xt74tm71vs18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74tm71vs18/data/mets.xml Todd, Lyman Beecher, 1832- 1887.  books b92-150-29579415 English Transylvania Printing Co., : Lexington, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Lexington and Vicinity Bible Society (Ky.) Lexington (Ky.) Religious history. Bible Publication and distribution Societies, etc. Historical address delivered before the Lexington and Vicinity Bible Society  : at the celebration of its semi-centennial anniversary, October 30th, 1887, in the First Presbyterian Church, Lexington, Kentucky / by Lyman Beecher Todd and publishished by the Society. text Historical address delivered before the Lexington and Vicinity Bible Society  : at the celebration of its semi-centennial anniversary, October 30th, 1887, in the First Presbyterian Church, Lexington, Kentucky / by Lyman Beecher Todd and publishished by the Society. 1887 1887. 2002 true xt74tm71vs18 section xt74tm71vs18 




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L eXington

and Vicinity

Bible S o ciety,



        OCTOBER3 30th, 1887,

                 IN THE



  And Published by the Society.

        LEXINGTON, Ky.:



    At the forty-ninth annual meeting of the Lexington and Vicin-
ity Bible Society, held in the Main Street Christian Church, Lex-
ington, Ky., October 30th, 1886, Elder James A. Curry presented
the following, which was unanimously adopted:
    WHEREAS, The next annual meeting of The Lexington and
Vicinity Bible Society in 1887 will be the Semi-Centennial thereof;
therefore be it
    Resolved. That an Historical Address, commemorative of the
organization and usefulness of the Society be delivered on that
occasion with such other ceremonies as may be considered appro-
priate to the suitable observance thereof
    Dr. John W. Scott offered the following Resolution, which was
unanimously concurred in:
    Resolved. That Dr. Lyman Beecher Todd be appointed to
deliver at our next anniversary meeting an Historical Address in
accordance with the Resolution just adopted by the Society.


    The Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Lexington and Vicin-
ity Bible Society was celebrated on Sunday evening, October 30th,
1887, in First Presbyterian Church at 7j o'clock. The church was
crowded to its utmost capacity, and was handsomely decorated with
flowers, which almost concealed the pulpit from view and the respec-
tive dates 1837 and 1887 were displayed in large figures of ever-
green on the walls surrounding the pulpit.
    The officers of the Society, with ex-Presidents and invited
guests, among whom were Rev. Joseph J. Bullock, D. D., late
Chaplain of United States Senate, and Rev. George S. Savage, D.
D., KentucKy Agent of the American Bible Society, entered the
church in a body, while the choir, with the congregation rising,
sang the coronation hymn.
    The Services began with the reading of scripture by Elder
Robert Graham, D. D., an ex-President, and prayer offered by
James K. Patterson, President of Kentucky State College.  The
President, Mr. J. C. Woodward, then presented Dr. Lyman Beecher
Todd, who delivered the Historical Address.
    At the conclusion of the address Mr. Alexander Pearson, mem-
ber of the Executive Committee, representing the Centenary Meth-
odist Church, offered the following Resolution, which was unani-
mously adopted.
    "That the thanks of this Society be presented to Dr. Lyman
Beecher Todd for his excellent and valuable address delivered before
the Society this evening and that a copy thereof be requested for


Mr. President, Vice Presidents, Members cf the Lexington
    and Vicinity Bible Society, and Friends.
    It is esteemed a high privilege and an honor, in accordance
with the resolution adopted at your last meeting to speak on this
Semi-Centennial anniversary of the Lexington and Vicinity Bible
Society of its organization and operations, and to tell the story of
its usefulness and of its blessings.
    And, as has well been said, let us feel that it is indeed a good
thing and very cheering to us all to be enabled once a year to put
aside all the differences that sever the Christian Churches, and to
unite in the most cordial and friendly way in this great work of
circulating this Blessed Bible, to which the world owes so much and
will owe more in the future.
    For the organization of the Lexington and Vicinity Bible
Society, for its continuous and increasing usefulness, with united
voice and grateful hearts, we praise and bless our God: for the
multiplied and incalculable blessings it has brought to you, my
Fellow Citizens, we now thanking God, do congratulate you and
your children; for so well do we know that a city hath no posses-
sions so precious and so enduring, as the actions of its benefactors,
living or dead, because they inspire it with noble impulses and
noble achievements.
    Prominent, if not chief of such achievements, is this Bible So-
ciety, conceived in inspiration from on High, brought forth in
holy labors of our ancestors, worthy, all of them, of all honor and
lasting remembrance.   And it is sacredly perpetuated in your
hearts, my friends, as is manifested by large and interested audiences,
which have attended our annual meetings, even as this, by which
this evening we are greeted and honored.
    Then with bosoms throbbing with joy and gladness and thank-
fulness we say, All hail this auspicious Semi-Centennial of our Bible
Society. What eye can survey, what heart can adequately feel its



vast purport; its past of a glorious record; its present of splendid
opportunities; its future of an ever-widening sphere of usefulness.
Fifty years of toil in prayers and tears and fifty years of reward of
victor's crowns; fifty years of sowing precious seed and fifty years
of gathering in the sheaves:
         "Fifty years the rose has flowered and faded,
         Fifty years the golden harvest fallen."
    Performance of the task bringing me before you this evening
has been indeed an effort, not of labor, but rather of love, although
the journey backward through the first half of our Semi-Centennial
to starting point was attended with obstacles, neither few nor small,
much of the official records having been lost, statistics being
difficult to obtain, memory being often uncertain and obscure,
and statements being not altogether satisfactory. Traces, however,
here and there were found by which I was safely guided, as the
"blaze" on the trees of almost untrodden forests, by which our
pioneer ancestors were directed to the camping ground and to their
future homes. Then the daily newspaper was unknown, and the
reporter, now so indefatigable, so persistent, so ubiquitious, yet so
useful, is a creation of a later time.
    Delightful pastime and profitable as well has been enjoyed in
hearing from the lips of our older citizens in business places and
around the hearthstones accounts and incidents of the early history
of this society; and, as the story was told and long-forgotten names
recalled, often was there manifested an emotion unspoken and a
tear unshed, those sacred, those mysterious links between the present
and the past, between the living and the dead.
    Let us then count ourselves happy, yea thrice fortunate to
have come to the Kingdom at such a time as this, not in the
early grey dawning of a new era, clouded with uncertainties, perils
and sacrifices, but in Centennial days with sweet centennial chimes:
so recently of Independence Day, and but yesterday of the Con-
stitution signed, because the inspired hopes and promises clustering
around the former, and the realized glories and blessings of the
latter sprang from this blessed Bible, and of both, we as children
are proud since they are our inheritance.
    The Lexington and Vicinity Bible Society was organized in
this city on the twenty-fourth day of November, 1837. It is the
legitimate and worthy successor of the Kentucky Bible Society,
organized in 1815, the very first west of the mountains, the third
regular session of which was held in the First Presbyterian Church



in this city in 1815, and was presided over by Governor Isaac
Shelby, and also of the Fayette County Bible Society, founded in
1828, whose members became identified with and incorporated in
this society by a resolution offered by the Rt. Rev. Benjamin Bos-
worth Smith, Bishop of Kentucky, of blessed memory, a preacher
of righteousness, whose life was a walk with God.
    The Society is an auxiliary to the American Bible Society in
New York City. The officers at its organization were
    President-Dr. Lunsford P. Yandall.
    Vice Presidents-Hon. George Robertson, Waller Bullock,
Rev. Joseph Stiles, D. D.; Rev. J. M. Hewett, Ex-President Ken-
tucky Bible Society, 1825; Rev. D. M. Winston, Rev. Mr. Harris,
Rev. Ryland T. Dillard, D. D.
    Executive Committee-Rev. James Fishback, D. D.; Rev.
Edward Stevenson, Thomas K. Layton, Matthew Thompson Scott;
Wm. A. Leavy, Corresponding Secretary; Rev Edward Winthrop,
Recording Secretary; William Richardson, Treasurer.
    The object of this Society, as declared in the constitution, was:
    To aid in the circulation of the Holy Scriptures without note
or comment.
    It interferes with no man's viulvs of truth and duty.
    It requires no sacrifice of principle.
    It aims to establish no peculiar creed. It wants all to meet on
common ground to give the Bible to their fellow-creatures.
    Surely this was brief and comprehensive, it was noble and sat-
isfactory. And who were these men-these worthy men-concern-
ing whom and their labors you have asked me, now, to tell. In
the pages of this Society's Record I find their honored names re-
corded-names that have brought much fame unto it, and surely
they must be among its most valued possesions. Their's are names
known to, and cherished by, the older portion of my audience, and
may not be unfamiliar to the younger. They merited and they
enjoyed the respect of a former generation, and surely cannot be
unworthy of this. Reverently would I summon them before you
now, as welcome and interested participants of the scenes of this
    A fact as gratifying, as significant and deserving alike of men-
tion here, and of remembrance is, that this Society numbered among
its earliest members and most zealous advocates, and substantial
supporters, many of the most intelligent and influential business
men of Lexington, who, then, were not professors of religion, but



they were men who were not ashamed of the Bible, and upon whose
heart altars burned with an ever-cherished warmth that old puritan
love for the Holy Bible. I here pronounce it a credit to their
manhood and an honor to their memory,. conspicuous among whom
were George Robertson, Thomas A. Marshall and Leonard Wheeler.
     Mr. Leonard Wheeler was born in Lincoln, Massachusetts, in
1789, and died in Lexington, Ky., April 1st, 1864, where he spent
the last forty years of his life. The circle of his acquaintances and
friends was very large, and no man ever possessed more fully the
confidence, esteem and love of all who knew him. His estimation
of the value of the Bible is shown by the following written with
his own hand on the fly leaf of his Bible, after he had attained the
age of three score years and two.
                        SUNDAY NIGHT, November 2, 1851.
    I have read many books, histories, poetry, novels, and works
on legal subjects, but this is the greatest; this contains knowledge
far greater than all the books in the world contain.
                  DR. LUNSFORD P. YANDALL,
the first official name in this Society's history, Sir, your earliest
predecessor, was a learned and useful practitioner and a distinguished
teacher of medicine in this city and in Louisville, a name beloved
and cherished in many hearts and households.
                      GEORGE ROBERTSON.
    The pen of the historian has recorded him Chief Justice of
Kentucky. He was indeed a chief among justices everywhere;
profound in jurisprudence, his decisions are to-day declared au-
thority in two continents.
                REV. EDWARD STEVENSON, D. D.
    Seldom has the mantle of John Wesley fallen on worthier
shoulders than those of Edward Stevenson, or the Ministry of the
Word been committed to saintlier heart or cleaner hands. He was
a truly good man, and did great good for the Master because he
was good. For many years he earnestly and faithfully preached in
the old building on Church Street, now occupied as a school. An
incident I was pleased to hear, and I mention it now, is-that of
several elderly persons of whom I enquired concerning him, not one
failed, voluntarily and spontaneously in connection with his name
and godly life, to speak of his favorite hymn, which they had so
often heard him give out, line by line, and lead the singing with a



voice of wonderful sweetness and strength, a hymn written by the
trembling hand of the dying college student, and sung around the
world, rendering immortal the name of Henry Kirk White. While
here and now we recall his name, may we not think of him there
tuning his voice with the angelic choir, and with the harpers whom
John saw, harping with harps in their hands, singing,
         When marshalled on the nightly plain,
             The glittering hosts bestud the sky;
         One star alone of all the train
             Can fix the sinner's wandering eye.
         Hark! Hark! to God the chorus breaks,
             From every host, from every gem;
         But one alone, the Savior speaks,
             It is the Star of Bethlehem."

                  REV. JOSEPH C. STILES, D. D.
    In my early youth I heard the voice, and saw the form, of one
here proclaiming a Truth and bearing a light; and this Bible is the
very truth he cried, and this indeed the light he bore. Like the
young Prince of Israel, head and shoulders he stood above his fel-
lows-bold-lion-hearted and valiant for this Truth, born to attract
and save mankind. You have heard of him-Joseph C. Stiles-a
name greatly honored in the Church of God, and not likely soon to
be forgotten. It comes to us this evening radiant with reflected
light of a half-century of glorious Ministry, and now is borne on-
ward by an honored Kentucky Representative in the United States
                       WALLER BULLOCK
    1774 and 1853 mark the life-span of Waller Bullock, the
person above reproach, and a useful citizen, farmer at Walnut Hill,
independent and happy, a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church,
of strong mind and bright intelligence, he showed in his daily life
the Roman virtue of inflexible integrity and unsullied honor.
Many of his descendants are in our midst in highest esteem in
Church and State, and are friends of this Society.

                  MATTHEW THOMPSON SCOTT.
    How familiar and how cherished is the name of Matthew
Thompson Scott, the Christian gentleman, generous and true, in
whom there was no guile-a man among men in private aud pub-



lic life, able financier, Cashier and President of the Northern Bank
of Kentucky for fifty years, and one of the Vice-Presidents of The
American Bible Society. At the good old age of three score, ten
and two years, he laid down a blameless life, leaving to a large and
worthy posterity an ample fortune and the priceless inheritance of
a spotless name.
    Time would fail me to speak as justice would demand of Ryland
T. Dillard, by whose name the brightest page of his Church's his-
tory is brightened by its being written there; of J. M. Hewett,
faithful watchman on Zion's Wall; of D. M. Winston, gentle in
his strength, and mighty in his gentleness; of Harris, ever ready
to battle for the right; of Edward Winthrop, able, cultured and
courtly, gracefully bearing his illustrious name; of James Fishback,
genial, broad and sincere; of Thomas K. Layton, full of faith and
just always and everywhere; of William A. Leavy, the accomplish-
ed corresponding secretary from 1837 to 1855, full of zeal, enthu-
siastic; of William Richardson, friend of the Sabbath-School, fond
of this Bible Society, earnest in piety and good works.
    For the preservation of the Records of The Lexington and
Vicinity Bible Society for seventeen years, we are indebted to Mr.
Whittington King, who, for that period was its painstaking and
efficient Recording Secretary. Through these pages, well kept
during these changeful and eventful years, patiently I have made
my way, securing therefrom facts both interesting and important.
And indeed it is not difficult to read between the ines evidence be-
yond mistake, of his earnest devotion to the interests of this Society,
of the simple but firm faith, and of Christian character with which
he walked among his fellow-men as their companion and familiar
friend for half a century. The value of these pages will only in-
crease as time moves forward. Of the value of these services this
Society has already, by vote, recorded its appreciation; and in those
distant days the faithful historian of The Lexington and Vicinity
Bible Society will not fail of duty and justice alike when he shall
make mention, gladly and gratefully as I do this day, of the name
and services of Mr. Whittington King.
    The memory and high character of Hon. George Blackburn
Kinkead, who was Mr. King's predecessor for many years, are
warmly cherished and held in loving remembrance by us all. And
his successor, Mr. George Adams Joplin, now performs actively and
with usefulness the duties of Secretary of The Young Men's Chris-
tian Association at Omaha, Nebraska.



    The complete suecession of Presidents is as follows: In 1837,
Dr. Lunsford P. Yandall; 1838, Gen. John M. McCalla; 1844, Dr.
Thomas D. Mitchell; 1849, Rev. Robert Jefferson Breckinridge, D.
D.; 1854, Rev. John D. Matthews; 1865, Samuel R. Williams,
a teacher dearly beloved, a Ruling Elder and an ornament in the
House of God. 1870 Elder Robert Graham, D. D.; 1879, Dr.
John W. Scott; 1882, Hiram Shaw; 1885, James Henry Beauchamp;
1886, J. C. Woodward.
    As successor of William Richardson and John Milton, Mr. Geo.
W. Norton served this Society for sixteen years as Treasurer; and
few names appear more frequently than does his throughout these
Records. And a faithful friend he was, and true. Wisely and
well did he counsel, and often in times of need did he furnish means
for immediate demands. Thus for many years of his active and
successful life was he interested in the prosperity and usefulness of
this Society.
    The first life members appearing on this roll of honor were
constituted in 1838, and were Abram T. Skillman, James Fishback,
James Weir, Wm. A. Leavy, Wm. S. Todd and Joseph Kenning.
The first depository of this Society was placed in charge of Edward
F. Berkley, concerning which the Corresponding Secretary, William
A. Leavy, wrote just fifty years ago to Rev. J. C. Brigham, Corres.
ponding Secretary of American Bible Society, New York, Novem-
ber 13th, 1837: "Our Bible Depository is under care of Mr.
Edward F. Berkley, a student of the Episcopal Theological Semi-
nary, recommended by Rt. Rev. Benjamin Bosworth Smith, Bishop
of Kentucky, and who gives evidence of the proper spirit and
qualifications. It is neatly kept, well attended to, and likely, I
think by degrees to come into more general notice and favor. He
gives his undivided attention to it from 9 o'clock a. m., to sundown,
except during the dining hour." In this capacity Mr. Berkley
served this Society until the fall of 1847. He presided over the
Regular Annual Meeting in the McChord Church, in this city in
October, 1849, and is the only survivor of the nine general officers
elected at that meeting. He was the faithful and useful Rector of
Christ's Episcopal Church from 1839 to 1858, and now enjoying a
good old age, resides at Kirkwood, near St. Louis, Mo. These my
friends, these were the Pioneers; all honor, then from our hearts we
say, all honor to the Pioneers.
    I know truly that we shall be stronger and better for knowing
and for remembering what manner of men were here," and this.



Society can ask no happier or better thing than that the children of
such men may ever continue the worthy tradition of character and
usefulness, for "gracious men are public treasures and store-houses
wherein each hath a share." Time and the proprieties of this oc-
casion, forbid my presenting as I would be pleased to do, detailed
accounts, and even tabulated statistics of action and continuous
operations, varied, laborious and eminently useful and successful,
although they are of profoundest interest and importance.
    The work of this Society has been circumscribed by no geo-
graphical lines, nor confined to any race, creed or condition of men.
For years the Executive Committee held monthly meetings for
transaction of business, the great importance of which and the
character of the men thus engaged and devoted may impress you, as
at random, I open these volumes of Records and introduce you into
their Council Chamber. In 1838 you could have seen Rt. Rev.
Benjamin Bosworth Smith, Bishop of Kentucky, Rev. Edward
Stevenson, Rev. James Fishback, Rev. Nathan H. Hall, Rev.
Robert Davidson, D. D., Rev. T. N. Ralston, Rev. J. N. Hewett,
Rev. Edward Winthrop, David A. Sayre, whose Christian spirit
prompted a munificent liberality which blessed his own generation,
as also many generations yet to come, in many ways, most especi-
ally by the noble Institute of Learning which adorns our city, and
bears his name; which may long endure the proudest monument to
his memory. Hon. George Robertson, Dr. Thomas P. Satterwhite.
Harvey McGuire, William H. Rainey, James Weir, Dr. L. P.
Yandall, Norman Porter, Nathan Burrows, William A. Leavy,
Wm. Richardson, Thomas Huggins, Dr. Noel, James Hamilton.
    In 1845 Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge, D. D., Rev. Henry B.
Bascom, President of Transylvania University, Rev. John H.
Brown, Rev. John Miller, D. D., Rev. Edward F. Berkley, Dr.
David Bell, Dr. John C. Darby, Matthew T. Scott, Abram T.
Skillman, William A. Leavy, George W. Norton, Whittington
King, Joel Higgins, James Hamilton, David A. Savre, Frederick
Montmollin, Jacob Ashton, Nat- Shaw, Wim. H. Rainev, Wm. L.
Waller, Richard Pindell, George R. Trotter, Thomas Dolan, Wim.
Warfield, D. S. Goodloe, Rev. W. H. Anderson, Rev. Stephen
Chipley, Rev. Wm. M. Pratt, Rev. J. M. Hewett, Rev. Mr. Kav-
anaugh, Dr. Thos. D. Mitchell.
    In 1848, Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge, D. D.; Rev. Henry H.
Bascom, D. D.; Rev. John H. Brown; Rev. Edward F. Berkley,
Dr. David Bell, Dr. J. C. Darby, Matthew T. Scott, Abram T. Skill-



man, Wm. A. Leavy, George W. Norton, Whittington King, D.
A. Sayre, Nat. Shaw, Frederick Montmollin, Wm. H. Rainey, Dr.
Wm. S. Chipley, Rev. W. M. Pratt.
    In 1854, Hon. Geo. B. Kinkead, Rev. John D. Matthews, Rev.
Edward F. Berkley, Rev. John H. Brown, Rev. Samuel L. Ad-
ams, Rev. Stephen Yerkes, D. D.; Rev. Robert G. Brank, Rev.
Thos. N. Ralston, Rev. H. V. D. Nevius, Matthew T. Scott, Wm.
A. Leavy, W. King, A. T. Skillman, Joel Higgins, P. Scott,
George W. Norton, John M. Ferguson, W. H. Rainey, Richard
Pindell, H. Shaw, Thomas Dolan, William Warfield, Dr. D. Bell,
Dr. J. C. Darby, Glass Marshall, Elder at Bethel Church for more
than forty years; Ebin Milton, James C. Butler, Thomas W. Bul-
lock, John R. Dunlap, James Logan, Samuel Laird, Chas. S. Bod-
ley, H. B. Hill, Thomas A. Marshall, F. Dewees, Thomas Huggins,
George Robertson.
    In 1859, Rev. Samuel L. Adams, James C. Butler, John M.
Ferguson, Charles S. Bodley, George B. Kinkead, W. King,
Hiram Shaw, Rev. George S. Savage, Samuel R. Williams,
Charles Y. Bean, Squire Bassett, G. Burbank, George W. Norton,
Rev. Wm. M. Pratt.
    Before the present system of lighting the city of London was
perfected, officials at dusk passed through the streets crying,
"bring out your lights," "bring out your lights," and from every
door-way lanterns hung. So through these fifty years, to this So-
ciety, the cry for th)is light has come, but never has it come in
vain, never has that call been disregarded. It has reached us from
the Mountains of Kentucky, and at the Regular Annual Meeting
in 1845 it was reported by the faithful agent, Jno. G. Simpson and
colporteurs engaged with him, who were employed by this Society,
that they had canvassed and distributed in thirty-one counties, in
Northern and Eastern Kentucky, the most unknown and destitute
portion of our State, seven thousand six hundred and thirty Bibles
and Testaments, enduring great hardships and privations with pa-
tience and fortitude.
    The following resolution, offered by Rev. Henry H. Bascom,
President of Transylvania University, and seconded with an able
and spirited address by one of the Vice-Presidents, Dr. Thomas D.
Michell, was unanimously adopted:
    Resolved, That in the gratifying report, of our agent, Mr. John
G. Simpson, of the fourth year of his labors as Colporteur of the
Bible for this Sooiety in destitute portions of our State, we have fresh



cause of gratitude to God and encouragement to continue the dis-
tribution of the Word of God to other portions of our State, which
need the same charitable work.
    Calls came also from neighboring counties, from our jail, Coun-
ty and City Poor and Work Houses, Alms House, Lunatic and Or-
phan Asylums, Hospitals, Camps, Homes of Friendless, from flying
railroad trains, as also from slow-going stage coaches.
    On the 23d of June, 1859, this Society commissioned Mr. J.
W. Crawford to distribute Bibles and Testaments in Breathitt Coun-
ty. In 1860, with his precious pack on his mule, he traversed the
valleys and climbed the mountains of Breathitt, Owsley and Clay
    In 1861-2 this Society contributed two thousand Bibles and
Testaments to soldiers of both armies to comfort and bless them on
the march, in camp and hospitals. In 1862 Mr. Crawford canvass-
ed the counties of Breathitt, Owsley, Wolf and Pike, and in the
following year his faithful labors were continued in Clay County
and adjoining sections of our State. In 1867 the hotels of our city,
railroad cars and schools for colored persons were thoroughly sup-
plied. Thus carefully and systematically at regular and short in-
tervals, during these fifty years, our own county and city have been
canvassed by competent Christian persons, more recently by Joseph
Wasson, John H. Moore, James Turner and H. Malcom Ayers,
that the Word of God should be placed in every house.
    So moves the panorama. So runneth the story to the semi-cen-
tennial's end, and, as a fitting close, a benediction, the present Ex-
ecutive Committee ordered a thorough canvass of our county and
city, which is now being accomplished. The present Executive
Committee consists of
    James Crawford Woodward, President.
    Rev. Wm. F. V. Bartlett, D. D., Pastor of First Presbyterian
    Elder Charles Louis Loos, D. D., President Kentucky Uni-
    Rev. William S. Fulton, Pastor Second Presbyterian Church.
    Elder Robert Graham, D. D.
    Elder John S. Shouse, Pastor Broadway Christian Church.
    Rev. Rutherford Douglas, D. D., Pastor of Presbyterian
Churches-Pisgah and Bethel.
    Rev. Ira T. Walker, Pastor Centenary Methodist Church.
    Rev. Wm. M. Pratt, D. D., Pastor Baptist Church.



    Elder John Shackleford, Pastor Christian Church.
    Rev. John R. Deering, Pastor Hill Street Methodist Church.
    Elder R. T. Mathews, Pastor Main Street Christian Church.
    Elder J. W. McGarvey, D. D.
    Prof. James Garrard White.
    John T. Vance.
    James A. Curry.
    G. B. Newton.
    Alexander Pearson.
    John Pew.
    Treasurer and Depository-Jonathan Bush Morton, John Mac-
donald Greenway, Alexander Russell Milligan.
    Dr. Lyman Beecher Todd, Recording Secretary.
    I have said that this Society is an auxiliary to the great Amer-
ican Bible Society at New York City. The reports of the Treasu-
rer show that after the current expenses of this Society are defrayed,
the remainder is annually sent to the parent Society. And no
inconsiderable amount of money has thus been contributed; fre-
quently two hundred and fifty and three hundred dollars, annually,
making the aggregate during these years large indeed-a worthy
tributary to the mighty stream.
    I am gratified to mention that, in 1877, the Main Street
Christian Church constituted as a life member of this Society its pas-
tor-Elder Charles K. Marshall-as also it did, our venerable
fellow-citizen, Dr. Joseph G. Chinn, a God-fearing man and a lover
of His Holy Word.
    To Rev. George S. Savage, by whose presence we are honored,
this evening, the ever active and truly faithful Kentucky and Ten-
nessee Agent for the American Bible Society, we have been greatly
and continuously indebted for judicious advice and encouragement
through many years, more especially for his presence at our Annual
Meetings, as well as important business sessions of our Executive
Committee, and for his having supervised the canvas, general as
well as local, in the distribution of God's Word. These Records
show that the thanks of this Society have been by vote tendered him
on more than one occasion, and in the name of this Society, here
and now I renew and repeat our grateful acknowledgements to him
for his kindly interest in, and valuable services to us, hoping that
the Blessed Bible, with which he has brightened so many dark
homes, may in his evening time give him its light.
    The name this Society bears, and its location, may justify



special mention of a fact, which surely is worth knowing and re-
membering, that between 1820 and 1823 there were several editions
of the Holy Bible published in Lexington, in duodecimo form,
from stereotype plates sent out for that purpose from New York
City. It was cheaper to print the Bible here, and to distribute it
from this point throughout the West, than it was to pay heavy
charges on the transportation from New York. I have recently
seen a copy of one of these Bibles printed in Lexington in 1823,
found by Rev. Dr. Savage in his mountain travels, which, these
Records show, he publicly presented, at the Annual Meeting in
1882, to Mrs. Dr. Henry Martyn Skillman, whose husband is a son
of the publisher, Mr. Thomas S. Skillman, a citizen of high char-
acter, of superior mental endowment, a Christian-useful and be-
loved, and although he has been in his honored grave for a half
century, his name and memory are still dearly cherished by us all.
    Quietly, steadfastly and straightforward has this Societv held
on its way through these eventful fifty years-years distressed by
disease and distracted by cruel wars. It has been blessed of God
and ever growing in favor with man; always provided with means
to supply its ever widening and ever lengthening avenues of useful-
ness. Of homes blessed, hearts cheered, hopes inspired; of dark
places made bright, cold hearth-stones made warm, crooked paths
made straight and rough ways made smooth, the half may not be
told here, but the Book whose seals are to be broken there surely
will disclose. This Society, and I herein speak its greatest, its
crown-jewel blessing, has never wanted for men, wise men, faithful
men, good and true, to preside over its counsels and to conduct its
executive department. And more than all, and as best promotive
of its grandest and loftiest aims, and conducive to its best interest
and lasting benefit, it has never failed to have such men, of all
styles of creeds, of all political views, of various sections of our land,
to come and stand before it, who, with their great earnestness,
learning, and eloquence advocated its glorious cause.
    Listen, please, to a few of their honored names Robert Jeffer-
son Breckinridge, valiant chieftain among the hosts of God; Ed-
ward P. Humphrey, Edward F. Berkley, E. W. Sehon, William
M. Scott, John H. Brown, Henry B. Bascom, learned Divine and
orator of h