xt74tm71z872 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71z872/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-05-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1974 1974 1974-05-02 2020 true xt74tm71z872 section xt74tm71z872 The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 161
Thursday, May 2, 1974

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


Taylor says law schools turn out
'cogs in a conformist society'

Kernel Staff Writer

DENOl’NCEMENTof established law school and
law practice procedures and a plea for more
lawyers to work for the people were voiced Wed-
nesday night by radical Louisville lawyer Dan

“It‘s kind of rough for your whole career to hang
in the balances of whatyou do on a four-hour test. I
can‘t see anything wrong with academic excellence.
but it does seem that the lack of patience with
some people who would become lawyers does offend
me somewhat." the controversial lawyer told the
small crowd of 30.

'I‘\\'l.tilt‘S \l'l’EAIMM‘E was sponsored by
Societas l’ro chibus. a law school honorary as part
at Law Day 1974. Taylor. who handles mostly civil
rights and criminal law cases. currently has a
contempt ol'court case of his own pending before the
l'.S. Supreme (‘ourt.

He was meted a total of six months in jail in 1971
tor his courtroom antics in the trial of one of two
young black brothers charged with killing two
Louisville policemen.

(me of the most pressing needs of the UK

Taylor was originally given a total of four and
one~half years in sentences before it was reduced by
the Kentucky (‘ourt of Appeals.

THE BROTHERS. Narvel and Michael Tinsley,
were linally convicted and sentenced to death.

“The law schools don‘t expose students to the
maniacs in the profession. There‘s an alternate way
:o approach the practice of law." he explained.

He said the law schools generally are turning out
lawyers who are nothing more than cogs in a
conl'ormist society. and. once there are too many
cogs. the machinery stops.

1' \\‘ 1.0" S \Ill there has been a movement since
the late 1960s of maverick lawyers who reject such
established practices of plea-bargaining and lean
toward getting justice for their client. These
lawyers usually have contempt charges brought
against them for their courtroom battles for rights.

“l'lehind every contempt charge brought against
a lawyer. there is not just a lawyer, but a human
being. standing there toe-to—toe slugging it out for
w hat they think is right." he said.

( onlinued on page It;

"NO lml'BT about it." Sedler said,

Sedler urges

more black




Kernel Staff Writer

News In Brlef

oPartisan split?
0Car stolen

ORevlval killed

oNew era

oTodoy's weather...

College of Law is to provide the state with
more black lawyers. said Robert Sedler.
law professorand KentuckyCivil Liberties
Union tKCLUt representative.

There are only 20 black lawyers in the
state today. he said, “and there is a
compelling interest to increase the

AS TO whether this interest hurts the
chances of young whites getting into law
school. Sedler said KCLU believes there is
“no invidious discrimination against white

In a recent Supreme Court case which
attracted national attention, a white man,
Marco DeFunis, sued the University of
Washington for discrimination because he
was refused admission to the law school.

He claimed he was rejected for ad-
mission while 36 minority group students
with lower academic qualifications were

.WASHINGTON - Republicans and
Democrats on the House impeachment
inquiry appeared headed for a policy split
Wednesday night on President Nixon‘s
decision to turn over edited Watergate
transcripts rather than subpoenaed tapes.

Democrats rallied behind a proposed
letter stating the President has not
complied with the subpoena. Several
Republicans said that sounded reasonable,
while Wing no commitments on voting
for it. 31L.

.WASIIINGTON —-— The Senate on
Wednesday passed a far-reaching bill
requiring the states to adopt no—fault
automobile insurance.

On a 5342 vote. senators gave final
approval to the measure demanding that
automobile insurance in each state
guarantee compensation to accident
victims regardless of who caused the

The bill. opposed by the Nixon ad-
ministration, now goes to the House.

“even people with a high G PA (grade point
average) and LSAT tLaw School Ad-
mission Testl scores aren't getting in.
There's a bad student-faculty ratio as it
is, and with 900 applicants tat UK this
spring). even those with paper
qualifications can’t get admitted.“

The (‘hronicle of Higher Education
reported that a study released several
weeks ago in Washington, DC. indicated
significantly more black students are
staying in the South to attend law school.
The number of first-year blacks enrolled in
17 southern schools increased from 22 in
1969 to 171 in 1973.

The study also showed that. more blacks
intend to remain in the South and work. In
addition, 102 more blacks received degrees
from southern law schools in 1973 than in

TIIE REPORT predicted a continual
rise in the black enrollment but said the
DeFunis case could encourage a “go-slow
attitude on black admissions.“

. LEXINGTON — An armed man
forced his way into a Lexington woman's
car and made her drive him to a farm near
Squires Road before forcing her from the
car and driving off.

Joanne Bubenhofer. 21. was parking
behind a building near her downtown of~
fice. she told Lexington-Fayette County
Metro Police.

A man about 30 with dark hair and
sideburns. .ed with a gun. forcedfghis
way into neg; and said he wantedifi‘ide
to Interstate 75. Miss Bubenhofer said.

O \\‘.-\Slll.\'(:Tt)N—The Senate voted 57
to :11 Wednesday to kill an attempt to
revive wage-price controls on a stand-by
basis for another year,

However. it adopted 44 to «it another part
of an anti—inflation package advanced by
three Democratic senators which would
give President Nixon power to monitor
price and wage hikes through the Cost of
Living (‘ouncil or some o'her agency.

l).\.\' TAYLUR
Louisville lawyer

Sedler said the Court refused to rule on
the case since DeFunis is expected to
graduate in June. after being admitted to
the law school on orders from the
Washington State Supreme Court three
years ago.

One reason for minority group‘s lower
LSAT scores is that it is a culturally
biased test. Sedler said. Many blacks. he
added.don‘t ha ve thecultural background
needed to score well on the test.

"THERE IS more individual con-
sideration and it is more subjective."
Sedler explained about UK‘s current
review process. He said those who were
refused admission here probably wouldn‘t
have gottenin anyway. regardless of their
grades and test scores.

DeFunis. in his law suit. also attacked
the law school‘s admissions procedure and
said it didn't include personal interviews.

UK‘s law school bulletin states that
personal interviews are not required. but
that ”applicants who are members of
minority groups are considered specially
by the admissions committee."

bique—After 47 years spent under strict
rule from Lisbon. this sprawling Por-
tuguese territory is feeling its way into
what may be a new era of free speech and
individual expression.

The atmosphere in this Indian Ocean
seaport. the territorial capital. is one of
uncertainty in the wake of the military
coup in Portugal last week.

Hundreds of ptjitical prisoners. most of
them black. were released Wednesday.
Embryonic political movements are
taking shape. Student militants are testing
their muscles. Press censorship has been
eased. And some of the police-state
machinery common to Portugal‘s African
possessions is being dismantled.


A 70per cent chance of rain will continue
through tonight. Today‘s temperature will
climb to the low 70s. tonight the mid 50$.




editorials represent the opinions of the editors, not the university



The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Press inc. Begun as the Cadet in I." and published continuously
as The Kentucky Kernel since 1915. The Kernel Press Inc. founded 1971. Third class
postage paid at Lexington, Ky. Business otticea are located In the Journalism Building on
the Umversltv at Kentucky campus. Advertising, room 210“ News Departmmt room

114. Advertislng published herein is Intended to help the reader buy. Any talse or
misleading advertising should be reported 'to the Edlbrs.
Steve Smft. Editor-m-(‘hief

Stick close to home

University community members troubled by en-
vironmental dangers including the Red River Dam
and a Chairlift in the Cumberland State Park may find
it necessary to stick close to home this summer when
a public hearing is staged on the Newtown Pike


The expressway, called “one of the most critically
needed projects in Lexington ’5 proposed street
system," would split the campu: along Euclid Avenue
if allowed construction under present plans. Much to
our dissatisfaction, UK administrators have agreed
to cooperate with highway officials. We would rather
have the administration discourage the plans as being
detrimental to the safety of community members.

While we maintain an interest in Lexington’s
future, we find the highway an ominous threat to the
well-being of this community. The five-lane roadway
would effectively cutoff the north campus residence
halls from central campus.

A pedestrian overpass would seem entirely
warranted but UK’s official statement so far has
called this plan “an eyesore to the campus.”

It was justa little more than a year ago when many
of us laughed at a proposal by a Student Government
presidential candidate to install a 24-hour traffic cop
at the Harrison-Euclid intersection. Now it may be a


Though SG president-elect David Mucci and his
vice president Mike Wilson campaigned on a platform
to protect students from this asphalt weapon, it must
be understood they can‘t stop it by themselves. A
hearing in July or August won’t give them much
student backing either. That’s why it is necessary for
those charged with scheduling the public hearing to
heed Mucci's forthcoming request to hold off until
September when school is again in full swing.

Nicholas Von Hoffman

Brewers insure materials

WASHINGTON — Across the
country. small groups of citizens
are wrestling with utilities. oil
companies, mining corporations,
mills and processors to retrieve
earth. air and water. At the same
time, on television. the United
States Brewers Association has
hired a folk singer to tell us that if
we put trash in the container,
“We can breath a fresher air,
there‘a more beauty everywhere-
‘cause more people seem to care-
they‘re all Pitchin' In!“

Presumably the brewers have
spent all that dough on the Pitch
In campaign in fear that, unless
their inebriated customers are
taught better manners. some
lawmakers may decide that
American civilization might not
be irreparably damaged by the
disappearance of the pop-top can.

The likelihood, however. is that
the brewers will be allowed to
continue to provide their clientele
with refuse to litter the land-
scape. with just as little protest

as McDonald's and the other
tranchise hamburger joints

.\’I‘ THE same time. the

brewers are contributing to

misleading the gullible into
believing that, if they pick up
other people‘s Big Mac wrap-
pings, fish will reappear in our
waters and birds in our air.
Maybe the brewers should be
forced to buy time for people to
answer the mischievous TV ads.

That may not work either.
Mobil Oil has been offering to pay
for time for people to respond to
an ad asserting there is a
worldwide shortage of crude oil.
The networks wouldn’t put it on
the air.

Their refusal doesn’t stem
from a just and angry umbrage
at the price of gasoline at the
pump, but more probably from a
knowledge that many ads, even
ones primarily selling a product
and not an idea, have a
propaganda aspect to them which
could be challenged with a
demand for sponsor-paid rebuttal

\tiT t).\'l,\' would that be very
expensive. but the cigarette
experience suggests that coun-
teradvertising can be very ef-
tective. so much so it may be
better not to advertise on the air
at all if the antis must be given
equal time.


, l






Letters to the Kernel

Politics is everyday affair

The Assembly for Political
Action is a broad-based citizen’s
group committed to responsive
government and responsible
political parties. It includes
members of both major political
parties and independents but has
been loosely oriented towards the
Democratic Party. APA was
formedafter the last Presidential
election when it was realized that
the political life of a community
goes on every day of the year and
that the seeds of effective
political action are sown far in
advance of any election.

In its first. year APA has
broadened its support so that its
membership includes a wide
spectrum of progressive and
liberal-minded citizens. It is not
bound to any particular can-

Mobil has also refused to
supply substantiation for its
political ads, when asked to do so
by the National Advertising
Division of the Council of Better
Business, an outfit which is itself
regarded as a dilatory fraud by
some of its detractors. Be that as
it may. the National Advertising
Division acts as the investigative
organ of yet one more group, the
National Advertising Review

This effort at industry self~
regulation is being accused by
the Missouri Public Interest
Research Group, which is
another Nader spin~off, of being
unconscionably slow at an-
swering complaints. They say it
takes the board an average of 10
months to move on a complaint,

and that since most ad cam--

paigns are only three months
long, the lie has been told past

l.\' ANOTHER part of this
thicket, Queens, N.Y.,
(‘ongressman Ben Rosenthal and
15 of his buddies on the Hill put
out a press release appealing to
the owners of America's 7,000
radio and television stations to

didate or married to any par~
ticular cause.

APA‘s principle aim is to
provide an effective voice for the
liberal community in Lexington
and a meaningful way for
members of its constituency to
involve themselves. Thus, its role
is to bring the government closer
to the people, and people closer to
the government.

This year APA will be con-
cerned with such issues as the
proposed North-South Ex-
pressway and the Newtown Pike
Extension; improved land-use
planning for Fayette County, the
Red Riv er Dam, better parks and
schools and a more responsive
school board. and advocacy of
increased involvement in the
local Democratic party, in-

cluding participation in the
delegate selection process for the
1974 Democratic Mid-Term
Convention which will act on
proposed new party rules and

APA is, above all, an invitation
to participate at the grass-roots
level. It needs the continued
support and interest of all per-
sons who want to participate in
the betterment of their com-
munity, state and nation.

You can join by sending your
name and address to APA, Box
637, Lexington. Kentucky 40501.

Mike Cooper
APA Steering (‘om mittee

for litterbug use

give the oil company opponents a
little free time. Fat chance.

Occasionally all sides are
heard; but some sides are heard
briefly, while others are heard
incessantly, not only through ads
but also program content.
Organized medicine gets more
free propaganda on the air than
the big-eight oil companies could
get if they used all their billions
trying to buy air time.

Marcus Welby may have done
more to delay national health
insurance than all the AMA’s
lobbyists. Do we demand equal
time from Robert Young?

OF COURSE. if television is a
vivid enough medium, we don't
need it to tell us some quirky,
minority version of the truth. If
the oil companies can suc-
cessfully tell us they’re hardly
making a profit, and we believe
it, then we're happy and they‘re
rich and what‘s the harm?

The harm might be that
someday we’d learn better, and
in our disillusionment we might
do something rash. We like it too
much in bubble land. Telly
Sevalas—Kojak, not Serpico and
the crooked cops who ran him


out of New York, is what we're
fools enough to think NYPD
detective is like.

Mayor Joe Alioto of San
Francisco is getting belted with a
lot of adverse talk about how his
cops are going about finding
Zebra Killers. What he should do
is hide his real police com-
missioner and stage a press
conference with Rock Hudson,
Susan St. James, Raymond Burr
and Karl Malden, all of whom
will announce they’re on the case
and they’ll have it taken care of
by sign off.

wouldn’t object to being “offed”
by the heavy capital Z’s, if they
knew lronside was hunting them
down. Meanwhile, across the
bay, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., is
finding Patty Hearst, and the rest
of the nation is “Pitchin’ In" so
we can call our America,
“America the Beautiful,“ once

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features












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You can't say


You can‘t say we didn’t ask for it. When
the sudden pronouncements of Sen. Cook
and Gov. Ford swept through the news, we
could only mutter what ifs and wonder how
things had been changed. We never
thought much about Ford openly declaring
for the dam since the bureaucratic process
was steadily hulking along without state

The petitions, the march, and our
position—bristling with facts and alter-
natives that tears at the rational heart of
the Corps project~voiced by local officials
and cogent spokespeople were to have at
least precluded Ford‘s open support for
the inundation of the graceful gorge. We
have probably placed the gorge's fate
unwittingly on the outcome of a partisan
political foray.

FOR THE Red River issue the extent to
which the process is overtly political, even
in Washington, jars our conceptions of
governmental functions. Corps of
Engineers Public Works projects are
mostly a pork barrel where congressmen
bring home a slab of money which usually
benefits the business elites of the area for
reciprocal political support.

In the Senate such affairs are handled
like the selection of Post Masters, i.e.
Senatorial Courtesy. “How can we oppose
a project in your state; it is like telling our
colleagues from your state we know what's
best for their state,” we were told.
Besides, the Red River project was
authorized in 1962 on an omnibus bill for
projects in 2&3 congressional districts and
every state in the union.)

Many congressmen do not even glance
at the benefit-cost ratio— an analysis done
by the Corps and required by law because
“the Corps can always manipulate the
date to prove what they want.”

allows the Corps a very free hand to
proceed on such dubious economic
assumptions as we feel they are in the case
of Red River Dam.

Of recent years there have been a
number of reforms instituted on Corps
projects. Many of them contain “Grand-
father clauses" that allow already
authorized projects to remain unaffected
by the reform. Red River Dam is to con-
tinue to utilize a 31/4 per cent discount
lending rate and not the 6.8 per cent rate



With the failure of the jury to convict
Mitchell and Stans in the Vesco case,
speculation abounds on the credibility of
the prosecution's chief witness, John
Dean, and the implications for the sub-
sequent Watergate trials and Nixon's

But to my mind, the surprise verdict of
the jury casts more doubt on the
credibility of the jury system than on the
credibility of Dean or the guilt of Mitchell
and Stans.

WITH HIS dead-panned look that ap-
propriately characterized this symbol of
law and order, former Attorney General
Mitchell reaffirmed his faith in the jury
system, representing a “cross section of
Americans." Mitchell confided, ”If there
is one place I‘m fairly convinced you can

now proscribed (much less the actual 9 to
10 per cent used in the real financial
world). Another example is the
requirement thata ny project undergoing a
major design change receive new
congressional authorization but only for
projects after 1970.

The Red River project fails to qualify
under this new provision since the major
design change in moving the dam site
occurred in 1969. The 1973 Federal flood
Insurance Act barring federal expenditure
in flood plains after June 1975 as yet has an
undetermined application to the Red River
Flood Plain.

THE ONLY measure of reform that
affects the Red River project is the final
Environmental Impact Statement
procedure. The EIS does carry political
clout because embarassing lawsuits can
occur if it is deficient. Since that document
has not yet been filed for the Red River


get justice, that is from the American
people." Mitchell neglected to explain that
his jury was a very special cross~section.

Last summer Mitchell’s attorney, Peter
Fleming Jr., hired a “media analyst".
Marty Herbst, to conduct interviews in the
New York City area from which the jurors
would be called. The telephone survey
revealed that an overwhelming number of
persons thought Mitchell was guilty. This
reaction was broken down in terms of age.
income, education, ethnic characteristics
and religion. Then a second survey was
conducted to ascertain attitudes towards
women‘s lib, the grain deal. abortion, and
Nixon policies, thus providing a measure
of the larger issue of whether a person was
anti- or proestablishment. Herbst ex-
plained. “We wanted people who were
homeestablished. to the right. more
concerned with inflation than Watergate.


project and because of the “studious”
nature of Sen. Huddleston's positions, he
cannot fervently work for the dam.
Huddleston is not neutral on the issue.
since for example one of his aides is from
Stanton and is scrupulously pro dam.

All d this is to say every route in halting
the project eventually leads to the political
forum. That we have gained a measure of
leverage in it has given as real hope. Sen.
Cook’s support is support is strong and is
expressed in unqualified terms. He has
taken the personal time to investigate the

Although his concern for the en-
vironmenthas not been consistent, he does
persist on matters where he takes an in-
dependent stance. For example, he had to
be nearly embarassed by and educated on
the people's perspective but he has stuck
by the Sanctified Hill mud slide victims
and the Paint Lick opposition to a dam.
Which leaves me to believe that continued
efforts of the Save Our River Powell

We looked for jurors who did not read The
New York Times but who did read the
Daily News."

A profile was drawn up of people least
likely to see Mitchell as guilty. "We set up
a weighted point system from 0 t06, plus or
minus either way. A college graduate was
minus 6. a (‘atholic was plus 4. a Jew was
minus 5, a clerical worker earning bet-
ween $8000 and 310.000 yearly was plus 4."
llerbst explained. “What we tried to do
wasreveal what jurors think through their
media habits" similar to the way that
advertising agencies determine how to
package a political candidate for a par-
ticularviewingaudience, It was. hesaid. a
whole "new package process."

In the jury selection process. the at—
torneys were allowed to explore the
television \iewing habits of prospective

jurors because of the publicity surroun«




we didn't ask for it

IIWHI Fleminqer

Countians, students and others will im-
press more Kentuckians to call for
abandonment of the Red River Dam

WE l‘RGE you to continue writing
letters to Cook, Ford and the CEQ (722
Jackson Place, N.W., Washington. D.C.l
expressing your objections to the dam.
Also. the only congressmen to have
resisted Perkins‘ arm twisting are
Breckenridge. Mazzoli. and Snyder. They
are nervously neutralat this point but they
are up for re-election too. Ask their op-
ponents how they feel about it.

If you are going to be anywhere in the
state this summer and want to be involved
in thew continuing effort. stop by the EAS
meeting Friday night 7 pm. SC 118 and
leave your address and phone number.


Tim Murphy is a [K graduate.

casts doubt on iury credibility

ding the trial. Armed with the attitude
correlates. the defense was thus able to
help identify I2 jurors who would be least
detrimental to their client.

Whatever else Watergate tells us about
the nature of our political process. it
demonstrates that there is a fairly wide
gap between the believers and the non-
believers. and that this gap is rarely
crossed. As long as this division can be
accurately described sociologically. the
\‘erdicts of the jury may depend more on
their predetermined attitudes than on
their consideration of the evidence
presented during the trial.

llob (iriss is a sociologist—in-exile. writing
a dissertation on political economy of the
coal industry.









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Lust or meditation?

Theories on what motivates rapists
but psychologists still agree the attackers are ill

5) [MN .uiklxs
Kernel Staff Writer

Theories on how rapists choose
their victims used to state that
women were attacked when the
man was overwhelmed with lust
and desire. It was when the rapist
was driven by this uncontrollable
lust that hapless women would be

Now. however. psychologists
differ as to the motivation of
rapists. A 1971 study by
sociologist Menachim Amir
found that 71 per cent ofrapes are
planned — that the rapist wat—
ches his intended victim and tries
to learn as much about her and
her habits as possible.

IT HAS also been found most
rapes take place near the victim
or the attackers home. and the
victim and rapist are often

These findings indicate that
perhaps rapes occur because a
man misreads the signals (if
any) a woman sends out.

He interprets an action or
statement as an invitation and
does not hesitate to comply with
the signal — which the woman
did not send out or failed to

BL'T psychologists agree those
persons who plan the rapes or
wait in an alley to attack the first
woman available are definitely

Psychologist Ralph Garofalo.
doctor at the Bridgewater. Mass.
Center for Diagnosis and
Treatment of Sexually

Dangerous Persons. has found
three main categories of rapists:

—the man motivated by
aggressive feelings toward

—the man whose primary
motivation is sexual:

—the man driven by aggressive
and sexual desire.

Till-3 FIRSTGROL’P. driven by
aggression. tends to overidealize
their mothers and women in
general. while at the same time
regard available women as
untrustworthy persons. Rape is
the punishment directed at these
women for the failings of others
who have disappointed the rapist.

Persons in the second group
rarely use violence to satisfy
their sexual desire.

He usually has the background
of a father who is detached from
his family and a mother with
repressive sexual attitudes.
These persons tend to be quite
shy and will retreat from any
type of resistance.

violence the third group comes
closest to being characterized
psychopathic. They can best
release anger through sex and
sadism. and can be dangerous.
There is even hostility in their
normal dealings and relation-

“The rapist tends to have a low
frustration point,“ said Dr. Nat
Sandler. Fayette County Health




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Department Comprehensive
(‘are Center central director.
"Somehow his tolerance has past
and he acts out. .

"If you said. ‘Does somebody
plan to go out and rape a person.’
I would probably say no." San-
dler said. disputing Amir‘s
theory. “But I‘m not saying
that's a correct statement."

SANDLER characterized his
picture of a rapist as “an in-
dividual with very poor self-
esteem. very unsure of himself,
somewhat emotionally unstable.
immature and a poor self-image.
Rapists are generally unat-
tractive men — a good-looking
man doesn‘t need to rape girls.

"His tthe rapist‘s) own view is
that he is an unattractive in-

He continued. “Their (the
rapist‘sl self-control is so poor,
that they just can‘t delay
gratification. They are so
emotionally immature that when
they get themselves into a
situation where perhaps they’re
stimulated. and then they’ll act
on it.

"A TYPICAL rapist is in his
20‘s. low income, culturally
deprived, not very bright — this
is not to say bright people don't
rape." Sandler added. "But
bright people are more likely to
realize the social implications of

Sandler continued his rapist
profile: “He most likely comes
from a broken home. but if his



May 2






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are changing,

parents are together. it would
tend to be a very unstable
marriage —— the father would be a
weak. perhaps alcoholic in-
dividual; he (the rapist)
probably received little super-
vision from his patents in his

“I think this could picture any
anti-social person, not just

(‘OMMENTING 0N Garofalo's
classification of rapists into three
groups, Sandler said. "I would
say it’s a combination (of sexual
desire and aggression). Rape is a
sexual act and an aggressive act.
It's a sadistic act.

“The person has to act out his
sexual drive in an aggressive
way. But something is wrong
with his sexual drive because
he's not really acting in a normal
way. Rape helps maintain his
self-esteem as an adequate

But the problem with the rape
profiles provided by both Sandler
and Garofalo is that the symp—
toms of a potential rapist are too
difficult to uncover before the
rapist attacks. It is only after the
rapist has preyed on a woman
before his illness becomes ap-

Unfortunately. at this time
when he can be cured. he has
already disrupted someone else‘s
life. And this makes it necessary
to find an answer to the problem.

May 5


2 Locations


I466 Village


22l3 Richmond Rd.





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