xt74tm71vt6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71vt6r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1915-03-apr21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-03-apr21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-03-apr21-ec. 1915 1915-03-apr21-ec. 2011 true xt74tm71vt6r section xt74tm71vt6r 

     The Executive Committee of State University of Kentucky
met in regular session at eresident Barker's office, Arllbl,
1915. present2 C.B. Nichols, P.P.Johnstoa, G.4. grook.
John E, Brown.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

     President Barker then read his report. which was ordered

     Came then the deans of each of the six colleges and filed
their resoective retorts, as directed by the Uzeutive Committee,
which are ordered filed, and cosies of same will be made and
9eint to each member of the 4oard of Trustees.

     Upon motion made and unanimously carried, Messrs. Nichols,
Stol} and Johnston were appointed as a Gommittee to act with
the resident In Makiag up the budget for thlb next yearffiscal).,
they to report at the next meeting of this coamittee.

     On motion made and seconded and ananimously carried, the
Registrar was directed to Issue a diploma to William   . Young,
from the College of Law, which has heretofros been approved
by the general Faculty.

     Upon motion of 4r. Brock and seconded by Mr. Brown, the
College of Law is allowed one hundred dollars to be used
in conducting the summer school this year.  The roll being
called, the vote was unanimous.

     President Barker was directed to write out a statement
and present it to this 1;ommittee, at lts-next me-ttniz In
regard to the claim of the extate of it. A. Milligan, who lost
his life while in the employm-nt of this University as a car-
pent er.

     On motion made, seconded and carried, the Executive
Committee adjourned to meet at the next regular meeting
In May.

                             CNot sined.)



Missing report(s)