xt74tm71vt8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71vt8x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966-08-aug19-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-08-aug19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-08-aug19-ec. 1966 1966-08-aug19-ec. 2011 true xt74tm71vt8x section xt74tm71vt8x 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky, Friday, August 19, 1966

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky -net in regular session in the Board Room of the Administration Building
on the campus of the University at 1: 30 p.m. , EST, on Friday, August 1 9, 1966,
with the following members present: Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chairman, Dr. Harry
Denham, and Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer. Absent were Dr. H. B. Murray, Secre-
tary, and Mr. Smith Broadbent. The administration was represented By Vice Presi-
dents A. D. Albright, Robert F. Kerley, and Glenwood L. Creech. Representatives
of the various news media were also present.

     A. Meeting Opened

     Dr. Angelucci called the meeting to order and appointed Dr. Harry Denham to
serve as acting secretary in the absence of Dr. H. B. Murray. Following the roll
call, Dr. Denham reported a quorum present and Dr. Angelucci declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 1:45 p. m.

     B. Mr. Richard E. Cooper Sworn in as New Board Member

     Dr. Angelucci administered the oath of office to Mr. Richard E. Cooper
recently appointed to the Board of Trustees by the Governor to replace Mr. 0. L.
McElroy whose term expired December 31, 1965. Mr-,--Cooper's appointment is
for a four-year term, expiring December 31, 1969.

     Dr. Angelucci welcomed Mr Cooper to membership on the Board and ex-
pressed the pleasure of the members of the Executive Committee that he was able
to attend this meeting.

     C. Minutes Approved

     On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Denham, and so ordered, the
reading of the Minutes of the July 15, 1966 meeting of the Executive Committee was
dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

      D. Report on Activities

      Dr. Angelucci explained that Dr. Oswald had not returned from his trip to
Europe and Dr. Albright had been called to Frankfort unexpectedly. He, therefore,
asked Dr. Glenwood L. Creech to present the President's Report to the Trustees.




     Dr. Creech commented briefly on the items in the report and indicated that
as usual copies would be distributed to the faculty and key alumni following ac-
ceptance by the Board. Dr. Angelucci, without objection, ordered the report received
and filed.

     E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2}

     Dr. Angelucci asked the members of the Executive Committee if they had any
questions relative to the items in PR 2, Recommendations of the Preside-t, and if
not, he would entertain a motion for approval.

     On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and so ordered by
Dr. Angelucci, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole
and ordered made a part of the official Minutes of the meeting of August '9, 966.
(See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

     F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3i

     After taking a few minutes to examine the items in PR 3, Supplemental Recom-
mendations of the President, Dr. Denham made the motion that PR 3 be approved as
a whole and ordered made a part of the official Minutes of the August 19, 1.966
meeting. His motion was seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer and, without objection, it
was so ordered by Dr. Angelucci. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.

     G. Tribute Paid to Dean R. E Shaver

     Dr. Angelucci sai.d that prior to the next item on the agenda, he would like to
recognize Dean R. E. Shaver who was present at the meeting. He said it gave him
great pleasure to read the following tribute to Dean Shaver who would soon assume
his new responsibilities as Director of the Engineering and Consfr-ct-on Manage-
nent Division in the Office of Business Affairs:

          Dean Shatter, it is a pleasure for me to express, on behalf of the
     University Trustees, our sincerest appreciation for your long and. ef-
     fective service to the College of Engineering.

          Over a 35-year period - as a professor, as a department chairmarn,
     and as dean - you have made noteworthy contributions to this i.ns'.i-
     tution. Your valued service has added immeasurably to the prestige not
     only of the College of Engineering but of the entire University.

          Particularly during the last 10 years, a period which coincides
     almost exactly with your tenure as dean, this nation has looked to the




     engineering profession for the scientific and technical advances that
     are essential to our existence in the Space Age. Thanks in great
     measure to you, the College of Engineering has played an important
     role in supplying the know-how and the skilled manpower that are
     requisite to this nation's security and continuing progress.

         A t me-proved yardstick for measuring the effectiveness of any
     educational institution is the performance of its graduates. I know
     that a source of deep pride to you, as it is for this Board of Trustees,
     is the high quality of professional service that is being rendered to
     state and nation today by your College of Engineering graduates.

          As vyou enter upon a new area of service to the University - one
     for whichI yoil are uniquely qualified - this Board extends sincere
     thanks for your past contrib-ations and looks forward with complete
     confidence to your performance of new and equally responsible duties.

     H. Dr. Robert M. Drake, Jr. Named Dean of the College of Engineering (PR 4a)

     Dr. Albright, who had returned from Frankfort, indicated his great pleasure
in recommending to the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees the appoint-
ment of Dr. Robert M. Drake, Jr. as Dean of the College of Engineering, effective
September !, l996. H-fe indicated that this recommendation carried the whole..
hearted endorsement of President Oswald and the faculty of the College of Engi-
neering. The Faculty Search Committee which Dr. Oswald had appointed to seek a
replacement for Dean Shaver had set up certain criteria which are given in PR 4a
attached, and had then carefully screened 40 candidates out of a list of approximately
70 namnes submitted to themn. This screening process resulted in a small number of
namnes of eminent persons in the engineering field who satisfied the criteria and
among these few names was that of a member of the faculty of the College of Engi-
neering at the University of Kentucky--Dr. Robert M. Drake, Jr. This recom-
mendation carries the unanimous support of the Search Committee.

      On motior duily made, seconded, and carried the recommendation that Dr.
Drake be named Dear. of the College of Engineering, effective September 1, 1966,
wvas approved ilnanimolusly.

      D-. Drake was called in to the meeting and Dr. Angelucci informed him of his
appointment and expressed the gratification of the Executive Committee that he was
to assume the leadership of the College of Engineering and said that the Board of
Trustees had utmost confidence in his ability to develop a program, particularly at
the grdduate level, which would place the College of Engineering at the University
of Kentucky .n the forefront of the engineering colleges of the nation. (See PR 4a
at the end of the Minutes. )



     I. Dr. Lewis Cochran Named Acting Dean of the Graduate School (PR 4b)

     Inasmuch as the departure of Dean Kirwan is imminent and inasmuch as the
Search Committee appointed to seek his replacement as Dean of the Graduate School
will require time to perform its function properly, Dr. Albright requested that the
appointment of Dr. Lewis Cochran as Acting Dean of the Graduate School be af-
firmed effective September 1, 1966. He added the affirmation of Dr. Cochran as
Acting Dean would provide experienced continuity and would insure leadership in
this period for the further development of graduate education in the University.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried, Dr. Lewis Cochran's appoint-
ment as Acting Dean of the Graduate School, effective September 1, 1966, was af-
firmed with the understanding that he would continue to carry the responsibilities of
Provost. (See PR 4b at the end of the Minutes. )

     J. Dr. Roscoe D. Kelley Named Director of Somerset Community College
(PR 4c)

     Dr. Albright said that he had one further administrative appointment to recom-
mend--that of Dr. Roscoe D. Kelley as Director of the Somerset Community College,
effective by agreement upon the earliest terminal date of his present employment.
He added that the Community College System was fortunate to have been able to ob-
tain the services of a person with the background and experience which Dr. Kelley
has to head up the Somerset Community College.

     On notion duly made, seconded, and carried, the appointment of Dr. Roscoe
D. Kelley as Director of the Somerset Community College was approved. (See PR 4c
at the end of the Minutes. )

     K. Degree Candidates Approved

     Since the University Senate does not meet until the opening of the fall semester,
approval of the list of degree candidates which follows is recommended with the
understanding that such approval shall be given contingent upon subsequent approval
by the University Senate and upon the proper certification by the Registrar that all
persons have satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree for which ap-
plication is made:

                           CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES
                                   August 1966


     Ph. D.                        12
     Ed. D.                        4
     Ed. S.                        1

M. A.
M. S .

1 3


    M.S. in Agr.                   7
    M.S. in H. Ec.                 2
    M. S. C.E.                     2
    M.S. E. E.                     5
    M.A. in Educ.              63
    M. S. in Educ.             22
    M. B.A.                        2
    M.S.L.S.                   14
    M.M.                           5
    TOTALS                    188

    Juris Doctor                   2

  Arts & Sciences
    A.B.                       77
    B.S.                       12
    A.B.J.                         5
    B. M.                          1
    B. S. Med. Tech.               1
    TOTALS                     96
  Agriculture & Home Economics
    B.S. Agriculture               9
    B.S. Home Econ.                1
    TOTALS                     10

  Enginee ring
    B. S. Agr. Engr.               1
    B. S. Chem. Engr.              1
    B.S. Civil Engr.               8
    B. S. Elec. Engr.              4
    B. S. Mech. Engr.              5
    B. S. Min. Engr.               2
    TOTALS                     21

    A.B. Education             87

  Commerce                            SUMMARY
    B. S. Commerce             34        Graduate Degrees         188
                                          Professional Degrees        2
  Pharmacy                                Undergraduate Degrees   254
    B. S. Pharmacy              2*       TOTALS                  444

  Nur s ing
    B.S. Nursing                   1

  A rchitecture
    Bachelor of Architecture       3

*One degree as of July 8, 1966



Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Bhola Nath Banerjee
Pinkney David L. Evans
David Stanley Hall
John Robert Holsinger
Edward Louis Hutton
Luther H. Keller

Bernard L. Madison
Betty W. Meketon
Thomas Gordon Nye II
Gary Wayne Porier
Harold Clark Rohrs
James Tipton Thompson

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Education

William M. Chambers
John Haub Pollock

Lee Allen Torrence
David B. Watts

Candidate for the Degree of Specialist in Education

Louise Booth Lyons

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts

Arthur Harold Anderson
Barbara Melton Brown
Edgar James Carlyle
Frank C. Carpenter
Sonia Barreiro Cawood
Gordon H. Defriese
Robert Lee Doty
P. Douglas Elosser
Spencer F. England
Jerry Wayne Fields
Charles E. Fothergill
Thomas Ralph Goebel
E. Lawrence Goodman
David Erling Grover
Marquerite L. Hagler
Michael B. Hargrove
Stephen Gordon Horner
Robert Howard

Mary Jane L. Inman
Janet Dowler Martin
Lou Ann McAdams
Myrtle Mell McDonnell
Martin Andrew Oordt
Sue McCauley Patterson
Mark David Peltz
Jacqueline M. Rader
Minnie Sue Ripy
Glenn C. Rogers, Jr.
Mary Patricia Spencer
Nancy Duke Stokes
Doris Greene Sutton
Edward Elrngren Swenson
Walter F. Utroske
Ruth M. Wahlstrom
Rebecca Conley Yaun
Ann Moran Young

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science

Donald Earl Bennett
Grady Leon Cantrell
Joseph Michael Fisher
Julia Meredith Flores
Sondra Edwards Holt
William S. Johnson
Jack Cornelius Martin

Bobby Owen Moore
James L. Setser
Benny Dale Slone
Edward Walter L. Smith
Jojok Sumartojo
Danny Ray Varney



Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture

Joseph William Barnett
Paul Jones Frields
Richard Minford Kester
Avief Mansjur

Raymond Reneau, Jr.
Kenneth Earl Wray
James Donnie Wright

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Home Economics

Phylinda Allison Lampe

Joyce Ann Wood

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering

Thomas Milton Rachford

Andrew Jackson Winfrey

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Jerry Arthur Hunt
N. D. Sadanandan
John Timothy Skinner

Abor Tambunan
George W. Vancleave

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education

Marjorie H. Anderson
Garland Lewis Arnett
Marion F. Atkinson
Mildred Schirmer Ayer
Alice C. Baker
Raymond Victor Bard
Mildred Hoertz Berry
Leo Harding Brewsaugh
William David Broaddus
Carolyn Sue Burns
Margaret Earle Carroll
William V. Chambers
John M. Cole
Patsy Back Cook
Barbara Sutton Cowles
William McKinley Davis
Gayle Davis Ewing
Patricia A. S. Faulkner
Joyce Plonk Forrest
Frances Ann Fowler
Maureen W. Garrison
Anne Cline Gillian
Karen Diane Glass
Willa Anne L. Hamilton

Evelyn Jane Harrison
Alice Rita Deasy Hart
Dorothy R. Hartley
Earl A. Hodson, Jr.
Beverly Joanne Hopwood
Merle A. Insko
Beulah R. James
Allan Eugene Kennedy
Sam Peter Killgore, Jr.
James Logan Kirkland
Thomas Strother Kiser
Donald W. Lawson
Donald John Mackey
Jimmie Lou Manning
Ann L. Maricle
Mary Smith S. Matthews
Margaret Scott Miller
Georgia Maynard Muncy
Donald W. Patterson
Nola Jeffers Pursiful
Michael E. Robinson
Mary Diamond Roser
Marion Knox Royal
Patsy Lanette Russell


Ronald Lee Sabel
Anita Janeane Sanford
Gwendolyn E. Sherman
Joyce B. Spaulding
Linford Leroy Tapp
Patricia Vogler
Ronald Lee Walke
Gladys Lee Watson

Anne Holbrook Welsh
Lawrence M. Westbrook
Virginia H. Westbrook
Jeffrey David White
Ann Treadway Whitt
Donald Eugene Witt
Virginia Hiatt Younce

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Education

Dempsey Bailey
Alva Calloway Bennett
Charles Wayne Byers
Nancy Marie Campbell
Wilson Glenn Collins
Jesse Elmer Eversole
Ovid Ray Fowler
Harold Clay Grooms
Noretta Hampton
Donald Wells Heilman
William A. Joiner

Jimmie Judge
Edwin Robert Newport
Leonard Donald Ralph
Bronelle Skaggs
Philip Ray Smith
Ruby Faye W. Summerhill
Esta Pearl Tackett
Larry Joe Wells
Samuel Earl Whitaker
Clifford Alben Wilson
Ermel D. Wilson

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Business Administration

Hugh Carter Holt

Claude Kenneth Smith

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Library Science

Ella Mae Baker
Ellen Perrine Baxter
Emily Margaret Dawn
Shu Fang
Aurelia R. Gardiner
Patty Jayne Hatcher
Ellen Grayce C. Hellard

Lucille Tate Keating
Constance Ann Mills
George Wright O'Rourke
James Welch Pitts
Barry Roger Scott
Carol Ann Standre
Stephanie H. Welden

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Music

Claude Andrew Fouse
James William Jones
John S. Trevvett, Jr.

Forrest Ann Tudor
Miriam Owens Zalampas

Candidates for the Degree of Juris Doctor

Emby Archie McKeehan


Jerry Carr Traylor



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Terry Ryan Anderson
William W. Anderson
Frank J. Angel
Elton Neal Asher
Frank Hudson Bailey II
Gerald Raney Bandy
Anthony Mario Barraco
Hallock Wilson Beals
Alice Jean Beard
Duane Kathleen Beck
Steven Lynn Beshear
Henry Howell Brady
J e an Haumueller Brand
Carol Jane Brandon
Nancy J. Breisacher
James William Cammack
Carolyn Ray Campbell
Sandra Maria Carbonell
Jerry Wayne Carlton
James Edward Carter
Elizabeth P. Chambers
Bruce S. Coleman, Jr.
Mary Carolyn Combs
George Larry Conley
Gary Everett Conn
Stanley Louis C raig
.Agathaniki E. Curris
Charlotte Dee Davis
Donaald Lloyd Davis
Sharorn Veller Davis
Carl Lee Denton
Calvin M. Douglas
j. Kent Dunlap
Angne Talbott Elliston
J'oan Rebecca Eubank
Lois Ann Fletcher
Lynne Rebel Floyd
James M. Gallery
Suzanne Carol Gearhart

James L. Gray
John David Hale
Arnold John Houchin
Albert Berry Howe
Carl Ulan Hurst
Dorothy Winans Jensen
Shirley Mack Jeter
Suzanne Jett
Karen Phyllis Kennedy
Connie Sue Kinney
John P. Lackey III
Carolyn P. Lieberman
Arthur Clinton Litton
Judith E. MacDonaid
Joseph Marino
Lawrence C. May
G. Emmett McCall
Richard F. Miller
Jane Alice Nattress
Theodore Pochter
David Gallimore Powell
Robert Edward Rich
Clyde M. Richardson, Jr.
David Walter Ross
Veronica Jane Rough
Edward J. Schlachter
Edna Ray Shepherd
Homer Skaggs, Jr.
Edgar A. Smith
Larry Reginald. Strong
James Robert Wager
Mary Jane Wagner
John Charles Walker
John Duffy Watson
Charles Seldon Webb
William Lay Wiley
Michael Boyd Wood
Margaret Lynn Ziehler

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Richard G. Antolovich
Dennis jamers Crosby

Linda Gross Gohike
Carter Garnett Hackney



Jerry Ray Hamilton                            Joseph Ray O'Daniel, Jr.
Michael A. Hurter                             Frederick Lee Osborne
James Edward Jefferson                        Richard Larry Padgett
Helen Victoria Mateer                         Janet Glo Stokes

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

Phyllis Ann Combs                             Carleton Lewis West
William Russell Grant                         Carolyn L. Williams
Eldon F. Phillips

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Music

Patricia O;Hara Higgins

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

Sally Ray Ledford

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

James Corley Brown                             Raymond Heffington, Jr.
Jerry C. Bush                                  John Robert Render
James W. Davenport, Jr.                        Robert Roland Sharp
Winston Paul Deweese                           Danny Lee Shearer
Gerald Emmett Grinnell

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics

Sandra C. Caudill

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering

Harry R. Smith

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Werter Lewis Drake

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

James Franklin Adams                           Wyatt Carl Lay
William Frank Berry                            Carlos Fix Miller
Miguel Angel Enciso                            Jerry Vanderwier
David Michael Hendron                          Phillip Henry Wilkins



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Bruce Allen Johnson
Randall Maddox

Roger Winston Marcum
Stanley James Spicer

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Jerry Wayne Anderson
Fred Porter Francis
Bobby Glynn Smith

Dennis Morgan Stephens
Kenneth Evan Trice

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering

Ronald Edwin Calhoun

James Camp Irvine

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education

Judith Houston Adams
Mary Rose Adler
Jean Louise Anderson
Judy Crumbaker Ashmore
Dorothy G. Atkins
Judith Anne Atkinson
Stephen Kirk Atkinson
Cora Lee Baker
Norma Kays Barnett
Lindsay Blackburn
Kelly Darrell Boggs
John Edwin Bond
Benjamin R. Bostick
Deanna Helen Brewer
Helen Britton
Jacqueline Malone Cain
John Larry Carter
Janet Coble Chestnut
Helen Spillman Chipman
Patricia A. Christopher
Wilma Jean Clark
Earl Dennis Collins
Charles E. Combs, Jr.
John Hise Coppinger
Jo Ann Cornett
Susan Diane Cutshaw
Dixie Carolyn Davis
Richard V. Day
Linda Hatton Deaton

Diana Diecks
Martha Henkel Drach
Anne Wallace Eades
Veronica L. Eskridge
Charles Bennett Farris
Shirlene Faye Farris
Eileen Barbara Fogarty
Dorothy E. Galbraith
Deborah Blake Good
June Sharp Grigsby
Vicki Ann Hale
Hugh Benjamin Hall
Cerelda Ann Hardin
Melinda Hull Hathaway
Margaret Wills Hayden
William Gardner Hayes
Amanda Newell Hicks
Alma Terry Hirsch
William Finley Horton
Jean Sininger Jones
Major Dmitri Jones
Lona E. Kemplin
Ronald Lynn Kennedy
Linda Helen Lear
Janet C. Longbons
Joseph Kenneth Lowid
Deanna Marsh Mauldin
Martha Fairleigh May
Cecil Jean McClary


Kay Ramey McDonald
Habeeb Michael Metry
Luria Mae Morris
Rondle Lee Nelson
Mary Magalene O'Connor
Donna Sowards O'Nan
Martha L. Isaacs Piper
Sharon Imogen Porter
Sarah Ann Quisenberry
Mary Elaine Rein
Julius Ritchie
Chester D. Robinette
David Thomas Sawyer
Mary Lynn Smith
Jane Ellen Spangler

David B. Sparrow
Pearl Cornette Spears
Alice Ruth Summers
Kitty Williams Swain
Omeda Hadden Terry
Brenda Joan Thompson
Pamela Carle Ulman
Patricia Wilson Walter
Forester Watts
Bonnie Sue Webb
Margaret Ruth Westwood
Roberta Lou Williams
Katherine L. Woodyard
Ruby H. Zidaroff

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce

James Edgar Armstrong
Barry William Averill
Cicero C. Bargo
James David Beldon
Emil Winston Collier
Jacob Donald Conrad
Johnny Charles Cornett
Paul K. Cowhig, Jr.
Ricardo Delgado
George Michael Dew
William Maurice Duvall
Ronald Allen Flynn
Jane Angela Freeland
James Ronald Gossett
William 0. Houston
Daniel Scott Howard
Gayla Ann Hubbard

Herbert Frank Hunter
Michael Dale Johnson
Peter F. Kesheimer
Wilbur Ronald Lewis
William Joseph Lozito
James Bruce Martin
McGary Lindly May
Thomas P. McCarthy
James Wilson Nelson
Larry Glenn Proctor
David Louis Shelton
Richard Douglas Siegel
Jack William Slaline
William Frank Stephens
Ottis Travis Stull
Roy Carlton Wainscott
Kenneth Eugene Willits

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy

Kenneth Gordon Corey

Bobby Dale Spain

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Dorothy Grace Burden

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture

William M. Carroll, Jr.                       Houston G. Reese
Frank Michael Mattone




     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, approval, contingent upon
subsequent approval by the University Senate, was given to the list of candidates
presented with the understanding that all requirements have been met and the
President was authorized and directed to confer upon each the degree to which he
or she is entitled at the commencement exercises in May 1967.

     L. College of Agriculture and Home Economics Organization (PR 6)

     Dr. Albright called attention to PR 6, a copy of which is included at the end
of the Minutes, stating that the proposed organization of the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics is the result of special analyses and a restudy of the program
in the college and should provide for an even stronger program in the future.

     On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the organization of the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics as proposed in PR 6 was approved and PR 6 was
ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 6 at the end of
the Minutes. )

     M. Agreement with Kentucky Science and Technology Commission (PR 7)

     Dr. Albright said he felt the recommendation and background statement in
PR 7 were self-explanatory and recommended approval of the recommendation con-
tained therein.

     On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President was authorized to
enter into a contractual agreement with the Kentucky Science and Technology Com-
mission whereby the University will provide administrative, staff, and other pro-
fessional support to the Commission in order that the Commission may be enabled
to carry out its responsibilities as designated by the 1966 General Assembly. (See
PR 7 at the end of the Minutes. )

      N. Report on Dormitory Housing for the Fall Semester 1966 (PR 8)

      Mr. Kerley called attention to PR 8 which gave a detailed explanation of the
housing situation which has necessitated the temporary use of off-campus facilities
to house 329 students until the 5 low rise buildings in the dormitory complex can be
completed. He commended members of his staff, Mr. G. J. Ruschell in particular,
for the excellent job which they have done in handling this emergency situation.

      Dr. Angelucci accepted the report on behalf of the Executive Committee and
ordered it made a part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 8 at the end of the
Minutes. )



     0. Accreditation of the School of Architecture Announced (PR 9)

     Dr. Albright called attention to PR 9 which announced the accreditation of the
School of Architecture. He said that particular note should be taken of the fact that
only one or two other new schools of architecture have received a full five-year ac-
creditation at the time of their initial accreditation.

     Dean Charles P. Graves, who was present at the meeting, was commended for
the splendid accreditation report received by the School of Architecture. (See PR 9
at the end of the Minutes. )

     P. Report on Research Developments (PR 10)

     Dr. Bard called attention to PR 10, Extramural Awards Received During 1965-
66 in Support of Research, Training and Related Activities. He explained that the
total awards amounted to $10, 348, 437. 62 and then pointed out the breakdown of these
awards according to University units, and according to supporting agencies.

     Dr. Bard indicated that research activities show an increase in interdiscipli-
nary or "team" type of operation, such as the Center for Developmental Change, the
Tobacco and Health Research Project. There is also increased interest and support
of training for service programs, such as the Peace Corps, Head Start, etc. Ad-
ministrative responsibility in connection with research has become markedly greater
since much of the money to support research now comes from Federal grants.

     In answer to a question, Dr. Bard replied that the University of Kentucky has
a research program comparable with institutions of similar size and is favorably
positioned with even larger institutions.

     Dr. Angelucci thanked Dr. Bard for his informative report and commended
the University of Kentucky Research Foundation for the excellent program which it
has developed. (See PR 10 at the end of the Minutes. )

     Q. Dr. John L. Ragland Named Professor of Agronomy and Chairman of
Department of Agronomy

     Dr. Albright said that PR 2 which had been approved before he returned from
Frankfort contained the recommendation that Dr. John L. Ragland be named
Chairman of the Department of Agronomy; however, it did not include mention of
his promotion from Associate Professor to Professor and he wished to recommend
approval of this promotion.

      On motion duly made, seconded, and carried Dr. John L. Ragland was named
Professor of Agronomy as well as Chairman of the Department of Agronomy.



     R. Association of Governing Boards Regional Conference

     Dr. Albright extended an invitation on behalf of the Association of Governing
Boards to members of the Board of Trustees to attend a colloquium to be held in
New Orleans, Cctober ll-1Z, 1966. This is one of a series of regional sessions
which will be concerned with the outlook for the liberal arts both in the university
and in the separate college.

     S. Meeting Adjourned

     Dr. Angelucci having first determined there was no further business to come
before the meeting, called for a motion for adjournment. On motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the meeting was declared officially adjourned at 2:45 p. m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Harry Denham, Acting Secretary
                                                Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 4a, 4b, 4c, PR 6, PR 7, PR 8, PR 9, and PR 10 are official parts
of the Minutes of the August 19, 1966, meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees.


                         PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES

                                   August 19, 1966


     The Herman L. Donovan Senior Citizens Fellowship Program, which was
inaugurated by the University in 1964 to provide free classroom instruction
to any interested person 65 years of age or older, has produced its first
graduate. She is Mrs. Amanda Newell Hicks of Midway, who recently completed
requirements for a degree in elementary education.

     Mrs. Hicks, who for some years has been a teacher at Sayre School in
Lexington, plans to continue her studies under the Donovan program. She is
one of approximately 200 who have taken advantage of the opportunity for
free study.

     The Donovan program, which is directed by Dr.e Earl Kauffman, continues
to attract wide attention. The August 12 issue of Time Magazine contains a
report on the program, emphasizing the enthusiasm which the participants
demonstrate for their work. A similar article on the Donovan program, which
appeared in The National Observer in April, brought inquiries from persons
in 13 other states, including a candidate for governor and a state legislator
who wished to copy the program in their states.


     A new associate-degree program in respiratory therapy is being offered
in the University's Lexington Technical Institute. Students now are being
enrolled in the program, which calls for approximately one year of general
education courses and another year of technical courses. The student who
successfully completes the two-year program is awarded the degree of Associate
in Applied Science,

     Openings still exist in the Institute's technical programs in mechanical
and electrical engineering. Enrollment is closed, however, for two other
associate degree programs, nursing and dental laboratory technology.


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     More than 100 high school yearbook editors and advisors were on campus
August 3-4 for a workshop presented by the University and the Kentucky High
School Press Association. The visitors received instruction in copy writing,
yearbook design, and photography. They also inspected the University printing
plant and heard critical evaluations of their yearbooks by representatives of
several publishing companies.

     Consultants for the workshop included Joe Creason, Lee Heiman and Billy
Davis, all of The Louisville Courier-Journal; William Robertson, editor of The
Thoroughbred Record; Richard Deane, Eastern Kentucky University; Prof. J. A.
McCauley of the University School of Journalism, and UK photographer Ken Goad.


     Students in the College of Education who plan to become guidance counselors
now are using video tape for a more effective analysis of their practice counseling.
In the same way that athletes learn to correct mistakes by watching films of
their own performance, so do the counseling students observe the strengths and
weaknesses of their technique in conducting interviews, Use of the video tapes
was initiated this summer in a project headed by Dr, Car M. Foster, who says
they appear to be considerably more effective as teaching aids than t