xt74tm71vv8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71vv8g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-07-29  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 29, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 29, 1927 1927 1927-07-29 2012 true xt74tm71vv8g section xt74tm71vv8g .T Ivrrgp y?HfFc





FARMERS 'Freshman Bible"
Proofs Returned
EXPECTED HERE Handbook Will Be Ready for AS NAME FOR
Distribution When First
Term Opens


Study of versity first page proofs on theknown Contract for Printing U. of K.
Handbook, commonly
Will Attract as tlie "Freshman Bible" have been Literary Periodical WillItBe
Let in Near Future,
un All Parts
returned by the firm which is printing
Is Stated
the book this year for the university
of Kentucky
It will be completed in
AGENTS TO GIVK PLAY time for distribution to freshmen SUPPLIES

Two- - Day Intensive
' Agronomy


they arrive

here for "Fresh-

English and Journalism
FYiwimpnt Station Will Be man "Week."
The "Freshman Bible" is edited
ments and The Kernel CoHost to Visitors; Special
each year by regular students of the
operate in Publication
university, the editor being elected



by the senior cabinet of the campus

intensive study of ag- -'
ron&ny, featuring farm machinery,
will be held at the Experiment Station of the university on August 3
and 4, according to Earl K. Welsh,
of .the department of agricultural engineering at the university, who said
that more than 1,500 farmers expec-- .
every section of the statu are
ted to attend.
The program is being arranged by
James B. Kelley and E. G. Kilpatrick,
of the experiment station and will
be announced in full later.
The exhibits and study of farm
machinery is an annual event at the
university, but this year both practical and theoretical problems will be
taken up in detail at the conference.
The principal speakers of the
course will be S. R. Ewing, of
Owensboro, who will talk on "Farm
Machinery of Kentucky," and Prof.
E. W. Lehman, of the department of
agricultural engineering at the
of. Illinois, who will take for
his subject, "Better Equipment as a
of Pro.? Factor in Reducing the Cost
Mr. Ewing will give the result of
his practical experience in using
. farm machinery and Professor Lehman will tell of the effects of and
uses of modern machines.
One feature of interest in the
course will be the horse hitch demonstration by H. L. Young, representative of the Horse Association of
America. He will show that by special hitches, it is easy to control six
or eight horses as it is to handle two
or four.
Haymaking and limestone grinding machinery will also be a feature
: of the exhibit and a result of the
popular demand for information on
those subjects. The combine harvester that was demonstrated on the
experiment station farm several days
Tago will also be mciuaea in me u&t
xxi exhibits.
County agents and members of the
experiment station will give a play
' on the night of August 3 entitled
"The Trial of the Soil Robber," which
will interest farmers.

association early in the spring. This
year's editor is Niel Plummer, one of
the editors of The Kernel. He is assisted by Miss Mildred Kidd, of Lex- ngton. Robert Duncan and Miss
Margaret Gooch are working on the
business staff.
The book this year will contain
approximately 130 pages of informa
tion and data concerning the univer
sity, with a few advertisements interspersed. The binding will be dark
blue leather ,and will be stamped with
the seal of the university in gold.
This type of back is an innovation,
other books having been stamped
with a large "K" in white or silver.







Register as Third Year Stu- aenis; seniors Are nexz


With 118; Graduate School
Enrolls 114


One of the most marked charac

teristics of the present session is
the proportionately large number of
upper classmen. Arranged by classes there are 114 graduate students;
116 seniors; 135 juniors; 82 sopho
mores; 6ii freshmen; and 03 special
students. Final figures for registration for the second term of the sum
mer session disclosed that a total of
571 students are enrolled in the var
ious colleges.
Of this number 316
are men and 255 are women.
As in the first term of the present
session the College of Education has
the highest .enrollment, 213 persons
being enrolled in it. The College, of
Arts and Sciences is. second with an
enrollment of 131 while- 'the other
colleges follow in this order: Grad
uate school, 114 students; College of
Engineering, 59 students; College of
Agriculture, 40; Commerce College,
The College of Law is not listed
in this group as law classes run for
term of ten weeks. However, twen
students enrolled in that college the first term and are continuing
I I their studies this term.
Men students outnumber their fem
inine cohorts in every college except
of Education.
Conditions Reauire Fra thatsex in the variousThe enrollment
colleges is as
ternities to Make Sure lhat follows: College of Arts and Sciences
Ideals Are Not Lost,
men 71, women 60; Agricultural ColMen Are Told
lege men 26, women 14; Engineering,
men 59, women 0; Education, men 61,
ATTEND MEETING women 152; Commerce, men 12; wo
men 2; graduate school, men 87, woV
TTrbana. IU.. July 29 Present con men 27.
Hifirme reauire the Greek-lettternities to make sure that its ideals MISSES BEAN AND WEBB
are. not lost but are perpetuated, in.
Joseph C. Nate, National .Historian
of Sigma Chi, told 3,000
Miss Carrie Bean and Miss Elloise
men at the University of Illinois Webb will leave tomorrow on a motor
These conditions re trip through North Carolina which
here recently.
sult from the ereat change in college will last approximately one month.
life during recent years and are often They plan to go to Blue Ridge by
confusing to the student.
way of Hampton, Va.
This was the first gathering of its
While Miss Bean is out
the city,
the United btates Mrs. R. N. Skinner will beofin charge
kind ever held in
fraternity man at Illinois was of the Campus Book Store, of which
It was caiiea oy a.
Miss Bean is manager.,
Jones the president of the local

KY-- ,

JULY 29, 1927

RECITATION Registration

Former U. K. Records


Heredity 108B Changes Meeting Place Three Times in
Order to Seat Students


Mary had a class in heredity;
She was happy enough to shout
But where the darn thing met,
She never could find out.
Heredity 108b, a class instructed
by Dr. W. D. Funkhouser has thus
far occupied 'iiree different meeting
places and all during one week, too.
Taking the schedule book as their
authority, members of the class arrived as per schedule in a certain
lecture room in the Science building
on Monday morning. Now said lecture room seats 75 persons. (Math
problem: with given temperature, 92
degrees in the shade, seat 200 students comfortably in said room).
And so '.he march began.
Act 2 setting, third floor of White
Hall with soft July sunshine gently
beaming through eastern windows.
(Note the evidence of the desire for
knowledge which (has actuated the
students to the point where .they even
crowd to the feet of the noted professor.) Second problem: raise the
temperature 2 degrees, the seating
capacity 50, the class enrollment
about 10, and work for same answer
as problem 1.
Scene 2, Act 2 mob view: some
200 s'udents, led onward by their
instructor with the glorious Tight of
knowledge beaming in their eyes, hit
the trail again. A messenger dashes
up to the commander, kicks off his
roller skates and shouts "Eureka
third floor of Education building a
room, big room, will seat at least
185." Then he died, a beautiful example of a sacrifice for the. general

Nature Study Class
Unusually Large MUCH INTEREST








Within the next week the business
manager of The Kernel plans to let
the contract for the printing of "Letters," the new literary magazine of
the University of Kentucky, which
will make its initial apearance early
this fall. The magazine will be published through the cooperation of the
English and journalism depar'wients
and The Kernel.
For many years faculty and students alike have felt the need of a
medium in which to publish original
poems, short stories, and essays, but
because of the difficulties attached to
the publishing of such a magazine
Last spring,
was never started.
however, a plan was proposed by
which the English department would
undertake complete editorial responsibility for the periodical while The
Kernel would assume the financial
responsibility and take over any. financial deficits that might be incurred.
Under the leadership of Prof. E. F.
Farquhar, professor of English, considerable material has already be4n
collected for the first number of
"Letters" "and as soon as the contract good.
is let material will be supplied the
printer in order that the first num- -

Will Make Several
Order to Study
and Trees


Gamage and Craig Will Give
Instruction in Two Weeks
Intensive Courses From


of 567 Students Enroll
for Second Term of the
Summer Session

Company, of



Is Awarded General
Contract on a Bid of

Lexington Firms Will
Aid; Will Be Finished


in 1928


A total of 567 persons have regis
tered for the second term of summer
school, 63 more than registered for
the second term last year which was
the previous high mark. The com
bined registration for the two terms
reached a total of 1,669 students,
which is more tfian the total enrollment of the university a few years
According to faculty and librar
ians, scholarship is the prevailing
note of the summer session. Extra
tables and chairs have been placed
in the reading room to accommodate
the large number of students who
were studying constantly.
scholarship of the summer sission is
higher than that of the Tegular session in spite of the daily attendance
required and the hot weather.
The faculty of the summer school
includes some of the most distinguished men on the regular faculty
of the university and many visiting
intsructors from other institutions.
This term of summer school will
close August 20 and the regular session will begin September 22.

university's new recitation
building, the contracts for which
Were let Wednesday, will cost $254,-69Construction will start soon
and it is expected that it will be completed in time for the opening of the
fall term in 1928.
The general contract was awarded
to the J. H. Hardymon company, of
Maysville, for $199,605, the low bid,
by the executive committee of the
university. The contract for heating
and plumbing went to the John J.
Fitzgerald company of Lexington, at
$39,300; the, electrical installation
and equipment to the Brock Electrical Engineering corporation, of Lexington, for $6,685; and the linoleum
floors to R. B. Hayes, of Lexington,
for $9J100.
Bids were submitted by seven gen
eral contractors and three plumbing
The contract was awarded to the low bidder in every case by
the executive committee after delib- Summer School Students Will
erating five hours.
Convene at Phoenix Hotel
Work on the new building will be
at 1 o'clock; Tickets Are
gin immediately, according to M. J.
in Dean's Office
Crutcher, superintendent of buildings
and grounds, and the contract calls
for its completion by September 1, DR. McVEY TO BE SPEAKER




The new building will front Kastle
hall, in the rear of the university
campus, and will be constructed of
brick, fireproof, and of a colonial design. It will contain 26 class rooms,

Dogs Kill Four U. K.
Sheep at Station Farm

The fifth annual summer school
luncheon of the University of Kentucky will be held at the Phoenix hotel today at 1 o'clock in the palm
President Frank L. McVey will ad
dress the luncheon on "Changing
Conceptions of Summer Schools" as a
feature of the speaking program.
Miss Dorothy Stebbins, a graduate of
the class of 1927 and former editor
of the Kentuckian, will speak on
Dr. Paul H.
Credit for Credits."
Clyde, of Ohio State University, will
speak on "Summer Sessioning." Dean
W. D. Funkhouser will be the


Rules and Regulation for University Extension Courses
Made Uniform for All
Kentucky Schools

Students May Take Only 12
Hours Per Calendar Year,
Officials Decide
A conference of the administrative

of all the state normal
schools and teachers colleges with the
onicers of the university, which was
held Tuesday at the office of President Frank L. McVey. resulted in a

mutual agreement on several points
in regard to extension courses given
at the various institutions.
The conference was called by Pres
ident McVey and Wellington Patrick,
director of extension at the university, in order to settle a number of
points involved in extension work,
such as the number of hours that
should be carried by extension
and the credit allowed for such
work, and to make these regulations
uniform in the various schools rep
Jt was decided at the meetine that
no student will be permitted to take
more than twelve hours work per calendar year by extensioa from any of
the institutions and no student will
be allowed to take more than twelve
Hours extension work m his senior
year to count toward graduation.
Another ruling which was passed
the meeting limited the number of
hours extension work which mav
count towards a certificate at thirty-twand fixed sixty-fohours ex
tension work as the limit on a de
The meeting? beean at 10 o'clock
and lasted until 4 in the afteraoon.
Lunch was served in the university
Doctor McVey acted as
chairman of the conference.
Those present at the conference
were President T. J. Coates, of Eastern State Normal School, Richmond;
President T. C. Button, of Morehead
State Normal School, Morehead;
President Rainey T. Wells, of Mar-ray State Normal School,' Murray;
Professor R. Dean Sauires. Fallen
Campbell, Homer E. Cooper, of Richmond; May K. Duncan, Wellington
Patrick, Louis J. Clifton, Ezra Gilhs,
Dean C. R. Melcher and Dean W. S.
Taylor, of the university; Jay L.
Chambers, of Morehead; W. M.
Pearce, Ernest Canon, of Bowling
Green: E. H. Smith of Murrarv:
Mark Gadman, of Versailles; J. B.
Supt. McHenry Rhoads,
and W. C. Bell of Frankfort.


Muncie, Ind., July 29. Nature stuAugust 1 to 13
dy is fast becoming more and more
Animals Were Being Prepared
students as
popular with four-yeU. K.
for Live Stock Exhibition
people here at IS NEW ADDITION AT
wellsas the
at Chicago
ihe Indiana State Normal School.
Only one course was offered this Courses Are Designated to
Four valuable sheep on the Ex
Two vocal numbers will be renState Football and Basterm of summer school as it was
periment Station farm, that were be dered by Overton Kemp, "On the
ketball Mentors
thought that the needs of the stuing prepared for the International Road "to Mandalay," and "In the Gardents had been supplied to a great
Live Stock Exposition a'l Chicago, den of My Heart," Mrs. F. C. Fox- extent This class is unusually large
Great interest is. being shown in were
killed by dogs Saturday and
and as a result another has been the summer courses for athletic three others were injured, but will worth will play the piano accompani
ment Miss Sallie Bullock Cave will
coaching in football and basketball
read "Alma Mater," at the close of
The work this term will consist which will begin at the university, recover.
The dogs, one a large black animal the luncheon.
mainly in short field trips for the Monday, August 1 and continue for
study of birds and trees. Two longer a period of two weeks, according to and the other a bull dog, were shot . Tickets for the luncheon are on
field trips wijl be taken soon, one to Mrs. Katherine Lyon, secretary of at by E. L. Hauu, of 521 Oldham ave- sale at the office of Dean W. S. TayWoolen's Gardens near Indianapolis, the department of athletics and phys- nue, but they escaped, going in the lor, director of the summer school.
Hollywood Terrace.
and another to one of the state parks ical educa'ton. Registration will be direction of
Prof. E. S. Good, head of the an
perhaps Turkey Run.
conducted in the usual manner at the
imal husbandry department of the
registrar's office with payment of College
of Agriculture, said the
fees in the business office.
McHenry Rhoads Will Speak
sheep were worth $50 each.
Head Coach Harry Gamage of the
Today at Fifth Hour
Later the dogs were found and
will teach the class
Gamage and Shively Interview university coaching while Coach in killed by the officers.
of this
The second convocation
High School Athletes
Craig Ruby, of the University of Illiterm of the summer session will be Activities and Programs at Riv
erside Cabin, Under Direcnois, will teach the principles of
held at 11:30 o'clock this morning in
Coachesr Harry Gamage and Ber- coaching basketball.
The summer
tion of U. K. Instructors,
the men's gymnasium with McHenry
nard Shively returned to the univer- coaching course is an innovation in Miss Horsfield and Miss LeStur-- Rhoads, state superintendent of pubClose Today
sity this week after an extended 'he university curriculum, but adlic instruction,
geori Sail for Europe
as the principal
trip through Kentucky, Indiana, Illi- ministrative officers say it is necesspeaker.
nois, and Ohio in which they inter- sary to meet the constant demand
Miss Margaret Horsfield, assistant
Superintendent Rhoads will speak
The horaemakers's camp, sponsored
viewed a large number of prominent made upon the university teachers professor of romance languages, and on 'tAn Echo From the National Ed- by the Homeraakers' club, Fayette
high school athletes in regard to en- who can also coach athletic teams.
Miss Flora Elizabeth LeSturgeon, as ucational Meeting." Mr. Rhoads at- county, which is being held at River- tering the University of Kentucky
Summer Students May Enroll
sociate professof of mathematics, ac- tended the meeting which was held in side Cabin on the Kentucky river,
this fall.
The summer coaching course com- companied by Miss Horsfield's father, Seattle, Wash., the early part of opened Monday and will continue
Gamage prises two weeks of intensive study
Following the trip Coach
through today.
he Rev. F. H. T. Horsfield, sailed July.
expressed himself rather pleased with and practice. The fee for courses in last week for Europe where they
The convocation will precede the
The programs and activities of the
team next both football and basketball is $20, will spend a year.
prospects for the freshman
summer session luncheon which will camp are in charge of members of
According to the coaches there but students are expected to supply
Both Miss Horsfield and Miss Le be held at 1 o'clock today at the the staff of the College of Agriculare a number of promising players their own equipment. Students who Sturgeon are on a year's leave of Phoenix hotel. Classes will be dis- ture of the university, members of
who intend to matriculate here next are enrolled in the second term of absence from the university and they missed the fifth hour and all the
the Fayette county homemakers adfall and present indications are that the summer session will be allowed will spend this time in study and students are asked to attend the con- visory Council, and Miss Bruce Eloise
the green and white team will be a to take some work in the coaching travel in the old countries
Kirkman, Fayette county home dem
good one.
department, but students are advised
Thirty women,
onstration agent.
to consult "Daddy" Boles, head 'of
captains of the organization left LexCouncil.
the athletic department, concerning
ington by special bus Monday and
"Fraternity ideals and principles
their individual cases.
were joined at the camp by members
are vital for the welfare of our land
of the Woodford county Homemakers
Description of CoHrse
ia lifp of the world today," Dr.
Vaf continued. "The multiform ac
Each course will run for a period
Miss Lulie Logan, assistant state
tivities and distractions of the modof two weeks and will be made up Dean Anderson of Engineering College Is Making Experiments
Kernel Feature Writer Takes Up, Among Other Things
leader of home demonstration agents,
ern campus tend to deprive the
to Determine Effects of Ideal Climate on Animals;
of two hours of theory and two hours
is acting as camp director with Miss
"Who Is, Are You, Will You, Should You, What Is"
of the opportunity it once had
of practical work daily. Descriptions
Several Monkeys, Dogs, Mice and Also
Kirkman as her assistant.
and Last of All She Discusses Several
to inculcate its principles. Not only
of the two courses are as follows:
Plants Are Used in Tests
Isabelle Story and Mary Mae Miller,
Reasons "Why"
has the world turned a big
Phys. Ed S9. Principles of Coach
of the College of Agriculture, are insince the ereat war. but on the col
ing Football. An extensive study of
(Unknown, perhaps, to the average Oorang terrior, and
structors in handicraft and Miss
lege campus today we face conditions
away with her chauf the weaknesses and strong points of summer session student there is now puppies; Frank, aher nine vigorous Irene Piedaleu, also of the College of
the heiress ran
(By Dorothy Stebbins)
wool monkey;
The small chapters
radically new.
Mother and father called it) various types of offenses and defenses being conducted on the University of Bennie and Te'iah, sacred east Indian Agriculture, is in charge of the recfeur.
We saw a headline the other day,
of other days have given place to
insane" then. And then when the ued in the Western Conference, as
the groups of two score and more, Enjoy Being Sensible." Should we? girl next door, with whom you'd been well as many other teams throughout Kentucky an experiment of unusual monkeys; Caruso and Bill, Capuchin reation periods.
A program of special interest to
house, the great stadium If we do, the majority of us carry it friends and playmates most all your the country, special stress on gen popular interest an attempt io de monkeys; Jimmie, a Mause monkey;
The palatial
homemakers was arranged by the
termine the effects of an ideal climand the manv activities are a revolu to extremes.
worried eralship, signal system, scouting and ate on animals and plants. The ex mice;iamuiesroseate Japanese spinning Fayette county homemakers camp
life, with whom
cockatoo; and the
To boys and girls growing up the through school
tion in what we call collegiateGreek-lettand college, suddenly rules. Also a complete study will be
bane of existence is mothers of',h left for New York with very little made of all fundamentals of football, periment is being conducted by F. following fish: nine guppies, two committee composed of Mrs. T. F.
"The modern problems of
Lynch, president of he Walnut Hill
work is that the ideals shall repeated, "That isn't sensible." We money and no prospects of a job such as tackling, blocking, handling Paul Anderson, dean of the Engineer- ruby moons and one sword tail.
Mexican barrel cactus and Japan club and county organization; Mrs.
not be lost in the midst of the many didn't get much kick out of it our rather than endure for ano'her day the ball, etc. A detailed and explan ing College, who has already collectiling nmnno- which chapter lite selves. It always seemed that the the' monotony and hopelessness of atory practice will be carried out of ted a number of animals and plants. ese reeds are the chief plants selec Waller Mitchell, president of the
Wolf Run club and secretary and
must fight for its shade of recogni sensible thing to do was one that living in a small town where the only all fundamentals, systems of play up Miss Elizabeth Parker Hopkins, of ted for the laboratory.
The monkeys make their home on terasurer of the county organization;
tion and attention. Surely there ii wasn't any fun at all. Ill wasn't any thing she might do, practically, was on the the field, with a great variety the Lexington Leader, has recently
written an interesting article con the edge of walnut grove near Me Mrs. Thomas Parish, president of the
no other thing more important than fun to wash behind our ears. It cer- sit and look prim. That was insane,
and Miss
that every ideal for which we stand tainly was agonizing to have to top, so everybody said. But it was (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) cerning the experiment. This article cnamcai nan. n,acn monkey has a Chihsfeurg club, periods areKirkman.
The morning
appeared in last Sunday's Lexington tree of his own to which he is leashed
should be made for the common pos- wheel baby brother or sister up and jolly to think about, the adventwre
Leader and is reprinted here.
by a long chain within a safe and
session of our chapter," he concluded, down the street in the buggy.
uncertainty of it. You wished
Animals and plants are being col neighborly distance of the other.
And, apparently, the antonym for and had the courage to do it, too,
"Fraternities offer more chance to
lected for a prospective laboratory
loaf, and more chance to work, de sensible was "insane." Especially as
Now You
The Jealous
And, with us, of course, there's alWe admit it
at the University of Kentucky, that
clared Thomas Arkle Clark, dean of we were growing up.
-- o
do about
Bennie and Tetah, sacred monkeys
will show the results of an ideal liv
men at the University if Illinois, and wasn'ti sensible to permit "little ruf- ways the sensible thing to
tx college and
ing condition as compared with that from India, lead strenuous lives. The
What is the newest college
a member of the high council of Al fians" more familiarly, our play- school go dutifully
average with respect to the atmos- affection lavished upon Caruso, Bill Former U. K. Student Heads
the campus?
una Tau Omeea. "Some fraternity mates to paint our faces with iodine get a degree it doesn't matter much
Prestonsburg Paper
and streak our hair with tar during what degree you get, apparently. 2 How many deans has the univer phere and sunlight. This ideal con and Frank is a source of great irri
men take advantage of both possibil
dition was determined and named tation, especially to Tetah. Her ex
During the initiatory cere the course of our initiation into secret And then get a certificate, apply for
travagant expressions of jealousy fill
Norman Allen, former student of
"The Comfort Zones" after four
mony idealism, fellowship, unsefish societies and clubs, to which admis- a position, be lucky (?) enough to 3 Name the deans.
of the
ness and democratic behavior are sion meant you were "one of the get it and spend the rest of your life 4 What was the total number of years of intensive work on the part the woods with discord ateven poor the university, is now editor County
newly established Floyd
school; that is, until the
Society of Heating but Uaruso, rranK ana
students receiving instruction of the American
stressed." he said. "See to it that gang" and exclusion meant you were teaching
Bennie, her partner, are Times, published weekly at Prestonsd
happens and you marry
Engineers at the
and Ventilating
from the university last year?
thow hich nrincinles are not mere a "crock." To our scandalized mother "eventual"
burg, Ky.
we admitted with a heroically dark to begin your real official duty as a 5 What is the name of the presi Bureau of Mines under the direction enabled Ho endure.
words but are translated into deeds
Frank, who is possessed of a kind
Mr. Allen, while a student here,
citizen by making a loyal American
of Dean F. Paul Anderson, of the
dent's home?
Dean K. C. Babcock of the College look that it wasn't exactly painless,
of and enviable disposition, comes down was a special writer on The Kernel
6 Where is the central heating University of Kentucky.
of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Mi either. But it certainly was neces home.
We want to do that, you know. It
the covering of the laboratory will from his tree to receive the admira- and an associate edi'tor. Leaving the
plant on the campus?
nois, expressed his distaste for the sary that, or be exactly ostracized
and we'd always thought that nec isn't that which makes the process 7 Where is the Experiment Sta be of ordinary window glass, the tion of visitors in a most gracious university, he was state editor on the
imbecile and barbaric antics to which
realizatipn slightly too dry
other half of vita glass which admits manner. Frank has no relation here Lexington Leader, going from there
tion farm?
some fraternities submit their pledges essary was one of tthe words that and the
"hell week." He stated it is went hand in hand with sensible. It and dusty for our taste. It's the 8 Where are the university botan 90 per cent of the ultra violet rays and in his partial lonliness he has to the position of editor of the Big
time to think more deeply than his Sandy News, at Louisa, Ky.
of the sun.
ical gardens?
his belief that such practices detract was fearfully hard to make our par- doing of it that right I suppose we'll
His latest position is another step
now that we 9 To whom is the stadium on Stoll
have to admit
The collection of animals and neighbors. Corisequently he under
from the seriousness of initiations. ents be consistent!
in his rapid rise in the journalism
plants so far consists of Jerry, an
field dedicated?
A few years later you gathered
English airedale terrior; Jane, an (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) world in Kentucky.
CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) that it wasn't sensible either when (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) 10 Who was Price McLean?



I, UliJ

two-ye- ar







Travel Abroad


Be Sensible!


A Little Zoo





Allen Is Editor


One-ha- lf

� ,!f,,





ways had their ilves ruled by usage or "dumb Dor.a."
The life of a fad is short- - They
and tradition. Not for them did nov
elties chase each other across the rarely last more than one year and
Possibilities of Legal Professurface of society. The common folks usually not more than six months- -'
sion Are Discussed by
left to the upper ten thousand the Some fads survive the whirl-poFranklin Roosevelt
wild scurry after the ruling fancy or fashion and are added to progress.
folloy of the hour. In their mat- Such as home radio sets, bobbed hair,
Law Offers you a chance to make ing, their
their money slickers, tortoise-she- ll
rims, and stop
a good living, and an opportunity for getting, their notions of right and
All of these have
Lee, one of the Wampus public service," says Franklin D. duty, they ran antiquately in the ruts signs on autos.
definite utility and have been' universtars of 1927, is playing the leading Roosevelt,
New York deeply grooved out of generations
feminine rolein "Good as Gold," Fox lawyer and former candidate for of men. But a century or so ago it sally adopted.
Fads sometimes cluster. They seem
Films latest release starring Buck
of the United states, was found that this habit of back-loo- to center around one central theme.
Jones in a drama of a Western min in an informal talk with high school
opposed to needed reforms, the Examples would
be that of the braceing district. The Wampus is an or- students through, the pages of the brutish ignorance, the gross stupidity,
lets, dresses, pins, house decorations
ganization of the Western Associa- June American Boy magazine. The the rhinocerous-hid- e
bigotry of the un and numerous other thing3 that came
tion of Motion Picture Advertisers. article, which is loaded with helpful enlightened masses. Accordingly, the
Each year they select the best of the suggestions to the student who is idea of the humanitarian awakening into existence with the discovery of
King Tut's tomb. Another clustering
young actresses as their baby stars
Summer vacations, in most colleges for next year