xt74qr4np78t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4np78t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1961-03-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 13, 1961 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 13, 1961 1961 1961-03-13 2020 true xt74qr4np78t section xt74qr4np78t        


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The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty

Hall Monday, March 13, at 4:00 p.m. President Dickey presided.
Thirty-nine members were absent.

The minutes of February 15 were approved. The Secretary

called attention to a correction: instead of President Dickey
asking the Committee on Committees to study the physical educa-
tion requirement, he asked that this committee appoint a special
committee to make the study.

Dean Wall presented a resolution Irom the faculty of the

College of Agriculture and Home Economics concerning Prof. J. B.
Kelley who died December 25. The Chairman requested the Faculty
to stand for moment in silence to signify approval of the resolu—
tion,whiCh is to be included in the minutes, with a copy being
sent to Prof. Kelley's Iamily.

Resolution on the death of
Professor James Byron Kelley

James Byron Kelley, Professor of Agricultural Engineering
from 1919 to 1959, died December 23, 1960 in his seventyu
first year. A native of Iowa, he was born at Farley, Iowa
July 4, 1889. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in
Mechanical Engineering from lowa State College in 1912 and
a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Engineering from
the same institution in 1913. He was an instructor at lowa
State College from 1915 to 1917 and an assistant professor
from 1917 to 1919 except for six months military leave in
1915 as automotive instructor in the army.

ln August, 1919, he joined the faculty of the University
of Kentucky as Professor and Head of the Agricultural Engineer—
ing Section of the Agronomy Department._ He was in charge of
all teaching, research and agricultural extension work in
Agricultural Engineering in Kentucky for 37 years. During
this period he also served as consultant to the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station Farms at Lexington, Princeton
and Quicksand in the design and construction of major buildings,
and roads, and drainage, water and sewage systems. He also
was consultant for most of the state's 4-H club camps. From
1919 to 1955 he was supervisor of maintenance work on structures
and water systems of the Experiment Station farm at Lexington.

Professor Kelley had a major part in the design of the
present AgriCultural Engineering Building on the University
campus, erected in 1931. In 1959 the building was named
Kelley Hall in his honor. He was placed on change-of~work
status September 1, 1959.

During his tenure at the University, Professor Kelley
was a consultant to the Soil ConserVation Service of the
United states Department of Agriculture and a member of the
advisory Committee in Soil Erosion Investigations; a colla-
borator with the U. S. Bureaus of Home Economics and
Agricultural Engineering in making a Rural Housing Survey

















in 1954; a member of the Midwest Farm Building Plan Committee from
l9j4 to 1958; a director of the In—Service Training Program for
Kentucky's 29 rural electric cooperatiVes from 1947 to 1958 and
founder of the Kentucky Inter—Industry Farm Electrification Council

in l955.


Professor Kelley was long active in the American Society of
agricultural Engineers and was elected a life member in 1949 and
a Fellow of the Society in 1959. He was secretarymtreasurer of
the Southern Section of the society in 1920 and vice—president in
.‘ l92l. He was a member of the American Association of University
lV5§ Professors, Gamma Sigma Delta, and Alpha Zeta. He was an Elder
l. of the first Presbyterian Church of Lexington since 1936.

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at; Professor Kelley was conscientious in all his many duties.
i‘i: He was friendly to students, considerate of his staff and always
3 put the good of the university above his own. The university
has lost a pioneer in Agricultural Engineering who prepared well
the way for those who follow.





President Dickey called for recommendations from the colleges,
but none were presented. He then made two brief announcements;
(1) that a research conference would be held at the University on
Thursday, March lb; and (2) that Dr. Chamberlain and Dean White would
leave March l? for an inspection trip to Indonesia where the University
has contract teams at Bandung and Bogor.

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On motion by Dean White, the Faculty adjourned at #:10 p.m.



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Charles F. Elton