xt74tm71w848 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71w848/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-02-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 1940 1940 1940-02-27 2013 true xt74tm71w848 section xt74tm71w848 The Kentucky ECernel

The World
Whirls On





Recent events in Europe are
pointing more and more definitely
to coming climax of World War II.
Spring will be there soon. Armies
re coming out of their coocoons of
Inactivity and are beginning to


again. Balkan
have rushed war preparations all
through the winter. By the end of
the month, practically every nation
In Europe will have its army mobilized to the utmost, Diplomats are
rushing from capital to capital in
Tension grows by the hour. Everyone senses the fact that the war is
destined to spread when warm
weather arrives.
Things Are Happening
Already, things are happening
which indicate what the next few
weeks may bring. The Rumanian
situation is growing worse. Nazi
Propaganda Minister Goebbels has
trained his guns of abuse on King
v Carol for nearly a month. Concentrating on Rumania's northern border are the famous German "flying
squadrons" of mechanized infantry.
Hitler's legions are poised to strike
as soon as the Rumanian spring
wheat is harvested maybe before
last-minu- te




Turkey' Pledge
Thousands of English troops are
stationed at nearby Suez in temporary camps, ready to move instantly.
If Russia decides to join the Nazis
In a push into the Balkans, Turkey
has pledged herself to the Franco-Britibloc to launch an attack on
the Soviets from the south.
The Balkan region seems to be
the logical theater of the next stage
of the war, but last week something
happened which led observers to believe that the scene of action may,
Instead, shift far to the north.
Several miles off the coast of
Russia, not far from the famous
port of Murmansk, several British
warships were sighted. The admiralty explained that they were there




Religious Emphasis Meet
Will Open At Noon Today
Conference Conducted



NYA's Fugett



Work Of Many Artists
Will Be Included
In Collection

At Luncheon

An exhibition of sporting prints
from the collection of John E.
Madden, owner of Hamburg Place
and collector and student of the;
arts, was announced yesterday by
the Union forum committee. Mr.
Madden will start hanging the

prints Thursday and Friday and
the first public showing of them
will be held in the Music room
Saturday, March 2.
Mr. Madden has also accepted an
invitation from the forum committee to give an illustrated talk on
"Highlights and Transition Periods
in Sporting Prints," to students and
interested townspeople at 4 pm.
Thursday, March 7, in the Music

. . . Religion and Economics" will be her topic . . .


Artists whose works will be shown
include Blake, Pollard, Shayer, Aiken, Sr., Aiken Jr., Dean Wolsten-holm- e,
the elder. Dean Wolsten-holm- e,
Jr., William and Henry
Barrard, Rowlandson and Cruik-shank.

Describing himself as "an amateur collector and art dabbler in
general" Mr. Madden is a graduate
of Princeton university. His special
interests for collections are oils,
to Intercept any German steamers
prints, a library of first editions,
that attempted to trade with the
and antique oriental rugs.
Soviets by this northern route. An2
During the week preceding the
other reason, observers believed, was
talk Mr. Madden's prints will be
p.m.; Sunshown on Saturday,
that the battleships had been carryLieut.-Co- l.
Howard Donnelly to day
ing supplies to Finland.
and Monday, Tuesday, and
day issued a call for al lsorority and Wednesday, 6 p.m.
The English and the French, obindependent women wishing to try
servers say, are beginning to give
for positions as sponsors of the var
Finland all possible aid against the
ious University ROTC units.
Russians because of rumors which
Thirteen women will be elected
seeped into London and Paris reby advanced course ROTC students
cently. As the rumors go, informers
to fill the honorary offices. There
said. Russia plans to push through
will be one honorary colonel, regi
before spring, take Sweden
mental sponsor, three honorary
quickly, and then preand Norway
lieutenant colonels, battalion spon
pare to join Germany in an attack
sor, and nine honorary captains to
on the British Isles themselves a
act as company sponsors.
feat which hasnt been
Thursday in the cafeteria and the ' Aspirants must be of good aca
plished for nearly 800 years. With three final seminars, a memberthey will be
bases in Norway and in nearby Ger- ship dinner will be given at 6:30 demic standing before
many, the almost defenseless coasts p.m. in the football room. The prin- allowed to compete. Each and the
may name three nominees
Of England would be highly vulnerThe Federal Communications
cipal speaker will be Doctor Tuck- Independents will be allowed six
er, who will discuss "Can the Chris-tai- n entries. Sponsors of Scabbard and Commission has granted the Uni
Faith Hold Any Authority for Blade and Pershing Rifles units are versity a permit to construct a new
educational broad- BRCSSELS, Belgium An official the Intelligent Man? Anna Jane not eligible, but will be given special
report from the government of the McChesney, general YW chairman. honorary positions on the regimental casting station at Beattyville, in
Lee county, Elmer G. 8ulzer, direc
Netherlands disclosed that Dutch will preside.
Wednesday morning Doctor Tuck
All entries must be placed in tor of the University radio studios,
border defense planes had fired on
a German warpLane which attempt- er will address Transylvania stu- Colonel Donnelly's office before announced Wednesday.
ed to cross the frontier zone and dents at a chapel meeting and Pit March 2. Election will be held on The new transmitter, provided by
WHAS, will probably be installed
take pictures of the little country's kin club members at noon in Max March 6.
within the next two weeks, and,
fortifications. The Nasi plane was well Street Presbyterian church. At
after several weeks of experimental
driven back, but Queen Wilhelmana's 5 pjn., President and Mrs. McVey
a regular schedule
government office announced that will entertain conference partici
will be put into effect.
the matter would not be forgotten. pants with a tea at Maxwell place.
Mr. Sulzer said that broadcasts
that a full explanation would be Fraternity and sorority dinner
from the new station will be on an
demanded of the German chancel- talks have been arranged for the
Discussion on a report submitted
lor. This is the first incident of conference. Tentative schedule for yesterday to the arts and sciences ultra high frequency band such as
actual hostility to take place on tonight lists Dr. J. Huntly Dupre college faculty by the committee on has never been tried in mountain
topography, and that radio author!'
border, al- at Kappa Sigma; the Reverend
improvement of teaching was
ties will be watching the results
though the armies of both coontires Anderson, Chi Omega; and Miss the
continued to a special meeting to with much interest.
have been facing each other across Fugett, Alpha Xi Delta.
be called at an early date. Dr. Paul
the line for over two months.
It was said that the University
On Wednesday night Bart Peak P. Boyd, dean of the college, said
will furnish between 50 and 60 mounHELSINKI After a month of the will address Alpha Gamma Delta; last night.
county with
tain schools
fiercest fighting since the battle of Dr. Ernest N. Fergus, Zeta Tau
The report provides for the set- receivers, and in Lee
the county board of
Verdun, the Finnish army still held Alpha; Doctor Tucker, Sigma Alpha ting up of faculty "policy" commitits positions around Viipuri, the Epsilon; the Reverend Anderson, tees, one in each department and education there will provide the opsecond largest city in the country. Kappa Delta; the Reverend Stroth- one for the arts and sciences col- erating personnel for the station.
This 100 watt station will be the
General Mannerheim's troops have er, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Miss lege. The purpose of the former
nearly 100,000 Soviet Fugett, Delta Delta Delta; Prof. group shall be to "organize depart- third which has taken advantage
troops in the fighting a? far, but John Kuiper, Alpha Gamma Rho; mental programs and policy," and of the modulated chanels set aside
they are said to be weakening be Dr. Lyle Croft, PI Kappa Alpha; the latter board Is intended to for non - commercial educational
tactics of the and Dr. T. D. Clark, Kappa Alpha. "study problems of the college as a broadcast purposes. The others using
fore the steam-rollthese frequencies are WBOE, opBeds. Late press releat.es state the
At present only one dinner meetwhole."
erated by the Cleveland board of
Finns are failing back to their List ing is scheduled for Thrsday night
education, and WNYE, by the New
line of defense.
when the Reverend Anderson will
York board of education.
speak to Phi Kappa Tau. ArrangeA tentative outline for broadcasts
ments have not yet been made for
Co-Ed- it
to begin about July 1 shows that
meetings at the other social organduring the county school year the
James Caldwell, arts and sciences station will be on the air two hours
junior, and Susan Jackson, arts and a day, five days a week. This two
sciences senior, were chosen
hour broadcast will be made up of
itors of the 1940 K book, official a 45 minute rebroadcast from the
freshman handbook published an- University studios at Lexington on
nually by the YM and YW. Caldwell education and agriculture; 15 min' Should fraternities and sororities
Plans for YW senior meetings, succeeds Jim Howell, who with Miss utes of news; 15 minutes of agrihave HeU Week?"
complete through May 1, have beefl Jackson edited last year's publicaculture news; The Lee County Family, a civic betterment program;
Miss Doris Seward, tion.
Jim SUpp, A & S junior "Yes, announced by No
YW secretary.
William Karraker, commerce jun- and a 30 minute program for
but it should not interfere with been scheduled forsenior forum has
next week, due ior, and Lida Belle Howe, arts and schools
Ciass work. It should be more of a to campus
Religious Emphasis week sciences sophomore, were selected
to succeed Morry Holcomb and
Lillian Gaines Webb, Grad "No.
The schedule
as business man
Initiation should be serious, and program March 6;includes Cross radio Frances-Hanna- h
since Hell Week comes the week be aster Work," Miss
J. W. Abbott, C. C. Brown, T. R.
Betty Smallwood,
fore, it gives initiates the wrong March 13; a
Bryant Jr., Logan Oaldwell, Clyde
music program March
Calvert, Billy Green, Andrew Gyo-ke- r,
20; an exhibit of candid camera
J. D. DavU, Commerce senior
R. H. Hays, Plummer Jones,
photographs by Bill Rodman, MarCIi
"No. It interferes with class-worGraduate students may take George Lane, J. W. Little, H. G.
27; piano
by Nancye Moh- French examinations of reading Malone, W. D. Maxedon, George
and there are always actives who ney, April recital
3; "History of our Camwould take advantage of it."
pus," Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, knowledge for a master's degree Perry, Walter Reid, and W. P. WilStanley Carter, A & S freshman
Saturday morning in the romance
April 10; "I
Germany," languages department. Prof. Hobart son, members of the University
"If they're crazy enough to get in George Chase,Lived In 24;
Rifle team are requested by Lt. CoL
and a Ryland announced today.
a fraternity they ought to expect May Day picnic. May 1.
Donnelly to report at once to Dr.
something like that."
W. D. Funkhouser's office, Natural
Jones, Education senior
Ouida K.
Science building, to sign eligibility
"No. When carried to
for participation in
dangerous. This
Hell Week becomes
Southeastern conference compett
keep away students who
otherwise would be interested in
fraternities and sororities."
Maurice Mitchell, sensational
Cue-Sta- rs
freshman marksman, outshot the
A meeting of all Independveteran Indianians to take individent men and women will be
ual honors Saturday afternoon in
held at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday,
the first
in Y rooms of the Union. OfAdditional names of contributors on the new armory range.
Houston Curtis, Bill Davis, Bill
ficers of the association urged
to the recent campus Community
Penick, John Kurachek, John Fu
Mitchell, scoring a 372 out of 400,
that all Independents attend
Chest drive announced by chairman nosed out Friertag of Indiana whose
dold, Leslie Allison and John John
the meeting which is being
C. P. Johnson follow: Pershing Riston will comprise the team to repperfect score from a sitting position
held for the election of new
fles, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Alpha, gave him a 371. The Indiana team
resent the University in the Naofficers.
Kappa Sigma, Chi Delta Phi, Dairy score, however, was 1846, while the
tional Intercollegiate Pocket Bilclub, and Poultry club.
Kentucklans scored only 1793.
liard tournament tonight.


Entries Must Be Filed
Before March

1- -5

3-- 6;


Station To Be Erected
In Lee County

Committee Set Up
At Faculty Meeting



Caldwell, Jackson
K Book

What They Think

YW Seniors Make


Semester's Plans


Riflemen To Report


Shooting Honors
Won By Mitchell

Contributors Listed




Men, Women
Will Meet


For Tonight's Meet



Seniors Asked
To File
March 4



The second annual religious emphasis conference conducted on the
campus by the YM and YW will
open today with faculty and eco
nomic group luncheons at noon in
the Union building.
Dr. Robert L. Tucker, pastor of
Indianola Methodist church, Columbus, Ohio will speak at the faculty
luncheon in the football room.
President Frank I McVey will pre
side. Leader of the economic group
discussion in the cafeteria will be
Miss Martha Fugett, state super
visor of the NY A personnel division
and formerly president of the University YW.
Purpose of the conclave is to clarify the role that religion is to play
in our modern life with prophetic
emphasis on the meaning of Chris
tian religion.
During the three-da- y
daily seminars will be held from 4
to S pm. in the Union building. The
Rev. Olaf Anderson, pastor of the
Lebanon Presbyterian church, will
discuss "Religion and Peace" in
Room 204; Miss Fugett, "Religion
and Economics,' Room 205; and the
Rev. Bruce Strother, assistant pastor of the First Methodist church,
Lexington, "Religion and the Community," Room 206. Robert Sprag-en- s,
Llda Belle Howe and William
Karraker are student chairmen of
the seminars.
The first of two evening convocations in Memorial hall will be
held at 8 pm. today when Doctor
Tucker will speak on "How Much
Responsibility Do We Have For
Others?" Barbara MacVey, YW
president, will preside.
Doctor Tucker will also speak at
Wednesday night's convocation on
the topic, "The Unifying Power of
a Great Loyalty for a Distraught
Age." Thomson R. Bryant, YM
president, will preside.
After an evaluation for leaders
and student chairmen at noon




Seniors who entered the
second semester and who expect to complete their work
for graduation, either in June
or in August, and who have
not made application for degrees, are requested by the
registrar's office to do so on
Monday, March 4. This applies
also to graduate degrees.
Applications should be filed
in Room 9, Administration
building. As commencement
lists are made from these
cards, it is very important to
file an application at this
time, Leo M. Chamberlain,
registrar, announced.

10 Fraternities Agree To Take
The 'Hell' Away From Hell Week




Students, Townsmen
To Share Honors
"Our Town," Thornon Wilder's
Pulitzer Prize play, will be present
ed the week of March 11 at Guig- nol theater. The complete cast of
30 people will include 15 students
and 15 townspeople.
The cast follows: students: Stage
Manager, J. B. Faulconer; George
Gibbs, Douglas Dick; Mrs. Webb,
Margaret Cohen; Wally Webb,
Claude Trapp; Constable Warren,
Grant Lewis; Howie Newsome, Bob
Allphin; Joe Crowell, Wayne Howell; Si Crowell, Keith Lewis; Prof.
Willard, Bruce Shepherd; Sam Craig,
Jay Haselwood; Joe Stoddard, John
Lynn; Hank Carter, Howard Price;
Lishe Manion, Clifford Thompson;
Fred Stamper, Billy Hearin; and
Sewell Wither, Bill Martin.
Townspeople: Mrs. Gibbs, Dorothy Dyer Rodes; Dr. Gibbs, Archie
Beard; Mr. Webb J. R. Fritsch;
Emily Webb, Catherine Taylor;
Mrs. Soames, Lillian Lowry; Mrs.
Hamilton Cole, Ann Gray; Mrs.
Eustice Winne, Mrs. J. W. Brooks;
Miss Abbie Hancock, Sara Shelby
Dunn; Flossie Smud, Mildred Mas
tin; Constance Angell, Hazel Maiden; Farmer McCarthy, James Grant.
The choir, under the direction of
Jesse Mountjoy as Simon Stinson,
will be composed of Betty Dunn,
Harriet Abraham, Katherine Taylor,
Mary Mulligan, Ruth Bray, Aletha
Henderson, Mildred Ann Payne, and
Ada Perkins, with Nancye Mohney
as the organist.
The production will be under the
direction of Professor Frank Fowler, with Jean Cummins and Frances
Bowton as assistants.

Rainey Will Enter
Semi-Fin- al


Cats Draw Seeded Spot,
Bye In Cage Conference

All Groups To Abide

Kentucky Will Start
Defense Thursday


Period Starts Sunday,
To End Next Week

At 9:30 p.m.


In a vote of loop coaches, Ken
tucky, defending champion, Ala
bama, Tennessee, and the Univer
sity of Georgia were selected as the
four seeded teams in the seventh
annual Southeastern conference basketball tournament which opens
Thursday morning In Knoxville.
The Cats also- received a first
round bye that automatically shoves
them into round two against the
winner of the Vanderbilt-Missteslp-State game.
Seeding of Kentucky came as a
distinct surprise since the Cats fin
ished their conferene season In
tie for sixth place with four wins
and as many losses. However, in
view of Kentucky's monopoly of the
tournament in the past and its role
as defending titllst, a favored spot
was awarded Coach Adolph Rupp's
battered Wldlcats.
With every sign pointing to
wide open affair, every team in the
conference with the exception of
meek Sewanee, winless this season,
decided to compete for the cup.
Other than Kentucky, Alabama,
Florida and Mississippi came in for
a share of the luck with first round
byes. This year seeded teams did
not as was the case In previous
tourneys, receive byes, but the automatic advancements were drawn
from a hat.
Kentucky Is slated to make its
initial appearance at 9:30 Thursday night against either Vanderbilt
or Mississippi State who tangle at
2:30 that afternoon. In the same
bracket wth the Cats, Georgia Tech
will face the powerful Vols of Tennessee with the winner meeting
The top bracket finds Alabama
taking the floor against the winner
8. U. brawl, the
of the Tulane-opening game of the eliminations,
and Mississippi encountering the
survivor of the Auburn-Georgclash.
In its own bracket, the Cats lost
to Vanderbilt early in the year by
but Saturday night spanked
the Commodores by a 8 margin. Kentucky trimmed Mississippi
but lost to Georgia
State by 45-Tech,






44-3- 9.

Nash Replaces Lowry
As Council President

Crit Lowry, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
resigned last week as president of
Winners Of Orchestra Posts the Interfraternity council. Bob
Nash, also of Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Will Tour South America
will fill out his unexpired term.
With Stokowski
Mark Cochrane, Alpha Sigma
Phi, will assume the secretarial ofSam Rainey, senior music major, fice vacated by Alpha Sig Oscar
was chosen at eliminations in Louis- Corbln, who resigned at the same
ville to compete in the semi-fintime.
contest for the selection of members
Lowry said that he resigned befor the
Youth Sym- cause he did not have sufficient
phony orchestra which will tour time to devote to the presidency.
South America this summer under Election of new officers will be
the direction of Leopold Stokowski. held sometime next month.
In the
each contestant will be required to play from
memory a solo of his own choice
and to read at sight an orchestrated
number selected by the committee.
will be held in
in Louisville and will be be
Afternoon Interlude, a
tween Kentucky
and Tennessee.
Union broadcast of campus news
The final contest, which will be and features, will present the first
held in Louisvile on April 1, will of a series of medleys by student
be attended by Stokowski.
composers during the program from
Other contestants from the Uni- 3 to 3:15 p. m. Wednesday.
"I'm a Hog About You," by Betty
John McFarland,
French horn; Perry Adams, oboe; Wells Roberts, arts and sciences
and James Trice, bassoon. All are sophomore, will be played on tomembers of the band and orchestra morrow's broadcast.
new feature of the
Dr. Alexander Capurso, executive broadcast will be a three-minuhead of the music department, was digest of campus gossip, which will
a member of the executive com- be gathered by Jane Meyers, arts
and sciences freshman..
mittee of the contest. .


New Features Added
To Union Programs




Star-Gazin- g


To Be Permitted

For Astronomic Phenomenon

Will Meet
The legislature of the Student Government association
will meet at 5 p. m., Wednesday in room 204 of the Union. Bill Duty, president of
the student body, announced


First Term To Open
June 17
Two terms of five weeks eacli
will be held during the coming
Summer Session at the University.
The first will open June 17 and close
July 20 and the second will . run
from July 22 to August 24, according to an announcement in the
Summer Session News.
The bulletin, edited by Dr. Jesse
E. Adams, director of the Summer
Session, has recently been released
and sent to 20,000 Kentucky teachers and former summer school stu-

By Interfraternity
Council Rules

Ten University fraternities told
The Kernel yesterday their chapters would hold no HeU Weeks this
year. Those seven which intend to
continue the practice will be under
strict supervision by the Interfraternity council, a spokesman for that
group said last night.




they have discontinued the hazing
period are: Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Sigma Phi. Delta Chi. Delta
Tau Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi
Kappa Alpha, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and
Sigma Nu.
The seven retaining Hell Week
announced they would hold the.r
activities during the remainder of
this week or the early part of next.
All seven have voiced willingness,

through their Interfraternity


cil representatives, to abide by the
council's rules, which were adopted

last April
Kappa Alpha began its observance Sunday night, pledges wearing the chapter's traditional spats
wing collars, derby hats and monocles, and carrying walking sticks
during the period.
Phi Delta Theta began last night.
An active told The Kernel the Phi
Delt's customary pledge "uniform"
has been abolished and that initiates will be required to wear nothing more extraordinary than their
best suits and red neckties.
Phi Kappa Tau members said
Although several of the state their week will begin tonight, with
teachers' colleges have changed pledges wearing no "unusual cloththeir curriculum to hold one sum- ing" other than the fraternities
mer term of eight weeks, the Uni- "traditional gunny -- sack underversity will continue to offer the two wear."
Kappa Sigmas say they will start
shorter terms. Summer Session offithe initiAion period sometime
cials said.
Highlighters among the visiting Wednesday, with hazing "confined
faculty will be Dr. Edwin A. Lee. entirely to the chapter house."
Sigma Alpha Epsilon will begin
professor of education at Teachers'

March 1; Alpha Gamma
March 3; Triangles, as yet undecided on the date.
A committee
composed of officers of the Interfraternity rounril
will make nightly inspections of the
various fraternity homes during
HeU Week to see that the regulations are being enforced.
When questioned as to his views
ucational administration.
on the
Carl O. Snavely, head football of Men HellT.Week situation. Dean
Jones said yesterday
coach at Cornell university, will be that
he had sent letters
the featured visiting staff member tion to all the fraternity of instruc
for the annual Coaching School to about 10 days ago. instructing them
oe neid for football and basketball to "observe strcitly"
the council s
coaches August
"Last year's Hell Week." he added, "brought down much facility
criticism upon fraternities as a
Dean Jones also emphasised the fact that practically a.l
of the national fraternity councils
Varied Program Is Slated have passed resolutions against the
observance of the custom.
For Music Koom

college, Columbia university, who
will teach a course entitled, "Seminar in Education"; Dr. N. L. Engle-hard- t,
also of Teachers' college, who
will be a leader of a clinic in educational administration; and Linley
H. Dennis, executive secretary of
the American Vocational association, who will teach a course In ed-

12-1- 7.

Student Committee
To Present Recital
At 5 p. m.


A student recital of vocal
instrumental numbers will be presented by the student leadership
committee of the music department
at 5 p. m. today in the music room
of the Union building.
The program follows:


I'The Silent Strings- - .. Granville Bantock
Shurtnin Bread"
Jacques Wolie
Male Octet
Robert Farrls. 1st tenor : Harry
1st tenor : Jlci'oy
Sml tenor : John Orndorff. 2ud Crai :
Donald Pluniby. 1st bass; Clayton
Robinson, 1st bass ; Robert Hardes-ty- .
2nd bass ; Meriel Harris. Ind
bass ; Donald Galloway, student di-



Two Duets
Andantino and Rondo
Harold Kats and Frank ilainous


Quintet lor Wiodwinds
"Sailor's Hornpipe'"
"Minuet" from "1,'Arlesienn
Flute. Grace Oliver: Oboe, Perry
Adams ; Clarinet, William Lipscomb :
Horn, Harry Zimmerman ; Bassoon,

James Trice.


"The Shepherdess" ... Hugh S. Robertnn
"Gay Young Jack" ... Finnish Folk Song
Women's Sextet
Beatrice Pigi;. 1st soprano; Helen
Burks. 1st soprano: Lucille Haney,
Virginia Williamson,
2nd soprano
2nd soprano ; Margaret Ann Khodes,
alto: ouida K. Jones, alto: Ruth Clay
Palmer, director.

Women's Administrative
6 p. m.. Room 127.
Application committee. 5 p. m..
Room 127.
Baptist Student union,
p. m.. Room 205.
Agriculture Ecnomics seminary.
6:30 p. m.. Room 9.
Sweater Session, 6 p. m . Blue-graroom. Music by Elmer McCord
and his orchestra.
Afternoon Interlude,
p. m..
throughout building.
Modem Music concert, 3:30-- 4 p.
m.. Music room.
Popular recordings of Artie Shaw





and his orchestra.

Officers Reserve corps, 6.30 p. m..
Room 9.
University or Chicago club, 6:30
p. m.. Rooms 23a and b.
p. m..
Student Swmdards
Room 127.
Music committee, 5 p. m.. Room

of planets
A rare configuration
will be visible in the western sky
during the last week of February
and the first week of March, according to Doctor H. H. Downing, professor of mathematics, in charge of
astronomy at the University.
Six of the major planets, starting
with the closest. Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus
will be lined up in an extremely
rare astronomical figure which is
practically a straight line. Mercury
may be seen, for an hour after sunset, for a week before and a week
after February 28. This planet will
be followed in the line by Jupiter,
Venus, Saturn, Mars, and Uranus.
Uranus will not be seen with the
naked eye however.

Although some sunspots now are
visible with the aid of smoked glasses, records show that the greatest
sunspot period was during the
month of July, 1937. Two large
spots accompanied by from 6 to 8
smaller ones have passed across the
disk of the sun during the past two
Bad weather usually follows an
increase of sunspots. On the average maximum sunspot periods occur every 11 and one half years.
These sunspots are accompanied by
magnetic conditions.
The observatory will be opened
between 7 and 8:30 p m. on Mondays
and the public is invited to view this
astronomic phenomenon. Dr. Downing stated.

Gun Parts Missing

Alpha Sigma Phi,
p. m..
Room 127.
Afternoon Interlude, 3:3:15 p. m..
throughout building.

The return of the machine gun
parts stolen at the Military ball
two weeks ago, or any information
Music department,
p. m.,
as to their whereabouts, will be
strictly confidential. Feller Ramsey, Music room.
Coffee hour, 4 p. m Music room.
captain of Scabbard and Blade, announces. The parts may be returned Speaker Charles Staples.
College entertainment night. 7:3C-1to Ramsey or the Kernel office.
p. m., Bluegrass room. Engineers' night.
Bridge lessons planned for this
tune each week, will not be given
Dr. Charles F. Krewson. instruc-- t
this semester because of lack of
o r in the chemistry
department, has received his doctor's de- student interest, John Conrad,
chairman of the Activities commie -gree from the University of Wiscontee, announced.
sin after completing a thesis
dealing with major problems, four
Lamp and Cross. 4 30 p ra.
two in plant Room 305.
(Continued on Page Four)


� lilt
ing and dairying, studying economics, historv.
sociology, music, and were finding themselves as
leaders and roopcrators in an increasingly
As the Courier-Journa- l
suggests, it is not prathai an agricultural Kent tick v ape blindlv
the Danish idea, or even the Wisconsin idea.
"Rut the notion that we might possibly for
very little money open tip next' vistas of learning, and of simple, earthy culture, for our farm




Entered at the Port Offlc it Lexington. Ketitneky,
matter under the Act of March 1, 1679.



KenttirtT Intercollegiate Pre.ia Aftaortatlon
Lexington Board of Commerce


National Advertising Service, Inc.





HDIMM tvr.




One eemexter





R N i.


we do agree war is futile, etc.
Come, Mr. Editor. I admit

All I Said Was

"It Sure Is Different"

l.ons T. Ici.fhakt







"Hell Week"
h i ilcaN;nii to record thai ol the I" Greek- lciior fraternities of the University of Kenturkv.
ocn hae decided to abolish "Hell Week."
1 he custom of having freshmen has never
served anv purpose oiher than to inflate "he
I'oo of uppen lassmen and to satisfy a primitive
appetite for the spectacle of humiliation. Except
in rare cases, if in any at all, it has no value as
discipline. ihMigh it is soiwetimes defended on








We ate lunch in the I'nion grill Friday. We
donji think we'll eat there anv more, and we'll
tell vou whv.
It's loo collegiate for us.
We were just settling down waiting for our
hamburger when "Wham!" a paperwad splattered inio the wall alongside our head.
"Those hoomerous college bovs," we thought,
preparing to accept the situation calmly.
wad landed, not so
"Wham." another hard-pu- t
well placed we admit, but nevertheless sinister
We stood it out until the boy brought our
hamburger. By this lime the barrage had reached
Mannerheim-linproportions. Paperwads were
flving in all directions. By clever maneuvering
we managed to escape unscathed to the comparative safeiv of the cafeteria.
The management didn't seem to mind paper-washooting. Of course ihev do want collegiate
However, we don't think we'll cat there anv
nunc. We're sure the management wouldn't want
an old fogey like us marring the collegiate atmosphere of those "hoomerous college bovs."

ihis ground.
As a show lor the eniertainment of the public,
linallx. ii arouses at best an amused tolerance for
out Id ul excesses: at worst, it fills onl