xt74qr4np56j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4np56j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-08-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 2001 2001 2001-08-31 2020 true xt74qr4np56j section xt74qr4np56j LEFT OF CENTER

Wish list

Some much-

I'm usually an easy
person to please. I
don't require
everything to go my
way, like some
people I know. Right
now, everyone who
knows me is
themselves after that
comment. However,
there are a couple of
objects and ideas
that l need in my life
to be more complete.
Will I go crazy and
hold kittens or small
children hostage if
my meager. yet
sensible. ideas are
not followed? Not
likely, but is it worth
the risk? Hell, most
of this crap is just
inside jokes with my
friends. Enjoy.

I never want to wear
shoes with laces
again. I got some
leather hiking-type
shoes from Bass for
my birthday and they
are just too cool.
They're like gloves,
except without the
separated fingers.

Rand McNaIly needs to
make a street map
without street
names. Instead, they
should say things
like. ‘the road with
the cool Applebee's,’
or 'that street that I
stopped on to let my
friend throw up.’

Everyone has a friend
who ruthlessly
persuades his or her
buddies to keep their
arms up while riding
a roller coaster. I
would love to see
that person in an
airplane, plummeting
straight toward the
ground. Imagine the
look on everyone’s
faces as they're
being told to scream
and wave.

i need a small parade -
complete with
elephants, a band
and a cliché fire
breather - every
time I react to a
situation. If the
reaction was a sad or
angry one, the
clowns would act
depressed, and the
monkeys would wear

I'd like to see bouncers
at the Liquor Barn. If
you're going to get
thrown out, at least
have it done with
some style.

I definitely want to see a
recurring character
on "Saturday Night
Live" who insists on
wearing big brown
leather gloves, so
hawks and eagles can
rest when he holds
his arms out. They
wouldn't even need
dialogue — just some
big birds frivolously
perched on the poor
guy's arm.

-Jonothan Ray


7? 6.1

Not to ruin your
game day plans, but it
will probably rain all day
long, despite this fore-

Kent uckv
VOL 88108 ISSUE #9


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:





Lee Todd speaks to more than 200 Lexington

By Tau Cooler
sun wind V I

UK President Lee Todd
took his vision for UK to the
streets Thursday when he
addressed the Greater Lexing-
ton Chamber of (‘ommerce at
its inaugural Good Morning
Bluegrass meeting.

Todd. who has championed
expanding the concept of a
“great" university beyond the
confines of the research com»
munity to include the arts and
humanities. addressed more
than zoo members of the busi-


Todd: Better ties between UK and the city
would help Lexington businesses

"Businesses are very well
aware that they need a much
more well—rounded person
now." Todd said. "If you just
teach students the fundamental
and technical skills. and you
don't teach them how to think
critically and don‘t teach them
how to have good people skills.
then you aren't teaching them
how to understand this world
that‘s changing around us."

Fielding questions from the
audience. Todd discussed his
plans for ITK. which include
creating an entrepreneurial
center at [K to facilitate tech-

cities such as ()wenshoro and
Somerset. and to assist in find-
ing a uranium solution in I’adu

Todd discussed his plans
for expanding the campus com
munity when asked how I'K
would affect the revitalization
of downtown Lexington.

"UK and I,.exington have
never worked together." Todd
said. adding he has met with
Mayor Pain Miller and her staff
to discuss the situation
“Louisville is eating our lunch.
They've done an excellent job of
the university working With
the business community.

“We have a need to keep
our UK students here on week
ends. I was amazed at how
much of a suitcase campus we

community at the

business leaders Thursday.

breakfast meeting.


nological growth in outlying

are." he said. "You can't buy
anything. any article of

Cats and

Cards battle
Saturday I 4

clothing. on I'K's campus other
than a sweatshirt Without walk-
ing a long distance or getting in
a car and drivmg somewhere "

Todd‘s vision for an extend
ed campus exterior stretches
down Limestone Street and in
corporates a campus "town."
including shops and restau
rants. Todd also said improved
transportation options would
be necessary to allow students
to get downtown to dine or

“From a retail point of
view. you want these students
to stay in Lexington on the
weekends." he said. "I'd like for
them to stay here so they can
feel like they're going to a top
2i) university where you think
more university thoughts than
feel like they're high school stu
dents only two years older "

Band bringing sounds of Zorro to game

Showtime: After a month of practice,
the band unveils its field show Saturday

By Paul Naker

Football players aren‘t the only people putting in long
hours for tomorrow‘s game.

The UK marching band has been practicing for the half-
time show since Aug. 13. The first show will feature music
from The Mask of Zorro. including the songs “Malagunea”
and “El Toro Caliente."

George Bouldon. associate director of bands. said there
are many changes in store this season, including a parade
around the stadium before its pro-game show to excite fans.

The pre-game will continue to feature the “Cats"
formation. The band will perform the UK fight song,
“My Old Kentucky Home" and the national anthem.

“This year, at the third-quarter break, we're going to
play the fight song three times. Last year. the band sang the
words to the fight song the second time through." Bouldon
said. “Now we‘re hoping the audience will join in on the
singing. It may take a while to get started. but it's a great
way to get support for the football team."

He said the stadium should display the words on the

Future shows include music from the group Earth Wind
and Fire and the movie Moulin Rouge. The Moulin Rouge
show will be performed during the Vanderbilt game.

Bouldon said students are excited about the upcoming

“With a new football coach, students are excited about
the first game. Some students will be performing in front of
more people on Saturday than all the people that live in
their hometown. It’s quite an experience to play for that
many people at one time.” Bouldon said.

Students said they liked participating in hand because
of all the people they met.

“I like band because it makes me feel involved at UK. I
can meet new people and see the games," said Sarah Arnold.
an undeclared sophomore who plays the piccolo.

Morgan Daulton. a mechanical engineering sophomore.

“I like band because of the fact I get to meet so many
people." she said. “When I go to class, there is a good chance
I'll know someone from band."

About 225 students are involved in the marching band.
Members practice every Monday. Wednesday and Friday
from 5-7 pm. During Early Week, otherwise known as band
camp. students practiced from 8:30 am. until 9 pm. Bouldon
said that heat wasn’t a major factor this year during the
camp and that practices seemed shorter the closer they
came to a show.

Bouldon said this season should be a good one.

“We’re all looking forward to a great season,“ he said.
“The band members are the football team’s No. one fans."


DISK; honors those who fought for labor rights


By Becky Helsel


Labor Day means exactly the
opposite of what it sounds like.

Instead of a day for hard
work. it means freedom for UK
students and people across the
United States. It's a day set aside
for rest from normal life.

But Labor Day holds more
meaning than that.

“I think people have

forgotten the meaning of Labor
Day.” said Pat Cooper. an associ-
ate professor in the Women's
Studies program and history de
partment, “I hope this year more
will remember labor rights.”
She's talking about why La
bor Day was declared as a nation
al holiday in 1894 by Congress.
“People just don't stop and
recognize that workers aren't al
ways protected." she said. “If you
don't have unions. they have no

protection at all."

Labor Day truly began on
Sept. 3. 1882. when a group of
American Federation of Laborers
marched in New York City be-
cause of labor rights. Cooper said
one big issue was creating stan-
dard eight-hour work days

"What you have to remember
is industrialization in the 19th
Century." she said. “Individuals
who were previously thought to
be independent were having to

work for a wage, It was an un-
equal relationship employers
had power and workers had

By 1894 '23 states had do
clared a statewide Labor Day.
and (‘ongres‘s‘ passed the federal
legislation for a national holiday
This followed in the wake (if
many major labor battles. called
the Labor Wars

Labor Day remains a day of
leisure. and students are going to

The Student Newspaper at the Universiy Int, Lexinotn ,


o‘ w§ .3» s
ifsg’ii‘; it“? 3%

The UK Marching band
notices on the field next to
Singletary Center for the
Arts to program for the 2001
football season.


take the most advantage of it.

At least one student knows
what he's not going to do

“Labor Day“ said (‘hris
.Ieffy. an economics senior “Who
does anything for Labor Day“ Not
labor, I guess "

Still. some must work.
"I actually Will labor. because I
have a lot of work for school."
said (‘atherine \‘ankempen. a
psychology freshman. "I also
need to paint my porch."


 Patrick Avery
Scene Editor
Phone: 257 I915 I E mail: kernelertilyehootow


z | iii—ion.ituousrflsirzt‘iot7| «smockvgitgitun


Movie trailers in the theater E
your home computer .....,.....,.,.,.,.,...,...






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1‘ [i it

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Movie trailer:
on the Internet



mi Sorority


Loews “It Pit

mug .. ,_s_.._...
www.moviq-iistcom —~..-~--H____..:]

_ "1......
'«I V will i~ it. til.

a“ Movie lrailers

Sponsomd Trailer


top 10 trailer!» Pages


By Bryan Marshall
virrfiwofi: "

\VIieii people go it‘ iItt‘ lite-
.‘llt‘i to see liii'i\'1(‘.llii‘llll‘ul is
not all their is to eiiiov .\Io\'te
trailers give people a glimpse at
what is to come from Ilollv

While some Viewers may
want Illt‘ movie to start w ithoiit
.i live to to minute delay. oth
crs find previews useful when
deciding what home movies lti
teres’t them

“i like them .i IttI because it
gives me a chance to see the up
coming releases." said Iiiana
ilillard. .in elementary editor
lI-Ill senior "Sinrr I don't
watch much TV. it's the onI\
timel can see prey tews ”

liut “till the Internet.


hll MLN’IU

u in Medea.» in...
M...» tut in.- .

t why in.

‘4 Ave

Browse trailers by Movue title

.1 tw. 5w 1.1-va- no“ v .. m-

. “I" HI‘J ..

'mu.‘ WI “In Us I):
, s at .2 1.. w.

. !___; $.44) «eluding

The it'der M
Movie Trier: M-

Other trailers are
‘ ;j available on the film's
" 5“ official web sites.




moviegoers don't have to leave
their computers to get a sneak
peek .it future tilms The Web is
flooded with sites dedicated to
allowing users to download
niov ie trailers

“()n the Internet you can
watch previews whenever you
want." said .\Iatt Williams. a
Journalism iiinior "Sometimes
you might get to the theater too
late or they don't show the trail
er you want to see. but you can
find the movies you want on-
line ”

The popularity of him tiail
t‘l Welt sites is evident by the
mass number of tunes trailers
are downloaded onto comput-
ers In 1.093). Star il'rirs': 'l'lie
l’liuntoiii Menace ct eated a rash
of people ravenous to see the
first images from tieorge l,ur

cas's prequel More recently.
when New Line (‘inemas‘ re
leased the first look at The Fel-
loicsliip oi the Ring. of the .l RR
'I‘olkeni classic trilogy. on its of
ticial site. an estimated 1.7 mil
lion people watched the trailer
within the first 24 hours.

As anticipation grows for
potential blockbusters like 8in
rlci'mnn. Star ll'ars: Attack of
{he (‘loncs anti The .Ilriti'iaz' Rt"
loaded. the desire to watch
footage from these films will
grow. i~‘ortunately. there will be
no shortage of Web pages ready
to fill the demand.

Some movies. such as tlte
recent Kevin Smith t‘elei'is‘e. Jay
and Silent Bob Strike Back and
the forthcoming parody Not An
other 'I‘ceii .‘Iloi‘ie. even have Ill-
ternet only trailers that include

material. usually harsh lan
guage or nudity. that give view
ers some footage they cannot
see in the previews Ill theaters.

The obvious upsides to vis-
iting sites for trailers make it
clear why the Internet is such a
helpful tool for film fans.

"Besides being convenient.
the Internet usually has movie
previews earlier than theaters
and sometimes even different
versions than the ones shown
at the movies.“ said Mike Wein
er. a computer science sopho
more. “Plus you don't have to
pay anything. and you can be
lazy at your computer."

But you will continue to see
moviegtk‘rs rush to the theaters
early. so they may catch a
sneak peek at the next $200
movie blockbuster.


SAB introduces new even

Off to a fast start: The Student Activities
Board planning many activities for the campus

8v Sonvaysrepsem

<'Air WR‘TG

The Student Activities
Board has found a way to get
students involved and interest
ed ()ne of the first otiicial SAB
events of the year will be the
Poetry Palooza These open-
mike poetry ieadings will be
held at (‘ommon Grounds (‘of-
fee House located on ii High


gives students a

chance to get up and speak in a
non-threatening environment
said Chris Rogers. president of

Readings will be from 8
pm. 10 pm every Sunday
through i tct 1-1 Sept. 3 and Oct
Twill be excluded from SAB i’o~
etry Palooza. though Common
(irounds will he sixtnsoring Po—
etry Slam competitive poetry
readings during these dates.
Original or previously pub-
lished works may be read.

There is no need to call to re-
serve microphone time. Poetry
I’alooza is first come. first

By holding the readings at
Common Grounds, SAB hopes
to attract students off campus
who may be reluctant to partic-
ipate in oncampus events.

Rogers emphasizes she is
very dedicated to hosting activr-
ties on campus as well.

"Poetry is something stu-
dents don't do Ill class. though
many people participate in it."
Rogers said. "We wanted to
Show support for the arts and
allow for students to express

sto UK

There are also other events
sponsored by BAH. The week
end kicks off with a blood drive
today from 9 am. 5) pin. in
Room 245 of the Student Center.
The Cardinal Roast before the
I'K I? of 1, game Saturday will
begin at 10:30 in the ”bowl" area
near WT. Young Library. Stu-
dents are invited to pick up free
food and listen to music on
their way to the game.

Campus activities
For more information on Stu-
dent Activities Board, call 257-8867.

To register and for more information contact:
575 Patterson Office Tower
or on line at:
http. //w ww uky. edu/StudentAttairs/Greek/opentorm. htm

. ’ 9 I t
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Wally World not

:yo chm try

sues for
lost money

PADUCAH. Ky. - Firstar
Bank Inc. and Wal-Mart
Stores are suing an
armored transport
company after $14,798
allegedly came up
missing from a
Hayfield branch bank
and the Paducah
Sam's Club.

Metro Special Police Inc.
of Paducah is owned
by Wallace and
Peggy Adams.

The civil lawsuit, filed in
McCracken County
Circuit Court, seeks
recovery of the
missing money, an
unspecified amount of
punitive damages, and
a trial by jury ”for the
wanton, reckless and
grossly negligent acts"
of Metro Special
Police, the
lawsuit claims.

Metro Special Police had a
contract with Flrstar
Bank Inc. and Wal-Mart
Stores Inc. to provide
armored transport for
cash and currency.

The lawsuit claims that on
Sept. 26, Metro
received $313,200
from the Firstar
branch inside the Wal-
Mart Supercenter in
Mayfield. When Metro
delivered the bagged
currency to Firstar's
main vault in Paducah
for holding the
shipment contained
only $303,200, a
shortage of $10,000,
according to the suit.
The receipt and
delivery was
performed by Metro
employees William
Norris and Linda Wood,
the suit claims.

Peggy Adams said
Wednesday that Norris
and Wood no longer
work for Metro.

Feds bounce
rebate check

construction worker
has stored his 5300
income-tax rebate
check in a safe-
deposit box and may
try to sell it after
the check bounced.
the only one
reported among
some 60
million checks.

"It's worth more than
$300 to me, all the
malarkey I had to go
through." said
Johnathon Hudson,
22. "(A successful
auction) would make
up for my time and
hassle i put
up with."

The reason the check
was returned was a
computer problem
Wednesday, and the
check is
now negotiable.

But Hudson IS not
eager to cash it,
thinking instead
about selling it as
a curiosity.

Hudson and his fiancee,
Elaine Webb, 20.
learned the check
had bounced Friday.
The problem began
July 30, when
Hudson deposited it
in a branch of Fifth
Third Bank.

As do all federal
checks, his went
through the Federal
Reserve Bank to a
commercial bank. it
returned with a
stamp indicating
that the commercial
bank computer
didn't recognize the
spokeswoman Pat
Brummer said.

Subsequent attempts
by Fifth Third to
cash the check
also failed.

Source: AP
Cm by:
Jemy Robertson


Editormi Bun r‘ti

Jenny Robertson, dialogue editor
Clay McDaniel, asst. dialogue editor
Ashley York, editor in chief

Tracy Kershaw, managing editor


Columnist should lighten up: college shouldn't be so serious

I have read Desiree Bland's commentary on the lack of "higher mentality levels" and
her challenge to all UK students to conduct themselves as model citizens.

While reading this article early in the morning. I was unsure of how I should react.

Should I simply take Ms. Bland's comments at face value. realizing that she has en-
dured but a week of college life and will someday realize there is more to the college ex-
perience than locking herself in her dorm room for fear that the morons of the world

will drag her down to their level'.’

Or, maybe I should live in fear that she will actually draw a following of like-mind-
ed intellectuals. spreading the gospel of "higher mentality levels" in a manner so fer-
vent that even the great Preacher Man of the Student Center will feel compelled to tell

her ‘hey. lighten up!‘

Desiree Bland. whoever you are. I implore you to get involved in your college catn-
pus. Make an effort to meet people who are unlike you. You will undoubtedly realize
that the very people who may seem uncouth and a little rough around the edges on the
surface are often the most intelligent people you will encounter.

Don't be too eager to grow up and allow yourself to have fun you are. after all. a

college student.



Column insensitive to Aaliyah's death

I am writing in response to the "Patrick's Peanuts” article on Monday.

Patrick Avery's response to the sudden death of Aaliyah was rude and insensitive.
Saying that "Aaliyah will no longer be able to 'Try Again” was a harsh way of an»
nouncing the singer had died. Even though he may have tried to come up with a "cute"

way to tie her song in with the article. it

reason than the fact she was our age.

'as distasteful.
Although I am not much of a fan. her death was shocking and sad

if for no other


V WM 3?

email your letters to the editor at:

Another one bites the dust:
Helms announces retirement

h 's birthday from becoming a national holiday af
ter spending a decade as a TV commentator attack
mg King's work. But people change with the times,
don‘t they" Surely Jesse Helms abandoned his de

If you listened closely
last Wednesday. Aug 22.
you may have heard a faint
gasp reverberating
throughout the night. It
was the sound of ingots, hatermongers. rich elitists.
hoiiiopliobics and other intolerant people nation
wide breathing a collective sigh of disappointment
as Washington's favorite flood ()le' Hoy announced
he would be retiring upon the completion of his
fifth term as Senator of North Carolina Shed a tear
.-\inerica. Jesse Helms is packm' it up and headin'
back to North larolina in ‘Jiilii to torment various
underprivileged nonwhite. homosexuals
and nonrl‘hristians

There is a large population of Americans that
actually seem relieved Helms is taking his leave
froin Washington politics It may come as a shock.
but "Senator No' has garnered tip a substantial
amount of opposition over his llll'f‘f‘rflf‘t‘éiflft career.
and many of his enemies have expressed their joy
at his imminent departure Many of these folks
have spoke of the opportunity for a new beginning.

Forget that. Helms‘ announcement marks a sad
page in American political history. because he is
living. breathing evidence of the inherent ignor
rance and hatefulness sewn into the marrow ofour
country’s bones fiver the past Sill years Helms has
proudly championed policies of racism and intolers
ance. and the citizens of North Carolina have re-
elected him four times You want to find out how
well our country is progressing'.’ Look no further
than the voting booth

In 1972 Helms won his first senatorial race. de
feating a (lreek man named Nick (lalifanakis
Helms' campaign slogan was elect one of us Nice
sentiment from a man seeking a position that re
qtiires him to represent all North ("aroiiiiians

Even earlier. in 1930 Jesse Helms yvas an unof
ficial' researcher for active segregationist Willis
Smith's senate campaign. After helping him win.
Helms was rewarded with the position of Smith's
staffadministrative assistant

If you're still unclear about the content of Sen
ator Helm's character. let's examine a few
humdingers uttered by .Ies in his [)T‘P‘sf‘nr’iifii‘lfll cas
reer as a journalist In a television interview in
1968. lust two years after the passage of the (‘ivil
Rights Act. Helms warned "The Negro cannot
count forever on the kind of restraint that has thus
far left him free to clog the streets. disrupt traffic
and commerce and interfere with other men‘s
right's " While responding to criticism of one of his
newspaper columns in 19.36. Helms explained that
'.,.Negroes. .have a natural instinct for rhythm
and for singing and dancing'

Well 0K. rich white folks couldn‘t be expected
to be racially tolerant during the ‘7:in RiflhtS
Movement. right.“ Yes. Jesse Helms made a habit of
warring against the cause of racial equality He
fought tirelessly to prevent Martin Luther King

Josh Sultivan

kmci cowumer'

ploralile principles as the century

In 1997'. Helms debated Sen ( arol Moseley
Hraun. a black woman from lllmms. on the Senate
floor. After the session. Helms and Hraun shared
the same elevator with another senator Helms be
gan to sing liix'ie” to Hraun. and threatened to
continue until she cried What a ioker'

Black Amerit ans aren't the only people at
which Helms directs his wrath Helms reserves a
special place in his heart for homosexuals and has
implierl that people who dir- of AIDS deserve their
fate In 199.3 Helms stated “we‘ve got to have some
common sense about a disease transmitted by peo
ple delii’rerately engaging in unnatural acts.

Helms referred to a nominee for a federal Will
in 1993 as a militant-activistomean lesbian

Not one to ignore minorities of any type, 1r.
1987. Jesse informed us. All Latins are volatile
people This is good to know

Jesse Helms has been a perfect measuring
stick for the attitudes of the American public This
man was elected to five congressional terms. and
though he gained strong opposition. his supporters
are iiist as fierce. anrl apparently more numerous
()ur Presidt‘nt. George Dubya himself. illustrates
splendidly the ignorance. or maybe the downright
hatefulness of Helms siii‘iporters. In his statement
on Helms resignation on Aug 22. George W Bush
explained that Senator Helms is a true gentleman.
known for treating his colleagues with the utmost
respect and ronrfesy I L’HF‘SS “WITH“ Sllf'm Th“
past xiii years lost in a cocaine induced hailni ina-
tion Or maybe he iust believes Senator Hraun s fa
vorite time is 'I)ix1e. and his pal Jesse was simply
serenadmg her like the true Southern gentleman
he is. The truth is .Iess‘e helnis has proudly acted
as a roadblock to the ongoing struggle for equality
and tolerance in this country

So over the next year and a half as certain
politicians. iournalists and citizens celebrate .Iosse
Helms carer r. think about Just what they are

In 198-1 Helms said. ‘I fight for what I believe If
you are not willing to stand up for what you be-
lieve. your beliefs aren't strong enough .Iesse
this country would have been a lot better off if
vour beliefs weren't quite so strong My only hope
is that your slii‘r‘Ds‘QOI‘ will be someone who will
treat your legacy with the honor it deserves

I'm sure there's an Atheist Communist Homo
sexual Negro dancm' around somewhere. Id vote
for ‘em

Kernel Columnist Josh Sullivan is a journalism and politi-
cal science junior. His views do not necessarily represent
those of the Kernel.

John Wampler, associate editor
Amanda Thompson. senior staff writer
Tim Staley, senior staff writer
Jennifer Kasten, at-large member
Josh Sullivan, at~large member


4i) Flt t l?

The Question.

lhc l iiitcd \tatcs' first r\lilL.tlI \iiicruan
Secretary of State \inI not he attending a I hired
Nation's conference on racism. the New York I mics
reported on Monday In addition tot oliii Powell not
attending the conference. it is possible that the l niied
States yyill boy colt the gathering. his spokesman Richard
I . Hoiiclier said

lhe decision of Secretary Powell to not attend
centers upon language III the meetings agenda LIIIIL l/
trig Israel. ALLURIIIILJ to the limes. President Bush said
on I riday that the I niled States would not participate in
the conference .is long as delegates "pick on Israel "

Secretary Poyyell‘s derision has gained him and
the Hush iltlillllllslftillilll both siipporieis and tritics
Sonic .Ieyyish groups are very liIllLlI against l’oyyell going
to the conference. and hac is his decision. while others
hay e been Ill layoi of sending rcpiesciitaliyes to the con-
lbrcncek preparatory sessions to try to eliminate the
antelsracl language

\hoiiid l’oyyell go or has he made lhc right tlk'ki
sion to not attend ’ Should yy e send any delegates at all’
Why or why noi'

g? ’T :

The last thing Bush needs to do is
further distance himself from
international dialogue. additionally
harming the United States'
relationship with the global
community. The Israel-Palestine
conflict is far too sensitive right now
to bear this sort of self-righteous
posturing; if Bush knows what's good
for him. he'll send delegates.
regardless of whether
Powell participates."

Candice Jackson, Senior Columnist

Powell is a sell out! The United States
is putting racism on the back burner.
saying racism has been phased out
here. Racism is still present. may not
be visible day by day but it's still here.
We need help anyway we can get it
we need someone there!"

Lamin Swann, Special Sections Editor

Hmm. A conference whose purpose is
supposedly to deal with the problem

of global racism has on its meetings
agenda language that is anti-Israel.
I’m still trying to make sense of that
one. What‘s the point of going to a

conference on racism if certain

groups are going to be discriminated

against anyway? Although I normally
despise Bush. I think he and Powell

actually made the right move
this time."

John Wampler, Associate Editor

There's business to attend to here at
home. G.W. has got unqualified
cronies to appoint to jobs and Colin
Powell has to make sure his son is
effectively running the Bush
administration's FCC witchhunt. We
don't have time to worry about a
damn UN. conference."

Josh Sullivan, Kernel Columnist

These views do not necessarily represent
those of the Kernel.


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