xt74tm71wt2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71wt2x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1984 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. DePaul University, February 15, 1984 text University of Kentucky vs. DePaul University, February 15, 1984 1984 1984 2014 true xt74tm71wt2x section xt74tm71wt2x I I ‘
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I Fabruary, 15, 1U4
. Officral Game Program $1.00 · .

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tional school or accredited proprietary SFC LELAND CROSS is
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Lexington, Kentucky

i Vs . `  
  "»‘   4   EA
A UK Administration ..,,..,.,,.444..,..,,...,... 2   A  ' %V_  . A       ·
T Coach Terry Hall ....,.....,..r.rr.r........... 3 V)AV   if VVA: i` ,...    M  ..    
l Basketball Staff ,.AA.rr.,...,..44...rrrrrrl.. 4-5 L     ’    
Q Scorecard ..AA,o..V.........r..r........o..... 6-7 . ffl  `V V V _ \   ~
l ev   ./  .. ¤  
I Lady Kats Team Picture ....,............... 8   l‘`’   A   A (-V       ,
T Opponents Team Picture ....,....o....,.... 9      $2; `       .
l Features ...........,...oo..o...,,.,.ioo..,, 10-12   l;__   — .AA   A  
  iyiaai the Lady Kats ooo..........o..o... 14-rs .   ` ·‘  t   V   yi_li   A
l University information .ii,i..,t,,.....o.... 16       AA ``i‘’‘  _ ,,.    V
j Assrsrnnr Arnierrns orractnrg .....i.i.o.i. l7   A °i·V   oi_y <~. ' *··w A -  { j
  Sports information ,................,.,..i... 19      ” » A A F F
. Lady Kats Cheerleaders ....t.o.o....,.,,., 2O    _    j '  K}    
University Archives L         » rr
MBYQGTZE     Libféfy - North A     {AA
University of Kentucky _ . ~r._ ' A »tV;1». A A   .  tit.   _ _ or.1 ., ,,_;   ryvo  
Lexington, Kentucky 40506      AA’     r‘ls*1V       ,._,  
  i·V‘ - c,~t.   ·r·1        
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‘ ``·‘ r For dining and spints, T. W. Lee s can t be beat.
      * ...Whether ynuire headed for the game. .. or celebrating
T gfigfgwx, E   aftenrvards, meet your friends at T. W. Lee's
‘ *9 ‘€%G#  Ai  I  i f  Our lineup features a variety of specialty foods,
T   ‘  Q  {    including our famous ribs. .. plus seafood, salads,
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y   A  lounge. .. Win or lose at the game, no one loses at
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    -;.;. _’ . A
    Y U  ‘'''     • · ·
{       lPI'2Sld¢llI, UHIVBTSIIY Gif lK¢lI1ltU©ll2Y
  _ has provided important research in students on its Lexington campus and
tobacco and equine diseases while other more than 22,000 students in the Univer-
Dr. Otis A. Singletary has maintained University research has focused on the sity's 15 community colleges. *
an active role both in academics and field of coal and other energy sources. Recognition of his service to the
athletics since he became the University Singletary's involvement in athletics is University of Kentuclzy was evidenced
of Kentucl2y's eighth president in August as impressive as his academic by the UK Alumni Association which
1969. achievements. A former president of the presented to Dr. Singletary its Alumni
Great strides toward academic ex- Southeastem Conference, Dr. Singletary Service Award. an honor rarely
cellence have characterized Dr. is a member of the NCAA Select Com- bestowed upon a non—alumnus of the
Singletary's presidency at UK. The mittee on Athletic Problems and Con- University.
Schools of Dentistry and Dhamaacy con- cems in Higher Education. He is also A native of Gulfport. Miss., Singletary
sistently ranlz among the best in the chaimnan of the board of directors of holds degrees from Millsaps College
nation. Departments such as political the College Football Association. and Louisiana State University. An ac-
science, history. and mathematics have As president of the principal institu- complished administrator. Dr.
also gained nationwide attention while tion of higher leaming in the Singletary served as chancellor of the
the UK Library now rates among the Commonwealth, Dr. Singletary is greatly University of North Carolina at
best in the Southeast. concemed with the University's role as a Greensboro and was executive vice
Under Singletarys leadership. the land grant institution. a "people's chancellor for academic affairs for the
University of Kentucby has also become university" accessible to all who can University of Texas system prior to
a major research institution. The Albert profit from education. coming to Kentuclzy.
B. Chandler Medical Center is an In the 15 years Singletary has been He and Mrs. Singletary, the former
established leader in research on cancer president. the University of Kentuclzy Gloria Walton, have three children:
and the aging. UK's agricultural college has grown in enrollment to about 25.000 Bonnie. Scot, and Kendall.
  • •
    Athleitncs Drrector
_, ._,.»  .y   the 1984 NCAA Basketball Champion- also of Owensboro. They have four
'   E ` A ‘ A ships. In 1985, the presitigious NCAA children: Mrs. Barry "Lisa" Thaxton of ·
_ V   ~    ,  ` V · ; "Final Four" baslzetball championships Lexington; Mrs. Jim "Laurie" Hill of West l
, . . will be hosted by UK and held in Rupp Liberty; Amy. a senior at the University A
  Arena. of Alabama; and Kip. a sophomore 1
~ Having graduated from the University member of the Transylvania University l
of Kentuclzy with high distinction in baslzetball and tennis teams. L
1954. Hagan has been a longtime
Continued growth in practically all advocate of a strong scholar-athlete pro ,
phases of UK athletics has been the gram. UKM Board of Directors
hallmark of Cliff Hagans nine-year reign Hagan, one of the greatest players in many Mmm Ewmao Mmm _
as athletics director with outstanding at— UK baslzetball history, received one of   §gQ“‘d;KE“"¤ gf   C’*"”"“”’
tendance at football and men's bashet- his highest individual honors in 1978 or N. i. r>is¤¤¤¤¤ tm Btamon
ball games, increased attendance at when he became the first University of EQ E§’,j,€§°§,,,,Q€, BQ Q}? 
Lady Kat baslzetball games. and a steady Kentuclzy player to be inducted in the M Charles Roland Dr- For H¤r¤¤¤¤¤
upgrading of facilities. Naismith Memonal Basl2etball Hall of   Eunigaimbm
in the coming year. the University will Fame in Springfield, Mass. Willmni nsruéqrti Dr.P¤1r>1iA¤r2cl¤¤¤i
host the 1984 NCAA Volleyball Cham- An Owensboro. Ky. native, Hagan is m;‘;l*’g'?;;l'§° m‘°“““ D M
pionships and the Mideast Regional of married to the former Martha Milton. sr. Roach [

When Terry Hall arrived at
Kentucky in 1980, the Lady Kats
were coming off their most
successful season ever and
beginning to gain national respect.
They had been ranked in the Top
20 throughout the 1979-80 season
1 and had finished the year with a
_ 24-5 record and a berth in the -
AIAW National playoffs.
.;  __s ` ‘
_.;      in the nation but fell to Indiana in A native of Salem. Ind., Hall
 M s'_A A     lV_  _   the first round of the NCAA earned both her undergraduate and
  l f ,  g   ‘ ‘   tournament. graduate degrees in Health and DE.
I ··»             f i`\ _,  Halls record at Kentucky is 72-19. While attending Indiana State. she
_ ‘_   ~·.,h__     L  ¤.._  , - — ` and considering Kentucky's tough starred in basketball. field hockey
       é. ”   scheduling habits (10 games with and volleyball. She was honored
, _  §?”\   4} A ` or y  ranked opponents last season AND with the "I" Woman Award in 1965.
     __   Q   'W this season). a .791 winning and received the prestigious
Q .               .  percentage is outstanding. Her Hillman Award in 1966 as the most
I      .;‘i ’    is  Q V Wg  ~ career record is 165-79. That mark outstanding female athlete at ISU.
>  1   ?§Q;¥gQ AF     . `   ___     includes one season at Eastern .
{ _;.'__:_ .        .     .i.. . 1. Kentucky, me at Lwisvme and Cfgch Irloll on Kenfuckys Slyle
  three at Kentucky. O oy; Qur SWIC of play. Of
But the season was just a hint of Hall began her coaching career in gafemagl IS thi fast breabdwe .
the great things to come under the high school ranks. Following Q leve t at algpglglg mma me.
Halls guidance. The Lady Kats have her graduation from Indiana State pr€SSufr€hOnb[ 6 Q enswgteam IS
gone far beyond respectability and in 1966, she was named head coach gnebotbt lf est WSW {O Emi 6 {
into the perennial role of national at Butler High School in Louisville. fas F a garpli em? Y is Eng O
contender, They have been ranked In five seasons at Butler. Hall fg. ein? in f i EOUEFS titibyu
in the Top 20 every week and coached her teams to two Jefferson Deflcag 1 O as 1 ma h as Q 8 ‘
averaged Q4 wins per season since County titles and an overall record de emlve Y' We p Yay W anger
Halls arrival? Of 6965 efense we feel will exploit our ‘
In her first year at UK, Hall's Lady Then it was on to Eastern Oppmems W€a1m€SE?S' Qqur mam
1 Kats went 25-6, winning the Kentucky University. where Hall C(€?;€mS are mmm U2? t S timfm
l Kentucky Women's Intercollegiate earned her Master's Degree in 1974 O l i Qanga Ieamfx/Or ’ fm S Ot
it Conference and reaching the final and was immediately named head Se QC mn Y Our D GYQIS
  round of 16 in the AIAW National basketball coach. The Lady Colonels CO¤Ch H¤ll Oh Working Wifh The
  tournament. Hall was named the went 14-6 that season and won the PlC1yers: "l place a high premium
L KWIC Coach of the Year that KWIC title over Kentucky, on hard work and dedication to the
season. Louisville, Western, Morehead. task at hand. I want my players to
. In 1982 and again last season the Murray and Northern Kentucky. feel the same way. I try to teach
Lady Kats were considered among Hall then accepted the coaching them that "doors of opportunity"
. the top contenders for the NCAA job at Louisville. where she was open and close very quickly in life
championship. The 1981-82 squad faced with rebuilding a program. as well as on the basketball court.
won the Southeastern Conference She succeeded. guiding the Lady So always be prepared. In the span
championship and reached the Cards to a 79-54 record over five of a lifetime. their 4 years of college
quarter-finals of NCAA play before years. In 1979-80. her last season at basketball is short. therefore they
losing to eventual national U of L. the Lady Cards won their should work hard, be dedicated.
champion Louisiana Tech on the first Metro Conference excel. and enjoy the opportunity
Lady Techsters‘ home floor. Last championship. Hall also coached that exists."
year's Lady Kats were ranked fourth tennis and softball at U of L.  

  °  ¢   ,  .   `2¤ X
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  · _   f ekzgp '   5 lj
e il A .   , ` l-{gv °
  -   _. ; ,  gi     4¤YA {    ROBIN BOARD
  J ‘ " `  g l B,l_,W  z j   B'‘ “ .   f  wi   Graduate Assistant
. _ l .__, _   lf     \\ Louisville, 1985
°  ' A fomier player for Coach Terry Hall at Louisville. Robin 3
to , v joined the Lady Kat staff in September. While at Louisville, ·
e   Robin lettered in basketball four consecutive years. two of
V     those seasons with Coach Hall at the helm. She was a
 I " __ ‘-»   member of the Lady Card teams that won Metro Conference ,
titles in 1979 and 1981 and is in the record boolz for best free
MiR€ KlIlClI'€d throw percentage in a season, which she set in 1979. Robin
Assistant coach was also an outstanding high school player at Louisville Butler
. . High. She helped her team to the Girls' State Toumarnent in
Eastern Kentucky umverslm 1980 1976 and 1978. She was All-State honorable mention for three
straight years and played in the East-West All-Star game in
1978. She also played tennis for three seasons and ran traclz
Milze was hired as a part—time assistant at UK in July. and One Year at Bunen
[l`l€1'l WGS elevated to fllll-lll'l'l€ GSSlSlHl'll in late S€p[€1'TIb€I` pObin is pu!-suing 3 MaS[e[5 Degree in ReCI·eatiOnal Therapy
following the resignation of assistant coach Dottie Berry. A at UK Sne nes el green interest in Yeung peOple and nee nm-
l98b Qladbale bl Ea$lem Kembel2Y· Mlbe Served lel MG ticipated as avolunteer for Special Olympics for five straight
$ea$bb$ a$ a$$l$lam Qlllg basketball ebaeb al Ebllll COUUYY years. She also is credited with starting two Youth Basfeetball
High 5<¢h¤<>¤ in 1rvi¤€· Ky- beige wmine t<> UK Camps in 1981 ana 1982 at the st. Matthews yMcA in
A native of Winchester, Ky., Milze graduated from Clarla LOniSVijje_
COUNW l'lll2b_$el"lbbl lb l975· He lbeb allebfled Mblebeael A fomier collegiate softball player at U of L, Robin has um-
Slale University lb? One Veal belble llamlelllmé lb ba$lem· pired softball and officiateci baslzetball and volleyball. She is
He received a degree in Industrial Education, and then Q3 years Ojd and SjnQje_
taught at Clarlz County for one year before accepting a job
at Estill County.
ln his first season at Estill, Mil2e helped direct the varsity   __ _ j
squad to its first-ever winning season in 1989. The following . .»t‘   Q
year, the Lady Engineers won their first district champion-      i l f n
ship. Mil2e's junior varsity squad, meanwhile, was doing even        
better. finishing with a 15-4 record in 1989 and a 19-4 record ._      l l
in 1986.     , -jl  4
Mibe is very active in the Big Brothers-Big Sisters program, 2,  l f j
and currently sits on the organizations Advisory Board in .,,, f ’ agi" joan Fry
Winchester. He is also an active member of the Fellowship ,_ T ./” ,
of Christian Athletes, and was the FCA's 10th Region   ” A 5 Staff Assistant
representative last year while coaching at Estill County. ·· Southwest Texas State 1977
Joining the coaching staff at UK fulfills a life-time dream jenn jnined the Lees, Kats nmerem in September 1981. Her z
fel Mllee e eeveel Old beebelel whe has elWeV$ been a {ble primary responsibility is handling all correspondence for the l
Blue len coaching staff and acting as a receptionist for the ·%>
department. A native of Burnet, Tx., she graduated from
Southwest Texas State University and worlzed for the Texas
Department of Human Resources for three years. She is e
marreid to Jason Fry. a senior at Asbury Theological
Seminary. They are expecting their first child in December. A

Trainer Manager
Ohio State 1979
Heather is in her third year as manager for the Lady Kats. A
Sue mined me UK training Staff in 1982 after Sewing {Or junior political science major, she is a member of the Delta
one year as Co-Ordinator of Sports Medicine for the Depart- 9¤¤1m¤ 5OmmY· Heather amOY$ Safmall QOH and laaamg
ment of Intramural/Recreational Services at East Carolina Sha la 90 Years Ola and *5 a mama Of Daaucah KY
University. Sue graduated from Ohio State University. where
she earned a degree in Physical Education in 1979 after serv-
ing for four years as a student trainer. She was a graduate MARY BETH BROOKS
assistant at Purdue University, where she earned her Masters Student Trainer
Degree in Physical Fitness and Exercise Physiology in 1981. -
` A native of Smithville, Ohio, Sue is a member of the Na- . . .
mm] Athletic Trainers ASSOCiémOn' A native of Lexington. Mary Beth was a baslaetball trainer
for three years at Tates Creelz High School before coming to
t UK. She is an 18-year-old freshman majoring in Physical
  -, _ _ V   _ .2 Therapy. She has been worlaing with the Lady Kats since Oc-
·   Hy   r  `—.
“  f‘      ‘ t.r._   ( ‘   Et    LISA NEAL
r   2r   ge ,     ‘st‘      `     r s `’.    Mana
, ·.    " . f. ..  »  . <-`Q? I' ·· · · ger
‘ .; K  j   a g 'Z  r    _-   7 .    a j s Lisa. who is in her first year as manager for the Lady Kats,
I    g     A       Y . .  _ Q graduated from Boone County High School last May. While
__Vg   Vr·ii       5 'f`'`"     ‘   `_ I -   T  · j at Boone County, Lisa played baslaetball. volleyball and ran
            Y Vr_‘_   j . ‘ .·`_   · traclz. She was also a member of the Beta Club and was nam-
      »=i~   » —?_;‘:,   _ g _ ‘Jt `L .. ' V'. *·‘
scrumptious dinner. lf the mood strikes i _ - · f  *5 ` L ‘ ` X `   i   m ,  .... ····i ·
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perhaps you d like to bnng the entire . »—, rj ·_ _ ji,_   i, ."   _ . v,  ~ ··¤.·q   { X
A family in for a day and evening of fun. We `V__1_% ‘·  W  ` =I’):’““'~;;.i,   %`__ 
also offer a family plan guest room rate. F l ` " "/ ° . . , ..r-—~. ·`   "   f,
Special Weekend Room Rate: $45.00
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1800 Newtown Pike, Lexington, Kentucky 40511, 606/231-5100

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Expenence the taste *
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Standing (L to R) Manager David Lenti, Manager Judy Kieres, Asst. Coach Jo Ellen Southerland, Judy Banathy, Jean
Fitzpatrick, Anne Parrish, Melinda Balm, Kathy Sloan, Janine Douglas, Head Coach Ron Peiereisel, Asst. Coach Patti Hie,
Assoc. A.D. Jean Lenti, Team Captain Rev. Thomas Grace
Seated (L to R) Diane Kieres, Rosemary Duchon, Barbara Atsaves, MaryLou O'Brien, Amanda Mitchell
No. Name Pos. Ht. Class Hometown (High School)
3 Janine DougIas"** F 5-9 Sr. Harvey, IL (Thornton)
11 MaryLou D’Brien"" F 6-0 Jr. Glenview, IL (Marillac)
<* 12 Avvanda MitcheIl* G 5-5 So. Chicago, IL (John Marshall)
20 Rosemary Duchon"* G 5-6 Jr. Oak Park, IL (Trinity)
22 Jean Fitzpatrick" F 6-0 So. Lombard, IL (VVi|Iovvbroo|<)
·r 23 Barbara Atsaves"** G 5-6 Sr. Lincolnvvood, IL (Niles \/\/est)
24 Melinda Balm P/C 6-4 Pr. Northglenn, CO (Northg|enn) V
25 Kathy SIoan* F 6-1 So. Northbrook, IL (Glenbrook North)
31 Judy Banathy" F 5-10 So. Skokie, IL (Niles West)
33 Diane Kieres*‘* G/F 5-7 Sr. Chicago, IL (Madonna)
51 Anne Parrish’* C 6-4 Jr. Crystal Lake, IL (Crystal Lake Central)
‘|ndicates number of varsity seasons at DePaul

RECORDS: Kentucky 11-11   ».;._ ,   A
Maul 8-12   *   OTQK
SERlES: Kentucky leads 1-0   ii i g  I     VO.- 7
The Lady Kats take a break from their grueling         V
Southeastern Conference schedule tonight when they      ij     M    .
take on the DePaul Lady Demons. The Lady Kats faced       ‘       __ .
four straight ranked conference opponents, upsetting   gqyl   ·- r._y _A    ; 
fifth-ranked Mississippi and previously 20th-ranked gse  Aiii _ _   __ ., `_     ``i':iiV'4
Florida, before falling to No. 1-ranked Georgia and     if l.‘y;    
dropping a heartbreaker at No. 7 Tennessee Sunday.   ZY ll‘ft           \
Against the Lady Vols of Tennessee, the Lady Kats non Fisnnisn BARBARA ArsAvEs J
courageously struggled back from a 22-6 deficit with H°¤d c°°°h ·
nine minutes to go in the first half to pull to within two is averaging 18.4 points a game. She had a season-
at 29-27 and 31-29. Tennessee scored the last four high 35 points against Evansville and had back-to-back
points of the half, however, and held a 35-29 halftime 30-point performances against Connecticut and
lead. Georgia State earlier in the season.
After the Lady Vols went up by eight in the second Atsaves fired in 18 points against Kentucky last year
half, UK roared back and tied at 41-41. After Kentucky but the Lady Kats prevailed 72-48 in Chicago’s Bose-
went up at 50-47 with eight minutes left, Tennessee mont Horizon gym. Three other starters are back from
converted a three-point play. Although the score was last season's team, including fonxvard Janine Douglas,
tied several times thereafter, UK never regained the who averages 11.3 points.
lead. The score was knotted at 65-65 with a minute Kentucky has four double-figure scorers—Leslie
left. Tennessee missed a shot and Sandy Harding re- Nichols (18.5), Diane Stephens (12.7), Karen Mosley
bounded, but Kentucky turned it over with 27 seconds (12.4) and Lisa Collins (10.3).
remaining. Tennessee worked the clock down and After tonight’s match, Kentucky resumes SEC play,
Mary Ostrowski’s baseline jumper with five seconds traveling to No. 13 Auburn for a game Saturday. Then
left gave UT the win. the Lady Kats return home for a very important game
DePaul is coming off a loss to Detroit, a team they with Vanderbilt next Monday. Kentucky lost 77-74 at
had beaten earlier in the year. The Lady Blue Demons Vandy on Jan. 22, and need to defeat the Lady Com-
have had a season similar to Kentucky’s—up and modores by more than three for a third-place seed in
down. A big bright spot has been the outstanding play the SEC East division. The top three seeds in each divi-
of senior guard Barbara Atsaves, who recently became sion bypass the first round of action in the SEC
the schooI’s all-time leading scorer. This year, Atsaves tournament.
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