xt74qr4np45d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4np45d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1992 1992 1992-11-03 2020 true xt74qr4np45d section xt74qr4np45d . .1 .~..; 2W¥w~mg y




Vol. XCV No. 55

Established 1894

Forum panelists:
sexual harassment
an important issue


By Tia Sllverthorne
Staff Writer

College campuses across the
country must realize the importance
of the issue of sexual harassment re-
gardless of the number of reported
cases. a panelist in a nationwide tel-
econference said yesterday.

“It is an epidemic on our college
campuses. lf the number of cats-
es are not high you should not as-
sume that there‘s no problem." said


Margaret J. Barr, vice president of

student affairs at Northwestern l'niv
versity, said.

Barr spoke as part of an interae-
tive teleconference sponsored by
LEK's Office of Student Affairs in
the Student Center Theater.

She said that a number of situa-
tions may arise in which students
feel uncomfortable in reporting
teachers that they currently take
classes under.

“We urge (thosel students. if they
feel weird. to wait until they finish
the course to report it." she said.

The national program, titled

“Confronting Sexual Harassment
on Campus," was broadcast via sat<
ellite from Washington, DC. to
275 colleges in the L'nited States.
Mexico and Canada.

Afterward. a panel from the tin-
versity was on hand to discuss the
local situation and various portions
of the teleconference.

Carol Randolph, the moderator
anti a fonner talk»show host. direct-
ed questions from various unnersi—
ties to a panel.

Participants at UK were allowed
to call in questions for the panel
during the teleconferent e.

Bemice R. Sandler. senior asst»
ciate for the Center for Women‘s
Policy Studies in Washington. l).(‘..
brought out the issue that sexual ha»
rassment can happen among peers.
not _|U\‘l in situations where there is
an authority figure.

Sexual harassment can be as sim-
ple as fratemity members shouting
out obscenities to women as tltey
pass the fraternity house.

“They should think about care
about your girlfriend or mother and

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

"a. ,s,.~m- an“!


Independent since 1971


Kentucky Kernel

Friday. November 13. 1992



Terry Allen of UK‘s affirmative action office, former talk-show host Carol Randolph and Academic Ombudsman Gretchen LaGod-

na participate in a teleconference on sexual harassment yesterday in the Student Center Theater.

(would you wantl people to say
these things to them." Sandler said.

'l he teleeonl'erence also presented
seyeral myths about sexual harass-

These myths included that saying
"no" or ignoring it will stop the ha-
rassment. that people should watch
the way the dress or act. that "nice
guys" never harass and that policies
about scyual harassment negatiyely




H eimlich

By Melissa Rosenthal
Contributing Writer



UK student Marian Brannon
faced a life threatening situation
yesterday while attending her po-
litical science class. She nearly
choked on a lollipop.

As Brannon ate the candy, it
became lodged in her throat, and
she immediately began to panic.

“I started flailing my arms and
hitting my chest," said Brannon.
a communications senior. “l
knew it wasn‘t going to come out
without outside help."

Seconds later the instructor.
Patricia Pauly, approached Bran-
non to see if she was OK. Bran-
non tried to say no. but she was
unable to speak. Pauly quickly
proceeded to administer the
Heimlich maneuver to dislodge
the candy.

The maneuver was successful.

“She reacted so quickly that I
hadn‘t even begun to get light-
headed," Brannon said. “After-
wards, all I could think about
was how I could have died.

“I don’t know how to thank




UK teacher Patricia Pauly yesterday saved the life of one of her students by using the
Heimllch maneuver to dislodge a lollipop from the student’s throat.

Teacher saves student’s life

Pe meimlichmi

maneuver on an adult


1. Establish eye contact and ask, “Are you


2. Say you are going to help,

3. Stand behind the victim and wrap your arms
around the victim's waist.

4. Grab your clenched list with your other hand.
rapidly press into the abdomen - below the rib
cage and above the navel,

5. Push in and up, following each series of six
thrusts with a finger sweep from the back of
the mouth to the front to clear out any food.

SOURCE: The tvollege Hoard (.ampus HHHIH‘ ( and»





Dr. Pauly enough. How do you
thank someone who saves your

Brannon said she owes eternal
gratitude to Pauly and is thankful
that Pauly knew how to adminis-
ter the Heimlich maneuver.

The process was developed by
Henry Heimlich in 1974 as a
way to save people who are

The Heimlich maneuver can
be administered by applying
pressure to the area just below

BVL NENSLEV Ke'ne ’i'acw‘ is

the rib cage. Through compres-
sion of that area by inward and
upward motions. the food can be—
come dislodged and the victim‘s
breathing passage cleared.

More than l().0()().()()0 individ-
uals have been saved by the
Heimlich maneuver since it was
developed. researchers say.

“i feel fine," Brannon said. “1
continued with my day as if
nothing happened. i even stayed
for the rest of the class."

affect relationships w itliiii uriiyersi
llt‘s or l‘tlsllit‘ss‘t‘s.

Johan .»\. Mailson. dean of silt
dents at Vanderbilt l'niyersity. said
that students must rccogiii/e the
signs that they are being sesuail,

"Pay attention' .-\s soon as it be
comes unwanted. it‘s improper."
Miitlstill stlltl.

He also said that unitersitics

have to take art active role in help-
ing the victims and the assailants.

"We've got to convey to women
that we care and .say‘ to men that we
won't accept this bchayior," he

l-inally. liredrick R. Preston. \ice
president for student alfairs at the
State l'niversity of New York at
Stoney Brook. emphasi/ed that tini-
versities. along with their adiiimis

lf;lll0ll.\‘, must take responsibilm for
correcting this prol-lcni

“ I he institution needs to create a
climate where people leel iiioie
comfortalile in coming lorwaid.
The president and deans should
speak out. not rust the absuact lllsll'
ttitlon." he said.

At the conclusion of the telecon-

See FORUM, Back Page

State House speaker indicted
on charges of bribery, extortion


By Mark Fl. Chellgren
Assooated Press
