xt74qr4npd0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4npd0w/data/mets.xml  France  1799-11-10 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie de Meymat, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Nonidi 19 Brumaire, an VIII [10 November 1799] text Le Publiciste, Nonidi 19 Brumaire, an VIII [10 November 1799] 1799 1799-11-10 2023 true xt74qr4npd0w section xt74qr4npd0w     

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N O N I D1 19 Brumaire


an VIII.



Dr'crct 1111 00115311 1105' (111010115 pour la translation du corps [égz'slalff 1'1 Saint-Cloud. —- Nonn'nau'no du gc'no'ral

liuonupartc au conzmandcment en 0110/ 1105 troupes (/115 so tl'omIent dun: [0 rayon consu’lulionnel. — Proclamation
1111 pm me gfinél'al. —— De’nn’ssion Llonnée par les directezu's Barras, Roger-Dams 0t Confer. —— Adl‘esse du consezl

dos uncions 1m Imuplefrangais. — [Youvelles dz'vel'scs.


Buonapm‘le , gc'néml 0n chef, aux solrlals.
Au qupnier-général (10 Paris, 10 1811111m11110,a118 de
la 11".publiqu01'1'anqziise,une &i11(livisible.

501112115, 10 (Mad extraordinaire (111 00115011 (105 ancicns'
est conforme £1 1’arli010 102 (10 1'110’10 constitutionnel. Il m'a
remis 10 comnmndemcnt (10 la Ville ct d0 l'al'me'e.

J'ai accepté 110111 500011d01 [(-5 1110511105 qu'il va pi'cndrc ,
01 (112i 5011'. 1011105 011 {1110111 (111 peuple.

La ”51111111111110 est mal 001(1011100 clepuz's dour ans. V0115
11107. 0 511010 ({110 111011 1010111 11101110111111 t01'1neata11t 110111811X.
111115 1.1101. célc'bic' avoc 11110 11111011 ([111 111111111050 des obli—
gations (1110. jc 1011111115 : Vous i'cmpli1'0z 105 Votres, ct vous
5001111110102 votre 3131161 :11 ai'cc 1’01101 aie , la fei'mcte' Ct 121
01:1.1111100 (11: 0 j' 211 1011' «11115 V1105 011 v.0us

' .. - I; .i.« A 1.: 1.11151 “”1" -accront la nipubliquc
1111 111115 -' ‘1“ 0110 occnlmit 011 Euiopc, 01 que l'ineptie ou la
11111115011 :1 p11 scule lui fail'c pei die. I 1'00 [1.1 rzpublz'0’qu

Signé, 15110.1( .1? 111'112

Pour 001110 confm'mc. ' Sigiic' , AL Ex. BERTHIER.
81101111110110, 5701101171011 0710f, (1.111: silo) ens conzposant la
"aide nation/110 3"0'110121111/1, 110 Pan's.

Du 18 1111111121110. an 8 de la république fiangaise,
une & indiiisible.

Ci101'0115, 10 consoil (105 ancxcns, (10positairc (10 1:1 5:1—
g0ss1: 1111111111110, Vicnt (10 1011(11'0 10 de'crct ci-joint. 11 y 05L
3111111 11' 11 105' m‘ticlos 10:1 8( 103 de l’acte conslitutimmel

11 1110. 01114100, (10 1110110110 (105 11105I1105 pour la 5111010
(11: 1.11'0I11'§(,(5Inl:11i0nnationalc. 3.1 tianslmtion cst nécossaii'e
8c 1110111'Int1'11100; lucorps législatif sc trouvem :1 11101110 (10
11101 in 1'01110'501112111011 (111 (1a: .1931 imminent 011 la (10501g1'1—
1:13:11 ion (10 tontes 105 11.111105 d0 l’adnmislralion nous con—

11 11 11050111 (1:1115 cctte 01100115131100 055011110110 (10 l'nnion
35111! In conlim 100 (105 511111110105. Ralli0z— —vous 111110111 (10 111i.
( (-51 10 50111 11101' 011 (l assooir 1a i'i'publiqnc 5u1'105 1111505 (-10
1111110110 (:iv,i10 (111 11011110u1‘ iutéiieur, (10 1a victoii'c 3c (10
la puix. I/ ivq [1'1 I‘("]H(bll'1/UG.I
1315II1111, 1.1011N11IA11'1'E.

bSib "111,3 , ALEX. 13131011111111.



P0111 copic 00111011110,

’ [)0 l'ARIJ‘,l¢ 1 1018 brumaire.

La 111111100 (111 18 brunuu'ro 1'1 (:11 plus lair (111110 1'010
qua (1 11110. revolution [10 (10 505 111115 1'0n11'11'qnulil05 cai‘nc‘
10105 ,& cc (-1111 1‘0l0vc 10 plus 105 01510111111: 05 11111111,!105 , 0051
(010110 110 105501111110 011 11011 11 001105 ({111 l’ont prccédéo

L’wmhe dc tei'uiei'l 05 barricres, échnppé par 1111511le a été

révoqué 51 l’instant. Il n’a 0112' question d’aucunc dcstitutiorv ,'
d'aucune ai'restation, d’aucunc p0in0 pour aucun individn.
On a I'endu 21 l’oubli (105 hommcs (111i ii'ain'nient jamais (11'1
en 501111, 8: l’obscurité 501:1 1a 501110 punition d0 ceux dent
elle auroit (11'1 étre 13 501110 10001111101150.
Rien n'avoit 0111101100 105 0101101110115 (10 00110301111160.
L05 1011105 (10 convocation pour 10 001150il (105 ancicns,
11'011t éte' expédics que [0 jour 11101110 :11 011111 lieurcs du.

A limit 11011105 , 10s 111011111105 50 sent i'éunis , & 51 men!" 10

directoire l’ignoroit 0110010.

Goliicr, Moulins, Barias éloicnt‘ rcnnis, quand Roger-
Ducos est entx'é (15105:; s111lc (111 001'. sr-il 110111 5 11:1'01'11101' 5i
(1101qu05 11111115 ar‘iive's jusqn' 51 11-1 étoiont fondés. 505 001-
11;). : :z'i "'31:? Oil (111115 11’ 1‘. 0i0'1 1. 31:01:11 1'01'.5€i=II bnewcnt,
je vais e11 0110101101, n—t-il dit , 8c 11 s'cst rcndu 51 la com-
mission c103 inspectcurs 1105 ancicns.

Pendant 00 101115, Sicyes 50 promenoit soul 1'1 01101711 (13115
10 jal‘din du Luxembourg; 5011 aide-(1041111111, Dorsonval,
est venu 1’y joindi'c, & il 5’051. (10 suite rcndu 51. 111 commis-
sion (105 inspecteurs. '

Vers 10 11011105, Collier, B01135 & Moulins 0111:, mandé,
(lit—on , 10 commandant (10 111 17". division, 110111 1‘011d1'e
Compte all dirccloirc (10 5:1 00111lni10; il a 10pondu, (1110 la
17". division n'étoit 111115 50115 505 0111105 , 8c est 10510' 11105
(111310110101 Bim=1'1l>:11'10,d11(iuel il étoit vcnu prcndre dcs
01(11'05, (1 311105 10 (100101

A 11 11011105, B11110 '15 :1 0111010 5a démission , 3c 3110113110110
:1 11011110 011110 11 1111 (11:1:101101111'nt (10 (111130115 (10 1'05001'101'1’1
Gros—Bois, 011 11 avoit annoncé vouloir sc 1011(11'0.

13110113110110 , i'énni 1'1 Si03'0s & Roger-Dncos, & aux ins-
pectcurs (105 (10111 001150115 , 10gloitavec 011x 10511103'0115 (1'01“?—
cution (111 (100101; (10 translation SC 105 1110511105 (10 51'11‘01é
publiqum'qnand'Augm‘nun est enlrc', 8c 1'0111111‘1'1553111 1'1 plu—
sieln‘s 10pi‘i5'05, 1111 a (lit : généml , vous 110 m’avcz Point
appellé , inais j0 Viens mus joindi'c.

1’10511110 10113 105 ollicicrs—généi'aux qui so trouvoient h
Paris 50 sont réiniis 1.1105 (10 13110113113110; 'M111'd1'111111d, D05—
501105, 1.101111101111110, 1111110011. ('0 (10111101 1'1 010 chai'gé du
comnundenient (1'11 Luxembourg.

La translation 50 1110111110 & s’cxécutcra sans aucnnc 001111

Dans 1’ apr'cs- -mi(li Roger—Dncos :1 (10 5011 11101110 monvc—
1110111 (1011110 511 (101111550111. 1.1011101 a 0111'01' (I 1.1 51011110 dans la


soirc'e , & 11 11111011 quc cct 01101111110 a. 010' suii 1 par “011.1115.




Ce grand 11100111110111, (1111
«11:1111501110111 (111118 10511111101111; (111 9”».111V01‘11011101117 134 1111111,—

51111110 pr1:c111':.0 111‘ (1' 1111 11111 :11110

C1110 11:1115 (11101111103411105 (1’0 505 bases , 5051 017010 :111 51:121 (10
1:1 111115111‘012131110 11‘:1:1111:1.11l(1,

[1 113' :1 11:1,; (-1; 111.0 (1111105111011, p115 111101111511311011.

1.1; '0 10 01111:. 2: (11:5 n11(‘1(-11s:1 (111V(‘1'1,s:1s11:11:cc \‘01‘5 50111
11011115 (1.1 1111111. , 1111' mus-1‘1 :111!(1:11"(1(rs 1111101105 (1110 5:1
‘ 11:13 1111 $016,111 (10 plus (1110 (ll: 00111111110

1 .
22111113 (11:11:1“12'0 , 3:
1 ,

(1:014. 10.110052. (1:) :1 1'3! (3": :1'01‘3 0:110 110111113 (1110 1311mm:
1- 1 \'."2‘l:l (’10 503 11011500111: 11031111115, :1 rag-51111111113 11111105 105
'1:J,'1p~:; :1111'1‘111101'103. 14:1 511:11- (111 (111061011X: 511' 051, l‘(::1(li1c
(”01112119 105 01111014. 11 1:33 (1 10'1'1115j1:1951105 011 revue 311111111011
1105 .1 -,1« fi

"‘1"'1111:1'11(>!15 "1111101711115 .‘_\ (1:) 17011111011511151116 (1e (:05 1111—
:: (10 1011.11 21 10111' 101611: 1161115 (1111 105 :1 10::—

1111111'1'5 ,1111111‘011
jmrs 59111141551l:1‘.'1(711111'1'.
L0 (1:111:11‘301110211 (0 1:1 801. a1 11111111611110 procla—
-311:1!i1111 (I111, :1111‘1 (file :‘111 00115011 (10% :171010115, 110110
(111 1:1 111::111121'1: 1:: 15 111.151. (15.110 1:1 (11111511221011 (111 corps
1413‘. 515 (10 Paris 11'051, (i111,- 110111: trL-s—pcu (101111113. [2'11
(14111 (‘11 (5101, :1-1'11 1‘05101‘3 10111 1111 plus dQLIX jours i1 801111--
611» :(l . 11:11-00 (1113111 :1 511115 (101110 1110111110 & 111111’1 (l’avancc
lo |i':1‘. 1111 (1111 (11111 (NW [1113501110.

1,32, 1111111112111311103 (185 (101170 :11'1‘0111115501’1101’15 0111 (11(- snsa
111'05 cc1111‘a11x 1110;1(10: pou‘ 10(30—


1101117! '5 , 1‘"; 10:; (7111111111
1:111 (1111; 0:11:03 provisoims.

“11112101111110 (11111107 1111115 prévnyaut , :1 01:11:11 011 191111111
Cflil‘i"1",."’ 1.011111: par—111111.

6115 (115011113 0111 111511110, :1vcc l'indig‘naliun centre 105
0:111:10; (14-5 1111111011119 1111111105 , 1.0311011 (10 105-: \1'1111‘ 1110111131 1‘0—
:{1:11'01‘ :11’(‘(‘. (:0 9011111110111, (10 1:1 force1110111011100 (1011110 cm!—
81-11 (1115 :111110111; l':1 1:111 (16111151101107 131111011: (10 1:1 1111011;1
1111511111110 , 10 1‘0911001 (10 1:1 11110110 011110.

'I'oul, :11111011m1 (1110 (:0 15051, [:35 1111 Chang-"0.1110111 non-vein:
(112.1111 :1 1311!, 11101510001...» 1111011011 (101:1 1‘111111111111110 (115011 :1
111011.1100 , pm" 11101101111110111011l 211:1 C1‘é:1'11011 21’1111 12119101110 11x0
& 1111:11‘11111111.

1'Il 11"; 11:15:15 ('10 (;3 315101110 (mt élé 11311101110111proclamécs
(2:01;: {(1111, (:0 (1:11 5‘051 (111011 00 jour.

11:: 1511111014110 , 10 g,)11\'01‘:10111(‘111 1‘0111‘ésex1la111‘ sort1ront
(111 01-: (11111101113111. (111':1'1>l101(:10nl 105 W211); (113 1:1 11:111011, 105
(4191:1111'1'11134 1111 1113111110 accom':111l_ L111 passage (19 1111mm—
pm'lv, 1": £11 111; 5111105 (111(11101 111111150111 105 0511015111005 dc
111115 11:5 11:15 :111111; (11- [:1 11110110.

——~ ()11 :11;;1:111('1~ 1111 chub; 51 0111111011 ,(1110110115110 pouvcns
(13512110010 3101110311 1011011111115


‘11:: ((1111 mm

', ' 11123 (0:111:11 (111 (1111:11'101111-111 (1:,- Vnuclusi‘, , 111:1


_ .51 0011011011111m111111 :1 01d [(1111: ,
:‘:1 5:1;1'3-1111111: 11:13 0.111905 10 16 1111111111110.
~—— 1‘1:1~111l,11.,11‘1'1}‘1“:(1([11011111('sr111)15;£1.C:=§‘uzme coumlc
,.1:1111,-153:111'c 1-..1 (‘11:‘1-(*1(111'0,y 051111011.
30110111 (111 00115011 ([03 :111010115, 1111011npn1‘lc :1 trouvé
«>1, 91-1712112151‘0 (l0 11011.13, (1111 112115155011 \'(:1111‘ 131110105—
1:' (l: (:02, cx—(lircdcur. L0 général 1111 :1 purlé
“1:111; (11111::1'111111101‘. 11 1111 :1 (“$511110 (1111055613
' u 011": cnlcudu (10 ccux 1’1111y11‘o11-
(10:; 0531510315 0111 10101111 (11101111105 1111115
11115110 1'0111(1'10111_:c (105 101115 auliquosz (1(311'3—
, 5111:1111“ :1 5151101111, (10 c0110 Franco (1110 in

'1151 1711111111111: 4.‘ .10 \‘0115 :11 1:115:15 1:1 11317;, j’ui

' (:1‘1‘0; J1: V110,; :15. laissé dos 110101103, 1:11
'10 10115111 1:11:36 10511111110113 (1': l'lmiic,


1'JVC '52

& I :11 Home par-10111 (7.05 low spnlmlrmes & 1:1 111151110.
(311m 02140115 1:111:10 (*(‘111 1111110 11‘1'11:1(::115(l110 10 (0111111155015)
115 501111110113 , & 0’011110nl. 1111-5 cmupngnnns (11: 111111113 11.

111111113 maul 111115 11011105 :111 lz‘ésux‘ 111111110, & (1011?; :111111-3
111011113 pour 1 113111..

——~ {.711 111:11—(11111-nd11 :1 12111, (111.011 5.051 (1111111311 51 1:1 1101113;-
511:1 501110 (10 ”urns; 11 :1 1:11'. 0(1111‘11‘ 0110;: “(1011;111:1110, '
:1 renvoyé 311551-101 11:11‘ 1:11 :11110—(10—03111? 1‘01'111'12 (10 L0
1:113301‘ 11314501‘.

(10111 ul1j11111‘d‘11ui (1:1115 1):;1'1: ‘uplwllvnl £1 ('11\‘ 5011131111,:
glnirc ([11‘1111‘011 13111111011, 110111 a11111101' [11115101115 :11'11101~s 1“:
1':111‘(:'11‘11111l,11(?:1 1’11111‘0110. (7051 110311011111011111111.7111110 811-1111
:111 ([11:11:101-5101101111 (.05 1111101105 ; Moronn (‘1,1111111:11._l

. 1

‘ (111 (111151311 (1115 (11111—001211.

Luv-111111111173; .11111'211 . all 1111510

3110111111111 :1 l‘iCcolc-Milii:111‘05 5011111101 11

3(1:11:(1(1:1:1ld :‘1 V01‘s:11110s.

01111115110 (3/111?) 1111 mum/Irv (In muse/Z (1'05 antic/:5 61 11.;
717(3/72/11‘0 (1'11 L‘oiu‘cz'l 1/111 tiny—(JULIA.

( 1‘1.:)/(L.CCl 01111911011051 conséavoircu 11011 5111‘ 19110113131: :11
00113011 (1C5 :111010115 , 10 18111111110110 , 11111110111011101.110510111111111
(5111 (run-31010 11-, corps lfiglfzziii‘ .1 1511111411111111 , C‘v; 11110551113
gémfrul lim’nuquu‘lc (111 c11111111:111:1c111011l (11's [10111105 001111113515
(1'115 10 rayon (:011511111110111101).

[C Elwin/11131105 cz'uq—Cunly. All! 111011 ((1111 , (11115141111111:
YOIIS n\'07. 1":111, & (111’:1ll<-Z—‘. 01:5 13111‘0'.’ lixpliq11cz~11m1 mm-
1110111 1111 11010 51 :11'1-1111‘:111‘C :1 1111 s’n:):(:1‘:01'11:11' 10 011115111 (103
11110101151. . . .

f1 ’xz’lu'icn. Al‘l)1ll‘.‘111‘€ 1551-110 10 (100101, (11‘ 11:1:15'

1 '1
1.1111011 (110 111 (11111111105 (111151? 0110111: (151 1011 errmrr'.’ (1111',
I. A \_

111011 (11111

(1011:: 1:1 0.011511111111111. 1,, 0.111010 1' 1:01-14: : 11:111.:- 10
11 (105 (111010715 110111, chungur In 10511101100 (1‘11 corps 11:17»

9“ .l 11.(li([110 011 (:0 0:13 1111 1101110011 11011 3: 1111111111011
1111 111(1110110 105 (101111 001150115 50111, 1011115 (16 5'37 1‘011(11'C.QHC
1: Sun (115:1‘015111'001, (1111101 051 11‘1‘~§‘.1'(1(;1:111(J. 11

Le 1141135530. 1311:1511 l‘:1111(|0$ 111111115; 111111114111

1111 110111210, (111(10501'111‘0 (1:13.15 10 110111.19 1511051110111: 111,111



& 1’111'15 (“3111;111:1111110.

[4v.111'/1L'I’(’1'l. La 001131111111011 151- 11:01 311011110 0011(11‘110115‘1
l’mm‘cicc (111 (11'11’1110 translation (11111110 (101111112 :1sz: 3111-10115.
1))11131010‘111‘1‘ 2-' 1: 5:11:11 1‘0301‘1'0 , li'h’ii’LTC ([11’113 501111113 41/1018115.‘
1,110 105 11105111110 sngvs , pnrcc (1111111351 1111105110 1110111131111?
loi\’, 11:; 110 }1(:11‘;(~11l. 1‘0111‘01‘ (10 101115 1111101111115. (1110 1111111—
110111‘ (1:11101‘11'111‘ 105 1101111053 115 511.11111‘0511111115 5011161111011
11 111111, (l1l(-s—V(>:':, , (111’11 :111, (111 1111111110 (1.1115 10 [10:1 (‘35
50011605 5 11 (1011 51111.10 (11171111 puissn (:11 111'1'11'011‘ . S\' (11:11:: 1‘1
circumstances 011 110115 5011111105, (1111 (15:11; (-1110 (111010110:
5011 1111possil1l02’ ll (1(11L 51111110 :111551 ([110 10 011115011 V1“
r11110 plus grandc 5110111110 your l'én11 .011 11111::- (1511111115
C:1p:111l(‘s (llagilcr 105 (111111111115 (.10 1:1111121'10 1711112111110 ; (\th
(1:1 11131110111 (111 10 (2111113 lfigislnlil‘ 110 51: 01011 11.x; , 110 5-;- 51113
11:15 05501 111110, 11 110 1’05! 11101101110111 11:15. (1 :1 (11110 :11
3911111110111 111111110 (11):; :1111‘10113 (:110 1:1 (‘0:151111111011 :1 (1:1 57?“
rapporlor , 6a 115 11’011'1, (l‘uulrc 111011151 (101111111 111- 1:: 1111115”
11111011, s111o;1(|11’115 011 501110111 1:1 1100053110 (111 1"111111‘1111

L0 111. ([05 5C0. (3111111110111 12111—011 111i01";1;111' 1:1 11111“:
(10115 00(‘1, & 011 1011.11 (1‘.- (11101 105 ancicus 11(1111'011'u-1'15CI‘1
' dispnsrtr '1’ *

L’./III(,'1,'c/1.-— En vorlu (10 1:1 00115111111101] 8: (111111111 81'



Quand 1a constitution (1011116 (1111: uncicus 10 1.111111 dc 1'11“?

—— ()11 :1 rcll‘nuvé (111 (1152111101111111l & (1H 11311101151110 , (11-5:
(111'011 :11‘011'011v0 (1:1 1'05110 111100. 11mm 11111110113 (1111 (:10 up?

— Lt's 1101115 (1051101110110115 (10 11170110113110 (1111 C(111‘1111:11;~

:1:11;11--«.l(,1:(l, s;

1.111011 0
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1111110 (1
111111‘ 0\

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(:10115 01
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la 1111.111,
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pmt 1:113!
(11' 110910


EMIES {(1111

11'115 111
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111111011 1‘1
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11112-115 0“

111111111 a11501110, e111: 10111‘ (11111110 1111111101101’11001405 1110310115
1100055111105 pour1'11cco1r11111501110 ' (111511 V010111‘é. Qui V8111
111 1111 , \'Clll 1135 1110110115. 11 5131‘01111115111‘111;1110110 0111. 0011111135
11111 1111010115 10 (11011 111' 50 51.1115! 10 11 11111: 0111110551011 (“'15-
1111110 1111 1111511111, & ((11’011010111'111‘11 111111515 111 1'01‘170111100551111'C
11111‘ 0‘101‘1201' (:0 (111111. LC 1111.. 1:13 8-1 101110 111001151111111011
1.1éc1ar0111 0011/):1'1/151' (Wally/11111 00/11/13 [(1 A‘zii‘clc’ 111: 1:1 1 11—
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