xt74tm71zd6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71zd6p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-01-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 2008 2008 2008-01-30 2020 true xt74tm71zd6p section xt74tm71zd6p  




JANUARY 30, 2008




Governor slashes
higher education budget

Beshear proposes 12 percent cut in university funding statewide

Reporters gather around President Lee Todd after Gov. Ste

By Jill Lester and Rebecca Sweeney


FRANKFURT Gov. Steve Beshear
called for budget cuts across Kentucky last
night. including a 12 percent cut in higher
education funding to L)V ercome a decrease
in state revenue for the 2008— 10 biennium.

“Last year while running for govemor.
l envisioned this first budget address to be
a night where l unveiled 21 plan brimming
with bold and creative new programs
Beshear said. However that evening will
have to wait. Because tonight we deal with
cold harsh reality."

Last night. Beshear unveiled his recom-
mendations for state spending before a
joint session of the Kentucky Senate and
House of Representatives. The recommen—

dation by the governor is the beginning of

the two— month budget process: the legisla-
ture will now start making changes before
approving a final budget.

Despite the cuts to general higher edu-
cation funding Beshear called for the legis-
lature to apprOVc $64 million In bonds for
UK capital construction projects and $60
million in bonds for the BULks for Brains
program. which helps create endowed re-
search chairs by matching private dona—
tions with public dollars.

During his address. the governor said
he is “deeply disturbed" by the state of
higher education funding.

“1 strongly believe in the missions and
goals of our colleges and universities. and I
regret offering a budget with reductions in
this area " Beshear said.

Last month Beshear told all state agen—
cies. including UK and other public univer-
sities. to immediately cut 3 percent from
their budgets for the fiscal year ending in
June Earlier this month Beshear asked the
universities to prepare budgets with addi-
tional state funding cuts of up to 12 percent.

UK President Lee Todd said at the time
that a total decrease of 15 percent would
mean about $50 million less in funding. To
make up for such a cut tuition would have
to increase 30 percent. which is not feasi-
ble. he said.

"1 strongly believe in the missions
and goals of our colleges and
universities, and I regret offering a

budget with reductions in this area."

"The state has to tighten its belt,
but not all of that belt-tightening can

be aimed at higher education."

Beshear's higher education cuts came
in response to a drop in projected revenues
across the states. The govemor said last
night that revenues would be about $580
million less in the first year of the bienni~
um than the state is spending in the current
fiscal year ending in June and about $306
million less in the second.

With limited resources. no reduction in
K—12 education funds and the cost of fund
ing bLaltb programs. the state cannot i11~
crease spending at the lcVel higher educa-
tion institutions want Beshear said.

University presidents and board mem-
bers must look Lit ways to cut operational
costs to avoid the easy option of large tu-
ition increases Beshear said.

If Beshear s budget passes. the number
of merit-based scholarships would have to
be reduced. Todd said.

UK is willing to work with the gover-
nor‘s office to reduce state spending and
keep money for higher education any way


By Rebecce Swee_ney


Frayed 0Veralls floppy-brimmed hats
comcob pipes missing teeth and feuding
clans of the Hatfield and McCoy families
are all stereotypes of people from Ap-
palachia. said Ron Pen. director of Ap-
palachian studies.

“Historically. it was important to
stereotype hillbillies in this way in order
to distinguish and marginalize them as
non-white people.“ said Pen. also the di-
rector of the John Jacob Niles Center for
American Music.

A panel will discuss those stereotypes
and other issues facing the region in “Talk
from Appalachia" tonight at 7 in the Student
Center Small Ballroom. The panel discus-
sion. pan of the Diversity Dialogues series.
was created to build respect for Appalachian
students. faculty and staff at UK. said Mah-
jabecn Rafiuddin. director of Student Diver-
sity Engagement.

Diversity Dialogues is a series of dis-

cussions held throughout the year that ex-
plore topics of race. ethnicity and diversity
as a whole.

Tonight s event sponsored by the 0f-
fice of Student Diversity Engagement and
Office for Multicultural and Academic Af-
fairs is an opportunity to discuss the region
that is located a few hours from Lexington
and supports the infrastructure of UK s
campus. Pen said.

“The landscape and the cultural mix
have nurtured a special heritage of history
and culture built upon the people who set—
tled this land." Pen said

Alan DeYoung. professor of education-
al policy studies and evaluation said most
people do not know most of their energy
and food come from rural places

“Much of America looked a lot like
places in the mountains in terms of values.
life cycles and labor until the 20th centu-
ry." Dchung said. “The Appalachian her-
itage is a mainstream American one. "

Gurney Norman an English professor
and member of UK s Appalachian studies



Appalachian stereotypes focus


ve Beshear presented his budget recommendations yesterday in Frankfort

it can. Todd said.

“The state has to tighten its belt. but not
all of that belt-tightening can be aimed at
higher education." he said.

Todd also said L K's plan to becomea '
top- 20 public researLb university by 2020
would be damaged it Beshear s budget rec-
ommendation were approved.

The state has asked us to be a top- 20
institution. and we Lant do that on the
Lhcap. Todd said.

Under the Top 20 Business Plan. UK is
requesting budget inLi'eases of (1 percent. or
about 320 million. each year.

Despite of budget Luts. Beshear said.
Kentucky will bL ablct to continue improv—
ing liigbcr education throughout the state.

The govemor reLomanded that need
based student financial aid programs and
the Kentucky National Guard tuition award
be exempt from the cuts.

l')uriiig.1ast night‘s address. Beshear
laid out his other recommendations for
2008—10. including:

I K~12 education should be the highest
priority and will receive funding to main«
taiii the Support Education Excellence iii
Kentucky program. which provides money
to local school districts

I Medicaid should receive the largest
amount of new funding. with a $147.8 mil
lion increase in 200‘) and a $242.5 million
increase 111 2010.

I A criminal justice task force should
be created to review penal code. sentencing
guidelines and other judicial issues.

Beshear acknowledged that the econo-
my will f'all again in the future. but he said
Kentucky‘s ability to withstand future trou—
ble will improve after the budget is bal—
anced with recurring sources of revenue.

“Presenting a budget with significantly
less resources will force us to become more
efficient." Beshear said. "It will force us to
rethink how state government operates.
And by doing so. we will be on a firmer fi—
nancial footing."

Toward the end of his speech. Beshear said
Kentuckians spend more than $1 billion of

See Budget on page 3

of panel today

faculty. said the myth of Appalachia's sepa-
rateness from mainstream America is 100
years out of date.

“Most people in the mountains are as
industrious skilled. capable. intelligent. ed-
ucated and modem as any of the regions of
North America." Norman said.

Becoming familiar with a region differ-
ent than their own offers students a view on
places outside of what they know.

“The regional view can be the starting
place for a worldview." he said.

Patrick Nally. Li marketing and inte—
grated strategic communications junior.
said students should leam about other
cultures and experiences from students.
faculty and community members.

“It doesn't matter what job field you
are going into or what city you live in. This
global and inclusive style of thought comes
with major benefits that will help you man-
age through tough situations with people
different from yourself." said Nally the
marketing associate of Student Diversity





Teach-in to
‘Focus the Nation’
on global warming

Finding solutions to
climate change goal
of nationwide event

31 Chris Wei:


UK will join more than
1 000 other colleges and univer~
sities tomorrow in what organiz—
ers call the largest teach- in in
U. S. history.

Focus the Nation. an educa~
tion initiative that focuses on
global warming, asked students
from campuses nationwide to
plan their own versions of the
event with the aim of finding
new climate change solutions.

Sponsored by UK Green-
thumb and Residence Life Re-
cycling. UK‘s Focus the Nation
event is an opportunity “to cre-
ate dialogue between local lead-
ers and students about climate
change.“ said Robin Michler.
who coordinated the event along
with Greenthumb Co-coordina-
tor Brittany Zwicker.

“The overall goal of (Focus
the Nation) is to come tip with
some consensus voice from this
age demographic.“ said Shane
Tedder. sustainability coordina—
tor for the UK Office of Resi-
dence Life.

“Focus the Nation is a vehi-
cle to deliver that voice from
college students to our nation‘s
political leaders about what they
want to see done." he said.

Tedder said program
founder Eban Goodstein saw
2008. the start of a new political
cycle. as a year to engage stu»
dents in the decisionAmaking
process on what he felt was “the
most daunting challenge (this)
generation will face."

UK‘s event will consist of a
teach-in throughout the day with
discussions led by community
activists. UK staff and profes-
sors from various departments.

"(Global warming) is not
just an environmental issue."
Tedder said “The challenges
global warming present are po-
litical economic social and en-
v ironmental."

The diversity in discussion
topics represents how global
warming affects different as—
pects of our lives. Tedder said.
He will speak about how every-
day consumer choices Lari have
a positiVe effect on environ-
ment. economy. and culture in a
talk titled “Doing 1! Daily."

“(The event) seems to be
taking a holistic view of the is
sue. where it‘s not merely a mat—
ter of understanding the scientif-
ic or natural processes. or it‘s
not merely a discussion about
impact or policies." said Alice
Turkington. a physical geogra—
phy professor at UK. “It’s L1
broad-ranging investigation."

Turkington will bring L1 sci<
entific perspective to her lecture.
which will explore the green—
house effect's impact on Earth‘s
climate. Her lecture begins the
teach-in at 9:30 am. in room
206 of the Student Center.

The roundtable dichssiou at
6 pm. will be composed of state
Sen. Emesto Scorsonc. 1)—l.e\'-
ington: Bob Wiseman. UK Vicc
president for facilities manage-
ment: Cheryl Taylor. l-e\ing~
ton's environmental quality
commissioner: and community
activist Jim Embry.

Michler. a German and fit."

ograpby senior. said he hopes
Focus the. 1 ation will LnLourLigL

See Focus on page 3

INSIDE. Schedule of UK Focus the Nation events PAGE 3

UK student enters
race for city council



While many students are
preparing for their first test of
the semester. one sophomore is
planning his campaign strategy
to win a seat on Lexington's
goveming body.

Daniel Burton. a secondary
education sophomore. has offi-
cially joined the race for a seat
on the Lexington-Fayette L'rban
County Council representing the
3rd District. which includes UK.

The Lexington native is
moving from working on others‘
campaigns to creating his own
in hopes of tackling some of the
issues facing Lex1ngton.he said.
During the last four years. he's
helped campaign for Gov. Steve
Beshear. Mayor .lim New berry
and various other Democratic

"As I watched our city‘s is-
sues get bigger and bigger. the
proposed answers scented small-
or and smaller." Burton said.
“I‘ve always felt it was my duty
to stand for what I believe

Burton said some of his top
priorities would be addressing
Lexington‘s sewer system prob—
lems and the city's carbon foot-
print on the Bluegrass. Also.
with the Alltech FEI World
Equestrian Games coming to the
region in 2010. Burton wants to
ensure that Lexington presents


1n the long tenn. Burton said
his goals for the city include
economic development to attract
more career opportunities that
encourage citi/ens to stay in

“1 want to help create oppor~
tunity in our city, 1 really want
to stay 111 this community. a
place where my kids and grand?
kids can stay Burton said.
"Lexington LleserVes more than
she has been giycn."

Balancing his academic life
with the responsibilities of the
position if elected is possible.
Burton said. as many council
members haVc other work and
family responsibilities and are
still effectiVe members of the

“If they can do it. so can 1."
said Biirtoii. who also works as
L1 resident adVisci' 111 the (ire:
Page Apartments.

Burton has canvassed neigb»
borhoods and explained his plat
fomi to potential voters. and be
said support is growing for his
campaign. If elected in .\'o\cm~
her for the 3rd District council
scat. Burton said 11c would be
able to accurately rL-prcscnt .1
district that contains .1 lai'gc
number of college students

“1 can only do so much from
the sidelines." be said “11 1
don’t do something. who will '"

Secondary coura-
tron sophomore
Daniel Burton is
running for .1 year
on the l exrngtnn
Fayette Urban
County Council
representing the
which l"(‘1l1(1f‘S


New-rem 257-1915; Adv-idem: 257-2872




 PAGE 2) Wednesday, January 30, 2008”

~your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ AQI __._























$3 as, .. ~ -
Wreck vour roommllot vour

E awesome"

By linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating 70 is the easrest day, 0
the most Challenging.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 7 ~ Be careful what you say,
even among your friends Don't pass
along a rumor, it's too likely to be
false During the next few weeks.
check and doublecheck everything
before publication

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today
is a 7 —— You want to come to y0ur
partner's aid of course, but don't be
hasty. In this Situation, you might be
in the way. Wait until your assrsr
tance is requested, before butting in
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 —— Be careful with COTWTTUTTI’
cations Misunderstandings are
prevalent. Even stuff you put in the
mail is liable to get lost. Not a good
day to travel


Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is an 8 — Your luck improves im»
mensely if you don't talk about it.
Don't gamble with your money now,
or with your affection either. The
less said, the better

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is a
6 u Keep up with the regular
chores, try not to get behind The
other questions you're pondering
can wait a little while. Let some—
body else work on them for you Do
the important small stuff

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
an 8 _ You're learning a great
deal, but you don’t know everything
yet. Do more research, even before
you need it Spend your time, and
other people's time, wisely, They'll
appreciate that

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 2) Today is a
7 ~ Financial discussrons bring up
more questions than they do answers.
Know this going in and you won't be
(lisappornted Make a list and then
get busy filling in the blanks.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 - Don‘t believe everything


Collision Center
ting all insurance claims.
nnie Drive (2 milee from

you hear. Check and double check ru-
mors, especially if they're about fam
ily members. Take a “wait and see"
attitude, and don't spread gossip.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 — lt’s hard to finish a
task because you don't have enough
information. lf you can wait, this sit-
uation will clear up in a couple of
days. If you can't wait, good luck.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day is a 7 ~ leave financial topics
completely alone for a while. Telling
people about your business now
does more harm than good.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To»
day is a 6 — Don't talk back to the
boss, even if you're right. Especially
if you're right, actually. He or she‘s
not in the mood to hear it. Talk it
over with a loved one, instead.
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) Today
is a 7 1 Have what you want deliv‘
ered. That‘ll be better than going af-
ter it. Travel is still not advised, due
to delays and other complications. If
you must go, start early.



Today’ 5
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Britney's bizarre school visit


The pop star makes
a troubling request
at a Beverly Hills
elementary school

Britney Spears is no stranger
to odd antics. but her behavior on
January 7 was particularly
bizarre. A source tells Hot Stuff
the “scantily clad" pop star
showed up at a Beverly Hills ele-
mentary school. saying she was
there to pick up someone else‘s
kids. The singer parked her car
outside the school just before 3
pm. and spent 10 minutes smok-
ing cigarettes and talking to her-v
self while she waited for classes
to let out. “She was just rambling
and confused." says the witness.
who approached Spears to ask if
she was OK. “She said. ‘l‘m here
to pick up my kids.‘ But then she
changed her story and said. ‘They
aren't my kids: I have a new at-
torney. and I came to pick them
up for her.” Adds the witness.
“All I could think was. Who in
their right mind would let her
pick up their kids?" As children
began to leave for the day. the
star. 26. caused a commotion ~77
“It became the talk of the school.
Some of the kids were freaked
out." says a school source. She
was directed to a more secure en—
trance around back. But before
getting into her car and driving
off (without any children). she
chatted up the female witness:
"She said. ‘You‘re so nice. You
should give me your number. i
don't have very many friends.‘ "

That much is true. in the two

weeks since that incident.
Spears‘ two closest pals 7* ad-
viser Sam Lutfi and paparazzo
fling Adnan Ghalib «7 have bc~
come locked in a power struggle
for her trust. with Lutfi even go—
ing so far as to announce plans
to file a restraining order against
Ghalib on Spears' behalf. The
fetid seems to have come to a
head on January lo. when.
sources say. Spears and Ghalib
had a falling—out following a
dinner at their frequent haunt.
Mexican eatery Gaucho Grill.
Later that night. with Ghalib
gone. Spears nursed her wounds
with some retail therapy. making
a midnight trip with Lutfi for
groceries at Ralphs (on the way
there. four paparazzi following
her were arrested for reckless
driving) then hitting Kitson. an
LA. boutique. where she
dropped thousands of dollars in
less than an hour.

Next on her to—do list'.’ Mak-
ing up with the arrested photog-
raphers. On January 20. she in-
vited five snappers into her home
for a 2 am. visit. complete with
champagne and an impromptu
dance party. The only thing miss-
ing‘.’ Her beau. "Adrian wasn't
there. so the guys asked what
was going on. She was upset."
says a source who spoke to the
photographers. (The source adds
that Spears was angry with Ghal—
ib for selling photos of her.) Lut-
fi eventually herded the crew out
at 6 am. ("She wanted them to
stay longer." says the source) and
was by Spears~ side the next day
at a deposition with Kevin Fed-
erline‘s lawyer. Mark Vincent
Kaplan. The interview is expect-

Univcrsitv of Kentucky Bands

ed to take several days. Both le-
gal teams are mum on the de—
tails. and it may not happen very
soon. Her attorney Tara Scott
tells Us: “We have not resched—
uled the next session yet."

Jake's Trips To See Reese

For Jake Gyllenhaal. 27. and
Reese Witherspoon. 3 l . distance
is making the heart grow fonder.
"Jake‘s filming right now in New
Mexico. but he flies back on the
weekends to see Reese. because
he can‘t stand to be away." a
source close to the actress tells
Hot Stuff. Another friend says.
"Reese is really happy. She‘s bal-
ancing seeing him with her first
priority. which is her kids.“
Meanwhile. a film set source
tells Us there is no truth to ru-
mors of bad blood between
Witherspoon and her Four
Christmases costar. Vince
Vaughn. Says the source. “Reese
likes funny guys — Jake is a to-
tal prankster — so of course she
gets along with Vince!"

Xtina's Baby Has His Bris

A big mazel tov to Christina
Aguilera, 27, and hubby Jordan
Bratman. 30, who celebrated the
circumcision of their 8day—old
son. Max. at their Beverly Hills
pad January 20. In a throwback
to her wilder days. Aguilera at-
tached a penis-shaped balloon to
the front door. How is the pop
star handling motherhood? A
source tells Hot Stuff. "She is
such a natural!"


' sceyorrrsetl/‘in UK Bdrm/s!



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Wednesday, January 30, 2008 I PAGE 3




Continued from page 1


President Lee Todd to sign the Ameri—
can College & University Presidents
Climate Commitment and push UK to
“become a leader in pledging to reduce
carbon emissions."

The Presidents Climate Commit-
ment, Tedder said. asks universities to
develop a plan to make their campuses
climate neutral and prepare their stu—
dents “to take on the challenges global
wamting is going to present."

Transylvania University. Berea
College, Centre College and Northern
Kentucky University have signed the
climate commitment among other col—
leges across the nation.

Higher education can be a leader in
sustainability. Wiseman said

UK‘s current sustainability efforts
include a control room that monitors
and shuts down heating and cooling
systems during off-cycles. a campus re-
cycling program that recycles about
one-third of UK‘s waste. and a “green-
cleaning" pilot program intended to re-
duce the amount of chemicals and ma-
terials used to clean campus buildings.
Wiseman said. Other efforts can be
found on UK‘s Sustainability Task
Force Web site (www.uky.edu/sustain-

However, some environmental as-
pects of the UK campus will “be very
tough to change.” Wiseman said.

“We’re well within the top 10 of
energy-using customers in the state,"
he said. “Single—car commutes are
dominant on this campus. We burn coal
to produce our electricity. and we burn
coal to do our heating. All of those
combine for a very heavy carbon foot-

Wiseman said he hopes UK's Sus-
tainability Task Force can offset these
problems with greater emphasis on oth-
er initiatives.

For Tedder. the question is feasibil-

“Can (UK) conceive of becoming
climate neutral in the next few decades
given the fossil fuel emissions coming
from current coal—to-energy process—
es?” he said.

Kentucky's emphasis on coal is
troubling for Scorsone. The state sena—
tor said he is glad to be a part of an
event that “sheds more light" on global
warming. an issue he thought was ne-
glected during a 2007 special session
of the General Assembly dealing pri-
marily with providing tax incentives to
attract a coal—to—liquid fuel plant to




Continued from page 1

entertainment money at other states'
gaming facilities.

“Right now. those Kentucky dollars
are educating Indiana's kids. providing
healthcare for Illinois' seniors and
paving West Virginia‘s roads." he said.

Beshear estimated that allowing ex-
panded gaming in Kentucky will result
in hundreds of millions of dollars in
new tax revenue every year. and he
plans to propose a constitutional

it! h 10:05 In. Earth's Climate:

How and why the climate is changing, .
Alice Turkington (Geography). 215 Stu- UK Police reports from
dent Center. Jan. 22 to Jan. 28
11 em. 0012215 pm. Denial as an Th h f bk n -
Obstacle to Change, Carolyn Rankin Jan. n atfil‘f3 ai is repo ed to UK Police Department
(Communications). 206 Student Center ' ' ' . _
Jan. 23 Theft reported from Kentucky Clinic at 7:58
11:3 an. 101 par. Free Lunch, 357 am.
Student Center Jan. 23 Injury accident reported from Colfax Avenue
. . So th L' t : . .
1 h 2 p.111. Socraty and the Biosphere: near u imes one at 9 24 a in
How We've (Socially?) Constructed Jan. 23 Theft reported from Holmes Hall at 2:20 pm.
this Relationship. John ”“950“ Jan. 23 Indecent exposure reported from president's of-
IAASHEI and Higher Education 35 a fice at Bluegrass Community and Technical CoI~
Catalyst for Change, Niles Barns lege at 2:24 pm.
(AASHE), Centre Theater, Student Cen-
ter Jan. 23 Indecent exposure reported from Bluegrass
Community and Technical College at 5:48 pm.
2"? 3115”"- Building 6'99" Commu- Jan. 24 Theft of newspaper machine from behind Blaz»
nities, Richard Levme (Architecture), er Hall at 9.43 am.
Centre Theater, Student Center
Jan. 24 Theft of 1997 Mazda 626 reported from Park-
2 to 3:15 pm. Doing. It Daily, Shane. ”I9 SITUCIUTG *8 at 4110 pm-
Tedder (Student Aflairs’ Resrdence Life Jan. 24 Theft from basketball courts reported at John-
Recycllng), 2% Student Center Son Center at 7.37 pm.
3:11 to .35 pan. "Back to Nature" or Jan. 24 Drug/marijuana use reported from Greg Page
"War ofAII Against All"? False Alter- Apartments at 10:40 pm
natives in the POIItICS of Global _Warm- Jan. 25 Alcohol intoxication reported from Kirwan I at
ing, Ernie Yanarella (Political Screncel, 3; 27 am.
Centre Theater, Student Center Jan. 25 Theft from car reported at UK Parking office at
3:2!) to 4:45 pm. Grassroots Activism 8:”; am.
as a Means of Social and Envrronmen- Jan. 25 Theft of money reported from Student Center
talJustice, Jim Embry (Community Ac- food court at 9:23 am
mm 206 Student Center Jan. 25 Theft of laptop reported from College of Nurs-
6:30 pm. Round table discussion with ”‘9 at 10:07 am
local leaders featuring State Senator Jan. 25 Theft reported to UK Police Department at 2:57
Ernesto Scorsone, UK vice president of pin,
[gaggegn'fr/lradharggflgI‘lflfiglitjjvflsofiinrzls- Jan. 25 Theft reported from Biomedical/Biological Scr»
sioner Cheryl Taylor, and community ences Research Boilding at 7:16 pm.
organizer and advocate Jim Embry; Jan. 25 Theft of cell phone reported from UK Hospital
206 Student Center at 9:38 pm.
Jan. 26 Drug/marijuana use reported from Blanding Ill
“We‘ve done very little when it at 121” am.
comesfito renewable energy.“ Scorsone Jan. 26 Alcohol intoxication reported from corner of
““13- “We need ‘0 be ahead 01 the Rose Street and Euclid Avenue at 3:54 am.
Turkington said she thinks students Jan. 26 Theft of grey Isuzu Rodeo reported from Bland-
"lead the charge" at UK against global ”‘9 Tower at 51l8 PT"-
warmrng. Jan. 27 Theft of Playstation and games reported from
Students today. are naturally en- New North Hall at 12:25 pm.
gaged in sustainability issues. Wiseman _ .
said. Jan. 27 Theft of license plate reported to UK Police Be
“When you‘re talking about the ba- partment at “5 pm.
SIC changes in the environment 0f the Jan. 27 Suspicrous person with a gun reported from
world." Wiseman said. “there aren‘t ; Samaritan Hospital at 7:22 pm,
, th' .~ .‘1 d t.‘ .‘h ld th' k' . . .
23:3 imgaaku en 8 s ou m m Jan. 27 Theft of Toyora Scron from Parking Structure #3
reported from UK Hospital at 11:12 pm.
_ Jan. 28 Theft of laptop reported from WT. Young Li—
amendment to allow Kentuckians to brary at 10:29 am,
vote on whether to allow limited cx- , .
panding gaming in Kentucky. Jan. 28 Theft of Xbox game reported from Kentucky
Kentucky is facing economic ob— Cl'n'C at IZIQ pm.
SIBCICS- BCShcar Wd- bu‘ overcoming Jan. 28 Theft of debit cards and cash reported to UK
those problem areas could lead to Police Departmental 1:58 pm.
growth in the state. r ‘
“Yes. We are in tough times. and Jan. 28 The.t of wallet reported from Johnson Center
just like Kentucky families who find ‘ at 727 pm.
lhemselVCS in 'd similar situation. We I Jan.28 Theft of maroon Chevrolet truck reported at UK
must tighten our belts and balance our ' Parking office at 1123 pm.
checkbook." Beshear said. "But. my
friends. if we work together we are go— . _
ing to come out of this in much better 60"!”le NPOITSHIUK POIICB Depaflmem
shape than we were before." . by stall writer Keith Smiley.
l E-mail ksmiley@kykemel.com








Hair Police captures audience with atonal niche

Since 2091. the Hair Police
have made some of the most vi-
cious noise put to record in this
city or any other. The core mem-
bers — Robert Beatty. Trevor
and Mike
Connel ly
— have
toured the
U n i t e d
States and
_ shared bills
" with Sonic
JOHN Youth and

CROWELL released al«

Kernel bums on
columnist national
record la»
bels. The
individual members have gone
on to moonlight in national and
local acts like Wolf Eyes. Bum-
ing Star Core and Eyes and
Arms of Smoke. However. you
wouldn't notice the Hair Po—
lice's national infamy as a resi»
dent of Lexington. The group
inhabits a tiny musical niche: to-
tally atonal and ear-splitting
noise. I was exposed to their
recordings through working at
WRFL. UK‘s student radio sta-
tion. where the members of the
Hair Police originally met —
two of them still work there.
Tremaine. ' the drummer. and
Beatty. who plays electronic de-
vices. agreed to answer a few of
my questions about the history
of the band.


Q: How did the Hair Police

Robert: Trevor and I have
been playing music. mostly
weirdo pop stuff . together since
we were in middle school in

' Nicholasville. Ky.

Trevor: We started to get in-
volved at WRFL in late 1999. It
was our first year out of high

school. and neither one of us
was going to college or really
had anything else going on. so
we were just working s--—-y jobs
and playing music in Jessamine
County. When we came to the
station. we met Mike (Connel-
1y). who was the training direc-
tor then. He tumed us on to all
sorts of crazy sounds and intro-
duced us to the sorta freak scene
that was happening in Lexington
at that time.

Robert: We started a f—--ed-
up electronics duo called S--i
Blizzard that played a couple
shows with some other bands
that Mike. Matt (Minter). and
Ross (Compton) were in. We
started playing with them and
turned into Hair Police in Janu-
ary of 2001 .

Q: What do you want the
Hair Police to sound like? Do
you have lots of atonal and
noise musical influences. or is it
something you wanted to exper-
iment with independently?

Trevor: The aim of Hair Po-
lice was always to obliterate a ra-
tional and formally structured ap-
proach to music. something that
was 100 percent emotion in a
malleable form. When we say We
have “songs." that means a sort of
loose blueprint for a particular at-
mosphere we want to create. This
can inv