xt74tm71vw2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71vw2h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1974 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 44, 1974 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 44, 1974 1974 1974 2012 true xt74tm71vw2h section xt74tm71vw2h   @¢ EUZZ/6)% Q/Wzzmizzm  
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There were three major business items on the agenda for the january Board of Directors meeting. The results l
of recent voting for new board members were announced. Elected to three year terms were George Atkins, District 1; I
Earl VVilson, District 2; john C, Nichols and _james Stuckert, District 3; Gentry McCauley, District 4; 1\/Iartha Kes- _
singer, _john C. Owens and \iVilliam L. Rouse, District 5; Cecil D. Bell, District 6; Charles Harris, District 7; Lowell
Hughes, District 8; Frank Davidson, District 10; M'. C. Edmonds, District ll; LeRuth _jones, District 12; Ann Arnold,
District 13; joe Holland, District 14; \N’il1iam McClain, District 15; and Sammie Guy, District 16, A tie in the voting
in District 9 was broken by the toss of a coin. Serving as the elected representative will be Cawood Smith. The other
contestant, Phil Mclntosh, has been appointed to the board as a inember-at—1arge by President Charles Landrum, jr.
Newly elected oliicers of the UK Alumni Association for 1974 are Charles Landrum, jr., president; George Atkins,
vice·president; jay Brumheld, secretary, and jane Morris, treasurer.
The by—laws were changed to allow constituent college alumni groups such as those in the Colleges of Law, Phar-
macy, Nursing, Home Economics, to operate through the central UK Alumni Association. By joining the UK
Alumni Association and one or two constituent groups, an alunmus will be able to have full privileges of the Na-
tional alumni association and the constituent organizations will be able to use the records, mailing arrangements
and physical facilities of the alumni house for their activities.
Committee reports and announcements included these items of interest:
• Life memberships have increased significantly in recent month;
• A satisfactory number of members of the class of ’72 are joining the Association in follow-up to their year’s
free membership;
• Alumni exceeded the challenge of james S. Hudnall by contributing more than $340,000 to the 1973 Annual-
Giving Campaign, an $80,000 increase over 1972;
• Proposed alumni tours for 1974 include the February trip to Australia, New Zealand and Tahiti; an August
trip to Zurich and Geneva, Switzerland; a September trip to Bavaria departing from Pittsburg, and a November trip
to London, to London and Moscow or to London and Lenniugrad.
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.  ·~ _ .   . {       . ‘— ~   board members was at-  
V · {  ‘    .   ·—,»~~~   { ’ ` _ .- tended by LeRuth jones,  
 _ [ _ e   ____ W`. ___,_   VV V VV ‘—    " V V Atlanta, GA; joe Hol- l
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    \   " i Q ii , if A V  - Charles Landrum, jr,
it   _   _*V_ I     `* V sv (president), Lexington;
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_   Liz Howard Demoran '68
ri am Em
  #ee7@2 or y zrmmzs    
V Ken Goacl
    ]ohn Mitchell _ 
i Volume F0rty»four, Number Two Sp]-jug 1974 Bill WEUS
il   Greg Yopp
THE KENTUCKY ALUMNUS is published four times each year by the University of Ad”i·“"8· Graphic DeSlg”e'$
Kentucky Alumni Association, 400 Rose Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Opinions Chick R¤e¢·‘S<>¤ `
. expressed in the ALUMNUS are not necessarily those of the University of Kentucky or   Swift —
the Alumni Association. Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. A member Sklp Taylm
institution of the joint Alumni Council of Kentucky and the American Alumni Council. Prmting j
University of Kentucky  
• Department of Printing . 
Y .
crass Norizs  
Profile:   MILTON RUSH  
ON THE COVER are the l970 Hall of Distinguished Alumni inductees. Front cover, top row, A.D. Kirwan,
Harrison Brailsford, Harry Sparks, C.O. Landrum; row 2, David Scott,   Nutter, james Little; bottom row,
Virgil Couch, George Akin and G. Reynolds \V atkins. Back cover, top row, Clay Lancaster, Richard Eubanks, ¤
David Ringo, T. George Harris; row 2, john Y. Brown, _]r., joseph Estes, Dudley Smith, Kenneth Tuggle and ,
WVilliam T. Young.
Associate Director   President _
Ordic U. Davis ’48   Charles M. Landrum, ]r. ’42 .
_ _ Lexington, Kentucky ;
Asszstant Director for Programs
_ Leigh H. Fleming ’70 Vice-President ·
; George L. Atkins ’63
V} Linda Brumtield Ilopkinsvillc, Kentucky
, Judy Cavins
,' Ben Fletcher Treasurer
Amelia Cano Mrs. joe F. Morris ’38
i Ianc Anne Harrcld Lexington, Kentucky
,     S(.’Cl'(,’IlII'y, Director of AIIIIIIIII AEGITS
r pw iiatemr. Far B ·‘l·ir· M ’48
I A;].,`R(.H)m.d ;39 ALU NI NI Lexington, Kentucky
  Olga Varrone ASSOCIATION
University Archives
Margaret I. King Library - N¤v\l•
. University oi Kcntucid
Lndnton, Kentucky 40506

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The Hall of Distinguished Alumni is the most coveted award be- PR
stowed by the UK Alumni Association. Once again the Association is ` LC
seeking nomination of those persons deserving such recognition.   Us
Nominations received from the membership will be screened by the PO.
Awards Committee which was appointed by the Board of Directors. Chair-   C0!
man of the committee is Charles O. Landrum, Covington. Also serving E
on the committee are E. ]. Nutter, Xenia, OH, and L. Berkley Davis,  
l/Vashington, DC. c
If you wish to nominate a UK alumnus, return the nomination form '
(at right) no later than ]une 1, 1974. Be sure to include complete and ac-
curate information on the nominee.  
The Hall was established in 1962-63 with the opening of the Alum- i
ni House on campus. At that time 85 honorees were selected and installed. l
During the University’s Centennial Year in 1965 an additional 39
were chosen. And, in 1967, three more were honored thusly. The last in- l
duction in 1970 added 19 to the roll for a total of 146.
The list (page 4) is, indeed, an elite one with men and women rep-
resenting every walk of life. Each has distinguished himself and the Uni-
versity by his achievements since leaving the campus. E
*B(? (L g7`(l(l1L(ll(} OT /l(l`U€ (lll(?7l(l€(l HTC     fll.Sl O7'L€ 'LLTLUSILCZZ OT OUl.S`liCl7"LCll7’lg UCL [NZS
versity of Kentucky satisfactorily complet- made an individual eligible for consider-
ing at least two years of undergraduate ation, a period of hve years should expire
work. before election.
_ _ *Acliieved a place of national or interna-
*l\l['l}’ {Wl""”§""‘l"Cm5€(l· tional prominence in his chosen en-
deavorfs) regecting favorably upon our
CO77"L77lO71ZU€(lllll (l}”L(l lll€ U72l7lP')`°’·*“‘

(Return to UK Alumni Association, 400 Rose Street, Lexington, KY. 40506. Nominations must be post-
marked by June l, 1974.)
NOMINEE: ___________.. ._______________________ UK Class: __;___ __
ADDRESS: ___.__...___.____________________ Major Field: ii_____
PRESENT OCCUPATION: _._;________ _,_..__;____________;.  
_] LOCATION OF FIRM OR OFFICE: _;______ _______ ______  
a List below the distinguished contributions which the nominee has made to his current profession or former A
positions. Attach additional paper in order to provide complete information for the selection committee to
l consider. i
l .
Your Name  
4 Telephone No.

 Lewis R. Akers* J     n
George A. Akin
Rex L. Allison N
Ralph   Angelucci
William B. Arthur john D. Goodloe, jr. g
Harvey A. Babb* james H. Graham*
Merl Baker Harlan H. Grooms
Robert H. Baker john O. Gross*
Thomas A. Ballantine Allen W. Gullion*
Carlyle W. Bennett T. Marshall Hahn, jr. W. Robert Parks
Sarah G, Blanding T. George Harris W. Hugh Peal
Aberdeen O. Bowden* Hall M. Henry Alfred M. Peter*
Harrison D. Brailsford Louis E. Hillenmeyer* jean Ritchie Pickow
Edward T. Breathitt, jr. Frank L. Howard George W. Pirtle
M. Thomas Brooks james S. Hudnall Forrest C. Pogue
john Y. Brown, jr. Guy A, Huguelet* Paul A. Porter
L. Chauncey Brown Edwin W. Humphreys William O. Quirey
Louis A. Bryan* john B. Hutson* Lloyd B. Ramsey
john R. Bullock Murray Raney*
Marion E. Bunch Margaret Ingels* Stephen A. Rapier* Louis Ware
Stonewall jackson* George F. Reddish* George W. Warwick*
Al nd r Ca rs Keen ]ohnson* William E, Rentz G. Reynolds Watkins*
11;:; W5 CaE_):ah;n* Mervin   Kelly* Hugh T. Richardson   Sl€Ph€H W3tki¤S*
J hn` M ba [cr Margaret I. King* David L. Ringo William S. Webb*
JO ' r , Albert D. Kirwan* George Roberts* Alvin C. Welling
Samuel M. Cassidy .
Clay Lancaster Don Whitehead
john S. Chambers* . .
· _ Charles O. Landrum Bell Irvin Wiley
Albert B. Chandler Leo L Lcwisak joseph K. Roberts J D Williams
Virgil M. Chapman* Nanc ID L€wis* William D. Salmon*     Wilson
Earle C. Clements . .y i . Herman F. Scholtz ' I .
, , William N. Lipscomb, jr. , james W. Wine, jr.
David H. Cl1ft* . David C. Scott 1 d ,6
· h (` (`lifton* James W` Lime james G Scru ham* Ra Ph H` WOO S
-l"’°*{ " ‘ Elizabeth Hardwick Lowell · ‘ _ g William T. woodsow
j. Wmston Coleman, jr. , Dudley Smith
· ,   Irvine Lyle* C. Robert Yeager
Bert T. Combs ‘ Harry M. Sparks W. .
_ 1ll1am T. Young
P.   Conkwrnght William C Maccart * Thomas A. Spragens
Virgil L. Couch Hcmr N Marsha: y Elvis   Stahr, jr.
Y ‘ . A. o. Stanley*
Robert R. Martin R b t B St t
jolm A. Dabney William H. McAdams* (L CL gt 1;:/var
Edward F. Danforth* Robert C. McDowell   n ` 0
. Richard C. Stoll*
Frank Daugherty* john E. Miller M E S *
L. Berkley Davis Robert L. Mills aryw ryecniy
11. R. Dawson Hugh M,Ma1mn II gm? lg _;‘_PP H
Elbert DcCoursey Wicklifle B. Moore imc   en;
Frank G. Dickey Thomas H. Morgan* ·l0_m,   lgcrt
_ William H. Townsend*
Herman L, Donovan* Thomas V. Munson* H S T
Adron Doran \Villiam B. Munson* any ` mynor
Cl _ _ _ _ Kenneth H. Tuggle
.lt\llC!s Kenney Duncan Eger V. Murphree*
Thomas R. Underwood*
Thomas B. Nantz
\Villiam Hord Nicholls
_jack   Early Ervin   Nutter
Crawford H. Ellis* Clarence H. Osthagen
joseph A. Estes*
Richard L. Eubanks
\Villiam G. Finn

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Um? · REPORT  

 A Note    [    \
to A KQITKUC IélflS -     T    . K
•Approximately one-third of all students enrolled in  `5  -·., Vf;  ZT. t. _A Cm
Kentucky colleges and universities—public and private——are   A_ _  U MA T 4,,.   in
enrolled in the University of Kentucky .... ‘ A   ,,   ·._ gig; A     ing
` 4 ·,   +   .    
• In 10 years of operation, the University Hospital r€·         . be
corded a total number of patient visits equivalent to one-   `~ A if   Q       l Z;
third of the entire population of the Commonwealth .... 1* ··.‘       Of
• One-fifth of all basic research on tobacco and health in · A     A so   vl-.   A ml
the world is being carried out through the University of     if .
Kentucky Tobacco and Health Research Institute .... _ A   A   th
l cite these seemingly unrelated facts about the Univer-       . in
sity mainly to impart a feeling of the scope of its responsl- — .A Aw de
bilities to, and endeavors for, the people of Kentucky. A in  ` ,   be
report such as this obviously can do little more than trace A   l th
the broad outline of the University’s efforts in the past A   V
biennium and indicate a few major goals set for the future. r    A SC
UK, through its classrooms and laboratories at Lexing· · A i _“ ·   A   .—·‘ jg,. St
ton, the Community College System and such arms as the   A . “     j °l‘
Agricultural Extension Service, simply is so far along the A   A   `—l» i ? €’
road toward its aim of helping all Kentuckians that no   l.l, Y   A pl
report could detail all its activities. A   _'  if '     fe
However, we are not without pride in the numerous   · J ‘ ll  
achievements of UK, its faculty, students and staff which  A `i**°Y ‘ ' ?l·*i¥ Sl
must necessarily go unmentioned here, and we would invite W
all Kentuckians, Iaymen and officials alike, to make a cl
personal study of their University’s work in the fields of b'
teaching, research and service. Cl
This report, it is hoped, will provide a start. Sl
Otis A. Sing/etary, Pres/dent n
The Un/versity of Kentucky ¤
‘ c
l l

 V` d R `  
The past two years have produced a number of highly   l_ >:· .i_   I, ,vy,,_.,   ifi?.   hg'.·7.g§ 
significant developments at the University, as well as on   _v~·r· l   .·  t ’_,?_",   °  
campuses across the nation. We have seen a general leveling   A     {yin :"   v   .·‘r  ."*__ _ ‘
in enrollment, the continuing spiral of inflation, a slacken-     "`    gtlgrzi- `   `. l l ; _       ., · 
ing in federal support in vital areas, demands for expansion           l       ·
beyond our financial capability in fields such as the health     _  -\, ._~~`:'; ’Y`[ _   ._1—*"" I   l' —,,'_g=`l·i; t
professions, costly but often needed reform along the lines   A   ‘ {U »~?`· ·:·       A \`.   3
of our Affirmative Action Program, and a general lowering   l_,,,_;   ,l_   .‘.o"'lll      
of the decibel count in the campus debates of issues, to   _'l,;·;$ i    , `,5L°l”` _ l   . ·
mention only a few worthy of note.  . t—              l ', l l
Perhaps none of these has more immediate importance     C xg},     ` ° g  _ i`   Q
than the decrease in the rate of enrollment growth. The     ·‘ it     i .
impact of this, real and imagined, has and will influence » I   v_ ‘—     i,· if ‘
decisions affecting the University at every level. UK has wi :   l     Q. .  _ .
been planning and preparing for the situation, recognizing · ·     _   V i 
that it may appear much simpler than it is. Y  .,      . i .
lt is true that UK and most other institutions now find ~     .   ` _, ._
some respite from the almost overwhelming increases in         _ y
student enrollments that became annual crises in the past r @ ll   E
decade. However, the pressure actually is increasing to g   .   . l
expand opportunities in some areas, such as the health ifi   ";,Q` .l,’$‘i'~_,j. .; ' . -
professions, where already heavy costs are rising while .       gies  `
federal aid is decreasing or at least becoming undependable.         g E"' l  V, M “
Our Community College System also is experiencing     i ._   _  ` , · ·t_», il ‘
A growth pressures, especially in its technical career programs, *l‘*   l`‘‘   " }// T   l I
where costs are higher than in academic areas. The Systemls '
continued progress reaffirms our belief that it offers the Q
best possible approach, with the flexibility of separate Our blllldlng ploglam reflects the buslllessllkc approach i
community—oriented units plus the resources of the Univer- Wd ale applylng llllouglflolll the Udivdlsm/· lll the blalllllllm l
sity to otow oooh. i shall deal totthot with this important Wd mddd rdd dmgtdss tdwdrd dmddidg 3 fddddd rddre .
Segment Of the University in a Separate Section- ment program for all employees, a need too long unmet. By _
The stabilizing of college enrollments nationally has a the elllll gf the Collllllg blelllllllm wl? Sllclflld Ddvd lllls pl°b` l
number Of Obvious Causes, including the ending Of the lem eliminated, thus making 9Ui* financial SltUatlOn much `
military draft and some real disenchantment with higher mol? Slflbl_€* as Well as lespollslve l0 llumall llcedj Wd tdlid
education. But it also must be noted that at UK tuition Spe°lal_ plld€_ mo lll the {aft lllfl llle lfeglslatlvc Audlt
' costs have increased dramatically. A Kentucky resident paid Commltmel Singled out the financial practices of our hous- _
undergraduate tuition of $330 a year only two years ago. lng dlid dllllllg Syslém {gl pl?lS€‘ Wd hdvd Flolle much
This yoot it tt $480. Although this it oothottttho with lTlOS[ ddm·¤·d¤ddvd *7d*M·dddd·d$» {dddd·dg_ rdddddg by ddd
Of Our benchmark institutions, the increase in only two the number of vice presidencies in the Universityls organiza- i
years amounts to 45 percent, certainly the steepest increase llollal Stlu°lLll°‘ I
in history. Coupled with inflated living costs for students,
the tuition increases present a difficult problem for families
in a state with a generally low income level. Aid for de-
serving students, although increased to the highest limit
I possible within the Universityls budget, simply is not keep-
ing pace with need.
On a brighter side, our building program plus systematic t
maintenance and renovation efforts have put us in position
to project only modest needs for a number of years. This
report includes a separate section on construction during
the biennium, including that completed, in progress,
planned and proposed.

Economies and innovations at every level of the Univer- None of these, however, can be allowed to overshadow l \
sity enabled us over a four-year period to absorb nearly a the importance of the individual student and the Univer-  
60 percent increase in enrollment with less than a 10 sity’s obligation to provide him, or her, with a quality  
percent increase in funds for general education, when the education. One of the reasons for our administrative belt- l"
effects of inflation and fixed costs are taken into account. tightening was to bring about increased support for the ’
Such pressures put a tremendous strain on efforts to Office of Undergraduate Studies. Our Honors Program has
maintain and improve the quality of education, which must been given renewed emphasis and clearer status. The new or
be our prime concern. So it was a source of great pride to Bachelor of General Studies degree has joined a number of w
find two of our professional schools, the College of Dentls- other options, such as the topical major, to allow the le
try and the College of Pharmacy, ranked among the top five student greater flexibility in achieving his educational goals, in
in the country in their respective fields in a nation-wide Developments and innovations in the various colleges are al:
survey of deans of professional schools. simply too numerous to report, but I would be remiss in i tls
A number Of Our other programs definitely grand in the failing to mention the flexible curricula and self-paced hz
first rank too. This is certainly borne out by the fact that learning PF0BF&lnS n0W W0FlV;:_‘   program in Vocational Education has gained national recog-
nition for its focus on training personnel for broad leader-
ship roles. A measure of the success of the Department of
Special Education is that it accrued extramural funding of
$766,000 for 1972-73.

j .
l The College of Architecture is enriching its under-   _ 
l graduate program with the addition of a European work- .   - iff .  5
l shop as an important option. Such a program has been   _    c  ,.     {
l contemplated since the early days of the College and is the "  .  · '”`"}7gT‘$-?’iL ’   j   ti —
outcome of a number of trial summer programs and other  ` ;o;.4M.»~,.,;s         _ l
European experiments. Now run in collaboration with th