xt74qr4np60k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4np60k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-06-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 2005 2005 2005-06-27 2020 true xt74qr4np60k section xt74qr4np60k THE KENTUCKY


Celebrating 33 years of independence


June 27,2005 . .
Another zombie movre.

newsroom: 257-1915

Page 2

first issue tree Subsequent issues 25 cents.



Next ombud appointed for 2005-06

8y Shaun Cox


Mechanical engineering
professor Kaveh Tagavi was
named the new academic
ombud June 22, replacing
David Royse.

The ombud is an au-
tonomous liaison between
students. professors and
faculty members. whose
role is to investigate com-
plaints and mediate fair set-
tlements between the two

Most complaints gener-

By Charlinda Turner Brashear


What do pages from a
Gutenberg Bible and frag»
ments of the Dead Sea
Scrolls have in common?

Both are available for
viewing in Lexington in the
“Ink & Blood: Dead Sea
Scrolls to the English Bible"
exhibit. on display at Her-
itage Hall West in Lexington

The exhibit. which con-
tains more than 100 artifacts.
will run through Aug. 28.

Dr. William Noah. is the
organizer and chief curator
of the exhibit. Noah. who
holds a medical degree from
the University of Tennessee.
practices medicine in the
Nashville area.

In addition to being cura-
tor of this exhibit. Noah has
published several books on
the Bible. Though his first
two books. The First Coin
mandment and Mustcrion.
were theological. Noah said
“Ink & Blood" is an academic
exhibit that should appeal to
scholars as well as theolo

Noah said "lnk & Blood"
refrains from analysis of the
Bible‘s contents. Still. there
is a definite effort to market
the exhibit to the religious
community. The exhibit's or»
ganizers held what the
event‘s official Web site calls
“a oneday. continuing educa-
tion conference for church
leadership. seminary faculty.
and seminary students on
the historical. archaeological
origins and development of
the Bible" on June 21.

The event‘s organizers
said they hope the exhibits
five fragments of the Dead
Sea Scrolls. including one
from the Book of (lenesis
will draw visitors.

Noah said “lnk & Blood"
is not a Dead Sea Scrolls ex-
hibit but an exhibit on the
history and evolution of the

“(They) made the Hebrew
Bible the most reliably trans
lated document in antiquity."
Noah said about the rele
vance of the Dead Sea

ally involve disputes over
grades. racism. sexism or
favoritism. instructors con
cerned with possible cheat
ing or plagiarism. as well as
disputes over what should
be included in a course syl-

“()mbud is a unique po~
sition.“ Tagavi explained.
“it has no official power or
authority. It cannot change
any grades. It cannot dic-
tate any outcome to any
university official or iii-

“The ombud is an im-
partial official that helps
student and faculty mem-
bers who are involved in
difficult situations come to
mutual understandings and
agreements. if possible.

“The ombud should also
work as a confidential
buffer between students
and instructors." Tagavi

“Conflicts often arise be-
cause of poor. or even a to-
tal lack of communication.
There is a natural and obvi-


Controvers surrounds a
‘probable' orgery

However. it is not the
Dead Sea Scrolls. but anoth-
er. lesser-known artifact
the Marzeah Papyrus that
has attracted much atten-
tion. Recently. questions have
emerged as to the authentici-
ty of the Marzeah Papyr
described on the exhibit‘s
Web site as “a 2.600-year-old
scroll containing the oldest
known Hebrew writing on
papyrus in the world."

(Questions about its origin
has led (‘hristopher Rollston.
associate professor of ()1d
’l‘estament and Seinetic Stud
ies at the Emmanuel School
of Religion in Johnson (‘ityz
Tenn. to believe the docu‘
ment could be a forgery.

Rollston. who has a Phi).
in palaeography from John
Hopkins University. said that
any items found on a "licit"
archamlogical dig are thor-
oughly documented. but
none such documentation
has been found concerning
the Marzeah Papyrus. Roll-
ston said the Marzeah Pa-
pyrus "appeared on the mar-
ket some 20 years ago“ and
”reflects several anomalies
which strongly suggest that
it is a forgery”

"Most of all I wish that
'lnk & Blood' would candidly
affirm that the Marzeah Pa-
pyrus did not come from an
archaeological excaiation."
Rollston said. “And I also
wish that it would be candid
about the fact that sortie exr
perts iii the field of Semitic
palaeography consider the
Marzeah Papyrus to be a
probable modern fake."

Still. Noah contends that
scholars ”much senior to Dr.
Rollston believe it's authen-

“l think we need to take
his concern seriously."Noah
said. “But he's never pub-
lished (his theory on the
Marzeah Papyrus) in an aca»
demic journal. just on the ln

Brin in biblical history to
the sluggrass

According to Michelle

When UK close

As the UK Computer
Store's June 30 closing draws
near. faculty. staff and stu-
dents are
likely bit-
ing their
nails about
tion tech-
nology re»
source ale

fears may
be over»
s t a t e d .



however. as the store isn‘t re»
ally disappearing. but evolv-
ing to meet llK's ever chang
ing needs.

This new form is a come
puter purchasing portal.
dubbed Hbuy. which will be
available to faculty and stu
dents on lTK's Web site.

Through the portal. in-
coming freshmen. current
students and facility and
staff can purchase desktop
computers. laptops. acces-
sories and computer periph-
erals at discounted prices

ous power differential be-
tween students and instruc-
tors. Students should feel
safe to approach the ombud
in a confidential manner to
examine their situation."

Tagavi said he feels stu-
dents and professors alike
must know that the 0m-
bud's job is to remain neu-
tral between the aggrieved

“Because of this dual
role. it is crucial that both
the students and the
instructors see the ombud

and the ombud's office as
an impartial and fair
entity." Tagavi said.

The search committee
assigned to choose the new
ombud consisted of three
students two undergrad-
uates and one graduate
chosen by Student Govern-
ment. two faculty members
and a chair.

“Chair this time was
professor (Lee) Edgerton. a
past ombud himself."

See 0MBUD on page 2






Patricia and Alan Darland of Harrodsburg, Ky. look at the Vie de St. Denis Folio Bible. First printed in Paris in 1240, the Vie de St. Denis Folio Bible is
one of the first copies of the Bible to contain illustrations.

Sanders. director of market
ing for the exhibit. Noah was
inspired to put together the
exhibit so people who could»
n‘t afford to travel the world
to view such artifacts could
see them all in one place.

The official Web site for
the exhibit bills the show as
"the largest. most compre-
hensive museum exhibition
of the history of the Bible

Even though the exhibit
is “five thousand years of
history specific to the Bible."
Sanders said that this doesn‘t
mean only students of theol
ogy should come. Sanders
pointed out that students of
history. anthropology. arche
ology and many other disci
plines may be interested iii


“We've worked toward be
ing able to sell products to
students that were available
in the store." Bill Harris.
purchasing director for l'K.

Deals with software com-
panies such as hell. Office
Max and Morel)irect will
maintain the discounts on
high-end software that stu-
dents. faculty and staff have
received thmugh the comput-
er store.

UK is also utilizing l'l-
academv. a software licens~

the artifacts

All of the artifacts in the
exhibit come from private
collectors. This includes
Noah himself. who said that
eight or nine of the artifacts
are from his own collection.

The collection also con-
tains a working replica of
the Gutenberg press. which
revolutionized printing and
brought books to the masses
for the first time. ()n-site
printing demonstrations will
be given during the tour of
the exhibit. Salazar said he
thinks this part of the exhib-
It will interest students the

“I'm looking forward to
the exhibit I think it's im
portant to understand the
Bible from a historical per


ing company that focuses on
collegiate and university
needs. to provide Microsoft
products at comparable
prices to what students and
faculty can find in the store

Although UK has signed
a preferred vending contract
with Dell. desktops and lap-
tops from Apple will still be
available thmugh the Web

UK‘s information technol-
ogy and purchasing divisions

See CLOSING on page Z

spective.” said Jack Lane. an
electrical engineering see

The exhibit was previ-
ously in Knoxville. Tenn.
and will be traveling to
Charleston. S.(‘. for its next
engagement. Salazar. said he
expects between 100.000 and
l;’v0.000 viewers in Lexmg-

When asked about his
reasons for organizing this
event. Noah said. ”To bring
these pieces out of private
hands . and into the hands
of the scholarly communi-

"You‘d have to travel the
world to see all of what‘s
here in Lexington." Salazar

E-mml news a Ali-kernelaim



Ink 8 Blood

Where: Heritage Hall West in
Lexington Center: 430 W. Vine St.

Hours: 9 am. to 9 pm. Monday
through Saturday, noon to 6 pm.

How Much: tickets are available on-
line and cost $12 during the week
and $16 on the weekend for adults.
Senior citizen and student tickets
cost $12 during the week and $14
on weekends. tickets for children
ages eight to i8 are $8 on week-
days and $10 on weekends. Children
under seven are admitted free.

Web site: www.mkandbloodcom



opens a portal

The UK
store will
close its
doors on
June 30.





ON Search

By Adam Hicks

The godfather of gore.
Hits and the grotesque has re
turned. With this past week-
end‘s release of George A.
Romero‘s Land of the Dead.
"ans far and wide will be as
‘ayenous over this latest ad-
dition to the Dead series of
films as the flesh~starved
(omhies the movie depicts.

Land is the fourth movie
ill a chain of Zombie films
written and directed by
Romero. starting with Night
if the Living Dead (1968).
then followed by Dawn of the
Dead (1978) anti Day of the
Dead (1985).

Land picks up right
where Day of the Dead left
off: humanity as we know is
it in shambles after Zombies
‘ake over the earth.

Instead of fighting off the
ltordes of living dead that
‘oani the streets. the remain-
der of humans have fortified
‘iieliiSelVOS in a heavily pro-
:c-cted city in an attempt to go
tin with their lives.

Tiffany Stephens

Monday Features Co-Editor

June 27, 2005 Phone: 251-I9I5
PAGE 2 ‘- E-inail:IeaturesOtykemeIxom


Get out of the sun and into the theater

Cholo (played by John
Leguizamo. in his scariest
role since 7b Wong Foo lead a
group of mercenaries who
regularly head into Zombie
territory to gather food. med-
icine, and other essentials.

Things go awry when
Cholo hijacks “Dead Reckon-
ing." an impenetrable and ut-
terly kick-ass living dead as-
sault vehicle. and threatens
to use it against the city un-
less he is allowed into the
plush skyscraper for the elite
run by the corrupt Kaufman
(Dennis Hopper).

But. as expected. the situ-
ation gets hairier than Robin
Williams‘ forearm when the
zombies. lead by a gruesome
ex-human known only as
“Big Daddy" find a way into
the city and consume the
flesh of the living while (Tho
Io is away ()nly Riley. who
coincidentally created Dead
Reckoning. can track the ve-
hicle down. stop Cholo and
save the city before it is over-
turned by halfrotted. flesh-
crazed zombies.

social commentary on post-
9/11 America throughout the
film. making the movie much
more than your standard
zombie flick.

Sure. some of the perfor~

mances are so bland they.

make Hayden (‘hristiansen
look Oscar-worthy. but there
is still enough brainsmash-
ing. flesh-ripping. shoot-'em
up action scenes to make the
movie fun to watch.

This movie is Romero's
Sistine Chapel. a true master-
piece. The script is solid. the
effects are incredible. and
with a 93~ininute running
time. it is the perfect length
for a film in this genre. There
are some parts that drag
along. but you can't have Zom-
bies ripping people in half
every two seconds of the film.

Land is not for the faint of
heart. Some of the death
scenes are so brutal it will
make even a seasoned horror
bitff turn the other way. but
then again who would go to a
movie titled Land of the Dead
and not expect huge amounts

Fans of Romero will catch
many of the inside refer-
ences. like Zombies from ther
films starring in this one. Yet.
outsiders who have not seen a
single film in the series before
will grasp the plot with ease.

The only thing missing
from the movie is a romance
side plot. but once again if
you're seeing a film titled
Land of the Dead you‘re not
going in there expecting Wim-

If you‘re looking for a
scary. witty. entertaining. and
sometimes funny flick. then
Land is right up your alley.
It's the perfect breather the
movie-going audience needs
between blockbusters like
Batman Begins and the up-
coming War of the Worlds.

With Land. Romero
proves that he still has what
it takes to make us cringe.
laugh. and think all at the
same time. This film will be
the scariest movie of the
year. at least until Jamie
Foxx's horrifying Stealthhits
theaters later this summer:





‘\ 's .
H0010 MSV 0F con:



Zombies chase Simon Baker in "Land of the Dead." Imagine that.



Riley (Simon Baker) and

Romero adds a plethora of

of gore.

fea turesru kykernelcom

Billy Corgan: alone at long last%

By Richard Harrington

mt iisitmcton‘vost

.\laybe they've always been solo
‘ccords. but The Future Embrace. released
'I‘tiesrlay. is the first album under the solo
tilling Billy (‘organ

Before that were the five studio ale
itiins and assorted compilations with the
Smashing Pumpkins. the ‘90s alternative
rock juggernaut that sold 25 million
records. Corgan disbanded that group in
13000 after a decade of bickering with
bassist D'Arcy Wretzky and guitarist
James Iha. who accused the singer-lead
atitaristechief songwriter of being a stu-
iio perfectionist and a controlling tyrant.

(.‘organ hasn't talked to either of them
:n years.

There was also the 2003 debut swan
song with Zwan. the brief-lived band
whose only good point seemed to be that it
‘eatuied former Pumpkins drummer Jim-
ny Chamberlin. (‘organ has been talking
iliottt the other members of that band in
‘ci‘ms normally reserved for criminals
and terrorists

.\iirl the last time (‘organ was out pet
HI"IliI‘.!I. it was as a solo act in 2W1. albeit
is a poet reciting Works collected in
“Blinking With Fists." a first effort that
:iecame the highest-debuting pot-try
‘iook on the New York Times best-selier

list in more than a decade.

Yet when (‘organ makes his solo
Washington debut Friday. he'll once again
have a band: keyboardists-singers Linda
Strawberry and Brian Liesegang. and
drummer Matt Walker.

"i prefer being in a band." (‘orgaii
says. calling from tieriiiany. where he has
spent the last two weeks roarltesting the
new act.

"At times it can be frustrating because
what I hear in my head is so complex or
has a certain emotional tenor. btit in the
Pumpkins I thought the band was really
good at translating that emotional tone
and also being flexible on a night in. night
out basis to go with the flow." he said.

“I think recording has probably been
the bigger problematic area. Live. 1 actual-
ly enjoy playing with a group."

(‘organ was in Paris in April. and at
one point found himself outside the his-
toric Sacre (‘oeur basilica built at the
end of the 19th century atop Mont-
inartre hill.

(‘organ pulled out his guitar and
was playing for himself when some fans
discovered hint. anonymity perhaps be-
ing difficult at ti foot 5. with a glistening
dome something of a match for that
church's spectacular medieval dome

And for the first time since the

(‘organ played a Pumpkins song. “To-

"I made a decision when the Pump-
kins ended that I was not going to con-
tinue to play that music because I felt
that to do so had more to do with mar-
keting and making people comfortable
than it had to do with my artistic
progress." (‘organ explains.

“Having done that and really put
myself. for lack of a better term. in the
fire of having to live completely within
the new musical form I’m in. it‘s given
me a lot of hindsight appreciation." he

"Because I‘ve had distance. now I
can really appreciate and see the beauty
of the work because I‘m not a slave to it

it's made me really come back
around to my music."

But. he added. “I feel really strongly
that the music of the Pumpkins should
be played with the name Smashing
Pumpkins. It was a very distinct. specif-
ic band with a specific mission. and
without that mission. without that
band. the songs belong in that context.

Now maybe when I‘m 50 and I decide
to go out and do the songs that I‘ve writ-
ten throughout my life or something.
then that would make sense I think
it's been a very good position to take."



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Tootinued from page]

I‘agavi said.

The search committee
receives nominees for the
.ms‘ititiii from students. face
.tlty and administrators.
’lllri after conducting inter
views. the committee com-
.ilies a short list for of
lfllllt‘\ tor the president and
.irovost to review. The pres»
rlrvtit anti provost ten offer
hi job to one of the candi-
Eiic-s, 'l‘agavi explained

()tnbiirl is not generally


Continued from paqel

"time up with seven standard
‘titilplllt'l‘ configurations
'oitr laptops and three desk-
ops which they said
should meet ho percent of the
inivi-rsity's computing

Though these standard
‘tillilfllll'tllimlS are customi2~
lilit‘ and upgradeable. the
‘li‘t'lllt’t‘ discounts apply to
stzitiriai‘rii7ed models

Iicll will contribute 4 per»
cent of revenue from person-
a] sales this year and 2 per-

a position that is held for
more than a couple of

Tagayi Joined the Ill‘il'
versity in I983 after earn
ing his doctorate in me
chanical engineering from
the l,'(‘l.A in I982.

Along with the ombud's
posttion. Tagavi will re
main a professor in the (‘ol-
lege of Engineering with a
reduced load to compensati-
for his added responsibili

"If I had to give one
short message to students
and instructors, it is this
No one will see the student
seeking the involvement of
the ombud as an est alatioii

cent per year thereafter to

the university's general
scholarship fund,

“This program is really
geared toward students.”

said (Thris P‘uegner. a Iiell ac-
count executive for student

However. one drawback
to the closing of the comptit
er store and reliance on a
vendor that builds to order is

While the computer store
offered free shipping to dif-
ferent campus locations. Dell
shipping will cost $23 to 3’“).

Although the catalogue
on I‘Ibuy is extensive. some
items consumers were used
to seeing in the campus store
won't be available in the vir‘






845 RED MILE ROAD 859-258-2039
M-F 9-6 0 SM 12-4

Pumpkins" farewell concert Dec. 2. Blitili.

of the
Tagavi said.

"In fact. quite the coit-
trary is true. I urge stus
dents and instructors alike
to seek help from the oni-
bud not as a last resort.
Ilowcvei‘. often it need not
be the first action either.

“For the most part. mat-
tt‘l‘S can he I‘i-s‘tiiycti lic-
tweeti students and instruc-
tors through constructive
and professional exchanges
of positions betwr-en the
two parties "


iicu'x lrylrci'ncl.coin

tual one

"There were exclusive
items in the store. like game
boxes. that we won't be scll~
ing." Harris said,

More importantly one
wonders about the human el-
ement being removed froin it

As previously reported iii
the Feb, ieditioii of The Kerr
1101. ll! t‘iiiplmocs Will he
forced to find new yobs after
'l‘hursday's closing.

To counter such concerns
and to develop a rapport with
students aitd faculty. Harris
noted that product demon-
strations will be scheduled
throughout the year.

features it kykernelcoin


Where: 109 Bradley Hall

Hours: 8 am to 5 pm. Monday
through Friday

Phone: 257-3737 5
Confidential fax: 257-5346

E-mail: ombud@uky.edu l
Procedure: All complaints are kept
strictly confidential and must be put
in writing and turned in no later
than 180 days after the completion
of each semester.



UK Computer Store

Closing: June 30

Where: 128 Peterson Service (next to
Parlunq Structure N0. 5, 0n the
corner of South Limestone Street
and Upper Street)

Noun: 8 am to 5 pm. Monday
through Friday

Phone: 257- 6320

Web site: www.ulty.edu/FiscalAf-

Virtual Store's Web site:





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132 AVAIL. 08-16-05 NearAUiiTaii util. pd. 5465/1110.

28R. 1 BA DUPLEX. Yellowstone Pkwy. W/d, 11/114, back
deck. all elec. $625/ino. for info, call 2302996.


1 00000111011 [Saris/16676211 friendly 859-513-

Roommate Issues?
Crowded Dorms?


The Answer
Clean. Furnished Studios
Utilities Paid'
Minutes from campus'
$350 a month


I BR/TBA DOWNTOWN. renovated. exposed brick. $450
t 396-9022

1 PERSON. GRAD Preferred. All Utll. paid. $500/mo
$200 deposit. IBR. kitchen. BA. ground floor 859-259-

1 PERSON. LARGE EFFICIENCY. All Util. paid. No pets
$300 deposrt. $435/mo. 269-2557

162 RANSOM AVE. 011 E. High St. 2 BR, 1 BA. C/heat t a.
covered porch. yard and off-street parking. $750 t util

101111110 KEYSAPTSTTACio‘ss from tarnpus. 5450/1110

28R. ISBA. NEW Construction. Town House. w/d. d/w.
microhood. custom kitchen. Large vaulted BRs. Private
patio. 10 min. to campus. Aug. 1. $775/mo. 288-5601.

28R, 184 HOUSE 011 Red Mile Rd. on golf course. w/d
included. Driveway. Newly renovated. 5550/1110. 859

28R. W/D. C/ HEAT 9 air. Walk to campus. brand new car-
pet. $6601ncludes. 0111. No dogs. 361 S. Broadway Park.

3 BR AVAIL. 08-01-05. Near Med. Center. Parking. a;;
11111. pd. 5850/1110. Call 313-5010

3 BR AVAIL. on Gazette a Transcript. Call Craven's
Properties. 252-5858.

3011. 1 BA. Close to campus. 1230 sq. ft. A/C. freshly
updated kitchen 0 bath. hookups. $595 v. 3969022.

3 BR. 2 BA. Convenient location. Excellent condition.
Very clean. Ready to move in! Signing bonus. 10 min.
drive to campus. All appliances including W/D Walk-in
closets. fans, blinds. Available June/July. Offstreet
parking. 8592003610. 626-5681.

3 BR, 2 BA. Elec. w/d. d/w. Walk to campus. Avail. Aug.
Cali Adam. 859-338-8243.

3 BR. 28A. 0n 611130;. W/D furnished. arc. fenced back-
yard. 5800/1110. 1 util. 621-7648. Avail. July 1.

3' 8R. 2.510.325 SheraraEc—ie. $925711$Fai1 Aug. 1.

3 BR; i'a'iiir/b’préiitieéfiiostiea’spéoie rte on cam-
pus. Great location. Call today' 229-3709.








3 LARGE BRS: Off-street WWII]. WM. all, a/c. Across
from BEL Avai. M. 1. 5870-960 t 1411. 513-284-2673.

Walking Distance to tilt
University Villan

.1411.1>._ 18ll;1"1|11‘

Woodland Village
1111 59‘”) Stilfi
Walt-i Tin-.11
.1111! (1.111111;

Please call 859-231-6160 or visit


38R TOWNHOUSE (Across from campus) 2 Full BA W/D.
d/W. 510500110. Avail. Aug 227-2750 or 421-8957.

38R-S900 and up. 10 111111. to 01C Pets. a/c, parking:
some w/d. 2692941 or wwwtouchstonerentalscom.

inckided. Driveway. Newly renovated. $800/mo. 859-

388. ZBA COTTAGE W/ vaulted ceiling great room. Fully
tum. Kitchen. W/d. near Central Baptist Hospital. 175
SlMat Ct 5750/1110. 873-9775.

3811. 28A DUPLEX. living rm. Kitchen with appliances
included. large family rm. w/ fireplace. All elec. w/d
hookups $875/mo. 8595330372.

38R. ZBA HOUSE: 537 Claymont Ave. w/d. d/w. garage.
fenced back yard. $925/mo. 273-2432 avail. invnediate-






3811. ZBA PLUS Bonus room. Walking distance to UK. Off
Waller Ave. A/C. O/W, Iii/d included. 5930/1110. 859-523-

4 8R. 2 BA W/D. Walk to campus. $360 each includes
util. 433-0996.

4-58R. STATE ST. Walk to class. Adorable o spaCious. full
house. Newly renovated. new kitchen. O/W. W/D, large
offstreet lighted parking. cutest house on campus.
Won't last long. 814001700. 859-333-8307.

4011, 28A 205 WALLER. C/A, w/ii. d/w. off-street pa;
ing. Aug. 1, $1240/ino. Jeff 288-5601.

4BR. ZBA CAMPUS Duplex. w/d, 0/1111. alt. $1100lrn0. +.
$1300lm0. Avail. Aug. 227-2750.

4BR. WALK TO campus. Brand new. C/A. allelectrlc.

38A Aug. 1. 1203 Crescent Ave. Bob. 859-539-5502.
H u n n i n gfo n
Apa rtm e n is

2 Bedroom Apts. and
bwnhomes starting at $730

Less than a mile From campus"
Fitness Factlity Sparkling Pool, FREE
Parking. Brand New Basketball Court

Saturday show/mg also available from 10 2


Luxury College Living at its Beslf

5 BR. 2 BA HOUSE, near campus, living rm.

dining rm. 8 util. rm. Fully furnished kitch. W/D. wood
floors. covered offstreet parking. quiet neighborhood.
$1400/mo. 873-9775.

5 MIN. To UK. Avail. now. Studio Apt. No pets. 223-5557.

507 BIG BEAR. 4 BR, 2.5 BA. $475 first month specral.

58R. WALK 10 Campus. Allelectrlc. C/A. brand new.
Aug. 1. 208 B. Universtty Ave. Bob 859-539-5502.











68R AWESOME! Walk to campus. Aug. 1. Front porch.
PM. ‘13 1"}? “Em-1.5953235” ,

827 CRAMER AVE. 011 Richmond Rd. 1 N. Hanover 3 or
kitch. liookios.deck. no pets. $1050 ' 111113335147
ACROSS FROM GRAD schools renovated efficiency.
hardwood, do new kitch e bath. 655 S. Limestone,
$450 0, now. 3969022

ARE ifimeNoifrtist 14311 111111 11}? 550754311
BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX 3 BR, 2.5 BA D/W. Very nice loca-
110115950. Please call 8594201934. .

BEST 2 BR APTS. 0n campus. Cdl 608-3016.

BRAND NEW HOME 3BR 5900/1110. 10 min. drive to UK.

BRAND NEW HOME. 4BR. $1200/mo. 10 min. drive to UK.

CAMPUS DOWNS CONDO'S. Now leasing Walking tis-
tarice to campus 3 BR. 2 BA. W/D. Re ator. micro,
vaulted ceilings. Great for 3or 4 people. 9DO/mo. 859-
986-9607 or 859-986-9609.

CAMPUS HOUSES For Rent. Avail. Aug. 232 Conn Terrace
11 8: 4BR. ZBA w/d, d/w. elec. $1200. 257 Lexington
Ave-4BR. 28A. w/d, d/w. electric-$1140. 256 Ky. Ave. 11
A-4BR, 28A. w/d. d/w, electric-$1200. 224 Waller it B-
SBR. 28A. w/d. d/w electric-$1400. Avail. June or Aug.
415 Maraiis Town homes: 3BR. ZBA. w/d. d/w. electric-
5930. CALL Robbie 859-621-3312 or Steven 859-621-

CLOSE 10 UK and Woodland 121111.301. c/atr, 11/11. $875
1 util. Lease . deposit. 1888-2543807.

DOWNTOWN. RENOVATED efficiency. exposed brick.
poplartloors. $415 *. 396-9022.



m. 5750/1110. 338-8448.

STUDENT SPECIAL' My mil. 1 111011111 free! 1 811

51001012 KEYS Ami Across from carious $400111».
Mules heat. a/c. water. Ava'l. now. 421-8957 or 227-


-1 .


1 amniotic! potential. No experience m6
essary. Training provided. BOO-9656520 x. 132.


EARN MONEY...lfyouaneasociald'irikerlietween21-