
into play. He raised a dispute with the keeper in regard to
the length of the hall, and to settle the matter, and' to prove
that he was right, the keeper brought in a tape line, with which
he measured the hall, and thus convinced Hines, and others,
that he was right. Some of the officers engaged the keeper in
conversation, during which he laid down his tape line, seeing
which, Hines immediately pressed it into his service, as he had
previously done with the case knives.  Knowing the exact
size of the cells, he dropped into the air chamber, and
measured from the center o' the hole in his cell each way,
the proper distance for the other holes, and put the men
to work digging through.    While this part of the work
was being performed underneath, they had Calvin Morgan,
a brother of the General's, engaged in making a rope out
of the bed ticks, for the purpose of scaling the walls. The
work in the cells is finished; the rope seventy feet long is
finished; a hook made out of a small iron poker is fastened
to one end; a stone wrapped in a piece of cloth is tied to
the other.  It is the 24th of November, General Morgan
descends to the air chamber, and traverses the subterranean pas-
sages, he closely examines everything and expresses his great
surprise and delight to Hines, and immediately arranges for
the escape on the night of the 27th. It was arranged to make
their escape twenty-five minutes after midnight, knowing that
the train left Columbus for Cincinnati at twenty-five minutes
past one in the morning. It was determined that Captain
Sam Taylor, who had a watch, should, at the given time, descend
into the air chamber, and passing under the cells, touch each
man as a signal to come forth, to prevent the making of any
noise, which might disturb the quiet stillness of the night, and
thus give alarm. All things having been arranged, they awaited
with great anxiety the coming of the morrow. They most de-
voutly prayed that God might interfere in their behalf; they
prayed that the day might bring with it rain; but, alas, the
morning dawned bright and beautiful; towards evening, how-
ever, clouds began to appear, and trusting in a Merciful Provi-


dence for its interposition in their behalf, they watched with
anguished hearts every movement before action, and to their
great joy the probabilities were, it would prove a dark, it not a
rainy night. The mail was brought into the prisoners-a letteR
was handed to General Morgan-he opened it, and to his. SuZ
prise and wonder, he found it was from a poor Irish woman of
his acquaintance in Kentucky, telling him that she felt sure he
would attempt to make his escape from prison, and begging
that, for his own sake, he would not make the attempt, for he
would only be detected or recaptured, and made to suffer more
than he now was. She then went on to speak of the General's
great kindness to the poor when he lived in Lexington, and con-
cluded by exhorting him to trust in God and patiently bide biu
time. At the same time a letter was handed to Hines, it was
from his sister in Kentucky, informing him that it was gener-
ally believed by his friends, that he had effected his escape.
What could this mean  Just on the eve of their escape, just as
everything was made ready for them to risk everything for lUb-
erty and home, just as their prospects seem brightened, these
letters are received from dear hearts in Kentucky, with their
contents almost the very same, and coming through the regular
prison channels. What, if suspicion should be aroused  But,
no! from that strong prison, with its bolts and bars, and walls
of solid granite, with its almost perfect system of guards and
watches, with sentinels within and sentinels without, with fierce
watch-dogs and iron walls, with its efficient gates of iron and
wood, it was impossible that a prisoner could escape.  So
thought the keepers; so thought Lincoln and his Wardens, we
will say. The hour approached for the prisoners to be locked
up for the night, and the time had arrived when the Genera4
and Colonel R. C. Morgan must change cells. Having changed
coats, each stood at the other's cell door, with his back to the
turnkey, and pretended to be making up their beds. He did
not detect the change, but locked them in. They slept on with
golden dreams of hope and freedom-of home and friends. At
the appointed hour Captain Sam Taylor descended to the air
chamber, and forcing admittance to the cells, touched each man
as the signal that the hour had arrived to go.
    Knowing that the guards would be around every two hours


to examine their cells, they folded their bed clothes so as to
kereseht the forms of sleeping men, and bidding farewell to
their prison chambers, they descended to the air chamber be-
fteath." As they moved cautiously and quietly along through
the; dark subterranean passage that they had dug, the Gen-
eral stmuk a match; its lurid glare dimly lighted that dark pas-
sage, butudnveiled a sight, which can never be forgotten.
Crouched down and slowly feeling their way, were seven men,
with proud and defiant hearts, and " courage never to submit or
yield," they resolved to be free or die in the attempt. They
had entered'into a solemn vow with each other to fight their way
out if detected, or else perish in the attempt. The General was
Arined with a bowie-knife, made out of a corn knife, and the
others were armed with rocks. Having reached the terminus of
the passage, they removed the soft earth, then emerged into the
yard, and breathed again the fresh air of heaven. Within ten
paces of them stood three grim sentinels. It was now very dark
and raining.  "Silent and slow, like ghosts they glide"
through the darkness towards the outer wall. Having been
Aiscovired by one of the prison dogs, who would not even let
hib keeper pass at night, he came bounding towards them with
a-,low, but' savage growl, and approaching within ten feet of
them, barked once; and then, as if he was too noble to attack
the bi-Ave men, who had sacrificed everything for their country,
AM 'who were now bearing such dangers, once more to gain
their'freedom, and to buckle on the armour of the soil in defense
of home, country and liberty, he turned away and retired to his
   Hurrying on they reached the wall safely at the east gate.
efWas a double gate, thirty feet high, one outside made of stone
and iron and'the other, inside, made of wooden cross-pieces and
OprIghts, with open spaces between. Captain Taylor, who had
thei rope, now threw the stone attached to one end of it, over
the`top of the inside gate, the weight of the stone drawing
down the rope.
    Securing the hook to one of the uprights, one by one, the
 men climbed up to the top of the gate, and then easily mounted
 the top of the wall, taking the rope with them. Here they
 found a rope extending all around on top of the wall, which


the General immediately cut, suspecting, as he did, 'that it might
lead into the Warden's room, and be attached to an alarm bell,
which proved to be correct. They now entered the sentry box
on the wall, and took off the clothes, which, to prevent thein from
getting soiled in passing through the passage, they had slipped
over their other clothes. Securing the hook to the top of the
wall, they let themselves down, and in so doing the General
skinned his hand very badly, and some of the others were more
or less hurt. Reaching the ground near a large post, with the'
gas burning almost as bright as day, and outside sentinels only
a few paces off, the parties separated, Morgan and Hines to-
gether; the others to shape their own course as best they may.
The General and Hines proceeded quietly to the depot to pur-
chase tickets and take the train for Cincinnati.
   Hines, after planning the escape, and knowing that money
would have to be obtained, wrote to a lady friend in Kentucky,
in a peculiar cypher, which, when handed to the authorities
contained nothing convicting, but which, if the young lady re-
ceived, being tested by a key which Hines had previously given
her, instructed her to send him some books, in the back of'
which she concealed the money and wrote her name across, to
designate the spot where the money could be found. The book
came to hand; Hines opened the back and secured the money.
   At the ticket office guards were stationed, but going boldly
up, Hines procured two tickets, while General Morgan stoodla
little distance off, adjusting his glass goggles over his eyes.
Entering the cars, the General immediately looked around, to
see if there were any soldiers on board, and, observing a Fed-
eral officer, he walked up and took a seat beside him. The
General remarked that, "as the nigbt was damp and chilly;
perhaps he would join him in a drink," to which the officer
readily agreed, and they soon became very agreeable to each
other. The cars, in crossing the Scioto, passed within a short
distance of the penitentiary, and the officer remarked: " There
is the hotel at which Morgan and his officers are spending their
leisure." "Yes," replied General Morgan, "and I sincerely'
hope he will make up his mind to board there during the bal-
ance of this war, for he is just a nuisance."    The train'
reached Cincinnati, but was detained, by some accident, at Day-


ton, for more than an hour.    They were now in great dan-
ger, for, if the sentinels in going around at two o'clock, should
discover their absence, it would be immediately telegraphed
throughout the country. Imagine then, their great anxiety, as
soldier after soldier, passed through the cars. The train was
due' in Cincinnati at six o"clock, at which time the prisoners
were turned out of their cells, and, of course, their escape most
certainly would then be discovered-in a few minutes it would
be known all over the country. The train was running rapidly-
it was already after six o'clock. The General said to Hines,
"if we. go to the depot, we are dead men before noon." They
went to the rear and put on brakes. Hines jumped first, but,
was badly stunned by the fall-another turn of the brakes, and
the General jumped, and was fortunate enough to alight on his
feet. There were some soldiers standing near, who remarked:
"what do you mean by jumping off the cars here." The Glen-
eral replied: "what is the use of my going into town, when I
live here; besides, what business is it of yours! " They now
hurried to the Ohio river, striking it at Ludlow's ferry. Here
they found a boy with a skiff, who had just ferried across some
ladies from Covington. They were now afraid to turn their
heads, fearing they should see the guards coming. Hines whis-
pered to General Morgan: "look and see if anybody is com-
ing." The General told the boy he wished to cross, but the boy
was inclined to wait for more passengers. The General, how-
ever, paid him double fare, and the skiff dashed out into the
stream, and in a few minutes they reached the Kentucky shore,
and with hearts gleaming with thankfulness. They could but
utter that lofty. sentiment, so beautifully expressed by Sir
Walter Scott:
               Breaths there E man with soul so dead,
               As never to himself hath said,
               This is my own, my nstive land !
               Whose heart," c.
   From the boy they had the place of residence of a young
lady friend, and thither they went, and were received with un-
bounded joy, and the most liberal hospitality. Takingbreakfast,
and horses here being furnished them, they departed, and that
day, 28th November, were in the town of Union, in Boone


county, and twenty-eight miles from Covington. hfere they
stayed all night, and spent the next day, and on the night o'
the 29th, with volunteer guards, they again commenced their
journey, traveling by neighborhood and by-roads, passiwg
through Gallatin, and stopping there with a friend, oh the Owetl
county line, spent the day of the 30th. At night, they resutned
their journey, and at 2 o'clock A. x., on the 1st of December,
stopped twelve miles the other side of New Castle. Pushin'o",O
and traveling hard all day. they reached, that night, a point
eight miles this side of Shelbyville, where they were warmly
and joyously received and entertained by friends, and spent
the day of the 2d. Night coming on, they bade their: friends
adieu, and again traveled on, passing through Taylorsville,'and
on the morning of the 3d, at five o'clock, reached the city ot
Bardstown. Here, again, they met with the most unbounded'
hospitality and cordial greeting, aud remained with their
friends until the night of the 4th. Again, over the road, they
passed through Nelson county, stopping on Rolling Fork-left
on the night of the 5ith, and reached Greensbutg, having passe4
between the enemy's pickets and their fort.   '
   The party now consisted of six, General Morgan and Hines
having been joined by four others. They concealed themselves
within the lines of the enemy's pickets during the day, and
on the night of the 6th, having procured guides, they took their
departure for the Cumberland river. They found it difficult to
get along, as the road was strongly picketed by the yankees.
On the morning of the 7th, at 10 o'clock, they reachid the
river, nine miles below Burksville, having made a forced match
of sixty miles that night. They passed themselves for Federal'
cavalry, and crossed the river in a canoe, swimming their
horses. Calling at a good Union friends house, and telling himi
they were a part of Jacob's cavalry, he treated them kindly,
and took good care of them during the night. On the 8th,
learning that a large scouting party of yankees, were just'
ahead of them, in search of General Morgan, they followed in
their rear, and reached Oberton county, Tenn.
    General Morgan having been informed that a number of es-
 caped prisoners of his command, were in this region, a part of
 whom were under Captain Ray, he determined to wait until'


they could be got together, and in order to take them out with
him, he laid over until the 12th of December. After they had
crossed Obey's river, and got down into middle Tennessee, they
found it almost impossible to avoid recognition. At one time,
they passed some poor women, and one of them commenced
clapping her hands and said: "I know who that is, I know who
that is," but, catching herself, she stopped short, and passed
on with her companions.
   The party had by this time increased to forty men, and
General Morgan put them under command of Captain Hines.
Crossing a spur of the Cumberland mountains, by way of
Crossville, between Sparta and Knoxville, they reached
Bridge's ferry, on the Tennessee river, on the morning of the
13th of December, at 7 o'clock. They were under the necessity
of felling, trees to make a raft upon which to cross, there being
no boat there. This ferry was not more than two and a half
miles from a large yankee cavalry camp. The men hurried on
with this work, and by 2 o'clock in the evening, had succeeded
i4 crossing twenty-five men and six horses. But just at this
time a force of yankee cavalry came upon them on the north
side of the river, and fired into the men, and succeeded in cap-
turing those on foot-the others succeeded in making their es-
cape. At the same time the enemy appeared on the other side
of the river. Gen. Morgan, Hines, and four others, mounted
their. horses to escape. Here Gen. Morgan gave as strong proof
of his attachment to his men, as on his noble sacrifice of self at
Bellville, Ohio. Some twenty of the party who had succeeded
in crossing the Tennessee river, were without horses. The Gen-
eral refused positively to leave them, notwithstanding his ina-
bility to render them any assistance-in fact, his presence would
rather endanger. than secure them from harm. Hines pointed
out to him this fact, and urged him to save himself, for the sake
of his friends, and his country; for his wife, who was hourly
praying for his safety. This last appeal seemed to have the de-
sired effect, and he at last slowly and reluctantly withdrew.
Fortunately none who were left afoot were captured. All have
reached the Confederate lines in safety.  On the Mountain
near a farm, Gen. Morgan and Hines were separated. Hines
having gone to a house to procure a guide was captured. By


this time it was growing very dark, and every pass of the moun-
tain was strongly guarded. As the General reached the foot of the
mountain, leading his horse, he came upon a yankee picket, and
his first impulse was to kill him, but seeing that he was asleep,
he determined not to trouble him, but pushed on and made his
way to the house of a Union man that he knew lived near there.
Reaching the house he passed hims