xt74qr4np83f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4np83f/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1935-09 volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Teacher Training and Certification Laws and Regulations", vol. III, no. 7, September 1935 text Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Teacher Training and Certification Laws and Regulations", vol. III, no. 7, September 1935 1935 1935-09 2021 true xt74qr4np83f section xt74qr4np83f  

0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0










Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction







Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

IVOI. III 0 September,_1_935 M9” N0. 7










The General Assembly in 1934 passed a law providing for the
issuance of certificates by the State Board of Education through its ‘
executive officer, the Superintendent of Public Instruction. This
law provided, also, that all certificates shall be issued upon the basis
of the completion of curricula prescribed by the Council 011 Public
Higher Education and approved by the State Board of Education.
In administering this law it is necessary (1) that the Council on
Public Higher Education prescribe the curricula upon the basis of]
which all the certificates authorized under the law may be issued;
(2) that the curricula prescribed by the Council 011 Public Higher
Education be approved by the State Board of Education; (3) that;
the State Board of Education set up rules and regulations for filing. ,
curricula and for the issuance and reissuance of certificates; and,
(4) that each institution engaged in the training of teachers file
their curricula with the State Board of Education as a basis for
issuing certificates.

The Council on Public Higher Education met on May 6, 1935,I
and prescribed curricula upon which certificates are issued. The
State Board of Education on May 27 approved these curricula and
in addition adopted regulations for filing curricula, transfer of
credits and for the issuance of certificates. On August 15, 1935, the
State Board of Education adOpted standards for the organization
and administration of the program of supervised student teaching
as a part of the requirements for the issuance of certificates. TI“S
Bulletin, prepared by Richard E. daggers. Director of Teacher
Training, contains the laws governing the training and certification
of teachers and rules and regulations for their administration.

Superintendent of Public InstructhH



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Superintendent of Public Instruetion

Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction

Director of Teacher Training

Director of Certification

' Special Assistant for Certification

Secretarial Sta]?


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Page i st

Part I—Laws passed by the 1934 session of the Kentucky Gen- I I'i
eral Assembly relating to Teacher Training and Cer- a1


tification ......

Part lI—Regulations for Filing Curricula upon which Certifi- r H
cates are issued ________ 12 11




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in? Part III—Standards governing Supervised Student Teaching in in
E.‘ Colleges offering approved curricula for the Training 0 l t“
f ‘ Teachers in Kentucky 14 '_ C
r 1
Part IV—Regulations for the Transfer of Credits .............................. 18 F er

Part V—Regulations for making Application for Certificates ........ 20 St

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Part VI—Regulations for the reissuance of Certificates which b(l

were issued before September 1, 1935 .................................. 22 b


Part VII—Regulations for the issuance of Certificates under Acts 25 18

of the General Assembly 1934 ________________________________________________







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Certification Laws

Part I contains the laws passed by the General Assembly in
1934 relating to the training and certification of teachers. This law
states that, “All certificates provided for by this act and that may
be issued under this act shall be issued in accordance with the pub-
lished rules and regulations of the State Board of Education through
its executive officer, the Superintendent of Public Instruction.”
(Section 4502-1 Kentucky Statutes.)

Section 4527-3, Kentucky Statutes, gives to the Council on Pub-
lic Higher Education the authority to prescribe curricula. The law
states further that certificates shall be issued upon the basis of cur-
ricula prescribed by the Council on Public Higher Education and
approved by the State Board of Education.

Council on Public Higher Education. The Council on Public
Higher Education is made up as follows: “The president or chief
executive officer of each of the following institutions of higher learn-
ing for white persons—the University of Kentucky, Eastern Ken-
tucky State Teachers College, Western Kentucky State Teachers
College, Murray State Teachers College, and Morehead State Teach-
ers College; a member, other than the Superintendent of Public In-
struction, of the board of regents of each of the four above men-
tloned state teachers’ colleges, said member to be selected by the
board of regents of each teachers’ college; three appointive mem-
bers of the board of trustees of the University of Kentucky to be se-
lected by the board of trustees of said University; Two lay members
of the State Board of Education to be selected by the State Board
of Education; the dean of the College of Education of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky; and the Superintendent of Public Instruction of
the Commonwealth, who shall be eX-officio chairman of the Council.”
~Sect10n 4527-2 Kentucky Statutes.

Prescribed Curricula. Under the authority vested in it by the
ltatute, the Council on Public Higher Education met at the Capitol
{11 Frankfort on May 6, 1935, and prescribed curricula for the train-
111g9f teachers and administrators for the public elementary and
Public secondary schools in Kentucky.

Approyal of Curricula. The State Board of Education, under
the authority vested in it by the General Assembly, met on May 26,
£335, and approved curricula prescribed by the Council On Public
'lgher Education, adopted rules and regulations relating to the
Issuance and reissuance of certificates to teachers and administrators






for the public elementary and public secondary schools of the com. ‘
monwealth. On August 15, 1935, the State Board of Education
adopted standards for supervised student teaching as a part of the ‘
regulations for the issuance of certificates. l
Effective Date of Regulations. Regulations for the issuance of
certificates 1u1der the Acts of the 1934 General Assembly will become i
eflective on September 1,1935. All regulations in force up to that I
time, except regulations relating to renewal, extension and tenure of '
certificates 1n force on September 1, 1935, have been repealed. i

A Period of Adjustment. Since it will be difficult for colleges ‘
and students to meet the requirements of the new regulations in ‘
mediately, a period of adjustment has been declared by the Council l
on Public Higher Education during which colleges and students
will be given opportunity to meet the requirements of the curricula. ,/ I
This period of adjustment will continue until September 1, 1937. ‘ 4
The State Board of Education will adopt rules and regulations for ‘ i
the administration of curricula during this period of adjustment. 1

Reedopte'ons. “A11 regulations of the State Board of Education L
relating to renewal, extension and tenure of certificates in forcenp
to September 1, 1935, are embodied in the regulations effective on and f c
after September 1, 1935.” (Regulation of State Board of Educa- 1
tion adopted August 15, 1935.) i 11

Repeal of Old Regulations. ”All regulations relating to the ad- 11
ministration of curricula and all other regulations not related to the ti
renewal, extension or tenure of certificates in force up to September 2
1,1935, are heleby repealed.” (Regulation of State Board of Edu~t 1
cation adopted August 15,1935.)



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Certification Authority. (Section 4502-1, Kentucky Statutes.)——The cer-

tification of all superintendents, principals, teachers, supervisors, attendance
officers, and other administrative, supervisory,

may be approved by the State Board of Education.

Certificates shall be issued to the former students, students and graduates
of the two state institutions for colored person ‘
in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education.

The State Board of Education is hereby authorized and directed to ap-
prove the curricula of any standard college or university, or of any depart-
ment thereof for the training of teachers, when the curricula comply with
the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and when the in-

Publicatton of State Board Rules and Regulations. (Section 4502-12, Ken-
tHCkY Statues.)— of 0119
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additional standard college or university work earned during the life of the
certificate and prescribed in the same manner as for the original issue, and
may be renewed thereafter upon the presentation of one-half year (16 semes-
ter hours) of additional standard college or university Work earned during
the life of the certificate and prescribed in the same manner as for the
original issue. ‘ v

(2) The standard elementary certificate, valid for four years, shall be
issued to a person who is a graduate of a standard four—year college or uni-
versity and who has completed a curriculum of four years (at least 120
semester hours) for the training of elementary teachers, which curriculum
meets the minimum standards prescribed by the State Board of Education
for the issuance of such certificate. This certificate may be reissued or re-
newed every four years after three years’ teaching experience during the
life of the certificate or upon the presentation of one-half year of standard
college or university work of graduate grade prescribed in the same manner
as for the original issue.

The standard elementary certificate may be extended for life upon the
presentation of evidence of the holder having completed a standard four-
year college or university curriculum (at least 120 semester hours) for the
training of elementary teachers and in addition thereto one year of standard
college or university work of graduate grade, prescribed in the same manner
as for the original issue, and three years’ teaching experience in the
elementary field during the life of the certificate.

Each elementary certificate shall show on its face the curriculum the
holder has completed for its issuance.

(b) High school certificates—The high school certificate shall be valid
for use in any high school in this Commonwealth.

(1) Provisional high school certificate—The provisional high school
certificate, valid for four years, shall be issued to a person: who is a graduate
of a standard four-year college or university and who has completed a cur-
riculum of four years (at least 120 semester hours) for the training of high
school teachers, which curriculum meets the minimum standards prescribed
by the State Board of Education for the issuance of such certificate. This
certificate may be reissued or renewed every four years after three years'
teaching experience during the life of the certificate or upon the presentation
of one-half year of standard college or university work of graduate grade

earned during the life of the certificate and prescribed in the same manner
as for the original issue.

(2) Standard high school certificate—The standard high school cer-
tificate, valid for five years, shall be issued to a person who is a graduate
of a standard four-year college or university and who has completed a
standard four-year college or university curriculum for the training of high
school teachers and who, in addition thereto, has completed one year of
standard college or university work of graduate grade, all of which Work
meets the minimum standards prescribed by the State Board of Education
for the issuance of such certificate.

The standard high school certificate may be extended for life upon
presentation of evidence that the holder has had three years' teaching ex-
Derlence in the high school field during the life of the certificate.

Each high school certificate shall show on its face the curriculum the
holder has completed for its issuance.

_ .(c) _Oertificates in administration and superoision.—Certificates in ad-
mlnlstration and supervision shall be valid for use in any position of super-
intendent, principal, supervisor, teacher, or attendance officer.

{1) Provisional certificate in administration and supervision—The
Drowsionai certificate in administraton and supervsion. valid for four
years, shall be'issued to a person who has had at least two years’ successful
eachmg experience and who is a graduate of a standard four-year college or









university and who has completed a standard four-year college or university
curriculum (at least 120 semester hours) for the training of administrators
and supervisors, which curriculum meets the minimum standards prescribed
by the State Board of Education for the issuance of such certificate. This
certificate may be reissued or renewed every four years after three years’
experience during the life of the certificate or upon presentation at one-heir
year of standard college or university work of graduate grade, prescribed
in the same manner as for the original issue.

(2) S’tandard Certificate in administration and supervision—The
standard certificate in administration and supervision, valid for five years
shall be issued to a person who has had at least two years’ successful teach-
ing experience and who is a graduate of a standard four-year college or uni-
versity and who has completed a standard four-year college or university
curriculum for the training of administrators or supervisors, and who, in
addition thereto, has completed one year of standard college or university
work of graduate grade, all of which work meets the minimum standards
prescribed by the State Board of Education for the issuance of such cer-

The standard certificate in administration and supervision may be ex-
tended for life upon presentation of evidence that the holder has had three
years of successful experience during the life of the certificate.

Each certificate in administration and supervision shall show on its face
the curriculum the holder has completed for its issuance. (1934, c. 65, p. 297.)

Effective data—The provisions of Section 4502-3, Chapter VIII, of this
act, shall become effective on and after September 1, 1935, and until this date
certificates shall be issued in accordance with Sections 7, 8, 9, Chapter 86,
Acts of 1926, as amended by Chapter 70, Acts of 1932.

Certification of Attendance Officers. (Section 4502-4, Kentucky Statutes.)
——The State Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction, shall prepare rules and regulations providing
for the certification of attendance officers. (1934, c. 65, p. 301.)

Emergency Certificates. (Section 4502-5, Kentucky Statutes.)—When a
district board of education shall satisfy the State Board of Education that
it is impossible to secure qualified teachers for a position or positions in the
school under the control of such district board of education, the State Board
of Education may, on approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction,
issue emergency certificates to persons who meet the qualifications which the
State Board of Education shall determine for emergency certificates. An
emergency certificate shall be valid only for the specific job for which issued
and for the current school term.

The State Board of Education, may at its discretion, require the passing
of a written examination before such emergency certificate shall be issued.
In case an examination is used, it shall be prepared and administered and
the papers graded in the State Department of Education under the direction
of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, in accordance with rules and
regulations approved by the State Board of Education for such examinations.
(1934, c. 65, p. 301.)

The Renewal of Certificates. (Section 4502-7, Kentucky Statutes.)——Cei'
tiflcates lower than the standard provided for in this act may be raised -t0
a higher grade only by completing in a standard college or university the
amount of academic and professional work prescribed for such renewal 01'
for such higher grade certificate. (1934, c. 65, p. 302.)

Certificates of Former Issue. (Section 4502-6, Kentucky Statutes.)-—The
validity of any certificate or license in force at the time this act goes into
effect shall not be impaired by this act, and such certificate or license shall
be reissued or renewed in accordance with the terms of the law applying
at the date of issue. (1934, c. 65, p. 302.)







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’ flower to Remake Certificates. (éection 4502-9, Kentuck Statute —” ‘ '
state Board of Education may, on the written recommendatyion of thse)Su:tjalrg
lntendent of Public Instruction, revoke, for immorality, misconduct in office»

- Incompetency, or willful neglect of duty, any certificate issued under this act

or any certificate or license issued under any reviou ' -
ents, principals,_teachers, supervisors, attendargce omgeraéctbltooetsfiglergatgng‘
istrative, Superwsory, or instructional employees, after giuing the defendant
3. copy of the charges against him and an onportunity upon not less than
ten days notice, of being heard in person or by counsel. (1934, c. 65, p 302 )











Regulations for Filing Curricula Upon Which Certificates
Are Issued

1. Each college or university offering curricula for the prep-
aration of teachers shall file a copy of each curriculum oitered with
the State Board of Education before the date said curriculum is to
be offered, which curriculum shall be submitted on forms prepared
by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and approved by the
State Board of Education.

2. The State Board of Education through the Superintendent
of Public Instruction shall examine each curriculum for the prepara-
tion of teachers filed by a state institution for higher education,
and if any curriculum filed in accordance with the regulations of
the State Board of Education meets the requirements prescribed by
the Council on Public Higher Education it shall be approved.

3. The State Board of Education through the Superintendent
of Public Instruction shall examine curricula filed by private and
municipal colleges and universities for the training of teachers, and
when a curriculum filed in accordance with the regulations of the
State Board of Education meets the requirements prescribed by the
Council on Public Higher Education for state institutions of higher
education and is equivalent to a curriculum approved for state in-
stitutions of higher education, and when it otherwise meets the re-
quirements of law and the regulations of the State Board of Educa-
tion it shall be approved.

4. The State Board of Education through the Superintendent

of Public Instruction shall examine curricula filed by the two state =

institutions of higher education for colored persons, and if a curric-
ulum filed in accordance with law and the regulations of the State
Board of Education is equivalent to a curriculum approved by the
State Board of Education for the preparation of teachers for white
schools it shall be approved.

5. When a curriculum has been approved by the State Board

of Education for the preparation of teachers and administrators it .

shall become the basis for the issuance of the certificate for which it
is designed to prepare.

6. Each curriculum filed for the approval of the State Board
of Education shall give the catalogue number and catalogue descrlP'
tion of each course included, the number of semester hours assigned
to each course, and such other information as may be required to ad-
minister the program.


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7. No college or university may offer curricula for the prepara-
tion of teachers and administrators unless it is a standard college
or university as defined in Section 4502-2, Kentucky Statutes, and
meets the requirements of law and regulations of the State Board of

8. Curricula two years in length for the preparation of elemen-
tary teachers, and for attendance officers may be submitted for ap-
proval by standard junior colleges or standard senior colleges.

9. Curricula four years or more in length for the training of
elementary teachers, secondary teachers, principals, superintend-
cuts, and attendance officers may be submitted for approval only by
standard senior colleges and universities and/0r standard graduate

10. All observation, participation, and supervised student teach- »

ing required for the issuance or renewal of certificates shall be done
according to the standards prescribed by the State Board of Educa-

11. All institutions of higher education offering curricula for
the preparation of teachers shall be regularly inspected by the Super-
intendent of Public Instruction or his representative to determine
Whether such institutions are meeting the requirements of law, the
regulations of the State Board of Education and standards pre-
scribed by the Council on Public Higher Education.

12. In inspecting colleges offering curricula for the prepara-
tion of teachers the Superintendent of Public Instruction or his
representative shall visit each college and/ or require written reports
from each college offering curricula, and shall report to the State
Board of Education annually concerning the progress in teacher
preparation. '

13. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall prepare or
cause to be prepared blanks and report forms needed to carry into
effect the laws and regulations of the State Board of Education re-
lating to teacher preparation and certification.






PART ill
Standards Governing Supervised Student Teaching in Col.

leges Offering Approved Curricula for the Training
of Teachers in Kentucky


14. A critic teacher as used in the regulations of the State
Board of Education is a person who is employed as a regular class‘
room teacher in the training school under the control of or affiliated
with a college which offers curricula for the training of teachers as
approved by the State Board of Education, and who, in addition to
the duties as a teacher, directs the observation, participation, and
teaching done by student teachers.

15. Qualifications of Critic Teachers. Critic teachers in cam-
pus or affiliated training schools shall hold a legal certificate for
teaching at the school level in which critic teaching is to be done and

in addition shall hold a credential known as Commission for Critic

16. Types of Commissions for Critic Teaching. There shall be
issued a Provisional Commission for Critic Teaching and a Standard
Commission for Critic Teaching.

17 . A Provisional Commission for Critic Teaching in the Sec-
ondary Grades valid for four years shall be issued to a person who
is a graduate of a standard four-year college or university, who has
had two years experience as a teacher, and who has completed a cur-
riculum for the training of high school teachers, provided that a
transcript of standard college credits shows that the applicant has
completed a major (24 semester hours) in the subject field in which
critic teaching is to be done and has fulfilled all requirements for the
issuance of a high school certificate based upon four years of stand-
ard college training.

18. A Provisional Commission for Critic Teaching in the See
ondary Grades valid for four years shall be issued to a person who,
on June 30, 1935, held a Provisional Commission for Critic Teaching:
provided that application is made on or before December 31, 1935-

19. A Provisional Commission for Critic Teaching in High
School shall be reissued for four years upon presentation of a tran-
script showing the completion of a minimum of one-half year Of
standard college work of graduate grade and three years experience
as a critic teacher. The Provisional Commission for Critic Teaching
in Secondary Grades shall, after the first reissuance, continue to be






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reissued every four years upon presentation of a transcript of credits
showing the completion of one-half year of college work of graduate
grade, until one year of graduate work has been completed.

20. A Stand