xt74qr4np323 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4np323/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-04-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1981 1981 1981-04-23 2020 true xt74qr4np323 section xt74qr4np323 Vol. LXXXIII, No.1“ , ‘ University of Kentucky '
ThurSdflyi April 23, 1981 m '"dwmd'm "mm" "'"W'p" Lexington. Kentucki ". ' ~
a: ‘ P
3 _ . .3 SA, NOW reach agreement on ,.
-3 .13. ‘_-‘,'“L', . .. if ' 33 . _ 3‘
._ _. _ sexual harassment conference
» ‘ .3ng .. MM 3 "’"WWW' gift“ is?” . By PEGGY BOECK txHe was also concerned that sioner Alben Barkley's sexual ' . ; :
"f?“ {fin «. Mg}; M ' husk Senior Staff Writer students would not be guaranteed ac- harassment conViction in relation to _.: ‘, .3 . .
lbs. _. ' etc.“ , . M ‘ use cessibility to the conference due to the conference. .' :3' -'
.. WM. W»...ng ' . " . Cat The Student Associtgtitgn has reach- “mm?“ 593““2‘ gufilTVAgl‘lsgihuaFahfil: 8:12;] 30:22 j 39- . *-
" “ ‘ . PEM . ~ ed an agreement wi 3 e Lexington Stur eon said th t _ , -_ , f ' ' 5 . '
( ‘ ""ffltwg = i to“ :f?‘ chapter of the National Organization ed its gshare of th: 02$:Ttaslizgegolict d‘smm‘muo" Charges me" “”0 W'- "
PM“ 1“?:,.':‘P"‘§:»: for Women and UK'5 community Dawn Ramsey of the University Ex- women “’rmerw “mpl‘h'ed by “‘5 ,
.3 MEPMQQPMPQ; "- M I ...-; education extension program to CO‘ tension Service informed him the department. '.
.1 . 2M3 3j sponsor a sexual harassment con~ conference would not accept any “Alot of people will think it‘s all a
.- lfivw M“ ference this Saturday. money from SA. He'said Ramsey joke now."she said. ..' .
i = 3 "P‘ l 33- i 1"” SNS 5h?” 0f the costs for the con- thought SA had acted in bad faith by Todd was also displeased that a 2 f .,
3-. ! . s, , , .... ference Willbe$750 . rescending the $500 donation. witness in the Barkley case said two ;'- g :
. Pat Todd, NOW founder in Ken- , , , .. , . -»
l. wiii‘fif "“P"‘i’"*‘"§ tuck and its Lexin ton cha ter said After what conference coor- 0f the women sexually hardbbed“0re P 5
. r as.“ , . ' P P ». y g p . ' rovocatlve clothing. '-
4 ~§r new ‘3. _ 0% there were some problems With the dinator Todd called “a lack of com- p “Th clothes ,0” “Mar have ‘ '
' $34?" . .2 . Pg SAsponsorship. _ .. munication between the conference nothing to do with sexual harass: f f- j'
3 ~. M ”owned "13‘ 3‘35“ The assoc1ation initially passed a coordinators, senators and executive ment .. she said ‘ ;
‘ ' w i, § bill at its March 9 senate meeting officers," it was finally agreed SA Wor'n n "d .. ,1 h. . 3;.
......_ .1 .y w . ' l A l V" .P" , allocating $500 for conference ex- would donate $600 to the conference t e ”sons; er "(we d drdf‘ls" 3' . j
. *5 g a s 3 penses sponsored by director for ,to be used only for student discount. men “X mg 30m "19" d .. 8"".ng f -
. ., .3 t, Ms . W omen's Concerns Cheryl Hillen Students may attend the conference them as honey and babe to ac: , 3
sting; . . . ' tual rape in the office," said Todd.
., so despite opposmon. for $6. . . .
3 3 3 M _ . The program Wlll begin at 9 a m . ‘j
3 nasty ’ “P‘ W" SA preSldent Brad Sturgeon §3ld “I don‘t think the prOgl‘am was with a film supplied by Frankfort's '. -‘ '
xfifi “underthe Circumstances 0‘ tight ever jeopardized." because ofMthe Creative Employment Project. .I : ._
to ‘ ~75: economic times SA should allot only disagreement, said Sturgeon. which helps women find employment . - ,-
agMgt s l $150. and if more money for the eon The conference will be held Satur- m P-noniradmona] jobs ~ ' ‘-
Ssé ‘ ' .. i ference could not be obtained day, Aprilzs, In lss Taylor Education panel discussions will last from ap_
4 f : elsewhere, further funds could could Building. and Will cover a “broad proximately 10 a m until the group 3. 3
1 Pi 1 possibly be alloted later. base," said TOdd- breaks for lunch around noon .
" :i- =’ Senator—at-large Debbie Earley. The program will attempt to define I . . . ' .. .
, . . oan Goodin, executive director of ., ._
however, argued m behalf 0f the con- sexual harassment, as well as the National Commission on Working
gs ference, maintaining that the con- discuss legal remedies and construct Women will speak At 12.30 p m on 3 ' .‘
‘CMQQPW I. ference was a worthy cause. Sexual personal strategies to deal With the “Sexual Harassment The Politics of . 7
333:33 ,3. harassment occurs more frequent problem. Power in the Work l ‘ .. ‘ ‘~
, . .. so. pace. . .
’Mse .éttét. than most people are aware, she “Se 1 h m t . h rd to . 3 3 .
Wit-1‘4: 'M '.-.' said, adding that sexual harassment d f- xgéroddira'scsl “girth lst 3 ‘th Workshops will conclude the con- ,‘
can have some very damaging ef- e me. , 53', '3 ,, as 0 0W' ference. beginning at 1330 pm. and ' , .‘
fects" , power relationships. 3 lasting until 4 pm. and focus on sub—
Despite approval of the bill, SA TOdd said "1 0359335 where workllng jects such as coping skills and legal . . , ,
. We rescinded it March 23and decided in— worlnen are Slfibord'mw orhequa ”:0 protection. f, V .
{35% stead to allot only $150 to the con- $2: cotwor ers. ”11:" arise tt: Todd said space will be limited in . _ '
. afifififie 493343;. ference. .. 3:3 ouse 5?“; alrass' :d order to allow for more informal . . '
_ , it. At that time, Sturgeon said he was pu woman m f p ace an e' discussion. and early registration is » _ _
.P 3M a. - s ' V bothered by two aspects the con- mean herwork value. recommended. Prospective par— ‘
.,:;3' we ' ‘ ferencesponsorship involved: “This alienates a woman from ticipants can register by calling 257- ' 7 ..
M .; _ U P VA $12 registration fee will be other workers,“ She said. “Some 2794. Late registration will also be ,t. ‘3' '
. Wmmwm" é. W"””’""""W"WW““ ”i“m’ - charged for the conference, covering men are unconscious about this conducted 0“ the day °f the con: '3’. ’
u, expenses for all workshop material Others makeit adefinite motive." ference. butlunch W‘“ “0‘ be "‘Clu‘j' ~_ I ,
' and lunch. Although SA was a co- Although sexual harassment has Bdm the registration fee. .
' sponsor,Sturgeon said he did not like not been a widely publicized issue, This is the first Conference of Its “ ., '
.3 . ' . . 3' the fact students would still be charg— Todd said she is displeased with the kind in Kentucky and one of the first ,- .3.
1’ edthefullregistrationfee. limingofState Agriculture Commis- in the nation said TOdd. ',
:" ~ . . V, . I
A t. ely finish By BEN VAN HOOK/Kernel Staff H ] gher mwers : .
Timers Kathy Klaehn and Bob Wright concentrate on the task at hand: clocking the intramural 100 meter dash . , , j .
, Corporations assume LKD balloon race sponsorship . a:
By LESLIE MlCHELSON balloon race is scheduled to take off the rest and drops a large bag of 7
Brad under Oes sur er Staff Writer between 3 pm. and 5 pm. Satur- grass seed at a designated sp0t out— 1-, . '.
3 P" h dredd ll 3 h d day. The site will be the rugby field side the city The other balloorciiirsts , ‘
By DAVID ESPO 3 after doctors inserted two needles in- cedure that was not emergency ac~ li eive “in m o arstgnlg tsoun next to Commonwealth Stadium, 3 follow and try to see who can Top ."..= . .0
Assocmted Press Writer to Brady's head to release air trap- tion. b21103“. of oney pay for a The race w1ll follow the tradi- giasgbag of seed closest to the it s I.
WASHINGTON — White House ped insidehis brain, O’Leary said. “I don‘t think he‘s in any danger,“ But when the money comes from The ssoospon50rship charge goes . '
limes secretary James 3- Brady. The air passage. from Brady’s O'Leary said. The h05pital the pocket of a corporate sponsor '2‘? toward the LKD scholarship fund. - 3-31'
wounded in last month’s .assassina- sinuses into his brain, probably was spokesman said, “Everything is go and the balloon is a huge hot air a "K Each corporation‘s sponsorship 3-; j, .
tion attempt on President Reagan, therosultof thebullet which Pierced ing OK,“ adding that Brady has balloon. the price makos'a little » ' ii ‘3 buys one of its members a ride in . ..
underwent surgery last night to close hisskull whenagunman opened fired “been stable through the whole pro- more sense. . g ‘g‘tt . the balloon with the pilot. allows g. i
apassage allowing air to seep into his on Reagan andthe presidential party cedure." This year — for the first time — , L: 3 ' ii: members to attend the race recep— y 3 . -
damagedbrain. outsideawashingtonhotelMarch 30. He said doctors ordered a brain Sponsors for the Little Kentucky ._ _“ g. M tion andhave the company name on
“Everything is going 0K.” Dr. Reagan, a Secret Service agent scan after noticing that Brady, who Derby balloon race willbecorpora- " t 3 3‘bY‘5 banner ‘1thth m the L;
Dennis Clean, a spokesman at and a policeman also were wounded has been described as making an ex- tions rather than campus organiza- " b31100” _ l“ :
George Washington University but have been released from the traordinary recovery, was “less tions. The sponsorship has been a. M 3 The balloon race is only part of .' ,_ ill.
Hospital, said. “I don’t think he’s in hospital. responsive than he had been." changed for two reasons, according :2 -- 3 ,. M Q. the many actiVltles planned-for the , .3 (
any danger." Deputy White House press The hospital spokesman said the to Greg Kupar. LKD balloon race as“. celebration: Other events include “f , ' ~
O'Leary said the air was increas- secretary Larry Speakos said he was scan showed “a significant amount of co—chalrman. ‘ v P:, . ; b'cyvc'e rfices' a band {it'val' if tug ["53 9‘0:
ing pressureinside Brady's skull. not certain whether Reagan was in- air in the brain‘s ventricles" — inner ssggmzfélfise ccannaflsforgr tonpay ‘._ ”i" ' (:2. “tarkdgaiflgg an a “95mm '
ThThe surgery began at 7 pm. EST. formed of the . new developments passageways that normally do not tions were only regal? ed to 52y :0 ‘P $3 " 91:?) "(co-chairman Caran Shari» PP ." i] ‘3;
ere was no indication how long the before last night ssurgery. contain air. to s . . . M. . . . . _. . ,
. . . ponsor a balloon, he said. The .salr non said UK 15 the only university in . .- .3
operation would last. Sarah Brady, the press secretary’s He said Dr. Arthur Kobrlne placed second reason for the change the United States which has a .3- .-- .-.. .
Rich Ellis. another hospital wife, was reported to be with Brady two needles into Brady's head and Kupar said, was because of com: ll. balloon race. Shannon said the idea 3". '
spokesman. doscnbed the operation at the hospital. “the air came out and he was fully plaints receiVed from balloonists originated from the balloon race 'I. -.
as“non-urgentsurgery." O’Leary said the insertion of the responsive within minutes after concerning drunkenness and me? held during the Derby Festival m . '.
The surgery came a few hours needles amounted to a minor pro- that." titude on thnpart of student—staffed Louisville. '. .3;
~. -.- ~ - ground crews. UK adopted the idea eight years ‘ ‘7. .'
t M «' ——'__—‘ LKD festivities will begin at 10 tional “hare and hound" format ago and it has been a major fun: -~,
,. ' " > 3 I. A. e am, Saturday, April r25th.'I‘he where one balloon takes off before draiser forLKDei-cr since. .5 ‘3. ‘,‘
f m Turf Writer Marty McGee favors ' ' '
> the underdogs in today's Bluegrass UK ° ‘ ' , ‘ .‘. ._
-SRC° producmg quahty data for state
TheClique is breaking up. Assistant ' P J. .
Entertainment Editor Lisa Wallace 3 . ._ ' 3"
gives the details on the bands deci- By STEVE HUNT faculty members and students can Viewers and proper questionnaire agencies and University groups will ' -
siontoseparate. Seepage 5. Staff Writer use to further their research in- construction. buy questions or pay for surveys, but . ,_
terests. “The most critical part of the poll most of those are non-profit organiza- " ' '
_ . Students concerned about cutbacks Some information for this story was “The point is to do quality resear- is training interviewers." she said. tions. We've done some for the Ken- ‘ , ‘ . gt'
3 " in financial aid are urged to attend gathered by Kernel staff members ch. All the data we gather is part of The center chooses from a pool of tucky Press Assomatlon, Kentucky ~ . '
,gse Friday‘s Fincancial Aid Sym- the public archives and other faculty 5060 students for the biannual Hospital Association and the Depart- 3
33 posiurn in a guest editorial by Brad The UK Survey Research Center is members and students use that survey, Conover said. with about 15 mentof'rransportation.“ ' ‘ . ‘
{gait - Sturgeon, Student Association a non-profit facility which promotes data.“ Christensen said. working on any given day. All of the Tipton said these groups usually > _ .
if " g president. scientific research for the UK com- The center was formed in Spring interviewing is done over the phone. contract the center to gather specific '
_: munity and citizens of Kentucky — 1979 under the efforts of several although other surveys may be done information —that is. pay a fixed fee " . t
with an emphasisonquality. groups and individuals affiliated with through the mail or personal inter- to the center to gather and analyze '- _
- . . . r “We generate quality data.“ said UK and interested in promoting and views. data for the group's use , " 7
. :3 A e James Christensen, director of the aidingthegatheringof research data Conover said “marginal" results Anexample of sucha survey is the ‘ 3 . -
M .. ' . UK-SRC. “We don't do research and research archives. included in — such as the percentage of one the center conducted for the At- , I , l
The tanning oil can remain tuck- unless we can achieve high standards this group was the Center for respondents to questions — from this torney General‘s office last February
« edaway forthenext coupleof days. ‘07 thedata gathering processing and Developmental Change. the Com- Spring‘s biannnual poll should be determining the quality of service ‘ ‘ '
Rainy» weather and occasional response rates." munication Research Center, Dean available late this week or early next provided by General Telephone of , ‘ .
‘ thunderstorms will continue Part of this quality. process, Wimberly Royster of the Graduate week. Kentucky. . i .
x .9 throughout the day ending late Christensen said. involves following School and Michael Beer. past co Christenson said the poll “provides The results of these contract - ~
g tonight. the center's rules and staying away director of the UK-SRC biannual a barometer for,state issues. can surveys.which Tipton said are usual—
$5M Rain chances are 100 percent for from political polls. _ _ survey and thOthth deanof theCol- cerns such as those dealing with ly paid for with state government 3
t? .tt the morning and afternoon, 60 per- “We Will not do quick dirty legeof Arts &Sc1encu. politics. legislation and quality of money, are released to the public by . ‘ ‘
. = ‘ ' centtonight. surveys,“ Christensen said. “We on- Pam Conover, one of the co- life." thec'enter aftera specified time. 3
Thehigh today willbeinthemid lydosurveys if we candothem well. directors for the center's biannual Besides the biannual poll. the Although it is hard to get specific . - -
5 tow.- so. “night‘s low will be in We will only do one if we can do it survey — a poll which gathers data center also runs surveys for various cost figures for a survey. Tipton said
‘ 0.910“,de 5“ pretty much under our own for faculty members‘ research pro- state agencies and University most contracts are more expensive
tie with: for - rlde. Jam Friday will be a bit cooler with guidelines.“ iects as we“ as the center and the smalls. than the estimated salon for the ‘
I human amulet himself by pulling decreasing cloudinessflfiglu in the Christenson said the emphasis on state —— said quality is achieved ”We don‘t do commercial polling,“ biannual poll.
topics out of a telephone pole on the uppersmtolowllm. ' quality relates to the purpose of the through a three—pronged pl'oceu: said teornard Tipton, co-director for “It's hard to give cost figures,"
. choollandandColumblI. center: to provide a facility “that “careful sampling, good inter- the biannual poll. “Variom state (‘onunuedonpnge to
Q l- ‘ f . ‘ I ’

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i ' ‘ '0“ Robinson 0"" m .
2 I or' a s & i ' :hzmiel :d'tii’mi 54"“ 22.30;? £3335”, gfiir‘tvaiiii‘i-ncnt Editor gamma.
i Jay li‘ouett lfll fierce-Dub. David Coylc
C o e nt . Marianna Editor . Auociatc Editor. 0“" PM"“’""
i l I II I I 3 z . ism. .. and..." man...
i l mil am y m?“ Donnie wm un w-um in... my...
‘ i - t Day Editor John [Jule Auiuont Spon- Editor Auiuant Entartalnmcnt Editor MAM
i llc ‘MIm‘l Anni-t ‘rk‘ul'l‘a all lrtlen and opinions lcltrn and opt-mm would be lyped, Inplr DIIQ G. M..."-
i WI“! and include mum. rnldtnir and pulp" identification including l b II) for “Menu and l I 1 Coach“. Ml
. . 3. employees Alrellcnjhoulnr he llmlm: Iii-:00 ninth and opinions and comments In 500 numb. ! 5.,“0, 5:4” Writcn
. _ Guest Editonai _
. Meeting WI” be held tomorrow
' ‘ ‘ P sed tb k will cripple available funds for loan programs
. p. H) BRAD STl'RGEO-V for UK students. tions will not be easy to offset for an through federally subsidized loans. the impact of even the House pro- needy" Americans.
‘ “ ' President This year. $75 million was in-state Kentucky resident who lives Unlike the NDSL, the GSL is not posal as onewith“dramatic negative
[if Stu‘it’ht ASSOCiatiOh distributed to 9.300 UK students in UK housing. considering the an based on the student‘s need. For 1980— consequences." Even though the strongest ad-
_ through the BaSiC Educational 09- proximate $200 increase in room and 81 at UK, 4,000 students participated Jim lngle, director of Financial vocates for financial aid programs
._ .- This ijTidal‘ at 1130- will as an in portunity Grant iBEOGl. with a board. ' in this program, and the total cam- Aid, translates a compromise of admit that abuses are the cause of
,. . - dividuai student, can express your possible maximum award of $1,800. Things look just as severe for the pus appropriation amounted to $9.9 House and Senate proposals as some waste in loan programs, par-
" outrageabout ”0905315 that are now The BEUG program is administered other maj0r UK programs. The million. This number excludes possibly reducing the 4,000 ’80-81 UK ticularly the GSL, few aid supporters
, - pending before the US- Congress on campus through the Office of NDSL. another program based on the Medical and Dental school students GSL participants to 1,600 or 1,700 for believe the problem is anywhere
. . recommending drastic changes in FihahCiai Aid. like the National determined need of the student, also that are regulated under a special the ’81-'82academic year. near the magnitude of the proposed
, . the mayor federally S'Uhsiditeh finan- Dith Stiideht L03“ ‘NDSL’ The Will be significantly limited if the GSL provision. Dr. Thomas Wolanin, cuts. And for next fall at UK. Mr. ln-
. . ’ “131 aid programs \our 09mm“ “”11 third major federal Program Reagan admmiSti‘atitin has its way. senior aide to the US. House Com- These recommendations clearly il- gle points out that for the first time
, f _. . not fall upon deaf cars. In fact. you aSSisling UK students 18 the NDSL is a loan program that served mittee on Education and Labor, said lustrate the need for students to pro- since the late i“ or early .7“. hisof-
.' " ' may d'reCt your quwt‘on“ ‘0 e‘mi’r Guaranteed Student Loan ‘GSL’» over 1000 UK students this year with the Reagan pr0posal passed the test now, before Congress legislates fice will be unable to meet
_ ' , the senior aids on the House Commit- which is administered off campus in $1.5 million. As of now, this campus is Senate with an 32 percent participa- many students’ educations beyond demonstrated need, as well as de-
. . _ : lee on Education and Labor. or to the cooperation with over 300 private hoping for $1.2 million for next year. tion cut from the ”30.31 appropria- their affordability. Since the 195th, mand.
. - _ i‘hit’t State and campus ad» banks serving as lenders. This means that up to 300 fewer tion. Of course, the Senate resolution the federal government has main-
. ' mlmStramrs 0f the“ programs. Thls For the fa“ semester. the “art” StUdehtS may receive loans from the was Passed narrowly 0" the strength tained a policy of educating as many Take on hour out of your schedule
. . . will be your chance. as a UK student. administration proposed a $100 in— NDSl. next year than received loans of the Republican ~majority. In the capable Americans through public this Friday and stop by the
- . . to stand up and mice your concern to crease for each BEOG recipient, this year. House. Democratic leaders, such as higher educationaspossible. Asa na- auditorium in the Health Science
the deCiSlon makers raising the maximum award to The GSL program offers more bad speaker Tip O’Neill. Jr. (Mass), and tion, we resolved to educate our Learning Center. Your attendance
. ' . t‘ertaihiyv the Plight 0t stiideiits in $1.900. However. the Reagan revision news. According to Paul Borden. ex- Kentucky's own Carl Perkins and citizens who are qualified and and that of your friends will issued
need of finanmal aid has never been Offers a $50 across-the-board cut in ecutive director of K.H.E.A.A.. 19,000 William Natcher are leading the fight talented, even if their ability to af- signal to Washington' that Ken-
, .‘ as dire as could be the case next fall each grant. reducing the maximum Kentuckians used GSL benefits this to protect financial aid. The current ford that education was inadequate. tuckians are concerned about the ac-
: if the Reagan administration's grant for the upcoming fall to $1.750. year statewide, this group 0f reci— recommendation of the House is to However, the Reagan plans will, in cessibility of higher education You
. . recommendations pass in Congress As a program that is disbursed by pients represents 35 percent of the cut the GSL by 50 percent of its par- effect, eliminate the higher educa— need not speak to make your point
_‘ _ Consider the three major programs the indiVidual's need. BEOG reduc» 1980—81 Kentucky students borrowing ticipants. Dr. Wolanin characterizes tion opportunity , for many “truly the news media will get the picture. '
. ' I it I All contributions should be delivered to "4 Journalism Building. Unlvenlty of Kentucky. Lex-
, . lngton. Ky.. 40500. The Kernel reserves the right to edit for grammar and clarity and to eliminate
e e rs to th e e d Itor libelous material.and may condenseorre’ectcontributlom.
. ____________________ _
‘ " . If the Shoe fits . . . themselves in his shoes and see if they would clean it are of no great importance. The cheap shots that those “evolution” does not exclude a creation. In fact, the
_ , ' ' , up. two schools take at each other are in terrible taste. It creation occurred 10-18 billion years ago (called the
. . ' This letter is in response to your article on April 14th We would like to thank the Kernel for givingus the op- doesn't matter how many banners are on dsplay, nor “Big Bang” in astrophysical circles), and the
.' ' . concerning tht‘ SituatiOii 0t “0‘” 3-3 0f Haggin Hall. We portunity 0i 8xfirt‘SSiFili our Side Of the story. but We does it matter how many teams the Metro or the SEC astronomical evidence is quite strong that things have
; j the undermgned Resident Adwsors would like to ex- can‘t help but feei that this letter could have been avmd- Conference had in the NCAA tournament. As far as notbeenhappening inarandomfashionsince that time.
' _ ' . press our Side of this socalled factual account Since it ed if the Kernel would have held up on this story until Rupp Arena and Freedom Hall are both concerned, Thus the “title" oftheletter, “Creation Vs. Evolution,"
' . was ohi’iousiy left out Of the original artit‘ie- they had researChed the SituahOh more thoroughly. We neither one is perfect. These two schools should rally is absurd. The current scientific perspective on where
' The truth of the matter is that the toilet paper was not don‘t wish to demcan the character of the Kernel for behind one another and be supportive. Tickets to a we came from which will surely change with fime
, ' ~ held haCk because Of the damage that occurred 0“ this their ObVious lack 0f objectivity when covering this or University of Kentucky game are no harder to get than clearly implies,a creation Let us not distort evidence
' i ' . “0‘" as the Kpr'it’i' Stat“ The “3”“ paper was “Qt Put any other incidents m regard to the residence hall tickets to a University of Louisville game After all the and play Smiles with words
‘ out because it has consistently been removed from the system. but if the shoe fits - ~ . great recruiting that UK has done, they'have not ac- Let me closeby stating that becauseone is a scientist
I . ' . ESE:iflnffiie‘iigopfifféiielsifig hisiéiiilglgtiigi £25 Todd “on“, complished any great defeats or tasks. After all, the does not necessitate that this same person is a godless,
. . . told the floor that the supply would be cut off if people Biology junior mtg]: gi'thil'hltzfichufizmlftfhgr: 3:31;: fig” aotfhgmtt‘ Plundtller, “159mg“ pzzpeh'ahe
’ . ’. did not stop taking it The floor was aware of this warn- d ' g1 ms ac ’ . are no m m mg 80'
. . . _. , , ing but did little in heeding it. As a result. the Resident Richard R.Crowe “e- Pefhal’s the “hchhs‘ ‘5 already ““39"“ PS, i“ the
. , Adviser. mm the permission of the Head Hesi dent. Education senior CONGRATULATIONS INDIANA AND COACH BOB- guise ofnthose who label themselves selentlflc crea-
_ . ‘ deemed this as the solution to the problem Therefore. BY KNIGHT" Y0" all d’d an excellent 19b m the NCAA tlonlsts.
. ’ . the Kernel was wrong in saying that the residents were James A. Smith tournament. You deserve thecredlt that ‘5 duetoyou.
. ' being punished for the damage and trash on the floor Head resident, Haggin Hall Frank 0. Clark
: .~ We also would like to say that we contacted the Tamar ah Atchlson AssociateProfessor ofAstronomy
" ’ ~ Fayette (‘ounty Health Department to check the validi- David R. Rabe UK staff member
. . ‘ ' . ty of their alleged statement, It was pointed out in this (‘ivil Engineer. MBA . What, me worry?
' . .- -’ , 7 article that a resident had called the Fayette County M Mi“ . _
. . '. ' Health Department and claimed that the lady there had rim Rogers 1'. er. It's finals time again. and students are getting
. , ~ ' said. “ the conditions were not healthy to live in.“ Horticulture prepared to spend numerous hours worrying. I am con-
.; _. . . 1 We called the Health Department and spoke with the lwould like to respond to Mr. Doug Miller’s letter of stantly amazed at the self-imposed Pressure which
' .' woman whom the resident supposedly quoted. Mrs Ann Randall Vaughn April 16. some students labor under. Finals are just not worth
_ ‘ . ' " . v. Becker. the spokesperson, said that the conditions Architecture 1. I am not sure what Mr. Miller means by “The worrying about. To see the absurdity of spending so
- ' ' .. ' which the resident described to her were that glass and General Theory of Evolution;" I am not sure that such much energy in this manner, all one needs to do is put
. . ‘. . ceiling tiles were lying all over the hallway She then Jeff Johnson exists. finals in the proper perspective.
. g i " . _. told us that she said that the glass would be dangerous Pharmacy 2. The meeting referredto by Miller, and the articles Actually. there are only two things to worry about;
, . .‘ . to have around in a walking area but that she didn‘t say . in SCIENCE and Nemweep are Wiy Moped No either you are well or you are sick. If you are well, there
‘ -‘ . ' . ‘ the placv was unhealthy to live in. She went on to say Curtis High one seriously questioned the basic concept of biological is nothing to worry about. But, it you are .51“ there are
.. ‘ . ‘ , .' that it would be unpisgiblo to assess the situation ‘(hemistry junior evolution. However, the details of the manner in which two things to worry about; either you Will get well or
. _ without buying seen the hallway. We feel that if the this occurs were challanged and alternative detailed you W111 (119- It you get well, there is "Othihg toworry
: » ~. ' Kt’rfli‘i th taken [hp “me to call the Health [)Qpart. Bl" Kunnecke met-hm by Which biological evolution mm were about. If you dle, there age there are Only two thlngs to
g _ mam (m their mm instead of taking the word of 50- Business Administration senior offered What happened andwas reported was quite dif- worry about; either'you will gotoHeaven or Helllfyou
_. .’ mconc already misinformed over the tmlet paper lnci‘ ferent from Mineris letter 80 to Heaven the“? is nothlng to worry about, hilt if you
'_ fl . ; dent. then some of this confusion could have been avoid- Martin Allen 3 There is no difficult ' with life forms on the earth 89 to Hell, you ii be so busy shaking hands With all your
_4 ‘ ~‘ ' ed Furthermore. the conditions which the resident Entomology junior ' y . friends, you won’t have time to worry. So why worry
~ .‘ . 1 described were only artlall ' 'orrect: there w; s on] ' and the Second Law Of memwymmlw' The sun, our about “"315?
’- . »p it ‘ -‘ . ll hasbeenlft tofth ’der-
- _, ‘. ' ‘ . . broken ceiling tiles and other paper trash on the floor. Neal Mantick 908 energy source, e on e 9mm 8
. . I, ‘ . no broken glass was m the hallway Pre_pharmacy sophomore tion. Shut off the sun and you shutdown all life on the 3.1:, Lagrew
‘ . . . t The Kernel also implied that there was a conlronta- earth. Period. , 2nd year Law student
, . ] tion between the llaggln staff and the 8-3 residents. but Benham Sims 4. Can thescars of human evolutionbe passed off as a . . . .
‘ . .| ’- this is far from the truth The way we see this damage P0iiti€3i SCiPhC? sophomore “1955 0‘ organs due to deterloratlon'I’ as lmplled by commumty responSIblllty
T, i, -' . which occurred is that everyone on the entire campus Miller? What about our backbone Whmh works better
. .y i _. ”1 . . loses What people fail to realize is that if no one is found .lames LOCiHll’d for quadrupeds than bipeds (see article by W“ in On behalf 0f many people within the University com-
: _‘ .’ y . ', g rcsixirtsiblc {or the breaking of the ceiling tiles and the (‘ivil Engineering sophomore Scientific American. Dec. 1951. vol. 185, p. 54). This also munity, we would like to express our displeasure over
9 ‘- _‘. ‘ '. ‘ ' ~ many other damages that can occur in a rcSIdence hall, Cam problems Wit-h the lower back, “POt belly." and your continued publication of the “Alters Phar-
« ‘ i f . . then everyone will have to pay for it People living in Paul Sims hernia. Mr. Miller can walk on all foursifhepleases but maceutical ad offering for sale large quantities of
. ‘ l _ ' ‘ thc (‘omplcx and even on North Campus Will pay for FONS"! junior [will stick to two, despite these problems. stimulants and sleep-aids. We feel that this type 0f Corn-
‘. f. . this semi-less destruction through increased room and , 5. Ninety-nine point nine percent of all professional munication relects negatively on the University of Ken-
. .‘ .. xi ' ., 1 board ices It could even lead to a damage deposit for Hichardl‘. Winisatt scientists would claim that ~5ch creation" as defin- tucky when m outside of the University community
l .1 . students wishing to live on campus [f we. the llaggin Accounting senior ed in the letter of Doug Mlller is on the lunatic crackpot read the Kernel to see what is going on at UK. We are
i ' '. ., staff are in a “shodewn.” it is a showdown to reduce _ fringe There are not two choices inthismatter. not alone as students in other universities Wt
. . ' . z damages and destruction in our reSldcnce balls. 11 Dailieiikitkt‘“ 6 Professional scientists trained in the disicplines thecounti'y mvemmwmmmmmmj.
,‘ .' . - ‘ *hhu'd (“’m“ 35 “0 surpr‘se that ‘ht' 5‘3” makes every 8mm“ "‘dmims‘rauon senior which they practice, would be most happy if they could this is a sentiment that was recently expressed by
. . ‘pitrotht #6122222 riipih:)u‘:3d1liirtut‘;£ inlemvne‘iri’o “m ”anon offer an alternative or improvement to the concept of students at a national pharmacy meeting. We feel that
1 ‘.» ' _~ refrain from using such "sensationalistic journalism " ('hemical Engineering sophomore ESL?;$H::UtI$$o:aflizngtgmgc$m 0‘ a: yjou nobonly have 8. mrlbmty.m Tgfisezfuu:
:. .‘ .j _ 1 , . Responsible Journalists usually obtain