xt74qr4np31h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74qr4np31h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-11-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1981 1981 1981-11-19 2020 true xt74qr4np31h section xt74qr4np31h .. .. - 1 ~‘ . V. , .. ., ., - - .- ~ ... - ‘_ v- -. ' , r-' . ... .. oils”; '- -. ..., .‘ ‘ 3.5V; ‘ , ,- gig-1,15,,-:-jt.-§f§ii;}‘f§;tzg
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Athl t' A 00 ' ' t' k d' " - ..
, e to ss . tunes up It: at Istrrbutron
W nutmemDeanolsuldenta Jonah dtana sums and all subsequent and will befdlsresarded for that the two o'clock distribution," said line, heorshe will not beallowed to ;'
Assists t S tsEdit Burch, faculty memba Dr. Nicholas distribution dates include: distribution. . ’ Brynn. “But then I" Mme a big leave that line for extended per-lotto! . .
n por or . Pisacano and Student Association Part Of the “13810" between the thing to be first in line and they time. as was the custom in the past. .
W. __ .. __ Vice-Pruident Bobby Clark. V N0 students Will be allowed '9 committee and Burch. considered by started coming earlier and earlier “It became a big game between the i x
The proposal, after a short discm- startalinebeforefiam. Smday mor- tlmubcomnuttee. was whattodoifa andthecampoutswere born students and thestaff " hesaid. “We ’
Ticket distribution, as most sion by the committee, was adopted “"18- large number 0t students allow up for The reason for the revisions in the never intended the clintrol cards to ~ :
. students know it, is going the way of unanimously. w No campers, tents, Winnebagos, ticket distribution at the same time. FCI-‘S system was to find a fair mean you ma establish your place
. the Ford Edsel. In action yesterday cars or trucks will be allowed for 'l‘hesolution thesubcommittee arriv- system um would not encourage in line and leave. If you’re in line ‘ I
by the ticket committee of the The problems associated With the sleepiru,campingorstandinginline. ed at was a “modernization” of the students to camp out for preferred you’re in line If you leave you’re 7‘
Athletic Association. the first—come- FCfFS distribution system became .e No student will be allowed to students intoaline. tickets. “It started out that the not." ' ' ;
first-serve (FCFS) system of gwdent lagt reef after they leaveoncetheyarein llneortheywill “What we’ll have to do is find out University allowed the students to Butch also said the time that was
distributing lower arena basketball snowballed "“0 campouts began to lose that place. how my students there are," sald camp out became there was no policy selected was “to recognize the people
tickets underwent a “time-up,” so to cut Into the students’ academic week w No student will beallowed tocon- Burch. “and take thesame number of (concerning camping out for that were willing to sacrifice a little
speak. “It got t0 the pornt “St year," “It! sume alcoholic beverages while stan- control earth and shuffle them and tickets)," said Clark. “Now we're time to get the best seats " The line
A sub-committee of the ticket com- Burch, “that 3W” were Wt there dlnsin line. hand them all ”th1111" making a specific policy and it that forms will be controlled by the I »
mittee, organized to study the pro- on Thursday for tickets that were so The actual distribution of tickets TheFCFS system was started when doesn't allow camping out.” dean of students staff from 6 a m un-
blems involved with the system used "'8 to be handed out on Sunday 80d will begin at 1 pm. until 4 pm. Sun- home basketball games were moved “It‘s one thing to allow them to til the distribution is completed in the
inthepast,recommendedtheabolishs we felt we had todosomething about day afternoon and the doors to from Memorial Coliseum to Rupp camp out and another thing to force afternoon. .
mom of all-night camping out for It." _ . . . Memorial Coliseumwill notbeouen- Arena in 1976. But camping out for them to," Burch toldthecommittee. “Hopefully we‘ll establish a dif-
tickets, as well as setting a time The mum?“ that are b9“ edbdore 12noon. Any 995°“ who at- ticketsisafairly recent phenomenon. “We really don’t need them to stay ferent routine " said Burch “If .
before which noonewillbeallowed to “#09“de "“3 weekend’s distnbu— tempts to form a line before 6 a.m. “In the beginning, students would out all night.” you‘re going to come in line. you're V‘
. ¥ stand in line. Membersofthesubcom- tron of tickets for the Akron and 111- Sunday will not be considered in line comedownjlnta couplehours before Burch said once a person gets in goingtohavetostay in line." "
it T ,
_ Cloud cover will set in over campls .
; today accompanied with a 40 percent '
l chance of showers and a 60 percent
, chance of showers tonight. Highs will
.... ’ beintheupperSOstolowGOs.Lows
l tonight will be be in the mid to upper
Vol. LXXXIV No.68 - - Universit of Kentuck
i ' An independent student news since 1971 y y
‘. Thursday, November 19, 1981 paper Lexington, Kentucky
Fallout ‘ Radiation
1 1 Campus burldrngs marked as shelters K entuckrans prepare for the worst .-
—_..—_.._.__.._ _ __ EMERGENCY is declared when it is
By ANDREW orPMANN :3“! ct“ “2° “‘9’” the m 'Enfi By JOHN umE discovered that radioactive materials 1
Senior Staff Writer shelter Sim”. Senior Staff Writer have been releasedAuthorities call , i
The signs were installed by the for the evacuation of the residents i
local Civil Mm office to indicate within afive-mile radius of the plant. , .1
Some UK officials were punled to where “shelter areas were provided FRANKFORT —— 7:26 am. — An It is also recommended that lactac- ;
! seefalloutsheltersigns that hadbeen for Metro’s tornado warning ALERT is sounded by the on-site ting (milk-producing) animals within ‘
- mysteriously attached to the Patty-- system i. Beach said. ” Technical Support Center of the Zim~ 10 miles ofthe plant befed only stored ' l
son Tower and the Classroom A tothl of 16 buildim located on , mer Nuclear Power Station in feed. 1
Building. campus have been renewed as Moscow, Ohio, to the Kentucky and 5
Wayne Ritchie, Physical Plant emergency shelters for both natural Ohio authorities responsible for Although the above scenario is only "
Division assistant director, said he and nuclear disasters said Chief Earl' handling emergencies. An "event" in part of a mock emergency drill held ,‘
was surprised to hear of the ap- McDaniel: director dfthe Lem AP‘CITY progress at the plant involves the yesterday. it is the actual procedure .
‘ pearance of the new bright and yellow Civil Defen’se office. potential release of radioactivity that would be followed in the event of ‘
,.'- signs. Along with tie tower and an 9 320 It is deemed unlikely that the event a nuclear accident at the Zimmer * -
\ “We're not being snotty . . . we're ClassroomBuilding,theUKbuildings ‘ will create a public hazard and plant. 1
jlst curious about who put them up," designated as “no.“ sham, accor- authorities recommend that no pro- The drill involved the two state
Ritchie said. dim to informatim released by the . tective action be taken at the time. governments. the Cincinnati Gas and ‘ ‘
Buildirg maintenance workers at IexingthDoffice,are: 9:10 a.m. — A SITE AREA Electric Company (the utility in l
the Patterson Tower were wondering _ t, Kappa Alpha Theta sorority EMERGENCY is declared when the charge of the plant), several federal '
whythesigns were attached seemlng- hm event in progress involves an actual agencies (including the Nuclear
ly overnight and with a cement I Delta Zeta wmwm or impending major failure of plant Regulatory Commission) and .
substance, rather than with steel , Zeta Tau Alpha sororityhome functions. It is discovered that the Bracken, Pendleton and Campbell
bolts. .1 AlphaXiDelta WWW care has been uncovered for three counties (the three Kentucky “risk '
“It may be some sort of fraternity , smafifmtamtym minutes. Authorities once again counties" located within 10 miles of
prank," 8 Patterson Towa' PPD .4 Aim Gamma Rho fraternity recommend no protective action be theplant.)
worker said. home taken. Terra Barnett. public information ‘
But it was UK Safety Officer Gary See“FALLOUT."page 3. . 9:39 a.m. — A GENERAL See "RADIA’I‘IUN."page 3.
' Ch'ld b ' 0d ' ' ' ' ' '
w I a use In t ay s socrety discussed at Psy-Chr seminar
, , _______ presidentofPsy—aliandapsycbology In addition, people who have Silliman said, “There used to be . . . behavioral indicators of abtsed times these are seen as the problem
By JIM BAZINI senior, the panel presented a com- psychological sexual disfunction the budget cuts hurt us pretty bad." children. For imtance. the child may itself.
Reporter prehemlve Viewof child abme aimed usually have experienced sexual She went on to say there is a bex- be hyperactive or a day dreamer. He According to Silliman. there is a
___._._______.__ at thelayman. abuseasachild. ington group that spaisors activities group in Lexington organized to assist
Thepanel expressedconcern over Bolick cited another interesting for abusers and concerned citizens. may also have a tendency to be truant the child abuser or the abtsed child.
. Fractured skulls. bmken bones, the treatment of the abmer. “Every fact. Children who experienced “soft Veltkamp said there are some or abtse alcohol and drugs. Many See "ABUSl-:."page 3.
I. sexual disfuncnons—theseare some strata of society has child abme," tissue injuries," that is, no broken
l of the results of child abuse, which Bolick said. bones or neurological injury, usually .
were among the tombs discussed at a The pond weed many alums experience a 10 percent decrease in
seminar sponsored by Pay-Chi, the have common characteristics, in- their-IQ.
' psychology honorary society cludinsanaverase parental aseom. Weinberg said many abusive
' heading the Tuesday night m' meofalcobolanddmesfinandal dif- parents cannot separate discipline
tation on child abuse. held in the ficulty, unmet emotional needs and from abme. The one question that
President’s Room of the Student social isolation. Abusive parents may seemsunanswerableiswheretodraw
Center, was Teresa Bolick, a child also have unrealistic expectations of the line between abuse and punish-
psycholqist and professor. their children. ment. .
: Bolick, the Psy-Oii sponsor. was Veltkamp cited the story of a six- (he point of assistance might be
. accompanied by three otha' experts month-old child being beaten for not changing state laws concerning child
on child abuse: David Weinberg. a being toilet trainedas onesuch enam- abme in rsez, Weinberg said. The law
. - Lexington attorney who does a large pie. would redefine abuse to include .:. .
X : amoum of work in family law; lane Veltltamp said so percent of the physical, oremotional injury by other .... § - “a.
Veltkamp,anassociate professor and reported children who are abued thanaccidental meam, sexual abuse, , wen-it 331"».
theoperatorofanabuse clinicinlex- have permanent neurological prostitutionofachild,lackofsupervi- 1' 35;, 9's” .:.-n: d '“
ington; and Donna Silliman, a social damage, 50percent receive shrllfrac- aim and basic needs such as educa- ...-rm? 11L) :
works with the Department of hires, 70 percent of the females end tion,foodandsheiter. wt} _..~,2. . _
HumanResources. upin imtitutlonsandootompercent When asked if there are , ._,_ refs-v fi.__-:-.;;:-‘.‘ AA; 23', tuft-.:.,
Moderated by Dianne Wagner, of the males end up in reformatorles. mourca fa- the abusers to get help, , ”$311, a. _. -’ “1&1“.- f n.5,, _> .. \.\
. ,"l ,riiirii,‘::'~}gteor.'3‘: .i‘ " ‘.,";'.\. -.- ;_*“~.§
. I.:£!ii":ll".k:" " ..tf 1. h $.33 ‘15«..\ 1
. ,.‘" 4335' r ‘v .. ‘- ' '- ‘-‘~ "~ ‘ -‘
- State finance department approves funds as” ...-.g-.;s‘.,“s-...-,a :2. .
K . . . fart") ,1"x 5? a. a“: T i. W‘L‘L; tie: \_
for Installation of dorm sprinkler system {.:..-r _ .- . it . . . ‘-. . ..-.~_,
.- ' ..-' .'_ s 1.3-. ..= . -.- ...,
————_ “Mt!“m erluthefiledhy follow the state fire marshall's 3“ 4* .-: x: 5..”‘3’43' .5 7-, ‘53- 3. \~;; .
”’"R‘my ~ - WWW“ My mama- .rf-2:-' s . $153. .- :.;s‘: it;
. . mammwnm it had advanced $3,000 to basin Atkins received a request for {‘5 .. 3 -’ .-. 5:13 “i --"- ‘ ”' 73" .' 3‘2‘795‘4 '7 -
. andstaffreports denim"! the project, based on the sprinklmatUKlastJanuary,aftera "5 3 ,- .:..-'5} 5555' -‘" I ' 1;}; "git :51“ j . .~ {.15
.. _______.______ anticipatedbondsale. ni-eirtequuhotel. ', ' ' 3.3.75“ -.‘3§"“tl" -.»‘ ‘55”. "a, '3 it... ~. ’u’t t; - -
Butuiestate‘sbond advlmuld Jack Blantai, vice preside-it for ",.-'..;%.5¥':€- .:.th 32.7? (wt,- 1 r \ . » '1'
FRANlfl-‘ORT - Fire safety PN- recently ltwwld be lllcaal to W W Affairs, said Blending and :9;.-.'.. a: triads? c“ " if .i. "
jects totaling ‘1 million it UK. the bonth Without Me 1W5" Kirwandormltorytowersslnrldhave'i'i333-Q-29::‘.‘.-_.--"'.‘..,.‘... . .... ,.’... "its M
. , University of Louisville and a visita- direction, so the state is dipping into the highct priority tor inetenation of 21.5,, st‘tgh'k 9.7; - x ‘g, . is}??? I
“0" Midi"! 't the MW 5‘“ lumencynndforthemiect. smokedetectors, sprinkle-sand door ‘ mssastsssgt fins. ..;
. Rummy wen authodaul yuter- Visitation now is handled in a wing elm. _ .-. who. 315:4 1 . :1 F335;, ‘9 ,- . . .
“YWWWteth- ammonium at the unnamed 'lhehalfmilliondollarsalbttstK . :.. '. .. .. ”as; 7-”':._'.‘33’395€-& .j
. The any recently clamped - nelrLlGrame. iapertofemilliondouarheienceln _'-';'~.‘-.:.. ~ ‘- x. --. - fi"'-§i“~{t'’.=.":§€ii3I-§':'-‘:§i‘R “-9 CL i i ‘-
rid-m Minot I! an «new mastication and mono- for qtttdateddemuse are to he fa'ward- .~ “2’ “:33 4 ~ ~-j.:a '99; .- 5” - . .
“"W‘WM‘ ' W“ “W WW” «autumnal-Mnem- . ; ». . .. ’.:':.-I:==-"'"‘r‘:' «at 4 .
mt- ordared by I ted-rat “the nit-ne- Department also Me; has Ari-mu. nor- . .. -. '-~;- 5 as f .5352“ if.” _ 51*: 1‘53???» i- -
~ m w W mm" m’ ”mm W mum“ " " III-“Y M l“ the W. Wm he 'E=.' '- ‘r 5-: -:~':-... 9r“ .- 17%.”. ..'-':'-j .:.-2:53.33» '~ . -
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. 11!- state hop—d at not to use worketuxandmnlordmflar some who mild othu'wise be 75-: .':'-‘-::-L:::*"--::-:. .'-..~.-:::-.”.:'::'-'.- ' : 5: 5-7- ' ~
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3 ILL‘E'ELL .2‘:{‘II _ I

= . _ " ' I 3|" Steiden Girls Ash Peggy M Anne Charles Lisa Wallace M. Chandler Bolln’

7 V1,“ _ L . I Edltor "'th Editorial Editor JIM mm M Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Photo Editor

.. ersuasm , - .............
_ p E “d“ Rudd Linl Katlaba Assistant News um Steven w. liowther Leslie Michelson 0'“ 9‘5““
L: , V g I “mm” 5‘1”” “’9’ (‘opy Editor Asmstant Sports Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor “WW I
f KhN'IUL‘KV . . Kirb s" ens
. , E Kernel I I Ken Ann“. Grafluycs will: I
. ‘ I Associate- Editor News
..,,_,. ,.-, . _,__—.. -flwfiml _.__ __~._‘_~fi___ ,_,. _ . , .__.,._~.~_.__._s . I .._ 7 .Ah-..... 7 ‘ 3.». ..___..-.._e_.——-———___..___._—
. ”I“ . . ., II . t . t . , . I
' ' ‘ “ Cancer soaety nos 0 curb smokln habits *

. Hide your cartons, put away your packs, are asking that everyone at least try toprove, l

I ,L and empty your ashtrays. Today is the if nothing else, thatit can bedone. - I MTG ‘ HOUR LAT-KR? E HRS” NO." Ed VE Hm I

i American Cancer Society’s Great American Why all the hoopla? Why stop today as op- E ‘a ' J m I '

L, 3" Smokeout. The non-profit organization is ask- posed to next week or next month? Maybe it’s le UP JEEZ"I 5W5 I ’1 AT & F01) .

I ing everyone in the country to give up smoking because millions of others will be trying to quit S MOKIN C1 Fm COULD 055 A m, H. mew!“ lN HERE" .

I for 24 hours in an attempt to get more people at the same time, trying to prove to H OURS, WA u , , 5" MN?“

I to give up the habit permanently. themselves, if no one else, that they can do it. 2% - is, W3; ,3,” .- ,1 \. I m.- “ I‘M LL ,_,..

I , Twenty-four hours may not seem like much Or even to admit to themselves that they I‘5:4,;?;:3?1{;:;;}.555:;;i;§:§:‘14:3? ”i~"Sj?.,:';':~';j’ag,"11,}: a ' j A C'GAW”

I of a start toward eliminating cigarettes, but a can’t. Failure isn’t penalized by death, but 53$); L . L p 5. " '

i, full day is longer than some may think when cancer usually is. ‘,"‘“ . 7‘ \ v _ g i

they voluntarily give up a habit that has The latest statistics from the American 5 ‘ I\ w I :n' gv, \ j

' become almost as reflexive as breathing.“ Cancer Society state one of every three / \ é ‘ I (l l 3'" 14'“ ’n' \ .

‘ nothing else, at least some will learn Americans will have cancer. And of those that 1" 1 g J t‘ v , .9! q ’

, something about themselves that they might contract cancer, one of every two will die from p. u / m ' \\ 0’ , '3} .
not have known: either that they can go it. That’s 50 percent of everyone who has a V ,4 /‘§* v )3 u,‘ y ’ ) i a

. through an entire day without smoking or that cancer. 7 ,/ v ‘? ‘ l‘ ‘7; a?» :6 t /V%

. ' , ' VJ , ;, e / ’a a , .

_ In the pledging process, anyone who wants faISifled to scare people into giVlng up smoko - n, .
to give up smoking for at least one day can go ing. The statistics are based on recorded AND I WISE ‘ HEU-LP v, F t ELUNme’L , e I
down to the society’s offices and sign a card scientific facts and case histories. But perhaps YOU Mr f7‘ mes” -- 4, i... MK“ .
pledging to stop for the next 24 hours. The they will scare some people into quitting, at . HELL“? , MR5 :

. names of those pledging will be posted around least long enough for their lungs to go through W’JUSTQT M “v” mu» “WWW“. . t , I
Lexington so that others, who didn’t pledge one day breathing smoke-free air. NEW THIS/W £555 " L

. but are trying to stop, will know that they are The three most common cancers are still (’14 ‘ ‘ q 1 i
, not alone. breast cancer, cancer of the colon and rectum, lmr I ggggg;mII:53;ggggingfigggzdgfigg . ' I _

‘ But giving up the habit, at least temporari- and lung cancer. But while breast and colon ' A“ I g , I
ly, isn’t as simple as signing a card. It takes cancer are hard to avoid, they can be detected (1 , , “It: j - ,
determination and a willingness to quit. Prov- by following basic warning signs that can be ’ a . \h V N :7 , ,1 _ ' M K WT
ing to friends that it can be done doesn’t ac- obtained from thecancer society. rtr‘ p 4 \ y “e l9}? W64” .
count for much unless smokers can prove to The major cause of lung cancer, however, a» Q 6 p @Q‘hkiiiiii 6/, ‘5\ a / ,

i, ‘ themselves that it can be done. Nobody is ask- can be eliminated. All it takes is a day-to-day ‘ ‘ .70.)? in ggggggmu U //// i W? 5” A, #07, 1
ins that everyone give up smoking, but they commitment to better health. ( (a) L iI F__ /// , . % . s c

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e———r———~———~~-flpinmpolieye~“A——“ ' i ’ A I/ . ¢ 6/” 00 ”m :3
i / ' . a ) , ”' '. on

“i I Persons submitting letters and opinion columns to the words. and individuals submitting comments in person \l is 1/4 ”/15 2/ 1% y/flw ‘1‘ #7 ‘ %j‘ W s a ‘ wo

' j Kernel should address their comments typed and triple- sh0uld bring UK IDs ordrlver's licenses. ' ’ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ pul
f spaced to the editorial editor at 114 Journalism Building, Those writing entries for the "Point" column, which !

’~ , I Ultimo-0042. is open to anyone on campus or in the community, . _ . sai

. ' i should contact Chris Ash or Bill Stelden at 258-5134 Laws reward InefflCIency be.

. : Writers must include their names, addresses, before submitting material. an
I telephone numbers and their majors. classifications or he Kernel reserves the right to edit for grammar, . . He

' . connection with UK. Letters should be limited to 250 clarityandlengthandtoelimlnate ubelous material. the

‘ ~————-————— ~1-»———~—-_———-—————- Corporations merge efforts
T——_—_—'—h—~+~ mfl" "—WLLW’“ Ce]

‘ I k ' 'off rof' bl "‘"

. ., ’l
. Mum)” e W to ma e write 3 p ita e ..


I I The following headline appeared in ' federal budget and transferred into a f;

g ‘. an ad recently published in the Wall m domain which is openedended and m

;’ I , _ Street Journal: “If Your Company . I I . I II . I limitlss. Instead of 168 aid, there

I I m I I, ' Still Plans To Pay Taxex In 1981, You will be more and, under the tax law.

I I a I I I / Obviously Don’t Know Enough About Corporation, not by tax accountants. noway tostopitorchannel it.

i ' " I ‘ TheNew Tax LaW-” Under the new tax law a company (Parenthetically, the Metromedia - g:

i I *‘ ""vfile/t , a L? '- I . Alotofpeopledon'tknowenough suchasArbourcanbuyanothercom- deelbringgupequegnmummd. . 52

l I I» ‘ ' 7 L-I-I .'\ - about the tax law and that includes pany‘s equipment andleaseit back to casters and publishers should face.

I I r i ., -. I15; the staff people in Congress who thecompanyfromwhomltpurchased As TV stations and newgpnpa-s .

, I IL. I'- ~“ ', wrote it and the mental defectives it. become merely onemore tentacleon . 5‘

I ’ i ,, ' I‘D. ; who voted for it and passed it, for By doing soArbourgetstbesecond the conglomerate octopus, how are ;

I '( now, but a few mantis after its company’s tax benefits, which in- we tnreiyon them for fair mfg- I
> passage, it has become apparent elude depreciation and those golden fimofmeggm-eg nkeuiemlgw from i __.
' . {N f - .nobodyhasanyclearideaofhow momentscalledtaxcredits.(Atax whichtheystandtogainsomuchin ;I
I FIG 2 , “ large a cut in govemment revenues uedit isn't a deduction lowering tait~ theirnon-news division bminesses?) , . I
I . ' - . , ‘7 was actually enacted. able income butanactual subtraction In anoma- part of the silly tax
I s“ , o ~ -~~ » e ’ K Moreover, it also appears that no ofthebottom linemoney you owe Un- uucketweegndegerycompgnieg buy- 1 ,;
I . ‘ , ‘M, \ adequatestudyoftheprecisenature cle.) Underthisprocedurethecom- ingotherswhichareailingandlosing r g
I l [I ‘l ‘6 of the law’s economic effects was pany that has sold its equipment and money for the tax deduction they br- . '~
‘ i made. It was not knowledge, btit faith then leased it back can, naturally, ing. It is theultimate business absur-
“ which impelled them to say the tax deduct thepaymentson its lease from dity — buying a company whose ma- :3
, , I”, .. I cut would “stimulate business” and itstaxes. jor assets are its losses, which can '. .3
' ill “provide incentives" for increased Two different companies thus can deducted againstthepurchasimcom-
. '.- l productivity. jigger things so that they are both an pany’s tax obligations. And they call .5
W Far from it. joying tax benefits from the purchase such arrangements tax infinitive: to .2. .
___.___.__.__. _.. ,sn__,___-,, _ *_____.__g_g~_____‘"n“° The ad quoted above was placed in of the same word processor or forklift “spur productivity." .
the Journal by the Arbour Leasing truck. These are very tricky calcuia- in actually, it ig a set-up that en-
' ' I I tionstomake but it would appear that com-egg invaunent in low [Induc- ' '5
Pentagon not in agreement wnll Haig s pro-nuclear stance bvmamemwmmm m, on. one. man . . .
has been cleared oft everybody’s be allowed to go howling to tbe ',
booksthepriceofthesamepieceof bankmptcycotu'ts.'nleperverseef- ,“
At least one department of the us. Napoleon Duarte, thehapless civilian Weinberger went to Arlington Na~ equipment will have been deducted feet of the new tax law is to confer
government seems to have learned a , president of the junta, he was tional Cemetery fog-the Veterans Day twoorpossibiytllreetimes. awards on inefficiency and poor i
lesson from Vietnam. It is, praise be, rqleatedly asked why justice had not angel-yam. Vietnam was being And, mind you, this isn’t the new management, _
the Pentagon, which is displaying the beendone. refought verbauy, all around him — eqmpment the wrclme of which the But let’s not call, yet again, for a . ‘
; most uncharacteristic restraint in the the largest allowance 9V3 Formed It was home in on him that the acrimonious arguments about the tax law was supposed to stimuulate. reform of tile corporation tax. At this >
- faceoftemptationinElSaivador. for theDepartmentotDefense. . cavalier government conduct of the memorial proposed for the Mail, This is machinery that has already point in the tax’s evolution, it is so i
j‘ The sea-etary of state, Alexander 111 h” Press conference, the presl- casehad eroded all confidence in the about television shows com- beenpm‘chased. corrupt, so complicated, so incom- I I
= Haig. has been decantim inflam- dent Indicated that be "all“! he soodwfllandetfwfiveneuofthejtm- memorating the veteran, about Another We is the ism-rinse prehemibie and so irrationally
: matory rhetoric about military action mutiny lip servleetobltter Vletmm ta. AgentOrangeand rapcentersandna- performed by Citibank unltlns New bizarre. his unrelormeble- It cannot
. fromtheflnt daysoftbeadministra- remembrances. Mud about the Col. Garcia Macias. Oakara tional nip-gum, York’s Metropolitian Transportation be patched or mended. It mint be
‘ tion. The thought of rerighting Viet- “continsalcy plum.” Rustin said loo-page volume, in Spanish, at the Weinberger made the famine,- Authority with Metromedia, the na- abolished.
nam. of sbowim the Soviets who's “WY. “We havenoplansfor 90¢th evidence collected against six hawk pledge, “Never gain will we tion'sfuuthlargsstbroedcasta'aftar Nosingle,simplestspismorelikely I
. bossintiiiabemiaphsre.hsspowerfui Amalcamincombatanyplaceinthe gouge whoare in m but not askyoummenandwomentoservein ABC,NBCandCBS.Metromediais tomvidebminessmermithanimen—
appeal for lam. ins aversion to guer- “MM" charged. Healsobmluhtmaterlal ex- awarwedonotintendtowin." buying 8102 milliotl in buses and tive to income productivity, 3,, w.
rlilu,eithu-singlyorhlymps,isex- But he was V8808 at”!!! El planingSaivadoranlaw. 'nledovesreaditasfurther affir- railroadcarsinthisleaae-bsckopera- timriddthecorporationtaxymare I
eqltionailyweliknown. Salvador, disputed claims of Garcia aiaocailedm liq). Michael mation of his antipatily toward tion arranged by Citibank. which notonlynolomer payinthemtofail,
‘hdlitary stale-lute" and repeated Berna, D-Md., chairman of the military action in the Caribbean. To make- e 81-4 which toe on the defl- you are forelns them to make their
. llemwm‘mw thellaislinetlntthewholemeuis-llome Subcommittee on lnter— them,hewassayir'“don’ttangle 'l‘ransitagendesfrdmAtlantatobos decisionsnotonthebasisol‘wacky i
‘ Mn." N "m ‘0 the simply an example at “exported American Affairs. Barnes urged on with mung," That, of cause, 1, Angeles are thinkiiu of doing the taxeonslderatiom,butonwhatworks '
mu.” about the Eat-West mture revolution." his visitor the importance of Mug the weary of plate has ssnlething. and wtlatdoesn‘t, onwllat’s profitable
“CW-“Wimmm Themthltthemwmtset negotiatingwlththelsfustforces. yettolegm, This comes at a moment when endwnetign't, [
1!. the new in m °‘ 0“" Off the «wins board ll hilt The Senate recently voted Drew Lewis, the secretary of
diploma ha been fluent at I womanizer-amt. mm Wytonquirethewuidfllt ©l'lmmwflw meant-mounted“ ©lllKingFeatu'es8yadlcateaJae.
, iflochdedGh-MW- flatbedoun’mhcrihetolms’sm to name a special envoy to aldtoloeaimumltagenclu. By
‘ “I’vemeewtlhm‘dm nonunion-y rhetoric. it's Jill than-e Salvador to imtitute falls with all ""9 "‘0'” W" a "75 MW" the device- or the new tax law. Nicholas von some» describes
a fire." lay: an anxiet- con- thlnlultwouldbeawmilydlfficultto mfiflfln uncanny-ad our for commentary while with the however,thealdlsmaeiymnoved issues ojnottonol importance in his
, ma. flgbtawartbsre. Canal Ania-lean ndglmors. The "'"W‘" 3“"- ‘ from the visible and controllable ayndlcatedcolumn. I
' ' ~ all a“ 1! Hanover, mum“ amoftheanlmthnmt,8etl.Mark - .
’ . , . W Ha R-Ore.,recslved calls 7

,, . 92...:va w”‘“,’m "WM ”mm mm mm ”I“? m moon couv'rr Ignites—lee Breather] E

g 4..., mt! M new unclear weapon, have mine. 'l‘honlaa midst-s, asutant secretary W ’W‘s L . at: arms '

r , wnmtmhhmh-M ed him not intervention in In (aim-hm affairs. lie heard somfi'gfl'ismw fitta’wm‘h‘rz groawnmfw‘ I &%A

I Mil-it‘lhmh-‘lntb 8am eulld eat too in“; n w" from the 0‘... 0.9.11. athmmP “W ”m “wgvflfi WW I

ii‘ W 'h' m m “ coiild retroactively vlntleats ills w, "mm: M- _ - @mnmm Wm

its " 9"“ M "‘ “h ""' m in mm and m- n- adminisu-atim is w , mm, at - mm m, mar W-i ""9”- m ,
"on m d h w h b M mum“. Wm“. ’ a: ”HINT . ~ \i R I
has; M mundane-m. mm-muuhm,and »\~vu\..é m' ‘ n. i . A .
;;rz;>7;,f,‘;~" he as we not than the II M Defoe muster Jess nonhuman“... - E?“ n 121 \ an" 3.. ~. no \ _ fl,
‘ he: ”unnamed-isms" mandauucutdfln. and-l opinion may be divided; , - n a. » Ir? I~ n‘.-,-J.!. ‘i\ we, 5
‘ ha-alaunryvtthqmm www.mmm, WWDIII.WMMI . -.".I-' \. [fl _p.’v".i.‘, I C - g
~. ’7 'aalthsysseaatbsmfcaash'ms. nails, who be. has“ to “damnation war" on tile chau- ‘ '-’a 1.4 ' L'- Vfi ‘4’] 1I VLHI , I !‘
a. f: ”mammoth“ hummus-mm nutismstra'asmw P“ g 0/“ [’yr. -, .1 l“! ' 4."),
' ' “gamma!” m h I: Iaivak last Helg‘s “demenuration nuclear ~~ - .A '_ A ‘ ,5, all"? "V- l ' ‘h‘ ,_ I ‘l9fi‘
' m “fifis on d m Decmlbu. [ha-In tbsrecn‘vbitef blast”inlhspe. a m -‘ ‘ "' ""“ "' , ‘ .
"'3'." «.5. '2 ‘ , L,
. . 2.’ LvLL,_w'.I.I . ., ”In? l g ’
- -- . ’ W 'eLi’i, hL’ I ’ - - = ’ * whiten -. :; = ,.
- . . . i. , j. L3 or“ wiéi’fiLt‘L‘fiifihfifitigifi ~ . 9i“ . ~ . =Ljfi‘4iLWi CE; ,.
.,_ ‘ .. r" ”we“ 3 gifiafég‘ fo‘ee ”eh“ ijwfgettig‘gf’ithiaifig“ . , e. ““L “W ‘ ‘ ' i
‘ ‘ , .4 " t ' ' {L‘L . .. ~‘ L i‘ *‘ew'g’sfiii ‘

 '. -. ‘ Ito-mm 1 . 7‘8 .- l, . ~ . I'M ‘ . J3 M‘s‘ -." r- I , ’1‘" 53“": , .132 ' t I I i with"? rhyvtv"“t ngygm-‘Wh; ‘ ‘ t“: V 4" ””361 t , t 23": . i6 I I. §I£““.I‘Z‘€,‘ "s : , " "with? I 1“ 3 “fl 1" ' ‘ . i , - - l
I I ~ ”It . ~ II I‘hfimthi‘ihhl‘WI “this? I ”so “535%”? II‘i’tl‘Ilt whey owns . . j .