xt74tm71ws9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71ws9g/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_519 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 519 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 519   2014 true xt74tm71ws9g section xt74tm71ws9g - v
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  Anh clrous Ammonia
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By P. E. Karraker
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coperotnve Extension Work in Agriculture ond Home Economics
College of Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Kentucky `
and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating _
10M,1.54 FRANK J. WELCH, Director A
Issued in furtherance of the Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914.

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l Page
  Increased Crop Yields from Nitrogen ..,......................................... 3
Common Nitrogen Fertilizers .................,...................................... 4
l Anhydrous Ammonia .....................,.......,......,...........,................... 5
l Ammonium to Nitrate in the Soil ...................,............................ 5 » mi]
Applying Anhydrous Ammonia .................................................... 6 A un
, 0b·
1 Anhydrous Ammonia Applicators .....,..............,...............t.....,....... 7 leg
` Metering Equipment ..............................................................,..... 8 Wll
Types of Applicator Chisels or Blades ..............................,............. lO wlj
Sealing Devices ....,.........,....,........................................................ lO V lm
Size of Tractor Required .............................................................. ll tht
U It
Safety and Operation Precautions ..............................................,... ll go,
Costs lnvolved ....................,..........................,....,......................... l2 dl€

. Use ot Anhydrous Ammonio os o
Nitrogen Fertilizer
By P. E. Karraker and J. B. Kelley
Crops require more nitrogen than any other plant food taken
from the soil. The approximate nitrogen requirements of certain
crops are as follows:
100-bushel com crop,
699 grain, and stover .......................................................... 150 pounds
3 25-bushel wheat crop,
gI`HiI`l, Bild StI'8.W . ....... .... ....... . ....,.................................   pOl.1IldS
1,800-pound burley
4 tobacco crop, leaf, and stalk ........................................ 100 pounds
1-ton legume hay .........................,.......................... 40-50 pounds
Nonlegume crops obtain their nitrogen mainly from organic
5 _ matter in the soil, or from nitrogen applied in fertilizers. Leg-
6 i umes, however, through the bacteria in the nodules on their roots,
obtain most of their nitrogen from the atmosphere. Much of this
7 _ legume-fixed nitrogen is available to nonlegume plants growing
8 with the legumes and, with good care and use of crop residues
and farm manure, to nonlegume crops grown later. On farms
l0 . where much of the land is in legume or mixed legume-grass crops,
10 most of the nitrogen needed for crop growth should be provided
in this way. With less use of legume or mixed legume-grass crops
ll there will be more need for nitrogen fertilizers for good crop
H v Pwduction. In general, fertilizer nitrogen should be used in any
s0il—crop situation where it is estimated that value of the imme- A
_ I2 diélte crop increase will exceed the cost of the fertilizer.
Increased Crop Yields from Nitrogen A
On soils needing nitrogen, but with enough other plant food
and moisture, the following crop—yield increases may be expected,
within the low—to-moderately-high crop-yield range, for each
Pound of nitrogen applied; `
Corn .................................................................... % to % bushel
Small grains ........................................................ %», to % bushel
Burley tobacco ................................................... 5 to 6 pounds _
Crass hay crops ................................................ 30 to 40 pounds °

 ' .
ti 4 :
i   For nitrogen fertilizers to pay, adequate phosphorus and po-
  . ( tassium must be available for good crop growth. Use of nitrogen
. A does not do away with the need for these other plant foods. it _
, · is more expensive to supply nitrogen in fertilizers for crops than E;
E to supply potassium and phosphorus, and nitrogen should there- gm
H fore not be used when its effect is held down by their absence.  
_ Chemical soil tests furnish useful information as to need for UO;
phosphorus and potassium. gm
Common Nitrogen Fertilizers POL
( The chief nitrogen fertilizers are listed below, the figures in-
l dicating the amount of fertilizer containing approximately 50 U)
l pounds of nitrogen: mf
Amount containing inC‘
i Nitrogen fertilizer 50 lb nitrogen
i Ammonium nitrate .............................................................. 150 lb Of]
¥ Sodium nitrate ...................................................................... 300 lb fm-]
*· Ammonium sulfate ..........,........,.....,.................................... 250 lb
Calcium cyanamide .............................................................. 250 lb ·
Urea .................................A...............,..............i..................... 114 lb `
3 Anhydrous ammonia ...........................i.................,. . ............ 60 lb am
7 Nitrogen solutions ...............,...............i........................ 125-250 lb Soi)
l Nitrogen fertilizers differ somewhat in their availability to dro
i crops, in their tendency to leach from the soil, and in their re- pre
sidual effect in increasing or decreasing soil acidity; but, in gen- we
eral, all are about equally effective when applied on the equivn- phi
lent nitrogen basis. (H
Two of the fertilizers in the list above are mainly obtained of
from accumulated natural sources—s0dium nitrate from natural  ‘
deposits in Chile, South America, and ammonium sulfate from
coal as a byproduct of the coking of coal. The other nitrogen
fertilizers are made by chemically fixing nitrogen from the atm0S·
phere. The principal process now in use is to cause one part of mc
nitrogen (N) and three parts of hydrogen   to combine Ul lm'
form ammonia (NH3). M
AIUHIOIULIIH nitrate, the most extensively used nitrogen [6* fe?
tilizer at the present time for direct application, is made by lim Ul
pl‘OClllCing nitric acid from a certain amount of ammonia and ilwll lm
causing this acid to react chemically with another equal amount IU
of ammonia. Because of this additional operation, on the eq¤i“" We
l€I1t 11it1`Og€n basis, the manufacturing cost Of ammonium Illtliiltf lm
is considerably greater than the cost of ammonia. thi

nd po- A Anhydrous Ammonia
ttmgeu At ordinary temperatures and at atmospheric pressure, am-
)dS‘ It ( monia is a gas. It is quite soluble in water, such solutions con-
)S than taining 20 to 30 percent ammonia. By pressure, ammonia gas is
  condensed to a liquid and then is designated anhydrous ammonia
' (ammonia without water to distinguish it from the water solu-
Bed fm tion). At a temperature of 50° F., anhydrous ammonia has a
gauge pressure of 75 pounds per square inch, and at 1000 F., 197
pounds. It contains 8,2 percent nitrogen. I l
HBS in. Wrth proper rnachrnery, anhydrous arnrnonra can be applied
tary gg to the soil for fertilizer purposes. Its use in this way started in
Mississippi in 1947 and quickly spread to other states. Rapid
aining increase of its use for fertilizer has been drre to the cheaper cost
gm of nitrogen at the manufacturing plant and to the scarcit of solid
forms of nitrogen. y
r · Soil chemically absorbs ammonia; hence, once it is in the soil,
( ammonia is not lost to the atmosphere, or easily leached from the
> soil so long as it remains in this form. Obviously, however, anhy-
Jility to drorrs ammonia, when released from the applicator tank under
;heir re- pressure, changes to a gas and must be placed in the soil and be
in gcrr- well covered with the soil to prevent loss of the gas to the atmos-
eqrriva- ` plrere. In the soil, ammonia (NH3) picks up another hydrogen
(H) and becomes ammonium (NH4). Ammonium is the form
rbtained of nitrogen in ammonium sulfate.
natural .
lt? from Ammonium to Nitrate in the Soil
nrtrogerr _
e atmos- Some crop plants use ammonium nitrogen fairly well, but
Bpayt of most Crops use nitrate nitrogen much more readily. The SOil i
Hbmg to mi€1`0bes, however, change ammonium to nitrate. This p1`OC€SS
is Tflpid in warm weather, slower in cool weather, and p1`zlCtiCL1lly
)ggrr fer'- r #989% during the winter, Applied early in the spring, the nitrogen
3 by first *11 anhydrorrs ammonia thus is less available to crops than the
and tlrcrl i“9`&t€ half of the nitrogen in ammonium nitrate, or the nitrogen ‘
[ amorrrrf m S0dium nitrate, all of which is in the nitrate form. After the
3 Gquira “’€Hther warms up, however, and during the growing Sozlsoll V
m mtrrrtt PI'OP€1`, the change of ammonium to nitrate is rapid enough for ’ `
the two forms to be about equally available to crops. (

 it 6 I
l .
  . Nitrate nitrogen is not chemically held by the soil as is am- or
. A monium and hence is much more subject to leaching from the . to
soil. There is very little leaching of soluble nitrogen from Ken-
, · tucky_ soils after the first of April, even in the absence of a crop til
l on the land, so that practically neither form leaches during the ba
l growing season. All nitrate nitrogen, however, leaches from the 3Q
l soil in Kentucky during the winter, mainly in ]anuary, February,
{ and March. Hence anhydrous ammonia can be applied to the
‘ soil in the late fall or winter with but little danger of leaching-
loss, whereas nitrate nitrogen cannot. However, if anhydrous lk
y ammonia is applied early in the fall, the soil microbes change it py
i to nitrate during warm weather and it then will leach from the df
soil. pl.
. To keep anhydrous ammonia from being lost to the atmos-
l phere, it must be applied deep in the soil (4 inches or more). hg
ll This means that in dry seasons the fertilizer will be in moist soil, _ O
and hence more available to the crop than solid nitrogen fertiliz- A
Q ers such as ammonium nitrate applied in the surface soil. This, ·
i however, is not a very important point in most years, and the lg
l difference does not exist when the two forms are applied equally ,1
deep. at
The ammonium form of nitrogen thus has an advantage for
application in the late fall or winter because it does not leach V
to any great extent. The nitrate form, however, is better for ap-
plication in the early spring, because it is more readily available . A
to plants. In general, however, as stated before, all the nitrogen
fertilizers are about equally effective when properly applied and
when applied at rates to give equal amounts of nitrogen. An im-
portant consideration in their purchase is the relative cost ei
the nitrogen in the different fertilizers, including cost of appli-
Applying Anhydrous Ammonia
Anhydrous ammonia often is applied as a side dressing OH ’
row crops during early growth. The fertilizer usually is applied .
midway between the rows. Roots of the plants soon reach the Fil
nitrogen and take it up. It may be desirable, however, at plantiiig m;

is am- ? or setting to apply at the row a fertilizer containing some nitrogen
. to increase earl rowth of the lants.
m t e
1 Ken- “ When anhydrous ammonia is applied before planting or set-
a cro ' tin row cro s, or in astures or small rain fields, it a ears to
ng the · be satisfactory for the applicators to be spaced no closer than
rm the 30 inches. _
Jruary, p
to the Anhydrous Ammonia Applicators
1€hi¤g‘ Anh drous ammonia to be used as a fertilizer is stored as .
lYdY0U$ liquid under pressure in a tank. As it changes into gas at atmos-
3¤S€ ll pheric pressure when released, it must be placed in the soil at a
Om the depth of 4 inches or more, with the furrow-opening closed to
revent loss of the as to the atmos here.
atmos- Two types of anhydrous ammonia applicators or machines
more). have been developed in recent years that have proven practical.
»ist soil, . One is called the trailer-mounted machine, to be drawn behind
fertiliz- a tractor, and the other the tractor-mounted. (See Fig. 1 and 2.)
l. This, Each type of machine consists of a frame mounting a 100- to
md the 150-gallon tank equipped with a filler valve, a liquid depth gauge,
equally a 300-pound pressure gauge, a relief or safety valve set to open
at 250 pounds pressure, a tank bleeder valve, a valve in discharge
:age for ‘
it reach an 4 .  . . n ii r  A  
for ap- ;     » · “i_¤ * `’»¤·    
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vices and gauges must be designed to meet the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers standards of strength and State regula- g
tions. They must be made of steel. Brass, bronze, aluminum, and  
galvanized surfaces corrode in the presence of ammonia. if;
Metering Equipment
The metering of anhydrous ammonia So as to apply it intO
the soil at uniform rates was a difficult problem for the designers
to solve because the pressure in the tank varies as the temperzr- _
ture of air changes during the day, and the pressure (l(·)C1'€2lS(’$
as the ammonia is discharged from the tank.  
There are two types of metering devices on the market that =
have )roven to be satisfactor . An automatic differential p1‘t’S· I

 ` · X sure metering device, such as is used on a liquified petroleum gas
  i tank, may be used. (See Fig. 3.)
_vi~,   _   T This device must be made of materials that will not be injured
i_; ,'_l Q   ; by ammonia. Tests have shown that this type of regulator valve
  f can be adjusted for accuracy to within 1 percent if used within
  _ the capacity of the valve. This metering or regulating device
  must be checked and adjusted according to instructions and
  charts furnished by the manufacturer, assuring that the correct
  amount of nitrogen is applied per acre.
  The charts show the pressure settings for the gauge or regu-
  lator for the out ut 0 enin s for various rates of a lication of
  . .
  ammonia per 100 feet of travel, or per acre for different numbers
  and sizes of openings, width of implement, and different tractor
  speeds in miles per hour. The regulator can be set in the morning
MM according to the charts and will not have to be reset during the
""lh °" day, regardless of the tank pressure.
` The second type of metering device is a plunger-type pump
lp md provided with an adjustment for varying the length of stroke
apply to vary the amount of ammonia discharged per acre. (See Fig. 1.)
aler0T    . ‘ t ”?   l  
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m Filler valve _" » —_ `jMeTering device. A l `;· ‘_  
H10] ¤ · ` . · -` » f
H . $¤ferg_ valve   __ _ _ — . Vap-or return valve _
Pressure gouge ‘ ` Bleedev valve . ·
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ket that  g` . ~
· · -— supply tcnk equipped with un uutomuhcully controlled metering device.

   10 5
    This metering device has the advantage that the speed of the  
l l tractor does not affect the amount of ammonia applied per acre,
l and the How of ammonia is automatically stopped when the trac-
` , — tor stops. The pump is equipped with a heat exchanger to prevent S ~
[ the liquid ammonia from vaporizing in the pump. As a small
  amount of wear around the plunger rod or leaky valves in the
l pump will cause this unit to become inaccurate, the pump should  
‘ be repaired before the start of each season.  
` T Types of Applicator Chisels or Blades  
  The applicators for placing the anhydrous ammonia in the  
l soil at a depth of not less than 4 inches are classified as follows:  
(1) Spring tine, the spring being part of drag bar (Fig. 4).  
* (2) Spring trip, a com ression type of spring mounted in a cylinder to allow
l chisel to rise out of) ground if a rock is struck (Fig. 5).
L (3) Spring trip a plicator equipped with a lain blade or cutaway rolling coulter
mounted in fiont of chisel and wheel fiirrow sealer (Fig. 5). `   .
. The applicators are so mounted that their number and the  
L space between them can be changed. Some outfits are designed F,g_
T to use as many as eight applicators, depending on spacing desired. ml
Sealing Devices mm
Because the ammonia is placed in the soil as a gas, and must
be sealed in to prevent its being lost to the air under certain soil
conditions, a sealer is needed. . O']
When applying anhydrous ammonia in sod, the wheel OY nu
sliding sealing device should be used. Either one may be attaclwfl tm
to the rear of the applicator shank. US'
In cultivated land, a cultivator shovel or disc hiller can be
used. They should be set MZ the depth of the applicator blzldtr lm
and so placed that the dirt will be crowded against the blade to to
completely seal in the ammonia. fel
Under favorable soil conditions, the soil closes readily on the ll']
applicator blade and the ammonia combines with the clay PW tm
ticles and moisture so rapidly that a sealing device is notre-
quired. It is easy to tell when anhydrous ammonia is escaping.
for if it is escaping a white vapor will be seen rising at the 1'€i“' ml
of the applicator from the cut in the soil.

V . `»·>~··"   .,~.     .  ~·
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in the   Y    ,Q»·¤;;,.. i L.  ¤      °·-». y   ».,‘‘   ii?   
to allow ( _   1 gi    _iQ . f ° ‘ _ ·_   ·.., io   i . { i . . .
“ ·   Y   Y c     I];   l.~» ._  €.;   ~»·» ~
g °°“l“” e     ..¢;i   ».·=l .       · ·  
  .l»· ’ Y -   .     Y .  
nd the     .`..¢ ...   — — —· V   —i “ 5*%
asigned Fig. 4.- Details of a spring tine, the Fig. 5.—A spring-tip mounted applicator
1€Sh·€d_ mounting of the applicator or chisel, and equipped with a cutaway disc and ¤
_ the hose and discharge nozzle for con- wheel for sealing furrow opening.
ducting the ammonia from tank to bot-
tom of furrow.
ld mligf Size of Tractor Required
am soil Tilt? £lDlOUI]t of pOW€1` O1' size of t1‘3,CtO1' I‘€ql1il`€d to Op€1`E1t€ ‘
4 one of these distributors depends upon the soil conditions, the·
hee] Oy Humber of applicator chisels used, and the depth applied. Trac-
ttached l0I`S having a rating of 25 to 35 belt-horsepower are commonly
_ used.
can be The trailer type can be hitched to any tractor of the correcti
. dc liorsepower. The tractor-mounted t e re uires the manufacturer
L 3 » Y q
ilade to to furnish special equipment for mounting the machine on dif--
ferent makes and models of tractors. Most distributors of this
. OH the lYP€ of Gquipment are glad to give farmers the necessary instruc-·
lay pai- tions for mounting and operating their machines.
not re- . _ _
mping Safety and Operation Precautions
Ehe rem. During the past three years, large quantities of anhydrous am-
monia have been safely handled by men who had no previous

 t { A
{ 12
  = { experience in handling it. However, there are certain safety reg-
{ { ulations or precautions that must be followed in storing, trans-
t { ] porting, and applying it. The distributor of the anhydrous am-
{ monia should be able to give you the information you will need.
{ A One should not be careless about handling anhydrous am-.  
{ A monia because it can have very disagreeable reactions, causing;
{ irritation of the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs. High concen-
{ { trations may burn, blind, strangle, or cause death. Ammonia
{ vapors will kill germinating seeds and leaves on direct contact.
Do not leave the valves on the transport tank or field appli-
l cator tank open to outside air, and do not Hll tank with water,
{ propane gas, or any material other than anhydrous ammonia.
{ Between seasons, keep a small amount of ammonia in the tanks. _
When setting the metering devices, be sure that you follow the
{ instructions furnished by the manufacturer and use the correct
{ tables for the size of nozzles you have on your machine. ~
L When operating the machine, check the gauges on the tank _
and applicator nozzles frequently to see if the applicator is apply-
¤ ing the anhydrous ammonia correctly. .
{   Q.
{ Costs Involved  
A farmer can lease equipment, buy his own equipment, or .
arrange for a custom operator to apply anhydrous ammonia f01‘ si, 
him. Charges made by custom applicators are generally based    
on a fixed fee per acre (varies with acreage covered) plus the  
price of the anhydrous ammonia. fg;
Farmers are becoming increasingly interested in the use of t  
anhydrous ammonia for fertilizer. About 700 tons were used in   H 
Kentucky last year. The Experiment Station staff has not been , 
in a position to gather any cost data from farmers. Farmers, there-
fore, should contact local commercial operators regarding cost
of ammonia and of applying it.
By using the information on page 4 of this publication and
local prices, the cost of nitrogen in the different nitrogen fertiliz-
ers can be calculated.
References (mpi
Anhydrous Ammonia as a Source of Nitrogen, Miss. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 482.
Anhydrous Ammonia Equipment, La. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 462.